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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Svik inte flyktingarna" : En analys av svensk nyhetsrapportering om flyktingströmmarna under Bosnienkriget år 1995 / Do not betray the refugees : An analysis of swedish news reporting on refugee flows during the Bosnian war in 1995

Varenhed, Filip January 2022 (has links)
This survey, Do not betray the refugees, has its aim and purpose to analyze how four of Sweden's biggest tabloids during the time, Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Arbetet Nyheterna, reported about the refugee flows during the war in Bosnia in 1995. To carry out the study, the work analyzed both leaders and ordinary articles from 1995-01-01 to 1995-12-31. The study found that news coverage during the year was massive,especially in the middle of the year when conquest of various cities was taking place, at the same time thousands of refugees were forced to flee their hometowns which had a major impact on refugee flows to other parts of Europe. The study also found that the majority of the articles gave a description of how the people on the run lived and who was behind the mass refugees from different cities in the divided Bosnia.

Ett mord som skakat hela Sverigeeller ett mord i mängden? : En tematisk analys som granskar Aftonbladets rapportering av två mordoffer

Söderberg, Karin, Söderlund Axer, Carolina January 2021 (has links)
Nyheter och media har ett stort inflytande på människors liv då de bidrar med att upprätthålla föreställningar om sociala företeelser i samhället. Medias rapportering av ämnet brott drivs på av samhällets fascination. Syftet med studien är att undersöka samt belysa eventuella likheter och skillnader i framställningen av två mordoffer i en kvällstidning. Morden begicks på olika platser i Sverige, de var en ung kvinna och en ung man. Studiens material innefattas av 62 nyhetsartiklar från en kvällstidning som analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är Nils Christies teori om det “ideala brottsoffret” samt intersektionalitetsperspektivet. De appliceras i analysen för att få en fördjupad bild samt förståelse för mordoffers framställning i media. Resultatet i analysen påvisar att båda mordoffren porträtteras som svaga och oskyldiga, däremot skiljer det sig hur denna framställning förmedlas. I framställningen av det kvinnliga offret betonades det i beskrivningen att hon var oskyldig och fysiskt underlägsen sin förövare. Det manliga offret beskrivs istället som oskyldig och med egenskaper som förknippas med ett barn. Utifrån studiens resultat går det att utläsa intersektionella skillnader i kön, etnicitet och plats i medias framställning av två mordoffer.

Mediernas skildring av terrordådet på Drottninggatan : En kvalitativ kritisk diskursanalys och jämförelse mellan alternativmediet Fria Tider och kvällstidningen Aftonbladet / The medias representation of the terrorist attack on Drottninggatan : A qualitative critical discourse analysis and comparison between the alternative media Fria Tider and the newspaper Aftonbladet

Bengtsson, Linus, Johansson, Erica January 2022 (has links)
This study is a comparative critical discourse analysis between one of Sweden’s biggest newspapers Aftonbladet and one of Sweden’s biggest alternative web newspapers Fria Tider. The comparative analysis will focus on both media outlets coverage of the terrorist attack on Drottninggatan in Stockholm, Sweden on the 7th of April 2017. The terrorist attack on Drottninggatan was one of the biggest of its kind in Swedish history where five people died and over a dozen were severely injured. The attack was performed by an assailant by the name of Rakhmat Akilov who described himself as a Muslim and would later claim to have sympathy for the Islamic State. The attack was widely covered in Sweden by all sorts of media outlets ranging from the more well-established newspapers to social media and alternative media sources. Former researchers have studied different types of alternative media in a variety of ways but there has not been a study on how the news coverage in an alternative media differs from that of the traditional and more well-established media. The material studied in this research are a total of 32 articles gathered from the web archive of Aftonbladet and Fria Tider. All articles were published between the 7th of April and the 12th of April 2017, and they all covered events related to the terrorist attack on Drottninggatan. The articles were analyzed with the help of four predetermined steps of critical discourse analytical criteria that were established beforehand to minimize the risk of our own presuppositions interfering with the reliability of the study. The purpose of the study was to analyze the ways in which the coverage of the terrorist attack on Drottninggatan differed between a right leaning alternative media and one of the biggest newspapers in Sweden. This was achieved with the theoretical basis of theories of alternative media, othering, framing theory, hegemonic theories, and orientalism. The results of the study show that there are both a lot of similarities between the news coverage between both media outlets but also a lot of stark differences. The similarities occur when the factual basis of the text does not leave things open to interpretation. Where the differences lie between Aftonbladet and Fria Tider are in the construction of certain events and in the construction of the assailant Rakhmat Akilov. This occurs when the opportunity presents itself for Fria Tider to apply their political and societal beliefs.

Unga och söta sommarflickor : En kvalitativ textanalys av två uppmärksammade sommarmord

Farrell, Sharon, Revelj, Zanna January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna C-uppsats är att undersöka förändringen av brottsrapporteringen mellan två svenska tidningar från två olika tidsperioder. För att uppnå syftet har vi valt att utgå från två uppmärksammade brottsfall, Jeanette Johansson 1969 och Lisa Holm 2015. Undersökningen genomförs med hjälp av en kvalitativ textanalys och med utgångspunkt i medielogik, det ideala offret samt ett genusperspektiv. De analyserade tidningarna är Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet, som båda under en längre tid uppmärksammande kvinnornas försvinnande och mord. Eftersom det skiljer sig nästan 50 år mellan de två fallen är det intressant att se om det finns några skillnader eller likheter, gällande tidningarnas tillvägagångssätt i rapporteringen om de två kvinnorna. Resultatet av undersökningen visar både skillnader och likheter mellan de två tidningarna och där vi kan se en skillnad gällande tidsperioderna. 1969 visas mindre hänsyn till offret än 2015, till exempel genom mängden fotografier och spekulationer. Dock är det fortfarande tydligt att tidningarna både 1969 och 2015 använder sig av liknande berättartekniker, men i varierande grad, och där Aftonbladet från båda tidsperioder särskilt utmärker sig. / The purpose of this study is to examine the change in crime reporting between two Swedish newspapers from two different time periods. To achieve the purpose, we have chosen two high-profile criminal cases, Jeanette Johansson in 1969 and Lisa Holm in 2015. Which we carried out with the help of a qualitative text analysis and through the theories of media logic, the ideal victim, and a gender perspective. The analyzed newspapers are Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet, both of which for a long period of time drew attention to the disappearance and murder of the two women. Since there are nearly 50 years between the two cases, we find it interesting to further examine whether there are any differences or similarities between the cases, regarding the newspapers approach in the news reporting of the two women.  The result of the examination shows both differences and similarities between the two newspapers and where we can see a clear difference regarding the time periods. The newspapers in 1969 shows less consideration for the victim than in 2015, for example the number of photographs and speculations. However, it is still clear that the two newspapers in both 1969 and 2015 use similar storytelling techniques to varying degrees, where Aftonbladet especially stand out from both time periods.

Sveriges säkerhetspolitik i svensk press : En studie kring hur den svenska dagspressen har rapporterat kring Sveriges säkerhetspolitiks position / Sweden’s security policy in the Swedish press : A study of how the Swedish daily press has reported on Sweden’s security policy position

Blomberg, Linus January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare the representations made by Aftonbladet (AB) and Dagens Nyheter (DN) of Swedish security policy due to the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine 2022. The period of the investigation is one week for each conflict, based on when Russian troops officially invaded Ukraine.The essay has been done through a qualitative content analysis and a security policy theory. The results as for the Crimea conflict in 2014 show Swedish security policy changing tune after recognising the worse security position in Sweden´s immediate area and increased resources for the armoured forces. As for the Russian invasion 2022 many different consequences occurred for example again increased spending for the armoured forces, direct sanctions against Russia and Sweden sent apart from aide also military equipment to Ukraine.The analysis results showed that Sweden stopped focusing on inward-facing security policy goals and are today placing as much focus on outward-looking security policy goals.

Den spanska kyssen som blev en skandal : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av svenska mediers gestaltningen av Luis Rubialesoch Jennifer Hermoso ur ett genusperspektiv

Güven, Felicia, Lähteenmäki, Leonard January 2023 (has links)
Under sommaren år 2023 var Australien och Nya Zealand värdnationerna för världsmästerskapet i fotboll. Ett världsmästerskap där människor runt om i hela världen samlades för att bevittna ett av de största sportevenemangen i hela världen. Efter slutsignalen stod det klart att Spanien hade vunnit över England i VM-finalen. Vid prisceremonin gick en av de högt uppsatta i det spanska fotbollsförbundet över gränsen under firandet. Det var när förbundspresidenten Luis Rubiales valde att kyssa fotbollsspelaren Jennifer Hermoso på munnen som medierna skulle komma att reagera. I en värld som sägs ha kommit långt i utvecklingen gällande könsroller, utvecklat en #metoo-rörelse som står för kvinnors rätt i samhället och minskat klyftorna mellan kvinnor och män, så visar det sig att män av den högre rangen inom maktordningen fortfarande tar sig friheten att begå sociala övertramp. Problemområdet kring denna studie är att svenska medier gestaltar Luis Rubiales och Jennifer Hermoso olika beroende på respektive maktpositioner och makthierarkier inom genusvetenskap. Detta kan kopplas till att män och kvinnor har fått tillskrivna roller efter den sociala strukturen och deras maktförhållanden. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys ligger vårt fokus på budskapet i de utvalda artiklarna från nyhetsmedierna, Aftonbladet, SVT och Dagens Nyheter. Det väsentliga för den här studien är själva innehållet i artiklarna och inte mängden av dem. När vi tolkade artiklarna genomfördes detta av en strukturerad process med hjälp av ett frågeschema. Med detta frågeschema har vi identifierat, analyserat och kategoriserat huvudsyftet i vårt material. Materialet i vår undersökning består av tre artiklar från vardera nyhetsmedium och dessa artiklar har valts ut mellan datumen 20:e och 25:e augusti. Anledningen till detta val grundar sig i att nyhetsrapporteringen efter den 25:e augusti byter spår. Mellan den 20:e och 25:eaugusti är nyheten fortfarande färsk och gestaltar händelsen. Resultatet av vår undersökning tyder på att Aftonbladet, SVT och Dagens Nyheter har gestaltat Luis Rubiales som en makthavare och Jennifer Hermoso som ett offer för skandalkyssen. Studiens nyhetsmedier har framställt kyssen som en skandal. Med tanke på att händelsen blev uppmärksammad över hela världen har skandalkyssens nyhetvärde blivit högt och prioriterats i nyhetsrapporteringen.

Innanför eller utanför samhället? : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur svensk press gestaltar utsatta och särskilt utsatta områden / Inside or outside society? : A quantitative content analysis about how Swedish news media frames vulnerable and particularly vulnerable areas

Norlindh, Sanna, Iversen, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Today there are areas in Sweden, mostly suburban areas, that are referred to as vulnerable and particularly vulnerable areas. How those areas are perceived by society has a connection to how they are represented by media. Therefore, this study examines how two Swedish newspapers report and portray these so called vulnerable and particularly vulnerable areas. Thus, the study contributes to the media’s responsibility for objective and truthful coverage. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter’s reporting during 2018 and 2022 is examined through a quantitative content analysis. Based on agenda setting theory and framing theory, it is examined and discussed within which genre and topics the areas appear in the media and how the news are portrayed. The focus is on how vulnerable and particularly vulnerable areas appear in the newspapers text. Previous research shows that suburbs and vulnerable areas are stigmatized through media’s news coverage and mainly is linked to negative news reporting. We claim that this problem remains, as the results of the study point to that vulnerable and particularly vulnerable areas mainly are being depicted in a negative context. The result contributes to a discussion about the objectivity of news media and journalists and how their work continues to contribute to stigmatization.

Pressens syn på Sovjetunionen under sommaroffensiverna i juni-juli 1944 : En studie av rapporteringen i Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet och Norrskensflamman

Åkesson, Sven January 2021 (has links)
Sommaren 1944 skedde tre stora sovjetiska offensiver på östfronten samtidigt som landstigningen i Normandie ägde rum. Den nutida västeuropeiska och nordamerikanska populärhistoriska bilden av sommaroffensiverna 1944 har dominerats av D-dagen. De senaste femton åren har dock historiker som Ian Kershaw och Norman Davies delvis nyanserat bilden genom att tydligt poängtera den större betydelsen av Sovjetunionens insatser på östfronten. Hur rapporterades skeendena i de tre svenska tidningarna Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet och Norrskensflamman? Uppsatsen undersöker pressrapporteringen under juni-juli 1944 och tidningarnas inställning till aktörerna, med fokus på Sovjetunionen.

Aftonbladet partisk eller opartisk? : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Aftonbladet Tv:s partiledardebatt 2022 / Aftonbladet biased or unbiased? : A quantitative content analysis of Aftonbladet TV’s party leader debate 2022.

Lind, Cecilia, Yonis Warsame, Anisa January 2023 (has links)
In order to maintain a democratic society, journalism as a third state power plays a major role. Impartial journalism is therefore important to preserve a well-functioning democracy, which is what this study is about. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate whether Aftonbladet's party leader debate in 2022 was biased or unbiased based on the following research questions: - How biased has Aftonbladet been during their party leader debate in 2022? - In that case, which parties/blocks has Aftonbladet benefited through a biased party leader debate? The study aims to contribute to increased understanding of media's impartial role in a well-functioning democracy and to provide information about Aftonbladet's reliability and impartiality. In order to see whether the media presents a political debate biased or unbiased we have chosen to limit ourselves to Aftonbladets Party Leader Debate 2022. In the study, we carry out a quantitative content analysis where bias is an important and recurring concept that is central to the entire study. Based on Kent Asp's previous reports on the same subject (2003 and 2006) we have created our own analytical schemes, code instructions, codebook and codeschemes which we have used for our analysis of the debate. The study uses Agenda Setting Theory and Objectivity Theory to increase reliability. Our aim with this study is to analyze how Aftonbladet contributes to a democratic society and if they fulfill the ideal of objectivity. The results of our study shows how Aftonbladet during their party leader debate 2022 led a partisan debate in the favor of the left liberal and green parties. They did this by rhetorically asking more critical questions to the moderate, conservative and nationalist parties. They also chose to actively select biased journalists as moderators and commentators which influenced the debate. They also chose to silence the right moderate, conservative and nationalist parties many times during the debate which caused arguments between party leaders and moderator.

Lisa Holm – det ideala mordoffret? : En kvalitativ studie om mordet på Lisa Holm i kvällstidningen Aftonbladet. / Lisa Holm – the ideal the murder victim? : A qualitative study on the murder of Lisa Holm in the evening newspaper Aftonbladet.

Martis, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the study is to examine how the evening newspaper Aftonbladet portrays the murder victim Lisa Holm and her killer Nerijus Bilevicius, and how these portrayals are related to Nils Christie's theory about the ideal victim. The central questions investigated are: How are the victim and the perpetrator portrayed by the evening newspaper Aftonbladet, and how does Aftonbladet's portrayal relate to the theory of the ideal victim? To examine the research questions, a deductive thematic analysis was conducted. Before commencing the analysis, five themes were found based on Christie's theoretical framework, which served as the foundation for the analysis. The selection analyzed consisted of 48 chosen articles all written by Aftonbladet. The result of the analysis shows how Lisa is portrayed as "the girl" - a young and vulnerable individual, described as happy, shy, and goal-oriented. At the time of the crime, she was engaged in a respectable project, she had finished her work shift, and was on her way home. It is emphasized that the location of the crime, her workplace, cannot be blamed. The analysis also indicates that Lisa and Nerijus Bilevicius had no prior relationship, signifying that the perpetrator was unknown to the victim.  Nerijus, the perpetrator, is portrayed as large and malevolent, aligning with the idealized image of an offender. Despite a few positive descriptions from relatives, the negative descriptions prevail. The analysis of Aftonbladet's portrayal of Lisa Holm and Nerijus Bilevicius demonstrates a close alignment with Christie's model of the ideal victim and the ideal offender, fulfilling all five criteria outlined by Christie. These findings underscore how Aftonbladet's representation of Lisa and Nerijus resonates with the idealized image of a victim and perpetrator according to Christie's theory, emphasizing the media's impact on the public perception of crime victims and offenders. This case serves as an illustration, according to the perfect ideal victim. The results suggest that Aftonbladet portrays Lisa as the ideal victim and Nerijus as the ideal offender according to Christie's model. It emphasizes how media portrayal can influence our general perception of crime victims and offenders.

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