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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation de l'affordance dans le domaine des constructions durables / Modelling the affordance in the field of green building

Bona, Audrey 20 May 2016 (has links)
Les performances énergétiques des constructions durables sont nettement inférieures à celles attendues et la question de l’impact du comportement des usagers devient primordiale. Différentes solutions sont déployées afin d’atteindre les performances prévues : elles s’étendent de l’information des usagers à l’aide de manuels, jusqu’à l’influence des comportements, en passant par l’automatisation des bâtiments réduisant ainsi la capacité d’action des usagers. La question est alors de savoir s’il est possible de concevoir des bâtiments toujours plus performants du point de vue énergétique sans venir altérer la relation usager/habitat et sans contraindre davantage les usagersNous proposons d’intégrer la notion d’affordance dans les constructions durables en posant l’hypothèse qu’elle pourrait permettre d’induire des comportements en adéquation avec les exigences de performances des constructions durables, en évitant au maximum l’introduction de procédures plus ou moins artificielles et en créant une compréhension, la plus immédiate possible, des usages des espaces fonctionnels et des équipements.Une première phase d’étude a été menée dans le but d’analyser l’activité des usagers au sein de leur habitat et traduire cette analyse en outils exploitables par les concepteurs. Un ensemble de personas a ainsi été défini. Parallèlement, une caractérisation de l’interaction usager/habitat a été réalisée par l’identification des critères venant l’influencer. Grâce à la pondération de ces facteurs d’impact, un modèle de calcul du niveau d’affordance de l’interaction entre les usagers et leur logement a pu être proposé. / The energetic performance of sustainable buildings is significantly lower than expected and therefore the impact of user behaviour becomes a crucial element. Different solutions are implemented to achieve predicted performance; these range from information i.e. user guides, to the influence of user behaviour through building automation reducing the users’ control. The possibility of designing more efficient buildings without altering the relationship between the user and the building, and without constraining the users is then to be investigated.We propose to integrate the notion of affordance in sustainable buildings under the assumption that this could be useful in inducing behaviour aligned with the performance requirements of sustainable buildings, while minimising the introduction of procedures more or less artificial and creating an immediate understanding of the use of a functional space and its equipment.A first experimental phase was conducted to analyse users' activities within their housing and translate this into tools for designers. A set of personas has been set. Meanwhile, a characterisation of the user/building interaction was carried out by identifying the criteria influencing it. With the weighting of these impact factors, a calculation model for the affordance level of this interaction was proposed.

Utomhus på fritidshemmet : fritidslärares uppfattningar av utemiljön som pedagogisk arena / Outdoor at after school program : after school teachers perspective on use of the outdoor classroom

Wennberg, Erika, Johansson, Carolin January 2020 (has links)
Forskning visar att utevistelse har en positiv inverkan på elevers lärande och kan vara länken mellan teori och praktik. Genom att vara utomhus och vistas i olika utemiljöer påverkas både vårt fysiska och psykiska välmående positivt, vilket vidare påverkar vår inlärning. Enligt läroplanen ska fritidshemmet komplettera skolan genom att erbjuda eleverna undervisning i olika utemiljöer och genom upplevelsebaserade lärandesituationer. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka fritidslärares erfarenheter och uppfattningar av utemiljöns pedagogiska möjligheter. Studien grundar sig på två frågeställningar: Vilka möjligheter kan fritidslärare se i olika utemiljöer som pedagogiska arenor? Hur uppger fritidslärarna att de använder utemiljöer i den fritidspedagogiska verksamheten? Den teoretiska utgångspunkten i studien grundar sig utifrån teorin om affordance. I vår undersökning används kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer, där sex fritidslärare deltog. Utifrån den kvalitativa analysmetoden resulterade detta till studiens fyra olika huvudteman: Utemiljö- en viktig lärmiljö, Skogen som upptäcksplats, Vatten- ett viktigt element och Skolgård- en planerad och spontan arena. Resultatet visar att fritidslärarna ser utemiljön som en självklar och viktigt lärmiljö i undervisningen på fritidshemmet. Fritidslärarna lyfter fram pedagogiska möjligheter på skolgården, skogen samt platser där det finns tillgång till vatten. Slutsatser som kan dras utifrån studien är att olika utemiljöer används för att utveckla elevernas kognitiva, sociala och fysiska förmågor. Utemiljön kan vidare användas för att eleverna ska få uppleva ett mer praktiskt och utforskande arbetssätt, vilket kan förstärka elevernas teoretiska kunskaper. / Research shows that the outdoor environment has a positive impact on students learning and can be a supporting link between theory and practice. Being outdoors and visiting different outdoor environments, both human physical and mental well- being are positively affected, which supports learning. According to the curriculum, the after school program should supplement the school by offering students teaching in different outdoor environments and through experience-based learning situations. The aim of this study is to examine after school teachers experiences and perspective of the educational opportunities of the outdoor environment. The study is based on two questions: What opportunities can after school teachers see in different outdoor environments as educational arenas? How do afterschool teachers state that outdoor environment are used in after school programs? The study is based on the theory of affordance. In our study, qualitative methodology was used in the form of six semi-structured interviews with after school teachers. Based on a qualitative method of analysis, this resulted in four main themes: The outdoor environment – an important learning environment, The forest as a place of discovery, Water – an important element and The schoolyard – a planned and spontaneous arena. The result shows that the after school teachers see the outdoor environment as an obvious and important learning environment in the education at the after school program. The after school teachers highlight educational opportunities in the school yard, the forest and places where there is access to water. Conclusions that can be drawn from the study are that different outdoor environments are used to develop students cognitive, social and physical abilities. Furthermore, the outdoor environment can be used to allow students to experience a more practical and exploratory way of working, which can strengthen the student’s theoretical knowledge.

Design av påminnelsefunktioner för att stödja individer med kognitionsnedsättning

Mattsson, Catrin, Sjöström, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Det är vanligt att gränssnitt utformas med komplexa interaktioner och större mängder information, där användare förväntas besitta typisk fysisk, psykisk och intellektuell förmåga. Designas gränssnitt utifrån dessa förväntningar kan resultatet bli att icke normtypiska användargrupper exkluderas, däribland individer med kognitiv nedsättning. Kognitiv nedsättning har i denna studie begränsats till de tre symptomen minnesbortfall, hjärntrötthet samt överstimulans. För att inkludera individer med kognitiv nedsättning i användning samt stödja minnesbortfall ämnar denna studie att genom en designorienterad ansats besvara frågeställningen “Hur kan en aktiv påminnelsefunktion designas för att stödja individer med kognitiv nedsättning”. Designriktlinjer har framtagits utifrån litteratur och utvärderats genom en prototyp med nio testpersoner som erfarit symptomen. Studien resulterar i kunskapsbidraget att en aktiv påminnelsefunktion bör designas med hänsyn till att dela upp information med minimalt krav på beslutstagande, kommunicera brådska, använda igenkänningsbara element samt ge användare kontroll och stöd för besluttagande. / It is common to design interfaces with complex interactions as well as large amounts of information, where users are expected to have typical physical, psychological and intellectual abilities. If interfaces are designed based on these expectations, the result may be that non-normative user groups are excluded, including individuals with cognitive limitations. In this study, cognitive limitations have been restricted to the three symptoms: memory loss, fatigue and overstimulation. To include people with cognitive limitations in use and to support memory loss, this study aims to answer the question "How can an active reminder be designed to support individuals with cognitive limitation" through a design-oriented approach. Design guidelines have been developed based on literature and evaluated through a prototype with nine participants who have experienced the symptoms. The study results in the knowledge contribution that an active reminder should be designed with divided information including minimal decision-making, communicate urgency, use recognizable elements and give users control as well as support for decision-making.

Mikrofonmarshmallows och andra musikaliska meningserbjudanden : Skogen som plats för ljud- och musikupplevelser i förskolan / Microphone marshmallows and other musical affordances. : The forest as a place for sound and music experiences in the preschool

Norinder, Karin January 2023 (has links)
Den fysiska miljön har betydelse för barns meningsskapande, och en plats där meningsskapande sker i förskolan är skogen. Intresset för att bedriva förskoleverksamhet i skogen har ökat de senaste decennierna. Musik har länge haft en central plats i förskolans verksamhet, men forskning om musik i förskolan fokuserar ofta på inomhusmiljön. Forskning visar dock att det finns fördelar med att genomföra musikaliska aktiviteter utomhus. Kontexten har betydelse för musikaliskt meningsskapande, och syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka hur skogen används som plats för ljud- och musikupplevelser för och av förskolebarn, och vilka meningserbjudanden som möjliggörs genom dessa upplevelser. Gibsons teori om meningserbjudanden används i kombination med teorier om musicking och musikaliska meningserbjudanden för att belysa barns möjliga meningsskapande i skärningspunkten mellan skog som plats och ljud- och musikupplevelser. Barns ljud- och musikupplevelser i skogen hos tre förskolegrupper har genom etnografiinspirerad metod observerats. Etiska riktlinjer har följts i enlighet med Vetenskapsrådet. Resultatet visar en skillnad i hur pedagoger och barn använder skogen som plats för ljud- och musikaktiviteter där pedagogernas musikaliska meningserbjudanden främst består av ett kulturarv av traditionella sånger som överförs till barnen. Genom dessa upplevelser möjliggörs framför allt meningsskapande genom musik där andra ämnen än musik hamnar i fokus. Musikaktiviteterna av barn kännetecknas både av ett reproducerande av tidigare inlärda sånger, men även nyskapande av musik, där sociala processer av musicking leder till meningsskapande. Meningsskapande sker genom både receptiva och produktiva musikaliska meningserbjudanden där producenterna består av människor, djur och skog. Interaktion i ljud- och musikupplevelserna leder till att en ömsesidighet skapas mellan skogen och barnen, där också pedagogerna, tidsutrymmet och barns tidigare erfarenheter har visat sig spela en betydelsefull roll. Resultatet visade även att meningsskapande oftare blev synligt då det fanns en koppling mellan musikens innehåll och skogen. Detta leder till slutsatsen att platsen har betydelse för barns musikaliska meningsskapande. Denna studie lyfter fram skogen som en värdefull plats för barns meningsskapande genom ljud- och musikupplevelser där musicking, förundran och kreativitet frodas. Kunskap om barns meningsskapande genom ljud- och musikupplevelser i skogen kan ur ett didaktiskt perspektiv ha betydelse för personal i förskolan, men även för lärosäten som utbildar förskollärare. / The physical environment affects children´s meaning making, and one place where meaning making occurs in preschool is the forest. The interest for preschool education in the forest has increased during the last decades. Music has since a long time had a central place in preschool education, but research about music in preschool often focus on the indoor environment. However, research shows that there are benefits from conducting musical activities outdoors. The context has impact on musical meaning making, and the aim of this study is therefore to examine how the forest is used as a place for sound and music experiences for and by preschool children, and what affordances that is made possible through these experiences. Gibson´s theory of affordance is used in combination with theories of musicking and musical affordances to shed light om children´s possible meaning making in the intersection between forest as a place and sound and music experiences. Children´s sound and music experiences in the forest at three preschool groups has through ethnographic inspired method been observed. Ethical guidelines have been followed accordning to Vetenskapsrådet. The result shows a difference in how pedagogues and children use the forest as a place for sound and music activities where the pedagogues’ musical affordances mainly consist of a cultural heritage of traditional songs that is passed on to the children. Through these experiences is especially meaning making through music made possible, where other subjects than music is focused. Music activities by children is characterized by both reproduction of previous learned songs, but also an innovative music making where social processes of musicking leads to meaning making. The meaning making occurs both through receptive and productive musical affordances where the producers consist of humans, animals, and forest. Interaction in sound and music experiences lead to the creation of a reciprocity between the forest and the children, where also the pedagogues, time space and children´s previous experiences have been shown to play a significant role. The result also showed that meaning making often became visible when there was a connection between the content of the music and the place. This leads to the conclusion that the place is significant for children´s musical meaning making. This study highlights the forest as a valuable place for children´s meaning making through sound and music experiences where musicking, awe and creativity flourishes. Knowledge about children´s meaning making through sound and music experiences in the forest can through a didactical perspective be of importance for preschool staff, but also for preschool educators.

Lugn i stormen : En studie i hur 5S-metoden kan anpassas för rum med flera aktiviteter inom hälsa och välmående.

Ingebo Andersson, Annie January 2016 (has links)
This is a study in how rooms with several activities within health and well-being can be designed using the 5S-methodology to facilitate the structure and order. The purpose of the study is to create structured and organized environment that highlights activities and functions. The study is a collaboration with Munktell Exercise & Health, a health- and fitness company in Eskilstuna with plans to develop the business with a new mindfulnessarea. Information has been gathered by methods like qualitative interviews, site analysis and analysis of referenceobjects. The premises along with previous examples of 5S-methodology and the requirements and wishes of mindfulness practice showed that there is a need for structure and organization in environments with multiple tasks and users. Theories about cognitive theory, visual balance, immerssion, affordance, signifiers and 5S-methodology shown examples of how people are affected by their environment. For example, the experience of a room and interpretation of the functions can be controlled in terms of organization and spatial attributes. In the current situation there are empty rooms available for the new part to take place and the realization of it. The result of the study is a designproposal from a human-centered design approach, combined with the 5S-methodology, where the 5S-methodology may be of interest to other training activities or organizations in the health sector in need of structure and organization. The designproposal is designed on the basis of the collected empirical data with the aim of preventing confusion and facilitate the users on the site with user-customized solutions and clarity of the rooms features. / Det här arbetet är en studie i hur rum med flera aktiviter inom hälsa och välmående kan utformas med hjälp av 5S-metoden för att underlätta för struktur och ordning. Syftet med studien är att skapa strukturerad och organiserad miljö som tydliggör aktiviteter och funktioner. Arbetet sker i samarbete med Munktell Träning & Hälsa, ett friskvårdsföretag i Eskilstuna som planerar att utveckla sin verksamhet med en ny mindfulnessdel. Med metoder som kvalitativa intervjuer, platsanalys och analys av referensobjekt har informations samlats kring de aktuella lokalerna, tidigare exempel av 5S-metoden samt krav och önskemål inom mindfulnessutövning som visat att det finns ett behov av struktur och organisering i miljöer med flera aktiviteter och användare. Utifrån gestalt- och schemateorier, visuell balans, immerssion, affordance och signifiers samt 5S-metoden visas exempel på hur människan påverkas av sin omgivning. Exempelvis hur upplevelsen av ett rum och tolkningen av funktioner kan styras i form av organisering och rumsliga attribut. I dagsläget finns tomma lokaler till förfogande för den nya delen och det planeras en ombyggnation i samband med förverkligandet av det. Arbetet mynnar ut i ett gestaltningsförslag från ett human centered design-perspektiv i kombination med 5S-metoden, där främst 5S-metoden kan vara av intresse för andra träningsverksamheter eller organisationer inom hälsosektorn som är i behov av strukturering och organisering. Gestaltningsförslaget är formgivet utifrån den insamlade empirin med syftet att förebygga oreda och underlätta för användarna på platsen med användaranpassade lösningar och tydlighet av rummens funktioner.

Mécanismes d’apprentissage développemental et intrinsèquement motivés en intelligence artificielle : étude des mécanismes d'intégration de l'espace environnemental / Developmental and intrinsically motivated learning mechanisms in artificial intelligence : study of environmental space integration mechanisms

Gay, Simon 15 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet IDEAL (Implementing DevelopmentAl Learning) financé par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). La capacité à percevoir, mémoriser et interpréter l'environnement qui nous entoure est une capacité vitale que l'on retrouve chez de nombreux êtres vivants. Cette capacité leur permet de générer des comportements adaptés à leur contexte, ou d'échapper à un prédateur sorti de leur champ de vision. L'objectif de cette thèse consiste à doter un agent artificiel de cette capacité. Nous proposons un modèle théorique permettant à un agent artificiel de générer des connaissances exploitables des éléments constituant son environnement et une structure reflétant l'espace. Ce modèle est basé sur la théorie de la contingence sensorimotrice, et implémente une forme de motivation intrinsèque. En effet, ce modèle débute avec un ensemble de structure indivisibles, appelées interactions, caractérisant les échanges entre l'agent et son environnement. L'apprentissage des connaissances est développemental et émerge de l'interaction entre l'agent et son environnement, sans qu'aucune intervention extérieure (récompense), ne soit nécessaire. Notre modèle propose des mécanismes permettant d'organiser et d'exploiter ces connaissances émergentes dans le but de générer des comportements. Nous proposons des implémentations de ce modèle pour démontrer l'émergence d'une connaissance à partir de l'interaction entre l'agent et son environnement, et les comportements qui émergent de cette connaissance / This thesis is a part of the IDEAL project (Implementing DEvelopmentAl Learning) funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). The ability of perceiving, memorizing and interpreting the surrounding environment is a vital ability found in numerous living beings. This ability allows them to generate context adapted behaviors, or escaping from a predator that escape from their sensory system. The objective of this thesis consists in implementing such a capacity in artificial agents. We propose a theoretical model that allows artificial agent to generate a usable knowledge of elements that compose its environment and a structure able to characterize the structure of surrounding space. This model is based on the sensorimotor contingency theory, and implements a form of intrinsic motivation. Indeed, this model begin with a set of indivisible structures, called interactions, that characterize the interaction possibilities between the agent and its environment. The learning is developmental and emerges from the interaction that occurs between the agent and the environment, without the need of any external intervention (like reward). Our model propose a set of mechanisms that allow to organize and exploit emerging knowledge in order to generate behaviors. We propose implementations of our model to demonstrate the emerging knowledge based on agent-environment interaction, and behaviors that can emerge from this knowledge

Étude de l’effet structurant des éléments d’un jardin thérapeutique sur la navigation dans la maladie d’Alzheimer : apprentissage de trajet et acquisition des connaissances spatiales / Study of the structuring effect of the elements of a healing garden on navigation in Alzheimer's disease : route learning and acquisition of the spatial knowledge

Jacob, Christel 21 December 2017 (has links)
L’originalité de cette recherche est de s’intéresser aux caractéristiques de l’environnement physique et à leur impact sur les capacités de navigation et de mémoire spatiale. Ce domaine jusqu’alors peu investigué, représente pourtant un enjeu sociétal pour l’autonomie et le bien-être de la personne. Des difficultés de navigation ont notamment été décrites dans le vieillissement normal et la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA) dès le stade débutant. Or, l’environnement physique peut soutenir les capacités/compétences spatiales des individus, ou au contraire les perturber. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’évaluer l’effet structurant des éléments d’un environnement réel riche en repères, le jardin thérapeutique « art, mémoire et vie » du CHRU de Nancy, sur l’apprentissage d’un trajet et l’acquisition des connaissances spatiales, chez une population de sujets atteints de MA. En effet l'organisation spatiale de ce jardin a été conçue pour contribuer entre autres, à atténuer les difficultés de ces personnes en termes de cognition spatiale.L’ensemble des éléments du jardin a été répertorié et intégré dans une classification inspirée des travaux de Lynch (1960) et Zeisel et Tyson (1999). Trente sujets à un stade léger à modéré de la MA et 30 sujets âgés sains appariés ont réalisé le protocole suivant : (1) un apprentissage de trajet (aller et retour), durant lequel leur description verbale du parcours était enregistrée ; (2) une série de tâches évaluant l’acquisition des connaissances spatiales ; (3) des tests cognitifs standards. Le discours a été retranscrit verbatim et soumis à une analyse de contenu. Les résultats montrent une capacité d’apprentissage de trajet résiduelle significative chez les sujets du groupe MA, tant à l’aller qu’au retour. La répétition du trajet et la richesse de l’environnement en termes de repère semblent avoir contribué à ce résultat. Les performances aux tâches expérimentales ont été croisées avec l’analyse du discours et avec les tests cognitifs standards. Les résultats mettent en évidence un rôle prépondérant de certaines caractéristiques des éléments de l’environnement, telles que la saillance et l’affordance, sur les performances d’apprentissage de trajet et de mémoire spatiale et ceci de manière encore plus marquée chez les sujets du groupe MA. L’effet structurant des éléments de l’environnement est discuté d'une part chez les sujets âgés sains au regard des processus cognitifs impliqués dans la navigation et l’acquisition des connaissances spatiales et d'autre part des processus préservés et dysfonctionnels au cours de la MA / The originality of this research is to focus on the characteristics of the physical environment and their impact on navigation and spatial memory capabilities. This field, until then little investigated, represents a societal stake for the autonomy and the well-being of the person. In particular, navigation difficulties have been described in normal aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD) in the early stage. However, the physical environment can support individuals' spatial abilities/skills, or, on the contrary, disrupt them.The aim of the present study is to assess the structuring effect of the elements of a real environment rich in landmarks, the “art, memory and life” healing garden of the CHRU of Nancy, on route learning, and on the acquisition of the spatial knowledge, in a population of subjects with AD. Indeed, the spatial organization of this garden has been designed to contribute, among other things, to alleviate the difficulties of these people in terms of spatial cognition.All the elements of the garden have been listed and integrated into a classification inspired by the works of Lynch (1960) and Zeisel and Tyson (1999). Thirty subjects with mild to moderate AD and 30 matched healthy subjects underwent the following protocol: (1) route learning (forward and return trips), during which the verbal description of the route was recorded; (2) a series of tasks assessing the acquisition of spatial knowledge of the garden as well as (3) standard cognitive tests. The speech was transcribed verbatim and subjected to a content analysis.The results show a significant residual route learning ability in the MA group, both on the forward and return trips. The repetition of the route and the richness of the environmental landmarks seem to have contributed to this result. Experimental task performances were cross-checked with discourse analysis and standard cognitive tests. The results highlight a preponderant role of certain characteristics of environmental elements, such as saliency and affordance, on the learning performances of route and spatial memory, and this even more markedly in the subjects of the MA group.The structuring effect of the elements of the environment is discussed on the one hand in healthy older subjects with regard to cognitive processes involved in the navigation and acquisition of spatial knowledge and on the other hand preserved and dysfunctional processes in the course of Alzheimer’s disease

Lutter contre l’intimidation à l’école par le design : l’affordance prosociale des milieux scolaires

Huneault, Jessica 02 1900 (has links)
Mémoire en recherche-projet / L’intimidation à l’école est une problématique qui a principalement été abordée dans le domaine de la psychologie. Plusieurs programmes de lutte en sont issus, mais des études démontrent leur faible efficacité (Smith et al., 2004, Limber, 2011) et invitent les interventions futures à s’intéresser à des aspects plus généraux portant notamment sur le climat scolaire. Le design étant un processus écologique (Findeli, 2015), l’idée de s’interroger sur le climat scolaire nous a semblé particulièrement porteuse. Ainsi, la recherche-projet suivante a pour objectif de désindividualiser la problématique de l’intimidation à l’école en s’intéressant à l’affordance (Chemero, 2003) prosociale de l’environnement scolaire. Nous posons l’hypothèse que l’intimidation à l’école est un problème environnemental et nous cherchons à comprendre comment l’affordance peut s’avérer un concept pertinent pour les designers, afin de traiter de telles problématiques sociales. Les hypothèses de concepts que nous proposons amènent des pistes de solutions inédites à la problématique de l’intimidation à l’école. Celles-ci modifient les dispositions antisociales du milieu scolaire en offrant de nouvelles possibilités qui encouragent les comportements prosociaux. Ces modifications démontrent la pertinence pour le champ du design d’opter pour un regard écologique axé sur les possibilités. Nous suggérons d’ailleurs une façon de faire, notamment en utilisant le récit ethnographique afin de saisir les dispositions du milieu, puis les scénarios d’usage afin de démontrer l’expérience amenée par les nouvelles possibilités. Finalement, à la lumière de cette étude, nous posons l’hypothèse qu’il est essentiel de considérer la qualité de l’expérience offerte par ces nouvelles possibilités afin de maximiser les chances de réalisation d’une disposition. Penser l’expérience d’usage est l’expertise des designers, ce faisant, il s’agirait d’une démonstration supplémentaire de l’intérêt d’impliquer les designers dans les sphères sociales et des politiques publiques, afin d’amener les citoyens à adopter les changements de société visant le bien commun. / Bullying at school is an important problem that has mostly been addressed in the field of psychology. Several prevention programs have stemmed from it but studies demonstrate low efficiency (Smith et al., 2004, Limber, 2011) and suggest that future interventions consider broader issues like school climat. Design is an ecological process (Findeli, 2015), thereby the idea of questioning school climate seemed particularly interesting. The following research-project uses a holistic approach to the problem of bullying at school by focusing on the affordance of a pro-social school environment. We hypothesize that bullying at school is partly an environmental problem and we seek to understand how the theory of affordances can be a relevant basis for designers looking to address this social issue. The concepts that we offer suggest new solutions to the problem of bullying at school. They aim to modify antisocial dispositions within school environments by offering new opportunities that encourage pro-social behaviour. These modifications demonstrate that opting for an ecological vision based on possibilities is relevant to the field of design. We also suggest a way to apply this vision, which includes using ethnographic narratives to capture the situation’s dispositions and using scenarios to demonstrate the experience brought by new possibilities. Finally, in light of this study, we hypothesized that the quality of the experience offered by these new possibilities is of utmost importance to maximize the chances of individuals adopting them. Refining the user’s experience is a designer’s expertise and doing so is a further demonstration of the relevance of involving designers in rethinking our public and social spaces for the common good.

La présence en réalité virtuelle, une approche centrée utilisateur / Presence in virtual relaity, a user centred approach

Bouvier, Patrice 04 December 2009 (has links)
Nous présentons une refondation théorique de la réalité virtuelle. Celle-ci est marquée par la conviction profonde de définir la réalité virtuelle comme une expérience médiatisée capable de susciter un sentiment de présence. Ce dernier est défini comme le sentiment authentique d’exister dans un monde autre que le monde physique où le corps se trouve. Nous proposons un éclairage nouveau et global sur le sentiment de présence. Cet éclairage consiste en une approche unifiée de la présence prenant en compte des considérations technologiques, psychologiques et écologiques. Nous avons élaboré un modèle qui identifie les processus menant au sentiment de présence. Selon notre modèle, deux phases inconscientes de jugement conditionnent l’émergence de la présence. Le premier jugement concerne la crédibilité de l’environnement, celle-ci dépend de la satisfaction des attentes intellectuelles et perceptives de l’utilisateur. Le deuxième jugement vise la crédibilité de l’expérience. Nous considérons que ce jugement est positif si un maximum des affordances perçues dans l’environnement est assumé, c’est-à-dire réalisable par l’intermédiaire des schémas d’interaction proposés à l’utilisateur. Nous avons mené une phase d’expérimentations pour valider la pertinence et la cohérence de notre modèle. Notre modèle a de multiples implications. Nous considérons par exemple qu’il peut constituer une grille d’analyse intéressante pour les jeux vidéo. De plus, il incite les concepteurs d’applications en réalité virtuelle à penser en terme d’affordances. Ce dernier point implique donc de faire entrer l’utilisateur très tôt dans la boucle de conception de l’application. Notre vision globale de la réalité virtuelle et de la présence a été mise en pratique notamment lors de la conception de dispositifs de réalité virtuelle transportables et à bas coûts. Sur la base de ce cadre théorique nous présentons un framework de conception d’applications en réalité virtuelle. Puisque l’objectif est la crédibilité et non le réalisme, nous nous intéressons à la réalité perçue de l’environnement et non pas à sa réalité physique. C’est pourquoi, le point de départ de notre framework consiste en un socle de connaissances sur la cognition humaine. Cette base de connaissances sert de vivier d’idées pour les quatre piliers sur lesquels peut s’appuyer le concepteur d’applications en réalité virtuelle. Ces piliers sont l’immersion, l’interaction, les émotions et un quatrième regroupant la boucle sensori-motrice et la multimodalité. Concernant le pilier immersion nous proposons un nouvel algorithme pour le calcul de la réverbération sonore dans un environnement complexe et dynamique. Notre méthode repose sur l’algorithme existant du lancer de frustum mais propose deux optimisations. La première exploite le socle de connaissances sur la cognition humaine pour déterminer une sphère d’acuité sonore. Celle-ci nous sert de cadre pour lancer les frusta depuis l’auditeur et non depuis les sources sonores. Cette deuxième optimisation réduit le nombre de calculs / We present a new theoretical context for virtual reality: virtual reality is defined as a mediated experience which is able to generate a feeling of presence. The latter is delimited as the genuine feeling to exist in a different world than the physical world where the body is located. We propose a new and comprehensive light on the feeling of presence through a unified approach of presence with technological, psychological and ecological considerations. We have developed a model which explains the processes leading to presence. According to our model, two unconscious stages of judgment govern the emergence of presence. The first judgment refers to the credibility of the virtual environment. The latter depends on the satisfaction of intellectual and perceptual user’s expectation. The second judgment deals with the credibility of the experience and is positive if most affordances perceived in the virtual environment are taken up, that means achievable with the interaction schemes offered to the user. We have conducted a study to assess the relevance and the consistency of our model. This model has some interesting repercussions like to be an analytical grid for video games. Moreover, it suggests to virtual reality developers that they should think in terms of affordances. This last idea involves to take into consideration the user very early in the design loop of the virtual reality experience. Our whole conception of virtual reality and presence has been put in practice during the design of low-cost ans easily transportable virtual reality systems. Based on this theoretical content we introduce a virtual reality application framework. Since the objective is the credibility, and not the realism of the environment and of the experience, we take an interest in the perceptual reality and not in its physical reality. This is why the starting point of our framework is a knowledge base on human cognition. The latter act as an idea pool for the four inter-related technical and psychological pillars upon which virtual reality developers can lean on. These pillars are immersion, interaction, emotions and a fourth one including the sensori-motor loop and the multimodality. Concerning the immersion pillar we introduce a new algorithm to compute sound reverberation in complex and dynamic virtual environment. Our method relies on the existing algorithm called frustum tracing but we provide two optimizations. The first one makes the most of the knowledge base on human cognition in order to work out a sphere of sound acuity. This information acts as a template in order to shoot the frusta from the listener and not from sound sources. This second optimization reduces the number of computations

Persona genom persona : Att intressera oinsatta för filmhistoria

Hallström, Mari January 2020 (has links)
Persona through persona – to interest non-inducted for film history is a thesis in information design with a focus on spatial design. The work has been done in collaboration with the Bergmancenter at Fårö, which wanted a design proposal for the renewal of its basic exhibition about Ingmar Bergman and Fårö. The current base exhibition is based on the perspectives of Fårö inhabitants, which makes it difficult for other target groups to find the red thread. The theme of the exhibition is unclear. The exhibition shows large amounts of text and photographs. Movie clips appear on TV-screens. Other ways of disseminating information are lacking, which limits the target group for the exhibition. Bergmancenter wants to reach a broader target group, that Ingmar Bergman is highlighted as a person and artist, that Bergman's films recorded on Fårö come out more clearly while preserving Bergman's connection to Fårö and the Fårö inhabitants. The wishes of the client were among other things to get suggestions for designs that highlight the interesting stories that do not appear in today's exhibition. The work has focused on one of these stories, behind the camera on the filming of the movie Persona. The purpose of this thesis is to develop information design solutions that can be used in spatial design of stories in small-scale exhibition environments. This to create interest in people without knowledge of a subject and to stimulate memorable experiences. The persona method was used to create an image of the intended target group. By using affordance in the creation of spatial storytelling, a design proposal was created for part of the basic exhibition. The result was a design proposal created in the form of a spatial story containing several small stories, which highlights the film Persona, innovative film technology, Bergman as a person and the Fårö inhabitant’s participation in the film. / Persona genom persona – att intressera oinsatta för filmhistoria är ett examensarbete inom informationsdesign med inriktning mot rumslig gestaltning. Arbetet har skett i samverkan med Bergmancenter på Fårö som önskade ett gestaltningsförslag för förnyelse av sin basutställning om Ingmar Bergman och Fårö. Nuvarande basutställning utgår från Fåröbornas perspektiv, vilket gör det svårt för andra målgrupper att finna den röda tråden. Tematiken i utställningen är otydlig. I utställningen visas stora mängder text och fotografier. Filmklipp visas på tv-skärmar. Andra sätt att förmedla information saknas, vilket gör att målgruppen för utställningen begränsas. Bergmancenter vill nå en bredare målgrupp, att Ingmar Bergman lyfts fram som person och konstnär, att Bergmans filmer inspelade på Fårö kommer fram mer tydligt samtidigt som Bergmans koppling till Fårö och fåröborna bevaras. Önskemål från uppdragsgivaren var bl.a. att få förslag på gestaltning som lyfter de intressanta berättelser som inte kommer fram i dagens utställning. Arbetet har fokuserat på en av dessa berättelser, bakom kameran på inspelningen av filmen Persona. Syftet med arbetet har varit att finna informationsdesignslösningar som lämpar sig vid spatial gestaltning av berättelser i småskaliga utställningsmiljöer. Detta för att skapa intresse hos människor utan förkunskap om ett ämne samt för att stimulera till minnesvärda upplevelser. Metoden persona användes för att skapa en bild av den tilltänkta målgruppen. Genom användning av affordance i skapandet av spatial storytelling skapades ett gestaltningsförslag för en del av basutställningen. Resultatet blev ett gestaltningsförslag skapat i form av en spatial berättelse innehållande flera små berättelser, som lyfter filmen Persona, innovativ filmteknik, Bergman som person och Fåröbornas medverkan i filmen.

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