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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Matchen i matchen: polisen mot supportrarna : En kvalitativ studie av kvällspressens rapportering i anknytning till AIK mot Djurgården 2021 / Head to head: the police versus the supporters : A qualitative study of the tabloids coverage in connection to AIK vs Djurgården in 2021

Berggren, Benjamin, Erlandsson, Niklas January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish evening papers portrayed and framed the conflict between the police, football clubs and their fans. The conflict in question arose already in 2019 with drastic regulations from the police against clubs and fans to prevent violence, pyrotechnics and other illegal activities.  The method that was used in this study was a qualitative textual analysis. The study uses two different theories: agenda setting and agenda framing. Agenda setting focuses on what is salient in the news reporting while agenda framing focuses on how different topics are portrayed by the media. The analysis is based on 22 different articles from the Swedish newspapers websites of Aftonbladet and Expressen. These two are considered to be the biggest tabloids in Sweden, both well known for producing media in a sensationalist manner. We decided to define our selection of articles from a two week time-period surrounding the football derby in Stockholm between AIK and Djurgården on October 3, 2021. The reason for this selection was the aftermath of the game regarding the police brutality against the supporter group of Djurgården.  The result from the study was that both Aftonbladet and Expressen portrayed the conflict in a way that led to a public opinion sympathizing with the football supporters. A possible factor leading to this result was a lack of communication from the police authority towards the newspapers.

Mediernas gestaltning av ishockey : En kvantitativ studie om Aftonbladets rapportering om SM-slutspelen i SDHL och SHL 2017, 2018 och 2019. / Medias configuration of ice hockey : A quantitative study of Aftonbladets coverage about the playoff in Swedish Women´s Hockey League and Swedish Hockey League 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Petersson, Josefin January 2020 (has links)
Sweden has both the Swedish Women´s Hockey League and Swedish Hockey League, both play the sport ice hockey but the gender is different. In this quantitative study, I want to analyze if Aftonbladets coverage of the playoff in Swedish Women´s Hockey League and Swedish Hockey League 2017, 2018, and 2019 is the same, or if the different genders affect the coverage in some ways. Today there is more coverage about men playing the sport than women, according to the database Retrievers material which this study is based on. This study analyzes 139 articles, 19 about the playoff in Swedish Women´s Hockey League and 120 about the playoff in Swedish Hockey League. To strengthen this study three different theories were used when the result was analyzed, framing theory, gender theory, and the theory about news evaluation and news selection. There is not much previous research on Swedish media coverage on this topic, while the research field about American media coverage is much broader. Seen from an international perspective and considering the world ranking, the Swedish women´s national team is ranked 9 out of 40 teams compared with the Swedish men´s national team that is ranked 4 out of 54 teams. The Swedish women´s team is ranked lower, but they both are on the top 10 of the lists. The question is, if Aftonbladet reports differently depending on which league it is about. This could give the reader negative stereotypes about the leagues. This study can therefore show that there is an uneven reporting between the Swedish Women´s Hockey League and Swedish Hockey League.  The result of the study shows a difference between the coverage of the Swedish Women´s Hockey League and the Swedish Hockey League in Aftonbladet. The study shows for example that there are more men who write about the Swedish Women´s Hockey League than women who write about the Swedish Hockey League. Besides that many of the results were quite similar, in order to see if the differences occur every season, a bigger amount of material and more seasons need to be analyzed. In order to draw the conclusion that the result is representative for all seasons. Especially considering the small amount of material that has been analyzed about the Swedish Women´s Hockey League in this study.

Under svenska pressens lupp : tyska judeförföljelser och tysk antisemitism i tre utvalda dagstidningar år 1933

Eriksson, Hannes January 2021 (has links)
Judeförföljelserna i Tyskland eskalerade efter nazisternas maktövertagande i mars 1933, och en officiellt sanktionerad bojkott mot tyska judar anordnades i april. Under samma månad infördes även antisemitiska dekret som förbjöd majoriteten av statligt anställda judiska tjänstemän att utöva sina yrken och ämbeten. Denna mikrohistoriska uppsats undersöker hur dagstidningarna Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter samt Svenska Dagbladet framställde och förklarade judeförföljelserna och den tyska antisemitismen under den avgränsade perioden. Syftet är även att avgöra huruvida antisemitiska föreställningar kom till uttryck i pressmaterialet. Antisemitismen tillhörde det vardagliga under mellankrigstiden, men en viss polarisering kan förväntas under 1930-talet i samband med de ständigt ökande våldsamma tyska judeförföljelserna. Uppsatsen utgår från att antisemitiska föreställningar varit hegemoniska i Sverige under mellankrigstiden, samt att en undermedveten antisemitism kunde komma till uttryck i det offentliga till följd av seglivade judefientligheter i västerländska ideal. Därmed undersöks med hjälp av en diskursanalys hur antisemitiska drag utmärks i pressmaterial om judeförföljelserna. Uppsatsen fann att sporadiska inslag av antisemitiska föreställningar återfanns i alla tidningar, men att samtliga uttrycktes tydligast i Aftonbladet. Tidningen framställde och förklarade även tyska judeförföljelser och delvis den tyska antisemitismen utifrån ett tyskt narrativ. Dagens Nyheter förhöll sig kritisk till det tyska narrativet och ansåg att den tyska antisemitismen huvudsakligen var ett resultat av den nazistiska politiken. Svenska Dagbladet framställde antisemitismen som inneboende det tyska folket, och det tyska narrativet om judeförföljelserna upprätthölls till viss del.

Sport är för män, av män : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur kvinnliga respektive manliga idrottare framställs i Sportbladet och Sportexpressen

Stål, Matilda, Haraldsson, Saga January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur kvinnliga och manliga idrottare representeras i tabloiderna Aftonbladet och Expressen utifrån representationsteorin och genusperspektiv. Detta har gjorts genom att analysera 28 artiklar från sportbilagorna Sportbladet och Sportexpressen under vecka sju i februari, sedan har materialet analyserats genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och en semiotisk analys. Texterna har satts in i olika teman, propositioner och perspektiv som kallas för genus, familjeliv, utseende, prestationer och roller, för att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Resultatet i studien visar att manliga och kvinnliga idrottare representeras olika utifrån genus, familjeliv, utseende, prestationer och roller. De kvinnliga idrottarna framställs ofta som svaga och fokuset ligger på annat än på deras prestation, men de manliga idrottarna representeras som starka och heroiska.

Svarta marknaden : En studie av dagspressens rapportering av den illegalahandeln med ransonerade varor i Sverige 1941–1945

Bengtsson, Therese January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka vilken omfattning hade, och vilken syn förmedlade, den svenska dagspressen på ransoneringsbrottsligheten under kristidsåren 1941–1945. Studien behandlade åren 1941–1945 då den illegala handeln pågick som mest. Källmaterialet i studien var Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet och Aftonbladet från den 1 januari 1941 till och med 31 december 1945. Rapporteringen av ransoneringsbrottsligheten i de tre tidningarna var inte omfattande i jämförelse med tidigare forskning om ransoneringsbrottsligheten. Enligt de tre tidningarna dömdes fler män än kvinnor för ransoneringsbrott och det rapporterades främst om personer delaktiga i någon svartabörsliga. Det vanligaste brott som begicks under den undersökta perioden var grova ransoneringsbrott. Varubrott och kupongbrott förekom men enligt tidningarna i betydligt mindre skala. Påföljderna som rapporterades var, böter, straffarbete och fängelse. Böter var mest förekommande, men vanligt var personer som dömdes till en kombination av två straff. I tidningarnas rapportering av svartabörsligorna, skriver Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet om vilket brott mot ransoneringsbestämmelserna som begåtts, vilken typ av varor det rörde sig om och vilka följderna blev. Aftonbladet däremot rapporterar om hur livet kan se ut eller te sig för en person som försörjer sig på illegala affärer.

Protester mot covidbevis i svensk kvällspress : En kvalitativ studie om hur protester mot covidbevis i Frankrike gestaltas i svensk kvällspress / Protests against the COVID Certificate in the Swedish evening press : A qualitative study of how protests against the COVID Certificate in France are constructed in the Swedish evening press

Tigeris, Ricards January 2022 (has links)
This qualitative study examines how Swedish evening press constructs protests against the COVID Certificate in France in their news articles. During the new coronavirus, various protests are taking place around the world. An example of a massive protest against the COVID Certificate is the major protests in France, that took place in July 2021. France had one of the largest protests against the COVID Certificate in the world. Tens of thousands of people protested across the country. In this study, 15 news articles are analysed about protests against the COVID Certificate in France from both Aftonbladet and Expressen, by using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), both as a theoretical perspective and method. Study even use framing theory, news values theory, and biopolitics as a theoretical perspective. Results of this study shows that the Swedish evening press constructs protests against the COVID Certificate in France in their news articles as violent, and demonstrators at these protests are portrayed primarily as dissatisfied, but sometimes also as low-educated, cuckoos, dangerous, and heroes. It is both elite people and demonstrators who got to speak in these news articles. Ministers, president, researchers, and police were allowed to speak more often than demonstrators, and they even got more space in quotes.

Gestaltning i coronapandemin : En kvalitativ studie av Aftonbladet och SVTs rapportering / Coverage of the corona pandemic. A qualitative study of Aftonbladet and SVT's reporting

Hällsten, Amanda, Janeröd, Elin January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to study how events associated to the coronavirus has been portrayed in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet and the public service-company SVT. To concretize the aim, we formulated two questions; is there any overall differences and similarities between SVT and Aftonbladets way to angle their news, if the answer is yes, what are the differences and similarities, do SVT’s and Aftonbladet’s reporting differ in terms of storytelling techniques in the articles associated to the coronavirus, if the answer is yes, what are the differences and similarities. The method chosen to investigate these questions was a qualitative content analysis with a focus on storytelling techniques. The chosen theories to support the method was framing, media logic, agenda setting and news rating & storytelling techniques. In the analysis we came to the conclusion that Aftonbladet and SVT in many of their articles have used almost the same angle, although the angles of Aftonbladet was more explicit and not as unbiased as SVT’s news articles. During our time studying SVT and Aftonbladet we saw that in the videos that belonged to the articles, Aftonbladet used interviews with persons who had participated in the press conferences, instead of publishing parts from the press conference in the videos, which SVT did. SVT hasn’t, in any of the cases, published an interview with, for example, a doctor or a representative from Folkhälsomyndigheten. It gives a more personal impression to interview individuals, than to publish parts from a press conference. We also saw that Aftonbladet used more storytelling techniques, especially accentuation and intensification in their framing of events connected to the virus, it was especially noticeable in the article about the first death. Something that surprised us during the work with the analysis was the fact that neither Aftonbladet nor SVT have been more critical to the government’s decisions in their reports. Perhaps because the trust in the authorities is high among the audience.

Sensationella nyheter : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om sensation i huvudnyheterna på svensk dags- och kvällspress förstasidor / Sensational news : A quantitative content analysis about the sensationalism in the main stories on the front pages of a Swedish newspaper and tabloid press

Sandvik, Sofia, Sporrong, Bianca January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor study is to examine the extent of sensationalism on the front pages of the newspaper and tabloid press in Sweden. The study also examines the variety of news categories and how the news values have evolved over the last ten years. By using a quantitative content analysis one could examine and compare 531 main stories on the front pages of Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet – the biggest newspaper and tabloid press in Sweden. The study examines what news topics, main agents and type of sensationalism that was present in the main stories. The results show that a majority of the main stories in both papers included some kind of sensationalism, but that the extent of sensationalism has decreased during the ten year period examined. The main difference between the papers is that main stories from Aftonbladet were more often based on cheap editorial content and contained a higher extent of sensationalism compared to Dagens Nyheter. Politics was the most common news topic in Dagens Nyheter during all three years. Law and crime was the most common news topic in Aftonbladet during 2009 and 2014, while health and lifestyle was the most common news topic during 2019. The differences between Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet may have to do with the viral journalism-phenomenon that became huge in 2014. While Aftonbladet started to publish more simple, sensational and cheap editorial main stories, Dagens Nyheter focused on so called long-reads – profound stories on subjects that matters.

Dagens Nyheters och Aftonbladets skildring av våld mot kvinnor före och efter #metoo : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys

Lindqvist, Joakim, Mörth, Denice January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att analysera artiklar från Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet som rör våld mot kvinnor. Mer specifikt att titta på om rapporteringen och gestaltningen har förändrats över tid, före och efter metoo. Samt om vi kan hitta några skillnader eller likheter mellan tidningarna och dess nyhetsartiklar och opinionsartiklar. Undersökningen består av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys där ett slumpmässigt urval av artiklar från tidsperioderna 2015 och 2020/2021 har gjorts.   Studien prövas mot tidigare forskning om mediernas rapportering om våld mot kvinnor. De teoretiska ramverk som har använts är dagordningsteorin, gestaltningsteori och teorin om det ideala offret. Resultatet visar att metoo har haft en måttlig påverkan på rapporteringen av våld mot kvinnor. Antalet artiklar som skrivs har ökat efter metoo men själva innehållet är relativt lika som före metoo. Resultatet visar dock att större skillnader finns mellan tidningarna och hur de väljer att rapportera om fenomenet våld mot kvinnor.

“De har skjutit i 180 grader och hej vilt efter flyende bilar” : En kvantitativ studie om Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladets rapportering om gängkriminaliteten mellan 2010-2021 / “They have been shooting in 180 degrees and all about after getaway cars" : a quantitative study of the reporting in Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet about gang criminality between 2010-2021

Hagman, Ronan, Nilsson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
This thesis aimed to find out how gang violence had been reported in the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet between 2010-2021 and if there had been any changes during the selected time period. The articles for the thesis were chosen through a probability sample technique called systematic sample. There were around 8000 articles in total that were found while using our searchterms. Then every tenth article was chosen for coding from each year. A total number of 811 articles were collected, 466 from Dagens Nyheter and 345 from Aftonbladet. The thesis found that there was no significant difference between the newspapers in the way of reporting about gang violence during the time period. Both Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet reported a lot about the criminal actions that the gangs had committed and the newspapers had a tendency to report the crimes that were of a violent nature. The reporting of the gang members showed that they often did not mention their age, gender or ethnicity. Both newspapers also used different words in their reporting, both for gang violence and the gang members, which could make it hard to know the difference between acts done by gangs and by other criminals.

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