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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以4C策略行銷架構分析A食堂創業計畫的可行性 / The analysis of possibility of new business model by 4C strategic marketing: A restaurant for example

葉詩珮 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣的食安風暴全面引發了消費者對食品安全的不信任感與憤怒,一向以美食自豪的台灣,我們追求的應該是經濟發展之後的生活品質的提升,甚至還擔心大陸進口的東西來源製程不明我們沒信心不敢吃,不料,食安問題就發生在自己家,其實我們每天吃進去的每一口食物都充滿了危機。 另一方面,由於台灣工作步調繁忙工時又長,三餐外食是很普遍的現象與需求,加上人口結構改變,單身人口與頂客族人口龐大,與婦女就業人口的增加、很多家庭也加入外食一族的行業,外食需求強勁,但台灣餐飲業多為中小型規模業者,或是獨立的個體經營戶,因此雖然食安議題引發全民關注,但是餐飲業者回應的行動有限。對應消費日漸升高的食安涉入度與需求,外食又是台灣人解決三餐飲食問題的重要方式,是否有消費者未滿足的缺口? 要外食但是同時希望能滿足食安的需求?是否有新品牌建立的空間與機會? 因此開啟了本論文的研究動機。 本論文是針對A食堂在台灣外食市場創新品牌的策略行銷為研究主題,探討如何以策略行銷4C交易成本理論(邱志聖,2010)架構分析自身的挑戰,找出現有市場競爭對手的4C問題,然後以4C架構的角度提出策略行銷的規劃。 期望透過這個案例,探討台灣中小企業結合台灣製造優勢與網路科技,創立自有品牌開拓國際市場的可能性,同時透過這個個案的經驗也希望能為其他台灣中小企業提供實務經驗的借鑑。假如食品安全是一個必然的趨勢,消費者的需求缺口已然出現,身為新創品牌如何在傳統的產業中發展品牌與建立高的附加價值,因此本研究希望透過A食堂的案例,透過品牌的建立,打破以往傳統餐盒產業只有通路據點為王的傳統思考,打造一條策略行銷建立品牌的新路。

複製臺灣儀器租賃在中國行銷之研究-以S個案公司為例 / Duplicating the marketing model of Taiwan's rental instruments business in China: the case of S company

許淑芬, Hsu, Shu-Fe Unknown Date (has links)

The role of elements binding CTCF and cohesin in directing tissue-specific enhancer activity

Hanssen, Lars January 2016 (has links)
Distal enhancer elements regulate the tissue-specific expression of their target genes via the establishment of physical interactions with the gene promoter. In mice, a cluster of five enhancers, jointly classified as a super-enhancer, specifically upregulate α-globin gene expression during erythroid differentiation. Aside from the Nprl3 gene, whose promoter is located inside this enhancer region, expression-levels of other genes within a short distance (&lt,50kb) of the enhancer region are not affected by the activation of the enhancer in erythroid cells, despite being located within the same sub-TAD in erythroid cells. The CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) is implicated in the organisation of chromosome topology through the formation of interactions between its binding sites in an orientation-dependent manner. In this thesis, I demonstrate that CTCF functions in vivo as a boundary to maintain α-globin enhancer-promoter specificity in erythroid cells. The study of the local chromatin architecture by next-generation Capture-C reveals that α-globin enhancer and promoter interactions are constrained to a compartment of roughly 70kb. The unidirectional interaction profiles of the α-globin enhancers are delimited by the interactions between two genomic domains flanking the α-globin cluster. Further investigation shows that each of these domains contains several CTCF binding sites orientated in tandem, such that CTCF binding orientation between domains is convergent. Although CTCF binding across the α-globin locus is identical between mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells and erythroid cells, interaction between these domains occurs only in erythroid cells suggesting it is dependent on the formation of tissue-specific α-globin enhancer-promoter interactions. By generating a series of mouse models, deleting CTCF binding sites at the α-globin enhancers singly and in combination, I show that the deletion of two CTCF binding sites directly flanking the enhancer cluster results in a shift in interactions between flanking domains, away from the enhancer region. This leads to an expansion of enhancer interactions to include two genes directly upstream of the α-globin enhancers: Rhbdf1 and Mpg. Despite the Rhbdf1 gene being subject to polycomb group protein-mediated gene repression in erythroid cells, ablation of CTCF binding results in increased interactions between both the Rhbdf1 and Mpg gene promoters and the α-globin enhancers and concurrent strong transcriptional upregulation of both genes. The Rhbdf1 gene promoter acquires the active histone mark H3K4me3, but doesn't lose Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) mark H3K27me3 or binding of its catalytic component Ezh2. Despite the presence of this repressive mark, robust levels of Rhbdf1 expression are detected at levels higher than those in ES cells where this gene is actively expressed under the influence of its own enhancer. I conclude that regulation of the direction of enhancer interactions by CTCF is required for the promoter specificity of enhancers and the maintenance of transcriptional states of nearby genes.

Strategická analýza podniku / -

Shevchuk, Roman Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Strategická analýza a její praktická aplikace na podnik. Externí analýza zahrnující analýzu makrookolí (PESTE analýza a metoda 4C) a analýzu mikrookolí (Základní charakteristiky odvětví, Struktura odvětví, Hybné změnotvorné sily odvětví, Porterův model pěti sil). Interní analýza zahrnující prověření zdrojů podniku a nalezení a popis klíčových schopností podniku (Analýza nákladových výhod, Finanční analýza). SWOT analýza. Návrh strategie a doporučení, vhodné pro analyzovaný podnik, pro další rozvíjení výhod podniku a zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti v daném odvětví.

從租賃業者觀點探討策略行銷4C架構之應用與發展 / Study on application and development of the 4c’s framework in strategic marketing from leasing company’s viewpoint

游添富, Yu, Taft Unknown Date (has links)
在當前的融資租賃產業中,面對來自於顧客的國際化和多角化所衍生的需求多樣化、以及市場機制作用力、政府干預與影響、技術發展與融合、和不斷地創新效率要求等之衝擊,整個產業已經產生了結構性的影響。傳統融資租賃產業中點對點式的線性供需價值鏈已無法滿足市場趨勢發展需求,更多的是藉由跨產業多元異質資源重新聚合而成之價值網絡,經過不同商業模式的連結,來形成新的產業型態,可以創造出許多精確定位的新市場、和新事業服務。據此,企業應該具備選擇與建構其價值主張的能力,才能有效且及時地連結外部環境之資源,藉以轉化成為自身營運之動力,並且建立主導價值網絡,與外部關係人共同替顧客創造價值,以達到持續正向循環的經營發展目標。 本研究在文獻探討部分,將焦點放在三大議題:競爭與策略、交易成本以及策略行銷4C架構。同時,選擇我國租賃產業的領導廠商- CFC公司為個案公司,從策略行銷4C的角度來觀察,針對顧客最關心的外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本和專屬陷入成本四大成本要素,歸納出有利個案公司的事業策略思考方向,以及因應未來發展所需建構與選擇的相關策略或組合。

台灣GPON ONT 光纖產品代工之行銷策略以台資A,E公司為例之4C架構觀點 / Marketing strategy for Taiwan GPON ONT ODM suppliers - based on 4C

游秀治, Yu, Sherina Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國際化、科技時代的來臨,產業結構經農業、工業、服務業,至現今主 流的科技資訊業。 科技不斷地在進步,隨著國際貿易的盛行,各國開始仰賴彼此的3C 產業商 品,從最初只能傳送聲音的電話,到可以傳送文字以及簡單圖片的電腦,接著就 是人人可以上傳下載圖檔、影片的網路時代。現今科技進步的社會,人人追求快 速的效率以及品質的保證。到底要如何才能快速地接收長距離卻高品質的檔案呢? 估計未來將引領風騷的GPON 光纖產品可以辦到,因此,目前市場上的資訊公 司想盡辦法研發各項藉由光纖傳播的新商品,以證明自己公司的專業,吸引消費 者的注意。 GPON 產品在3C 產業中是極具競爭力的,本研究即是針對公司年營業額超 過百億的一線大廠〈A 公司〉,和公司年營業額介於百億及五十億之間的二線大 廠〈E 公司〉各項關於GPON 產品的行銷策略進行探討,希望可以探討出: 1、比較兩間公司之策略行銷4C。 2、經詳細分析後,得知全球通訊GPON 光纖產業之現況與未來的競爭力。 3、找出兩間公司各有的優、缺點,並給予改善建議。 本研究以比較一線大廠〈A 公司〉,及二線大廠〈E 公司〉為主,此兩間公 司皆為我國的資訊產業,且皆有與海外公司進行貿易的商品。研究結果發現: 先進者在產品尚未被眾人所接納時,應先評估市場上的需求,以及確定產品 的實用性和功能性,再決定是否要投入並生產此商品。另外,網通商品並不是靠 成本低就能勝出,還要考量其背後各項內隱成本以及顧客的心理因素等。網通產 品從尚未被製造到被電訊營運商購買的過程之間,每個環節都是學問,必須仔細 觀察學習。 後進者在確認產品會廣泛被眾人接納後,才開始生產。然而此時在市面上早 已充滿了各式各樣的品牌,且功用相似的產品。要採取什麼樣的行銷策略,才不 會讓消費者覺得本身的專屬陷入成本太高,並讓消費者光顧自己的產品?這些都 是後進公司需要注意的事項。 不論是先進公司,或者後進公司,要吸引消費者的目光,不外乎就是降低成 本,或提高GPON 光纖產品使用效益。而要如何做才既能符合理論,又能確實 賺取利潤,則是本研究所要探討的主要內容。

記憶體模組產業之策略行銷分析—以G公司為例 / Strategic marketing analysis of memory module industry—a case study of G company

陳怡鈞, Chen, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代,隨著全球PC市場的逐漸發展,記憶體模組產業亦隨之興起。1990年代中期,記憶體模組廠商逐步建立自有品牌,使記憶體模組產品,從電腦主機裡的規格化零組件,搖身成為消費者心目中具有品牌的產品。在這個從「無品牌」至「有品牌」的發展過程中,產業內的品牌商,共同創造了記憶體模組的品牌價值。然而,回溯到十餘年前的PC市場,對於消費者而言,為什麼開始要在乎所買的記憶體模組是什麼品牌?對於任何一家記憶體模組製造商而言,依照JEDEC所制訂的標準製造相關的模組化產品,究竟要如何創造超越競爭對手的價值?在這個記憶體模組廠商與消費者的交換過程當中,消費者用來交換產品的「成本」有哪些?這些既然是消費者的成本,那麼就包含了消費者在交換過程中會考量的因素,因此,廠商應如何降低這些可能存在的成本,進而創造更高的價值?本研究試圖透過策略行銷4C理論,探究記憶體模組產業內所有的交換關係與交換過程,並透過策略分析,歸納在交換關係中創造價值的模式。 / In the 1980’s, memory module industry had been growing up accompanied PC market development. In the middle of 1990’s, memory module manufacturers step by step built up their own brands, meanwhile, standardized memory module products went out from PC cases and have been made with their own name. It was manufacturers who turned “unknown” memory products into “branded” ones and created brand value in this process. However, in the market decades ago, for what reasons consumers started paying attention to what brand the memory module is? To any producer of memory module, the most important is how to create the exceeded value of its competitor under the standard of JEDEC. What “costs” do consumers have in the exchanging process between the producers? As we may see, these costs may be included in the exchanging process for consumers’ concern. So, how should producers do to create higher values by reducing the possible cost? This study is to explore the exchanging relationship and the process of memory module industry through 4C theory, and to generalize the model of creating values in the exchanging relationship.

Epigenetic Regulation of Genomic Imprinting and Higher Order Chromatin Conformation / Epigenetisk reglering av genetisk prägling och kromatinets konformation

Tavoosidana, Gholamreza January 2006 (has links)
The genetic information encoded by the DNA sequence, can be expressed in different ways. Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon that results in monoallelic expression of imprinted genes in a parent of origin-dependent manner. Imprinted genes are frequently found in clusters and can share common regulatory elements. Most of the imprinted genes are regulated by Imprinting Control Regions (ICRs). H19/Igf2 region is a well known imprinted cluster, which is regulated by insulator function of ICR located upstream of the H19 gene. It has been proposed that the epigenetic control of the insulator function of H19 ICR involves organization of higher order chromatin interactions. In this study we have investigated the role of post-translational modification in regulating insulator protein CTCF (CCCTC-binding factor). The results indicated novel links between poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation and CTCF, which are essential for regulating insulators function. We also studied the higher order chromatin conformation of Igf2/H19 region. The results indicated there are different chromatin structures on the parental alleles. We identified CTCF-dependent loop on the maternal allele which is different from the paternal chromatin and is essential for proper imprinting of Igf2 and H19 genes. The interaction of H19 ICR with Differentially Methylated Regions (DMRs) of Igf2 in a parent-specific manner maintains differential epigenetic marks on maternal and paternal alleles. The results indicate that CTCF occupies specific sites on highly condensed mitotic chromosomes. CTCF-dependent long-range key interaction on the maternal allele is maintained during mitosis, suggesting the possible epigenetic memory of dividing cells. In this study, we developed a new method called Circular Chromosome Conformation Capture (4C) to screen genome-wide interactions with H19 ICR. The results indicated there are wide intra- and inter-chromosomal interactions which are mostly dependent on CTCF-binding site at H19 ICR. These observations suggest new aspects of epigenetic regulation of the H19/Igf2 imprinted region and higher order chromatin structure.

業務銷售與通路管理之策略行銷分析─以膠帶產業四維公司為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis of Business Development and Channel Management: a Case Study of Four Pillars

戴苑琪 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國際化發展,許多台灣企業逐漸將其營運版圖擴張至海外市場,四維企業是台灣知名膠帶業者,台灣市場發展成熟後,也逐漸將事業版圖拓展至全球。 本研究分享膠帶產業四維公司進入新興市場與成熟市場,建立銷售通路之個案,並以邱志聖(2010)策略行銷分析架構分析其實際做法,討論四維如何管理與客戶、經銷商之合作關係,以提供業務人員在面對新興市場、成熟市場時之業務發展與通路管理之思考架構。 進軍不同市場時,四維之資源分配也有所不同,必須考量市場發展潛力、競爭對手、所需花費成本等因素。因此,四維拓展新興市場(大陸市場)時,採取兩種銷售方式:直營與經銷,一方面在當地設立辦事處,一方面逐漸培養當地經銷體系,透過雙管齊下之銷售方式,可降低下游買者的外顯效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本,也能避免自己被客戶及經銷商專屬陷入。 成熟市場(歐洲市場)則是已有各大知名膠帶大廠佔據且深耕市場多年,若要採取直營,必須考慮知名大廠之回應動作以及如何於當地市場自行建立通路,因此在種種考量下,四維於成熟市場發展,大多透過給經銷商進行銷售,如此一來能更有效率降低下游買者的外顯效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本,但必須小心避免被經銷商專屬陷入。 / Globalization has led Taiwanese manufacturers to expand their brand globally. Four Pillars is the famous company in this field, and it also expanded its brand when the market in Taiwan grew maturely. This research discusses how Four Pillars sells tapes in emerging market and mature market using 4C strategic marketing theory, and with the purpose to provide oversea salesperson an insight and overview of how to establish and sell when first enter a foreign market. Four Pillars would have different allocation of resource when entering different markets, and it would think about market potential, competitors and costs. When Four Pillars first entered China, it chose two ways to sell products. One is having its own branch company, and the other is selling products through retailers. By these two methods, Four Pillars would decrease buyers’ explicit benefit cost, information search cost, the cost of moral crisis, but also avoid being involved in the relationship tightly with customers and retailers. As for Europe market, there are various well-known tape manufacturers occupied the market for many years. If Four Pillars would like to have its own branch, it must consider it competitors’ response and have to think how to build its own channel. Under conditions, Four Pillars chose to sell products through local retailers, by this way, it can decrease buyers’ explicit benefit cost, information search cost, the cost of moral crisis. However, one more thing for Four Pillars to care about is avoid being involved in the relationship tightly with retailers.

用4C行銷分析產業競爭力- 以金萬林公司為例 / Industrial Competitiveness for 4C marketing analysis- Kim Forest's Case

陳惠娥 Unknown Date (has links)

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