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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A (re) significação do mundo: um olhar sobre atividades estético-culturais dos moradores de calçada

Pilan, Hânia Cecília 17 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:44:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Hania Cecilia Pilan.pdf: 15559422 bytes, checksum: eae834aa2a5d0daddc074ad470e524e8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-17 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The subject of this thesis is the analysis of the everyday life narratives of Sao Paulo's sidewalk residents and its (Re) meanings that enter the field of aesthetic needs. The human being is complex and at the same time transparent, desiring to be someone significant, uses mechanisms to survive as an individual among the society. And, when excluded from the group to which he belongs, he necessarily must (Re) mean, in order to join a new group. In the case of sidewalk residents, this action is exacerbated, becoming more evident the necessity of expression and the use of archetypes in the battle against invisibility within their social group and if possible, achieving to stand out among his peers. The narratives, conducted through interviews, allowed penetrate into a parallel world where neither time has the same value and setting as we were used to. In order to understand the narratives of this (Re) meaning world daily and achieve the proposed objectives, it was used as a theoretical study of social representations, with the cultural-historical psychology foundations, depth psychology and art contexts and concepts. Supported by these bibliographical sources, documentary, and especially in the participatory field research, it was possible to articulate a discussion of the aesthetic needs of the sidewalk's residents in their socio-historical context and their need to (re) signification. Among the various analyzed, we have chosen four main characters for their sensible aesthetic productions, which demonstrate the social segment in which they belong, to be analysis objects of their (RE) meanings. Among them, we were able to find heroes, faithful man, poets, painters, performers, bricoleurs, who have art as their mainspring of their social development, presenting archetypes to (Re) mean their world. / O objeto de estudo desta tese consiste na análise de narrativas do cotidiano dos moradores de calçada da cidade de São Paulo quanto as suas (Re) significações que adentram o campo das necessidades estéticas. O ser humano, complexo e ao mesmo tempo transparente, no afã de ser alguém significante, usa de mecanismos para sobreviver como indivíduo dentro da sociedade. E, quando excluído do grupo ao qual pertence, tem necessariamente que se (Re) significar, para inserir-se em um novo grupo. No caso dos moradores de calçada, essa ação é exacerbada tornando mais evidente a necessidade de expressão e o uso de arquétipos na batalha contra a invisibilidade dentro de seu grupo social e se possível, conseguindo se destacar entre seus pares. As narrativas, realizadas por meio de entrevistas, possibilitaram adentrar em um mundo paralelo, onde nem o tempo tem a mesma valia e marcação como fomos aculturados. Para compreender as narrativas deste mundo (Re) significado diariamente e atingir os objetivos propostos foi usado como referencial teórico o estudo de representações sociais, com os fundamentos da psicologia histórico-cultural, a psicologia profunda e os contextos e conceitos da arte. Apoiada nessas fontes bibliográficas, documentais, e principalmente na pesquisa participante de campo, foi possível articular uma discussão sobre as necessidades estéticas dos moradores de calçada no seu contexto sócio-histórico e sua necessidade de (Re) significação. Dentre os inúmeros analisados, escolhemos quatro protagonistas pelas suas produções estético sensíveis, que exemplificam o segmento social ao qual pertencem, para serem objeto de análise de suas (Re) significações. Entre eles pudemos encontrar heróis, homens de fé, poetas, pintores, performáticos, bricoleurs, que fazem da arte a mola propulsora da sua projeção social, arquétipos que se apresentam para (Re) significar seu mundo.

O arquétipo do sagrado, a religião e o sentido da vida em Carl Gustav Jung

Agostinho, Márcio Roberto 13 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:48:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcio Roberto Agostinho.pdf: 1093595 bytes, checksum: 21ebddfa2f76598faa9f27a9c3d67045 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-13 / This research addresses the Carl Yung's postulation in which religious thinking has rooted in the soul. In others terms, Jung has established a psychological foundation for the religious thinking. The aim of this work is therefore to try to understand the sacred having as stating point, the mind where reposes actively a imago Dei. Furthermore, it envisage to comprehend the relationship of this religious thinking (imago Dei) to the meaning of life. This imago revealed by the Self the divine archetype 0 is the ultimate answer of the soul: its earnest desire for life meaning. As the soul belongs to the inner world of the individual, only when one turns to the inside of self, than, he will discover the path which leads to the meaning of life and ultimately to the healing of the individual personality. / A presente pesquisa trata da postulação junguiana de que o pensamento religioso se originou da alma. Em outras palavras, Jung fez uma fundamentação psicológica para o pensamento religioso. O objetivo desse trabalho então foi tentar compreender o sagrado a partir da psique onde repousa ativamente uma imago Dei. Procurou ainda, constatar a possível relação desse pensamento religioso (imago Dei) com o sentido da vida. Essa imago manifestada pelo Self -arquétipo do divino - é a resposta à questão última da alma: o anseio que ela tem pelo sentido da vida. Como a alma pertence ao mundo interior do indivíduo, somente fazendo uma volta para dentro de si mesmo é que se trilhará o caminho que leva ao sentido da vida e, em última instância, à cura para a sua personalidade.

Le dessin journalistique au service du dessein politique des Noirs aux Etats-Unis et en France (1861-1965) : moments-clés et regards croisés / Depicting the Black Population, the Political Cartoon as a Political Weapon in the United States and in France (1861-1965) : key-moments and Regards Croisés

Dzanouni, Lamia 26 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’impact du dessin de presse dans le combat des Noirs pour l’obtention de leurs droits, aux États-Unis et en France à des moments-clés entre 1861 et 1965, et ce dans une perspective d’histoire croisée. Suite à leur reddition lors de la guerre de Sécession aux Etats-Unis, les Sudistes dotèrent leur idéologie raciste d’une nouvelle arme de diffusion : le dessin de presse – atout majeur dans la victoire de l’Union. Au XX siècle, les Africains-Américains réagirent à la propagande sudiste : ème la guerre des images éclata. A la même époque, certains artistes noirs s’exilèrent en France pour mieux riposter. En effet Paris, moins hostile, facilitait leur expression artistique. Leur succès à l’étranger démontrait alors la responsabilité et la complicité des institutions américaines dans la discrimination raciale. Pourtant, l’attitude française n’était pas plus enviable vis-à-vis de ses colonies, notamment en Afrique noire. Si le racisme et la discrimination étaient clairement affichés aux Etats-Unis, il s’insinuait de manière plus pernicieuse dans la société française, dont les journaux contribuèrent très largement à cette émulation picturale. L'analyse croisée entre ces deux pays révèle des analogies singulières dans la représentation des Noirs dans les journaux de l’époque, tant dans le système ségrégationniste américain que dans l'empire colonial français. Les stéréotypes développés par la presse raciste archétypes dans l’inconscient collectif. Les partisans de s’imprégnèrent en l'émancipation y opposèrent leur image à différentes phases de leur combat – entre la guerre de Sécession et le mouvement des droits civiques d’un côté, de la France coloniale aux guerres de décolonisation de l'autre. Cette analyse de l’histoire de la presse et des illustrations se propose d’éclairer la convergence progressive des lois américaine et française aspirant à tendre vers une société sans préjugé racial. Elle souligne également l'idée que l'image est porteuse de sens, constitue un langage à part entière et a pleinement contribué, à l’époque, à construire et déconstruire les inégalités raciales. / Within the framework of Histoire croisée, this thesis focuses on the impact of press drawings, in France and in the USA, on the black population’s fight to obtain rights at key moments between 1861 and 1965. Following their surrender at the end of the US Civil War, the Confederates bolstered their racist ideology with a new ideological weapon, the political cartoon, a major asset in the Union’s victory. In the XX century, th the African Americans reacted to the confederate propaganda and a war of images ensued. Simultaneously, some black artists went into exile in France in order to fight back more adequately. France provided an ideal environment for artistic expression due to hostility against them in Paris being lower than in the USA. Their success abroad thus demonstrated the responsibility and the complicity on the part of American institutions in terms of racial discrimination. That said, the French attitude was far from admirable when it came to its colonies, particularly those of black Africa. Though racism and discrimination were clearly visible within the USA, these mindsets were insinuated more perniciously within French society, the country’s newspapers contributing substantially to this pictorial emulation. A focus on the inter-crossings between these two countries reveals unique analogies in the representation of black people in the newspapers of the time, both within the segregationist system of the USA as well as within France’s colonial empire. The stereotypes developed by the racist press pervaded the collective subconscious as archetypes. The partisans of emancipation protested against this propagation through the use of their own image in different phases of their fight – between the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement in the United States; and from colonial France to the African independence movements. This analysis of the history of the press and of its illustrations seeks to shed light on the progressive convergence of American and French laws aiming at a society free from racial prejudice. It also underlines the idea that the image bears meaning, constituting a language in its own right, and that it plays a significant role in the construction and the deconstruction of racial inequality.

Signs of mid-life: images from the contemporary Australian mid-life male psyche

Sorenson, Peter David, peter.sorenson@rmit.edu.au January 2005 (has links)
This research project investigates images from the contemporary Australian mid-life psyche, exploring the contribution to individual transformation made through the creation of, and reflective engagement with, personal imagery. Asking the question: 'What do contemporary Australian mid-life males consider to be a rich and sustaining inner life?' This project documents the visual images, descriptions, and reflections of a group of five participants, discussing the individuals' experiences of aesthetic self-inquiry with reference to divergent theories of psychology, art therapy and philosophy of aesthetics.

Utveckling av en arketypeditor : Ett verktyg för modellering av struktur i elektroniska patientjournaler / Development of an archetype editor : A tool for modelling structure in electronic health records

Forss, Mattias, Hjalmarsson, Johan January 2006 (has links)
<p>Dagens elektroniska patientjournalsystem har begränsade möjligheter att på likartat sätt strukturera och lagra patientinformation. Det är en anledning till att det är problem med att utbyta patientjournaldata mellan olika system. Detta försvårar bland annat forskning och tillgänglighet till patientinformation. Brist på tillgänglighet minskar i sin tur möjligheten att ge en god vård oberoende av var patienten befinner sig.</p><p>Inom projektet openEHR har en idé med så kallade arketyper tagits fram som ett enhetligt sätt att strukturera utbytbar patientjournaldata för att möta framtida krav på patientjournaler och patientjournalsystem. Arketyper är formella modeller av kliniska informationsentiteter, exempelvis blodtryck. De byggs upp av restriktioner, struktur och termer med eventuella bindningar till medicinska terminologisystem. Dessutom kopplas medicinsk kunskap i arketyperna fri från journalsystemen.</p><p>Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att utveckla ett verktyg, en så kallad arketypeditor, som kan användas för att skapa och redigera arketyper. Utöver detta skulle möjligheterna undersökas att i verktyget implementera en koppling till medicinska terminologisystem. Utvecklingen har skett i en iterativ process med fokus på användbarhet och stabilitet. Det har även ingått att ta reda på syftet med en arketypeditor.</p><p>Resultatet är ett plattformsoberoende och stabilt verktyg som är utvecklat enligt användbarhetsprinciper med koppling till terminologisystemet Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). En arketypeditors syfte i ett bredare perspektiv är att lösa brister i dagens medicinska informationssystem som tas upp i denna rapport. Trots att openEHR-projektet är nytt finns det många tekniskt gångbara idéer, men det finns även problem som beror på för lite praktisk testning och tillämpning.</p> / <p>Present-day electronic health record systems have limited possibilities to structure and store patient information in a similarly manner. This causes problems with exchanging patient record data between different systems and it gives rise to problems with, among other things, research and patient information availability. Lack of availability will in turn decrease the possibility of giving good care irrespective of where the patient is located.</p><p>Within the openEHR project an idea with so called archetypes has been introduced as a uniform way to structure exchangeable patient record data in order to meet future requirements on electronic health records and systems. Archetypes are formal models of clinical information entities, for example blood pressure. They are constructed from constraints, structure and terms which may have bindings to medical terminology systems. Furthermore, medical knowledge in the archetypes is separated from the patient record systems.</p><p>The purpose of the thesis has been to develop a tool, a so called archetype editor, that can be used to create and edit archetypes. In addition, the possibilities of implementing a connection to medical terminology systems should be explored. The development has followed an iterative process with focus on stability and usability. Another task has also been to find out the purpose with an archetype editor.</p><p>The result is a platform-independent and stable tool, developed according to usability principles with a connection to the terminology system Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). An archetype editor’s purpose in a wider perspective is to solve shortcomings in medical information systems of today, which are brought up in this thesis. Although the openEHR project is new, there are many technically applicable ideas but also problems because of insufficient practical testing and application.</p>

Utveckling av en arketypeditor : Ett verktyg för modellering av struktur i elektroniska patientjournaler / Development of an archetype editor : A tool for modelling structure in electronic health records

Forss, Mattias, Hjalmarsson, Johan January 2006 (has links)
Dagens elektroniska patientjournalsystem har begränsade möjligheter att på likartat sätt strukturera och lagra patientinformation. Det är en anledning till att det är problem med att utbyta patientjournaldata mellan olika system. Detta försvårar bland annat forskning och tillgänglighet till patientinformation. Brist på tillgänglighet minskar i sin tur möjligheten att ge en god vård oberoende av var patienten befinner sig. Inom projektet openEHR har en idé med så kallade arketyper tagits fram som ett enhetligt sätt att strukturera utbytbar patientjournaldata för att möta framtida krav på patientjournaler och patientjournalsystem. Arketyper är formella modeller av kliniska informationsentiteter, exempelvis blodtryck. De byggs upp av restriktioner, struktur och termer med eventuella bindningar till medicinska terminologisystem. Dessutom kopplas medicinsk kunskap i arketyperna fri från journalsystemen. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att utveckla ett verktyg, en så kallad arketypeditor, som kan användas för att skapa och redigera arketyper. Utöver detta skulle möjligheterna undersökas att i verktyget implementera en koppling till medicinska terminologisystem. Utvecklingen har skett i en iterativ process med fokus på användbarhet och stabilitet. Det har även ingått att ta reda på syftet med en arketypeditor. Resultatet är ett plattformsoberoende och stabilt verktyg som är utvecklat enligt användbarhetsprinciper med koppling till terminologisystemet Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). En arketypeditors syfte i ett bredare perspektiv är att lösa brister i dagens medicinska informationssystem som tas upp i denna rapport. Trots att openEHR-projektet är nytt finns det många tekniskt gångbara idéer, men det finns även problem som beror på för lite praktisk testning och tillämpning. / Present-day electronic health record systems have limited possibilities to structure and store patient information in a similarly manner. This causes problems with exchanging patient record data between different systems and it gives rise to problems with, among other things, research and patient information availability. Lack of availability will in turn decrease the possibility of giving good care irrespective of where the patient is located. Within the openEHR project an idea with so called archetypes has been introduced as a uniform way to structure exchangeable patient record data in order to meet future requirements on electronic health records and systems. Archetypes are formal models of clinical information entities, for example blood pressure. They are constructed from constraints, structure and terms which may have bindings to medical terminology systems. Furthermore, medical knowledge in the archetypes is separated from the patient record systems. The purpose of the thesis has been to develop a tool, a so called archetype editor, that can be used to create and edit archetypes. In addition, the possibilities of implementing a connection to medical terminology systems should be explored. The development has followed an iterative process with focus on stability and usability. Another task has also been to find out the purpose with an archetype editor. The result is a platform-independent and stable tool, developed according to usability principles with a connection to the terminology system Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). An archetype editor’s purpose in a wider perspective is to solve shortcomings in medical information systems of today, which are brought up in this thesis. Although the openEHR project is new, there are many technically applicable ideas but also problems because of insufficient practical testing and application.

Goethe's Vision of Natur during the Italian Journey

Ewing, John Paul 2009 December 1900 (has links)
The following project will examine the scientific, metaphysical, and aesthetic themes connected to Goethe's vision of Natur during and surrounding the years of his famed Italian Journey. Goethe's progressing conceptualization of the Urpflanze during this period, as witnessed in his autobiographical Italienische Reise and the Versuch, die Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu erklaren, will be of special concern because of its pertinence to a number of vital natural scientific themes in Goethe's scientific work. I will also trace the progression of these themes over time as seen in Goethe's related theories of the intermaxillary bone and of the morphology of plant organs so as to maintain that the Italian Journey may be seen as a period not only of literary revitalization as commonly cited, but also of scientific progress in connection with Goethe's deepening understanding of Natur as well as its inherent laws and archetypal nature. The first chapter will introduce the project's problem in detail as well as the textual and critical obstructions associated with the project. I will maintain in Chapter II that Goethe's biography during the 1780s shows a systematic progression in the understanding of Natur in his scientific projects and in the Reise, which also helps to demonstrate that Goethe's Journey was a period during which Goethe was able to develop, in greater detail than heretofore, his metaphysical vision of Natur. In Chapter III, I will investigate the primary textual material on Goethe?s notion of the Urpflanze within the Italienische Reise and its resulting extension in his 1790 study of plant morphology, the Metamorphose der Pflanzen. Chapter IV will discuss the topic of the Eins in Nature and anschauende Urteilskraft as detected in Goethe's scientific writings. Chapter V will continue and conclude this argument by linking Richards' argument regarding "Romantic biologists" to Goethe?s natural science during the time of the Italian Journey, thus making a connection between Kunst and Natur in the Italienische Reise and in Goethe's scientific projects during and surrounding the Journey.

The potential contribution of psychosynthesis to education : an interview-based exploration of educators' experiences of working with members of the 'New Generations' who are developing towards self-actualisation and self-transcendence

Trotta, Patrizia January 2012 (has links)
The intention behind this research was to reveal through two interpretive, inter-related studies the perceived needs of differently-labelled youth, collectively addressed in this thesis as ‘the New Generations’, exploring potentially viable ways of working with them in education. The first study focused on youth labelled Indigos, and the second study focused on exploring a possible way of working with the New Generations according to experienced teachers. Both studies drew on lived experience and opinions of educators who have acquired extensive experience respectively with the Indigo phenomenon and with the psychosynthetic educational model. The first study’s results revealed not only Indigos’ self-actualising and self-transcending characteristics and needs, but also indicated that holistic approaches to education appeared to have been successful with them. A further analysis of characteristics observed by special education experts indicated that differently-labelled youth also appear to be motivated by self-actualising and self-transcending tendencies, which highlighted the relevance of investigating holistic models for potential integration in mainstream education. Psychosynthesis was chosen for investigation in the second study, in that besides addressing self-actualising/transcending needs, it also integrates them within the psyche. The study explored how recent psychosynthesis-based educational projects might inform, and contribute to, holistic and mainstream education. Some innovative potential contributions to both holistic and mainstream education were found. Recent research on current tendencies, educational futures and global trends affecting a changing world would appear to emphasise the relevance of the contributions offered by the psychosynthesis model, hence to suggest the potential appropriateness of their fuller integration in mainstream education. However, an examination of study results and of the relevant literature on practices seems to indicate a tendency to transmit knowledge from past to future generations, irrespective of possibly changed needs, in both mainstream and holistic education. It is suggested that this potentially biased way of educating youth might need to be addressed on both fronts.

Proměny a adaptace mýtu o Amorovi a Psyché v literatuře / Transformation and Adaptation of the Cupid and Psyche Myth in Literature

Fauknerová, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis Bc. Anna Fauknerová (2018) Transformationand Adaptation of the Cupid and Psyche Myth in Literature Abstract This thesis deals with the myth of Cupid and Psyche. It is concerned with the version of the myth found in Apulei's novel The Golden Ass as well as in other works such as fairy tales and novels. Some of these other works refer to the myth directly while others' connections to it have not been established and they merely demonstrate similar motifs. The first part of the thesis deals with Apuleius and his text The Golden Ass, which is the oldest surviving version of the myth of Amor and Psyche. The main characteristics of the myth as well as its characters, the story and the meanings that are hidden in it are examined. The character of Psyche and the way her heroism manifests itself are examined in greater detail. The second part of the thesis compares the myth with three fairy tales and three novels based on the conclusions of the previous chapter. The greatest emphasis is placed on the development and adaptation of individual motifs, similarities and disimilarities in content and form and on the way in which the myth is reflected in literature. The third part of the thesis looks at three possible ways of interpreting the myth. Keywords: Cupid, Psyche, myth, fairy tale, motif of light...

Protean deities : classical mythology in John Keats’s ‘Hyperion poems’ and Dan Simmons’s Hyperion and The fall of Hyperion

Steyn, Herco Jacobus 10 1900 (has links)
This dissertation concurs with the Jungian postulation that certain psychological archetypes are inclined to be reproduced by the collective unconscious. In turn, these psychological archetypes are revealed to emerge in literature as literary archetypes. It is consequently argued that science fiction has come to form a new mythology because the archetypal images are displaced in a modern, scientific guise. This signifies a shift in the collective world view of humanity, or a shift in its collective consciousness. It is consequently argued that humanity’s collective consciousness has evolved from mythic thought to scientific thought, courtesy of the numerous groundbreaking scientific discoveries of the past few centuries. This dissertation posits as a premise that Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s supposition of humanity’s collective consciousness evolving towards what he calls the Omega Point to hold true. The scientific displacement of the literary archetypes reveals humankind’s evolution towards the Omega Point and a cosmic consciousness. / English Studies / M.A. (English)

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