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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le Louvre des Sables : le dossier Abou Dhabi

Gautier-Jacquet, Viviane 08 1900 (has links)
L’Accord intergouvernemental du 6 mars 2007, prévoyant l’aide de la France à la création du premier musée universel hors occident, à Abou Dhabi, aux Émirats Arabes Unis, soulève une vive polémique qui dénonce, entre autres, l’ingérence du politique dans les affaires du musée, la commercialisation du nom « Louvre » et des œuvres du patrimoine national. Par le biais des points essentiels soulevés par les polémistes, le mémoire propose une analyse du rôle historique du musée de l’État dans la société, de l’édification du concept de patrimoine national, de sa pertinence aujourd’hui face au cosmopolitisme des sociétés contemporaines, au pluralisme, et à la mondialisation. Il étudie les ressources économiques du Louvre, ses approches pour générer les fonds nécessaires à son équilibre budgétaire, ainsi que la volonté française d’affirmer sa présence, voire sa prépondérance, au sein d’une culture qui s’universalise, avec pour but d’arriver à la rentabilité financière des grands musées publics. La notion d’intégrité physique et de transmission morale du patrimoine est également abordée alors que le principe d’inaliénabilité des collections publiques est, quelque peu, remis en question par l’actualité. L’Accord signé illustre une adaptation des activités du musée national confronté à des besoins de financement grandissants face aux pressions du marché de l’art international et aux réalités du commerce global. Il illustre la dichotomie entre les exigences pragmatiques de la nature politico-économique du musée, et la fonction de conservation et de recherche qui est d’ordre théorique et moral. Il montre que le capital symbolique du musé devient, aussi, un capital financier. / An intergovernmental agreement signed on March 6, 2007 provided for France’s support for the establishment of the first universal survey museum outside the Western world, in Abu Dhabi. It sparked a fierce debate over such issues as political interference in the museum’s affairs and the commercialization of the “Louvre” brand and of the works that are part of France’s national heritage. By examining the main points raised by critics, this thesis analyzes the social role historically played by the Louvre, the concept of national heritage and its current relevance, given the cosmopolitan nature of contemporary society and the phenomena of pluralism and globalization. It studies the museum’s financial resources, its methods of generating the funds to balance its budget and France’s desire to assert its presence, its dominance even, in an increasingly universal world culture, in order to make its national museums profitable. The notion of physical integrity versus the intangible transmission of the collective heritage is also addressed, while the principle of the inalienability of public collections is questioned somewhat in view of recent political developments. The agreement demonstrates an adaptation of the activities of a national museum faced with growing financial needs due to the pressures of the international art market and the realities of global business. It illustrates the dichotomy between the practical demands of the museum’s political and economic situation, and its more theoretical and intangible mission of preservation and research. It shows that the museum’s symbolic capital is also becoming a form of financial capital. / Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de ses documents visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

兒少保護緊急安置個案處遇之研究 / A Study of the Urgent Ensconced Treat ment in Children and Teenage Protection

陸鷊�, Pei-wen Hsu January 1994 (has links)
現階段的兒童少年保護工作中,社會工作專業的介入都與法令的執行及公權力角色息息相關,強制性的工作乃是依據兒童及少年保護的相關立法規定而進行強制性的介入。在兒童及少年保護工作中,以緊急安置對兒童及少年的家庭、親子關係及相關權益有最直接的影響,而事實上,在強制性的介入中,家庭弁鄋熊�估及處遇工作是一項整合修復兒童及少年個人與家庭的重要過程,並確保兒童少年及其家庭二方的權益皆能受到保障。本研究係針對屏東縣91年至94年間處理的78件兒童少年緊急安置案件,採量化的文件分析法及質性的深度訪談蒐集研究資料,希望透過本研究檢視過去緊急安置的處遇方式,並提出未來在兒童及少年保護過程中緊急安置發展方向的建議。研究者以家庭處遇的觀點來探討兒童及少年在經過緊急安置及提供受虐者與施虐者必要的輔導後,家庭維繫或家庭重整對兒童及少年權益的影響。研究者透過個案處遇記錄及與執行兒少保護實務的工作人員訪談,針對屏東縣在執行兒童及少年保護工作的緊急安置處遇提出下列研究成果與建議:1.目前兒童及少年保護的工作模式,大致仍以提供兒童及少年最佳安全環境為主要目的,緊急安置對案主權益的維護,與後續的家庭評估與處遇有重要的相關,是以加強專業網絡的建構及提昇專業人員知能才能有效執行法令對兒童及少年的保護;2.治本的辦法則為加強社會教育強化父母對子女的責任觀念;3.若評估家庭弁鄐w無法重建,?維護兒童及少年的權益,替代性的服務是必要的處遇觀念,讓兒童及少年有機會重新出發建立新的生活能力。 / Presently, the involvement of professional social work is related closely with the execution of laws and the gov ern ment when we talk about the protection of children and teenagers. Forceful modes are based on the laws of children and teenagers protection. However, what influences the relati on and rights of children and teenagers is crisis interven tion and placement. In fact, the evaluation of family fu nction and family treat ment is an important processof int egrating th econnection of individual and family in forceful mode. It can also guarantee the rights of both child ren and family. This research is based on 78 cases of teenagers’ crisis i ntervention and pl acement in Pintung County fro m 2002 to 2005. It is a quantified document analysis and a qualified deep interview as well . The purpose of this article is to discuss the way o f the urgent ensconced treatment in the past, and give advices to improve the quality of children and teenage protection in the future. This article uses the view of family treat ment approach to discuss the in fluence of victims, offenders, and fa mily in children and teenagers urgent ensconced treatment. Based on the individual reco rds and interview with workers who work with children and teenagers, there are some conclusions and suggestions to urgent ensconced treat ment of children and teenagers protection in Pintung county as following: 1. At present , the main goal o f the children and teenagers protection is still providing the safest circu mstances. The way o f crisis int ervention and placement has strong connection with guarantee of client s’ rights and family evaluation in the future. To improve the function of child ren andteenagers protection more efficiently, we should strengthen the professional netwo rk and elevate the knowledge of professional workers. 2. The best way to solve the problem is to enhance parent s’ responsibility to their children. 3. If fami ly function could not be rebuilt, alternative service would b e a necessary to ensure children and teenagers’ rights. It can give them a chance to develop their social ability as well. / 目錄 中文摘要……………………………………………………………………i 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………ii 誌謝………………………………………………………………………iii 目錄………………………………………………………………………iv 表目錄 ………………………………………………………………… viii 圖目錄……………………………………………………………………x 第 一 章 緒 論 …………………………………………………………1 第一節 研究背景………………………………………………… 2 第二節 研究動機 ……………………………………………3 第三節 研究目的 ……………………………………………4 第四節 名詞界定 ……………………………………………5 第 二 章 文獻探討 ………………………………………………… 8 第一節 兒童及少年保護緊急安置的概念 ……………………8 第二節 兒童及少年保護、福利相關法規 ……………………9 第三節 受虐類型……………………………………………… 9 第四節 兒童及少年保護服務處遇模式 ……………………11 第五節 家庭維繫與家庭重整 ………………………………11 第六節 過去相關研究 ………………………………………13 第 三 章 研究方法 …………………………………………………… 15 第一節 研究架構…………………………………………… 15 第二節 研究假設…………………………………………… 16 第三節 研究變項定義……………………………………… 17 第四節 研究流程…………………………………………… 21 第五節 資料蒐集…………………………………………… 21 第六節 信度與效度………………………………………… 22 第七節 資料分析方法……………………………………… 23 第 四 章 兒少保護緊急安置的個案紀錄分析 …………………… 25 第一節 受虐者與施虐者…………………………………… 25 第二節 受虐類型…………………………………………… 31 第三節 緊急安置…………………………………………… 32 第四節 受虐者與施虐者處遇……………………………… 32 第五節 家庭處遇… …………………………………………33 第六節 受虐者基本特質與受虐原因交叉分析…………… 34 第七節 討論…………………………………………………… 49 第 五 章 緊急安置處遇社工員的質性訪談分析………………… 51 第一節 緊急安置的處遇及意義 ……………………………… 51 第二節 安置資源及公、私部門合作機制………………… 54 第三節 年幼及特殊需求的兒少安置……………………… 56 第四節 處遇計畫的評估與擬定…………………………… 58 第五節 緊急安置的期限…………………………………… 59 第六節 緊急安置的法令完善性…………………………… 60 第七節 緊急安置處遇司法處遇的探討…………………… 61 第八節 研究結果討論……………………………………… 63 第 六 章 結論與研究建議…………………………………………… 69 第一節 結論…………………………………………………… 69 第二節 研究的建議…………………………………………… 70 第三節 研究的限制…………………………………………… 71 參考書目………………………………………………………………… 72 附錄一 臺閩地區兒童及少年保護執行概況表………………… 75 附錄二 兒童及少年福利法……………………………………… 76 附錄三 兒童及少年福利法施行細則…………………………… 89 附錄四 屏東縣兒童及少年虐待暨被疏忽研判指標…………… 92 附錄五 屏東縣強制性親職教育處遇評估表…………………… 100 附錄六 家庭暴力與兒童少年保護事件通報表…………………… 103 附錄七 訪談同意書……………………………………………… 105 附錄八 訪談大綱…………………………………………………… 106 附錄九 訪談人員基本資料……………………………………… 107 圖表目錄 圖 1 兒少保護緊急安置處遇研究架構…………………………… 16 表 1 1990-2005年有關兒少保護處遇博碩士論文篇數…………… 14 表 1.1 1990-2005年相關重要兒少保護處遇的研究者及研究項目…… 14 表 2 受虐原因分析…………………………………………………… 28 表 2.1 受虐主基本資料分析…………………………………………… 29 表 2.2 施虐者身份與施虐原因分析…………………………………… 30 表 3 受虐類型分析………………………………………………… 31 表 4 緊急安置方式分析…………………………………………… 32 表 5 受虐者與施虐者處遇分析………………………………… 33 表 6 家庭處遇分析……………………………………………… 34 表 7 受虐者基本資料與受虐原因交叉分析表………………… 36 表 7.1 受虐者基本資料與受虐原因交叉分析表(續)………………… 36 表 8 通報來源及受虐原因交叉分析…………………………… 37 表 8.1 通報來源及受虐原因交叉分析(續)…………………………… 38 表 9 家庭類型與受虐原因交叉分析…………………………… 39 表 9.1 家庭類型與受虐原因交叉分析(續)………………………… 39 表 10 受虐者基本資料與受虐原因交叉分析………………………… 40 表 10.1 受虐者基本資料與受虐原因交叉分析(續)……………… 41 表 11 施虐者教育程度與受虐原因交叉分析………………………… 42 表 12 施虐者年齡與受虐原因交叉分析……………………………… 43 表 12.1 施虐者年齡與受虐原因交叉分析(續)…………………… 43 表 13 施虐者身份與受虐原因交叉分析…………………………… 44 表 13.1 施虐者身份與受虐原因交叉分析(續)……………………… 45 表 14 施虐者教育程度與受虐類型交叉分析表…………………… 46 表 15 施虐者年齡與受虐類型交叉分析表……………………… 47 表 15.1 施虐者年齡與受虐類型交叉分析表(續)…………………… 47 表 16 施虐者身份與受虐類型交叉分析………………………… 48 表 16.1 施虐者身份與受虐類型交叉分析(續)……………………… 48

Das Bild der Liebe im Werk des Dichters Ǧamīl ibn Maʻmar eine Studie zur ʻud̲ritischen Lyrik in der arabischen Literatur des späten 7. Jahrhunderts /

Jagonak, Martin. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, 2005/2006. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [197]-200) and index.

The South African Media’s coverage of the Abu Ghraib Prisoner abuses: an ethical case study of two selected newspapers

Buchinger, Christine 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Journalism))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Abstract: This study analyses the reporting of the Iraqi prisoner abuse issue at Abu Ghraib as reported upon by two South African newspapers from an ethical point of view. The focus falls on the issue of accuracy. Accuracy in war reporting of geographically distant conflicts as exemplified with this case study is a delicate and important matter, the media often being the only window for the public to learn of and about a conflict. In this case study, the two South African newspapers Cape Times and Mail&Guardian will be analysed to show the extent of their adherence to codes of conduct and exemplify the problematic practicalities in ethical reporting on international news. With the main focus of the study being on the ethical issues concerning accuracy, other relevant topics, such as ‘objectivity’, balance, fairness and truth telling, as well as more practical concerns will also be partially considered. The selected case studies are contextualized within the South African media environment so as to yield a better insight into the choices made on an editorial and/or newsroom level. As case studies, selected articles from the Cape Times and the Mail&Guardian during a three-month time-span are analysed using Day’s Situation/Analysis/Decision (SAD) model. Each article will further be analysed from the point of view of the newspaper’s own code of conduct and overarching ethical codes such as the South African Press Ombudsman’s Code of Conduct as well as in terms of the South African laws relevant to the media industry.

The role of English in the provision of high quality education in the United Arab Emirates

Watson, Deborah Theresa 30 November 2004 (has links)
The knowledge gap between Arabic nations and the developed world is widening. A contributing factor to the slow acquisition and production of knowledge is the use of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) as the language of instruction in schools. To bridge the gap, English is used in tertiary education in most Arab countries. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a useful case study to explore the dynamics of Arabic and English in education. After an overview of the problems imposed by MSA, the dilemmas facing the teaching of English and in English in the UAE are explored. Many of the problems encountered in the teaching and learning of English are the product of specific aspects of an education in MSA. The study assesses whether MSA or English is the most viable instrument for the delivery of high quality education in the Arab world and finds that currently English is essential. / English Studies / M.A. (with specialisation in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of other languages))

The clinical resource nurse’s peer mentoring role in Seha Facilities in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

De Langen, Agnes Ntlaletse 12 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The nursing profession is premised on the moral and ethical maxim: do unto others as you would they do unto you. Advanced beginner nurses progress to become fully fledged professional nurses as a result of the socialisation, support and nurturing by the proficient and expert counterparts. Socialisation engenders a spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood within the nursing profession. However, there is evidence to suggest that nurses ‘eat their young’. In the event that advanced nurses consider themselves as dinner for the expert nurses, they are inclined to leave the profession due to their real or perceived unpalatable experiences of suffering under the tutelage of the expert nurses. Proceeding from the grounded theory paradigm, the purpose of the study is to explore and describe the extent (if any) to which the role of the clinical resource nurse affects staff retention. The study was conducted at two SEHA (Abu Dhabi Health Service Company) facilities in Abu Dhabi. The study followed a qualitative design that is explorative, descriptive and contextual in nature, with some quantitative aspects developed by means of questionnaires. The purposive non-probability sampling technique was employed in the study, with the sample size comprised of 1 Assistant Director of Nursing; 1 Acting Assistant Director of Nursing; 5 Unit Managers; 3 Clinical Nurse Coordinators; 16 Clinical Resource Nurses; 11 Graduate Nurse Interns; and 14 Registered Nurses. Quantitative data will be collected using semi-structured interviews, as well as open-ended surveys. Data was analysed qualitatively. Guba’s model in Polit & Beck (2012:582) was utilised to ensure trustworthiness of the study. Ethical requirements were considered throughout the study. Findings showed that the responsibility of peer mentoring does not rest solely on the shoulders of the CRN (Clinical Resource Nurse) but is a team effort is a team effort between senior leadership unit managers, CNCs (Clinical Nurse Coordinators) and external stakeholders such as HAAD (Health Authority Abu Dhabi), SEHA, NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council) and higher education. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Interaktiv Produktpresentation åt Abu Garcia / Interactive Productpresentation for Abu Garcia

Edvardsson, Kristoffer, Högkvist, Conny, Nilsson, Tobias, Nilsson, Carl-Johan January 2006 (has links)
Detta projekt har producerats i samarbete med Abu Garcia i Svängsta, Blekinge. Vårat projekt är en interaktiv produkt presentation gjord i flash med inslag av 3d, video och ljud. Våran tanke är att användaren ska kunna se hur en Ambassadeur Record fiskerulle ser ut både på insidan och utsidan, hur den fungerar och vad som gör den så unik. Det finns också video filmer som beskriver tillverknings processen, och hur man som förstagångs användare använder en Ambassadeur rulle. Design och bakgrundsljud är anpassad så att den ska väcka en känsla av fiske och fridfull utomhus miljö. / This project has been produced in cooperation with Abu Garcia in Svängsta, Blekinge. Our project is an interactive presentation of a product made in Flash with 3D, video and sound. The idea is to show the user what an Ambassadeur Record looks like both on the inside and the outside, how it works and what makes it unique. / Carl-Johan Nilsson, cjni03@student.bth.se Conny Högkvist, coho03@student.bth.se Kristoffer Edvardsson, kred03@student.bth.se Tobias Nilsson, tona03@student.bth.se

Le miroir des cheikhs : musée et patrimonialisme dans les principautés arabes du golfe Persique / The mirror of the Sheikhs : museum and patrimonialism in the Arab principalities of the Persian Gulf

Kazerouni, Alexandre 15 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s’attache à déconstruire, à localiser et à inscrire dans des dynamiques politiques locales d’abord, régionales et internationales ensuite, la perception qui s’est faite jour à compter du milieu des années 2000, que « le Golfe », espace aux contours rarement définis, serait devenu le lieu d’un développement culturel de très grande ampleur. Cette nouvelle image internationale des principautés arabes du golfe Persique, éloignée de leur association traditionnelle aux hydrocarbures et à la guerre, repose sur deux phénomènes distincts, voire opposés : la formation d’un marché de l’art arabe et iranien basé à Dubai qui se fait le reflet de la formation de nouvelles bourgeoisies dans les grands pays voisins, et la multiplication des annonces de musées à forte visibilité internationale au Qatar et à Abou Dabi qui ont pour cible prioritaire un public européen. Les musées sont l’objet principal de cette étude, le marché son objet secondaire. En croisant l’histoire et la science politique, une typologie binaire des musées golfiens et l’évolution du rapport de force entre les trois grandes composantes sociales des populations nationales des principautés depuis les années 1960, il apparaît que le musée, cette institution d’origine européenne qui sous sa forme moderne est apparue au XVIIIe siècle et qui compte au nombre des premières formes d’espaces publics, est dans les principautés arabes du golfe Persique un outil de renforcement de l’autoritarisme. Ce rôle qui est le sien depuis le temps de sa genèse dans les années 1960, s’est accentué au Qatar et à Abou Dabi depuis la Guerre du Golfe de 1990-1991. / This doctoral thesis aims at deconstructing, spatializing and inscribing in local and then international political dynamics the new perception emerging in the West that presents « the Gulf », a region whose boundaries are rarely defined, as the place for a large scale cultural development. This new international image of the Arab principalities of the Persian Gulf, that no longer reduces them to oil and war, but associates their names to culture, relies on two different phenomenons : the birth of an Arab and Iranian art market based in Dubai that reflects the formation of new elites in the neighbouring regional powers on the one hand, and the rise of a new type of museums targeting a European audience first, characterized by their international visibility, in Qatar and in Abu Dhabi on the other. The museums are the main object of this research, the art market its secondary one. By mixing political science and history, a binary typology of the museums and the evolution of the balance of power between the three main social components of the national communities in the Arab principalities since the 1960, the museum, this institution of European origin born in its modern form in the 18th century as one of the earliest forms of public spaces, appears as a tool for the consolidation of authoritarianism. This role that the museums has been playing since the 1960s, when the regional importation of this cultural model started, has even increased in Qatar and in Abu Dhabi since the end of the 1990-1991 Gulf War. Since that period, the new museums are actively taking part to the political marginalization of the national bureaucracy.

Misguided attempts at justifying torture by United States officials in the war against terror

Villoen, Dewald Leonard 18 February 2014 (has links)
LL.M. (International Law) / The attacks on the World Trade Center and on the Pentagon on 11 September 2001 sent waves of disbelief and shock through the world. It was probably the worst terrorist attack on the United States ever. The horrific terrorist attacks led to a mixture of political, social and economic reaction around the world and also led to the creation of what is today known as the “The war on terror”. When acts of torture by United States officials came to light in 2004, as well as allegations that these acts were authorized by the United States executive as a way of obtaining information from terrorist suspects in the United States’ “War on Terror”, it led to the question – “How was it possible that acts of torture were committed by United States officials”? The purpose of this dissertation is to try to find an answer to this question and also tom establish which definition of torture should be utilized in the United States domestic laws for the establishment of acts of torture.

Public Policy Development and Implementation in the United Arab Emirates. A study of organizational learning during policy development and implementation in the Abu Dhabi Police and the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Interior

Alghalban, Doaa F.H. January 2017 (has links)
This reflective analysis of the Emirati public policy process (PPP) cycle and implications of uneven application of new public management (NPM) paradigms in the UAE offers insight into the way that public administrations develop, learn, evolve, and cope with new challenges during the policy development process. The author also assesses the relationship between organizational learning and organizational practices, to generate practical knowledge and experience that is translated into recommendations that will benefit UAE government organizations, and indeed any public sector organization in the Gulf Region. Inside action research was chosen to emphasize the author's dual role as both a researcher and a participant. As an advisor to both the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) of the UAE and the Abu Dhabi Police (ADP), the author helped both organisations improve their PPP experiences while researching the challenges, learning, and adaptations which occurred while policy was being developed within the MOI. The author generated data through reflective memos, informal interviews, and document analysis, and presents her findings in terms of both academic findings and practice-oriented recommendations. The author primarily found that new models were necessary to reflect the highly flexible and authority-oriented UAE PPP cycle. The author also explored how cultural understandings led to challenges with NPM and learning in the UAE public administration, hindering policy development. Finally, the author found that her own position, as a female expatriate in the Emirati government, allowed for some valuable reflection about experience of serving in a Global South public administration.

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