Spelling suggestions: "subject:"acculturation."" "subject:"ccculturation.""
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L'influence de l'acculturation sur le comportement du consommateur en fonction des sous-cultures d'origine : une application aux immigrés algériens / The influence of acculturation on consumer behavior based on sub-cultures of origin : Case of algerian immigrantsBenabdallah, Mounia 17 October 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'influence de l'acculturation sur le comportement du consommateur en fonction des sous-cultures d'origine, appliquée au cas des immigrés algériens. Notre objectif est de comparer les processus d'acculturation du consommateur en fonction de sa sous-culture d'origine. L'idée est donc de dépasser la seule influence de la culture d'origine (l'Algérie dans cette recherche) sur le processus d'acculturation, pour comparer les influences de deux sous-cultures (la sous-culture oranaise et la sous-culture kabyle). Nous nous basons sur le calcul des distances culturelles pour identifier la proximité culturelle entre la sous-culture d'origine et la culture d'accueil. Nous considérons dans cette recherche le consommateur comme membre d'un groupe ethnique, est nous nous intéressons à l'auto-identification du consommateur à des sous-cultures. Le modèle de recherche traite la question suivante : « l'auto-identification ethnique du consommateur à une sous-culture d'origine influence-t-elle différemment l'acculturation du consommateur selon les sous-cultures? Si oui, l'impact de l'acculturation sur le comportement de consommation sera-t-il également distinct en fonction des sous-cultures ? ». Des variables modératrices sont mobilisées (revenu, durée de résidence, âge d'arrivée dans la culture d'accueil, nostalgie, matérialisme). Pour construire et tester notre modèle de recherche, deux études ont été menées. Premièrement, une étude qualitative a été effectuée dans les sous-cultures d'origine puis dans le pays d'accueil afin d'explorer les situations avant et après changement de culture. Deuxièmement, une étude quantitative a été menée sur les deux fronts également (les deux sous-cultures d'origine et la culture d'accueil) pour tester la fiabilité et validité des échelles de mesure, ainsi que la validation des hypothèses de recherche. / This thesis focuses on the influence of acculturation on consumer behavior based on sub-cultures of origin, applied to the case of Algerian immigrants. Our goal is to compare the acculturation process of the consumer at the sub-culture level. The idea is to go beyond the influence of culture of origin (Algeria in this research) on the process of acculturation, to compare the influences of two subcultures (Oranian and Kabyle). We use the calculation of cultural distance to identify the cultural proximity between the sub-culture of origin and the host culture. We consider in this research the consumer as a member of an ethnic group, and so we focus on self-identification of the consumer to his sub-cultures. The research model addresses the question, «does ethnic self-identification of the consumer to a sub-culture of origin influence the acculturation differently depending on the sub-cultures? If so, will the impact of acculturation on consumer behavior be different according to the sub-cultures? ". Moderating variables are mobilized (income, length of residence, age of arrival in the host culture, nostalgia, materialism). To build and test our research model, two studies were conducted. First, a qualitative study was conducted in the sub-cultures of origin and the host country to explore the situations before and after change of culture. Second, a quantitative study was conducted on the two fronts as well (the two sub-cultures of origin and the host culture) to test the reliability and validity of measurement scales and the validating research hypotheses.
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L'éloge de la différence dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Fouad Laroui / Praise of difference in the works of Fouad LarouiKahkahy, Mohammed 07 July 2017 (has links)
Au Maroc, comme dans le monde arabe, le règne du despotisme et du holisme nuisent à la démocratie et à la différence. Un régime anti-démocratique ne tolère pas de voix dissonante. Or, l’intellectuel imbu de valeurs universelles, cartésiennes s’oppose à cette manière de gérer la chose publique. Du coup, le système donne la chasse à l’opposant qui ose penser autrement. La tendance groupale interdit au sujet qu’il vive affranchi des autorités traditionnelles. En Europe, la montée des populismes et des logiques identitaires impactent le rapport à l’autre, perçu comme le représentant de son groupe et du coup discriminé et stigmatisé. Fouad Laroui a mis en scène, à travers une écriture autobiographique des personnages qui lui ressemblent, lettrés, francophones, diasporiques en rupture avec leurs groupes. Une catégorie peu fréquente dans le champ littéraire maghrébin : le libre penseur, l’agnostique, voire l’athée. Celui qui vit l’entre deux va donc souffrir car il sera vu à travers une vision identitaire verrouillée qui mutile le francophone de toutes ses appartenances. En réaction à cela Fouad Laroui développe une écriture de la différence, de l’hétérogène. Il fait l’éloge du métissage en accentuant sur la pluralité qui travaille le monde, l’Histoire, la ville, les personnes… / In Morocco, as in the Arab world, the reign of despotism and holism hurt democracy and difference. An anti-democratic regime does not tolerate dissonant voices. Now, intellectuals, imbued with universal Cartesian values, are opposed to this way of managing public affairs. As a result, the system chases the opponent who dares to think otherwise. The group tendency forbids the subject to live freed from the traditional authorities. In Europe, the rise of populism and the logic of identity have greatly impacted the relationship with the other, perceived as the representative of his group and therefore discriminated against and stigmatized. Fouad Laroui staged, through autobiographical writing, characters who resemble him, scholars, francophones, diasporas who break with their groups. It is an uncommon category in the Maghreb literary field: the free thinker, the agnostic, even the atheist. The one who lives in between will suffer because one will be seen through a locked identity vision that mutilates the francophone of any sense of belonging. In response to this, Fouad Laroui develops a writing of difference, of heterogeneity. He praises miscegenation by emphasizing the plurality that prevails the world, History, the city, people
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Les monuments funéraires de Grande Grèce : recherches sur les marqueurs de tombes du Vème au III ème siècle avant J-C / Magna Graecia Funerary Monuments : a Study of Grave Markers from the Vth to the IIIrd century B.-C.Bievre-Perrin, Fabien 08 December 2015 (has links)
Depuis que son statut scientifique a été établi à la fin du XVIIIème siècle, l'archéologie funéraire se trouve au centre des recherches sur les sociétés italiotes de Grande Grèce. Suscitant comme les vases l’admiration des élites culturelles, les marqueurs de tombe des nécropoles d’Italie du Sud se sont très tôt retrouvés dans les collections européennes et ont d'abord été étudiés par les historiens de l’art. En prenant en compte les questions de terminologie (bien qu'il soit moderne, le mot marqueur est pertinent) et sur la base d'un corpus d'environ 800 marqueurs patiemment réunis, cette recherche démontre qu'une étude minutieuse et méthodique des marqueurs enrichit la connaissance historique et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives. Ces édifices et objets avaient pour fonctions de signaler les tombes, définir le nouveau statut du mort et lui rendre hommage ainsi que de célébrer sa famille aux yeux des vivants. Ils donnent donc à voir des pans entiers et mal connus des sociétés italiotes et de leur genèse. Du Vème siècle avant J.-C., quand territoires grecs et indigènes commencent à échanger au sein d’une koinè italiote, au IIIème siècle avant J.-C., quand les Romains prennent pied dans la région, ils apportent des informations précieuses sur l’évolution des sociétés locales. Une étude confrontant l’ensemble des sources disponibles permet d’aborder des aspects importants des sociétés : mutations sociales, hiérarchisation des communautés et affirmation de pouvoir, relations entre Grecs et autochtones, phénomènes d’acculturation, rites funéraires et croyances eschatologiques. La thèse se présente en deux volumes destinés à être simultanément et complémentairement lus et consultés. L’un contient les fiches extraites de la base de données conçue pour l’étude du corpus : près de 800 marqueurs ou fragments de marqueurs. L’autre développe les analyses archéologiques et historiques. Après un état de la question historiographique, étymologique et méthodologique, l’étude examine le matériel du corpus dans une perspective principalement archéologique, en mettant l’accent sur les questions de contexte et en opérant éventuellement des confrontations avec les sources iconographiques et textuelles. Après avoir élaboré une typologie aussi méthodique et nuancée que possible des marqueurs, elle en exploite les acquis en deux synthèses. L’une est consacrée au concept même de marqueur de tombe (pourquoi et selon quels critères les Grecs marquent-ils leurs tombes ?), l’autre étudie les influences de la koinè méditerranéenne et du creuset italiote sur les marqueurs de Grande Grèce, afin de mieux comprendre les processus d’acculturation et de diffusion. / Since the scientific value of funerary archaeology has been acknowledged at the end of the XVIIIth century, it has been at the heart of research on Magna Graecia italiot societies. Because they aroused the cultural elite’s admiration, as much as the vases, grave markers from Southern Italia have been at a very early stage brought in European collections and first studied by art historians.Taking into account terminology issues (however modern, the term “marker” remains relevant) and based on a corpus of around 800 markers patiently put together, this study seeks to demonstrate that a methodical and meticulous analysis of the markers helps us to expand our historical knowledge and open new perspectives. These monuments and objects were there to indicate tombs, define the deceased’s new status and pay tribute to him, as well as praise his family in the eyes of the livings. They allow us to see, then, entire parts, which are little known, of the italiot societies and their origins. From the Vth century, when the interactions between Greek and indigenous territories start within the italiot koine, to the IIIrd century B.-C., when the Romans started to settle down in the region, these monuments give useful information about the evolution of local societies. Bringing together the whole range of the available evidence allows us to study important features of the societies: social mutations, communities hierarchy, power claims, relationships between Greek and native people, acculturation process, funerary rites and eschatological beliefs.This dissertation is divided into two volumes, which are to be read in a simultaneous and complementary way. One volume consists of the forms from the database designed for the corpus analysis: nearly 800 entire or fragmentary markers. The other one holds the archaeological and historical analyses. After stating the current status in historiography, etymology and methodology, this study looks into the corpus material, mainly from an archaeological point of view, focusing on contextualization, and sometimes comparing it with iconographic and textual evidence. In two overviews, the analysis then draws conclusions from a typology of the markers, made as methodical and critical as possible. The first one questions the concept of grave marker (why and according to which criteria do the Greeks mark their tombs?), the second one studies how the Mediterranean koinè and italiot melting-pot influenced the Magna Graecia markers, in order to have a better understanding of the acculturation and circulation processes.
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Akulturace imigrantů v ČR / Acculturation of immigrants in the Czech RepublicChuraňová, Martina January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the process of acculturation of immigrants in the Czech Republic. The aim is to analyze the process of acculturation and its particular phases in case of foreigners with different nationalities and identify a possible tendency in ways they are able to integrate into the new society, including factors, which can possibly affect this process. Outcomes of the thesis are concrete recommendations for immigration authorities in the Czech Republic and determination of acculturation strategy, which is characteristic for immigrants.
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Grecs et Orientaux en Afrique romaine au Haut-Empire : étude démographique et sociale / Greeks and Orientals in Roman Africa in the Early Roman Empire : demographic and social studyLadhari, Mohamed-Ali 12 December 2014 (has links)
Le but de ce travail est d’étudier une composante de la société de l’Afrique romaine, constituée par les allogènes originaires de la partie orientale de l’Empire. Le cadre de cette étude est le Haut-Empire romain, car l’essentiel de la documentation dont on dispose date de cette époque. L’épigraphie est la principale documentation. Avant de passer à l’étude de ce sujet, il était essentiel de déterminer les clés de sélection qui ont aidé à fixer l’origine de ces allogènes et à dégager le corpus des 260 notices épigraphiques qui constituent le support de ce travail. Le principal outil pris en considération est l’onomastique, tout en tenant compte du caractère parfois imprécis de cet indice. Ensuite, plusieurs aspects de la présence de ces Orientaux étaient étudiés. En premier lieu l’aspect démographique ainsi que la répartition sur le sol africain. Le second aspect est le volet social. Il a pour but d’étudier les diverses caractéristiques de la présence de cette communauté d’Orientaux. D’abord, la nature des activités qu’ils pratiquaient. Si le métier des armes était leur vocation majeure, ils exerçaient néanmoins plusieurs autres activités. L’étude de leur vie religieuse a montré qu’ils sont restés majoritairement fidèles aux cultes de leurs pays. L’onomastique ou encore les pratiques matrimoniales ont été des indices qui ont servi à étudier la nature des contacts qu’ils ont eu avec les Afro-romains et à évaluer leur intégration dans la société d’accueil. En dernier lieu, une partie du travail a été consacrée à l’étude du phénomène culturel qu’est l’hellénisme et du rôle que ces Orientaux ont joué dans la promotion de ce genre de culture. / The aim of the present work is to study a component of the Roman African society: the one constituted by the aliens originating from the Eastern part of the Roman Empire. The study is framed within the Early Roman Empire, as most of the documentation available dates back to that period. Epigraphy is the primary documentation for this work. Before turning to the study of this subject, it was essential to identify selection keys that helped fix the origin of these non-natives and come up with the body of 260 epigraphic records that constitute the corpus of this work. The main tool taken into consideration is onomastic, notwithstanding the vagueness sometimes inherent in this index. Thereafter, light was shed on the many aspects of the presence of these Orientals. First, the demographic layer: figuring, motives, conditions and structures of departure and the distribution on the African soil. The second layer concerns the social aspect. It aims to explore the various features of the presence of the Oriental community in Roman Africa. First, the nature of the activities they exercised. If the job of arms was their main vocation, they still exercised several other activities. The study of their religious life showed that they remained largely faithful to the worship practices of their home countries. Onomastic and also marriage practices were clues that were used to study the nature of the contacts they had with Africans and evaluate their integration within the host society. The last part of the work was devoted to the study of the cultural phenomenon of Hellenism and the role that these Orientals played in promoting this kind of culture in a predominantly Latin province.
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The Relationships among Perception of Stigma, Ethnic Identity, and Acculturation in People Living with HIV/AIDSChiapa, Ana Luz 05 1900 (has links)
The HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to grow and minorities have been affected at a disproportionate rate. Two factors that are hypothesized to be associated with HIV/AIDS stigma include ethnic identity and acculturation. The current study uses a diverse, gender-balanced sample (n= 201, aged 23-68) of African-Americans (54.2%), European Americans (31.8%), and Latinos/Hispanics (10%) to evaluate the relationship among the proposed variables. The study found that higher levels of ethnic identity and other group orientation were associated with lower levels of perceived HIV/AIDS stigma. A stepwise linear regression analysis (adjusted R2 = .13, F(11, 189) = 3.74, p < .001) revealed that as the level of inclusiveness of other ethnic groups (t = -4.263, p < .001) increases, the level of perceived HIV/AIDS stigma decreases. The results from this study suggest that the development of interventions that address stigma and inclusiveness of other ethnic groups may benefit people living with HIV/AIDS.
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Psychological Well-Being and Acculturation of Mexican Alumni of U.S. Colleges and UniversitiesRuelas, Cynthia L. 01 January 2019 (has links)
The Hispanic population is the largest and fastest growing population in the United States, which necessitates research on the acculturation process, especially because of the current events regarding the Texas–Mexico border. Although research has indicated the need to develop coping skills to support positive mental health during acculturation, there is a lack of empirical information regarding acculturation and mental health among Mexican alumni of U.S. colleges and universities. Based on social identity theory and acculturation theory, this quantitative, correlational study was conducted to examine the relationship between acculturation and psychological well-being (PWB) among Mexican alumni of colleges and universities in the United States. Forty-seven participant surveys were obtained via an online survey on acculturation, as measured by the Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans-II, and PWB, as measured by the Ryff Scales of Psychological Well-Being. An ANCOVA was implemented with a hierarchical multiple regression with gender and amount of time spent at the U.S. college or university as covariates. However, the results were statistically nonsignificant regarding relationships between levels of acculturation and PWB, gender, and number of years at the college or university. Thus, the results promote positive social change by encouraging the development of updated instruments and inclusion of additional demographic information in the research of Mexican alumni.
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Sociální integrace pracujících Čechů a Slováků na Taiwanu / Social integration of Czechs and Slovaks working in TaiwanKovářová, Martina January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is focused on providing a thorough insight into the process of integration of Czechs and Slovacs working in Taiwan in 4 dimensions of integration (structural, cultural, interactive, identificational) from the point of view of the migrants themselves and considering the psychological aspects as well. Another aim is to identify determinants possibly facilitating the whole process, and related obstacles, too. To meet the aims of the thesis, a qualitative research has been conducted on the basis of semi-structured interviews. Twelve interviewees took part in these interviews. The findings from the interviews suggest for example that despite participation in the labour market, the nature of their work experience was sometimes illegal, and therefore problematic. Survey also suggests related key obstacles of their integration process such as language barrier and cultural differences. Attitude of the majority society, access to institutional system and social networks were rather contributory factors. Keywords acculturation - dimensions of social integration - psychological acculturation - social integration - Taiwan
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Elizabeth Bishop in Brasil: An Ongoing AcculturationNeely, Elizabeth 08 1900 (has links)
Elizabeth Bishop (1911–1979), one of the foremost modern American poets, lived in Brasil during seventeen-odd years beginning in 1951. During this time she composed the poetry collection Questions of Travel, stand-alone poems, and fragments as well as prose pieces and translations. This study builds on the work of critics such as Brett Millier and Lorrie Goldensohn who have covered Bishop’s poetry during her Brasil years. However, most American critics have lacked expertise in both Brasilian culture and the Portuguese language that influenced Bishop’s poetry. Since 2000, in contrast, Brasilian critic Paulo Henriques Britto has explored issues of translating Bishop’s poetry into Portuguese, while Maria Lúcia Martins and Regina Przybycien have examined Bishop’s Brasil poems from a Brasilian perspective. However, American and Brasilian scholars have yet to recognize Bishop’s journey of acculturation as displayed through her poetry chronologically or the importance of her belated reception by Brasilian literary and popular culture. This study argues that Bishop’s Brasil poetry reveals her gradual transformation from a tourist outsider to a cultural insider through her encounters with Brasilian history, culture, language, and politics. It encompasses Bishop’s published and unpublished Brasil poetry, including drafts from the Elizabeth Bishop Papers at Vassar College. On a secondary level, this study examines a reverse acculturation in how Brasilian popular and literary communities have increasingly focused on Bishop since her death, culminating in the 2013 film, Flores Raras (Reaching for the Moon in English). Understanding this extremely rare and sustained intercultural junction of Bishop in Brasil, a junction that no American poet has made since, adds a crucial angle to twentieth-first century transnational literary perspectives.
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The Marginality, Social Class, and Goal Orientations of American Indian Migrants in Fort Worth, TexasWard, Carol Jane 05 1900 (has links)
The concepts of marginality, social class, and goal-orientation were operationally defined. The relationships between these concepts were explored in order to discern their utility in describing the marginal conditions of Indian migrants to an urban area. Marginality was found to be reflected by the extent of identification of Indian migrants with the urban community. Marginal conditions were also more closely linked to social class than goal orientations of parents. Differences in the types of marginality experienced are related to the length of residence in the urban area.
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