Spelling suggestions: "subject:"abstraktion"" "subject:"abstraktions""
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Messages in games and player backgroundA player study about modeling and conveying emotional states through game rules and mechanics : A player study about modeling and conveying emotional states through game rules and mechanicsMalkan Nelson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Games can be used to convey meaning and communicate messages. While there is ample research on games' expressive capacities, how players' backgrounds impact game interpretation has thus far been under-explored. This study explores this gap by way of testing an expressive game and discerns if there is a relationship between how people experience a game and their personal background and current state of mind. To engage this question, we conducted a player study. We developed the abstract, metaphorical game “Lorn” intended for this purpose. The game together with an online survey, intended to assess players' background and state of mind, was distributed to potential participants. After having played the game, the participants shared their interpretation of the message in the game and their experiences and feelings they experienced while playing. 15 people participated in the player study. The result indicates there are differences in how people interpret a message depending on their personal background and their current state of mind. / Spel kan användas för att förmedla både budskap och mening. Trots att det finns omfattande forskning på hur man kan uttrycka sig med spel, så är forskning kring hur spelares bakgrund påverkar deras tolkning bristfällig. Den här studien utforskar detta genom att testa ett “expressivt spel” och urskilja om det finns någon koppling mellan hur människor upplever ett spel och deras personliga bakgrund och sinnesstämning. Vi utförde en spelarstudie för att undersöka den här frågan. För detta ändamål utvecklade vi det abstrakta, metaforiska spelet “Lorn”. Tillsammans med en online enkät, som ämnade att ta reda på spelarnas bakgrund och sinnesstämning, distribuerade vi spelet till potentiella deltagare. Efter att ha spelat spelet delgav deltagarna sina tolkningar av betydelsen, sina upplevelser av Lorn, och vilka känslor de kände när de spelade spelet. 15 personer deltog i studien. Våra resultat indikerar att det finns skillnader i hur människor tolkar budskap beroende på deras personliga bakgrund och sinnesstämning.
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On Physical Layer Abstraction Modeling for 5G and Beyond CommunicationsAnwar, Waqar 09 November 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to abstract the physical layer (PHY) performance of current and upcoming technologies, so that, their suitability for various use cases and scenarios could be evaluated within an affordable time. For the said purpose, a new effective SINR mapping technique eEESM along with the dynamic optimization of the fitting parameter is proposed. The mapping accuracy of proposed eEESM techniques is analyzed and compared against the other state-of-the-art methods in the doubly selective channel. The results show that the proposed technique is more accurate and map closest to the reference packet error rate (PER) curves. Moreover, the mapping error of eEESM is the lowest for all considered MCSs. The justification for its better performance is the tighter symbol error rate (SER) approximation used to derive effective SINR and the proposed optimization approach.
The main purpose of using PLA instead of full PHY simulations is to reduce simulation time. Therefore, a novel concept is presented to abstract PHY performance depending on the time and frequency selectivity of the channel. This further reduces the number of computations required to estimate performance using PLA. To demonstrate the gain in terms of simulation time, the computation complexity of PLA is compared against full PHY simulations. Results show that PLA is roughly 1000 to 1000000 times faster (depending on the abstracted fading conditions) compared to the PHY simulator.
The effective SINR mapping approach is then further extended for future candidate multi-carrier techniques (i.e., OFDM, DFT-s-OFDM, GFDM, OTFS), which could be adopted by the upcoming technologies. For this purpose, the received SINR of symbols received through these multi-carrier techniques is derived. The resultant received SINR also considers the impact of ICI due to Doppler. Subsequently, the received SINR of symbols is mapped to effective SINR considering the selectivity of the channel. By comparing the effective SINR, OTFS outperforms other techniques. The reason for the better performance of OTFS is due to the spread of symbol energy over time and frequency, which results in higher effective SINR due to higher diversity. Furthermore, evaluation results show that the proposed PLA can accurately model the performance of these multi-carrier techniques under various fading conditions.
Multi-connectivity is another enhancement being considered for future technologies, as an enabler for ultra-reliable communications under harsh channel conditions. Therefore, multi-connectivity communications are also studied in this thesis. Specifically, the frequency domain multi-connectivity networks are presented. To fully exploit frequency diversity under frequency selective channels, the subcarrier-based link combing scheme is proposed. The earlier derived received SINR is then extended for the state-of-the-art link combining schemes, i.e., SC, EGC, and MRC. The multi-connectivity gain in terms of the average received SINR is derived and compared for the above-mentioned combining schemes. To abstract the performance of multi-connectivity communications, the post-combined effective SINR mapping is proposed, where effective SINR represents the combined performance of connected links. The developed PLA performance is validated against the PHY simulations for the case of MRC. Results reveal that with the increase in multi-connectivity order, the RMSE error decreases due to the decrease in the variance of mapping SINRs.
In the end, various applications of PLA are demonstrated. The developed multi-carrier PLAs are used to compare the performance of multi-carrier techniques under various fading conditions. Results depict that PER of multi-carrier techniques generally decreases with the increase in time or frequency selectivity, given that, the ideal channel estimation, ICI, and inter-symbol interference (ISI) cancellation is used. The multi-connectivity evaluation results depict that with the increase in channel selectivity higher diversity gain could be achieved. Besides, the proposed subcarrier-wise combining scheme achieves better performance compared to the traditional link combining approach. The next PLA application demonstrated is the performance comparison of V2X technologies, i.e., IEEE~802.11p, LTE-V2V, IEEE~802.11bd, and NR-V2X, in an Urban NLOS communications scenario. It is observed that 802.11bd outperforms other technologies in terms of PER and packet reception ratio (PRR). Its better performance is due to lower ICI compared to LTE-V2X and NR-V2X, and due to the use of LDPC codes compared to 802.11p. In contrast, NR-V2X outperforms other technologies in terms of data rates and packet inter-arrival time. The last PLA application shown is the link adaptation for single-link and multi-connectivity communications. In single-link communication, the performance of various PLA techniques is compared in terms of achieved data rates and outage probability against the case of perfect CQI. The CQI based on the proposed eEESM technique improves the data rates and reliability of the link, compared to other schemes. Further, in the case of multi-connectivity, the post-combined effective SINR mapping proposed in this thesis is used for link adaptation in terms of both MCS selection and adapting the number of links. The proposed scheme optimizes multi-connectivity data rates while using the lowest possible number of links required for the desired quality of service.
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Mixed-Level-Simulation heterogener Systeme mit VHDL-AMS durch Multi-Architecture-ModellierungSchlegel, Michael 04 October 2005 (has links)
Die Simulation heterogener Systeme auf hoher
Abstraktionsebene gewinnt auf Grund der
zunehmenden Komplexität technischer Systeme
stetig an Bedeutung. Unter heterogenen Systemen
versteht man technische Systeme, die aus analoger
und digitaler Elektronik, aus Komponenten
verschiedener physikalischer Domänen wie
mechanischen Strukturen, thermischen und
optischen Komponenten sowie aus Software
bestehen können. Genügte es bisher, die
einzelnen Komponenten für sich in ihrer eigenen
Domäne mit einem speziellen Simulator zu
simulieren, so ist es heute unerläßlich, auch
die Interaktionen zwischen den Komponenten zu
erfassen. Um solche Systeme mit einer
einheitlichen Beschreibungsform erfassen zu
können, entstand aus der digitalen
Hardwarebeschreibungssprache VHDL die
Systembeschreibungssprache VHDL-AMS.
Bei der Modellierung eines Systems muß das
tatsächliche Verhalten der Komponenten
abstrahiert werden, um mathematisch erfaßbar
und in begrenzter Zeit simulierbar zu sein. Der
Grad der Abstraktion beeinflußt jedoch die
Genauigkeit der Simulationsergebnisse wesentlich.
Dabei muß bzw. kann das Verhalten in
unterschiedlichen Komponenten unterschiedlich
stark abstrahiert werden, um noch akzeptable
Simulationsgenauigkeiten erzielen zu können.
VHDL-AMS erlaubt die Beschreibung von Komponenten
auf unterschiedlichen Abstraktionsniveaus. Man
kann die unterschiedlich abstrakten Modelle der
Komponenten aber nur schwer in einer
Systemsimulation gemeinsam simulieren, da
unterschiedlich abstrakte Modelle auch
unterschiedlich abstrakte Schnittstellen
aufweisen, so daß die Modelle nur mühsam
miteinander verbunden werden können. Ein
Austausch eines abstrakten Modells einer
Komponente gegen ein weniger abstraktes Modell
oder umgekehrt ist mit vielen fehleranfälligen
und zeitaufwendigen Anpassungsschritten verbunden.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird ein methodischer
Ansatz vorgestellt, der es auf der Basis einer
Vereinheitlichung der Modellschnittstellen
ermöglicht, unterschiedlich abstrakte Modelle
gemeinsam zu simulieren und einzelne Modelle
gegen abstraktere oder weniger abstrakte Modelle
ohne nennenswerten Zeit- und Modellierungsaufwand
auszutauschen. Es werden die zu verwendenden
Interfaceobjekte und Datentypen für digitale,
analoge elektrische und nichtelektrische
Schnittstellen unter VHDL-AMS und SystemC-AMS
vorgestellt. Ebenso werden Methoden vorgestellt,
die digitales, ereignisdiskretes Verhalten auf
konservative elektrische Schnittstellen bzw.
nichtkonservatives analoges Verhalten auf
digitale Schnittstellen abbilden. Weiterhin wird
erläutert, wie sich digitale Protokolle über
Abstraktionsebenen hinweg übertragen lassen und
ein modifizierter Top-Down Design-Flow
vorgestellt. Die Demonstration der Anwendbarkeit
der Methode erfolgt anhand eines Beispiels.
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API data gathering and structuring for machine learning and human use : Optimizing API data for both financial machine learning and being easy to read and use by the end user / API data insamling och strukturering för maskininlärning och människa : Optimisterna API data för både finansiell maskininlärning och enkelt att läsa och använda för användarenForshällen, Axel January 2022 (has links)
This thesis looks into how to implement an abstraction layer between transaction data gathered from Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) compliant banks via an Application Programming Interface (API) and a data base, with a human user interface for reading and structuring the data. API for data sources tend to not have a standardized structure and this creates a problem for machine learning. The result is that the machine learning component either has to be built around the data collected from the API or the data to be transformed and reformatted to fit the structure of the machine learning component's database. An application will use the abstraction layer to fetch data and to allow the user to set up how the data should be reformatted before being sent to the machine learning component's database. The application has to display the data in an easy to read format and the application needs to be usable by a human user. The main questions are (i) how this abstraction should be implemented, (ii) how much of it can be automated, and (iii) what is the optimal design for the components. PSD2 open banking systems in Sweden are using Representational State Transfer (REST) API and provide data in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format, and can be considered the de facto standard. The abstractions can be divided into three areas: Authorization, Account and transaction access, and Transaction data. Out of these areas only the transaction data could be abstracted fully. The account and transaction access process could be partly abstracted while the authorization process can only be broken down into steps as there is no possibility of abstracting the parameters used by the different banks. The project aimed to produce a fully functioning application for gathering data via PSD2 open banking where the user can configure the application through a simple system that does not require the user to have a lot of knowledge about coding. While the process of fetching transaction data from PSD2 API is simplified, the goal of being useful to a person without knowledge of coding is currently impossible unless PSD2 open banking is standardized or more advanced tools are used. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur man kan implementera ett abstraktionslager mellan transaktionsdata samlat från Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) kompatibla banker via en Application Programming Interface (API) och en databas, med en gränssnitt för människor att använda för att läsa och strukturera data. APIer för datakällor tenderar mot att inte ha en standardiserad struktur och det skapar problem för maskininlärning. Det resulterar i att maskininlärningskomponenten måste antingen byggas runt datan som hämtas från APIer eller att datan transformeras och oformaterad för att passa strukturen för maskininlärningskomponentens databas. Applikation behöver visa datan på ett format som är enkelt att läsa och vara lätt för en människa att använda. Huvudfrågorna är (i) hur abstraktionen ska implementeras, (ii) hur mycket som kan automatiseras, och (iii) vad optimala designen är för komponenterna. PSD2 open banking system i Sverige använder sig av Representational State Transfer (REST) APIer och ger data i JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) formatet och kan anses som en de facto standard. Abstraktionerna kan delas in i tre områden: auktorisering, tillgång till konton och transaktioner, och transaktionsdata. Av dessa tre områden så var det endast transaktionsdata som kunde fullt abstrakternas. Processen för tillgång till konton och transaktioner kunde delvis abstrakternas medan auktorisering kunde endast brytas ner i steg eftersom det inte finns någon möjlighet att abstraktera parametrarna som används av olika banker. Det här projektet försökte producera en fullt fungerande applikation för att samla data via PSD2 kompatibla open banking system där användaren kan konfigurera applikationen genom ett simpelt system där användaren inte skulle behöva erfarenhet om kodning. Processen för att hämta transaktionsdata från PSD2 APIer kan förenklas, men målet var att det skulle vara användbart för en person som inte kan programmering är omöjligt att nå om PSD2 open banking inte standardiseras eller mer avancerade verktyg används.
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Identification of atomic code blocks for model checking using deductive verification based abstraction / Identifiering av atomiska kodblock för modellkontroll med deduktiv verifieringsbaserad abstraktionVanhainen, Erik January 2024 (has links)
Model checking is a formal verification technique for verifying temporal properties in state-transition models. The main problem with using model checking is the state explosion problem, where the number of states in the model can grow exponentially, making verification infeasible. Previous work has tried to mitigate the state explosion problem by representing code blocks as Hoare-logic contracts in an abstract state-transition model using the temporal logic TLA. This is achieved by treating the block as atomic. In order to ensure that the abstract state-transition model is faithful with respect to the temporal properties you want to verify, only some code blocks can be considered atomic. This thesis aims to answer how atomic code blocks can be identified atomically and evaluate their potential for reducing state space during model checking. We give a theoretical foundation of what it means for a code block to be considered as atomic in TLA. Moreover, we introduce a property that characterizes these atomic code blocks and presents an algorithm to identify them for sequential programs written in a subset of C. Experimental results demonstrate that the identification of atomic code blocks using our algorithm can be used to significantly reduce the state space during model checking, with an average reduction factor of 62. The potential of this verification approach is promising, however, further case studies are necessary to better understand the extent of this reduction across different program types and properties. / Modellkontroll är en formell verifieringsteknik för att bekräfta tidsrelaterade egenskaper i tillståndsövergångsmodeller. Huvudproblemet med modellkontroll är problemet med tillståndsexplosion, där antalet tillstånd i modellen kan öka exponentiellt och göra verifieringen ogenomförbar. Tidigare arbete har försökt mildra problemet med tillståndsexplosion genom att representera kodblock som Hoare-logiska kontrakt i en abstrakt tillståndsövergångsmodell med hjälp av tidslogiken TLA. Detta uppnås genom att behandla blocket som atomiskt. För att säkerställa att den abstrakta tillståndsövergångsmodellen är trogen med avseende på de tidsrelaterade egenskaper du vill verifiera kan endast vissa kodblock betraktas som atomiska. Denna avhandling syftar till att besvara hur atomiska kodblock kan identifieras automatiskt och utvärdera deras potential för att minska tillståndsutrymmet under modellkontroll. Vi ger en teoretisk grund för vad det innebär för ett kodblock att betraktas som atomiskt inom TLA. Dessutom introducerar vi en egenskap som karaktäriserar dessa atomiska kodblock och presenterar en algoritm för att identifiera dem för sekventiella program skrivna i en delmängd av C. Experimentella resultat visar att identifieringen av atomiska kodblock med hjälp av vår algoritm kan användas för att betydligt minska tillståndsutrymmet under modellkontroll, med en genomsnittlig reduktionsfaktor på 62. Potentialen för denna verifieringsmetod är lovande, men ytterligare fallstudier krävs för att bättre förstå omfattningen av denna reduktion över olika typer av program och egenskaper.
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[pt] Este trabalho examina o fenômeno de retomada da estética da transparência
na arquitetura a partir dos anos 1990, depois de anos de latência desde a
substituição da linguagem moderna, abstrata e etérea, das primeiras vanguardas
por outra que expressasse aspectos regionais e fenomenológicos. Tal retomada
estaria associada ao desenvolvimento das novas tecnologias digitais e à realidade
estruturada segundo a dinâmica do capitalismo pós-industrial. Estas configurariam
uma estrutura urbana desmaterializada, instável e independente da construção
física. Tais mudanças teriam tornado obsoletos os paradigmas da solidez,
funcionalidade e beleza, herdados da tradição clássica. A tendência ao
desaparecimento das qualidades substanciais da arquitetura e a consequente perda
dos referenciais fenomenológicos nos recolocou a questão do habitar. A estética
da transparência estaria inicialmente associada à concepção iluminista, que
pressupunha a clareza dos objetos e a emancipação do sujeito, mas se desdobrará
no sentido da ambiguidade em função da ruptura com o conceito de espaço
euclidiano, ocorrida em torno de 1910. Tal ruptura teria sido promovida tanto
pelas descobertas científicas que unificavam as dimensões de tempo e espaço,
quanto pela disseminação de imagens aéreas cinematográficas. As imagens
retratavam o espaço topológico e apresentavam a realidade sob a ordem da
fragmentação e da perda de perspectiva. A concepção de espaço topológico foi
também associada aos sentimentos de angústia e desenraizamento,
experimentados pelo homem moderno. A expressão dessa patologia nas artes de
vanguarda será criticada por fomentar a desarticulação do engajamento político
através de um método que promoveria a perda de visão da totalidade do real. Tal
método teria sido desenvolvido por Wilhelm Worringer a partir da noção de
Vontade de Arte, expressa no impulso para abstração, este relativo ao conceito do
espaço topológico. Este trabalho verificou que tal mudança na concepção de
espaço levará à reformulação do conceito de transparência de literal para
fenomênica, caracterizada nas artes pela representação de múltiplos pontos de
vista, da interpenetração espacial e da perda de profundidade. A transparência
fenomênica será associada contemporaneamente ao espaço paranoico, que viria
sendo desenvolvido com a contribuição da tecnologia digital em termos espaciais
e da mutação dos corpos segundo sua conexão com a realidade virtual. A
tecnologia cibernética determinaria um novo tipo de expressão da alienação e o
desdobramento da noção de transparência, que qualificamos como abjeta. A
transparência foi associada pelos primeiros modernos à expressão de japonidade
na arquitetura, cuja essência o desenvolvimento da história tratou de contrariar ao
evidenciar seu modo interativo. Verificamos neste trabalho algumas das
contribuições japonesas em função de suas qualidades locais. Tomamos o edifício
para a Midiateca Sendai (2001) de Toyo Ito como objeto de estudo. A Midiateca
levaria ao extremo a noção de transparência ao estendê-la das fachadas às
estruturas vazadas, pensadas como expressão do espaço puro na linguagem
abstrata moderna. Seu programa seria multifuncional e aberto a mudanças,
considerando a participação da comunidade e dos demais membros institucionais
desde o processo de projeto. Esta obra responderia tanto à questão da autonomia
artística quanto à da perda de função social, associadas ao esteticismo das
vanguardas modernas. / [en] This dissertation examines the phenomenon of the revival of the aesthetics
of transparency in architecture since the 1990s, when the expression of regional
and phenomenological aspects has been replaced by a modern, abstract and
ethereal language. This revival has been associated with the development of new
digital technologies and with post-industrial capitalism, producing dematerialized
and unstable urban structures which are independent of their physical
construction. Such changes would have rendered the classical tradition paradigms
of solidity, functionality and beauty obsolete. The tendency towards the
disappearance of the substantial qualities of architecture and the consequent loss
of phenomenological references has brought us back to the question of dwelling.
The aesthetics of transparency has been associated with the Enlightenment and it
presupposes clarity of objects and emancipation of the subject. However, around
1910, it produced a sense of ambiguity due to the rupture with the concept of
Euclidean space. Such a rupture may have been promoted both by the scientific
discoveries that unified the dimensions of time and space, and by the
dissemination of cinematographic aerial images. These images portrayed the
topological space and presented a fragmented reality without perspective. The
conception of topological space has also been associated with the feelings of
anguish and uprooting of the modern human being. The expression of this
pathology in the avant-garde arts has been criticized for fomenting the
disarticulation of the political engagement through a method that would promote
the loss of a complete vision of reality. Wilhelm Worringer has allegedly
developed the method from the notion of the Will to Art expressed as an urge to
abstraction, which is related to the concept of topological space. The present
study verified that such a change in the conception of space leads to a literal and
phenomenal reformulation of the concept of transparency, which is characterized
in the arts by the representation of multiple points of view, spatial interpenetration
and loss of depth. Phenomenal transparency is nowadays associated with a
paranoid space, which is developed with the contribution of digital technology in
spatial terms and the transformation of bodies according to their connection with
virtual reality. Cybernetic technology may be determining a new kind of
expression of alienation of the notion of transparency, which we consider to be
abject. The early moderns have associated transparency with the expression of
Japan-ness, which has been described as essentially interactive. Here we verify
some of the Japanese contributions due to their local qualities. Our object of study
is the Sendai Mediatheque (2001), by Toyo Ito. This building takes the notion of
transparency to the extreme by extending it from the facades to the hollow
structures, which is considered an expression of pure space in modern abstract
language. Its program is multifunctional and open to change, and the community
and other institutional members are involved with the project. Ito s work brings
into question the artistic autonomy as well as the loss of social function, which is
associated with the aestheticism of modern avant-gardes. / [de] Subjekts voraussetzte. Um 1910, wird es wird aber zweideutig aufgrund des Bruches mit dem Begriff des euklidischen Raums. Dieser Bruch wurde sowohl durch die wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen der Vereinheitlichung der Dimensionen von Zeit und Raum gefordert, , als auch durch die Verbreitung kinematografischer Luftbilder. Diese Bilder portratierten den topologischen Raum und prasentierten eine fragmentierte Realitat mit Perspektivverlust. Die Konzeption des topologischen Raums war auch mit den Gefuhlen der Angst und Entwurzelung des modernen Menschen verbunden. Der Ausdruck dieser Pathologie bei der kunstlerischen Avantgarde wird zur Forderung des Abbaus des politischen Engagements durch ein Verfahren kritisiert werden, die den Verlust des Sehvermogens der Gesamtheit der Wirklichkeit fordern wurden. Diese Methode soll von Wilhelm Worringer aus dem Begriff der Kunstwollen entwickelt worden sein. Sie ist durch den Abstraktionsdrang ausgedruckt, und ist auf den Begriff des topologischen Raumsbezogen. Diese Studie ergab, dass eine solche Anderung in der Gestaltung des Raumes auf die Neuformulierung des Konzepts der Transparenz von wortliches zu phanomenale fuhren wird, was in der Kunst durch mehrere Gesichtspunkte, raumlichen Dringen und Verlust der Tiefe gekennzeichnet ist. Phanomenale Transparenz wird gleichzeitig mit paranoidem Raum assoziiert, der mit dem Beitrag der digitalen Technologie in raumlicher Hinsicht und der Mutation von Korpern entsprechend ihrer Verbindung mit virtueller Realität entwickelt wird. Die kybernetische Technologie wurde einen neuen Ausdruck der Entfremdung und die Entfaltung des Begriffs der Transparenz bestimmen, was wir als abjekt bezeichnen. Transparenz wurde in der Modernitat mit Japan-heit verbunden. Ihr interaktiven Modus wurde in der Geschichte demonstriert. Wir uberprufen in dieser Arbeit einige der japanischen Beitrage mit ihren lokalen Qualitaten. Unser Untersuchungsobjekt ist das Gebaude fur die Mediathek in Sendai (2001), von Toyo Ito. Die Mediathek nimmt den Begriff der Transparenz zum Extrem, da ihre Fassaden sich an den hohlen Strukturen erweitert. Diese Strukturen sind ein Ausdruck des reinen Raumes in der modernen abstrakten Sprache. Die Mediathek ist multifunktional und veranderungsfahig, und die Gemeinschaft ist am Projekt beteiligt. Das Werk von Toyo Ito stellt in Frage die kunstlerische Autonomie als Verlust der sozialen Funktion entsprechen, die mit dem Asthetizismus der modernen Avantgarde verbunden ist.
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Günter Grass und die bildende Kunst / Eine interdisziplinäre Untersuchung der Schaffensjahre 1947 bis 1977 / Günter Grass and the Visual Arts / An Interdisciplinary Study of the Creative Period between 1947 and 1977Krason, Viktoria 22 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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