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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

用4C行銷分析產業競爭力- 以金萬林公司為例 / Industrial Competitiveness for 4C marketing analysis- Kim Forest's Case

陳惠娥 Unknown Date (has links)

網路旅行社策略行銷分析—以E公司為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis of Online Travel Agency: A Case Study of E Company

陳肇豐 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著消費型態的改變與休閒旅遊意識的提升,台灣民眾對於休閒活動和外出旅遊的意願和重視的程度,亦隨之提升。同時,智慧型手持裝置和行動網路亦日漸普及,越來越多消費者,傾向於透過內建的應用程式,進行資訊的分享、搜尋和購買,而各種國內外旅遊相關產品業者更是在這樣的風潮下,紛紛投入台灣市場,在提供消費者獲得資訊和購買產品更多元的管道同時,增加了旅遊相關產品的市場競爭程度。 本研究透過訪談、相關文獻與資料的蒐集,以及策略行銷架構—4C理論分析全球最大網路旅行社業者之一的E公司,如何透過降低消費者在策略行銷架構的各種成本,成為獲得顧客青睞的專業網路旅行社業者,分析結果如下: 一、消費者在網路上購買旅遊相關產品時,除了考量到其方便性、及時性,以及產品內容外,大多會考量是否能透過網路購買獲得相關的優惠與折扣,進而選擇網路旅行社業者所提供的產品組合或套裝行程。 二、消費者在網路上購買旅遊相關產品時,對於資訊搜尋具有相當程度差異,網路旅行社業者透過完整的資訊揭露,以及提供產品相關保證和售後服務,有效的降低了消費者的資訊搜尋成本和道德風險成本。 三、透過完善的資訊管理系統和會員制度的建立,消費者的專屬陷入成本隨著其購買次數增加而不斷提升,讓消費者不易轉移至其他競爭業者。

4C理論在民生消費用品的應用-以家用清潔品為例 / Strategic Marketing - 4C theory in FMCG industry

陳貴明, Chen, Kuei Ming Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 現今,消費者健康意識與環保概念的抬頭,已深入到每一個產品。只要會影響家人健康、個人安全的,消費者都會用最嚴厲的標準去檢視每一個產品的規格。且在守護家人的條件下,也開始進行舉手之勞做環保,為地球的未來盡一份心力。這樣的行為,在家用清潔品品類裡,儼然已成為趨勢。所有家用清潔品品牌的訴求,在過去的時代多以強調清潔功能為主,以洗衣粉為例,講的是去汙力強、鮮豔潔白等純粹產品功能。但現在的品牌操作,卻改以天然議題為主,強調清潔用品的成分為天然成分,不傷手,環保健康。 為什麼這個趨勢會越來越明顯?消費者已經逐漸意識到,家用清潔品的化學毒物殘留,對人體的傷害與環境的破壞,更甚於空氣汙染等議題。尤其家中有嬰幼兒的家庭,父母親對小孩用品的選擇,一定以天然為考量,深怕化學產品對人體帶來負面的影響。或者家中有寵物者,也擔心石化產品對寵物產生健康問題。本研究利用新品牌上市的過程為個案,進行整體天然家用清潔品與石化產品的認識與了解。 藉由新品牌上市的個案,本研究針對家用清潔品市場進行整體探討,除就目前整體市場進行分析與評估外,分析闡述天然家用清潔品與石化產品的差異性,更藉由4C行銷策略分析架構,研究天然產品與石化產品在行銷上的策略差異、通路結構的變化與趨勢、產品品類的消長與未來的趨勢等,從靜態與動態雙方面考量可能的市場變化與消費者需求,進而找出最適當的操作模式與策略建議。 此外,一般行銷人員慣於使用傳統行銷思維模式去找出整體新品牌的上市策略,包含了產品定位、市場區隔等,進而從產品面(4P)進行規劃,這樣的思維與策略操作較偏向製造者的角度,容易忽略消費者的需求。又或者單純從消費者端思考出發,卻忽略了產品本身的可控性。4C策略行銷分析以消費者的需求為背景之方式,從製造商的成本角度切入,討論消費者之餘製造商的成本交換關係,這些關係包含了產品、資訊、道德危機、忠誠度等,每個環節都有絕對的關連性,與傳統行銷人員慣用的策略分析有一定的差異。 透過本研究發現,行銷人員在思考品牌操作時,可有不同的思維邏輯,更靈活的方式導出最適當的品牌策略。也藉此研究的發現,對Y公司所上市之A品牌進行後續階段之行銷操作提出建議。


羅小蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
i. 本論文在第一章緒論將介紹研究動機、研究目的、研究範疇及 研究對象。 ii. 第二章將介紹本論文之行銷分析理論。 iii. 第三章將自總體環境、國內證券投資信託產業現況及採用「STP」理 論進行國內證券投資信託業之市場分析。 iv. 第四章將採用「行銷4P」理論說明國內證券投資信託基金及基金市 場現況。 v. 第五章~第八章將分別透過「交易成本4C」理論,逐項檢驗本土與外 資證券投資信託業者在國內基金市場之競爭優劣勢。 第九章將歸納整理第四章~第八章本土與外資證券投資信託業者在國內基金市場之4P與4C競爭分析及建議。

數位產品的通路服務需求與創新服務模式之研究 / Research for digital product's channel service demand and innovative service model

金學宗, Hank Jim Unknown Date (has links)
本研究回顧過去「資訊通路」相關研究發現,主要集中在幾個議題,例如:經營或競爭策略、通路管理、產品訂價模式、顧客忠誠度、通路服務品質、供應商關係管理、或個案公司之研究;而回顧關於「技術採用生命週期」與「跨越鴻溝」相關研究較少且多集中於高科技技術,如LED、IC設計、網站平台..或個案產品之研究,如iPod、筆記型電腦、電子書、網路電視..等。且大部研究的探討範圍較缺乏以產業角度研究數位產品之相關通路服務需求;且並未發現根據Geoffrey A . Moore(1991)跨越鴻溝一書所論述「高科技行銷通路」理論之提出有效履行「完整產品」之實務架構並進行可行性研究。   就實務面觀察,多數創新數位產品在通路推展成功機率很低且擴散速度緩慢,因此本研究針對影響數位產品成敗因素分為企業內部因素、外在環境因素與通路因素三部分,並針對品牌原廠非完全可控制之通路因素進行深入分析研究。關研究方法方面,本研究以通路服務業觀點先探討數位產品的演進趨勢對消費者與品牌原廠通路服務需求的影響,接著探討消費者與品牌原廠對現有主要數位產品通路型態之滿意度分析,找出「市場需求缺口」是否存在與各項服務需求與滿意度(放心度)之差異程度;再進一步驗證本研究提出創新服務模式-「官網下單&透過區域專業經銷商交貨」之適用性與滿意度改善之比較。本研究進一步分析可能影響各項通路服務需求與滿意度的因素,包括消費者類型與品牌原廠類型。   經過資料分析,本研究的主要研究結果有五點,包括:消費者與品牌原廠之通路服務需求的確存在且被數位產品的演進所影響、不同類型消費者會影響對通路服務需求與通路型態的放心程度、不同類型品牌原廠影響對通路服務需求的程度不大;但會影響推展新產品初期通路選擇之策略、創新通路服務模式(官網下單&透過區域專業經銷商交貨) 符合消費者與品牌原廠需求並提升滿意度、數位產品之採用生命週期曲線之「鴻溝現象」仍然存在,且與Geoffrey A . Moore(1991)之技術採用生命週期曲線之結構有所不同。 根據上述的研究結果,本研究提出下列建議給予實務界參考: 一、對數位產品通路服務公司:跳脫「競爭」與「去服務化」思維,以實際市場需求出發以建構企業價值鏈與提升附加價值、 有效整合數量龐大區域加值經銷商的在地力量建構「售後服務」機制、優先建構「導入時效」通路價值鏈。二、對創新數位產品之品牌原廠:運用創新通路服務模式彌補目前面臨通路服務滿意度之落差、以官網發展虛實整合的創新通路服務模式較可滿足消費者需求。 / In this study, we have reviewed the existing thesis and research about keyword of IT channel and found that focused on several issues , such as: business or competitive strategy, channel management, product pricing model, customer loyalty, channel service quality, supplier relationship management, or the case company the study; About the number of existing thesis and research of "technology adoption life cycle" and "Crossing the Chasm" is rare and found that more concentrated in high technology product, such as LED, IC design, web platform .. or some case studies, such as iPod, notebook, e-books, network TV .. and so on. And lack of research to explore the issue of digital products industry ‘s real demand for channel services; and we have not found according to the theory of "high-tech marketing channel" discussed by the book of Geoffrey A. Moore’s "Crossing the Chasm" to proposed the effective implementation architecture of "whole product" and do some research. Through the observations of the practical , most innovative digital products is very low probability of success in channel marketing and spread slowly, so the study of divided the success or failure factors of digital products into three parts,including business internal factors, external environmental factors and channel factors, and in this study focus and analysis depthly to the channel factor that the brand company ‘s non-completely control . About research methods, this research study first the impact of channel service demand of the consumers and brand company by evolution of digital products through channel service’s viewpoint. Then we analysis the the satisfaction of consumer and brand company to existing major channels of digital products to identify "market demand gap" and the difference degree between the service needs and satisfaction (comfort level); further validate the applicability and satisfaction improvement degree of the innovative service model - "place orders on the official website and delivery goods through the regional dealer in relatived field" . This study further analyzed the various factors that may affect the service needs and satisfaction, including types of consumers and the types of brand company. After data analysis, the main findings of this study have five points, including: The demand of consumer and the brand company for channel services are affected by the evolution of digital products; The demand for channel services and comfort level will be affected by the different types of consumers;The demand for channel services won’t be affected by the different types of brand company, but the choice of the initial channel strategy will be affected by the different types of brand company;The innovative service model - "place orders on the official website and delivery goods through the regional dealer in relatived field" can meet the demend and improve satisfaction of the customer and brand company;The " Chasm phenomenon" of " the digital product adoption life cycle curve " still exists, and different with the structure of Geoffrey A. Moore (1991) of the technology life-cycle curve . Based on the above findings, this study proposes to practitioners the following recommendations: First, for channel services company of digital products: Give up "competition" and "off service" thinking t o construct the enterprise value chain and value- up by actual market demand;To integrate the huge forces of local value-added- reseller to construct the "after-sale- service" mechanism;Give the high priority to construct the value chain of "Time to market". Second, for the brand company of digital product : Take advantage with the innovative service model - "place orders on the official website and delivery goods through the regional dealer in relatived field" to make up for the satisfaction of the channel service;To create the innovation virtual-physical- channel service model by the official website to meet consumer demand.

系統整合商專案服務失敗因子探討與防範 / Research of failure factors and prevention in SI Project Services

黃茂榮, Huang, Mao Jung Unknown Date (has links)
在國際競爭日趨激烈的現今,有少數本土系統整合商(SI)的業務範疇已開始跨國發展,但在專案管理範疇有些仍未建立相關的架構與方法論來執行專案服務的業務。 本研究針對國內某一系統整合商的三個專案服務的個案中,發現專案不成功的原因,除了在〝開發導入階段〞的執行過程,未能善於應用PMI提出的九大知識領域與五大流程外,在專案成案之前的〝機會登錄階段〞與〝競標與簽約階段〞可能就已經鑄下不可挽救的專案失敗因子。因此本研究透過廣義的專案生命週期與策略行銷4C理論為架構,抽絲剝繭找出造成專案失敗的關鍵失敗因子,並針對失敗因子提供一些防範的建議,希望能協助國內的系統整合商,在提供專案服務時不致重蹈覆轍,讓每一個所提供的專案服務,都能有一定的品質,且順利成功,獲取該有的利潤。 關鍵字:專案管理,系統整合商,失敗因子,廣義專案生命週期,策略行銷4C理論,PMI,九大知識領域,五大流程。

中小企業如何在與國際大廠的競爭下,進入新市場之策略---以A公司切入大陸風電複合材料行業為例 / The new market entry strategy for a small / medium enterprise to compete with international enterprises --- example: A company penetrates into (composites solution for) China Wind Energy Industry

林雍堯, Yung Yao Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以中國大陸從2005 年到2010年的風力發電之複合材料葉片產業為背景,討論A公司如何從其原來所屬的防腐蝕複合材料行業,跨入一個完全不同應用的風力葉片複合材料行業。於產業進入過程中,有三家迥然不同規模、屬性、企業文化的企業,於過去數年在大陸市場的競爭為研究範疇。 而在這一市場中依其資本來源,可概分為外資、國企與民企三大類,而因著資本來源不同導致其管理團隊與決策模式,有著極大的差異,因此對交易過程的四種成本亦有相當大的認知與評價差異。而這三家競爭廠商於面對不同客戶屬性時,如何依據其個別公司的不同市場地位、公司資源與技術能量,而採行的市場競爭策略。 A公司於競爭初期,利用其既有的品牌知名度、人脈與通路,以降低C2為第一要務,而後利用C2在地優勢與國際原料大廠建立策略聯盟,產生C1的競爭優勢。進一步利用C1優勢降低客戶C3,隨著個案的增加,增強與上游供應鏈的談判力量,再回頭去強化C1的競爭優勢,以本研究所處的市場,所有的競爭最後都還是回到C1的競爭。並對未來的發展提出如何增強各個成本構面的建議,與提升公司淨利的建議。 / The background of this study is based on the wind blade industry of wind turbine from year 2005 till year 2010 in mainland China. We try to analysis how the company A crosses into an entire new industry – wind blade composites from their original anti-corrosion application. And the scope of this study based on these three enterprises with complete different scales, categories and cultures how to compete in mainland China wind blade composites industry in the past 5 years. We may distinguish those customers into three types based on their different capital compose: foreign enterprise, state own company and private company. Due to the different capital compose, it cause quite obvious difference between the business philosophy of the management team and decision model. It also caused huge difference in recognition and evaluation of four kinds of transaction cost. Those three major suppliers how to take different compete strategies when they are facing different customer attributes based on their own corporate market position, company resources and technology. At the very beginning stage, company A leverages its original brand name, connections and channels in composites industry to lower its C2 as first priority. And then company A tries to build the strategic alliances with those global material suppliers to create the compettive advantage of C1. The further step is to reduce customers’ C3 through its C1 advantage. The more customers company A gets, the more bargain power she has with her supplier chain and then she could strengthen her own C1 competitive strength. The most fundamental competition is always backing to C1 competition in wind blade composite section of wind energy industry in China.


郭淑儀, Kuo,Anita Shu Yi Unknown Date (has links)
台灣資訊服務業的興起,係源自於企業需要資訊服務以解決重複性作業及複雜的管理面問題,以及過去外商進入台灣市場促成產業的競爭發展。台灣資訊服務業者普遍存在有營運資本小、資源有限、產業鏈分工界線不明確的先天體質問題,又同時面臨內需市場小、進入障礙低、競爭者眾之環境面挑戰,在對外開拓國際市場時,又得面對瞬息萬變的環境競爭因素。 資通訊科技服務係為國家基礎建設,資通訊服務是伴隨著商業應用需求而來。繼電子、資訊及通訊產品發展成為占有台灣高達3成外銷比重之後,政府已將資訊服務業列入重點推動產業,期許能在既有的硬體產業優勢下,結合資訊服務業者於軟體質量的提升,打造台灣核心競爭優勢。尤其是資訊服務產業中占比重最高之系統整合業者,應如何建立核心競爭優勢,推出具競爭力的產品服務,建立與產業客戶的長期合作關係,並確保在利基市場上的交易競爭優勢,以求獲利與永續經營發展,是值得關切的議題。 本論文分析架構係以交易成本理論和策略行銷4C理論為基礎,以A公司個案分析為主軸。透過探討A公司發展歷程中如何建立4C行銷策略優勢,包括如何降低客戶之C1:外顯單位效益成本、C2:資訊搜尋成本、C3:道德危機成本,以及運用C4:專屬陷入成本等,以建立市場行銷優勢,並運用4C優勢,建立良性之4C循環,以求長期經營發展。A公司之行銷策略將可提供類似規模與背景的資訊服務業者參考之用。 研究分析A公司個案後,發現其4C循環策略為,建立C1優勢加強競爭力,藉由與C3優勢強者合作拓展通路以降低C2,在客戶端建立有利的C3和C4,並為符合客戶之C1需求,再強化C1之產品效用,建立更強的C3和C4;但其中最為注重C1,因為C1是競爭力的來源,是構成其他3個C的支撐點。 朝聚焦策略發展,並做好基礎技術研發和國際品質認證等基本功;對產品有明確之STP(Segmentation, Target, Positioning),並掌握市場動向之洞察力(street-smart insight),以對的產品切入對的市場(do it right),形成有利的4C循環,才能夠維持優於同業之表現。並在穩健創新經營原則下,掌握利基市場,因時因地制宜的運用4C行銷策略,才能確保4C競爭優勢。 / The advancement of Taiwan IT services is derived from the business needs for information service to solve duplicate activities and complicate management problems, and also contributed by the industrial competitions from foreign IT service companies’ entering Taiwan market. In Taiwan IT service industry there widely exist endowment problems like small operation capital, limited resources, vague supply chains, etc., and environmental challenges, such as the small domestic market, low industrial barrier, furious competitions, etc., and furthermore, there are changeable competition factors in exploring international markets. ICT services are the fundamental national infrastructure, and are accompanied by business application needs. As we know, electronic, information and communication products account for more than 30% of Taiwan exports. After this, with the expectation to create the core competitive strength for Taiwan, IT service industry is one of the key promotion targets chosen by the government, to combine the current hardware industrial strength with the upgrade of software quality and volume. Especially for system integration services, the majority type of IT service industry, it is always worthy to study how to build up its core competence, launch competitive product services, and establish long-term relationship with customers to ensure transaction strength in the niche market, gain profits and sustain for long. The research is based on the analysis framework of transaction cost theory, and strategic marketing 4C theory. The case study:Company A is the axis. By researching the development of Company A, to find how it can accumulate 4C strength, including how to lower customers’ external cost on utility, cost of information searches, cost of moral hazards, and better use cost of assets specificity to enter positive 4C cycles in the long run. Its marketing strategy can be used as a reference for the similar IT service companies. The finding of Company A’s 4C cycles is that, build up C1 power to strengthen its competitiveness, by alliance with C3 power enabled partners to lower C2, and establish customers positive C3 and C4. In the meantime, in accordance with the customer’s C1 needs to enforce the utility of C1, there is C3 and C4 competitiveness strengthened furthermore. Above all, it is suggested to focus on C1, and be aware that C1 is the source of competitiveness, and the leverage of other 3Cs. Deploy focus strategy, and elaborate the basic techniques of fundamental technology research and international quality assurance, with specific product STP(Segmentation, Target, Positioning), street-smart insight and do-it-right, will form positive 4C cycles, which can result in better performance in the industry. Under the stable, innovative operation principles, catch niche markets and use strategic marketing 4C deliberately to ensure 4C competitive strength.

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