Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gnosticism"" "subject:"agnosticism""
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When God Dies: Deconversion from Theism as Analogous to the Experience of DeathSimpson, William David 01 May 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, I explore the psychological and experiential aspects of the shift from a supernatural theistic worldview (specifically born-again Christianity) to aphilosophically naturalistic and atheistic worldview in the context of the religiouslandscape in the U.S. I posit that certain features of this transition, which is known as "deconversion,” can be thought of as potentially analogous, both psychologically and subjectively, to the experience of another's death as an objective environmental change. I provide anthropological and psychological evidence that believers often experience the God of born-again Christianity as an independently existing and active agent in the world. The similarities between human relationships and God relationships provide the foundation for the claim that loss of these relationships potentially constitute similar experiences, respectively. Both shifts (deconversion and death) share a number of similarities. For example, they both feature a reduction in the number of entities that are believed perceived as having minds (i.e., theory of mind determinations). Also, both shifts require a re-understanding of purpose and meaning in the world (i.e., teleological reasoning). I explore each of these shifts in detail. Finally, I show that the interpretation of the deconversion experience as analogous to the experience of death has implications for the public dialogue between Christians and atheists.
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Being Human, Being Church: The Significance of Theological Anthropology for EcclesiologyFranklin, Patrick S. 14 April 2011 (has links)
<p>One's conception of human personhood deeply impacts one's understanding and practice of community. Contemporary culture lacks precision and agreement in defining the human person. Such ·anthropological agnosticism· also affects the church. leading to devastating consequences concerning its inner sociality. cultural engagement, and pursuit of justice. This dissertation argues that a significant step forward is to gain a better understanding of theological anthropology and apply it consistently to ecclesiology. Specifically. a theological understanding of the human person as a relational. rational. and eschatological creature leads to a conception of the church as relational. rational, and eschatological communities of the new humanity. This approach overcomes problematic dualisms and false dichotomies presently plaguing the church's inner life and outward mission, in part by accentuating the ethical dimension that pervades its whole existence. Primary conversation partners include Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Miroslav Volf. and Stanley Grenz. Alasdair Macintyre and Wolthart Pannenberg are also influential.</p> <p>Part I consists of two chapters. Chapter one explores the difficulties of defining the human person in contemporary culture and the resulting consequences for community and ethics. Chapter two analyzes six typological ways of construing community based IV upon conflicting views of the human person. It evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of each, concluding that none is fully satisfying theologically. Part II (chapters 3-5) constructs a theological anthropology in trinitarian perspective. It presents a threedimensional view of the human person as: a relational creature whose telos is to love God and fellow human beings; a rational creature whose telos is to know God and understand God"s world; and an eschatological creature whose telos is to serve God as a stewardpriest of (new) creation. Part III (chapters 6-8) constructs an ecclesiology corresponding to the themes developed in Part II. depicting the church as relational, rational, and eschatological communities of the new humanity defined and oriented by love. faith. and hope. The concluding chapter summarizes the arguments developed and their implications for Christian community and ethics. It then explores some preliminary implications of viewing the church as God"s new humanity. called to promote and embody the welfare and flourishing of all human beings.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Atheism, Agnosticism, and IrreligionBaker, Joseph O., Smith, Buster G. 01 May 2015 (has links)
Research on the topics of atheism, agnosticism, and irreligion has been limited during much of the last century. We explain the reasons for a lack of research in this field and discuss the recent interest in this topic. The most recent wave of research has been concentrated during the past decade and tends to look at the dual issues of who composes the religiously unaffiliated and why they choose this self-identification. Recent research has begun to take a much wider and deeper view on the subject. This includes research on particular segments of the population such as atheists, as well as understanding how the religiously unaffiliated are viewed by the broader culture. We conclude by describing important directions for future research. In particular, there is a need to break out the separate forms of irreligion and use creative new methodologies to find and study this significant portion of the population.
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Ateism : en studie av idé och debattAhlström, Michael January 2007 (has links)
<p>Frågeställningen i detta arbete består av huruvida det föreligger en idéförskjutning inom ateismen med utgångspunkt från den kristendomskritik som främst anfördes av Ingemar Hedenius i mitten av 1900-talet. Med idéförskjutning hänvisar jag till en tydlig stark ateism ur ett kunskapsteoretiskt perspektiv. En sådan idéförskjutning skulle kunna vara att någon ny argumentation framkommit som ökar eller minskar sannolikheten för Guds existens, eller att man kommit fram till ny definition av ”säker kunskap”, som ur ett naturvetenskapligt perspektiv skulle kunna förändra begreppets betydelse. Jag har inom ramen för uppsatsen studerat några ledande aktuella debattörer genom litteraturstudier och belyst pågående debatt för att finna kärnan i deras argumentation. De ateistiska ståndpunkterna och argumentation som belyses kommer främst från Ingemar Hedenius, Christer Sturmark, Richard Dawkins, Michel Onfray och Sam Harris. Dessa författare bidrar med unikt fokus i sin argumentation, men stöder sig mot samma grundläggande syn på sann och säker kunskap. Jag har funnit att en idéförskjutning ej föreligger. Däremot har begreppets praktiska betydelse vidgats. På samma sätt som formen för det personliga andliga utövandet förändrats har även begreppets språkliga innebörd generaliserats i syfte att kunna argumentera för ateism i en värld där religionens inflytande på nytt ökar.</p>
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Relativ absolutism eller absolut relativism? : etik och moral i en global världNilsson, Patrik January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka den eventuella konflikten mellan sekulariserad och religiös etik och moral. Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i religiös absolutism kontra sekulariserad relativism. Jag vill även ta reda på om det finns etiska grundtankar som flertalet kan vara överens om.
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Ateism : en studie av idé och debattAhlström, Michael January 2007 (has links)
Frågeställningen i detta arbete består av huruvida det föreligger en idéförskjutning inom ateismen med utgångspunkt från den kristendomskritik som främst anfördes av Ingemar Hedenius i mitten av 1900-talet. Med idéförskjutning hänvisar jag till en tydlig stark ateism ur ett kunskapsteoretiskt perspektiv. En sådan idéförskjutning skulle kunna vara att någon ny argumentation framkommit som ökar eller minskar sannolikheten för Guds existens, eller att man kommit fram till ny definition av ”säker kunskap”, som ur ett naturvetenskapligt perspektiv skulle kunna förändra begreppets betydelse. Jag har inom ramen för uppsatsen studerat några ledande aktuella debattörer genom litteraturstudier och belyst pågående debatt för att finna kärnan i deras argumentation. De ateistiska ståndpunkterna och argumentation som belyses kommer främst från Ingemar Hedenius, Christer Sturmark, Richard Dawkins, Michel Onfray och Sam Harris. Dessa författare bidrar med unikt fokus i sin argumentation, men stöder sig mot samma grundläggande syn på sann och säker kunskap. Jag har funnit att en idéförskjutning ej föreligger. Däremot har begreppets praktiska betydelse vidgats. På samma sätt som formen för det personliga andliga utövandet förändrats har även begreppets språkliga innebörd generaliserats i syfte att kunna argumentera för ateism i en värld där religionens inflytande på nytt ökar.
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L’ontologie de la causalité adoptée par David Hume : un new Hume debate de peu de conséquence pour le mondeRaymond-Robidoux, Jordan 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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"Den lyriske hegelianen" : Livsåskådning och världsbild i Hjalmar Gullbergs diktning / "The Lyric Hegelian" : Philosophy and Worldview in the Poetry of Hjalmar GullbergWesterlund, Joel January 2018 (has links)
This essay is about the lyric authorship of the Swedish poet Hjalmar Gullberg (1898-1961), who was nicknamed “The Lyric Hegelian” due to his love of paradox. It focuses on certain traits in his authorship in its entirety, with a specific focus on a select number of poems. The primary concerns of this essay are questions of an existential nature raised by Gullberg’s poetry, as well as his poetry’s relation to his time and age. As a member of the Swedish Academy Gullberg was an important literary presence in his day, most likely influencing the outcome of several Nobel Prizes. Gullberg’s poetry is part classicist and part modernist, combining traditional forms with newer ones, and in doing so it bears witness to contemporary society entering a state of modernity. Gullberg held feelings of both appreciation and aversion towards his time and age. His poetry touches upon a multitude of topics and includes motifs that are both ancient and contemporary, and these are combined as the poet searches for meaning in ephemeral existence. The present essay traces the development of an existential worldview and a type of philosophy in the authorship, which are characterised by complexity and uncertainty; these change with time, and this development can be seen in the different collections of poems. A shift can be observed from a spirit of optimism and religiosity towards a contrary mindset of pessimism and disbelief. This essay argues that Gullberg’s authorship is representative of its time and age in the sense that the views expressed in the poetry seem to correlate to the development of society and the general mentality in Sweden and much of Europe during the twentieth century, with regard to the process of secularisation that took place. The poetry of Gullberg leaves us with many questions and few definite answers. However, its value lies in the eloquent treatment that it gives to the subject-matter which is presented, and in that it encourages reflection. Gullberg was a late representative of an older literary tradition and an early representative of a new one; accordingly he embodied an important change in Swedish literary history.
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"Den lyriske hegelianen" : Livsåskådning och världsbild i Hjalmar Gullbergs diktning / "The Lyric Hegelian" : Philosophy and Worldview in the Poetry of Hjalmar GullbergWesterlund, Joel January 2018 (has links)
This essay is about the lyric authorship of the Swedish poet Hjalmar Gullberg (1898-1961), who was nicknamed “The Lyric Hegelian” due to his love of paradox. It focuses on certain traits in his authorship in its entirety, with a specific focus on a select number of poems. The primary concerns of this essay are questions of an existential nature raised by Gullberg’s poetry, as well as his poetry’s relation to his time and age. As a member of the Swedish Academy Gullberg was an important literary presence in his day, most likely influencing the outcome of several Nobel Prizes. Gullberg’s poetry is part classicist and part modernist, combining traditional forms with newer ones, and in doing so it bears witness to contemporary society entering a state of modernity. Gullberg held feelings of both appreciation and aversion towards his time and age. His poetry touches upon a multitude of topics and includes motifs that are both ancient and contemporary, and these are combined as the poet searches for meaning in ephemeral existence. The present essay traces the development of an existential worldview and a type of philosophy in the authorship, which are characterised by complexity and uncertainty; these change with time, and this development can be seen in the different collections of poems. A shift can be observed from a spirit of optimism and religiosity towards a contrary mindset of pessimism and disbelief. This essay argues that Gullberg’s authorship is representative of its time and age in the sense that the views expressed in the poetry seem to correlate to the development of society and the general mentality in Sweden and much of Europe during the twentieth century, with regard to the process of secularisation that took place. The poetry of Gullberg leaves us with many questions and few definite answers. However, its value lies in the eloquent treatment that it gives to the subject-matter which is presented, and in that it encourages reflection. Gullberg was a late representative of an older literary tradition and an early representative of a new one; accordingly he embodied an important change in Swedish literary history.
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Vilka argument finns för religionsfrånvaro, ateism och icke-tro i sekulariserad religionsundervisning?Hagstedt, Kaj January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna kunskapsöversikt är att undersöka vad forskningen säger om argument för att ge religionsfrånvaro, ateism och icke-tro en plats i religionskunskapsundervisningen. Vetenskapliga källor i form av avhandlingar och artiklar ligger till grund för kunskapsöversikten och sammanfattningsvis pekar forskarna på att Sverige är ett sekulariserat eller möjligen postsekulariserat, pluralistiskt samhälle där skolan enligt läroplanen ska vara icke-konfessionell. Religionsutövningen har ändrat sin form och fått nya uttryck där andlighet och individualisering tar plats. Kursplanerna i religion i årskurs 1–6 saknar begrepp såsom ateism och icke-tro och observerad religionsundervisning i högstadiet och gymnasiet visar att de ickereligiösa ses som norm och att ämnesdiskussionerna mellan elever ofta utgår från ett vi och dem-tänk. Den insamlade forskningen lyfter flera argument för en breddad religionsundervisning såsom att ett utökat ämnesspråk kan skapa friare diskussionsmöjligheter. Fler elever kan identifiera sig med religionsämnet om även ateism och icke-tro betraktas som en form av tro, och icke-konfessionell religionsundervisning behöver omfatta även ett källkritiskt förhållningssätt. En vidgad begreppsförståelse skapar ett mer inkluderande klassrum där olikheter bemöts med större förståelse och respekt.
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