Spelling suggestions: "subject:"audience"" "subject:"gudience""
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Do You Read What I Read? A Case Study in the Translation of Dual-Readership FictionBecker, Eric 05 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the components that are involved in the translation of a text that are interpretable by two distinct readerships. It examines:
- theory that provides an understanding of dual-readership texts for children and adults;
- examples of dual-readership texts, their translations, and analyses of these;
- Bled by Daniel Danis and my English translation as a test case of a contemporary dual-readership source text and translation.
The ultimate goal of this thesis is to shed light on what could be a new sub-domain of translation studies, namely, research on dual-readership translation. My translation of Bled provides insight into my own interpretation of dual-readership translation, namely, focusing on what is desirable and what is achievable in the translation of this type of text.
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Le rôle des experts mandatés selon le point de vue des participants aux audiences publiques dans le cadre de la controverse du projet de prolongement de l'autoroute 25Jastremski, Kathryn 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Que reproche-t-on aux experts? Selon la littérature scientifique sur le sujet, la crise de l'expertise semble généralisée. Parmi ses symptômes, on note l'abus de pouvoir des experts dans la prise de décision et leur perte de légitimité. Cela s'explique, notamment par le recours accru aux experts dans le cadre de procédures afin d'éclairer les décisions publiques complexes et par l'émergence de controverses dont le fort degré d'incertitudes face aux risques encourus rend d'autant plus ardue la tâche aux experts. Cette impasse s'insère dans le contexte plus large de la remise en cause de la prise de décision rationnelle qui suppose que les bonnes décisions sont fondées sur des faits provenant de détenteurs de savoirs spécialisés. Face à ce problème, plusieurs reconfigurations des relations entre les experts, le politique et les citoyens sont proposées. Ces modèles sont toutefois constitués selon des visions parfois aprioriques de ce que devraient être le rôle des experts. Nous privilégions donc de retourner la question en nous intéressant au point de vue des participants dans le cadre de procédure de prise de décision. Plus spécifiquement, ce mémoire porte sur l'étude du cas de la controverse du prolongement de l'autoroute 25 entre les villes de Laval et de Montréal, présenté devant la population par le Ministère des Transports du Québec en 2005. Récemment dans la région de Montréal, plusieurs controverses concernant des projets de transport ont émergé, signe de l'érosion de la décision rationnelle. Les controverses constituent un indice de l'incapacité des modes usuels à répondre à de nouveaux enjeux, ce qui illustre la pertinence d'étudier le rôle des experts dans ces situations. Ce mémoire explore, selon une posture inductive, les perceptions des acteurs par rapport aux experts mandatés afin de mieux cerner la crise de l'expertise dans un contexte précis et par conséquent, participe à la réflexion sur le rôle de l'expert et de la science dans la prise de décision. Pour ce faire, une analyse documentaire a été réalisée pour ancrer le projet à l'étude dans son contexte et une analyse lexicométrique des mémoires déposés par les participants aux consultations tenues par le Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement a été accomplie. À la lumière de nos analyses, on constate que la controverse du prolongement de l'autoroute 25 révèle principalement une crise de la décision publique. La crise de l'expertise semble davantage un appel à l'ouverture à d'autres acteurs et à d'autres connaissances dans les processus de prise de décision. Plusieurs participants réclament une légitimité qui ne provient ni de l'ordre scientifique ni du pouvoir politique. En raison du mode de réalisation du projet, soit une entente de partenariat public-privé, plusieurs enjeux d'expertise ont été évacués des consultations publiques. Cette particularité nous a permis de constater que l'expert est un élément essentiel au débat public. Selon ce constat, nous croyons qu'un regard plus approfondi s'impose sur les procédures qui encadrent le recours aux experts en vue de leur changement.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : experts, expertise, controverse, prise de décision, science, évaluation environnementale, transport, autoroute 25
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El cinema i la constitució d'un públic popular a Barcelona. El cas del Paral·lelSuárez Carmona, Luisa 08 November 2011 (has links)
Between 1895 and 1910 Barcelona saw a whole range of social, political and cultural changes due to the increasingly important emergence of the working masses. At the same time, the cinema arrived in Catalonia, becoming very quickly one of the favorite entertainments of the urban laboring population which was about creating a new culture opposed to the modernist and nineteenth-century elite .This is, broadly speaking, the context that serves as a starting point for a study of the role of cinema in shaping a mass audience in Barcelona, an analysis centered on new urban spaces intended for the leisure of the lower classes emerged with the birth of modern Barcelona, especially the “Paral•lel” avenue, whose opening in 1894 made even more apparent the great social tensions and existing inequalities in Barcelona’s society at the end of the century. / Entre 1895 i 1910 Barcelona va viure tota una sèrie de canvis socials, polítics i culturals provocats per la irrupció d’unes masses treballadores cada vegada més importants. Paral•lelament tingué lloc l’arribada del cinema a Catalunya, convertit ràpidament en un dels entreteniments preferits d’aquesta població obrera urbana al voltant de la qual s’estava creant una cultura oposada a la de les elits. Aquest és, a grans trets, el context que serveix de punt de partida a un estudi sobre el paper del cinema en la configuració d’un públic de masses a Barcelona, una anàlisi centrada en els nous espais urbans destinats al lleure de les classes més baixes, sorgits amb el naixement de la Barcelona moderna, especialment l’avinguda del Paral•lel, l’obertura de la qual l’any 1894 va fer encara més evidents les grans tensions socials i les desigualtats existents dins la societat barcelonina del canvi de segle.
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Användarvänlighet och Informationsdesign : En studie om målgruppsanpassat informationsmaterialJonsson, Alexandra January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med min forskning var att undersöka den rådande informationsproblematiken som Sepab Fordonsprodukter hade med sina informationsmaterial och den underliggande orsaken till detta. Utifrån min empiri och mina resultat av intervjuerna har jag sedan utvecklat ett nytt förslag på informationsmaterial. Jag har under hela arbetets gång fokuserat på målgruppsanpassning tillsammans med ämnet informationsdesign, vilket enligt mig går hand i hand. Jag har arbetat utifrån kvalitativa metoder med hermeneutiken som inspirationskälla och informationsdesignsmässiga principer för att åstadkomma detta. Mina resultat visade att det fanns ett flertal faktorer i det utgivna informationsmaterialet som var i behov av förbättring. Den slutgiltiga produkten blev ett nytt informationsmaterial till Sepabs nya produkt där jag har tillämpat dessa teorier. / The purpose of my research was to examine the current information problems that Sepab Fordonsprodukter had with its material and the underlying cause of this. Based on my empirical work and my results of the interviews I have since developed a new proposal on the information. I have throughout the work focused on audience targeting with the subject information design, which according to me goes hand in hand. I have worked on the basis of qualitative methods with hermeneutics as a source of inspiration and information design principles to achieve this. My results showed that there were several factors in the published information material that was in need of improvement. The final product is a new information material to Sepabs new product which I have applied these theories in.
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Two Film Adaptations of Larsson’s novel The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo : A Semiotic and Audience Reception StudyCasprov, Alexandra Genţiana January 2012 (has links)
Stieg Larsson has reached vast audiences with his popular, page-turning crime novels, the Millennium Series. The series tells a story not just for fictional purposes, but to draw attention to what people did not see about the society that Larsson lived in. In 2009, local actors starred in a film adaptation of Larsson’s first novel, which went beyond the Swedish public. In December 2011 an English-language remake based on the same bestseller was released, starring famous Hollywood actors. Considering language can hinder the reach of foreign language movies in international markets and that international and Swedish audiences demands differ, the current research aims to find out how the two movie adaptations diverge in terms of gender representation, production, graphic content, ideological meaning, and cultural representation as they attempt to target their respective audiences. In order to find answers, this thesis adopted a qualitative approach using two different, supporting methods. First a semiotic analysis of a representative scene with a high psychological and graphic impact on the viewer in both movies was conducted. Second, focus group interviews, with International and Swedish audience members, were conducted. The findings suggest that considerable differences exist between the two movies and that audiences have a different pre-conception in the way they perceive the same media product: gender role dynamic has been reversed in the two movies, the American version is more graphic in its display of nudity, and lacks the ideological layer. Furthermore, this study can serve as a basis for future research that could try to statistically represent the way Swedish and international moviegoers draw on the two adaptations.
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Loafing in the Audience or Fear in the SpeakerYazdi, Elmira January 2008 (has links)
This exploratory study examined the relationship between public speaking anxiety levels indicated by scores on the Personal Report of Confidence as a Speaker questionnaire (PRCS: Paul, 1966) and evaluation probability on a wide domain of evaluation items reflected by scores on the Audience Attention Allocation questionnaire (devised for the purpose of this study). A large student sample (n=220) completed the PRCS as well as the AAA questionnaire. The AAA assessed the perceived allocation of the attentional resources of the audience members during a speech by asking respondents to rate how probable it is that a speaker is evaluated on a set of domains. The results of regression analyses indicated that AAA scores, Gender, and Study year were significant predictors of PRCS scores accounting for 8.5% of the variance. More interestingly, the nature of results obtained was contrary to the hypothesis of the study. It was in fact revealed that subjects scoring low on the AAA questionnaire, indicating less likelihood that audience members make evaluations about the speaker on a variety of items, tended to have higher anxiety scores. The results are discussed in terms of defense mechanisms and response bias.
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Connected to ‘the world’ : An explorative inquiry about audience relations towards news media / Förbunden med 'världen' : En undersökning om publikens relationer till nyhetsmedierRöhl, Vivian January 2009 (has links)
Due to the nature of human experience every person is deemed to understand ‘reality’ in relative terms. Even though one might not always realize that in everyday life I think the appreciation of that phenomenon is vital to a study about audience relations towards the newsmedia. Abstract information may be felt to be different from concrete experiences. It can nevertheless become part of our convictions about reality.The present study asks the following questions: How do we relate to the news media as provider of such information? Are we aware of the impact a news source can have on our understanding of the world? Why do we attend to news media in the first place? In this study I will present social psychological theories which help to understand why ‘reality’ is a relative phenomenon connected to human experience, shaped by depictions and grasped selectively. The interview study with ten voluntary participants shall shed some light on real persons’ attempts to nevertheless try to come to terms with things “going on in the world.” The findings suggest that the relation towards the news media is marked by a focus on a specific aspect of the relation: the information given, the position of the attending person wanting to be informed, or the news media conduct which can be seen quite critical.The reasons for gathering information are also diverse. For example personal grounds can be prevailing, interest in other people, or the conviction that information is the foundation for joint action, while aiming towards change for the better. Accordingly some evidence was found that it would be preferable if the news media cut down on negativity concerning their reporting that could for instance lead to feelings of apathy. Sometimes elaborate opinions were uttered about in how far events reported about could be seen as ‘representative’ in comparison to what is felt to be the underlying ‘reality’. Regarding ideas about the news media audience in general, no greater trust in other people’s willingness to make an effort to see beyond the immediate information given was found. This mentally distancing from other people could in turn contribute to the feeling of not being ableto (collectively) impact ‘the reality’ that is communicated via the news media. / Människan upplever verkligheten på ett relativt sätt. Även om man inte alltid är medveten om det i det vardagliga livet är det viktigt att förstå detta fenomen om man har att göra med en studie kring publikens relation till nyhets medier. Information från abstrakta källor kan upplevas vara annorlunda än konkreta erfarenheter. Men denna information kan ändå bli endel av ens uppfattningar om verkligheten. Denna studie ställer följande frågor: Hur relaterar vi till nyhets medier som förmedlare av sådan abstrakt information? Är vi medvetna om våra nyhetskällors inflytande på vår förståelse av världen? Varför ägnar vi oss överhuvud taget åt inhämtandet av nyheter? Studien är både teoretisk och empirisk till sin karaktär. Den presenterar socialpsykologiska teorier som kan bidra till en förståelse av varför ’verkligheten’ är ett relativt fenomen, förbunden med människors erfarenheter, utformad enligt (media)rapporteringens formgivning och logik och förstådd på ett selektivt sätt. En intervjustudie med tio frivilliga deltagare syftar till att belysa verkliga personers försök att hantera ”vad som pågår i världen”. Resultaten visar att olika aspekter är viktiga för förståelsen av människors relation till nyhets medierna: informationen som ges, förväntningar av den som letar efter information, eller en kritisk syn på hur nyhets medier sköter sitt jobb. Enligt de intervjuade finns olika skäl till att samla in information om omvärlden. Huvudanledningen uppgavs vara personliga anledningar, intresse för andra personer, eller övertygelsen att information är basen för gemensam handling, om man vill åstadkomma positiv förändring. I intervjuerna framkom det även att många intervjupersoner var kritiska till att nyhets medier ofta fokuserar på negativa händelser. Detta ansågs kunna leda till känslor av apati. Några av de intervjuade uttryckte även genomtänkta idéer om hur pass ’representativa’ de rapporterade nyhetsinslagen är (eller kan vara) för vad som anses vara den bakomliggande ’verkligheten’. Nyhets mediernas publik ansågs inte vara kritiskt nog för att mer djupgående kunna tänka igenom nyhetsinslagen. Denna åsikt uttrycktes oftast i samband med reflektioner om andra personer. Detta mentala fjärmandet från andra personer sades i sin tur kunna bidra till känslan av att inte vara i stånd att (gemensamt) kunna påverka ’verkligheten’ som kommuniceras till oss via nyhets medierna.
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„Für wen spielt die Musik?“Lehmann, Matthias 29 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die Musikbetriebe der klassischen und der „Neuen“ Musik sehen sich gegenwärtig mit zwei publikumsbezogenen Problemen konfrontiert. Während „die Neue Musik einsam alt geworden ist“ und „das spärliche Publikum, das oft nur ein Konzert besucht, weil es zum Abonnement gehört, […] dieser Musik häufig verständnislos gegenüber [sitzt]“ (DIE ZEIT 43/2009: 57), droht das vergreiste und oftmals als „elitär“ etikettierte Publikum der klassischen Musik allmählich auszusterben. Diese Befunde beruhen methodisch oft auf subjektive, alltagspsychologische Betrachtungen der Konzertbesucher im Konzertsaal, was häufig zu einer Fehlinterpretation der tatsächlichen Situation führt (vgl. Dollase 1985: 371). Will man erfahren, ob es das typische Klassik- bzw. Neue-Musik-Publikum wirklich gibt und worin es sich vom jeweils anderen unterscheidet, so ist eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit dieser Problematik unumgänglich. Seit dem Boom der Kultursoziologie in den 1970er Jahren wurden der Konzertbesuch und der Musikgeschmack immer mehr zum Gegenstand soziologischer Forschungen. Ihre Ergebnisse führten zu der Auffassung, dass die musikalische und musikkulturelle Praxis nicht nur auf persönlich bevorzugte ästhetische Qualitäten, sondern auch auf die Zugehörigkeit zu sozialen Gruppen verweist (vgl. Neuhoff 2001: 752). Anzunehmen wäre deshalb, dass sich aufgrund der kulturellen Nähe der klassischen und Neuen Musik zueinander, auch ähnliche Publika herausgebildet haben. Dass sowohl theoretisch als auch empirisch vieles gegen diese Annahme spricht, soll die vorliegende Studie zeigen. Ausgehend von einer Publikumsbefragung des „Moritzburg Festivals“ für Kammermusik und des „Tonlagen-Festivals“ für zeitgenössische bzw. Neue Musik sollen im Folgenden die sozialen Strukturen der jeweiligen Publika aus der Perspektive der sozialen Ungleichheit vergleichend analysiert werden. (... aus der Einleitung)
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A Study on Issues of "Free Admission" of Public Museums in New Taipei CityWang, Yi-Lan 18 December 2012 (has links)
The free charge of admission fee has been adopted by many museums around the world. European countries such as The United Kingdom and France have even introduced the concept of free admission to the public that could serve larger areas and bigger audiences. Although the concept of free admission is already introduced to Taiwan, most of time the policy is not promoted by the central government or the local governments. Instead, they leave that for each individual museum to decide. In 2008, the New Taipei City Government started to promote the free admission policy in municipal museums, including Tamsui Historical Museum, Gold Museum, Yingge Ceramics Museum, Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology, The Lin Family Mansion and Garden, and Wulai Atayal Museum. These five museums and one garden are a larger scale case in Taiwan.
This research has chosen four museums supervised by the Cultural Affairs Department of New Taipei City Government. They are similar in size and the amount of government subsidy, including Tamsui Historial Museum, Gold Museum, Yingge Ceramics Museum, and Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology. Through document analysis, interviews, and questionnaires, this research attempts to study the current situation and impact of the free admission policy of the municipal museums of New Taipei City and the audience response to it. Based on these results, this research also proposes suggestions for the policymaking and further studies.
The research shows that after the implementation of the free admission policy, the number of museum visitors has increased significantly. Most of the visitors are female, half of them are married, and ages are 18 to 34. They are either students or employees in the industry, commerce, and services organizations that have university education, with monthly salary below NT$ 30,000. They live mostly in New Taipei City and second mostly in Taipei City. Because of the free admission policy, the number of domestic group visitors and foreign visitors has greatly increased. Most visitors are infrequent visitors. Their motivations to visit museums is to accompany friends and family members and to enhance their knowledge. The majority of visitors do not shop in the museums; they usually make purchases in the streets outside of the museums. Regarding to the admission policy, most visitors support the free admission policy. The amount of price that they are willing to pay for the admission is less than NT$ 50. Each museum differs in how it operates and what type of visitors it attracts. The reasonable suggests that each museum should develop different marketing strategies based on the features of the museum and its visitors. They can design activities that best suit the visitors¡¦ need, cooperate with transport companies and stores nearby to provide travel packages, and make good use of the volunteers to help the museum to operate effectively, so that the museum can provide the best service for the visitors and achieve a most cost-effective outcome.
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Domestic institutions, strategic interests, and international conflictClare, Joseph Daniel 25 April 2007 (has links)
This dissertation explores the interactive effects of domestic audience costs and
strategic interests on state behavior in international crises. I argue that the magnitude of a
leaderâÂÂs audience costs is influenced by the level of strategic interests, which leads to
several predictions of crisis behavior in terms of (1) decisions to issue threats, including
bluffs, (2) the credibility of these threats and the willingness of opponents to resist, and
(3) crisis outcomes, including war. In the theoretical chapters, a formal model of crisis
bargaining is stylized under conditions of complete and incomplete information. Based
on this model, several novel predictions are derived regarding crisis behavior. These
predictions are quantitatively tested through a series of monadic and dyadic probit and
multinomial logit models using a dataset of deterrence crises for the period 1895-1985.
The results lend strong validity to the approach advanced here that does not consider
endogenous and exogenous factors in isolation, but rather models their interplay to
predict the dynamics of crisis behavior.
With respect to dispute initiation, the results show that strategic interests have a
much stronger influence on authoritarian leadersâ willingness to initiate disputes than they do for democracies. Moreover, the formal stylization and empirical analyses show
that democracies can and do bluff, which is in contrast to the conventional expectations
from audience cost research. Relatedly, this study specifies if and when democratic
threats are credible and how the interplay between variable domestic costs and strategic
interests can lead to deterrence success, failure, or war. While there is little difference
between the credibility of democratic and authoritarian threats at the lower level of
interests, democratic threats become more credible and less likely to be resisted as the
interests at stake increase. As for crisis outcomes, among others, war is more likely
between opponents with vital interests involved; yet even here, the predictions are not
straightforward but rather the probability of war is increasing at a differential rate for
democratic and authoritarian initiators. Whereas the formal models in this study provide
the logical rationale for these and other expectations, the quantitative findings
demonstrate their empirical validity as well.
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