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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hotfulla män och psykiskt sjuka kvinnor i brottsjournalistiken : En kvalitativ studie om Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheters framställning av män respektive kvinnor som begår dödligt våld mot barn / Threatful men and mentally unstable women in the investigative journalism : A qualitative study about Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter’s construction of men and women who commit murder against their children

Dahlgren, Lisa, Seiver, Elin January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how news reporting about crime is affected by gender discourses. We also examined differences and similarities between the tabloids and the morning newspapers. We did this by observing how the perpetrator's gender affects how both Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter constructs participants in crimes where parents commit murder against their children. In regards to participants, we mean the perpetrator, the victim and the relationship between the parents and the children.   The study answered the following questions: How do gender discourses affect news reporting about violent crimes? How are participants portrayed in crimes where parents commit murder against children in Swedish investigative journalism? How is the relationship between the children and the parents portrayed? What are the differences and similarities between the news reporting in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter?   For this study, we used a critical discourse analysis as a method of examination and nine articles from Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter were examined. The result shows that male perpetrators were portrayed as aggressive and threatful, especially in Aftonbladet. Female perpetrators were blamed more often for the crime when they broke the norms of what is generally considered as typical female roles and qualities before they commited the crime. The relationship between the victim and the perpetrator was discussed more in the articles in regards to the female compared to the male. However, the qualities of the victims were more described in the articles about the male perpetrators. That can be explained by the crimes which were commited by a female who broke the norms. Therefore, there was a need to explain her actions.

”Dette kan være prisen for å være moralens vokter i alle sammenhenger” : En kvalitativ studie om rapporteringen kring Therese Johaugs dopingfall i svenska och norska medier / "This may be the price of being the moral guardians in all contexts" : A qualitative study about the reporting of Therese Johaug's doping case in Swedish and Norwegian media

Pettersson, Annie, Gropp, Ludvig January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine in which way nationalistic influences plays a prominent part in the news coverage of larger media houses. This by studying how  two newspapers, Swedish Aftonbladet and Norwegian Verdens Gang, portrays and reports about Therese Johaug after she was tested positive for doping.   We performed a critical discourse analysis of a total of 20 web-based news articles. These articles were chosen from the date the news appeared and one week forward. This in order to see if the the two newspapers were characterized with nationalistic tendencies as well as comparing them to see what the differences and similarities might be.   By using theories such as national identitets, nationalism, ”us and them” and imagined communities we came to the conclusion that a nationalistic discourse is very much present. The subjects in the articles often become representatives of either Norway or Sweden - depending on the nationality. Johaug is mostly characterized as a national hero and sympathies are often shown from the norwegian news-articles. The opposite meaning were shown in the swedish news-articles. Described as an antagonist and a cheat - the complete opposite of a national hero. Imagined communities are also present as a nationalistic discourse. The people of Norway and Sweden are often involved - in order to justify this imagined community which occurs within the nation's borders.   The similarities and differences between the two newspapers are quite subtle - but present nonetheless. This with a nationalistic discourse which confirms both previous research and our theoretical framework.

Det ogranskade alkoholmonopolet : En kvantitativ studie i hur medierna rapporterar kring Systembolaget / The Unexamined Alcohol Monoply : A quantitative studie about media’s reporting of Systembolaget

Lindahl, David, Nilsson, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Media and journalists influence the Swedish democracy and form opinions among the public. With this is mind, media has a responsibility to be a critical institution and to strive for impartial reporting. However, it can be argued that party political opinions are embedded within media organisations hence, preventing neutral reports. With this in mind, Systembolaget, the Swedish alcohol monopoly, becomes especially interesting. Partly, because CEO, Magdalena Gerger, recently wrote a debate article protesting a motion allowing direct sales from small business alcohol producers. Additionally, Systembolaget has a unique position of power in the Swedish society.  The purpose of this thesis is to explain which generalised image of Systembolaget that is portrayed based on articles from the four largest Swedish newspapers: Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, over the course of one year. In order to meet the purpose, a quantitative content analysis was conducted, where 412 articles from the selected newspapers were analysed. A qualitative method was then used to analyse expressed opinions towards Systembolaget.  The findings indicate that a majority of the articles about Systembolaget tended to be “neutral” (e.g. beverage tips). Furthermore, none of the analysed articles were written with an auditing perspective on Systembolaget. Finally, the thesis concluded that there is a difference between the selected newspapers reporting on Systembolaget. Future research should strive to further look into the reporting of Systembolaget through time.

Inte millennial, men... : En kvalitativ studie om svensk press porträttering av millenniegenerationen

Kaspersen, Valerie, Gustavsson, Björn January 2017 (has links)
Millennials are often portrayed negatively. To better understand the role news media in perpetuating stereotypes about the generation, we surveyed articles from Sweden’s two major newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. Nineteen articles, published between January 2016 to April of 2017, were included in the sample. All were analysed using critical discourse analysis with Norman Fairclough’s three dimensional model. The analysis revealed several tendencies for negative depictions. For example, millennial attitudes towards work were often described as lazy and entitled. In comparisons with previous generations, reports claimed millennials were disproportionately impacted by the harmful effects of technological advancement. Importantly, when these articles contained interviews with millennials or if the writers themselves were millennials, they represented themselves and their generation’s values with the same negative, stereotypical categorisations. Although these themes were more frequent than others, other forms of interpretations of millennials are possible.

"14.53 Sverige under attack" : En studie om morgon- och kvällspressens förstasidesbilder vid terrorattentatet i Stockholm 2017. / "14.53 Sweden under attack" : a study about the morning newspapers and tabloids front pages images after the terror attack in Stockholm 2017.

Bäck, Fanny, Andersson, Ida January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to analyse and examine which images the morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter and the tabloid paper Aftonbladet choosed to use on their front pages when reporting about the terrorist attack in Stockholm 2017. We also wanted to examine if there were any differences or similarities between morning newspapers and tabloids images on their front pages.    Before our study we did a mapping where we examined how many images, between April 8 and April 30,  the two newspapers used when portraying the incident on their front page. The mapping helped structuring our process by creating categories before deciding which images we wanted to examine more closely. We conducted a qualitative study and used semiotic image analysis, visual rhetoric analysis, metonymy, metaphor and index. We analysed twelve pictures; seven from Aftonbladet and five from Dagens Nyheter.          By examining this we established that there were both differences and similarities between the newspapers. The biggest difference was that Aftonbladet used more dynamic images while Dagens Nyheter used more approximations. Aftonbladet´s images portrayed the attack with dramatic, close-ups images where the images felt more realistic and Dagens Nyheter portrayed the attack with more objective images. A similarity that we found was that both newspapers used images of authoritarian people and implied that the society stands united against the terror. We also found that the suspected terrorist, Rakhmat Akilov, was presented as a threat from the outside that destroyed “our” western world.

Minns du Herr Kantarell? : En innehållsanalys av historiekulturen kring Elias Magnus Fries i svenska tidningsartiklar mellan 1970–2019 / Do you remember Mr. Chanterelle? : A content analysis of the cultural memory of Elias Magnus Fries in Swedish newspapers between 1970–2019

Knutsson, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze the botanist Elias Magnus Fries legacy between 1970 until today. The focus is on the Swedish medias interest in Fries, as well as how he and his name has been utilized during this period. Departing from theories on history culture and uses of history, the Swedish national newspapers Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Svenska Dagbladet are analyzed. The study shows when and how the memory of Elias Magnus Fries has been activated and portrayed in Swedish media, as well as if they used Fries as a kind of national symbol. During the 1970’s the interest was at its peak but dwindled after the 90’s probable due to the lack of jubilee celebration. Indeed, the interest of Fries peaked during the 70’s and 90’s because of celebrating the 100-year celebration of his death in 1878 and the 200 anniversary of his birth in 1794. Although, the general view of Fries persona always has been positive, rather scant attention har been devoted to Fries during the entire period and he was often only mentioned briefly. The interest was in general primarily on mushrooms rather than Fries, and it was always the mushrooms that spurred an interest in Fries rather than the other way around. This might indicate a rather weak position in the history of science within Swedish media. Nevertheless, the newspapers also depicted Fries as a kind of national educator, scientist and a person with a great an evolutionistic mind for his great interest in mushrooms and its introduction in the Swedish cuisine.

Vem får mest utrymme? : En kvantitativ studie om män och kvinnor i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheters coronarapportering

Selin, Julia, Josefine, Lundgren January 2020 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte: Under år 2020 har det rapporterats frekvent om pandemin till följd av viruset covid-19. Under årets gång har flera medier rapporterat om människor och företag som drabbats i sviterna av pandemin. Tidigare forskning visar att kvinnor länge har varit underrepresenterade i svenska nyhetsmedier, men stämmer det även under en pandemi? Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka i vilken omfattning män kontra kvinnor representerats som huvudaktör i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheters coronarapportering, samt hur könsrepresentationen ser ut när det kommer till de rollerna dessa huvudaktörer har haft. Metod och material: Studiens syfte har uppnåtts genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av tryckta artiklar från Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter under pandemins första våg (25 mars 2020 - 31maj 2020) och andra våg (1 september 2020 - 7 november 2020). Detta gör vi utifrån ett genusperspektiv som tar avstamp i könsmärkning och genussystemet. För att analysera materialet har ett kodschema skapats med variabler kopplade till syftet och frågeställningarna. Kodningen har sedan sammanställts och presenterats i form av diagram.Huvudresultat: Resultatet visar att kvinnor varit underrepresenterade i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheters coronarapportering. Det förekom dessutom en tydlig könsmärkning och en ojämn könsfördelning inom flera områden i dessa tidningar under pandemin. Då antalet manliga huvudaktörer var som lägst, var antalet ändå högre än när antalet kvinnliga huvudaktörer varsom högst. Inom flera av huvudaktörernas roller och artiklarnas huvudområden rådde en markant könsmärkning i båda tidningarna.Resultatet indikerar även att män och kvinnor i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter citerats i liknande utsträckning när det kommer till omfånget av citeringarna, men att män citerats oftare eftersom de förekommit mer frekvent.

"Tio bilbränder på ett dygn" : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys om hur Aftonbladet gestaltar Rosengård / "Ten car fires in one day" : A quantitative and qualitative content analysis of how Aftonbladet frames Rosengård

Grönlund, William, Andersson, Alinia January 2021 (has links)
This study examines how one of the most influential Swedish newspapers, Aftonbladet,reports about the suburb Rosengård. Rosengård is located in Malmö and have become asymbol of Sweden’s suburbs and immigration policy. Both national and internationalmedia have reported about organized crime, shootings and different social problems inRosengård. The area is considered to be a particularly vulnerable area. At the sametime, many researchers believe that the media reporting regarding suburbs does notnecessarily correspond to the reality. The methods used in this study are a quantitativeand qualitative content analysis. The material studied are news articles concerningRosengård that were published in Aftonbladet in the last five years. The purpose was to,based on Goffman’s framing theory, investigate how Aftonbladet frames Rosengård andthe people who lives there. The purpose was also to investigate whether Aftonbladet,based on Hall’s and Said’s theories of representation and orientalism, creates an “us andthem”-perspective. The results show that Rosengård is portrayed as a criminal andproblematic area. As in previous research about media and suburbs, the results of thisstudy show that Rosengård is presented as a different and deviant area in comparison tothe “ordinary society”. It is rarely people living in the area who are quoted, referencedor described in the articles. Instead, it is often the police or government officials whogets to describe the situation in Rosengård. In cases where the residents in the area areallowed to speak, or are described, it is often based on their role as immigrants. The factthat these articles emphasize that the residents are immigrants but have made a careerand are against crime, we believe that Aftonbladet creates an us-and-them-perspective.This is based on that Aftonbladet portrays the residents as exceptional cases to “theordinary immigrant”. The consequences of Aftonbladet frames could be that the societygets an idea of the area that does not have to agree with the reality and that Rosengårdbecomes even more segregated.

Social journalistik : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om nyhetsredaktioners användande av sociala medier

Olsson, Julia, Sköld, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen består av en kvantitativ studie med sociala medier i fokus. Studien handlar om hur redaktionerna; Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter samt SVT nyheter, använder sig av sociala medier som en redaktion. Genom att studera sättet redaktionerna publicerar sitt innehåll och hur det uppmanar till interaktion och reaktioner på sina sociala medier. Samt även om innehållet i inläggen är “marknadsföring” kontra “eget innehåll”.    För att kunna utföra studiens används en kvantitativ innehållsanalys för att kunna se hur samtliga redaktioner använder sig av sociala medier när det kommer till publicering av deras artiklar och material. Efter datainsamlingen, sammanställde vi studiens resultat i form av statistik och diagram som sammanfattar datainsamlingens resultat.    Resultatet visar att samtliga redaktioner använder sig av de social medierna men i olika utsträckningar. Något resultatet tydligt visade var hur redaktionerna uppmanade till interaktion på samtliga av deras sociala medier i väldigt låg utsträckning, det gällde alla redaktioner, inklusive då SVT Nyheter vilket förvånade oss mest. Datainsamlingen visade även följarna och läsarnas påverkan när det kommer till sociala medier och vad som får flest reaktioner och interaktioner, utan redaktionernas uppmaning eller agenda.

Med fötterna i det nya och det gamla : Lars Johan Hiertas syn på social och ekonomisk frihet i Aftonbladet och Riddarhuset år 1830–1835

Henrik, Dalgard January 2022 (has links)
In writing the history of the modernising of Sweden in the middle of the 19th century, the liberal editor and publisher Lars Johan Hierta has gotten a prominent role. His newspaper Aftonbladet founded in 1830 has become a symbol for the new classical liberal free press. One aspect of Hierta as a political figure that has been largely overlooked within previous research is that he was also a member of parliament in Riddarhuset, the state of the nobility in Sweden. Aftonbladet has within previous research also been described as a central institution in, what Habermas has described as, the new public sphere in Sweden. Riddarhuset can also be described as a part of the old representative culture that according to Habermas preceded the new public sphere.  This study aims to analyse how Hierta adjusted his advocation for social and economic freedom after Aftonbladet and Riddarhuset as contexts. In doing so the study also seeks to describe the state the new public sphere and the old representative culture in Sweden in the 1830s, a topic that has been frequently debated in previous historical research. The study finds that Hierta had to adjust to the aristocratic conception of virtue in Riddarhuset, while he described the nobility as the main villain of society when writing in Aftonbladet. The study also finds that the representative culture and the new public sphere were historical contexts that existed side by side in the 1830s. But actors like Hierta moved between the two spheres, and brought ideas and concepts from the new public sphere into Riddarhuset which can be seen as the beginning of the crumbling of the old representative culture.

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