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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In Satan we trust : le temple satanique entre mouvement social et religion

Colin, Mathieu 08 1900 (has links)
Fondé aux États-Unis fin 2012 par Malcolm Jarry et Lucien Greaves et se voyant comme une évolution de l’Église de Satan, groupe fondé par Anton LaVey en 1966, le Temple Satanique est à la croisée entre satanisme, sécularisme et religion non-théiste, en plus de s’appuyer sur un activisme politique explicite en faveur de la séparation entre Églises et État. Il s’appuie sur une lecture non-théiste de la figure de Satan comme symbole de libre-pensée et de compassion, inspirée notamment des lectures romantiques et de La Révolte des anges (1914) d’Anatole France. En se positionnant comme religion dans la sphère publique, l’organisation souhaite contrer l’hégémonie du christianisme et assurer le respect d’un réel pluralisme religieux, qui prendrait en compte les récentes mutations démographiques et culturelles américaines. Cette thèse emploie une approche interdisciplinaire. Sur le plan théorique, elle analyse ce groupe se disant religieux à l’aide de l’histoire des idées ainsi que d’une analyse sociologique, politique et médiatique. Elle met en œuvre une méthodologie qualitative et quantitative, documentant plusieurs aspects du groupe à l’aide d’entretiens et d’un questionnaire qualitatif en ligne. Les principales innovations de cette thèse sont les suivantes. Nous analysons le Temple Satanique comme un mouvement social mettant en avant le concept de communauté, et nous situons l’organisation dans un paradigme ultramoderne (concept de Jean-Paul Willaime), selon lequel un certain nombre de sous-cultures sont générées, cherchant à créer des ressources de sens. Ces sous-cultures émergent comme des systèmes de sens identitaires et politiques s’alimentant à des sources mythiques et esthétiques pour élaborer du sens, puisant largement dans les domaines religieux et spirituels. Il s’agit d’un laboratoire d’étude de la complexification du milieu séculariste et de ses profondes divisions, ainsi que du satanisme moderne et contemporain. Sa particularité est de proposer un satanisme politique rationaliste. Notre recherche se situe au croisement de trois champs d’études : celui des nouveaux mouvements religieux, celui du satanisme et de l’ésotérisme, ainsi que celui de la religion digitale. Cette religiosité, largement diffusée sur Internet, redéfinit les cadres institutionnels et de croyances, les adeptes ayant accès à des ressources presque illimitées, informant un mode du croire caractérisé par son individualité et sa méfiance institutionnelle, mettant en exergue une tension constante entre individualité et communauté. Par ses procédés ultramodernes, le groupe se pose en contre-mythe, afin de questionner l’héritage chrétien américain revendiqué par la Droite chrétienne comme une religion civile. En effet, par l’usage du symbole de Satan, l’organisation met en tension l’identité nationale américaine en posant la question de l’intégration des populations non-chrétiennes au sein d’un cadre culturel fortement imprégné de christianisme. Le Temple Satanique pose ainsi la question de l’intégration des communautés marginalisées, comme les athées, ou la population des sans-religion, dans la sphère publique, à l’heure où elles deviennent des forces politiques potentielles. C’est sans doute pour cette raison qu’il compte déjà des antennes dans d’autres pays. Le Temple essaye de dépasser l’aporie entre religion et mode de vie séculariste, en mettant en avant une religion non-théiste s’appuyant sur des valeurs partagées au sein d’une communauté. / Founded in the US by Malcolm Jarry and Lucien Greaves at the very end of the year 2012 and thought as an evolution of The Church of Satan, the first satanic organization created by Anton LaVey in 1966, The Satanic Temple is both a non-theistic religion, a secularist group and a satanic group fighting for the strict separation of Church and State. Drawing especially on romantic and Anatole France’s Revolt of the Angels (1914) readings of Satan as an embodiment of freedom, justice and science, The Satanic Temple uses its position as a religion in the public sphere to denounce what is considers the marks of Christian hegemony within public institutions or places, and stands for other discriminated groups by defending a respectful and inclusive religious pluralism for all faiths, and taking into account the recent cultural and demographic changes in the US. This dissertation uses an interdisciplinary approach. In order to analyze this aspiring religious group, it combines a sociological analysis, the study of history of ideas as well as political and media studies. It also uses a quantitative and qualitative methodology to understand several dimensions of the group, with interviews and an online survey. The main innovations of the dissertation are the following. The Satanic Temple is a social movement building a community of like-minded people and transforming the concept of religion. I consider it a direct result of the ultramodern paradigm described by Jean-Paul Willaime that gives birth to a number of subcultural movements that struggle to create sense for their members. I analyze these subcultural movements as political meaning systems creating a sense of identity. They draw on mythical and aesthetical sources to create meaning by using religious and spiritual resources. This paradigm enables us to analyze the increasingly complex secular milieu and its divisions, as well as the evolution of modern and contemporary Satanism. Political rationalist Satanism is one of its new developments. Our research stands at the crossroad of three areas of studies: new religious movements studies, esoteric and satanic studies, and digital religion studies. I shall analyze the individualization of religious beliefs on the Internet, and the growing mistrust towards institutions or the process of formalization, perceived as threats to the unlimited religious resources offered by digital platforms. The tension between individuality and community is constantly at stake for a group such as The Satanic Temple. As an ultramodern movement, The Satanic Temple takes the stance as a counter-myth in order to question the Christian legacy of the country claimed by movements, such as the Christian Right, that want to turn it into the one and only possible civil religion. Indeed, The Satanic Temple aims at raising the question of the integration of non-Christians as respectful and respected citizens within the public sphere, thus negotiating the tensions at the core of the American national identity and of its civil religion, both heavily influenced by Christianity, with the help of Satan’s symbol. The rise of the « nones » as a new political force also raises the issue of their integration, as The Satanic Temple asks the tough question of taking into account marginalized communities that want their voice to be heard in a changing public sphere. Despite being primarily US-based, the organization has chapters in other countries such as Canada, and in Europe.

Stressful Events and Religious Identities: Investigating the Risk of Radical Accommodation

Uzdavines, Alex 30 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Political Atheism vs. The Divine Right of Kings: Understanding 'The Fairy of the Lake' (1801)

Post, Andy 30 April 2014 (has links)
In 'Political Atheism vs. The Divine Right of Kings,' I build on Thompson and Scrivener’s work analysing John Thelwall’s play 'The Fairy of the Lake' as a political allegory, arguing all religious symbolism in 'FL' to advance the traditionally Revolutionary thesis that “the King is not a God.” My first chapter contextualises Thelwall’s revival of 17th century radicalism during the French Revolution and its failure. My second chapter examines how Thelwall’s use of fire as a symbol discrediting the Saxons’ pagan notion of divine monarchy, also emphasises the idolatrous apotheosis of King Arthur. My third chapter deconstructs the Fairy of the Lake’s water and characterisation, and concludes her sole purpose to be to justify a Revolution beyond moral reproach. My fourth chapter traces how beer satirises Communion wine, among both pagans and Christians, in order to undermine any religion that could reinforce either divinity or the Divine Right of Kings. / A close reading of an all-but-forgotten Arthurian play as an allegory against the Divine Right of Kings.

Allah oder Christus? Eine missiologische fallstudie uber die grunde der hinwendungen der kyrgyzen zum Islam und Christentum / Allah or Christ ? a missiological case study analysing the reason for conversions to Islam and Christianity among Kyrgyz people

Zweininger, Jakob 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / This thesis is a missiological case study analysing the reasons for conversions to Islam and Christianity among Kyrgyz people in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan. The Kyrgyz people have a rich religious heritage with a history of more than 2,200 years. The uprooting of religion and the atheistic indoctrination by the Soviet government created a religious vacuum after the breakdown of the Soviet Union and caused a revival of religious receptivity in the society. Renewed receptivity to religion in the newly established sovereign Kyrgyzstan was followed by a rise in religious activity of Muslims and Christians beginning in the late 20th century. In only 15 years the number of mosques rose from 39 to 1,600 and the number of professing Christians increased from a few dozen to more than 7,000. This change between 1990 and 2005 developed in three stages through religious instability, an increase in missionary activity and the posturing of religious ideology during the government’s democratization process. A research of individual conversions produced complex results. Muslims were more attune to traditional religious thinking than were Christians. Most Muslims committed themselves to Islam because of their ancestral heritage. The secularization of society facilitated the Kyrgyz to convert to Christianity and turn to Christ due to a crisis in personal identity. Among Christians, conversions were primarily affected by relatives and friends persuading them through testimony and example. Most Kyrgyz becoming Muslims were significantly influenced by their parents. Faith in the existence of God was the basic prerequisite for both Muslim and Christian commitment to their respective beliefs. For Muslims it meant to obey the commandments of Allah, but Christians were led to confession of sins and to conversion. Changes in lifestyles and mindsets Muslims traced back to the Islamic religious tradition. For Christians, lives were affected through a relationship to Jesus Christ. / Die vorliegende Thesis ist eine missiologische Fallstudie, die die Gruinde der Hinwendung der Kyrgyzen in der post-sovietischen Zeit zum Islam und Christentum untersucht. Die Kyrgyzen haben ein reiches religioses Erbe einer uber 2200 jahrigen Geschichte. Doch mit der religiosen, Entwurzelung und der atheistischen Indoktrination durch die Sovietregierung entwickelte sich nach dem Zusammenbruch der Sovietunion ein religioses ,Vakuum" und bewirkten ein Wiedererwachen der religiosen Rezeptivitat in der Gesellschaft. Aufgrund der neuen religiosen Rahmenbedingungen in dem seit 1991 souveranen Kyrgyzstan folgte vonseiten der Muslime und Christen ein starker Anstieg religioser Aktivitaten. In nur 15 Jahren stieg die Anzahl der registrierten Moscheen von 39 auf uber 1600 und die Anzahl der Christen im gleichen Zeitraum von ein paar Dutzend auf uber 7000. Diese Entwicklung verlief im Zeitraum von 1990 bis 2005 in drei Abschnitten und war gekennzeichnet von anfanglichen religiosen Aufbruchen, einer Zunahme missionarischer Aktivitaten und einer religiosen Positionierung im Demokratiesierungsprozess. Die Untersuchung der individuell erlebten Hinwendungen brachte vielschichtige Ergebnisse hervor. So war der farmiliare Hintergrund der Muslime im allgemeinen religioser als der der Christen. Die meisten Muslime bekannten sich aufgrund ihrer Abstammung zum Islam. Die Sakularisierung der Familien begunstigte die Hinwendung der Kyrgyzen zum Christentum, die sich vor allem aufgrund einer existenziellen Auseinandersetzung zu Jesus wandten. Bei Christen waren es vor allem Verwandte und Freunde, die mit Worten und Leben auf Jesus hinwiesen, bei Muslimen die Eltern. Sowohl bei Muslimen als auch Christen war der Glaube an die Exitenz Gottes die wesentliche Vorraussetzung, wobei dies die Muslime zur Befolgung der Gebote Allahs, Christen zur Sundenerkenntnis und einer Bekehrung bewegte. Eine Lebens- und Sinnesanderung fuhrten Muslime auf den Islam und Christen auf ihre Beziehung zu Jesus Christus zuruck. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Regeneration-Dostoyevskij's ideology, with a glance at Gide's paradoxical "adaptation"

McCreath, Agneta Antonia 09 1900 (has links)
St. John 12:24, used by Dostoyevskij as an epigraph to his last and highly acclaimed novel BpaTbJI KapaMa30BbI (The Brothers Karamazov), served as an inspiration for Andre Gide. The title of the latter's contentious autobiography Si le grain ne meurt (If it die ... ), is part of the same biblical verse. The significance of Dostoyevskij's epigraph and Gide's title are critically examined with regard to ideologies expressed in their literary works. Analogies and contrasts are scrutinised: considerable similarities but more discrepancies are discerned. Intense crises in Dostoyevskij's life led to an upward movement, reflected in his oeuvre, reaching out toward Christ's message as revealed by St. John 12:24. On the other hand, Gide started his career imbued with the above message, but gradually he deviated from it and died an atheist. His fascination with Dostoyevskij prompted him to write a profound biography on the great Russian, containing a perceptive article on The Brothers Karamazov when this novel was still practically unknown in the West. Dostoyevskij's pre-eminence as ideological author, psychologist, philosopher and artist is highlighted while Gide is disclosed as the moralistic immoralist of his time. The thesis suggested here is that Dostoyevskij's ideology of self-abnegation in order to be regenerated into eternal life challenged Gide to reject this concept. Therein lies his paradoxical "adaptation". The purpose is to uncover the religious perceptions in Dostoyevskij's four major novels, to establish that his fictional characters, though never used as mouthpieces for the author, represent his universal philosophy and transmit the author's quest for truth to the reader, and finally to examine Gide's reaction to Dostoyevskij's influence / Classics & Modern European Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Russian)

Har dagens vetenskap och religion förutsättningar att berika varandra? : en studie utgående från en dialog hos John Templetonstiftelsen

Madfors, Ingela January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats består av en studie av en dialog mellan vetenskap och religion hos den amerikanska filantropiska John Templetonstiftelsen. Syftet har varit att utreda värdet av denna dialog och att få en uppfattning om värdet av dialoger mellan vetenskap och religion i allmänhet i fråga om aktualitet och fruktbarhet för deltagarna, publiken och den allmänna debatten. Den studerade dialogen visade brister i definition och riktlinjer, val av deltagare och diskussionsämne. Argumentationen utgick ifrån deltagarnas personliga tro eller icke-tro och inte utifrån deras kompetensområden inom vetenskap eller religion. Dialogens olika bidrag visade inte på någon större grad av nytänkande, med undantag för två korta essäer som diskuterade nya Gudsdefinitioner. Dessa resonemang fördes dock inte vidare till de debatter som också ingick i dialogen. Trots många brister, där många borde ha kunnat undvikas, visade den studerade dialogen på en vilja till möte mellan oliktänkande och på ett intresse från allmänheten. Med tydliga definitioner och riktlinjer och ett mer aktuellt ämnesval borde därför dialoger mellan vetenskap och religion ha en framtid.</p> / <p>This essay is a study of a dialogue between science and religion at the John Templeton foundation. The aim has been to investigate the value of this specific dialogue and also to get an understanding of the value of dialogues between science and religion in general regarding actuality and fruitfulness for the participants, the audience and the public debate. The study of the Templeton dialogue revealed shortcomings regarding definitions and guidelines, choice of participants and of topic. Furthermore, the argumentation was based on the individual participants belief or non-belief rather than their professional competence areas. The different contributions to the dialogue did not show any higher degree of fresh ideas, apart from two short essays describing new definitions of God. These thoughts were, however, not brought to the debates that were also a part of the dialogue. Despite the shortcomings, where many should have been possible to avoid, the studied dialogue showed willingness from people of different perspectives to meet and the dialogue also gained an interest from the general public. The conclusion of this study is that with clear definitions and guidelines and a well-considered choice of topic, the dialogue between science and religion should have a future.</p>

Har dagens vetenskap och religion förutsättningar att berika varandra? : en studie utgående från en dialog hos John Templetonstiftelsen

Madfors, Ingela January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats består av en studie av en dialog mellan vetenskap och religion hos den amerikanska filantropiska John Templetonstiftelsen. Syftet har varit att utreda värdet av denna dialog och att få en uppfattning om värdet av dialoger mellan vetenskap och religion i allmänhet i fråga om aktualitet och fruktbarhet för deltagarna, publiken och den allmänna debatten. Den studerade dialogen visade brister i definition och riktlinjer, val av deltagare och diskussionsämne. Argumentationen utgick ifrån deltagarnas personliga tro eller icke-tro och inte utifrån deras kompetensområden inom vetenskap eller religion. Dialogens olika bidrag visade inte på någon större grad av nytänkande, med undantag för två korta essäer som diskuterade nya Gudsdefinitioner. Dessa resonemang fördes dock inte vidare till de debatter som också ingick i dialogen. Trots många brister, där många borde ha kunnat undvikas, visade den studerade dialogen på en vilja till möte mellan oliktänkande och på ett intresse från allmänheten. Med tydliga definitioner och riktlinjer och ett mer aktuellt ämnesval borde därför dialoger mellan vetenskap och religion ha en framtid. / This essay is a study of a dialogue between science and religion at the John Templeton foundation. The aim has been to investigate the value of this specific dialogue and also to get an understanding of the value of dialogues between science and religion in general regarding actuality and fruitfulness for the participants, the audience and the public debate. The study of the Templeton dialogue revealed shortcomings regarding definitions and guidelines, choice of participants and of topic. Furthermore, the argumentation was based on the individual participants belief or non-belief rather than their professional competence areas. The different contributions to the dialogue did not show any higher degree of fresh ideas, apart from two short essays describing new definitions of God. These thoughts were, however, not brought to the debates that were also a part of the dialogue. Despite the shortcomings, where many should have been possible to avoid, the studied dialogue showed willingness from people of different perspectives to meet and the dialogue also gained an interest from the general public. The conclusion of this study is that with clear definitions and guidelines and a well-considered choice of topic, the dialogue between science and religion should have a future.

Allah oder Christus? Eine missiologische fallstudie uber die grunde der hinwendungen der kyrgyzen zum Islam und Christentum / Allah or Christ ? a missiological case study analysing the reason for conversions to Islam and Christianity among Kyrgyz people

Zweininger, Jakob 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / This thesis is a missiological case study analysing the reasons for conversions to Islam and Christianity among Kyrgyz people in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan. The Kyrgyz people have a rich religious heritage with a history of more than 2,200 years. The uprooting of religion and the atheistic indoctrination by the Soviet government created a religious vacuum after the breakdown of the Soviet Union and caused a revival of religious receptivity in the society. Renewed receptivity to religion in the newly established sovereign Kyrgyzstan was followed by a rise in religious activity of Muslims and Christians beginning in the late 20th century. In only 15 years the number of mosques rose from 39 to 1,600 and the number of professing Christians increased from a few dozen to more than 7,000. This change between 1990 and 2005 developed in three stages through religious instability, an increase in missionary activity and the posturing of religious ideology during the government’s democratization process. A research of individual conversions produced complex results. Muslims were more attune to traditional religious thinking than were Christians. Most Muslims committed themselves to Islam because of their ancestral heritage. The secularization of society facilitated the Kyrgyz to convert to Christianity and turn to Christ due to a crisis in personal identity. Among Christians, conversions were primarily affected by relatives and friends persuading them through testimony and example. Most Kyrgyz becoming Muslims were significantly influenced by their parents. Faith in the existence of God was the basic prerequisite for both Muslim and Christian commitment to their respective beliefs. For Muslims it meant to obey the commandments of Allah, but Christians were led to confession of sins and to conversion. Changes in lifestyles and mindsets Muslims traced back to the Islamic religious tradition. For Christians, lives were affected through a relationship to Jesus Christ. / Die vorliegende Thesis ist eine missiologische Fallstudie, die die Gruinde der Hinwendung der Kyrgyzen in der post-sovietischen Zeit zum Islam und Christentum untersucht. Die Kyrgyzen haben ein reiches religioses Erbe einer uber 2200 jahrigen Geschichte. Doch mit der religiosen, Entwurzelung und der atheistischen Indoktrination durch die Sovietregierung entwickelte sich nach dem Zusammenbruch der Sovietunion ein religioses ,Vakuum" und bewirkten ein Wiedererwachen der religiosen Rezeptivitat in der Gesellschaft. Aufgrund der neuen religiosen Rahmenbedingungen in dem seit 1991 souveranen Kyrgyzstan folgte vonseiten der Muslime und Christen ein starker Anstieg religioser Aktivitaten. In nur 15 Jahren stieg die Anzahl der registrierten Moscheen von 39 auf uber 1600 und die Anzahl der Christen im gleichen Zeitraum von ein paar Dutzend auf uber 7000. Diese Entwicklung verlief im Zeitraum von 1990 bis 2005 in drei Abschnitten und war gekennzeichnet von anfanglichen religiosen Aufbruchen, einer Zunahme missionarischer Aktivitaten und einer religiosen Positionierung im Demokratiesierungsprozess. Die Untersuchung der individuell erlebten Hinwendungen brachte vielschichtige Ergebnisse hervor. So war der farmiliare Hintergrund der Muslime im allgemeinen religioser als der der Christen. Die meisten Muslime bekannten sich aufgrund ihrer Abstammung zum Islam. Die Sakularisierung der Familien begunstigte die Hinwendung der Kyrgyzen zum Christentum, die sich vor allem aufgrund einer existenziellen Auseinandersetzung zu Jesus wandten. Bei Christen waren es vor allem Verwandte und Freunde, die mit Worten und Leben auf Jesus hinwiesen, bei Muslimen die Eltern. Sowohl bei Muslimen als auch Christen war der Glaube an die Exitenz Gottes die wesentliche Vorraussetzung, wobei dies die Muslime zur Befolgung der Gebote Allahs, Christen zur Sundenerkenntnis und einer Bekehrung bewegte. Eine Lebens- und Sinnesanderung fuhrten Muslime auf den Islam und Christen auf ihre Beziehung zu Jesus Christus zuruck. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Regeneration-Dostoyevskij's ideology, with a glance at Gide's paradoxical "adaptation"

McCreath, Agneta Antonia 09 1900 (has links)
St. John 12:24, used by Dostoyevskij as an epigraph to his last and highly acclaimed novel BpaTbJI KapaMa30BbI (The Brothers Karamazov), served as an inspiration for Andre Gide. The title of the latter's contentious autobiography Si le grain ne meurt (If it die ... ), is part of the same biblical verse. The significance of Dostoyevskij's epigraph and Gide's title are critically examined with regard to ideologies expressed in their literary works. Analogies and contrasts are scrutinised: considerable similarities but more discrepancies are discerned. Intense crises in Dostoyevskij's life led to an upward movement, reflected in his oeuvre, reaching out toward Christ's message as revealed by St. John 12:24. On the other hand, Gide started his career imbued with the above message, but gradually he deviated from it and died an atheist. His fascination with Dostoyevskij prompted him to write a profound biography on the great Russian, containing a perceptive article on The Brothers Karamazov when this novel was still practically unknown in the West. Dostoyevskij's pre-eminence as ideological author, psychologist, philosopher and artist is highlighted while Gide is disclosed as the moralistic immoralist of his time. The thesis suggested here is that Dostoyevskij's ideology of self-abnegation in order to be regenerated into eternal life challenged Gide to reject this concept. Therein lies his paradoxical "adaptation". The purpose is to uncover the religious perceptions in Dostoyevskij's four major novels, to establish that his fictional characters, though never used as mouthpieces for the author, represent his universal philosophy and transmit the author's quest for truth to the reader, and finally to examine Gide's reaction to Dostoyevskij's influence / Classics and Modern European Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Russian)

Sartre, critique des poètes / Sartre, The critic of poets

Salem, Bilel 07 November 2014 (has links)
Ma thèse traite d’un aspect de la critique sartrienne : la critique poétique. Elle se présente sous forme de triptyque. En effet, chaque partie traite de la figure d’un poète. Dans les deux premières parties de ma thèse, j’aborde deux poètes du XIXème siècle : Baudelaire et Mallarmé. Les deux livres qui m’ont servi de support pour étudier cette critique poétique sont le Baudelaire de Sartre et Mallarmé, La lucidité et sa face d’ombre. Ces deux essais ont radicalement bouleversé la manière avec laquelle on appréhendait jusqu’à là la figure de ces deux poètes. Si le XIXème siècle en a fait des monstres sacrés qui ont apporté la nouveauté dans le genre poétique, Sartre quant à lui, sape certaines idées reçues. Baudelaire est le premier à qui il s’attaque en dénonçant son désengagement. Il critique son dandysme outrancier qui en a fait selon lui un poète stérile. Cet essai est aussi l’occasion pour Sartre d’exposer sa théorie de l’existentialisme et de montrer que l’Engagement et la Littérature vont de pair et illustrent la liberté de l’Homme. Dans la seconde partie qui traite de Mallarmé, la lucidité et sa face d’ombre, la critique poétique se mêle à la critique historique. Sartre commence par brosser un tableau de la société du XIXème siècle en mettant l’accent sur le désœuvrement de ce siècle. Mallarmé semble comme Baudelaire illustrer une certaine forme de désengagement. Pourtant Sartre semble omettre un élément essentiel, c’est que ces poètes de la deuxième moitié du XIXème siècle font partie de ce que l’on appelle « Les Héritiers de l’athéisme ». Mallarmé dévoile l’absence d’un Dieu en caressant l’idée du suicide. Celui-ci apparaît dans ses poèmes puisque le poète expérimente sa propre mort comme pour réaffirmer l’absence de Dieu. En conséquence, il existe une liberté inhérente à ces deux poètes que sont Baudelaire et Mallarmé, mais cette liberté est bien différente de la liberté sartrienne qui se conçoit comme un absolu. Enfin dans la troisième partie de la thèse, c’est Genet qui est à l’honneur. Sartre manifeste là toute son admiration pour ce génie créateur qui a su assumer pleinement ses choix et qui n’a cessé de revendiquer la singularité de son être. La conception que se fait Genet de l’existence se situe aux antipodes de l’attitude baudelairienne. Chez Genet, la poésie s’est imposée comme un acte libérateur. Sartre n’hésite pas à comparer parfois indirectement les poètes. En effet, à ses yeux Baudelaire ne s’est aucunement illustré dans le mal. Genet, lui, par contre a fait de ce mal une véritable splendeur. Il l’a célébré et a fini par l’incarner. En abordant la destinée singulière de trois poètes, Sartre illustre en même temps sa propre philosophie existentielle. Il démontre l’absence d’un Inconscient qui expliquerait toutes nos actions et réaffirme la liberté absolue de l’Homme. / My thesis deals with one aspect of Sartre's critic: the poetic criticism. It has three major parts. The first and the second parts of my thesis discuss two poets of the nineteenth century: Baudelaire and Mallarmé.Baudelaire and Mallarmé, La lucidité et sa face d’ombre represent two principals books which have been support my study. Both essays play a great role to change the way in which we thought about them before Sartre’s studies.The nineteenth century has made Baudelaire and Mallarmé as two most important poets, however Sartre brought innovation and tried to broke our popular belief. In the first part, Sartre has been denouncing Baudelaire’s disengagement.In the second part which deals with Mallarmé, la lucidité et sa face d’ombre,, Sartre describe the poets of second half of the nineteenth century as “The heirs of Atheism” . As a result, Sartre creates a new notion of freedom which is totally different from those of Mallarmé and Baudelaire. Finally, in the third part Sartre chose to express his admiration for Genet because he assumed his responsibility for his choice of being. Genet’s conception of existence is contradicted with that of Baudelaire.To crown it all, Sartre show his existential philosophy throughout these three poets of XIX and XX centuries. In relation to Sartre there is no Unconscious that would explain our actions. Consequently, he confirms the absolute freedom of Man.

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