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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Be smart against cancer! A school-based program covering cancer-related risk behavior

Stölzel, Friederike, Seidel, Nadja, Uhmann, Stefan, Baumann, Michael, Berth, Hendrik, Hoyer, Jürgen, Ehninger, Gerhard 15 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Several studies suggest that most school-age children are poorly informed about cancer risk factors. This study examines the effectiveness of the ‘Be smart against cancer’ (BSAC) program in promoting cancer awareness and intentions to engage in health-promoting behavior. Methods: 235 seventh-grade students were randomized to either the intervention (N = 152) or the wait-control group (N = 83). The intervention included the modules: “What is cancer?,” “Sun protection,” “Non smoking,” and “Physical activity, Healthy nutrition, and Limited alcohol consumption.” Outcomes measured at baseline and at the end of the one week BSAC program included knowledge of cancer and its behavioral risk factors, health-promoting intentions, and reported risk behavior. Results: BSAC was effective in increasing knowledge about cancer and risk factors for cancer (p < .001), as well as in increasing intentions to engage in health-promoting behavior (p < .001), independent of a student’s risk profile. Knowledge did not serve as a mediator for intention building. Conclusions: The BSAC is an effective school-based program for raising awareness of cancer, associated risk factors and intentions to engage in cancer-preventive behavior. The results indicate that the effectiveness of BSAC is independent of a student’s risk profile. Therefore, it holds considerable promise as a broadly applicable program to raise cancer awareness and promote healthy behavior intentions.

Moralische Emotionen

Schulz, Katrin 02 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dissertation besteht aus drei empirischen Beiträgen zur Analyse moralischer Emotionen sowie einer zusammenfassenden und integrierenden Synopse. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird dabei zunächst (1) eine umfassende Theorie zur Klassifikation und Entstehungsbedingungen moralischer Emotionen entwickelt. Darauf aufbauend wird (2) die Entstehung moralischer Emotionen im Setting der Schule anhand der Urteile von Lehrern und Schülern sowie (3) unter entwicklungspsychologischer Perspektive überprüft. Die vorgeschlagene und empirisch überprüfte Theorie ermöglicht erstmals eine übergreifende Analyse der Entstehungsbedingungen moralischer Emotionen. Die Befunde werden vor dem Hintergrund der bisherigen Forschung zu einzelnen moralischen Emotionen diskutiert.

Be smart against cancer! A school-based program covering cancer-related risk behavior

Stölzel, Friederike, Seidel, Nadja, Uhmann, Stefan, Baumann, Michael, Berth, Hendrik, Hoyer, Jürgen, Ehninger, Gerhard 15 July 2014 (has links)
Background: Several studies suggest that most school-age children are poorly informed about cancer risk factors. This study examines the effectiveness of the ‘Be smart against cancer’ (BSAC) program in promoting cancer awareness and intentions to engage in health-promoting behavior. Methods: 235 seventh-grade students were randomized to either the intervention (N = 152) or the wait-control group (N = 83). The intervention included the modules: “What is cancer?,” “Sun protection,” “Non smoking,” and “Physical activity, Healthy nutrition, and Limited alcohol consumption.” Outcomes measured at baseline and at the end of the one week BSAC program included knowledge of cancer and its behavioral risk factors, health-promoting intentions, and reported risk behavior. Results: BSAC was effective in increasing knowledge about cancer and risk factors for cancer (p < .001), as well as in increasing intentions to engage in health-promoting behavior (p < .001), independent of a student’s risk profile. Knowledge did not serve as a mediator for intention building. Conclusions: The BSAC is an effective school-based program for raising awareness of cancer, associated risk factors and intentions to engage in cancer-preventive behavior. The results indicate that the effectiveness of BSAC is independent of a student’s risk profile. Therefore, it holds considerable promise as a broadly applicable program to raise cancer awareness and promote healthy behavior intentions.

Moralische Emotionen

Schulz, Katrin 28 October 2011 (has links)
Die Dissertation besteht aus drei empirischen Beiträgen zur Analyse moralischer Emotionen sowie einer zusammenfassenden und integrierenden Synopse. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird dabei zunächst (1) eine umfassende Theorie zur Klassifikation und Entstehungsbedingungen moralischer Emotionen entwickelt. Darauf aufbauend wird (2) die Entstehung moralischer Emotionen im Setting der Schule anhand der Urteile von Lehrern und Schülern sowie (3) unter entwicklungspsychologischer Perspektive überprüft. Die vorgeschlagene und empirisch überprüfte Theorie ermöglicht erstmals eine übergreifende Analyse der Entstehungsbedingungen moralischer Emotionen. Die Befunde werden vor dem Hintergrund der bisherigen Forschung zu einzelnen moralischen Emotionen diskutiert.

Adolescent Basic Facial Emotion Recognition Is Not Influenced by Puberty or Own-Age Bias

Vetter, Nora C., Drauschke, Mandy, Thieme, Juliane, Altgassen, Mareike 28 September 2018 (has links)
Basic facial emotion recognition is suggested to be negatively affected by puberty onset reflected in a “pubertal dip” in performance compared to pre- or post-puberty. However, findings remain inconclusive. Further, research points to an own-age bias, i.e., a superior emotion recognition for peer faces. We explored adolescents’ ability to recognize specific emotions. Ninety-five children and adolescents, aged 8–17 years, judged whether the emotions displayed by adolescent or adult faces were angry, sad, neutral, or happy. We assessed participants a priori by pubertal status while controlling for age. Results indicated no “pubertal dip”, but decreasing reaction times across adolescence. No own-age bias was found. Taken together, basic facial emotion recognition does not seem to be disrupted during puberty as compared to pre- and post-puberty.

Acute alcohol effects on impulsive choice in adolescents

Bernhardt, Nadine, Obst, Elisabeth, Nebe, Stephan, Pooseh, Shakoor, Wurst, Friedrich M., Weinmann, Wolfgang, Smolka, Michael N., Zimmermann, Ulrich S. 02 September 2020 (has links)
Background: Neurodevelopmental and alcohol-induced changes in decision-making have been proposed to critically influence impulsive behaviour in adolescents. Objective: This study tested the influence of acute alcohol administration on impulsive choice in adolescents. Methods: Fifty-four males aged 18–19 years were tested in a single-blind placebo-controlled cross-over design. During alcohol administration (infusion resulting in an arterial blood alcohol concentration of 80 mg%) and placebo condition (saline infusion), participants performed a task battery providing estimates of delay discounting, probability discounting for gains, for losses and loss aversion, and also rated subjectively experienced alcohol effects. Additionally, baseline alcohol consumption (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, blood phosphatidylethanol levels), motives (Drinking Motive Questionnaire, Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire and Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale), family history and self-report measures of impulsivity (Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, Substance Use Risk Profile Scale) were provided. Results: No overall effects of treatment on choice behaviour were found. However, individual differences were observed. In the alcohol condition, more impulsive choice tendencies for delay discounting were associated with higher subjectively experienced alcohol effects. Further, higher risk aversion for probabilistic gains and higher loss aversion during alcohol condition were related to higher levels of real-life alcohol consumption and a family history of alcohol problems, respectively. Finally, the time to make a decision was substantially shortened for choices involving negative prospects. Conclusions: Contrary to common beliefs, acute alcohol intoxication did not generally incite impulsive decision-making. It rather appears that alcoholinduced behavioural changes in adolescents vary considerably depending on prior experiences and subjective effects of alcohol.

Is loss avoidance differentially rewarding in adolescents versus adults?: Differences in ventral striatum and anterior insula activation during the anticipation of potential monetary losses

Bretzke, Maria, Vetter, Nora C., Kohls, Gregor, Wahl, Hannes, Roessner, Veit, Plichta, Michael M., Buse, Judith 28 March 2023 (has links)
Avoiding loss is a crucial, adaptive guide to human behavior. While previous developmental research has primarily focused on gaining rewards, less attention has been paid to loss processing and its avoidance. In daily life, it is often unknown how likely an action will result in a loss, making the role of uncertainty in loss processing particularly important. By using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated the influence of varying outcome probabilities (12%, 34%, and 67%) on brain regions implicated in loss processing (ventral striatum (VS), anterior insula (AI)) by comparing 28 adolescents (10–18 years) and 24 adults (22–32 years) during the anticipation of potential monetary loss. Overall, results revealed slower RTs in adolescents compared to adults with both groups being faster in the experimental (monetary condition) vs. control trials (verbal condition). Fastest RTs were observed for the 67% outcome probability in both age groups. An age group × outcome probability interaction effect revealed the greatest differences between the groups for the 12% vs. the 67% outcome probability. Neurally, both age groups demonstrated a higher percent signal change in the VS and AI during the anticipation of potential monetary loss versus the verbal condition. However, adults demonstrated an even greater activation of VS and AI than adolescents during the anticipation of potential monetary loss, but not during the verbal condition. This may indicate that adolescents differ from adults regarding their experience of avoiding losing monetary rewards.

Identity development and separation-individuation in relationships between young adults and their parents / a conceptual integration

Köpke, Sabrina 24 August 2012 (has links)
Obwohl Identitätsentwicklung und Ablösung-Individuation in Eltern-Kind Beziehungen als verbundene Aufgaben psychosozialer Reifung gelten, sind sie in der psychologischen Forschung relativ unabhängig voneinander behandelt worden. Darüber hinaus sind Langzeitstudien im jungen Erwachsenenalter selten, obwohl sich hier Autonomie und Identität voll entwickeln und qualitative Veränderungen in Eltern-Kind Beziehungen stattfinden. Aus diesem Grund umfasst die vorliegende Dissertation eine differenzierte, dynamisch-entwicklungsbezogene Integration von Eltern-Kind Beziehungen und Identitätsentwicklung im Übergang zum Erwachsenenalter, die sequentielle und reziproke Zusammenhänge zwischen Komponenten, Mechanismen, die diese Zusammenhänge erklären und Determinanten interindividueller Entwicklungsunterschiede beschreibt. In einer längsschnittlichen Untersuchung an Studierenden, wurden die vorgeschlagenen Zusammenhänge getestet. Zusammenhänge zwischen agentischen Eigenschaften, reifer Verbundenheit mit Eltern und Identitätssicherheit zeigten das vorhergesagte Muster reziproker Verstärkung, indiziert durch die Vorhersage eines Anstiegs in Verbundenheit durch Selbstwirksamkeitsüberzeugungen und reziproke Assoziationen zwischen Verbundenheit und Sicherheit bezüglich / Identifikation mit Identitäts-Commitments. Abgelöstheit von Eltern und Identitätsunsicherheit waren relativ unabhängig voneinander. Es wurde argumentiert, dass eine situationsspezifischere Messung eventuell stärkere Zusammenhänge hervorbringt, da stressvolle Situationen kurzfristige Selbstunsicherheiten erzeugen und Annährungsverhalten auslösen. Es wurden Vorschläge gemacht, wie zukünftige Forschung auf diesen Ergebnissen aufbauen könnte, indem sie die vorgeschlagenen Sequenzen und Mechanismen unter Nutzung von Langzeitstudien mit multiplen Messzeitpunkten über Adoleszenz und junges Erwachsenenalter hinweg testet und Eltern als interaktive Agenten mit eigenen Identitäts- und Ablösungsthematiken einbezieht. / Although identity development and separation-individuation in parent-child relationships are widely perceived as related tasks of psychosocial maturation, they have been treated relatively independently in psychological research. Furthermore, longitudinal investigations in young adulthood are very scarce although this is the age period where autonomy and personal identity fully develop and significant, qualitative changes in parent-child relationships take place. Therefore, the present dissertation covers the proposition of a differentiated, dynamic-developmental integration of parent-child relationships and identity development in the transition to adulthood that describes sequential and reciprocal associations between components of identity and relationships, mechanisms that could explain these associations, and determinants of interpersonal differences in development. In a 2-Wave longitudinal study on young adult students, the proposed longitudinal associations were tested. Associations between personal Agency, Mature Connectedness with parents, and Identity certainty showed the predicted pattern of reciprocal reinforcement, indicated by the prediction of an increase in Mature Connectedness by self-efficacy beliefs and by reciprocal associations between Mature Connectedness and certainty about and identification with identity commitments. Separateness and identity uncertainty were relatively independent. It was argued that a more situation-specific and short-termed measurement might provide stronger association because stressful situations might cause momentary self-uncertainty and trigger affiliation-seeking. Recommendations were offered on how future research might extend upon these results by testing the proposed sequences and mechanisms using longitudinal studies with multiple assessment points across the adolescent and young adult years and by incorporating parents as interactive agents with their own identity and separation issues.

Theory of Mind Development in Adolescence and its (Neuro)cognitive Mechanisms

Vetter, Nora 19 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Theory of Mind (ToM) is the ability to infer others’ mental states and thus to predict their behavior (Perner, 1991). Therefore, ToM is essential for the adequate adjustment of behavior in social situations. ToM can be divided into: 1) cognitive ToM encompassing inferences about intentions and beliefs and 2) affective ToM encompassing inferences about emotions (Shamay-Tsoory, Harari, Aharon-Peretz, & Levkovitz, 2010). Well-functioning skills of both ToM aspects are much-needed in the developmental period of adolescence because in this age phase peer relationships become more important and romantic relationships arise (Steinberg & Morris, 2001). Importantly, affective psychopathological disorders often have their onset in adolescence. ToM development in adolescence might be based on underlying cognitive mechanisms such as the ability to inhibit one’s own thoughts in order to understand another person’s thoughts (Carlson & Moses, 2001). Another possible mechanism relates to functional brain development across adolescence (Blakemore, 2008). Therefore, neurocognitive mechanisms may underlie ongoing ToM development in adolescence. First studies indicate an ongoing behavioral and functional brain development of ToM (e.g. Blakemore, 2008). However, ToM development in adolescence and how this might relate to underlying (neuro)cognitive functions remains largely underexamined. The major aims of the current thesis were first to answer the overall question whether there is an ongoing development of ToM in adolescence. This question relates to both behavioral and functional brain development. As a second major aim, the present work sought to elucidate possible (neuro)cognitive mechanisms of ongoing ToM development across adolescence. Specifically, these cognitive mechanisms might be basic cognitive functions as well as executive functions. Additionally, the present work aimed at exploring potential (neuro)cognitive mechanisms through an integration of both behavioral and functional brain studies. The current experimental work spans three cross-sectional studies investigating adolescents (aged around 12-15 years) and young adults (aged around 18-22 years) to examine for the first time both the behavioral (studies I and II) and functional brain development of ToM (study III) in adolescence and its underlying (neuro)cognitive mechanisms. In all three studies, more complex, advanced ToM tasks were employed to avoid ceiling effects. Study I was aimed at investigating if cognitive and affective ToM continues to develop in adolescence and at exploring if basic cognitive variables such as verbal ability, speed of processing, and working memory capacity underlie such development. Hence, two groups of adolescents and young adults completed tasks of ToM and basic cognitive abilities. Large age effects were revealed on both measures of ToM: adolescents performed lower than adults. These age differences remained significant after controlling for basic cognitive variables. However, verbal ability covaried with performance in affective ToM. Overall, results support the hypothesis of an ongoing development of ToM from adolescence to adulthood on both cognitive and affective aspects. Results may further indicate verbal ability being a basic cognitive mechanism of affective ToM. Study II was designed to further explore if affective ToM, as measured with a dynamic realistic task, continues to develop across adolescence. Importantly, this study sought to explore executive functions as higher cognitive mechanisms of developing affective ToM across adolescence. A large group spanning adolescents and young adults evaluated affective mental states depicted by actors in video clips. Additionally, participants were examined with three subcomponents of executive functions, inhibition, updating, and shifting following the classification of Miyake et al. (2000). Affective ToM performance was positively related to age and all three executive functions. Specifically, inhibition explained the largest amount of variance in age related differences of affective ToM performance. Overall, these results indicate the importance of inhibition as key underlying mechanism of developing an advanced affective ToM in adolescence. Study III set out to explore the functional brain development of affective ToM in adolescence by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The affective ToM measure was the behavioral developmentally sensitive task from study II. An additional control condition consisted of the same emotional stimuli with the instruction to focus on physical information. This study faced methodical challenges of developmental fMRI studies by matching performance of groups. The ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vMPFC) was significantly less deactivated in adolescents in comparison to adults, which might suggest that adolescents seem to rely more on self-referential processes for affective ToM. Furthermore, adolescents compared to adults showed greater activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in the control condition, indicating that adolescents might be distracted by the emotional content and therefore needed to focus more on the physical content of the stimulus. These findings suggest affective ToM continues to develop on the functional brain level and reveals different underlying neurocognitive strategies for adolescents in contrast to adults. In summary, the current thesis investigated whether ToM continues to develop in adolescence until young adulthood and explored underlying (neuro)cognitive mechanisms. Findings suggest that there is indeed an ongoing development of both the cognitive and affective aspect of ToM, which importantly contributes to the conceptual debate. Moreover, the second benefit to the debate is to demonstrate how this change may occur. As a basic cognitive mechanism verbal ability and as an executive functioning mechanism inhibition was revealed. Furthermore, neurocognitive mechanisms in form of different underlying neurocognitive strategies of adolescents compared to adults were shown. Taken together, ToM development in adolescence seems to mirror a different adaptive cognitive style in adolescence (Crone & Dahl, 2012). This seems to be important for solving the wealth of socio-emotional developmental tasks that are relevant for this age span.

Identitätsrelevante Aspekte bei der Beteiligung von Jugendlichen an Konsumszenen, insbesondere Alkoholszenen

Koler, Peter 02 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Das vorliegende Forschungsvorhaben geht auf die Suche nach identitätsrelevanten Erfahrungen im Zusammenhang mit Konsum- und Rauscherlebnissen von jungen Menschen ohne Krankheitsdiagnosen. Ausgangshypothese war, dass es einen Zusammenhang gibt zwischen der Beteiligung an Konsum-, in erster Linie Alkoholszenen, und der Entwicklung eines jungen Erwachsenen Selbst. Folgende Forschungsfragen standen am Anfang der Studie: Welche Gründe stehen hinter einem Konsum von psychoaktiven Substanzen in der heute jungen Generation der 15- bis 25-Jährigen? Wie werden Rauscherfahrungen von Konsument/inn/en selbst bewertet und eingeschätzt? Welche subjektiven und gruppenspezifischen Gründe führen dazu, sich auf Konsumverhaltensweisen einzulassen, die aus einer Fremdperspektive auch gesundheitsschädigend und risikoreich sein können? Für die Studie wurden qualitative und quantitative Forschungsmethoden eingesetzt. Der Kern der Arbeit besteht aus einer – von der Grounded Theory ausgehenden – Analyse von 19 halbstandardisierten, themenzentrierten Interviews, die mit insgesamt 23 konsum- und rauscherfahrenen jungen Männern und Frauen zwischen 14 und 20 Jahren geführt wurden. Der empirische Teil bezieht sich auf Südtirol. Auf quantitativer Ebene wird gezeigt, wie sich die Konsumprävalenzen in den letzten 8 Jahren innerhalb der Population der 15- bis 25-Jährigen verändert haben und welche Korrelationen zwischen Konsumverhalten und Lebensbefindlichkeiten bestehen. Insgesamt kann das gesamte Vorhaben auch als Versuch gesehen werden, eine Sichtweise aufzuzeigen, die von den Lebenswelten der Betroffenen ausgeht. Als Resultat zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit klar und unmissverständlich auf, dass Alkoholszenen wichtige identitätsstiftende und verankernde Impulse leisten, die junge Burschen und Mädchen auf ihrem Weg in das Erwachsenenleben als Erfahrungswelt benötigen. Sie sind behilflich, um sich von der Kindheit zu verabschieden und zu einem eigenen Selbst zu kommen. Diese Szenen sind selbstorganisiert und selbstkonstruiert. In ihnen lernen die Beteiligten kompetent mit Schlüsselsituationen umzugehen. Nach einigen Jahren entwickeln sie durch die Beteiligung aber auch eine kritische Reflexionsfähigkeit und distanzieren sich erneut davon. Ersichtlich wird durch die ausgeprägt vorgefundenen Ambivalenzen allerdings auch, dass die Alkoholszenen Kunstwelten sind und für diesen Übergangsraum nicht die optimalen und idealen Orte darstellen. Dass Alkoholszenen diese Funktion trotzdem einnehmen, hat auch damit zu tun, dass Erwachsene sich aus diesem Raum mehr oder weniger verabschiedet haben. Für die seit Menschengedenken gleiche Aufgabe, seinen eigenen Platz im Gefüge zu finden, gibt es in der 2. Moderne keine aktualisierte und an die aktuellen Lebensbedingungen angepasste „Software“. / This paper aims to examine identity-related experiences of adolescents without confirmed diagnosis regarding their episodes of alcohol consumption and excessive drinking. The core assumption was that there is a connection between the participation in consumption scenes, alcohol scenes in particular, and the identity development of a young adult. The underlying questions of the study were the following: What are the reasons for the consumption of psychoactive substances in today’s 15 to 25-year-olds? How do consumers themselves value and assess their episodes of excessive drinking? What are the subjective and group-specific reasons for the participation in consumption behavior, which can be considered as dangerous and health damaging by people that are not involved? Qualitative and quantitative approaches were applied in the study. The core issue of the research consists of the analysis – based on the Grounded Theory Method – of 19 half-standardized, topic-related interviews with 23 young male and female subjects aged 14 to 20 experienced in consumption and inebriation. The empirical part of the study refers to the situation in South Tyrol. The quantitative part focuses on the change in consumption preferences of the population of 15 to 25-year-olds over the last eight years and on the correlation between consumption behavior and existential orientation. This paper can also be considered an attempt to show the perspective of the people concerned. The findings of the study clearly and unequivocally indicate that alcohol scenes provide important stimuli for the identity development and consolidation that adolescents need on their way to their adult life. These scenes are self-contrived and self-organized and can help adolescents to let go of their childhood and to find their own self. They teach participants to competently handle key situations. After some years, they develop a critical reflecting ability through their participation and they distance themselves from the scenes. The frequently encountered ambivalences also show that alcohol scenes are artificial worlds and do not represent the optimal and ideal places for this transitional period. Alcohol scenes take over this function because of the fact that adults have taken leave of this place. Since time memorial, a young people’s essential task has been that of finding their own place in the social fabric and second modernity has not provided appropriate “software” for the present living conditions yet.

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