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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informerat samtycke till behandling av personuppgifter på webbplatser : En analys av hur kraven i dataskyddsförordningen kommer att påverka den personliga integriteten i praktiken / Informed consent to processing of personal data on websites : An analysis of how the requirements in the General Data Protection Regulation will affect privacy in practice

Nilsson, Eric January 2017 (has links)
Frågan om rätten till personlig integritet är aktuell på ett helt annat sätt idag än den var på 1990-talet. Sedan dataskyddsdirektivet trädde i kraft har behandlingen av personuppgifter ökat exponentiellt. Informationsteknik har möjliggjort en omfattande kartläggning av personers beteenden online. Idag använder många webbplatser funktioner för att samla in och på andra sätt behandla sina besökares personuppgifter. Samtidigt har informationen om personuppgiftsbehandlingen som ges till enskilda på webbplatser i många fall blivit omfattande och komplicerad. Ett av syftena med den nya dataskyddsförordningen är att bygga upp konsumenters förtroende för handel på internet. Förordningen syftar även till att stärka skyddet för enskildas personliga integritet. Bestämmelserna kan anses vara svårtydda, vilket kan leda till att skyddet som bäst blir oförändrat. I ett samhälle som blir alltmer digitaliserat tycks det önskvärt att de moderna reglerna håller vad de lovar, annars kan konsekvenserna bli stora. I denna uppsats diskuteras om dataskyddsförordningens krav på informerat samtycke förbättrar förutsättningarna för ett effektivt skydd för den personliga integriteten. De nya bestämmelserna är mer omfattande men har kritiserats för att vara otydliga, närmare principer i direktiv snarare än direkt tillämplig förordningstext. Bestämmelserna behöver också vägas mot andra rättigheter. Därför kan bestämmelserna om samtycke och informationsplikt leda till ett sämre skydd för enskilde om inte tydlig vägledning ges. Det är därför en risk som kommer behöva beaktas vid tillämpningen av förordningen. Om personuppgiftsansvariga saknar vägledning finns en risk att bestämmelserna i praktiken inte ger enskilda den kontroll över sina personuppgifter som var avsedd.

Управление деятельностью по обработке персональных данных на примере региональных органов Роскомнадзора : магистерская диссертация / Management of personal data processing on the example of regional bodies of Roskomnadzor

Бураков, В. В., Burakov, V. V. January 2019 (has links)
The master's work consists of 74 sheets, 59 bibliographic sources are used. The relevance of the research topic. The activity of Roskomnadzor in protecting the rights of personal data subjects, with the increasing influence of information technology on all spheres of society, is more important than ever. At the same time, the activities of this body are not as effective as modern realities require. Protocol of amendments to the said Convention in October 2018. The purpose of this master's thesis is to explore the management of personal data processing activities and formulate recommendations for its improvement. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks: get acquainted with the theoretical foundations of the processing of personal data; to compile a characteristic of Roskomnadzor as a state body and business entity using the example of the Roskomnadzor Office in the Urals Federal District; to analyze the results of Roskomnadzor's activities in the field of personal data; develop recommendations for improving the activities of Roskomnadzor in the field of personal data. The studies carried out allowed the formation of a number of measures to improve the activities of Roskomnadzor in protecting the rights of personal data subjects. The significance of the developed measures is characterized by an increase in the effectiveness of the fight against offenses in all spheres of society. / Магистерская работа состоит из 74 листа, использовано 59 библиографических источников. Актуальность темы исследование. Деятельность Роскомнадзора по защите прав субъектов персональных данных, с увеличением влияния информационных технологий на все сферы жизни общества важна как никогда. При этом, деятельность этого органа не так эффективна, как того требуют современные реалии. Протокола изменений к упомянутой Конвенции в октябре 2018 года. Цель данной магистерской диссертации – исследовать управление деятельностью по обработке персональных данных и сформировать рекомендации по её совершенствованию. Для достижения поставленной цели необходимо решить следующие задачи: ознакомиться с теоретическими основами обработки персональных данных; составить характеристику Роскомнадзора как государственного органа и хозяйствующего субъекта на примере Управления Роскомнадзора по Уральскому федеральному округу; провести анализ результатов деятельности Роскомнадзора в области персональных данных; разработать рекомендации по совершенствованию деятельности Роскомнадзора в сфере персональных данных. Проведенные исследования позволили сформировать ряд мероприятий по совершенствованию деятельности Роскомнадзора по защите прав субъектов персональных данных. Значимость разработанных мероприятий характеризуется повышением эффективности борьбы с правонарушениями во всех сферах жизни общества.

Jesu konflikthantering : Konfliktmedling i Lukasevangeliet tolkad med hjälp av nutida konfliktkunskap och moralpsykologi / Jesus' Conflict Management : Conflict Mediation in the Gospel of Luke Interpreted Using Contemporary Conflict Knowledge and Moral Psychology

Petersson, Aron January 2022 (has links)
This essay examines Jesus' conflict counseling in the Gospel of Luke, by conducting a literary analysis of Luke 9:46-48, 12:13-21 and 22:24-30, which are stories of conflicts where Jesus himself is not involved. The texts have been analyzed in their historical context and are illuminated by heuristic use of contemporary conflict theory and moral psychology. Through this reading, a pattern emerges: Jesus' main method of dealing with conflicts is to correct the attitudes of those involved in conflict.

Moving Subjects

Kulmer, Birgit 08 June 2017 (has links)
Es zeichnet sich seit den 1990er-Jahren die Tendenz ab, dass sich viele Künstler/innen verstärkt mit Subjekten statt mit Objekten beschäftigen. Hinzu kommt eine zunehmende „Kollektivierung und Theatralisierung der einst auf Singularität und Präsenz setzenden Performance“. In diesem Zusammenhang sind auch immer mehr künstlerische Arbeiten zu registrieren, die mit Prozessionen und Paraden eine Vielzahl von Menschen auf die Straße bringen und in Bewegung versetzen. Dies spiegelt sich auch in einer immer größer werdenden Zahl thematischer Ausstellungen wider, die sich diesen Arbeiten widmen. Bereits 2004 konstatierte Pablo Lafuente in seinem Essay „Art on Parade“ in Art Monthly: „That ability of the parade to create subjectivity is where the artist’s political aspiration lies.“ Die künstlerisch-ästhetischen Praktiken von Francis Alÿs, Matthew Barney, Mierle Laderman Ukeles und Jeremy Deller, die Gegenstand der vorliegenden Untersuchung sind, könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein. Ihre Gemeinsamkeit liegt in der performativen Verwendung eines sehr alten traditionellen Handlungsmusters, das den meisten Menschen vertraut ist. Die Prozession ist eine ritualisierte Handlung, die in unseren Breiten zuallererst mit der christlichen beziehungsweise der katholischen Liturgie in Zusammenhang gebracht wird. Die Grundbedeutung des Begriffs (von lat. processio = Zug, Geleit) als ein zielgerichtetes, geordnetes, gemeinsames Gehen, das den Raum gliedert und ihm dabei Bedeutung verleiht, umfasst jedoch den kultischen ebenso wie den profanen Umzug. So begegnen uns Prozessionen in vielen Bereichen des kulturellen Lebens. Dementsprechend beschäftigt sich diese Dissertation mit Prozessionen, Paraden und Karnevalsumzügen, deren Grundmotiv das gemeinsame, öffentliche, oftmals um einen Gegenstand herum organisierte Gehen, also die Prozession in ihrem allgemeinen Sinne ist. / Ever since the 90s, the tendency of many artists increasingly dealing with subjects instead of objects has become apparent. In this context, more and more artistic works that take a multitude of people to the streets or set them in motion as part of a procession or parade can be registered. This is also reflected in a growing number of themed exhibitions exploring these works. The artistic-aesthetic practice of Francis Alÿs, Matthew Barney, Mierle Laderman Ukeles and Jeremy Deller could hardly be more different. Their common ground can be found in the performative use of a very old traditional pattern of action that most people are familiar with. The procession is a ritualised act, which - in this part of the world – is first and foremost implicated in Christian respectively Catholic liturgy. The basic meaning of this term (derived from Latin processio – progression/cortege) as a purposeful, orderly, collective walk structuring and thus giving meaning to a certain space comprises, however, the sacral as well as the profane procession. This is way we can encounter processions in many parts of cultural life (and in almost every culture). This dissertation accordingly explores processions, (carnival) parades and demonstrations which all share the basic motif of a collective, public organised walk, often around an object, i.e. a procession in its general sense.

(Un)sichtbarkeit Giorgio de Chirico, Filippo de Pisis, Giorgio Morandi zur Kunstauffassung

Fenzi, Lisa 19 February 2016 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation werden 13 wichtige Werke Giorgio de Chiricos (1888 Volos, Griechenland – 1978 Rom), Filippo de Pisis’ (1896 Ferrara – 1956 Mailand) und Giorgio Morandis (1890 Bologna – 1964 ebenda) eingehend beschrieben und analysiert. Als Ergebnis ergibt sich die zum Teil unerwartete Entdeckung, dass die „noch“ figurative, teilweise als rückgewandt angesehene Kunst der drei untersuchten Künstler eine moderne, immer noch aktuelle Frage nach der besonderen Qualität des Bildes stellt. Ihre Skepsis gegenüber einer festgelegten Art der Wahrnehmung entfaltet sich in einer produktiven Auseinandersetzung mit den Bildern und mit einer Gattung – das Stillleben - einer tradierten Kunsttradition und zeigt Kunst in ihrer Fähigkeit ein besonderes, anderes Sehen anzuregen. Dabei zeigt sich in der Analyse der Bilder die unzertrennliche Beziehung von Sichtbarkeit und Unsichtbarkeit als einen zentralen Moment in der künstleri-schen Produktion. Diese Thematik wird unter anderem in der Verbindung de Chiricos, de Pisis’ und Morandis zu den Schriften Arthur Schopenhauers, Friedrich Nietzsches und Giacomo Leopardis erörtert und speziell mit der Auflösung des klassischen Realitätsbegriffs konfrontiert. Die aus dieser Auflösung resultierende „Krise der Repräsentation“ hat auch die Kunst der Moderne veranlasst, sich kritisch mit dem „Realen“ auseinanderzusetzen und nach neuen Formen der Darstellung, aber auch der Betrachtung zu suchen. Wesentlich ist dabei der Gesichtspunkt, dass die bewusste Reflexion des Sehens und des Wahrnehmens selbst zum Bild werden. Dieser Aspekt wird mithilfe einer phänomenologischen Perspektive und Fragestellung weiter ausgeführt und diskutiert. Der Fokus und die Struktur dieser Dissertation liegen in der konkreten und direkten Auseinandersetzung mit den Werken der drei bildenden Künstler aus denen auch der begriffliche Horizont der Arbeit immanent erschlossen wird. / This study describes and analyses in detail a total of 13 important works by the Italian painters Giorgio de Chirico (1888 Volos, Greece – 1978 Rome), Filippo de Pisis (1896 Ferrara – 1956 Milan) and Giorgio Morandi (1890 Bologna – 1964 Bologna). Its findings include the partially unexpected discovery that the “yet-figurative” aesthetics of these works, which may be valued as backward and even reactionary raise a very modern and relevant question about the special quality of pictures. The works’ scepticism of a fixed kind of perception also emerges in their productive confrontation with canonical, more traditional pictures and in their affirmation of art’s ability to encourage a special, “other” way of seeing. The argument of this study is based on the investigation of the unavoidable relationship between visibility and invisibility as a central moment in de Chirico’s, de Pisis’ and Morandi’s artistic production, and proposes a dialogue with the theories of Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche and Giacomo Leopardi, whose influence on the tree painters was of great importance, especially in conjunction with the dissolution of classic concepts of reality. The crisis of representation resulting from this dissolution led in the visual arts to a critical confrontation with the concept of the “Real”. As a consequence of this confrontation news forms of representation and observation emerged. Essential to this transformation is that conscious reflexions about sight and perception became themselves the subjects and objects of pictures. This aspect is also considered from the perspective of phenomenology and its tools of enquiry. The dissertation’s focus and structure derive from the direct confrontation with the pictures, which also informs its conceptual horizon.

Ikonologie des Konkreten

Probst, Jörg 02 November 2015 (has links)
Das so genannte „Lange 19. Jahrhundert“ ist von ungewöhnlich häufigen, starken Umwertungen von epistemischen und politischen Begriffen gekennzeichnet. Beispielhaft für die Berührung von Wissenschafts- und Ideengeschichte ist der Begriff des „Konkreten“, dessen unterschiedliche Interpretation von Hegel über Marx, Kierkegaard und Cassirer die Gegensätze des 19. Jahrhunderts exemplarisch greifbar werden lässt. Bilder haben an dieser Wissenschafts- und Ideengeschichte des Konkreten einen substantiellen Anteil gehabt. Die vorliegende Studie geht dieser Bild- und Begriffsgeschichte des Konkreten im 19. Jahrhunderts anhand von Fallbeispielen der wissenschaftlichen Zeichnung nach. / Typical for the so called „long Nineteenth Century“ is an dynamic change of epistemic and political ideas. The notion “concrete” represents this change as a development in the history of science and the history of political thought, for instance in the work of great philosophers like Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Karl Marx, Sören Kierkegaard or Ernst Cassirer. Pictures took part on this change in the history of the concrete. The study discuss the iconology and ivarious definitions of the concrete in the Nineteenth Century in connection with the scientific drawing.

Aspectos comportamentais e do desenvolvimento psicossexual dos pacientes com distúrbios do desenvolvimento sexual 46,XY na idade adulta / Behavioral and psychosexual aspects of 46,XY DSD individuals at adulthood

Batista, Rafael Loch 12 December 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O desenvolvimento psicossexual humano inicia no período pré-natal e é composto pelo papel de gênero (PG), pela identidade de gênero (IG) e pela orientação sexual (OS). Em indivíduos com DDS 46,XY, vários fatores podem comprometer esse desenvolvimento, levando a incongruência de identidade de gênero e à mudança de gênero. Nesses pacientes, a exposição androgênica pré-natal e o grau de virilização da genitália externa tem sido avaliados como possíveis influenciadores destes desfechos, mas seu papel ainda não foi esclarecido. Objetivos: Avaliar os desfechos psicossexuais - IG, PG e OS - e aspectos da vida sexual em uma coorte de indivíduos com DDS 46,XY na idade adulta com diagnostico etiológico caracterizado do ponto de vista clínico e molecular e investigar a influência da exposição androgênica pré-natal e do grau de virilização da genitália externa nesses desfechos e na prevalência de disforia de gênero (DG). Pacientes: 144 pacientes com diagnóstico etiológico confirmado de DDS 46,XY acompanhados do HCFMUSP com idade entre 16 e 60 anos foram incluídos neste estudo. Métodos: Os componentes do desenvolvimento psicossexual (IG, PG, OS) foram avaliados usando questionários e por teste psicológico projetivo (HTP - House-Tree-Person). O escore de Sinnecker foi utilizado para a mensuração do grau de virilização da genitália externa. A exposição androgênica pré-natal foi estimada de acordo com a etiologia do DDS 46,XY. Aspectos da vida sexual foram avaliados através de questionário específico.Todas as variáveis categóricas foram analisadas usando teste X². A força de associação foi avaliada pelo cálculo do V de Cramer. O índice kappa foi usado para avaliar concordância entre resultados dos testes. Resultados: Houve uma associação positiva entre exposição androgênica pré-natal e a maior incidência de desfechos psicossexuais masculinos em indivíduos com maior exposição. O grau de virilização da genitália externa não interferiu nos desfechos psicossexuais. Houve uma prevalência de 19% (27/144) de disforia de gênero em toda a coorte. Em 93% (25/27), a DG foi do sexo feminino para o masculino e ocorreu em 50% (16/32) de casos de deficiência de 5alfa-RD2, seguido de 33% (5/15) dos casos de deficiência da 17beta-HSD3 e se associou com exposição androgênica pré-natal (p < 001; V=0,461), mas não com a virilização da genitália externa. A mediana de idade do desejo de mudar de sexo foi de 8 anos (5 - 9) enquanto que a da idade da mudança de sexo foi 15 anos (10.5 - 20). Os desfechos psicossexuais mostraram maior concordância com o sexo social final (PG - k=0.81; IG - k=0.65 e OS - k=0.85) do que com o sexo de registro (PG - k=0.1; IG - k=0.25 e OS - k=0.15). Quanto a sexualidade, alguns parâmetros (fantasias sexuais, masturbação e parceiro sexual fixo) foram melhores no sexo masculino comparado ao feminino. No entanto, não houveram diferenças em relação aos parâmetros da vida sexual comparando indivíduos do sexo feminino com e sem atipia genital e indivíduos do sexo masculino que mantiveram o sexo social com os que mudaram para este sexo. Conclusões: A exposição androgênica pré-natal influenciou o desenvolvimento psicossexual em indivíduos com DDS 46,XY, de uma forma exposição-dependente, favorecendo desfechos masculinos, enquanto que o grau de virilização da genitália externa não influenciou estes desfechos. A DG do feminino para o masculino foi comum entre esses indivíduos e também foi influenciada pela exposição androgênica pré-natal. Os parâmetros psicossexuais nesses pacientes concorda muito mais com o sexo social final do que com o sexo de registro. A sexualidade dos indivíduos do sexo masculino tem aspectos mais satisfatórios que o feminino. Atipia genital no sexo feminino não afetou a sexualidade destas pacientes assim a sexualidade dos indivíduos que mudaram para o sexo masculino são semelhantes aos que foram registrados no sexo masculino Behavioral and Psychosexual Aspects of 46,XY DSD Individuals At Adulthood / Introduction: The human psychosexual development begins at prenatal period and is composed by gender role, gender identity and sexual orientation. In 46,XY DSD individuals a variety of factors may jeopardize an adequate psychosexual development and sometimes results in desire to change the gender. The effects of prenatal androgen exposure and the impact of atypical genitalia in the psychosexual outcomes have been suggested as influencing factors in the human psychosexual development but there is not conclusive evidence, especially in DDS 46, XY. Methods: We evaluated the psychosexual compounds - gender role (GR) at childhood gender identity (GI) and sexual orientation (SO) in individuals a large cohort of 144 46,XY DSD individuals, 86% of them raised in the female social sex, from a single tertiary medical center. The same psychologist, specialized in DSD, performed the psychosexual evaluation. We used a questionnaire and a projective psychological test (HTP test) to measure the psychosexual compounds. Prenatal androgen exposure was estimated considering the 46,XY etiology. Sinnecker\'s score was used to measure the external genitalia virilization. All ordinal variables were analyzed using Wilcoxon test. Categorical variables were analyzed using X2 test with posterior Cramer\'s V to measure the association strength. The kappa index was calculated as a concordance measure. Results: We found an association between prenatal androgen exposure and major prevalence of male psychosexual outcomes and a higher incidence of female to male gender dysphoria. There was not difference in the psychosexual outcomes according by external genitalia virilization in male and in female individuals. There was an incidence of 19% of gender dysphoria (27 out from 144). In 93% (n=25), the gender change was from female to male (F to M). The ethological diagnosis related with F to M GD were 5alpha-RD2 deficiency (5ARD2) in 16/32 (50%), followed by 5/15 (33%) in 17beta-HSD3 deficiency (17betaHSD3). Others diagnosis related with F to M GD were: partial gonadal dysgenesis (n=3/24; 12%) and 3betaHSD2 (n=1/3; 33%). Both cases of male to female (M to F) GD occurred in partial gonadal dysgenesis (8%; n=2/24). The median of GD age (desire to belong to another gender) was 8 years old (5-9), and the median of gender change itself was 15 years old (10.5 - 20). In F to M GD, gender change was associated with prenatal androgen exposure (p < 001; V=0,461). The psychosexual components showed higher concordance index with final gender (GI - k=0.81; GI - k=0.65 and SO - k=0.85) then with the assigned sex (GI - k=0.1; GI - k=0.25 and SO - k=0.15). Conclusion: Prenatal androgen exposure affects the psychosexual development, favoring more male outcomes. This influence was observed in GI, GR and SO. The degree of external genitalia virilization did not influence the psychosexual development. Female to Male GD is common in 46,XY DSD raised in female social sex, especially in 5ARD2 and 17?HSD3 deficiencies. There is a strong relationship between prenatal androgen exposure and F to M GD. On the other hand, M to F gender change was rare in 46,XY DSD and occurred only in partial gonadal dysgenesis patients

The double keyboard concertos of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

Waterman, Muriel Moore, 1923- January 1970 (has links)
No description available.

Surveillance of tick-parasitized voles, mice and roe deer in Germany: Arboviral infection rates in relation to population densities and host characteristics / Zeckenparasitismus bei Wühlmäusen, Mäusen und Rehen in Deutschland: Untersuchung arboviraler Infektionsraten in Beziehung zu Populationsdichten und individuellen Merkmalen der Wirtstiere

Kiffner, Christian 27 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Asmens duomenų apsauga elektroninių ryšių sektoriuje / Personal data protection in the electronic communications sector

Andrikonytė, Laura 09 July 2011 (has links)
Šio magistro darbo tema yra „Asmens duomenų apsauga elektroninių ryšių sektoriuje“. Pagrindinis dėmesys šiame darbe yra skiriamas ES lygmeniu galiojančiam reguliavimui. Taigi pirmoje šio darbo dalyje yra aptariamos 1995 m. spalio 24 d. Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos direktyvos 95/46/EB Dėl asmenų apsaugos tvarkant asmens duomenis ir dėl laisvo tokių duomenų judėjimo nuostatos. Apibrėžiama sąvoka „asmens duomenys“. Taip pat vertinami direktyvoje įtvirtinti reikalavimai teisėtam asmens duomenų tvarkymui. Antroje šio darbo dalyje nagrinėjami reikalavimai srauto duomenų ir vietos nustatymo duomenų, nesudarančių srauto duomenų, tvarkymui. Todėl detaliai aptariamos bei įvertinamos 2002 m. liepos 12 d. Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos direktyvos 2002/58/EB Dėl asmens duomenų tvarkymo ir privatumo apsaugos elektroninių ryšių sektoriuje (Direktyva dėl privatumo ir elektroninių ryšių) (toliau – „Direktyva 2002/58/EB“) nuostatos, apžvelgiamos bei apibendrinamos įvairios 29 straipsnio Duomenų apsaugos darbo grupės rekomendacijos, nuomonės, darbo dokumentai. Trečioji šio darbo dalis taip pat nagrinėja srauto ir vietos nustatymo duomenų, nesudarančių srauto duomenų, reglamentavimo ypatumus. Taigi šioje dalyje yra išsamiai aptariami tiek Direktyvos 2002/58/EB reikalavimai dėl duomenų saugojimo pagal 15 straipsnio 1 dalyje įtvirtintą išimtį, leidžiančią ribotą laikotarpį saugoti minėtus duomenis. Taip pat išsamiai vertinama 2006 m. kovo 15 d. Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos direktyva 2006/24/EB... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The theme of this master paper is ‘Personal Data Protection in the Electronic Communications Sector‘. The major attention in the paper is granted to the regulation that is effective on the level of the EU. Therefore, the first part of this paper deals with the provisions of the Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with the regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. The concept of ‘personal data’ is analyzed. As well as the requirements settled for the lawful personal data processing are provided. The second part of the paper deals with such spheres as the requirements settled for the processing of traffic data and location data. Thus, the provisions of the Directive 2002/58/EBof the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector and different notions, working documents of the Article 29 Working Party on the Protection of the Individuals are discussed and summarized. The third part of the paper deals with the requirements for processing of traffic and location data, as well. Therefore, the third part of this paper is granted to the analysis of the provisions of the Directive 2002/58/EC concerning the exception of the Art. 15 part 1 on the retention for such data. Besides this, the provisions of the Directive 2006/24/EC of the European... [to full text]

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