Spelling suggestions: "subject:"activitities off daily 1iving"" "subject:"activitities off daily deriving""
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"Reabilitação neuropsicológica dos processos de memória e das atividades da vida diária em pacientes com doença de Alzheimer leve e moderada" / Neuropsychological rehabilitation of memory processes and activities of daily living in mild and moderate Alzheimer's disease patientsRenata Ávila 16 June 2004 (has links)
O efeito da reabilitação neuropsicológica foi verificado em uma amostra de 16 pacientes com diagnóstico de doença de Alzheimer leve e moderado. Após ensaio clínico aberto com rivastigmina por 4 meses, os pacientes foram divididos em três grupos: sessões em grupo, individual e em casa com o cuidador. Os três grupos realizaram o mesmo protocolo de reabilitação, e antes e depois das 22 semanas de tratamento foram avaliados pelos mesmos instrumentos. Os resultados indicaram que as sessões em grupo são mais eficientes para sintomas psiquiátricos; individual para atividades da vida diária; e em casa, dependendo do perfil do paciente e do cuidador, pode ser uma alternativa de tratamento / The effect of a neuropsychological rehabilitation was tested in a sample of 16 patients with mild and moderate Alzheimer disease. After an open trial with rivastigmine for 4 months, they were divided in 3 groups: group sessions, individualized and at home with a caregiver. All 3 groups fulfilled the same rehabilitation protocol, and just before and after the 22 week period of treatment, all patients were evaluated using the same instruments. The results of the study indicated that group session are more effective for psychiatric symptoms, individualized sessions for activities of daily living training and at home training, depending on the patient's and caregiver's profiles, can be an option for treatment of these patients
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Avaliação objetiva dos hábitos e barreiras da atividade física de portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica / Objective assessment of barriers and habits of physical activity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseasePriscila Batista de Souza Amorim 10 July 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) tem atividade física reduzida. Barreiras que limitam a atividade física e a medida objetiva da limitação ainda são pouco estudadas nesta população. Conhece-las permite um planejamento adequado para incremento da atividade de vida diária (AVD). OBJETIVO: Comparar a AVD de portadores de DPOC e controles com um sensor de movimento, identificar barreiras que impedem a AVD e correlaciona-los à gravidade da dispneia, ao teste de caminhada de 6 minutos (TC6) e um escore de limitação da AVD. MÉTODOS: O número de passos, a distância percorrida em quilômetros e o tempo de caminhada foram registrados por um acelerômetro de bolso e um pedômetro durante 7 dias consecutivos. Um questionário de barreiras percebidas e a escala AVD (LCADL) foram utilizados para qualificar fatores que impedem a AVD. A dispneia foi medida por duas escalas distintas e a capacidade física submáxima pelo TC6. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 40 sujeitos com DPOC e 40 controles saudáveis. Os pacientes com DPOC realizaram tempo menor de caminhada (68,5 ± 25,8 minutos/dia vs. 105,2 ± 49,4; p < 0,001), menor distância (3,9 ± 1,9 km/dia vs. 6,4 ± 3,2; p < 0,001) e menor número de passos/dia. A falta de estrutura, influência social e falta de vontade foram as principais barreiras referidas para realização de AVD. O TC6 correlacionou-se com os resultados do acelerômetro, mas o LCADL não. CONCLUSÃO: Portadores de DPOC são menos ativos quando comparados a adultos saudáveis. Sedentarismo e as barreiras para atividade física tem implicação imediata na prática clínica indicando medidas de intervenção precoce / INTRODUCTION: Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have reduced physical activity. Barriers that limit physical activity and objective measures of limitation are poorly studied in this population. The knowledge of them allows a proper planning for increased physical activity. OBJECTIVES: To compare ADLs in COPD patients and controls using a motion sensor, identify perceived barriers that prevent AVD and correlate them to the severity of dyspnea, to the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) and a score of AVD limitation. METHODS: An pocket accelerometer and a pedometer recorded the number of steps, distance in Km and walking time for seven consecutive days. A survey of perceived barriers and the ADL scale (LCADL) were used to describe factors that prevent AVD. Dyspnea was measured by two different scales and submaximal exercise capacity by 6MWT. RESULTS: 40 subjects with COPD and 40 healthy controls were evaluated. Patients with COPD performed less time walking (68.5 ± 25.8 minutes / day vs. 105.2 ± 49.4; p < 0.001), shorter distance (3.9 ± 1.9 km / day vs. 6.4 ± 3.2; p < 0.001) and a smaller number of steps/day. The lack of infrastructure, social influences and unwillingness were the main barriers to performing ADLs. The 6MWT correlated with the results of the accelerometer, but not LCADL. CONCLUSION: Patients with COPD are less active compared to healthy adults. Sedentary and barriers to physical activity has immediate implications in clinical practice indicating early intervention measures
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Reliabilitets- och validitetstestning av ADL-instrument RAINBOW - ett teamdokument / Reliability- and validity test of ADL-instrument RAINBOW - a teamdocumentAhl, Gullan January 1998 (has links)
Ett nytt instrument utvecklades från Katz´ ADL-index, vilket visat sig vara ett allt för grovt instrument, för att kartlägga patientens aktivitetsförmåga och självständighetsutveckling. Bedömningsinstrumentet innehåller patientdata samt kategori-index och kom att kallas RAINBOW på grund av att instrumentet är i fyrfärgstryck. En kontroll av det nykonstruerade team-instrumentet utfördes i syfte att mäta dess tillförlitlighet. Mellanbedömar reliabilitet mellan oberoende bedömare har prövats. Validiteten har analyserats på 4 patienter ur materialet och jämförts med Katz´ ADl-index. Studien, som bestod av parvisa oberoende bedömningar, utfördes av sjuksköterskor, sjukgymnaster och arbetsterapeuter. 40 patienter deltog i studien. Delaktivitetsbedömningarna uppgick till 950 och innehöll 36 avvikelser. Resultaten visade på 96 % samstämmighet i bedömningarna. Den kvalitativa analysen visade, i jämförelse med Katz´ ADL-index, att RAINBOW kategori-index gav utförligare information om patientens självständighetsnivå samt hjälpbehov. I denna studie bedömdes endast strokepatienter, men då begreppen som ingår i instrumentet kan anses allmängiltiga, torde det även kunna användas på andra diagnosgrupper. En gemensam rehabiliteringsterminologi gav teamarbetet en ökad kvalitet gällande bedömning, planering samt utvärdering av den enskilde patientens aktivitetsförmåga. / <p>Uppsatsarbete omfattande 10 poäng, C-nivå, inom ramen för arbetsterapeutprogrammet 120 p., Högskolan i Örebro, Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och omsorg. Författarens namn i uppsatsen är Gull-Britt Johansson.</p>
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Machine-Vision-Based Activity, Mobility and Motion Analysis for Assistance Systems in Human Health CareRichter, Julia 18 April 2019 (has links)
Due to the continuous ageing of our society, both the care and the health sector will encounter challenges in maintaining the quality of human care and health standards.
While the number of people with diseases such as dementia and physical illness will be rising, we are simultaneously recording a lack of medical personnel such as caregivers and therapists.
One possible approach that tackles the described problem is the employment of technical assistance systems that support both medical personnel and elderly living alone at home.
This thesis presents approaches to provide assistance for these target groups.
In this work, algorithms that are integrated in prototypical assistance systems for vision-based human daily activity, mobility and motion analysis have been developed.
The developed algorithms process 3-D point clouds as well as skeleton joint positions to generate meta information concerning activities and the mobility of elderly persons living alone at home. Such type of information was not accessible so far and is now available for monitoring. By generating this meta information, a basis for the detection of long-term and short-term health changes has been created.
Besides monitoring meta information, mobilisation for maintaining physical capabilities, either ambulatory or at home, is a further focus of this thesis. Algorithms for the qualitative assessment of physical exercises were therefore investigated. Thereby, motion sequences in the form of skeleton joint trajectories as well as the heat development in active muscles were considered. These algorithms enable an autonomous physical training under the supervision of a virtual therapist even at home. / Aufgrund der voranschreitenden Überalterung unserer Gesellschaft werden sowohl der Pflege- als auch der Gesundheitssektor vor enorme Herausforderungen gestellt.
Während die Zahl an vorrangig altersbedingten Erkrankungen, wie Demenz oder physische Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates, weiterhin zunehmen wird, stagniert die Zahl an medizinischem Fachpersonal, wie Therapeuten und Pflegekräften.
An dieser Stelle besteht das Ziel, die Qualität medizinischer Leistungen auf hohem Niveau zu halten und dabei die Einhaltung von Pflege- und Gesundheitsstandards sicherzustellen.
Ein möglicher Ansatz hierfür ist der Einsatz technischer Assistenzsysteme, welche sowohl das medizinische Personal und Angehörige entlasten als auch ältere, insbesondere allein lebende Menschen zu Hause unterstützen können.
Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt Ansätze zur Unterstützung der genannten Zielgruppen vor, die prototypisch in Assistenzsystemen zur visuellen, kamerabasierten Analyse von täglichen Aktivitäten, von Mobilität und von Bewegungen bei Trainingsübungen integriert sind.
Die entwickelten Algorithmen verarbeiten dreidimensionale Punktwolken und Gelenkpositionen des menschlichen Skeletts, um sogenannte Meta-Daten über tägliche Aktivitäten und die Mobilität einer allein lebenden Person zu erhalten. Diese Informationen waren bis jetzt nicht verfügbar, können allerdings für den Patienten selbst, für medizinisches Personal und Angehörige aufschlussreich sein, denn diese Meta-Daten liefern die Grundlage für die Detektion kurz- und langfristiger Veränderungen im Verhalten oder in der Mobilität, die ansonsten wahrscheinlich unbemerkt geblieben wären.
Neben der Erfassung solcher Meta-Informationen liegt ein weiterer Fokus der Arbeit in der Mobilisierung von Patienten durch angeleitetes Training, um ihre Mobilität und körperliche Verfassung zu stärken. Dabei wurden Algorithmen zur qualitativen Bewertung und Vermittlung von Korrekturhinweisen bei physischen Trainingsübungen entwickelt, die auf Trajektorien von Gelenkpositionen und der Wärmeentwicklung in Muskeln beruhen. Diese Algorithmen ermöglichen aufgrund der Nachahmung eines durch den Therapeuten gegebenen Feedbacks ein autonomes Training.
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L’analyse du langage spontané comme outil de détection précoce du déclin cognitif : une approche écologiqueFiliou, Renée-Pier 08 1900 (has links)
La maladie d'Alzheimer (MA) – la forme la plus courante de trouble neurocognitif majeur – se caractérise typiquement par des troubles progressifs et insidieux de la mémoire épisodique. Des déficits langagiers font également partie du portrait clinique de la maladie, et sont déjà présents au stade préclinique du trouble neurocognitif léger (TNCL). Des difficultés sur le plan de la production du langage ont été rapportées dans la MA et même le TNCL, ce qui suggère que son évaluation pourrait représenter une opportunité unique de détection précoce du déclin cognitif. Un consensus croissant propose d’ailleurs que le langage spontané (LS) pourrait permettre une évaluation écologiquement valide des capacités de production langagière. Toutefois, les résultats d’études s’étant penchées sur l’évaluation du LS ne convergent pas tous pour dresser un portrait clair de l’impact du déclin cognitif sur la production langagière dans la MA, et moindrement encore dans le TNCL.
La première partie de la thèse visait ainsi à décrire de façon exhaustive l’étendue de la recherche dans le domaine de l'évaluation du LS dans les populations MA et TNCL, en réalisant un examen de la portée (étude 1). Les résultats ont révélé que l’évaluation traditionnelle du LS consistait le plus souvent en une analyse quantitative d’une sélection de variables microlinguistiques de LS obtenu à l’aide d’une mesure descriptive standardisée. Ayant répliqué le patron des déficits langagiers largement répandu dans les écrits scientifiques, les résultats de l’examen de la portée soulignent l’apport complémentaire de l’évaluation du LS à l’évaluation globale du langage dans les populations MA et TNCL. Toutefois, l’examen de la portée a également souligné d’importantes lacunes dans le domaine de recherche, notamment le très peu d’études s’étant intéressées au TNCL comparativement à la MA, ainsi que le très peu d’approches écologiques à l’évaluation du LS.
Prenant en compte ces lacunes, la deuxième partie de la thèse visait à examiner l’apport d’une évaluation écologique du LS auprès de participants TNCL et de contrôles, dans un contexte expérimental se rapprochant de la vraie vie (étude 2). Plus précisément, une évaluation fonctionnelle des actes de langage produits par ces deux groupes lors de la réalisation, dans un appartement-test, de tâches écologiques inspirées d'activités de la vie quotidienne a été réalisée. La description qualitative des actes de langage spontanément produits pendant la planification et l'exécution de ces tâches complexes a permis d'extraire des stratégies, des barrières et des réactions distinctes en réponse aux demandes des tâches ainsi qu'aux difficultés rencontrées chez les participants TNCL et contrôles. Ainsi, les résultats ont montré que les participants TNCL mettaient en place moins de stratégies proactives avant d’entamer l’expérimentation, puis davantage de stratégies compensatoires pour supporter leur organisation des tâches pendant leur exécution. Plus distraits et moins portés à tenir compte de l’assistance offerte, ils validaient et justifiaient davantage leur performance de façon défensive et étaient plus réactifs à leurs difficultés que les sujets contrôles. Les résultats de la deuxième étude de la thèse soulignent ainsi l’apport novateur d’une évaluation fonctionnelle du LS comme outil d'exploration de l'impact du déclin cognitif lors de tâches écologiques complexes se rapprochant d'activités de la vie quotidienne.
Ensemble, les études de la thèse convergent pour appuyer l’apport complémentaire d'une évaluation fonctionnelle du LS à son évaluation traditionnelle dans l’avancement des connaissances au sujet de l’impact du déclin cognitif dans les populations TNCL et MA sur la production langagière. / Alzheimer's disease (AD) – the most common form of major neurocognitive disorder – is typically characterized by progressive and insidious impairment of episodic memory. Language deficits are also part of the clinical picture of the disease, and are already present in the preclinical stage of mild neurocognitive disorder (mild NCD). Difficulties in language production have been reported in AD and even in mild NCD, suggesting that its assessment may represent a unique opportunity for early detection of cognitive decline. There is a growing consensus that connected speech (CS) may provide an ecologically valid assessment of language production abilities. However, the results of studies that have examined CS assessment do not all converge to provide a clear picture of the impact of cognitive decline on language production in AD, and even less so in mild NCD.
The first part of the thesis thus aimed to comprehensively describe the extent of research in the area of CS assessment in AD and mild NCD populations, by conducting a scoping review (study 1). The results revealed that traditional CS assessment most often consisted of quantitative analysis of a selection of microlinguistic variables of CS, obtained using a standardized descriptive measure. Having replicated the pattern of language deficits widely found in the scientific literature, the results of the scoping review highlight the complementary contribution of CS assessment to the overall assessment of language in AD and mild NCD populations. However, the scoping review also highlighted important gaps in the research field, including the very few studies that have focused on mild NCD in comparison to AD, as well as the very few ecological approaches to CS assessment.
Taking these gaps into account, the second part of the thesis thus aimed to examine the contribution of a functional assessment of CS that is closer to the context of real life, with mild NCD participants and controls (study #2). More precisely, a functional assessment of the speech acts produced by these two groups during the performance of ecological tasks inspired by activities of daily living in a laboratory-apartment was carried out. Qualitative description of the speech acts spontaneously produced by these participants while performing complex tasks allowed for the extraction of distinct strategies, barriers and reactions in response to task demands as well as to the difficulties encountered by the mild NCD participants and controls. Thus, results showed that mild NCD participants implemented fewer proactive strategies before beginning the experiment, and then more compensatory strategies to support their task organization during task execution. More distracted and less likely to take into account the assistance offered, they validated and justified their performance more defensively and were more reactive to their difficulties than the control subjects. The results of the second article of the thesis thus highlight the innovative contribution of a functional assessment of CS as a tool for exploring the impact of cognitive decline in complex, ecological tasks that are similar to activities of daily living.
Together, the studies in this thesis converge to support the complementary contribution of a functional assessment of CS to its traditional assessment in advancing knowledge about the impact of cognitive decline on language production in the mild NCD and AD populations.
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The Rivermead Mobility Index allows valid comparisons between subgroups of patients undergoing rehabilitation after stroke who differ with respect to age, sex, or side of lesionRoorda, L.D., Green, J.R., Houwink, A., Bagley, Pamela J., Smith, J., Molenaar, I.W., Geurts, A.C. January 2012 (has links)
No / To investigate differential item functioning or item bias of the Rivermead Mobility Index (RMI) and its impact on the drawing of valid comparisons with the RMI between subgroups of patients after stroke who differ with respect to age, sex, or side of lesion. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: A rehabilitation center in the Netherlands and 2 stroke rehabilitation units and the wider community in the United Kingdom. PARTICIPANTS: The RMI was completed for patients undergoing rehabilitation after stroke (N=620; mean age +/- SD, 69.2+/-12.5y; 297 [48%] men; 269 [43%] right hemisphere lesion, and 304 [49%] left hemisphere lesion). INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mokken scale analysis was used to investigate differential item functioning of the RMI between subgroups of patients who differed with respect to age (young vs older), sex (men vs women), and side of stroke lesion (right vs left hemisphere). RESULTS: No differential item functioning was found for any of the comparison subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: The RMI allows valid comparisons to be made between subgroups of patients undergoing rehabilitation after stroke who differ with respect to age, sex, or side of lesion.
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Item hierarchy-based analysis of the Rivermead Mobility Index resulted in improved interpretation and enabled faster scoring in patients undergoing rehabilitation after strokeRoorda, L.D., Green, J.R., Houwink, A., Bagley, Pamela J., Smith, J., Molenaar, I.W., Geurts, A.C. January 2012 (has links)
No / To enable improved interpretation of the total score and faster scoring of the Rivermead Mobility Index (RMI) by studying item ordering or hierarchy and formulating start-and-stop rules in patients after stroke. DESIGN: Cohort study. SETTING: Rehabilitation center in the Netherlands; stroke rehabilitation units and the community in the United Kingdom. PARTICIPANTS: Item hierarchy of the RMI was studied in an initial group of patients (n=620; mean age +/- SD, 69.2+/-12.5y; 297 [48%] men; 304 [49%] left hemisphere lesion, and 269 [43%] right hemisphere lesion), and the adequacy of the item hierarchy-based start-and-stop rules was checked in a second group of patients (n=237; mean age +/- SD, 60.0+/-11.3y; 139 [59%] men; 103 [44%] left hemisphere lesion, and 93 [39%] right hemisphere lesion) undergoing rehabilitation after stroke. INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mokken scale analysis was used to investigate the fit of the double monotonicity model, indicating hierarchical item ordering. The percentages of patients with a difference between the RMI total score and the scores based on the start-and-stop rules were calculated to check the adequacy of these rules. RESULTS: The RMI had good fit of the double monotonicity model (coefficient H(T)=.87). The interpretation of the total score improved. Item hierarchy-based start-and-stop rules were formulated. The percentages of patients with a difference between the RMI total score and the score based on the recommended start-and-stop rules were 3% and 5%, respectively. Ten of the original 15 items had to be scored after applying the start-and-stop rules. CONCLUSIONS: Item hierarchy was established, enabling improved interpretation and faster scoring of the RMI.
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Task-based Embedded Assessment of Functional Abilities for Aging in PlaceLee, Matthew L. 01 August 2012 (has links)
Many older adults desire to maintain their quality of life by living and aging independently in their own homes. However, it is difficult for older adults to notice and track the subtle changes in their own abilities because these abilities can change gradually over a long period of time. Technology in the form of ubiquitous sensors embedded in objects in the home can play a role in keeping track of the functional abilities of individuals unobtrusively, objectively, and continuously over a long period of time. This work introduces a sensing technique called “task-based embedded assessment” that monitors how well specific tasks important for independence are carried out using everyday objects found in the home with which individuals regularly interact. Following formative studies on the information needs of older adults and their caregivers, a sensing system called “dwellSense” that can monitor, assess, and provide feedback about how well individuals complete tasks, such as taking medications, using the phone, and making coffee, was designed, built, and evaluated. Multiple longterm (over 10 months) field deployments of dwellSense were used to investigate how the data collected from the system could support greater self-awareness of abilities and intentions to improve in task performance. Presenting and reflecting on data from ubiquitous sensing systems such as dwellSense is challenging because it is both highly dimensional as well as large in volume, particularly if it is collected over a long period of time. Thus, this work also investigates the time dimension of reflection and has identified that real-time feedback is particularly useful for supporting behavior change, and longer-term trended feedback is useful for greater awareness of abilities. Traditional forms of assessing the functional abilities of individuals tend to be either biased, lacking ecological validity, infrequent, or expensive to conduct. An automated sensor-based approach for assessment is compared to traditional performance testing by a trained clinician and found to match well with clinician-generated ratings that are objective, frequent, and ecologically valid. The contributions from this thesis not only advance the state of the art for maintaining quality of life and care for older adults, but also provide the foundations for designing personal sensing systems that aim to assess an individual’s abilities and support behaviors through the feedback of objective, timely sensed information.
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Фактори ризика за пад и функционална способност старих особа / Faktori rizika za pad i funkcionalna sposobnost starih osoba / Fall risk factors and functionality in elderly personsIvanović Sunčica 12 October 2017 (has links)
<p>Увод. Годишње најмање 30% особа старијих од 65 година доживи један или више падова. Са повећањем година повећава се и озбиљност компликација услед пада, степен функционалног оштећења и ниво инвалидитета. Одговорност за пад приписује се многим факторима ризика. Због сложености њихове природе, од кључног је значаја да се ревидирају концептуални и методолошки оквири за разумевање и предвиђање пада у популацији старих особа. Циљеви истраживања. Утврдити учесталост падова код особа старијих од 65 година; утврдити најзначајније факторе ризика од пада и проценити њихову интеракцију са функционалним способностима и забринутост због пада. Материјал и методологија. Истраживање је спроведено у од фебруара до јуна 2014. године у виду студије пресека и обухватило је 400 испитаника старијих од 65 година. Испитаници су тестирани у кућним условима приликом посете патронажне службе. Коришћени су следећи инструменти: општи упитник, Elderly Fall Screening Test – ЕFST, Multi-factor Falls Questionnaire – MFQ, Tinetti Balance Assessment, Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale − IADL, Falls Efficacy Scale International FES-I. Стaтистички прорaчуни су вршени прогрaмом SPSS верзијa 20. Резултати истраживања. Резултати студије показују да је пад доживело 55% испитаника. Регресиони модел EFST са варијаблама био је статистички значајан, а као независни предиктори показали су се женски пол (OR = 2,751; < 0,001), године старости (OR = 1,138; p < 0,001), и степен образовања (OR = 0,554; p = 0,027). Слични резултати су добијении и за регресиони модел са Тинетијевим скором где су се као независни предиктори показали пол (Beta = -0,107; p = 0,029) старост (Beta = -0,260; p < 0,001) и степен образовања (Beta = 0,191; p < 0,001). Све корелације између ЕFST, FESI, IADL и скором Тинетијевог теста биле су статистички значајне (p < 0,05). Вредности скора FESI биле су у јакој позитивној корелацији са скором ЕFST и изузетно негативној корелацији са IADL и скором Тинетијевог теста. Скор ЕFST показао је умерену негативну корелацију са скором IADL и јаку негативну са скором Тинетијевог теста, док су скор IADL и скор Тинетијевог теста показали умерену позитивну корелацију. Модел EFST био је статистички значајан и у целини тачно класификује 83,3% случајева. Варијабле које су се показале као независни предиктори били су: Тинети скор (OR = 0,783; p < 0,001), скор (OR = 1,041; p = 0,019) и ортостатска хипотензија (OR = 2,291; p = 0,035). Закључак. У испитиваној популацији падови су веома учестала појава и више од половине особа доживела је пад у последњих годину дана. У повећаном ризику од пада су жене. Такође ризик од пада повећава се са годинама старости. Нижи степен образовања показао се као независни предиктор пада. Предикција ризика од пада утврђеног на основу скрининг тест за пад код старих особа у општој популацији могућа је уз висок степен детерминације на основу скора Тинетијевог теста и, скора FESI и ортостатске хипотензије.</p> / <p>Uvod. Godišnje najmanje 30% osoba starijih od 65 godina doživi jedan ili više padova. Sa povećanjem godina povećava se i ozbiljnost komplikacija usled pada, stepen funkcionalnog oštećenja i nivo invaliditeta. Odgovornost za pad pripisuje se mnogim faktorima rizika. Zbog složenosti njihove prirode, od ključnog je značaja da se revidiraju konceptualni i metodološki okviri za razumevanje i predviđanje pada u populaciji starih osoba. Ciljevi istraživanja. Utvrditi učestalost padova kod osoba starijih od 65 godina; utvrditi najznačajnije faktore rizika od pada i proceniti njihovu interakciju sa funkcionalnim sposobnostima i zabrinutost zbog pada. Materijal i metodologija. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u od februara do juna 2014. godine u vidu studije preseka i obuhvatilo je 400 ispitanika starijih od 65 godina. Ispitanici su testirani u kućnim uslovima prilikom posete patronažne službe. Korišćeni su sledeći instrumenti: opšti upitnik, Elderly Fall Screening Test – EFST, Multi-factor Falls Questionnaire – MFQ, Tinetti Balance Assessment, Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale − IADL, Falls Efficacy Scale International FES-I. Statistički proračuni su vršeni programom SPSS verzija 20. Rezultati istraživanja. Rezultati studije pokazuju da je pad doživelo 55% ispitanika. Regresioni model EFST sa varijablama bio je statistički značajan, a kao nezavisni prediktori pokazali su se ženski pol (OR = 2,751; < 0,001), godine starosti (OR = 1,138; p < 0,001), i stepen obrazovanja (OR = 0,554; p = 0,027). Slični rezultati su dobijenii i za regresioni model sa Tinetijevim skorom gde su se kao nezavisni prediktori pokazali pol (Beta = -0,107; p = 0,029) starost (Beta = -0,260; p < 0,001) i stepen obrazovanja (Beta = 0,191; p < 0,001). Sve korelacije između EFST, FESI, IADL i skorom Tinetijevog testa bile su statistički značajne (p < 0,05). Vrednosti skora FESI bile su u jakoj pozitivnoj korelaciji sa skorom EFST i izuzetno negativnoj korelaciji sa IADL i skorom Tinetijevog testa. Skor EFST pokazao je umerenu negativnu korelaciju sa skorom IADL i jaku negativnu sa skorom Tinetijevog testa, dok su skor IADL i skor Tinetijevog testa pokazali umerenu pozitivnu korelaciju. Model EFST bio je statistički značajan i u celini tačno klasifikuje 83,3% slučajeva. Varijable koje su se pokazale kao nezavisni prediktori bili su: Tineti skor (OR = 0,783; p < 0,001), skor (OR = 1,041; p = 0,019) i ortostatska hipotenzija (OR = 2,291; p = 0,035). Zaključak. U ispitivanoj populaciji padovi su veoma učestala pojava i više od polovine osoba doživela je pad u poslednjih godinu dana. U povećanom riziku od pada su žene. Takođe rizik od pada povećava se sa godinama starosti. Niži stepen obrazovanja pokazao se kao nezavisni prediktor pada. Predikcija rizika od pada utvrđenog na osnovu skrining test za pad kod starih osoba u opštoj populaciji moguća je uz visok stepen determinacije na osnovu skora Tinetijevog testa i, skora FESI i ortostatske hipotenzije.</p> / <p>Introduction. Annually at least 30% of people over 65 experience one or more falls. With the increase in years, the severity of complications due to falls, degree of functional impairment and level of disability also increase. The responsibility for the fall is attributed to many risk factors. Due to the complexity of their nature, it is crucial that the conceptual and methodological frameworks for understanding and predicting the decline in the elderly population are revised. Research goals. Determine the incidence of falls in people over 65 years of age; identify the most important risk factors of the fall and evaluate their interaction with functional abilities and fear for falling. Material and methodology. The survey was conducted from February to June 2014 in the form of a cross sectional study and included 400 respondents over 65 years of age. Respondents were tested at home during a visit of the patronage service. The following instruments were used: general questionnaire, Elderly Fall Screening Test - EFST, Multi-factor Falls Questionnaire - MFQ, Tinetti Balance Assessment, Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale - IADL, Falls Efficacy Scale International FES-I. Statistical calculations were performed by the SPSS version 20 program. Research results. The results of the study show that the fall was experienced by 55% of respondents. The regression model EFST with variables was statistically significant, and as independent predictors the female sex (OR = 2,751; <0,001), age (OR = 1,138; p <0,001), and the level of education (OR = 0,554; p = 0.027) were shown. Similar results were obtained for the regression model with the Tinetti's score, where the gender (Beta = -0.107; p = 0.029) age (Beta = -0.260; p <0.001) and education (Beta = 0.191; p < 0.001) were shown as independent predictors. All correlations between EFST, FESI, IADL and the Tinetti's test score were statistically significant (p <0.05). The FESI score values were in a strong positive correlation with the EFST score and extremely negative correlation with IADL and the Tinetti’s test score. The EFST score showed a moderate negative correlation with the IADL score and a strong negative with the Tinetti’s test score, while the IADL score and the Tinetti test score showed moderate positive correlation. The EFST model was statistically significant and in its entirety accurately classified 83.3% of cases. Variables that proved to be independent predictors were: Tinetti score (OR = 0.783; p <0.001), score (OR = 1.041; p = 0.019) and orthostatic hypotension (OR = 2.291; p = 0.035). Conclusion. In the studied population, falls are a very common occurrence and more than half of the people experienced a fall in the past year. Women are at increased risk of falling. Also, the risk of falling increases with age. A lower level of education has proven to be an independent fall predictor. Prediction of the risk of a fall that has been established on the basis of a screening test for elderly people in the general population is possible with a high degree of determination based on the Tinetti test score and, recent FESI and orthostatic hypotension.</p>
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