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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La enseñanza de la geografía en la Escuela Pública en España 1900-1936

Albacete García, Catalina 22 June 1992 (has links)
La geografía se introduce en los planes de estudio de la enseñanza primaria al amparo del movimiento nacionalista que florece en Europa a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. En España constituye materia de enseñanza partir de 1901 Con esta tesis se pretende caracterizar la enseñanza de la geografía en el nivel elemental durante el primer tercio del siglo XX; contribuir a la comprensión de lo que fue la institución escolar, en estos años, a través del análisis de una de las disciplinas que integraban el currículo escolar; ofrecer un modelo de análisis de textos escolares; elaborar un repertorio bibliográfico de las obras destinadas a la enseñanza de la geografía durante los 36 primeros años del siglo. En definitiva, analizar el modelo de enseñaza de geografía que, con carácter general, se desarrollaba en las escuelas públicas a comienzos del siglo XX y valorar que elementos se han ido manteniendo a pesar del tiempo transcurrido.

La delimitació de la frontera hispanofrancesa (1659-1868)

Capdevila Subirana, Joan 27 January 2012 (has links)
S’estudia el procés de delimitació de la frontera hispanofrancesa, partint del Tractat dels Pirineus (1659) fins als Tractats de Límits de Baiona (1856-1868), fent especial esment al tram que correspon a la província de Girona. Amb el Tractat dels Pirineus les dues monarquies es van repartir el territori però no van arribar a fer una delimitació precisa de la línia fronterera. Durant el segle XVIII es van fer algunes delimitacions parcials i hi va haver diversos intents de fer-ne una de sencera. Va caldre esperar a la constitució de la Comisión Mixta de Límites de 1853 per a que es pogués portar a terme. La Comisión Mixta de Límites va treballar durant 15 anys i va haver de fer de mitjancera en una gran diversitat de conflictes que enfrontaven a les comunitats d’una i altra banda, la majoria dels quals relacionats amb l’aprofitament econòmic de les zones a cavall de la frontera (pastures, boscos, aigua, conreus, etc.). L’estudi es fa a dues escales: una de general, de mar a mar, on es descriuen les diferents problemàtiques i s’analitzen les solucions adoptades als Tractats de Límits de Baiona; una altra a escala local, centrada a la província de Girona, que descriu l’activitat de la Comisión Mixta de Límites, des de les negociacions fins als treballs d’afitament de la frontera. A més, es planteja un model relacional entre les diferents parts que intervenen al procés de delimitació i s’aporta el catàleg de totes les fites frontereres a Girona i el traçat fronterer desenvolupat a escala 1:25.000. Finalment, es discuteix sobre el paper d’aquest tipus de tractats tant en el Dret Internacional com a l’àmbit de les relacions de veïnatge i de l’ordenació del territori. / Summary of the thesis “The delimitation of the spanish-french border (1659-1868)” by Joan Capdevila Subirana We study the delimitation of the border between Spain and France since the Treaty of the Pyrenees (1659) to the Border Treaties of Bayonne (1856-1868), with particular emphasis on the section corresponding to the province of Girona. With the Treaty of the Pyrenees the two monarchies divided the territory but failed to make a precise demarcation of the border. During the eighteenth century there were some partial demarcations and there were several attempts to complete one. It was the Joint Boundary Commission (Comisión Mixta de Límites) established in 1853 who succeeded in bringing out the entire border demarcation by the Border Treaties of Bayonne. The Joint Boundary Commission worked for 15 years and had to mediate in a variety of conflicts facing the communities of both sides, most of which were related to the economic use of the areas on the border. The study was performed at two scales: on the one hand, a study on a general scale, from sea to sea, which describes the different problems and what were the solutions adopted; on the other hand, a local-scale study focusing on the province of Girona, which describes the activity of the Joint Boundary Commission, from the negotiations until the work of demarcation of the border. It also presents a relational model between the different parties involved in the process of demarcation, it provides the catalog of all border markers in Girona and the border is drawn on 1:25,000 scale mapping. Finally, we discuss the role of such treaties in both international law and in the field of neighborly relations between local communities.

A concepçăo do atleta deficiente visual de Futebol sobre a Lei 8.213/91 (Lei de Cotas)

Manassero, Waldemar 18 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marta Toyoda (1144061@mackenzie.br) on 2017-01-06T18:46:43Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Waldemar Manassero.pdf: 939053 bytes, checksum: eebb6c20d0e5905b5c6b1065b7595cff (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Paola Damato (repositorio@mackenzie.br) on 2017-01-06T18:54:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Waldemar Manassero.pdf: 939053 bytes, checksum: eebb6c20d0e5905b5c6b1065b7595cff (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-06T18:54:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Waldemar Manassero.pdf: 939053 bytes, checksum: eebb6c20d0e5905b5c6b1065b7595cff (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-18 / Law 8.213 / 91 is a law that deals with the benefits of the General Social Security System, also known as Quota Law due to its article 93, which addresses the percentage of jobs that companies with 100 or more employees must reserve for people with disabilities or rehabilitated. The law was enacted in 1991, however the idea of quota began to be discussed after the meeting of the International Labour Organization, in 1983, which held the Convention n° 159. This meeting dealt with vocational rehabilitation and employment for people with disabilities. On the one hand the issue began to shed light on the right of beneficiaries to exercise professional activities, on the other, did not bring guarantees of its real effectiveness, since the paradigm changing of society`s vision on the subject did not accompany it. The law, because of the bad use one makes of it, besides not giving real guarantees to work for people with disabilities, is still negligent with the growing number of parasports athletes that began to show interest in becoming professional in what they like and they know to do. If in theory the possibility of being hired by companies as athletes is not denied to them, in practice this possibility does not seem to exist, since often labor inspectors do not allow this to occur. In this scenario, the present study aims to open spaces for soccer athletes with visual impairment, so they can show what they think about their professional work and what relationship they have with the mentioned law. So a series of statistical surveys was made in socio-economic, educational, socio-professional information, as well as professional aspirations and social responsibility. The study design, approved by the Ethics Committee in Research with Human Beings, is quantitative and was conducted in a sample of 32 male athletes. The instruments used were three: a brief interview to collect socio-demographic and socio-cultural information; semi-structured interviews on the following themes: a) relationship that the disabled person has with work; b) level of knowledge about the law 8.213 / 91 and its impact on the employability of people with disabilities; c) their aspirations within the sports and their professional lives. The main results show that a significant proportion of the B2/B3 soccer athletes with visual impairments in our sample aspired to become professionals in their sports. However, they also showed little or no knowledge of the Quota Law. It is concluded, from the data presented, that it is important and possible to meet the needs of the people in this research, to make a new regulation or, perhaps, to regulate the existing one. / A Lei 8.213/91, que discorre sobre os benefícios do Regime Geral de Previdência Social, conhecida também como Lei de Cotas em razão de seu artigo 93, trata dos percentuais de postos de trabalho que as empresas, com 100 ou mais funcionários, devem reservar para as pessoas com deficiência ou reabilitadas. Entretanto a idéia de cotas começou a ser discutida a partir da reunião da Organização Internacional do Trabalho, em 1983, em sua Convenção n° 159, que tratou de reabilitação profissional e emprego para pessoas com deficiência e reabilitadas. Se, por um lado, o tema começou a ganhar espaço e dar algum tipo de direito para que seus beneficiários pudessem exercer atividades profissionais, por outro, não trouxe garantias de sua real efetivação, uma vez que a mudança paradigmática da visão da sociedade sobre o tema não o acompanhou. A mencionada lei, em razão do mau uso que fazem dela, além de não dar garantias reais ao trabalho para as pessoas com deficiência, ainda é omissa com o crescente número de atletas paradesportivos que começaram a mostrar interesse em se profissionalizar naquilo que mais gostam e sabem fazer. Se na teoria não lhes é negada a condição de serem contratadas por empresas para serem atletas, na prática essa possibilidade não existe, já que fiscais do trabalho não permitem que isso ocorra. Nesse cenário, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo principal abrir espaços para que os atletas com deficiência visual, da modalidade de Futebol, possam expressar o que pensam a respeito de suas profissionalizações e qual a relação que mantém com a lei citada. Para tal foi feita uma série de levantamentos estatísticos em relação a informações em âmbitos sócio econômico, educacional, sócio laboral, de aspirações profissionais e de cidadania. O delineamento do estudo, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos, é quantitativo e foi composto por 32 atletas do sexo masculino. Os instrumentos utilizados foram três: entrevista breve para coleta de informações sócio-demográficas e sócio-culturais; entrevista semiestruturada sobre as seguintes temáticas: a) relação que a pessoa com deficiência tem com o trabalho; b) nível de conhecimento sobre a Lei 8.213/91 e seu impacto na empregabilidade da pessoa com deficiência; c) suas aspirações dentro dos esportes e da sua vida profissional; o site da Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Pesquisa, ABEP, que foi utilizado para distribuição das classes sociais. Os principais resultados demonstram que os atletas com deficiência visual da modalidade de Futebol têm aspirações de se tornarem profissionais de suas modalidades esportivas e tem pouco ou nenhum conhecimento sobre a Lei de Cotas. Conclui-se a partir dos dados apresentados, que é importante e possível, para atender aos anseios dos sujeitos desta pesquisa, fazer uma nova normatização ou, talvez, regulamentar a já existente.

Pour une approche du ''poétique instinct'' à travers la danse, de Mallarmé à aujourd'hui. : La danse comme geste de l’avant-poème, du symbolisme mallarméen au « renouveau lyrique ». / An approach through dance of the ''poétique instinct'', from Mallarmé to today. : Dance as a gesture of the prior-poem, from Mallarmés symbolism to ''lyrical renewal''.

Torrent, Céline 10 December 2015 (has links)
En 1886, c’est à la danseuse que Mallarmé confie le soin de lui révéler son propre « poétique instinct ». C’est donc à travers l’élucidation de cette expression énigmatique que nous aborderons le lien entre poésie et danse, en France, de Mallarmé à aujourd’hui. Toute notre recherche consistera à comprendre ce qui dans la danse relève d’un instinct poétique et renvoie le poète à son propre instinct créatif. Mallarmé et Valéry nous permettront d’abord d’étudier la façon dont la danse est passée de simple motif poétique à véritable moteur poïétique au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles. La danse, considérée comme « écriture corporelle », renverra ces deux poètes à la dimension corporelle de leur acte d’écriture. Nous verrons ensuite que, délivrée du livret de ballet, la danse elle-même se conçoit comme étant sa propre écriture, à partir de la fin du XIXe siècle. Tracé sans traces, elle est écriture du pur poïein que nous nommerons donc écriture poïegraphique. Nous dépasserons ainsi le clivage entre danse « classique » et « contemporaine », à travers la notion de « danse- contempoïein », en nous appuyant notamment sur la théorie des Barres flexibles de Wilfride Piollet. Enfin, le « poétique instinct » sera exploré à travers une convergence entre danse et « renouveau lyrique ». Après avoir étudié les livrets de ballet de René Char, nous questionnerons la présence explicite de la danse, au tournant des XXe et XXIe siècles, chez Pascal Quignard, Jean-Michel Maulpoix et André Velter. Nous envisagerons au même moment, du côté de la danse, l’émergence d’un lyrisme chorégraphique. Nous verrons ainsi que, du symbolisme mallarméen au « renouveau lyrique », la danse en appelle au « poétique instinct » du poète en ce qu’elle le renvoie à l’acte d’écriture qui a précédé son poème écrit, à son geste de l’avant-poème. / In 1886, Mallarmé entrusted the dancer to reveal to him his own ''poétique instinct''. It will be trough this enigmatic phrase and its elucidation that we shall approach the existing link between poetry and dance in France, from Mallarmé to nowadays. All our focus in research will consist in understanding what in dance can be considered as poetic instinct and brings the poet to face his own creative instinct. First Mallarmé and Valéry will help us study how dance evolved from being a simple poetic pattern to a genuine poïetic engine during the 19th and 20th century. Dance, considered as ''écriture corporelle'', will bring these poets to see the corporal dimension of their act of writing. We shall see next that at the end of the 19th century, dance when it's freed from ballet, considers itself to be its own writing. Drawn without a trace dance is pure poïein writing and so we shall name it poïegraphic writing. We'll overrule the gap between ''classical'' and ''contemporary'' dancing with this concept of ''contempoeïn-dance'', by leaning on Wilfride Piollets theory of the ''Barres flexibles'' (''Flexible Bars''). Lastly, the ''poétique instinct'' will be explored trough the meeting of dance and ''lyrical renewal''. After studying René Chars ballet booklets we'll question the explicit presence of dance in Pascal Quignard, Jean-Michel Maulpoix and André Velters work during the 19th and 20th century. At the same time we'll consider the appearance of chorographical lyricism in dance. We will therefore see, through Mallarmés symbolism up to ''lyrical renewal'', that dance calls upon the poets ''poétique instinct'' and brings him back to the act of writing that came before the written poem, and so to the gesture of the prior-poem.

La fantaisie noire dans la fiction en prose de Boris Vian (Romans, nouvelles, pièce de théâtre) / The “fantaisie noire” in the fictional texts in prose of Boris Vian (Novels, short stories and plays)

Pradère-Ascione, Clémentine 29 June 2015 (has links)
L’œuvre littéraire de Boris Vian interpelle par la diversité des émotions qu’elle suscite. Elle est pourtant restée longtemps méconnue, masquée par les talents protéiformes de son auteur. Boris Vian, dont la majorité des textes ont été publiés à titre posthume, fut perçu comme un touche-à-tout avant d’être véritablement reconnu comme écrivain, pour finalement entrer dans l’édition de la Pléiade en 2010, cinquante et un an après sa mort. Le premier réflexe est de faire appel à la notion de fantaisie pour analyser son œuvre. Le monde fictionnel qu’il crée est un univers fantaisiste où triomphent imaginaire et inventivité. Pourtant, des univers contradictoires s’entremêlent : féerie et cruauté, légèreté et inquiétude, désinvolture et gravité, imaginaire et réalité. En nous appuyant uniquement sur les textes de fiction en prose (romans, nouvelles et pièces de théâtre), nous nous sommes donc interrogés sur la légitimité de la notion de fantaisie. Son évidence apparente résiste-t-elle à un examen plus poussé ? Ce questionnement nous a conduits à élaborer la notion de « fantaisie noire ». Tantôt féerique, invraisemblable, langagière, comique ou parodique, la fantaisie se heurte à l’intériorité des personnages et à un sentiment d’inquiétude qui contamine les êtres et les choses. La fantaisie cède le pas à la noirceur d’un monde étouffant où le fantasme se révèle dans toute sa puissance. Le retour à la fantaisie n’est alors possible que par des effets de distanciation comiques et une inventivité langagière qui contribue à laisser l’œuvre ouverte. / Boris Vian's literary work calls to mind by the feelings it arouses. For a long time it nevertheless remained unknown concealed by its author's protean talents. Boris Vian, whose texts were mostly published posthumously, wasn't at the beginning seen as a writer to finally get in the Pléiade in 2010, 51 years after his death. To analyse his work it appears natural to consider the idea of fantasy. The fictional world he created remains a fantasist one where imagination and inventiveness prevail. Yet, opposing worlds get mixed up: fairy and cruelty, casualness and anxiety, indifference and seriousness, fantasy and reality. Considering only the fictional texts in prose (novels, short stories and plays) we questionned the legitimity of the fantasy notion. Does its obviousness withstand a further analysis? This questioning drove us to the idea of 'fantaisie noire'. Sometimes magical, incredible, linguistic, comical or parodic, the fantasy collides with the inwardness of the characters and with an anxiety that contaminates both beings and objects. The fantasy defers to an oppresive world where the dream reveals itself in all its power. The come back to fantasy is then only possible by comical detachments and a linguistic inventiveness that contributes to let the work opened.

Instruments juridiques et gestion territoriale de l'eau : contribution à l'étude d'un modèle national d'administration des ressources aquatiques / Legal instruments and territorial management of water : a contribution to the study of a national model of aquatic resources’ administration

Leal, Romain 05 December 2018 (has links)
Territoire uni par la diversité des ressources aquatiques la caractérisant, la traversant et l’enserrant, la France peut s’enorgueillir de bénéficier d’une Eau dont la disponibilité quantitative ne peut être contestée. D’un point de vue qualitatif, la multitude croissante des intérêts les enviant a été générée par un nombre certain d’utilités – individuelles et collectives – ayant nécessité que soit forgé un Modèle d’administration pour les encadrer tous. Dans le but d’appréhender avec le plus d’efficacité les dimensions sociales et économiques de l’Eau et des Milieux aquatiques, ce Modèle a internalisé non seulement le caractère durable de leur gestion mais également celui lié à l’équilibre. En recherchant l’articulation entre ces utilités et ces intérêts, ainsi que, par extension, celle des acteurs les portant, notre Modèle éprouvera sa résilience à l’aune de multiples chocs endogènes et exogènes. Profondément saisi par le marqueur territorial central et local, ce Modèle n’en a pas moins épousé la logiquejuridique tant dans son optique de prescription que de prestation. Lié, intimement, à ces différents axes matériels et immatériels, il s’est progressivement constitué tel un instrument de structuration des liens unissant les hommes, les territoires et les ressources aquatiques. Achoppé et érodé par les coups de boutoir successifs des nombreuses cristallisations de l’Utilitarisme, notre Modèle est en passe de réaffirmer la dimension holiste de l’Intérêt général lui ayant insufflé la vie afin d’armer ce régime juridique des ressources aquatiques face aux conflits internes et externes de l’Eau provenant du Passé, s’ancrant dans le Présent et se diversifiant dans le Futur / Territory united by the diversity of the aquatic resources characterizing it, crossing it and enclosing it, France can be proud to benefit from a Water whose quantitative availability cannot be disputed. From a qualitative point of view, the increasing interests for these environmental resources have been created by some utilities – individual and collective – that required the forging of a model of Administration in order to frame them all. In order to understand more effectively the social and the economic dimensions of Water and aquatic resources, this Model has internalized the sustainability of their management but, also the importance of their balance. By seeking the articulation between utilities and these interests, as well as, by extension, the actors carrying them, we focus our mind on the evolution of our Model when some of its basements are jeopardized. Deeply grasped by the central and the local territorial marker, this Model has been unified with a legal logic, both in terms of prescription andbenefit. Intimately connected to these several material and immaterial axis, our Model has progressively been constituted as a tool for structuring the bonds uniting people, territories and aquatic resources. Criticized and weathered by the successive crystallizations of Utilitarianism, our Model is about to reinforce the holistic dimension of the General Interest that has breathed life into it, in order to arm legal framework of aquatic resources against internal and external conflicts from the Past, the Present and the Future

Seeking the Face of God : a study on Augustine's reception in the mystical thought of Bernard of Clairvaux and William of St. Thierry

Cvetković, Carmen Angela January 2010 (has links)
The present thesis examines the way in which two twelfth century authors, the Cistercian monks, Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153) and William of St. Thierry (c. 1080-1148), used Augustine (354-430) in the articulation of their mystical thought. The approach to this subject takes into account the fact that in the works of all these medieval authors the “mystical” element is inescapably entangled with their theological discourse and that an accurate understanding of their views on the soul’s direct encounter with God cannot be achieved without a discussion of their theology. This thesis posits that the cohesion of Bernard’s and William’s mystical thought lies in their appropriation of the guiding principle of Augustine’s mystical theology: “You made us for yourself and our heart is restless until it rests in you” (conf. 1.1.1), reflected in the subtle interplay of three main themes, namely (1) the creation of humanity in the image and likeness of God, which provides the grounds for the understanding of the soul’s search for direct contact with God; (2) love as a longing innate in every human being, which explores the means to attain immediacy with God; and (3) the soul’s direct encounter with God, which discusses the nature of the soul’s immediate experience of the divine presence that can only be achieved in lasting fullness at the end of time. This examination of Bernard’s and William’s use of Augustine is structured on the basis of these three core themes which form the scaffolding of their mystical thought. Investigating the specific methods of their reception of Augustine will highlight the originality and uniqueness of each of the two Cistercian authors, who while drawing on the same patristic source use it nevertheless in various ways, by focussing on different aspects of Augustine’s immense oeuvre and by arriving at distinct mystical programmes.

Tunnels profonds dans les milieux viscoplastiques : approches expérimentale et numérique

Bernaud, Denise 09 July 1991 (has links) (PDF)
Les problèmes étudiés dans cette thèse relèvent du cadre général de la modélisation des tunnels profonds. Ce travail traite essentiellement de l'interaction complexe entre massif et soutènement. Initialement, on réalise une approche expérimentale portant sur l'optimisation du dimensionnement des soutènements des galeries dans des roches viscoplastiques. Une modélisation numérique fine de ce problème d'interaction massif viscoplastique-soutènement plastique est mise en oeuvre et permet de bien interpréter le comportement de la galerie expérimentale de Mol (Belgique). Ensuite, on s'intéresse à l'aspect 3D du creusement des tunnels a l'aide de la méthode numérique d'activation/désactivation des éléments en axisymétrie. On montre, par la réalisation d'abaques, que l'équilibre des tunnels dans les milieux viscoplastiques dépend largement de la rigidité et de la distance de pose du revêtement ainsi que de la vitesse de creusement de l'ouvrage. Dans la dernière partie, on compare les résultats donnés par notre méthode numérique d'une part, et par la méthode cv-cf d'autre part: on met en évidence les imprécisions de la méthode approchée cv-cf sous sa forme actuelle. Finalement, on propose une nouvelle méthode approchée en élasticité, qui conserve le formalisme de la méthode cv-cf, mais permet de mieux prendre en compte l'effet de la rigidité du soutènement sur la valeur de la convergence avant pose. Cette nouvelle méthode approchée conduit à des résultats tout a fait acceptables.

Geografies del capitalisme balear: poder, metabolisme socioeconòmic i petjada ecològica d’una superpotència turística

Murray Mas, Ivan 06 July 2012 (has links)
Es presenta una recerca activista de geografia crítica sobre el capitalisme balear: el poder, el seu procés d’internacionalització, els fluxos de materials del seu metabolisme social i la seva petjada ecològica. En primer lloc, es vinculen l’economia ecològica i la geografia crítica, amb l’estudi de les mesures biofísiques, les lògiques espacials i els processos socials del capitalisme balear. En segon lloc, es pretén situar el turisme en un lloc central en la via d’acumulació capitalista, desxifrar la seva dinàmica sociopolítica, la geografia de la seva globalització neoliberal i els conflictes socials que genera, particularment la seva contribució a la crisi socioecològica global. En tercer lloc, s’ha pretès esbrinar l’evolució geohistòrica del capitalisme balear, amb l’anàlisi de les geometries del poder, una comptabilitat biofísica, les solucions geogràfiques del capital –deslocalitzacions productives i desplaçaments de les extraccions– i els conflictes socials associats. / Se presenta una investigación activista de geografía crítica sobre el capitalismo balear: el poder, su proceso de internacionalización, los flujos de materiales de su metabolismo social y su huella ecológica. En primer lugar, se vinculan la economía ecológica y la geografía crítica, con el estudio de las medidas biofísicas, las lógicas espaciales y los procesos sociales del capitalismo balear. En segundo lugar, se pretende situar el turismo en un lugar central en la vía de acumulación capitalista, descifrar su dinámica sociopolítica, la geografía de su globalización neoliberal y los conflictos sociales que genera, particularmente su contribución a la crisis socioecológica global. En tercer lugar se ha pretendido averiguar la evolución geohistórica del capitalismo balear, con el análisis de las geometrías del poder, una contabilidad biofísica, las sociones geográfics del capital –deslocalizaciones productivas y desplazamientos de las extracciones– y los conflictos sociales a él asociados. / We are submitting a critical geography activist research paper on Balearic capitalism: the power, its internationalization process, the flows of materials of its social metabolism and its ecological footprint. Firstly, ecological economics and critical geography are linked with the study of biophysical measurements, spatial logics and the social processes of Balearic capitalism. Secondly, an attempt is made to situate tourism in a central place in the path of capitalist accumulation, deciphering its socio-political dynamic, the geography of its neoliberal globalization and the social conflicts generated, particularly its contribution to the global socio-economic crisis. Thirdly, we have attempted to discover the geohistorical evolution of Balearic capitalism, by analyzing the geometries of power, biophysical accounting and the geographical solutions of the capital – relocation of production and movement of the extractions – and associated social conflicts.


古素幸 Unknown Date (has links)

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