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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Participació ciutadana i inclusió social en les comunitats de persones cegues: un estudi d'educació artística basat en el mestratge de la professora Rosa Gratacós

Cebrià Pairoli, Anna 24 May 2013 (has links)
The construction of this thesis is developed from different conceptual interlacing axis that created a networking weave through which the field of investigation was debated and defined and a project of collaborative citizenship with the goal of providing an improvement in the social environment from which the visual impairment through art was built. Firstly, we speak about the context in which, in a dialogic way, the identity of Ph. D. Rosa Gratacós Masanella has grown and developed. With the help of the narrative research and the life story methods we make an approach to the life time experience of the main character of our investigation, in order to understand her social, political and educational context, how it relates to her personal life, her work as a professor and her artistic career, and how all these different perspectives have points in common. We also approach those people who met our protagonist, those who were her referents or were important in the evolution of her identity. We point Ph. D. Rosa Gratacós pioneer investigation in the field of visual impairment and we finally explain the multisensory project of The Senses Labyrinth, a project that was born from the idea of universal accessibility from the perspective of blind people. Sensory education, game and art become the source of teaching and learning for the researcher and they are applied together to art education and artistic perception from blindness, through service and learning methodologies / La construcció d’aquesta tesi es desenvolupa a partir de diferents eixos conceptuals que es van anar entrellaçant, configurant un entramat de networking a través del qual es va posar en conflicte, es va definir el mapa del territori de la investigació, i es va generar un projecte col•laboratiu de participació ciutadana amb l’objectiu d’aportar una millora qualitativa a l’entorn ciutadà a través de l’art i a partir de la discapacitat visual. En primer lloc, parlem del context en el que, de manera dialògica, creix i es desenvolupa la identitat de la Dra. Rosa Gratacós Masanella, a partir dels mètodes d’investigació narrativa i del relat de vida per reconstruir una aproximació a la seva historia de vida que permeti entendre el context social, polític i educatiu d’aquest trajecte vital en relació a la investigadora, a la seva pròpia experiència i al seu relat de vida, factors que coincideixen en alguns punts, com són la vessant artística, educativa i investigadora, amb més o menys distància i des d’on creix l’interès per l’estudi. També ens aproximem als subjectes que han tingut relació amb la protagonista com a referents i portes d’entrada al canvi i al desenvolupament de la pròpia identitat. Situem la investigació pionera de la Dra. Rosa Gratacós relacionada amb la discapacitat visual i finalment els eixos que han teixit tot el relat es cohesionen i es presenta el projecte multisensorial de La forma de les olors, que parteix de la idea d’accessibilitat universal, iniciada des de la discapacitat visual. L’educació sensorial, el joc i l’art esdevenen la font de l’ensenyament-aprenentatge de la investigadora i s’apliquen conjuntament a l’educació artística i a la investigació de la percepció artística des de la ceguesa, a través de metodologies d’aprenentatge i servei

於德語系國家提供3D列印積層製造技術之可行性分析 / Analysis on The Feasibility of Providing Additive Manufacturing Services in German Speaking Countries

史雅倫, Arnold Roland Steinbrecher Unknown Date (has links)
於德語系國家提供3D列印積層製造技術之可行性分析 / ‘People can have the Ford Model T in any color – as long as it‘s black‘ (Henry Ford) In today’s competitive business environment, more is needed than building competitive advantages solely on cheap mass production on the other side of the globe. Product life cycles become shorter, customers more demanding, cost advantages of producing large amounts far from the distribution channels are eroding and flexibility in production is an essential parameter to meet customer’s demands. The purpose of this business plan is to show small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) a possibility to conquer constrains of mass production by using one of the few real disruptive technologies of our times. 3D printing or additive manufacturing indeed has the potential to change the paradigm for manufacturing. In short, it is the process of building solid three-dimensional objects from any digital model data by applying materials usually layer upon layer. This method of building parts of virtually every shape is the reason for the name as opposed to subtractive or traditional manufacturing, where material is being removed by drilling, cutting, and milling. Additive manufacturing technologies can be used anywhere in the product life cycle from pre-production prototypes to full-scale production: On the entry level, small and medium sized enterprises could increase their performance through cost reduction by accelerating the business cycle. This is an implication of reduced time to market and improved product quality. The next level not only involves speed but also cost savings arising out of supply chain improvements. Additive manufacturing is able to significantly reduce required inventory and therefore is reducing working capital requirements. The third level takes full advantage of this new technology, exploiting the complexity for free phenomenon, which demonstrates that geometrically complex shapes can be produced at virtually no additional costs. Last but not least, while putting all the advantages of additive manufacturing, mass-customization of products becomes an available option even for smaller companies. The described paradigm shift already started, and although the industry is still small in absolute terms, growth rates have been impressive for the last few years. The global additive manufacturing market grew by 34.9% (CAGR) to US$ 3.07 billion in 2013, which is a continuation of the remarkable growth rates of 2010, 2011, and 2012. Even more exciting are the forecasts, which indicate that additive manufacturing could easily exceed US$ 21 billion by 2020. (cf. McKinsey Global Institute, 2013; Wohlers Associates Inc., 2014). The german speaking market is about 15% of the global additive manufacturing market with players being more educated in terms of additive manufacturing. Thus, it seems to be the right time to enter this market eager for innovation. This business plan proposes to set-up an additive manufacturing service provider in Austria, targeting the German speaking countries, and offering its services to mainly but not exclusively small and medium sized enterprises. Since the competition is existent but very segmented, the declared goal of 5% market share should be manageable in the first three years of operation. The main target clients are SME’s in the following fields: Manufacture of fabricated metal products and machinery and equipment Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers, and semi-trailers Manufacture of furniture Manufacture of jewelry, bijouterie, and related articles Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies 3magination, which is the proposed name for the company, shall provide the following services: Additive manufacturing education Design consultancy Material consultancy Small series production and prototyping However, the business model classifies the first three services as trust and relationship building investments and the company only charges for the production itself. 3magination disposes of metal and polymer processing printers and is able to produce a very large spectrum of objects. Design, material selection, and the flexible production itself are 3maginations’s declared competitive advantages. To ensure this path, a detailed analysis of key talents has been performed. Considering the conservative forecasts, initial investment of EUR 1.1 million in equity and a loan facility from banks of EUR 1.92 million would generate a NPV of EUR 25.5 million. Due to the large investments in fixed assets and the low sales volume at the beginning, a loss is anticipated in the first year. However, the company breaks even in the second year of operation and makes a small profit of EUR 286,394. From there on, the net income and sales ratio starts accelerating up to 34% in 2019.

From Matter to Data and Back Again : Enabling Agency through Digital Fabrication

Hansson, Mikael January 2018 (has links)
Digital fabrication technologies such as 3D printers entail a radical change to the traditional consumer-producer paradigm. Combined with other recent developments, self-styled Makers design and fabricate sophisticated devices and interactive technologies that would otherwise never have existed. However, stopping the uninitiated novice from making use of this potential is complex CAD software, and a high barrier to entry. In this study a series of workshops explore the potential of combining traditional handicraft materials – such as clay, paper and fabric – with 3D scanning to enable novices to work with 3D printers. Based on the results a set of instruction were created detailing the process of making three types of practical objects, covering the entire process from the making and subsequent 3D scanning of a physical object, to the software clean-up and final 3D printing. The results suggest that whilst the explored method can enable novices to create 3D printable models, a certain mindset is required for the novice to do so effectively. / Innovation +

ARCC - Ett förslag för kilskriftens digitala framtid

Lesniak, Tim, Strandberg, Alexander January 2018 (has links)
För att vi ska ha en förståelse av det förflutna måste arkeologer ha möjlighet att tolka arkeologiska fynd (Why Is Archaeology Important?, 2018). En typ av fynd är kilskrift. För att säkerställa bevaringen av denna typ av fynd har etiska principer etablerats som exempelvis inte låter någon utsätta fynden för fara ("Principles of Archaeological Ethics", 2018), till exempel i form av förvittring genom beröring. På grund av detta har digitala arbetssätt börjat etableras vid exempelvis rekonstruktionsarbete av kilskrift så att arbetet kan utföras utan direkt beröring (Fisseler, Müller & Weichert, 2017). Problemet är att denna typ av arbete upplevs som frustrerande av arkeologerna då det nya digitala arbetssättet skiljer sig från deras tidigare analoga arbetssätt (Woolley et al., 2017). För att lösa denna problematik har en konceptdriven metod använts i uppsatsen. Det har skapats ett digitalt koncept kallat ARCC som kan låta arkeologer arbeta på liknande vis som det analoga naturliga arbetssättet utan att beröra kilskriften. Konceptet ARCC är en kombination av teknologierna: augmented reality, magnetic tracking systems och 3D-printing. Detta koncept är ett exempel på möjligheterna som existerar angående ett praktiskt och etiskt arbetssätt i förhållande till rekonstruktionsarbete av kilskrift. ARCC kan vidareutvecklas för att stärka konceptet, samt också agera indikator på att fler möjligheter inom detta område existerar. / In order to have an understanding of the past archaeologists need to be able to interpret archaeological finds (Why Is Archaeology Important?, 2018). One type of find is cuneiform. Ethical principles has been established to secure the conservation of this kind of find by prohibiting handling that could cause weathering ("Principles of Archaeological Ethics", 2018). Because of this, digital work methods has been established in conjunction with reconstruction of cuneiform in order to eliminate the risk of weathering through touch (Fisseler, Müller & Weichert, 2017). The problem is that this kind of work is found to be frustrating by the archaeologists since this way of work differs from their usual analog work method (Woolley et al., 2017). To solve this problem we have used a concept driven method. The digital concept ARCC has been developed which allows archaeologists to use their usual work method without touching the cuneiform. The concept ARCC is a combination of the technologies: augmented reality, magnetic tracking systems and 3D-printing. This concept is an example of the possibilities that exist regarding a practical and ethical work method regarding reconstruction of cunaiform. ARCC can be further developed to improve the concept, it could also act as an indicator of further possibilities within this area

Verification of 3D-printed quasi-optical lenses for 60GHz radar applications

Hagström, Adrian L., Vass, L. Albin M. January 2018 (has links)
With the recent rise of 3D-printing as a form of manufacturing and their advantages for quick prototyping there is an interest for 3D-printed optical components. This thesis tests how well 3D-printed quasi-optical components preform and verify measurements with electromagnetic simulations. Measurements were made using a 60GHz FM-CW radar as well with a trihedral reflector, and tested on 3D-printed PLA lenses printed using an Ultimaker 2+. The measurements made are of the refractive index of the material, as well as the focal length of the lenses. Results showed PLA having a refractive index close to n = 1.654 in the 60GHz region. Results also showed the lenses having consistent properties like focal length and gain, two lenses having focal length of 23.7 and 23.9 mm which are close to the simulation of 24.05 mm. These findings shows 3D printed quasi-optical components have sufficient performance for use of prototyping or production depending on use. There are also some questions that have arisen like how does crystallisation in the plastic affect the components properties? And how does the PLA degrading affect the quality of the lenses over time? / På grund av framgångar inom 3D-utskrivning på senaste tiden som en form av tillverkning och dess fördelar med snabb framtagande av prototyper finns det ett intresse för utskrivna optiska komponenter. Detta examensarbete testar hur väl 3D-utskrivna kvasioptiska komponenter funger\-ar och verifierar testresultat med elektromagnetiska simuleringar. Mät\-ning\-arna gjordes med en FM-CW radar och en trihedral reflektor, och testade PLA linser utskrivna med en Ultimaker 2+. Mätningar\-na gjordes på materialets brytningsindex samt linsernas brännvidd. Resultaten visade att PLA har ett brytningsindex nära n = 1.654 i 60GHz området. Resultaten visade även hur linserna har konsekventa egenskaper som brännvidd och förstärkning. De två slutgiltiga linserna hade en brännvidd på 23.7 and 23.9 mm vilket är nära simuleringen på 24.05 mm. Dessa resultat visar att 3D-utskrivna komponenter har tillräcklig prestanda för användning i framtagande av prototyper eller produktion beroende på användning. Det finns en del frågor som kommit till, som hur påverkar plastens kristallisation komponentens egenskaper? Och hur påverkar PLAs nedbrytande linsernas kvalité?

Development of instrumentation for neuronavigation and transcranial magnetic stimulation / Desenvolvimento de instrumentação para neuronavegação e estimulação magnética transcraniana

Victor Hugo de Oliveira e Souza 23 February 2018 (has links)
Neuronavigation and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) are valuable tools in clinical and research environment. Neuronavigation provides visual guidance of a given instrument during procedures of neurological interventions, relative to anatomic images. In turn, TMS allows the non-invasive study of cortical brain function and to treat several neurological disorders. Despite the well-accepted importance of both techniques, high-cost of neuronavigation systems and limited spatial accuracy of TMS in targeting brain structures, limit their applications. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to i) develop an open-source, free neuronavigation software, ii) study a possible combination of neuronavigation and 3D printing for surgical planning, and iii) construct a multi-channel TMS coil with electronic control of electric field (E-field) orientation. In the first part, we developed and characterized a neuronavigation software compatible with multiple spatial tracking devices, the InVesalius Navigator. The created co-registration algorithm enabled tracking position and orientation of instruments with an intuitive graphical interface. Measured accuracy was similar to that of commercial systems. In the second part, we created 3D printed models from patients with neurological disorders and assessed the errors of localizing anatomical landmarks during neuronavigation. Localization errors were below 3 mm, considered acceptable for clinical applications. Finally, in the last part, we combined a set of two thin, overlapping coils to allow electronic control of the E-field orientation and investigated how the motor evoked responses depend on the stimulus orientation. The developed coil enabled the stimulation of the motor cortex with high angular resolution. Motor responses showed the highest amplitude and lowest latency with E-field approximately perpendicular to the central sulcus. In summary, this thesis provides new methods to improve spatial accuracy of techniques to brain interventions. / A neuronavegação e a estimulação magnética transcraniana (EMT ou TMS, do termo em inglês transcranial magnetic stimulation) têm sido apresentadas como ferramentas valiosas em aplicações clínicas e de pesquisa. A neuronavegação possibilita a localização de instrumentos em relação a imagens anatômicas durante procedimentos de intervenção neurológica. Por sua vez, a EMT permite o estudo não invasivo da função cerebral e o tratamento de doenças neurológicas. Apesar da importância de ambas as técnicas, o alto custo dos sistemas de neuronavegação e a reduzida precisão espacial da EMT em ativar estruturas cerebrais limitam suas aplicações. Sendo assim, o objetivo desta tese foi: i) desenvolver um software de neuronavegação gratuito e de código aberto, ii) estudar a combinação entre neuronavegação e impressão 3D para planejamento cirúrgico, e iii) construir uma bobina de EMT multicanal com controle eletrônico da orientação do campo elétrico (CE). Na primeira parte, desenvolvemos e caracterizamos um software de neuronavegação compatível com vários rastreadores espaciais, o InVesalius Navigator. O algoritmo criado possibilitou o rastreamento de instrumentos por uma interface gráfica intuitiva. A precisão medida foi semelhante à de sistemas comerciais. Na segunda parte, imprimimos modelos 3D de pacientes com patologias neurológicas e avaliamos os erros de localização de marcos anatômicos durante a neuronavegação. Os erros de localização foram inferiores a 3 mm, considerados aceitáveis para aplicações clínicas. Por fim, na última parte, combinamos duas bobinas sobrepostas para controlar eletronicamente a orientação do CE, e investigamos como as respostas motoras evocadas dependem da orientação da corrente. A bobina desenvolvida possibilitou estimular o córtex motor com alta resolução angular. As respostas motoras apresentaram maior amplitude e menor latência para orientação do CE aproximadamente perpendicular ao sulco central. Em suma, esta tese fornece novos métodos para melhorar a precisão espacial de técnicas de intervenção com o cérebro.

3D Printing for Computer Graphics Industry

Granath, Victor January 2011 (has links)
Rapid prototyping is a relativity new technology and is based on layered manufacturing which has similarities to the method an ordinary desktop paper printer works. This research is to obtain a better understanding on how to use computer graphics software, in this particular case Autodesk Maya, to create a model. The goal is to understand how to create a suitable mesh of a 3D model for use with a 3D printer and produce a printed model that is equivalent to the CAD software 3D model. This specific topic has not been scientifically documented which has resulted in an actual 3D model.

Simulation à l'échelle mésoscopique de la mise en forme de renforts de composites tissés / Mesoscopic simulation of weaving composite reinforcements forming

Wendling, Audrey 04 September 2013 (has links)
De nos jours, l’intégration de pièces composites dans les produits intéresse de plus en plus les industriels, particulièrement dans le domaine des transports. En effet, ces matériaux présentent de nombreux avantages, notamment celui de permettre une diminution de la masse des pièces lorsqu’ils sont correctement exploités. Pour concevoir ces pièces, plusieurs procédés peuvent être utilisés, parmi lesquels le RTM (Resin Transfer Molding) qui consiste en la mise en forme d’un renfort sec (préformage) avant une étape d’injection de résine. Cette étude concerne la première étape du procédé RTM, celle de préformage. L’objectif est de mettre en œuvre une stratégie efficace conduisant à la simulation par éléments finis de la mise en forme des renforts à l’échelle mésoscopique. A cette échelle, le renfort fibreux est modélisé par un enchevêtrement de mèches supposées homogènes. Plusieurs étapes sont alors nécessaires et donc étudiées ici pour atteindre cet objectif. La première consiste à créer un modèle géométrique 3D le plus réaliste possible des cellules élémentaires des renforts considérés. Elle est réalisée grâce à la mise en œuvre d’une stratégie itérative basée sur deux propriétés. D’une part, la cohérence, qui permet d’assurer une bonne description du contact entre les mèches, c'est-à-dire, que le modèle ne contient ni vides ni interpénétrations au niveau de la zone de contact. D’autre part, la variation de la forme des sections de la mèche le long de sa trajectoire qui permet de coller au mieux à la géométrie évolutive des mèches dans le renfort. Grâce à ce modèle et à une définition libre par l’utilisateur de l’architecture tissée, un modèle représentatif de tout type de renfort (2D, interlock) peut être obtenu. La seconde étape consiste à créer un maillage hexaédrique 3D cohérant de ces cellules élémentaires. Basé sur la géométrie obtenue à la première étape. L’outil de maillage créé permet de mailler automatiquement tout type de mèche, quelle que soit sa trajectoire et la forme de ses sections. La troisième étape à franchir consiste, à partir du comportement mécanique du matériau constitutif des fibres et de la structure de la mèche, à mettre en place une loi de comportement du matériau homogène équivalent à un matériau fibreux. Basé sur les récents développements expérimentaux et numériques en matière de loi de comportement de structures fibreuses, un nouveau modèle de comportement est présenté et implémenté. Enfin, une étude des différents paramètres intervenant dans les calculs en dynamique explicite est réalisée. Ces deux derniers points permettent à la fois de faire converger rapidement les calculs et de se rapprocher de la réalité de la déformation des renforts. L’ensemble de la chaîne de modélisation/simulation des renforts fibreux à l’échelle mésoscopique ainsi créée est validée par comparaison d’essais numériques et expérimentaux de renforts sous sollicitations simples. / Nowadays, manufacturers, especially in transport, are increasingly interested in integrating composite parts into their products. These materials have, indeed, many benefits, among which allowing parts mass reduction when properly operated. In order to manufacture these parts, several methods can be used, including the RTM (Resin Transfer Molding) process which consists in forming a dry reinforcement (preform) before a resin being injected. This study deals with the first stage of the RTM process, which is the preforming step. It aims to implement an efficient strategy leading to the finite element simulation of fibrous reinforcements at mesoscopic scale. At this scale, the fibrous reinforcement is modeled by an interlacement of yarns assumed to be homogeneous and continuous. Several steps are then necessary and therefore considered here to achieve this goal. The first consists in creating a 3D geometrical model of unit cells as realistic as possible. It is achieved through the implementation of an iterative strategy based on two main properties. On the one hand, consistency, which ensures a good description of the contact between the yarns, that is to say, the model does not contain spurious spaces or interpenetrations at the contact area. On the other hand, the variation of the yarn section shape along its trajectory that enables to stick as much as possible to the evolutive shape of the yarn inside the reinforcement. Using this tool and a woven architecture freely implementable by the user, a model representative of any type of reinforcement (2D, interlock) can be obtained. The second step consists in creating a 3D consistent hexahedral mesh of these unit cells. Based on the geometrical model obtained in the first step, the meshing tool enables to mesh any type of yarn, whatever its trajectory or section shape. The third step consists in establishing a constitutive equation of the homogeneous material equivalent to a fibrous material from the mechanical behavior of the constituent material of fibers and the structure of the yarn. Based on recent experimental and numerical developments in the mechanical behavior of fibrous structures, a new constitutive law is presented and implemented. Finally, a study of the different parameters involved in the dynamic/explicit scheme is performed. These last two points allow both to a quick convergence of the calculations and approach the reality of the deformation of reinforcements. The entire chain modeling/simulation of fibrous reinforcements at mesoscopic scale created is validated by numerical and experimental comparison tests of reinforcements under simple loadings.

Planification préopératoire pour ostéotomies autour du genou : d’un modèle numérique tridimensionnel à l’industrialisation de guides patient-spécifique / Preoperative planning for osteotomies around the knee : from a 3D numerical model to patient-specific guides industrialisation

Donnez, Mathias 24 October 2018 (has links)
L’Ostéotomie Tibiale de Valgisation (OTV) par ouverture médiale est un traitement conservatif efficace dans le traitement de la gonarthrose médiale chez le patient jeune et actif présentant un défaut d’alignement du membre inférieur. Ce défaut entraine un déséquilibre dans la répartition des charges transitant dans le genou et est un facteur de risque la gonarthrose. L’objectif est de corriger l’alignement en corrigeant une déformation osseuse du tibia proximal. Une coupe osseuse médiolatérale incomplète partant du bord médial de la métaphyse tibiale et orientée vers l’articulation tibio-fibulaire permet de créer une ouverture sur le bord médial par rotation autour de la charnière latérale, épaisseur d’os non-coupée sur le bord latéral. L’importance de l’ouverture dépend de la déformation osseuse et du stade d’arthrose. La réussite de l’OTV par ouverture médiale est conditionnée par une correction précise, un montage d’ostéosynthèse stable et une charnière latérale préservée pendant l’ouverture. L’objectif de cette thèse était de proposer une méthodologie de planification préopératoire à associer à une instrumentation patient-spécifique réalisée en impression 3D. Cette instrumentation devait permettre d’appliquer la correction souhaitée dans les plans frontal et sagittal mais aussi de préserver la charnière latérale pendant la chirurgie. Nos résultats ont montré, grâce aux études in-vitro et in-vivo réalisées au cours de la thèse, que le guide de coupe patient-spécifique développé permet de reproduire avec précision la planification préopératoire en apportant de la sécurité au geste opératoire tant au niveau de la précision que de la préservation de la charnière latérale. / Medial Opening Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy (MOWHTO) is an efficient conservative surgical treatment for young and active patients with moderate medial gonarthrosis and varus lower limb malalignment. Varus malalignment unbalances load distribution in the knee, which is a gonarthrosis risk factor. MOWHTO aims to correct the lower limb alignment by correcting the proximal tibia bony deformity. Incomplete mediolateral cut is performed in the proximal tibia from the medial side of the tibial metaphysis towards the tibiofibular joint, and then opened by rotation around the lateral hinge which is the remaining uncut bone thickness on the lateral side. Amount of the opening depends on the importance of the proximal tibial deformity and on the medial gonarthrosis stage. MOWHTO success remains on precise correction, stable osteosynthesis system and lateral hinge preservation during the opening. Objective of this thesis was to propose a preoperative planning methodology to be associated with 3D printed patientspecific instrumentation. This instrumentation was intended to apply the correction chosen by the surgeon in the frontal and sagittal planes, but also to preserve the lateral hinge during the surgery. Our in-vitro and in-vivo results have shown that the developed patient-specific cutting guide make it possible to accurately reproduce the preoperative planning with security to the surgical gesture by bringing accuracy and lateral hinge preservation.


Teng F Lee (11160336) 15 October 2021 (has links)
This project was a test of concept for an external heating system for Big Area Additive Manufacturing (BAAM) Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printers. To goal of the heating system was to prevent or mitigate delamination and warping in BAAM FDM prints by propelling warm air onto printed layers while not interfering with prior functions of the 3D printer.

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