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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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朱欽翔, Chu, Chin Hsian Unknown Date (has links)
本研究生目前任職於瑞士的S私人銀行,負責該銀行於台灣區的業務,先前亦曾經任職於國內銀行的理財中心與財務顧問公司,擔任理財主管與從事私人銀行平台工作超過十年期間。對於國內銀行近年來所推動之「財富管理」業務,或號稱更高等級之「私人銀行」業務發展,有深入的瞭解與實際上的業務拓展經驗。 據統計,台灣目前的財富管理商機高達28兆元,市場規模在亞洲排名第三,僅次於中國與日本。隨著兩岸關係解凍,金融業的重重限制可望逐步鬆綁,相信很多外移的資金將會陸續回流,台灣的財富管理市場將有很寬廣的成長空間。這也造成了各金融機構,無論是銀行業、證券業,甚至保險業均相繼投入此一熱門業務。加上近幾年來,國內外的金融業者在金控架構之下進入了白熱化的競爭,強調一次購足與全方位的理財服務,使得國內銀行的理財專員在業績目標的壓力之下,對於高資產與高所得客戶(HNWI),披著量身訂作與精緻規劃的外衣,實際上進行了很多不必要金融理財商品的推銷。甚至,這些所謂的『金字塔頂端』的客戶所購買的理財商品,其風險值往往超過該客戶所能承擔之風險程度而不自知。一旦大環境發生巨變,例如數十年難得一見的次級房貸風暴與通膨危機同時發生,則客戶所遭受的虧損是很可觀的。其實類似的客訴事件在國內的金融機構屢見不鮮,雖然站在主管機關的立場應該幫助較弱勢的投資人,但財大氣粗的金融財團卻理直氣壯地不願意承擔誤導客戶之責任,往往客戶都會自認倒楣,如此客戶對該金融機構的信心一定大打折扣,甚至因而失掉了這個客戶。 同時,近年來因為國內稅負偏高,造成大筆資金外流至國外的知名私人銀行進行稅務或理財的規劃。據瞭解,台灣的有錢人在海外的資產規模,高達2,300億美元以上。預期未來在新政府上台後,將開始採取有利的稅負環境,包括遺產稅或贈與稅已大幅降低,以吸引滯留在外的資金回流。屆時這些為了節稅而有家歸不得的龐大資產,將會像迴游的鮭魚一般回到台灣,勢將引發國內金融機構新一波的理財業務競爭。但如果國內的業者在觀念上依然存在以過去的做法為指導方針,只在乎短線的手續費收益,競相地殺雞取卵,並未用心思考如何為客戶創造長期或世世代代的財富保障效益,無法達成歐美私人銀行數百年來所吸引富裕人士的功能,相信這幾年國內業者的努力也將付諸東流水! 在此,希望藉由本文的深入探討,以研究生個人在此一領域十五年以上經驗,配合在S銀行的所從事的業務與國際間私人銀行做一比較,同時就目前國內正在萌芽的私人銀行業務競爭之優劣條件進行分析,並提出本研究生的建議。 / This graduate student is currently the Associate Director/General Manager of the Taiwan Regional for the “S Private Bank” from Switzerland. Previous to that, he was the Head of the Private Banking Centre in a local bank and as well was the President of an IFA (Independent Financial Advisor) which managed a private banking platform for local high net worth individuals (HNWI) with over 15 years of experience. Currently, the AUM of wealth management in Taiwan is over NT$28 trillion, ranking as the third among Asia countries, China & Japan ranking as No.1 & No. 2 respectively. After the new government in May 2008, the regulations in the different financial fields will be liberalized and this would attract the offshore monies returning to Taiwan. Therefore, there should have a big potential in the wealth management market. In this regard, local financial institutions, such as banks, security brokerages and insurance companies are putting every effort in this business, consequently, competition occurs. Due to the fierce competition, the HNWI have been overly loaded with investment tools recommended by FAs (financial advisor) in the banks. But after the subprime turmoil, the clients suffered and, in this regard, the bank might lose those clients. Meanwhile, the taxation rates in Taiwan have been too high to retain the monies domestically. It is estimated that the HNWIs have been keeping over US$230 billion of their money abroad. Fortunately, after the new government, the taxation has already reduced recently in attracting the money to return to Taiwan. By then, the local financial institutions will vie with each other for the huge money in the wealth management business. But if the local institutions remain keen on their nearsighted thinking of product or sales oriented private banking business in generating fee income, lacking of a long-term financial planning for HNW clients, as such, could hinder the local financial institutions from building the competitiveness in the private banking business. In this regard, this graduate student tries to give some personal experience in this particular field which is rarely touched by local practitioners. Also, this thesis will put forward some practical suggestions to the related Governmental Authority so as to make a healthier environment and wider room for the local interested parties. This study focuses on the results from the abstract to analyze and provide some realistic and useful suggestions to those financial institutions who are interested in the private banking business.

從代工至自創品牌之策略行銷分析:以達芙妮為例 / Strategic marketing analysis of transition From OEM to OBM: a case study of DAPHNE

謝其宏, Hsieh, Chi Hung Unknown Date (has links)
縱觀台灣過去產業發展史,多數公司由代工起家,歷經多年的經驗,擁有優異的生產製造能力。當中國大陸躍升為世界工廠後,其低廉的生產成本競爭優勢,讓外國的大廠趨之若鶩,於是台灣企業開始思考如何不再靠賺取微薄代工利潤來經營,而是藉由自創品牌來提升自己的競爭力。然而,自創品牌的想法固然不錯,但是能夠真正將品牌經營成功的企業卻是少數。其中,台灣製鞋業受到中國大陸低廉的生產成本所影響,導致許多製鞋廠倒閉或是轉往其他國家設廠以求生存。本研究的個案對象就是當初因成本壓力,因而前往中國大陸設廠的製鞋企業─達芙妮。 本研究文獻探討著重在三個部分:品牌、代工與自創品牌、策略行銷4C理論。利用邱志聖(2006)策略行銷4C的四大構面:外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本及專屬陷入成本,來研究中國大陸女鞋領導品牌達芙妮。本研究將達芙妮的發展軌跡分為五階段,分別為全代工、品牌草創、自建通路、品牌滲透、品牌擴張等五個時期。透過策略行銷4C架構,分析各階段具體作為的策略意涵,並歸納各階段發展的側重點,研究實務個案與理論架構之異同。 本研究歸納出以下結論:一、全代工時期的關鍵在於解決外顯單位效益成本。達芙妮透過及早轉移生產基地,降低生產成本,成功獲得客戶的訂單;二、品牌自創時期的關鍵在於解決資訊搜尋成本。達芙妮藉由舉辦展銷會與積極參展,成功吸引通路商願意銷售產品給最終消費者;三、品牌自建通路期的關鍵在於解決資訊搜尋成本。達芙妮減少透過通路商銷售,而是靠自建通路直接與最終消費者接觸。四、品牌滲透期的關鍵在於解決外顯單位效益成本與資訊搜尋成本。達芙妮透過建立配銷中心、整合設計團隊及密集展店方式,達到深耕市場的目標。五、品牌擴張期的關鍵在於解決外顯單位效益成本。將自己定位於流行產業的達芙妮,提供多樣化產品滿足消費者日新月異的需求。 關鍵字:代工、自創品牌、策略行銷4C / When viewing industry development history in Taiwan, most companies started from original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and have developed manufacturing capability. When China became world factories because of its low cost competitive advantage, a lot of companies transferred their factories to China. As a result, Taiwan’s companies started to change the business model from OEM to OBM to earn more profit. Many companies in Taiwan’s shoe industry were impacted by low cost competitive advantage in China, and thus they went into bankruptcy or transferred factories to other countries to survive. The case “DAPHNE” in the study was the shoe company pressured by production cost and transferred factories to China at that time. Literature review in the study has three parts: brand, OEM&OBM, Strategic Marketing 4C theory. Utilizing Chiu’s (2006) Strategic Marketing 4C framework examines China leading female shoe company DAPHNE. The study separates development track of DAPHNE into five stages: OEM, brand introduction, construction of stores, brand penetration, brand expansion. Using Strategic Marketing 4C framework understands strategic meaning in key strategies, summarizes key action in each stage, and examines the difference between reality and theory. The research shows following conclusions: First, the key success factor in OEM stage is that DAPHNE transferred its factories as soon as possible to decline production cost to get orders; Second, the key success factor in brand introduction stage is that DAPHNE attracted dealer by holding trade fairs to sell products to end users; third, the key success factor in construction of stores is that DAPHNE built direct selling stores to communicate with end users; fourth, the key success factor in brand penetration is that DAPHNE built distributor centers, integrated design teams, and expanded stores intensively to penetrate China market; fifth, the key success factor in brand expansion is that DAPHNE provided various products to fulfill consumers’ diverse demands. Key Words: OEM, OBM, Strategic Marketing 4C

如何運用4C概念 建立男性化妝品品牌 / How to establish men’s cosmetic brand by utilizing 4C framework

黃正豪, Huang, Cheng Hao Unknown Date (has links)
男性的零售市場一直比女性消費市場小許多,除了中國大陸的男士高級腕表及高級男士西服,以送禮為導向,所以得到高成長,但在2013年禁奢令之後,這兩種市場也急遽下滑。 但是男性化妝品去在全球市場大量成長,但是因為基期太小,許多市場仍集中在開架式較為低價的範圍,所以對於專櫃高形象的市場一直是十分匱乏,因此這一塊處女市場,存在成長的空間,但是如何建立,或是市場品牌定位,便是值得探討研究的商機。 而在網路爆炸的時代,各品牌所面臨行銷困境是如何利用有限資源進行有效益的行銷方式,而一般的行銷模式及4P (product、price、place、promotion) 架構顯然已經面臨瓶頸,4C理論架構是針對消費者外顯及內隱4大成本與消費者進行成本交換,由交易成本的觀點切入市場行銷面市場=人口+購買力+購買慾望,購買欲望是指消費者購買商品或服務的動機、願望和要求,是由消費者心理需求和生理需求引發的。產生購買欲望是消費者將潛在購買力轉化為現實購買力的必要條件。而這也呼應4C的3個內隱成本針對動機、願望和要求的消費者交易。 因此對一個新市場-----男性化妝品市場,運用新的4C行銷理論架構,而非傳統由行銷環境分析“STP行銷策略”行銷工具,所衍伸的方式,兩者有相當值得探究的角度。 透過4C 觀念在建立男性品牌時,可以清楚了解在不同區塊如何減低消費者購買成本,也幫助投入資本發揮最大效用,並且更容易檢視其成效,建立有效益的消費者溝通行銷,由第一印象的產品定位外顯效益成本到最深入忠實客戶專屬陷入,能夠全方位的清楚策略及檢視,這也是本論文所要闡述的意義。 / Men’s retail market is much smaller than woman retail market. Expect in China market, due to present behavior for business concern. Luxury watch and high level suits got explosive growth. However after the announcement sumptuary laws in 2013, those two market had drop rapidly. But there is great growth in men’s cosmetic global market. The base is small, so platform of most markets are still focus on mass market. It is lack of department store counter market for men’s product. It is a virgin market which exist space for growth. How to establish and brand position is a great business opportunity to discovery. We are in an era of internet information explosion. How to utilize limited resources to execute an effective marketing promotion are dilemmas for all brands. General marketing pattern and 4P structure obviously are facing bottleneck. Through cost of exchange point of view to cut in marketing by theory of 4C structure which is exchange the cost with consumer base on the 4 cost of explicit and implicit (overt cost per utility、buyer cost of information searching、 buyer cost of moral hazard、 buyer cost of holdup). Market= Population+ Purchasing power+ Purchasing desire. Purchasing desire is motivation, wishes, demands when consumer purchases product or service. It is stir by consumer mental and physical needs. To create purchasing desire is that consumer can transform potential purchase power become sufficient condition. It is to respond to 3 implicit cost of 4C theory which related to consumers trade by motivation, wishes, demand. Though to a new market----- men’s cosmetic market, we can use a new 4C theory structure, not only through traditional STP marketing strategy. There should be a good angle to probe for both men’s market and new 4C theories. Using 4C theory to establish men’s brand, it can create clear picture how to reduce consumer purchase cost in difference area. It also brings the investment into full play, as well as easy to inspect the result. An effective marketing communication to customers also can be well built. From the first impression of product position base on overt cost per utility to the deepest buyer cost of holdup of loyal customers it all can get clear strategy and viewing in full angles. It is a spirit of this thesis.

台灣液晶電視代工廠商的發展策略-以4C架構分析 / The competitive strategies of the LCD TV OEM/ODM companies in Taiwan - analysis by 4C structure

陳正昌 Unknown Date (has links)
在節能、無輻射、高解析度、更具時尚的設計等優勢下,全球液晶電視取代傳統CRT電視的趨勢已經愈來愈明顯,各液晶電視品牌電視大廠對於委外生產的比例亦逐年提高。因此吸引了台灣許多廠商爭相跨足液晶電視代工的行列。 在發展液晶電視代工的廠商中,本研究針對廠商的特性將發展液晶電視的代工廠商歸類傳統家電廠、面板廠、筆記型電腦代工廠、監視器專業製造廠商四大類。本研究以邱志聖教授的策略行銷4C架構來分析這四類製造廠商的發展演進,並對這四類製造廠商未來發展提出看法,以做為液晶電視代工業者未來擬定策略的參考方向。 / With the advantages of less energy consumption and radiation, higher resolution, good looking in design, the trend that LCD TV replaces traditional CRT TV is very obvious. In the mean time, the outsourcing percentage for brand name customer is also getting higher and higher. Therefore, many manufacturing companies in Taiwan are aggressive to put their resources in this competition in order to get more outsourcing LCD TV order. The companies involving the LCD TV OEM/ODM can be divided by Home Appliance companies、panel makers、notebook OEM manufacturers and monitor OEM manufacturers. In this research, systematic analysis is done based on “Strategic Marketing Analysis” for the four kinds of companies. Hope it can provide some good information and reference to those companies when developing their LCD TV OEM/ODM strategy in the future.

台灣自製線上遊戲之競爭力分析:4C架構觀點 / Taiwan Self-Developed Online Game Competitive Analysis:4C

柯淑芬, Ko,Cally Unknown Date (has links)
過去,玩線上遊戲被視為「非正當娛樂」,尤其是流連於網路咖啡店更被污名化為墮落的象徵,與健康正常的休閒娛樂完全劃不上等號。但是近年來,由於線上遊戲的內容的大幅擴展到各族群,如家庭婦女、一般上班族等。隨著大幅流行與被接受,線上遊戲已經去污名化。現在線上遊戲幾乎已經成為一般家庭中最普遍的休閒娛樂了。線上遊戲產業自2000年開始萌芽以來已經成為網際網路商業環境中主要的產業之一。 儘管自製線上遊戲產業的成長快速且具有吸引力。 經濟景氣循環是機會也是挑戰。世界經濟景氣是一個循環,在經歷不景氣後,必然會開始反轉,台灣市場的景氣也回暖。不景氣讓更多人接觸到線上遊戲,使整體玩家人數變多,因此線上遊戲產業之總體營收還是增加。 本研究是以自製線上遊戲市場為主體,以策略行銷4C理論為基礎,包括:外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本、專屬陷入成本分析(邱志聖2006),分析台灣自製線上遊戲業者(以A公司為例),如何有效運用策略行銷4C理論以取得市場的優勢。

消費者對手機遊戲之忠誠度之影響因素探討 / Influential factors of consumer loyalty for mobile games

李婉瑜, Lee, Wan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣消費者智慧型手機使用時間的拉長,手機遊戲產業也隨之快速成長,而本研究欲探討消費者對手機遊戲之忠誠度的影響因素,換言之,哪些因素會影響消費者持續使用手機遊戲的意願。   本研究參考過去的文獻資料,並引用邱志聖(2014)策略行銷分析理論,整理出十二項影響因子:「人機互動」、「社交互動」、「實用主義結果期望」、「享樂主義結果期望」、「信任」、「同儕影響」、「使用知識的專屬資產」、「心理層面的認同」、「感知結合型社會資本」、「感知橋接型社會資本」、「流暢經驗」與「態度」,探討各個因子是否對消費者忠誠度有所影響。而研究結果顯示,消費者在人機互動和社交互動皆對流暢經驗有顯著且正面的影響,而享樂主義結果期望、信任、使用知識的專屬資產和心理層面的認同皆對態度有顯著且正面的影響,然感知結合型社會資本對態度的結果顯著但呈現負向關係。而流暢經驗、實用主義結果期望、同儕影響和感知橋接型社會資本對態度的影響因結果不顯著,因此無法有效推論這五個構面的假設。而態度、同儕影響、使用知識的專屬資產和心理層面的認同皆對忠誠度有顯著且正面的影響。然流暢經驗、信任、感知結合型社會資本和感知橋接型社會資本對忠誠度的影響因結果不顯著,因此無法有效推論這四個構面的假設。   本研究亦進一步闡述研究結論背後的行銷意涵,廠商可根據此建議而調整自己未來的行銷策略,進而達到提高消費者忠誠度之目標。 / With the usage time extension of smartphones in Taiwan, mobile gaming industry will grow rapidly. This study wants to explore factors influencing consumer loyalty of mobile games. In other words, this study would reveal factors which affect consumers to continue to use mobile games. Referring to the past literatures and citing the 4C Exchange Cost Theory, this study sorts out 12 factors: Human-Computer Interaction, Social Interaction, Utilitarian Outcome Expectations, Hedonic Outcome Expectations, Trust, Peer Influence, Exclusive Asset of Use Knowledge, Psychological Identity, Perceived Bonding Social Capital, Perceived Bridging Social Capital, Flow Experience and Attitude. According to the research result, both Human-Computer Interaction and Social Interaction have a significant and positive impact on Flow Experience. Hedonic Outcome Expectations, Trust, Exclusive Asset of Use Knowledge and Psychological Identity have a significant and positive impact on Attitude. But Perceived Bonding Social Capital has a significant and negative impact on Attitude. Flow Experience, Utilitarian Outcome Expectations, Peer Influence and Perceived Bridging Social Capital have no significant impact on Attitude. Furthermore, Attitude, Peer Influence, Exclusive Asset of Use Knowledge and Psychological Identity have a significant and positive impact on Loyalty. However, Flow Experience, Trust, Perceived Bonding Social Capital and Perceived Bridging Social Capital have no significant impact on Loyalty. This study also proposes the marketing implications behind the research findings. Manufacturers of mobile games can adjust their marketing strategies to achieve the goal of enhancing consumer loyalty in the future.

Možnosti expanze tuzemské společnosti do zahraničí / Possibilities of a Domestic Company Expansion Abroad

Svobodová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the evaluation of the opportunity of a small Czech brewery to enter the market in the United Kingdom. To analyze the environment and the situation in the United Kingdom is used 4C method, which is aimed to explore the UK market in terms of national characteristics, customers, competitors and costs. After that on the basis of this analysis to evaluate, or recommend a brewery expansion into the UK market.

Non-Invasive PAOD (Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease) Screen Instrument Marketing Strategy and Integrated Strategy Study ¡V for Company A

CHEN-JUNG, YANG, 10 July 2012 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to find the relationship between PAOD (Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease) and the major human diseases based on various statistics and literatures. The findings will facilitate the promotion of PAOD instrument at district clinics and hospitals where health and hygiene lessons are taught, these lessons will instruct people the idea of ¡¥prevention is better than cure¡¦ and ¡¥early discover early cure¡¦ on PAOD. Through analysis of data collected from hospital questionnaires to find an effective marketing strategy of universal installation of PAOD instrument which will make it more popular and convenient to screen potential PAOD patients and to realize the idea of ¡¥early discover early cure¡¦. Another approach of this study will focus on marketing strategy and corporate wide management strategy, the methods applied such as: 1. STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) marketing strategy 2. 4P (Product¡BPrice¡BPlace¡BPromote) theory, definition, features, advantages and disadvantages. 3. 4C (Customer benefit¡BCost to customer¡BConvenience¡BCommunication) theory, definition, features, advantages and disadvantages. 4. The comparisons and crossed applications of 4P and 4C theory. 5. Vertical integration strategy. Through the above methods and the analysis of PAOD questionnaires, it decides a marketing strategy and execution approach. Besides, according to the current industry environment and health insurance system, this paper gives practical advices to company ¡¥A¡¦ facing exit strategy. In an era of extremely competitive of free market, how to customize products, to differentiate services, to increase the customer loyalty and to buildup good brand image are the cores of competition to a company. Based on the result of this study, it purposes company ¡¥A¡¦ the short, medium and long term running plan individually. The core of the best marketing strategy always considers the highest guideline ¡¥the needs and benefits of customers¡¦. For a company, besides its profits consideration for continuous operation, how to step into a virtuous cycle which constantly puts the benefits of customers (such as hospitals, clinics, and patients) as its first priority is the major topic of sustainability and differentiation. Key words: PAOD¡ASTP marketing strategy¡A4P theory¡A4C theory¡Avertical integration

社會企業資源及生態系統的發展:以台灣社企流為例 / The Development of Social Enterprises Resources and Eco-system: Take Social Enterprise Insights, Taiwan for example

邱韻華 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,社會企業(Social Enterprise)與社會創業(Social Entrepreneurship)在全球形成一股風潮,這場新的公民自覺與自發的運動,不但模糊了社會與企業的界限、轉化了非營利組織的思維,甚至改變了政府的公共政策。社會企業在國際間(尤其是英、美、南亞等國家)已被證明為一個可擴張與永續經營的商業模式,更提升了社會公益組織的財務自主性。 當社會企業領域擁有足夠數量的創業家後,其他各種資源也會陸續出現、提供「後勤補給」給在第一線解決社會問題的創業家們。這些社會企業生態系中的資源大致可分為四大角色:概念推廣、社群建立、財務支持、及能力建置。一個擁有各項資源的的生態系統,才可加速社會企業的形成與擴展,提升社會創業家的執行力。 在台灣,社會企業生態系尚未健全,個案公司-社企流於2012年2月正式創立,在台灣致力於推廣、連結並支持社會創業,以達成社企流的願景:成為打造美好世界的行動引擎。創立至今,社企流透過三階段的發展,橫跨生態系多種角色:(1)作為「知識中心」,透過網站內容與出版物為讀者彙整社會創新與社會企業相關資訊,從最新趨勢、案例分析、到各方觀點與評論都一應俱全,降低讀者搜尋成本;(2)作為「交流中心」,透過舉辦論壇、實用工作坊、多元小學堂、與知性小沙龍等活動,讓有志投入社會企業的人不僅吸收知識,也能彼此結識,串連台灣社會企業人脈與資源;(3)社企流最新成立的「育成中心」,匯聚各項創業所需資源,支持社企創業家把點子化為行動,創造社會與環境的正向改變。 本研究透過陳威如與余卓軒(2013)所著的《平台革命》一書中的分析架構,辨識出社企流在三個階段分別接觸的五大利害關係人(價值交換對象),以及平台的商業模式分析。進而,利用邱志聖(2005)的策略行銷4C探討社企流和各價值交換對象之間的關係,以及交換對象彼此之間的關係。最後總結,社企流為持續擴大影響力,達到「推廣、連結並支持社會創業的使命」,應致力於學者和讀者之網路效應,並注重贊助企業的C4和創業者的C3,如此一來,社企流的平台模式將更完整,和各價值交換對象之關係也更緊密、不可取代。

The Effects Of Four Different Strategies Of Information Presentation I

Tsai, Ming-Hsu 01 January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether learners' computer self-efficacy and prior computer knowledge influence their performance and satisfaction when presented with various instructional strategies of information presentation in computer-based software training. Seventy-eight undergraduate students were randomly assigned into four groups (a) deductive-inquisitory, which present general information first and then require learner to generates examples, (b) deductive-expository, which present general information first then present examples, (c) inductive-inquisitory, which present examples first and then require learners to discover relationship, (d) inductive-expository, which present examples first then present general information. The instructional materials were computer-based Netscape Composer 7.1 tutorials. For the comparison of inductive-inquisitory and inductive-expository groups, results indicated that learners with higher computer self-efficacy not only performed better but also were more satisfied towards inductive-inquisitory strategy for information presentation. Learners with low computer self-efficacy benefited more from the inductive-expository approach of information presentation. Furthermore, for the comparison of deductive-expository and inductive-expository groups, learners with high computer self-efficacy performed better in deductive-expository strategy, while learners with low computer self-efficacy benefited more in inductive-expository strategy. Some of the research recommendations for further research included using a larger sample size for the generality of the finding, measuring how different instructional strategies influence the learners' long term memory, and exploring other possible moderating factors and other strategies for information presentation that has positive impact on learners' performance in and satisfaction towards computer based software training.

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