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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gaius Marius : a political biography

Evans, Richard J., 1954- 01 1900 (has links)
The political career of Gaius Marius (ca. 157-86 BC}, which spans the years between 120 and 86 BC, was memorable not only for its unprecedented personal and public triumphs, but was also of momentous significance in the whole history of the Roman Republic. At precisely the time that Marius achieved a supreme position in the state, the military might of the Romans, hitherto invincible at least in fairly recent times (second century}, had been dealt a series of humiliating setbacks abroad. Firstly, in North Africa by a rather minor despot, Jugurtha the king of Numidia. Secondly, much closer to home in Illyria and in southern Gaul by the migrating Germanic tribes, the Cimbri and the Teutones. Against this background of quite unremitting disaster, Marius obtained a place in republican political life which had not been witnessed before. In his pursuit of senatorial offices, Marius initially experienced both victories and disappointments (success in the tribunician elections but failure in elections for the aedileship) before finally winning the prestigious consulship in the elections held in 108. Thereafter, he was consul a further six times, and five of these consulships were held in successive years between 104 and 100. Just as he was dominant on the field of battle against the Numidians and the Germanic tribes, so, too, did he control the politics of the city during the decade from 108 to 99: The chapters which follow below set out to trace Marius' long rise to preeminence, his contribution to the intricate tribunician legislation of the period in which he flourished and, moreover, his involvement with other senior political figures who were his contemporaries. Furthermore, this biographical study seeks to fully expose the fact that, as a result of his participation in the politics of the time, Marius' career became an obvious example which other equally ambitious politicians (for instance, Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, Caesar and Octavian) sought to emulate or even to surpass. Consequently, Marius may not have realised the extent of the dangers which he bequeathed to the res publica but, inadvertently or not, he caused the beginning of the fall of the Roman Republic. / D. Litt. et Phil. (Ancient History) / History

Novo método para a estimação das propriedades de caracterização de frações leves de petróleo

Fraga, Marcelo Fank January 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho são apresentados dois modelos para o ensaio de destilação ASTM D-86, desenvolvidos no simulador EMSO e validados por dados experimentais de frações de petróleo disponíveis na literatura. Estes modelos apresentam índice algébrico-diferencial igual a um, diferentemente do primeiro modelo proposto na literatura que apresentava índice algébrico-diferencial igual a 2, o qual não possibilitava ser resolvido pelos simuladores atuais. As predições obtidas com os modelos propostos geraram resultados com desvio médio em torno de 0,6 % em relação aos dados experimentais da literatura. Em seguida, foi estudado o método proposto para determinação de mistura substituta de componentes reais e foram propostas algumas alterações. Esta metodologia pode ser dividida em duas etapas consecutivas. A primeira etapa determina um conjunto de componentes reais e a segunda calcula a composição da mistura substituta de componentes reais de modo a caracterizar misturas complexas de composição desconhecida, como frações de petróleo, substituindo o conceito de pseudo-componentes. Para isso, o algoritmo se baseia em dados experimentais tais como a curva PEV, o °API, a massa molar média da mistura e outras propriedades globais disponíveis. Foram obtidos resultados que se mostraram satisfatórios. Para finalizar este trabalho, foi proposto um novo método para determinação da mistura substituta que utiliza a primeira etapa do algoritmo de determinação de mistura substituta e modificado por este trabalho. Em seguida, é realizada uma estimação dinâmica de parâmetros de condição inicial utilizando um dos modelos desenvolvidos neste trabalho para o ensaio de destilação ASTM D-86. A estimação é baseada principalmente na curva experimental da destilação ASTM D-86 e na densidade à 60°F (ou °API). Os resultados desta nova metodologia foram comparados com outros métodos de determinação de mistura substituta e constatou-se uma melhora na aproximação das suas propriedades quando comparadas com a mistura original de composição desconhecida. / This work presents two models for the assay of distillation ASTM D-86, developed in the EMSO Simulator and validated using experimental data of petroleum fractions available in the literature. These models showed differential-algebraic index equal to one, differently from the first model proposed in the literature that showed differential-algebraic index equal to two. Problems with an index higher than one are usually impossible to solve by modern simulators. The predictions obtained with the proposed models generated results with average deviation of about 0,6% in relation to those in the literature. After this, a method proposed in the literature to determinate the substitute mixture of real compounds for petroleum fractions was studied and slightly modified. This methodology can be divided in the two following steps. The first one determines a group of real components and the second one calculates the composition of the substitute mixture of the real components in order to characterize a complex mixture of unknown composition, as petroleum fractions. This methodology aims at replace the pseudo-components concept. To make this, the algorithm is based in experimental data as the TBP curve, the °API, the average molar mass of the mixture and others global properties available. The obtained results showed to be suitable. Finally, this work proposes a new method to determine the substitute mixture that uses the first step of the algorithm of determination of substitute mixture and modified in this work. Next, it was used a dynamic estimation of parameters in initial conditions using one of the models proposed in this work for the distillation assay ASTM D-86. The estimation is mainly based on distillation experimental curve ASTM D-86 and the density at 60°F (or °API). The results of this new methodology were com pared to other methods of determination of substitute mixture and it was found an evolution in the similarity of its properties when compared to the original mixture with unknown composition.

李長之古典學研究例述 : 以 司馬遷之人格與風格 論司馬遷和孔子的精神聯繫 = A study of the literary criticism of Mr. Li Zhang-zhi : through the study of the spiritual link between Confucius and Si-ma Qian in the personality and literary style of Sim-ma Qian / 以 司馬遷之人格與風格 論司馬遷和孔子的精神聯繫;"以司馬遷之人格與風格論司馬遷和孔子的精神聯繫";"Study of the literary criticism of Mr. Li Zhang-zhi : through the study of the spiritual link between Confucius and Si-ma Qian in the personality and literary style of Sim-ma Qian "

梁永然 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese


李圭澤, LI, GUI-ZE Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共計一冊、七章、十九節,約十萬字。 第一章為導論,主要係闡釋本論文之研究方法、目的及資料來源之限制。第二章係探 討「中國特色社會主義」下經濟模式的轉化,分別就其涵義、中共改革派之意見以及 經濟模式的轉化進行分析。 第三章係探討城市經濟改革的直接背景,分別就農村經濟改革、對外開放及經濟特區 建立以至於「十二屆三中全會」之發展背景的描述。 第四章簡單敘述城市經濟改革的主要內容,包括擴大企業自主權、計劃管理體制改革 、商業流通體制改革三項。 第五章深入探討一九八五年五月以後的城市經濟體制改革主要內容:價格體制改革及 工資改革,此亦為本論文之核心。 第六章探討當前城市經濟體制改革的困擾,希望就政策路線之衝突、經濟環境及其癥 結問題作進一步的研析。 第七章為結論,本章根據前面各章之探討,對中共現階段城市改革之前途加以評估。

Σχέση σειράς γέννησης παιδιού και καπνίσματος μητέρας με λόγο αγοριών/ κοριτσιών και ενδομήτρια αύξηση

Ασημακοπούλου, Ασπασία 10 June 2014 (has links)
Σκοπός: Να αξιολογηθεί ο λόγος αγόρια/κορίτσια (sex ratio) στα παιδιά καπνιστριών και μη καπνιστριών μητέρων, σε σχέση με τη σειρά γέννησης των παιδιών (τόκος). Να αξιολογηθεί το αποτέλεσμα του καπνίσματος της μητέρας κατά την εγκυμοσύνη στην εμβρυική ανάπτυξη σε σχέση με τον τόκο την ηλικία και τον αριθμό των τσιγάρων που κάπνιζαν οι μητέρες ανά ημέρα κατά την εγκυμοσύνη και το φύλο των παιδιών. Σχεδιασμός: Προοπτική μελέτη. Τόπος: Πανεπιστημιακό Γενικό Νοσοκομείο Πατρών. Αντικείμενο: Μελετήθηκαν 2.108 τελοιόμηνα νεογνά που γεννήθηκαν από το 1993 έως και το 2002, 665 νεογνά καπνιστριών μητέρων και 1.443 νεογνά μη καπνιστριών μητέρων. Αποτελέσματα: Ο λόγος αγόρια/κορίτσια στο σύνολο των νεογνών που μελετήθηκε ήταν 1,09. Η υπεροχή των αγοριών στα παιδιά των καπνιστριών και μη καπνιστριών μητέρων ήταν 1,26 και 1,03 αντίστοιχα. Στα παιδιά των καπνιστριών μητέρων που ήταν τόκων 1, 2 και ≥3 ήταν 1,47, 1,35 και 0,92 αντίστοιχα, ενώ στα παιδιά των μη καπνιστριών μητέρων ήταν 1,04, 1,00 και 1,03 αντίστοιχα. Η στατιστική ανάλυση παλινδρόμησης έδειξε ότι η πιθανότητα για γέννηση αγοριού από καπνίστριες μητέρες ήταν σημαντικά μεγαλύτερη στις πρωτότοκες παρά στους τόκους ≥3, ανεξάρτητα από την ηλικία της μητέρας. Αντίστροφα, η σειρά γέννησης των παιδιών δεν επηρέασε τον λόγο αγόρια/κορίτσια στις μη καπνίστριες μητέρες. Αυξανομένου του τόκου στα νεογνά των μη καπνιστριών μητέρων παρατηρήθηκε μια σταδιακή αύξηση της ανάπτυξης ενώ στα νεογνά μη καπνιστριών μητέρων παρατηρήθηκε μια σταδιακή μείωση της ανάπτυξης. Αυτό το αποτέλεσμα ήταν περισσότερο εμφανές στα αγόρια. Ένα σημαντικά αρρνητικό αποτέλεσμα στην αύξηση παρατηρήθηκε από την στην συσχέτιση του καπνίσματος με τον τόκο (p=0,0013) και, με το φύλο και τον τόκο (p=0,001). Υπήρχε μια σημαντική αρρνητική συσχέτιση ανάμεσα στον αριθμό των τσιγάρων που καπνίζονταν ανά ημέρα και της αύξησης η δύναμη της οποίας αυξανόταν με την αύξηση του τόκου, κυρίως στα αγόρια. Συμπεράσματα: Οι πρωτότοκες μητέρες που κάπνιζαν κατά την εγκυμοσύνη γέννησαν σημαντικά περισσότερα αγόρια απ’ ότι κορίτσια, ενώ μητέρες με τόκους ≥3 γέννησαν περισσότερα κορίτσια. Δευτερότοκες γυναίκες που κάπνιζαν λιγότερα από 10 τσιγάρα την ημέρα γέννησαν σημαντικά περισσότερα αγόρια, αλλά ο λόγος αγόρια/κορίτσια ελαττώθηκε όταν κάπνιζαν ≥10 τσιγάρα την ημέρα. Το κάπνισμα της μητέρας κατά την κύηση προκαλεί καθυστέρηση στην εμβρυική αύξηση, κυρίως στα αγόρια, ένα αποτέλεσμα που ενισχύεται με τον τόκο αλλά είναι ανεξάρτητο από την ηλικία της μητέρας. / Objective: To assess the sex ratio in offspring of smoking and nonsmoking mothers in relationship to the parity. To examine the effect of maternal smoking during pregnancy on fetal growth in relationship to maternal parity, age and number of cigarettes smoked/day, and offspring’s gender. Design: Prospective study. Setting: University hospital. Subjects: Were studied 2018 term singleton neonates born form 1993 to 2002, 665 from smoking and 1443 from nonsmoking mothers. Main outcome measures: Secondary sex ratio in regard to maternal periconseptual smoking and parity. Results: The male preponderance in the offspring of smoking and nonsmoking mothers was 0.558 and 0.506, respectively (p=0.031). In the smoking women parity 1, 2 and 3 it was 0.596, 0.574 and 0.462, respectively, whereas in the nonsmoking it was 0.511, 0.500 and 0.508, respectively (p=0.02, 0.04 and 0.64, respectively). Logistic regression analysis showed that the possibility for a boy to be delivered by mothers who smoked was significantly greater in primiparous than in party ≥3, independently of the maternal age. Conversely, parity did not affect the sax ratio in the offspring of the nonsmoking mothers. With increasing parity, in the neonates of nonsmoking mothers there was a gradual increase of growth, whereas in neonates of smoking mothers there was a gradual decrease of growth. This effect was more pronounced in males. A significant negative main effect on growth resulted from the interaction of smoking with parity (p=0,013), and with gender and parity (p=0,001). There was a significant negative correlation between number of cigarettes smoked per day and growth, the strength of which increased with parity, mainly in males. Conclusions: Among women who smoked in the periconceptual period, significantly more male than female offspring are born from primiparous, whereas parity >3 give birth to more female offspring; women parity 2 give birth to significantly more male, but the sex ratio declines when they smoked ≥10 cigarettes/day. Maternal smoking during pregnancy causes a delay in getal growth, which is greater in male offspring, an effect that is enhanced with parity but is independent of maternal age.

Επίπεδα κορτιζόλης στο αίμα ομφάλιου λώρου νεογνών καπνιστριών μητέρων

Πετσάλη, Μαρία 18 June 2014 (has links)
Σκοπός: Να ερευνήσουμε την επίδραση που έχει ο καπνός του τσιγάρου στη συγκέντρωση κορτιζόλης αίματος ομφαλίου λώρου. Μέθοδος: Μετρήθηκαν οι συγκεντρώσεις κορτιζόλης σε αίμα ομφαλίου λώρου 211 τελειόμηνων νεογνών καπνιστριών και 211 τελειόμηνων νεογνών μη καπνιστριών μητέρων. Από αυτά 48 και 36 νεογνά αντίστοιχα, γεννήθηκαν με καισαρική τομή. Σε 16 περιπτώσεις, επιπλέον του αίματος ομφαλίου λώρου, ελήφθη φλεβικό αίμα από τη μητέρα κατά τον τοκετό. Αποτελέσματα: Η διάμεση τιμή κορτιζόλης ομφαλίου λώρου των νεογνών καπνιστριών και μη καπνιστριών μητέρων ήταν 23 και 13 μg/dl αντίστοιχα (Ρ<0.0001) . Οι συγκεντρώσεις κορτιζόλης ήταν μεγαλύτερες στα νεογνά καπνιστριών μητέρων, σε σύγκριση με τα νεογνά μη καπνιστριών μητέρων, είτε γεννήθηκαν με φυσιολογικό τοκετό, είτε με καισαρική τομή. Στα νεογνά που γεννήθηκαν με καισαρική τομή, υπήρχε θετική συσχέτιση μεταξύ του αριθμού των τσιγάρων που καπνίζονταν την ημέρα και των συγκεντρώσεων κορτιζόλης, καθώς και αρνητική συσχέτιση μεταξύ των συγκεντρώσεων κορτιζόλης και του μήκους των νεογνών. Δεν υπήρχε σημαντική συσχέτιση μεταξύ των συγκεντρώσεων κορτιζόλης και του βάρους γέννησης ή της περιμέτρου κεφαλής. Οι συγκεντρώσεις κορτιζόλης στο αίμα ομφαλίου λώρου των νεογνών καπνιστριών και μη καπνιστριών μητέρων ήταν κατά 29% και 45% χαμηλότερες από αυτές των μητέρων τους αντίστοιχα. Συμπεράσματα: Παρόλο που δεν μπόρεσε να αποδειχθεί αιτιολογική σχέση μεταξύ καπνίσματος της μητέρας και αυξημένων συγκεντρώσεων κορτιζόλης ομφαλίου λώρου, τα ευρήματα είναι σύμφωνα με προηγούμενες αναφορές, ενδεικτικές αυξημένων ορμονών στρες στα νεογνά των οποίων οι μητέρες κάπνιζαν κατά την εγκυμοσύνη. / Aim: To investigate the effect of tobacco smoke on cord blood cosrtisol concentrations. Methods: Cortisol concentrations were measured in cord blood from 211 term newborns of smoking and 211 term newborns of nonsmoking mothers; 48 and 36 newborns were delivered by cesarean section, respectively. In 16 cases, in addition to cord blood, maternal venous blood was obtained at delivery. Results: The median cord blood cortisol concentration in neonates of the smoking and the non-smoking mothers was 23 and 13 μg/dL, respectively (P<0.0001). Cortisol concentrations were greater in the newborns whose mothers smoked, when compared to corresponding controls, whether they were delivered vaginally or by cesarean section. In the newborns delivered by cesarean section, there was a positive correlation between number of cigarettes smoked/day and cortisol concentrations, as well as a negative correlation between cortisol concentrations and neonatal length. There was no significant correlation between cortisol concentrations and birth weight or head circumference. Cortisol concentrations in the cord blood of neonates whose mothers were smokers and nonsmokers were by 29% and 45% lower from those measured in their mothers, respectively. Conclusions: Although a causal relationship between maternal smoking and high cortisol concentrations in cord blood was not established, the findings are in accordance with previous reports indicating elevated stress-hormones in newborns whose mothers smoked during pregnancy

Framework for the implementation of euthanasia in South Africa

Grove, Lourens Botha 10 July 2008 (has links)
This dissertation aims to examine and analyse the current South African position with regard to voluntary euthanasia. An examination is made from constitutional law, common law, case law and statutory law perspectives, including the legislation proposed by the South African Law Commission (project 86). The writings of prominent authors are considered. Once the South African position is examined, a comparative study is undertaken concerning relevant aspects in the Dutch law. The most important findings are that the South African Constitution may allow, and perhaps even demand, the legalization of voluntary euthanasia in South Africa, provided that sufficient safeguards can be established to effectively and sufficiently minimize the risk of abuse. Should this be impossible, the proscription of euthanasia may be reasonable and justifiable in an open and democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom. Finally, some recommendations are made for changes to the South African Law Commission’s Final Draft Bill. / Dissertation (LLM (Medical Law))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Public Law / unrestricted

《漢書》顏師古《注》探究. / Study of Yan Shigu's commentary on the Hanshu / 漢書顏師古注探究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / "Han shu" Yan Shigu "Zhu" tan jiu. / Han shu Yan Shigu Zhu tan jiu

January 2007 (has links)
潘銘基. / 呈交日期: 2005年11月. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2006. / 參考文獻(p. 1266-1277). / Cheng jiao ri qi: 2005 nian 11 yue. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Lun wen (zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2006. / Can kao wen xian (p. 1266-1277). / Pan Mingji.

"史記" "者" 、"所"指稱研究探新 = The new research method on the reference to Zhe & Suo in Shiji / New research method on the reference to Zhe & Suo in Shiji;"史記者所指稱研究探新"

董月凱 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

La res publica et sa décadence : de Salluste à Tite-Live / The decadence of the res publica : from Sallust to Livy

Vassiliades, Georgios 19 November 2016 (has links)
Cette étude explore dans une perspective comparative la présentation historique et l’interprétation philosophique de la décadence de la res publica chez Salluste et Tite Live. Dans la première partie, il est montré que Salluste et Tite-Live sont les premiers auteurs à avoir choisi comme thème central de leur récit le progrès et la décadence d’une cité. À travers un examen précis des étapes de la décadence chez les deux auteurs, nous remarquons que Tite-Live apporte constamment des corrections à la théorie de Salluste. Le schéma d’aucun des deux historiens ne se conforme à une vision cyclique ou linéaire du temps. La représentation biologique de la cité montre aussi que les hommes sont les seuls responsables pour la maladie de la décadence. Or, la reprise du progrès, selon une conception cyclique et la guérison du corps de l’État sont évoquées comme perspectives seulement par Tite-Live. La deuxième partie est consacrée aux causes de la maladie de la décadence, et la troisième à la guérison de la res publica. Trois facteurs sont examinés en détail : les facteurs « divins », le metus hostilis et la nature humaine. Tite-Live renverse l’analyse de plus en plus pessimiste de Salluste, et réintroduit l’homme en tant que facteur principal de l’histoire et comme responsable de la décadence. Dans la troisième partie, leur vision différente de l’avenir de Rome est mise en lumière, à travers l’étude de la position politique et de la fonction exemplaire de l’œuvre des deux historiens. Il en ressort que Tite-Live adopte les catégories sallustéennes d’analyse, mais conçoit sa propre présentation et interprétation de la décadence en réponse à son devancier, dont il renverse les théories. / This study explores in a comparative perspective the historical presentation and the philosophical interpretation of the decadence of the res publica in Sallust and Livy. In the first part, it is shown that Sallust and Livy are the first authors who have chosen the progress and decline of a State as the central theme of their works. Through a precise examination of the stages of decadence in both writers, we observe that Livy constantly proposes corrections to Sallust’s theory. Neither author’s pattern conforms to a cyclical or a linear vision of time. The organicist representation of the body politic also shows that men are solely responsible for the disease of decadence in both authors. However, the resumption of progress according to a cyclical conception and the healing of the body of the State are considered as potential prospects only by Livy. The second part is devoted to the causes of the disease of decadence, and the third one to the healing of the res publica. Three factors are discussed in detail: the "divine" factors, the metus hostilis and the human nature. Livy reverses the increasingly pessimistic analysis of Sallust, and reintroduces man as the most important factor in history and as responsible for the decadence. In the third part, their different view of the future of Rome is brought into focus, through the study of the political position and the exemplary function of the two historians’ works. It is concluded that Livy adopts Sallustian categories of analysis, but he conceives his own presentation and interpretation of the decadence in response to his predecessor, whose theories he challenges.

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