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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A autonomia de interesses e os interesses da autonomia : a indústria de defesa brasileira nos governos petistas /

Rodrigues, Jorge Matheus Oliveira. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Héctor Luis Saint-Pierre / Co-orientador: Diego Lopes da Silva / Banca: Érica Cristina Alexandre Winand / Banca: Samuel Alves Soares / O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais é instituído em parceria com a Unesp/Unicamp/PUC-SP, em projeto subsidiado pela CAPES, intitulado "Programa San Tiago Dantas" / Resumo: Procuramos compreender o processo de constituição do binômio Desenvolvimento e Defesa no Brasil, questionando a centralidade adquirida pela indústria de defesa (ID) nesta construção. Embora reconhecendo que a associação entre estratégia de desenvolvimento e política de defesa não seja necessariamente inédita no Brasil, defendemos que nos moldes aqui observados, trata-se de fenômeno fruto de uma correlação específica de forças estabelecida nos governos petistas. Apresentamos três fatores a ser considerados em nossa análise. Primeiro, o respaldo fornecido por uma política econômica desenvolvimentista, com maior atuação do Estado no mercado que beneficiou a indústria de defesa. Segundo, a orientação da ID por uma política externa que almejava maior autonomia internacional lastreada em capacidade dissuasória. Por fim, tratamos da legitimidade da ID. A convergência dos interesses dos diferentes atores sociais envolvidos na política industrial de defesa brasileira justificava os vultuosos investimentos demandados. A convergência dos três fatores dava as bases para a conformação do binômio Desenvolvimento e Defesa em torno da ID. / Abstract: The purpose of this work is to understand the process of constitution of the binomial Development and Defense in Brazil, questioning the centrality acquired by the defense industry in this construction. While recognizing that the association between development strategy and defense policy is not necessarily unprecedented in Brazil, we argue that in the ways observed here, this phenomenon is the result of a specific force correlation stablished during the Worker's Party's governments. We present here three factors that, in our understanding, should be considered for the analysis in question. The first concerns the support provided by a development-oriented economic policy, with greater State action in the market. In this scenario, the defense industry benefited from its insertion in a broader development policy. Secondly, by being encompassed in a broader foreign policy strategy that sought greater autonomy in the international scenario backed by greater deterrent capabilities, the defense industry had its development boosted. Finally, we address the matter of legitimacy. The convergence of the interests of the different social actors involved in the Brazilian defense industrial policy gave the sector the justifications necessary for the large investments demanded. By converging, the three factors provided the basis for the conformation of the Development and Defense binomial around ID. / Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es comprender el proceso de constitución del binomio Desarrollo y Defensa en Brasil, cuestionando el porqué de la centralidad adquirida por la industria de defensa (ID) en esta construcción. Aunque reconociendo que la asociación entre estrategia de desarrollo y política de defensa no es necesariamente inédita en Brasil, defendemos que en los moldes aquí observados este fenómeno es fruto de una correlación específica de fuerzas establecida en los gobiernos petistas. Se presentan aquí tres factores que, en nuestro entendimiento, deben ser considerados para el análisis en cuestión. El primero se refiere al respaldo proporcionado por una política económica de cuño desarrollista, con mayor actuación del Estado en el mercado. En ese escenario, la industria de defensa se beneficiaba en la medida en que se veía englobada una política de desarrollo más amplia. En segundo lugar, el encuadramiento de la ID en una estrategia de política exterior que anhelaba una mayor autonomía en el escenario internacional respaldado en mayores capacidades disuasorias daba un mayor impulso al sector. Por último, tratamos de la legitimidad de que gozaba la ID. La convergencia de los intereses de los diferentes actores sociales involucrados en la política industrial de defensa brasileña dada al sector las justificaciones necesarias para las enormes inversiones demandadas. Al converger, los tres factores daban las bases para la conformación del binomio Desarrollo y Defensa en to... (Resumen completo clicar acceso eletrônico abajo) / Mestre

A expressividade das criações lexicais em Galáxias, de Haroldo de Campos / The expressiveness of lexical creations in Galáxias, by Haroldo de Campos

Alessandra Ferreira Ignez 10 October 2012 (has links)
A criação de palavras resulta, normalmente, da necessidade de se denominar novos conceitos, objetos. Verifica-se que o falante, conhecendo o funcionamento de sua língua, produz novas unidades lexicais com a finalidade de suprir sua necessidade de denominação, fazendo uso, desse modo, da chamada neologia denominativa. Entretanto, Guilbert assevera que, quando um neologismo emerge do desejo de o falante expressar de maneira diferente uma ideia já conhecida, revelando um modo particular de ver o mundo, é feito por ele o uso da neologia estilística ou literária. São esses os dois tipos de neologia apontados pelo autor. A diferença entre eles pode ser assim explicada: no primeiro caso, explora-se o caráter comunicativo do neologismo e, no segundo, seu potencial expressivo. Assinala-se, contudo, que os processos de criação são os mesmos nos dois casos, mas as intenções que levam à produção de uma nova palavra são distintas. No discurso literário, existem autores criadores que lançam mão do uso de neologismos estilísticos, a fim de dar expressividade para seus textos. Pensando em fazer um trabalho voltado para criações lexicais literárias, decidimos realizar uma pesquisa sobre as criações lexicais em Galáxias, de Haroldo de Campos, tendo em vista que essa obra nos oferece um amplo leque de neologismos resultantes de mais de um processo de formação. Desse modo, o objetivo deste trabalho é entender a expressividade das criações lexicais na obra, especificamente das criações sintagmáticas, observando também os processos de formação utilizados pelo autor. / Word formation, often, results from the need of denominating new concepts, objects. It is verified that the speaker, knowing how his/her language works, creates new lexical units in order to meet his/her need to name, using, then, the denominative neology. However, Guilbert states that, when a new word emerges from the want of the speaker express differently an idea already known, showing a particular way of seeing the world, it is done the use of stylistic or literary neology. Those are the two types of neology mentioned by the author. The difference between them can be explained as follows: in the first case, the communicative property of the neologism is explored and, in the second, its expressive potential. It is noted, however, that formation processes are the same in both cases, but the intents that lead to the production of a new word are different. In literary discourse, there are authors who use stylistic neologisms in order to give expressiveness to their texts. Thinking of doing a research about lexical literary formations, we decided to make a research about creations in Galáxias, by Haroldo de Campos, because this literary work offers us a wide range of neologisms resulting from more than one word formation process. Therefore, the goal of this study is understand the expressiveness of lexical creations in Galáxias, specifically the syntagmatic creations, and verify also the word formation processes used by the author.

Ledningssystem för indirekt eld - så erhålls optimal verkan i framtiden

Persson, Anders January 2003 (has links)
Denna uppsats vill komma fram till en framtida lösning av ett ledningssystem för indirekt eldoch vilka krav det skall uppfylla för att åstadkomma en effektiv bekämpning. Uppsatsen har tillsyfte att beskriva några delar av bekämpningskedjan. De studerade delsystemen är pjässtyrning,ballistikberäkningssystem och system för ledning och lägesuppfattning för de skjutandeenheterna. Den övergripande frågan är ”hur skall det integrerade ledningssystemet i ett framtidasystem för indirekt eld vara utformat för att uppnå optimal verkan”? Frågan besvaras i tre delargenom att tidsbegreppet delas in i perioderna ”i närtid” vilket innebär fram till år 2007, ”målbild2010” vilket innebär mellan år 2008-2012 och ”idébild 2020” vilket innebär från år 2013 ochframåt. För att kunna besvara frågeställningen tas utgångspunkt i en systembeskrivning och vilkakrav Försvarsmakten har på ett ledningssystem för indirekt eld. De områden som belyses avuppsatsen är bl.a. hur indirekt eld funktionen i ledningssystemet skall vara för att möjliggöraeffektiv bekämpning och artilleriets behov i en multinationell miljö där ledningssystem skallkunna utbyta målinformation för att komma till verkan. / This paper is about which future solution for an artillery command and controlsystem that will be needed for an effective suppression. The purpose is todescribe some parts of the artillery system. The main issue is “In what wayshould the integrated command and control system for indirect fire be designedto match the demands in the future to achieve an optimised effect”.The question will be divided into three sub-sections by answering it in relationto different time-periods: “In near future” up until the year 2007, “Aperspective for 2010”, implying from the year 2008 to 2012 and “A vision for2020”, which means after the year 2013. As a starting point for being able toanswer this question, I will use a description of the artillery system anddemands from the Swedish Armed Forces on what a command and controlsystem for artillery should consist of. This paper will highlight, among otherthings, how the functionality for indirect fire should get the maximum effectowing to the command and control system and the needs in a multinationalenvironment for an exchange of fire and targeting data in order data to achieveeffect. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP T 01-03

Command and Control Methods at Sub-unit Level : Mission Command and Self-synchronization

Nilsson, Jonas January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to explore command and control at sub-unit level. Theoverarching method adopted by the Swedish Army is mission command, derived intodirective command and restrictive control. Although a new main battle tank with anoperational battle management system has been introduced, few changes can betraced with respect to methods of command and control. Starting out with describingthe prescribed way of command and control at sub-unit tank units, the effects whenutilizing alternative methods were explored. In order to do this, the theories of theLaw of Requisite Variety, the Viable System Model and theories on DynamicDecision Making were used to analyze data produced by a tank platoon. In order toexplore the effects of self-synchronization, five combat missions were conductedusing two different methods. A seminar discussion provided further insights inunderstanding the results. From the conclusion of these investigations, a hypothesisis derived, alleging the possible use of directive command at sub-unit level and inwhat context self-synchronization could be utilized. The relevance of the hypothesisis then discussed in a wider context referring to military operations on urbanizedterrain.The results indicate that initiative and the ability to explore given opportunities areexperienced as being greater if directive command is applied instead of thetraditionally restrictive control. Concerning the utilization of the battle managementsystem, my conclusion is that the potential of the system is not yet fully explored.The basis of this statement is the declared opinion of a lack of adequate training, andthere is also an outspoken discrepancy in willingness to use the system. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP T 03-05

Hur kan effektiviteten i planeringen av svensk pilotutbildning ökas?

Persson, Robert January 2005 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur man skulle kunna öka effektiviteten i svenskpilotutbildning genom att effektivisera planeringen och schemaläggningen.Utbildningsplanering tillhör en typ av verksamhet som kan hänföras till kategorinschemaläggningsproblem. Det vill säga någon form av verksamhet där aktiviteter ska tilldelasresurser och planeras över tiden. Ett sätt att lösa denna typ av problem är att använda sig avoptimeringsmetoder. Det vill säga matematiska modeller och metoder som syftar till att hitta detbästa (optimala) alternativet i en beslutssituation.I uppsatsen jämförs planeringen av svensk pilotutbildning med en liknande turkisk verksamhet.Detta görs i syfte att undersöka om de optimeringsmetoder som används i Turkiet kan användasför att öka effektiviteten i den svenska utbildningsplaneringen.Uppsatsen visar att det är möjligt att erhålla stora effektivitetsökningar vid en lyckadimplementering av optimeringsmetoder men att det är svårt att direkt överföra erfarenheter frånett problem till ett annat. En viktig slutsats är att effektiviteten i planeringen i första hand ärberoende av organisation, arbetssätt och principer för resursutnyttjande snarare än användande avoptimeringsmetoder. / The aim of this thesis is to examine if it is possible to improve the efficiency in Swedish pilottraining by improving the planning and the scheduling.The planning of training belongs to a type of activities that can be categorised as schedulingproblems. That is, some kind of action where resources will be allocated to activities that will bescheduled over time. One way to solve these kinds of problems is to use optimisation methods.These are mathematical models and methods aimed at finding the best (optimum) alternative in adecision-making situation.In this thesis the planning of Swedish fighter pilot training is compared with a similar Turkishactivity. This is done with the purpose to examine if it is possible to use the Turkish optimisationmethods to increase the efficiency in the planning of the Swedish training.The thesis shows that it is possible to receive great improvement in efficiency if optimisationmethods are implemented in a successful way but that it is difficult to transfer experiences fromone problem to another. One important conclusion is that the efficiency in the planning isprimarily dependent on organisation, working methods and principles for resource utilisationrather than using optimisation methods. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-uppsHylla: Upps. ChP T 03-05

Elektriska undervattenssignaturer : är de viktiga i en framtida marin?

Lundin, Anders January 2003 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka behov av satsning på reduktion avelektriska undervattenssignaturer som föreligger ur ett taktiskt perspektiv.Uppsatsen redovisar även bakgrunden till signaturerna samt vilka möjligheter som finns tillreduktion av desamma.En framtida hotbild innefattande minor och spaningssystem med sensorer avseendeelektriska signaturer ställer nya och högre krav på en fartygsplattform. Ett uppträdande inomramen för fredsbevarande operationer i kustnära områden med en undervattensmiljö skildfrån den på svenskt territorium ställer krav på möjlighet att mäta och om möjligt justera enplattforms elektriska signaturer i syfte att reducera undervattenshotet, inte minst i sambandmed minröjningsoperationer.En genomlysning av brittisk och svensk marin doktrin görs i syfte att finna tecken på attbehovet av signaturreducerande åtgärder återfinns i de dokument som tjänar som ledstjärnorför utnyttjande av marina stridskrafter i en nära framtid.Egenskyddet, samt säkerställande av egna systems prestanda, kommer att krävalågsignaturuppträdande ur alla aspekter. För att kunna utnyttja framtida tekniskasignaturreducerande system i ett taktiskt syfte krävs en förhöjd utbildningsnivå hos densjögående personalen. / The main purpose of this paper is to show the need for putting effort into reduction ofelectric underwater signatures from a tactical point of view. The paper also gives thetechnical background of the signatures and describes possibilities for signature reduction.A future threat assessment including sea mines and underwater reconnaissance systems,with sensors for electric signatures, puts new and higher demands on a naval platform.Acting in peacekeeping operations in littoral waters, involving an underwater environmentdifferent from those of Swedish territorial waters, demands the possibility to measure and, ifpossible, adjust the electric signatures of a platform in order to reduce the underwater threat,especially concerning mine-clearance operations.A perusal of the British and the Swedish maritime doctrines has been done in order to findsigns of need for measures concerning reduction of signatures, since these documents serveas guiding stars for the future use of the naval forces.In order to ensure self-protection and performance of own weapon- and reconnaissancesystems, acting with low signature is in all aspects necessary. There is also a need for higherstandards concerning level of training and education for onboard stationed personnelregarding subjects related to signatures and signature reduction. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP T 01-03

Atmosfärens påverkan på det taktiska utnyttjandet av elektromagnetisk vågutbredning för radar och optiska sensorer?

Nordström, Mikael January 2003 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats är att visa på hur olika atmosfärsförhållanden kan påverka dettaktiska utnyttjandet av elektromagnetisk vågutbredning och behovet för en operatör att kunnaförstå och bedöma denna påverkan.Sensorer som använder det elektromagnetiska spektret utnyttjas mer och mer i våra militärasystem. Vädret och atmosfären påverkar transmissionen och vågutbredningen avelektromagnetiska vågor. Olika atmosfärs- och väderfenomen påverkar sensorernas frekvenseroch våglängder och skapar begränsningar i utnyttjandet. Utnyttjandet av sensorer och systemför att upptäcka och följa mål och hot kräver kunskapen att kunna bedöma hur sensorn ochsystemet påverkas när de används i olika klimat och väderförhållanden. Behovet av detta ärstort och kommer i framtiden att öka då vi mer och mer förlitar oss på tekniska hjälpmedel föratt kunna upptäcka och bekämpa mål i en stridsmiljö. Framtidens mer skiftande miljö medinternationella insatser i klimat som är mycket olikt det svenska kommer ytterligare attpåverka utprovningar och den kunskap som krävs. Uppsatsen beskriver situationer där vädrethar inverkan på utnyttjandet av elektromagnetiska vågor för radar och optiska sensorer.Uppsatsen ser också till behovet av utbildning i meteorologi och väderpåverkan. / The main purpose with this paper is to show how different atmospheric conditions have aninfluence on the tactical utilization of the electromagnetic propagation and the necessity for anoperator to understand and make an assessment of the effects.Sensors that use the electromagnetic spectra are more and more common in our militarysystems. Weather and the atmosphere effect the transmission and the propagation ofelectromagnetic waves. Different atmospheric and weather phenomena effect the choice offrequencies and wavelength of the sensors and create restraints in utilization. Utilization ofsensors and systems to detect and track targets and threats demands knowledge in how toassess how the sensors or the systems are affected when they are used in different climatic andweather conditions. The need for this is great and in the future it will increase when we willmore and more be relying on the technical expedient to detect and destroy a target in combatenvironment. In the future, a changing environment with international commitments in aclimate that is very different from the Swedish climate, will further influence the tests and theknowledge that is required. The paper describes situations where weather has an influence onutilization of electromagnetic waves for radar and optical sensors. The paper also looks intothe need for education in meteorology and weather influence. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP T 01-03

Network interdiction

Skoglund, Ulf January 2003 (has links)
Network Interdiction-problem innehåller två mot varandra stående styrkor, en användare och en angripare, somär inbegripna i en krigsliknande konflikt. Användaren använder ett nätverk för att optimera en funktion, t.ex.att förflytta en underhållskonvoj så snabbt som möjligt, eller maximera mängden materiel som transporterasgenom nätverket. Det innebär att användaren vill använda den kortaste eller snabbaste vägen vid transporter,och han vill maximera flödet genom nätverket. Nätverket kan t.ex. vara ett vägnät, kraftförsörjningsnät eller ettdatornätverk. Angriparen försöker begränsa användarens möjlighet att optimera sin funktion. Angriparenssyftet är att maximera den kortaste/snabbaste vägen eller att minimera det maximala flödet genom nätverket.Angriparen uppnår detta genom att angripa bågar eller noder i nätverket och förstöra dem totalt eller reduceraderas kapacitet. Angriparens resurser är begränsade och det finns ett behov av att optimera användandet. Imånga fall är nätverket stort och många parametrar påverkar planeringen. Detta ger en komplexplaneringsförutsättning för angriparen. Genomförs planläggningen av Network Interdiction på traditionellt sätt,tvingas planeraren att använda sin intuition. Resultatet beror till stor del på planläggarens förmåga och tid tillförfogande. Om algoritmer kunde användas för att stödja planläggaren, skulle resursutnyttjandet och effektenav angreppen kunna optimeras. Uppsatsen undersöker om det är möjligt att använda Network Interdictionalgoritmervid planering av Network Interdiction. / Network interdiction problems involve two opposing forces, a user and anattacker, who are engaged in a warlike conflict. The user operates a network inorder to optimize a function such as moving a supply convoy through thenetwork as quickly as possible, or maximizing the amount of materieltransported through the network. This means that the user is trying to use theshortest or the fastest route to perform transports, and he is trying to maximizethe flow trough the network. The network could be a road net, an electric powergrid or a computer network system. The attacker attempts to limit the user’spossibility to optimize his function. The purpose is to maximize the shortest andfastest route or to minimize the maximum flow through the network. Theattacker obtains this by interdicting arcs or nodes, e.g. by attacking arcs or nodesin order to destroy them entirely or to reduce their capacity. The attacker’sresources are limited and there is a need to optimize the use of them. In manycases the network is big and numerous parameters influence the planning. Thismakes the conditions for planning complex and difficult for the attacker. If theplanning of network interdiction is performed in the traditional way, the planneris forced to use intuition. The result will depend on the planner’s capacity and thetime at his disposal. If algorithms could be used to support the planner, theresources and the effect of the attack would be optimized. This thesis examines ifit is possible to use network interdiction algorithms to plan network interdiction. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP T 01-03

Effektsbaserte operasjoner under Operation Iraqi Freedom : utvikling av militærteorin ; element i ny doktrine?

Bekkestad, Erlend January 2005 (has links)
Begrepet effektsbaserte operasjoner blir referert i stadig større grad i artikler og publikasjoner,som et mulig operasjonskonsept for framtiden. Innholdet i begrepet er imidlertid ikke nytt iforhold til målsetningen med anvendelsen av militær makt. Bruk av det militære maktmiddel haralltid hatt som målsetning å oppnå en effekt der motstanderens vilje påvirkes. USA har de siste 15år vært involvert i flere større fellesoperasjoner i rammen av koalisjon eller allianse. Utviklingeninnen militærteorien og doktrine fra Desert Storm i 1991 og frem til Iraqi Freedom i 2003 har avenkelte blitt betegnet som at man har beveget seg fra en metodisk tilnærming, til en integrert brukav maktmidler der effektene av de enkelte virkemiddel har vært det sentrale, i stedet for fokuset påå ødelegge motstanderens militære kapasiteter.Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å redegjøre for begrepet Effects Based Operations og kommefram til hva som danner kjernen i dette operasjonskonseptet. Videre å belyse hvorvidt teorien bleanvendt i praksis under Operation Iraqi Freedom. Dette skal gi et grunnlag for å peke pårelevansen av, og mulige konsekvenser for det norske forsvaret ved å innføre et effektsbasertoperasjonskonsept på det fellesoperative nivå.Oppgaven besvares gjennom å svare på tre spørsmålsstillinger:Hvordan beskrives begrepet EBO? Ble EBO benyttet i planleggingen og gjennomføringen avOperation Iraqi Freedom? Hvilken relevans og konsekvenser kan EBO, med dagens teoretiske ogpraktiske tillempning, kunne ha for det norske forsvar? / The term Effects-Based Operations is increasingly referred to in articles and publicationsas a possible operational concept for the future. However, the essence of the term is notnew in the history of the use of military power. The use of the military instrument hasalways had the aim of creating an effect on an adversary in order to influence hisbehaviour.During the last 15 years the USA has been involved in several large joint operations withinthe framework of a coalition or an alliance. The evolution in military theory and doctrinefrom Operation Desert Storm in 1991 to Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 has been viewedas a shift from a methodical approach to an integrated use of all means of power.Consideration of the effects of each means has become essential, rather than a focus on thedestruction of an adversary’s military capabilities.The aim of this study is to describe the term Effects-Based Operations and the elementswhich constitute the essence of the concept and, furthermore, to investigate whether thetheory was used in practice during Operation Iraqi Freedom. The findings should give anindication of the relevance and possible consequences for the Norwegian Armed Forces ofimplementing an Effects-Based concept at the joint level.To accomplish this aim, the study will answer the following questions:- How is the term Effects-Based Operations described?- Were Effects-Based Operations used in the planning for, and execution ofOperation Iraqi Freedom?- What are the relevance and possible consequences for the Norwegian ArmedForces of implementing Effects-Based Operations, in its current theoretical andpractical status?This study indicates that there is still differences in the understanding of Effects-basedOperations, but the following elements seem to be essential: a clear link between strategyand tasks, and an attack on the adversary’s will where the adversary is seen as a ComplexAdaptive System. In addition, all available means including civilian means of powershould be brought into the campaign. Bearing these characteristics in mind, Operation IraqiFreedom cannot be seen as an Effects-Based Operation; however, elements can be seenboth in the planning and execution of the operation. The study concludes that Effects-Based Operations are relevant to the Norwegian Armed Forces because of the focus on thecomplex nature of today’s battlefield. The consequences of implementing the concept,however, indicate a need to decide how the political and strategic level is willing to letcivilian agencies cooperate with the military. In addition, one has to gain knowledge, notonly of the theoretical and practical implications of effects, but also of how to approach theconcept. Effects- Based Operations or an Effects-Based Approach? / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 03-05

Amerikanska marinkåren under Irakkrigen 1991 och 2003 : manöverkrigföring i teorin och praktiken?

Resman, Johnny January 2005 (has links)
Swedish doctrines emphasises the use of maneuver warfare in combat. Therefore we need tounderstand how a modern state can transform maneuver theories in doctrine into combat practice.United States Marine Corps, a joint armed force in itself, has participated in both Desert Stormand Iraqi Freedom and has since the 1980’s used a maneuver warfare concept. The aim of thisessay is to describe and explain to what degree USMC has conducted maneuver warfare in theIraq wars 1991 and 2003 according to maneuver theory, in the light of how maneuver warfareis thought to be conducted in accordance with then present warfighting doctrines. Theconclusions are that USMC has followed their doctrines in part; the Desert Storm warfaredeviated more from doctrine than the Iraqi Freedom warfare regarding maneuver warfare. At thesame time there was a slightly higher degree of maneuver warfare in accordance with maneuvertheory during Iraqi Freedom than during Desert Storm. There are multiple explanations to thisbut one of the most important reason is that the Corps has had a longer period of time toimplement and train according to doctrine. There exist a number of independent variables thathave an impact on the degree of maneuver warfare - such as weather, the enemy and the terrain –but they are assessed to have a totally equal impact on war fighting in both wars. There is aninherited dependence on the general use of firepower, as a complement to movement, beingviewed upon as an important tool to shatter enemy cohesion and will to fight. This could be aa result of the Desert Storm experience and was implemented in doctrine prior to Iraqi Freedomand is a clear divergence from maneuver theory. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-uppsHylla: Upps. ChP 03-05

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