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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Résolution exacte du Problème de Coloration de Graphe et ses variantes / Exact algorithms for the Vertex Coloring Problem and its generalisations

Ternier, Ian-Christopher 21 November 2017 (has links)
Dans un graphe non orienté, le Problème de Coloration de Graphe (PCG) consiste à assigner à chaque sommet du graphe une couleur de telle sorte qu'aucune paire de sommets adjacents n'aient la même couleur et le nombre total de couleurs est minimisé. DSATUR est un algorithme exact efficace pour résoudre le PCG. Un de ses défauts est qu'une borne inférieure est calculée une seule fois au noeud racine de l'algorithme de branchement, et n'est jamais mise à jour. Notre nouvelle version de DSATUR surpasse l'état de l'art pour un ensemble d'instances aléatoires à haute densité, augmentant significativement la taille des instances résolues. Nous étudions trois formulations PLNE pour le Problème de la Somme Chromatique Minimale (PSCM). Chaque couleur est représentée par un entier naturel. Le PSCM cherche à minimiser la somme des cardinalités des sous-ensembles des sommets recevant la même couleur, pondérés par l'entier correspondant à la couleur, de telle sorte que toute paire de sommets adjacents reçoive des couleurs différentes. Nous nous concentrons sur l'étude d'une formulation étendue et proposons un algorithme de Branch-and-Price. / Given an undirected graph, the Vertex Coloring Problem (VCP) consists of assigning a color to each vertex of the graph such that two adjacent vertices do not share the same color and the total number of colors is minimized. DSATUR is an effective exact algorithm for the VCP. We introduce new lower bounding techniques enabling the computing of a lower bound at each node of the branching scheme. Our new DSATUR outperforms the state of the art for random VCP instances with high density, significantly increasing the size of solvable instances. Similar results can be achieved for a subset of high density DIMACS instances. We study three ILP formulations for the Minimum Sum Coloring Problem (MSCP). The problem is an extension of the classical Vertex Coloring Problem in which each color is represented by a positive natural number. The MSCP asks to minimize the sum of the cardinality of subsets of vertices receiving the same color, weighted by the index of the color, while ensuring that vertices linked by an edge receive different colors. We focus on studying an extended formulation and devise a complete Branch-and-Price algorithm.

Maskulint kontra feminint ledarskap : Beskriver manliga ledare i kvinnodominerade branscher sin ledarstil som feminin?

Isak, Diana, Hassan, Kawsar Abdullahi January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to investigate whether male leaders in women-dominated industries describe their leadership as masculine or feminine in accordance with the writers own designed model “Masculine leadership versus feminine leadership”. The model is based on previous research. Furthermore if there are other explanatory models for the leaders description. This study also answers whether male leaders in women-dominated branches seem to adopt a feminine leadership or stick to the typical leadership attached to male leadership. A qualitative approach has been applied throughout the study to create an in-depth understanding of the topic with a total of six male respondents who participated in a semi-structured interview. Historically, and from the theoretical point of view, it is most common for men to exercise a leadership style of masculine leadership. This study concluded that four out of six respondents have leadership styles that are consistent with the typical leadership applied to male leaders and that two respondents describe themselves as adopting a feminine leadership style. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och förklara huruvida manliga ledare i kvinnodominerade branscher beskriver sitt ledarskap som maskulint eller feminint i enlighet med författarnas sammanfattade modell “Maskulint ledarskap kontra feminint ledarskap”, baserat på tidigare forskning, eller om andra förklaringsmodeller kan beskriva detta. Vidare undersöker författarna om manliga ledare tycks anamma en kvinnlig ledarskapsstil i kvinnodominerade branscher eller om de behåller den normtypiska ledarskapsstilen för manliga ledare. Ett kvalitativt angreppssätt, tematisk analys och abduktiv metod har tillämpats genom undersökningen för att skapa en djupgående förståelse inom området med totalt sex manliga respondenter som deltagit i en semistrukturerad intervju. Historiskt sett och baserat på teoretiska ståndpunkter har det i stor utsträckning visat sig att män utövar en ledarskapsstil utav maskulina ledaregenskaper. Denna studie resultat visar att fyra av sex respondenter besitter maskulina ledarskapsstilar och att två respondenter beskriver sig som att de anammar en feminin ledarskapsstil.

Problems, Models and Algorithms in One- and Two-Dimensional Cutting

Belov, Gleb 19 February 2004 (has links)
Within such disciplines as Management Science, Information and Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Operations Research, problems of cutting and packing (C&P) of concrete and abstract objects appear under various specifications (cutting problems, knapsack problems, container and vehicle loading problems, pallet loading, bin packing, assembly line balancing, capital budgeting, changing coins, etc.), although they all have essentially the same logical structure. In cutting problems, a large object must be divided into smaller pieces; in packing problems, small items must be combined to large objects. Most of these problems are NP-hard. Since the pioneer work of L.V. Kantorovich in 1939, which first appeared in the West in 1960, there has been a steadily growing number of contributions in this research area. In 1961, P. Gilmore and R. Gomory presented a linear programming relaxation of the one-dimensional cutting stock problem. The best-performing algorithms today are based on their relaxation. It was, however, more than three decades before the first `optimum? algorithms appeared in the literature and they even proved to perform better than heuristics. They were of two main kinds: enumerative algorithms working by separation of the feasible set and cutting plane algorithms which cut off infeasible solutions. For many other combinatorial problems, these two approaches have been successfully combined. In this thesis we do it for one-dimensional stock cutting and two-dimensional two-stage constrained cutting. For the two-dimensional problem, the combined scheme provides mostly better solutions than other methods, especially on large-scale instances, in little time. For the one-dimensional problem, the integration of cuts into the enumerative scheme improves the results of the latter only in exceptional cases. While the main optimization goal is to minimize material input or trim loss (waste), in a real-life cutting process there are some further criteria, e.g., the number of different cutting patterns (setups) and open stacks. Some new methods and models are proposed. Then, an approach combining both objectives will be presented, to our knowledge, for the first time. We believe this approach will be highly relevant for industry.

Static Branch Prediction through Representation Learning / Statisk Branch Prediction genom Representation Learning

Alovisi, Pietro January 2020 (has links)
In the context of compilers, branch probability prediction deals with estimating the probability of a branch to be taken in a program. In the absence of profiling information, compilers rely on statically estimated branch probabilities, and state of the art branch probability predictors are based on heuristics. Recent machine learning approaches learn directly from source code using natural language processing algorithms. A representation learning word embedding algorithm is built and evaluated to predict branch probabilities on LLVM’s intermediate representation (IR) language. The predictor is trained and tested on SPEC’s CPU 2006 benchmark and compared to state-of-the art branch probability heuristics. The predictor obtains a better miss rate and accuracy in branch prediction than all the evaluated heuristics, but produces and average null performance speedup over LLVM’s branch predictor on the benchmark. This investigation shows that it is possible to predict branch probabilities using representation learning, but more effort must be put in obtaining a predictor with practical advantages over the heuristics. / Med avseende på kompilatorer, handlar branch probability prediction om att uppskatta sannolikheten att en viss förgrening kommer tas i ett program. Med avsaknad av profileringsinformation förlitar sig kompilatorer på statiskt upp- skattade branch probabilities och de främsta branch probability predictors är baserade på heuristiker. Den senaste maskininlärningsalgoritmerna lär sig direkt från källkod genom algoritmer för natural language processing. En algoritm baserad på representation learning word embedding byggs och utvärderas för branch probabilities prediction på LLVM’s intermediate language (IR). Förutsägaren är tränad och testad på SPEC’s CPU 2006 riktmärke och jämförd med de främsta branch probability heuristikerna. Förutsägaren erhåller en bättre frekvens av missar och träffsäkerhet i sin branch prediction har jämförts med alla utvärderade heuristiker, men producerar i genomsnitt ingen prestandaförbättring jämfört med LLVM’s branch predictor på riktmärket. Den här undersökningen visar att det är möjligt att förutsäga branch prediction probabilities med användande av representation learning, men att det behöver satsas mer på att få tag på en förutsägare som har praktiska övertag gentemot heuristiken.

Imitation Learning on Branching Strategies for Branch and Bound Problems / Imitationsinlärning av Grenstrategier för Branch and Bound-Problem

Axén, Magnus January 2023 (has links)
A new branch of machine and deep learning models has evolved in constrained optimization, specifically in mixed integer programming problems (MIP). These models draw inspiration from earlier solver methods, primarily the heuristic, branch and bound. While utilizing the branch and bound framework, machine and deep learning models enhance either the computational efficiency or performance of the model. This thesis examines how imitating different variable selection strategies of classical MIP solvers behave on a state-of-the-art deep learning model. A recently developed deep learning algorithm is used in this thesis, which represents the branch and bound state as a bipartite graph. This graph serves as the input to a graph network model, which determines the variable in the MIP on which branching occurs. This thesis compares how imitating different classical branching strategies behaves on different algorithm outputs and, most importantly, time span. More specifically, this thesis conducts an empirical study on a MIP known as the facility location problem (FLP) and compares the different methods for imitation. This thesis shows that the deep learning algorithm can outperform the classical methods in terms of time span. More specifically, imitating the branching strategies resulting in small branch and bound trees give rise to a more rapid performance in finding the global optimum. Lastly, it is shown that a smaller embedding size in the network model is preferred for these instances when looking at the trade-off between variable selection and time cost. / En ny typ av maskin och djupinlärningsmodeller har utvecklats inom villkors optimering, specifikt för så kallade blandade heltalsproblem (MIP). Dessa modeller hämtar inspiration från tidigare lösningsmetoder, främst en heuristisk som kallas “branch and bound”. Genom att använda “branch and bound” ramverket förbättrar maskin och djupinlärningsmodeller antingen beräkningshastigheten eller prestandan hos modellen. Denna uppsats undersöker hur imitation av olika strategier för val av variabler från klassiska MIP-algoritmer beter sig på en modern djupinlärningsmodell. I denna uppsats används en nyligen utvecklad djupinlärningsalgoritm som representerar “branch and bound” tillståndet som en bipartit graf. Denna graf används som indata till en “graph network” modell som avgör vilken variabel i MIP-problemet som tas hänsyn till. Uppsatsen jämför hur imitation av olika klassiska “branching” strategier påverkar olika algoritmutgångar, framför allt, tidslängd. Mer specifikt utför denna uppsats en empirisk studie på ett MIP-problem som kallas för “facility location problem” (FLP) och jämför imitationen av de olika metoderna. I denna uppsats visas det att denna djupinlärningsalgoritm kan överträffa de klassiska metoderna när det gäller tidslängd. Mer specifikt ger imitation av “branching” strategier som resulterar i små “branch and bound” träd upphov till en snabbare prestation vid sökning av den globala optimala lösningen. Slutligen visas det att en mindre inbäddningsstorlek i nätverksmodellen föredras i dessa fall när man ser på avvägningen mellan val av variabler och tidskostnad.


LARISSA FIGUEIREDO TERRA DE FARIA 26 January 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese generaliza a variante multi-período do clássico problema da Árvore de Steiner com coleta de prêmios (PCST), que visa encontrar um subgrafo conexo que maximize os prêmios recuperados de nós conectados menos o custo de utilização das arestas conectadas. Este trabalho adicionalmente: (a) permite que vértices sejam conectados à árvore em diferentes períodos de tempo; (b) impõe um orçamento pré-definido em arestas selecionadas em um horizonte específico de períodos de tempo; e (c) limita o comprimento total de arestas que podem ser adicionadas em um período de tempo. Um algoritmo branch-and-cut é fornecido para este problema, avaliando satisfatoriamente instâncias benchmark da literatura, adaptadas para uma configuração multi-período, de até aproximadamente 2000 vértices e 200 terminais em tempo razoável. / [en] This thesis generalizes the multi-period variant of the classical Prizecollecting Steiner Tree Problem, which aims at finding a connected subgraph that maximizes the revenues collected from connected nodes minus the costs to utilize the connecting edges. This work additionally: (a) allows vertices to be added to the tree at different time periods; (b) imposes a predefined budget on edges selected over a specific horizon of time periods; and (c) limits the total length of edges that can be added over a time period. A branch-and-cut algorithm is provided for this problem, satisfactorily evaluating benchmark instances from the literature, adapted to a multi-period setting, up to approximately 2000 vertices and 200 terminals in reasonable time.

EFFEKTIVT BESLUTSFATTANDE HOS NORRMEJERIER : En optimeringsmodell för implementering av nya produktkategorier och förändrade produktionsvolymer / Effective Decision Making at Norrmejerier : An Optimization Model for Implementation of New Product Categories and Changed Production Volumes

Herou, Emma, Vänn, Arvid January 2024 (has links)
Norrmejerier står inför förändringar vad gäller både mjölkkonsumtion och flytt av produktionen från Luleå mejeri till Umeå mejeri inom en snar framtid. Det har gett behov av ett verktyg för att snabbt kunna fatta beslut om systemet kan hantera en ökad mängd volym och antal produktkategorier. För att ta fram ett sådant verktyg skapades en matematisk optimeringsmodell uppbyggd i programvaran Python som gör det möjligt att köra programmet för olika scenarion. Modellen använder optimeringslösaren Pulp för att hitta en lösning på problemet. Den matematiska modellen baseras på Multi Commodity Flow Problem med tidsvariabel i kombination med Flow-shop scheduling och har modifierats efter systemet på Umeå mejeri. Det är en pessimistisk modell baserat på de antaganden som gjorts i rapporten. Programmet baseras på ett dygns produktion och avgör, genom att minimera den totala tiden det tar för flödet genom processen, om det finns kapacitet för en ökad produktion. Systemet i projektet är uppdelat i två subnätverk på grund av tidskomplexiteten och resultaten visar att implementering av en ytterligare produktkategori kan hanteras av båda subnätverken. En ökad volym med 10% av den befintliga kan endast hanteras av den första delen av nätverket. Det betyder att det finns tekniska begränsningar i det andra subnätverket. Genom tillägg av extra noder som kan användas till en viss straffkostnad kunde flaskhalsar identifieras och det visade sig att pastör 2P1 är en uppenbar flaskhals i systemet. Om man ökar produktionen ytterligare kan även silosarna behöva utökas för att hantera flödet. / Norrmejerier is facing changes in terms of both milk consumption and a move of the production from Luleå dairy to Umeå dairy in the near future. This has given rise to the need of a tool that quickly can make descisions about whether the system can handle an increased amount of volume and number of product categories. To produce such a tool a mathematical optimization model was created in Python which makes it possible to run the program for different scenarios. The model uses the optimization solver Pulp. The mathematical model is based on Multi Commodity Flow Problem with time variable combined with Flow-shop scheduling and has been modified according to the system at Umeå dairy. Based on the assumptions made in the report it is a pessimistic model. The program is based on one day's production and determines by minimizing the total time it takes for the flow to pass through the system, to see if there is enough capacity for increased production. The system in the project is divided into two subnetworks due to the time complexity and the results show that implementation of an additional product category can be handled by both subnetworks. An increased volume of 10% of the existing volume can only be handled by the first part of the network. This means that there are technical limitations in the second subnetwork. By adding extra nodes that can be used for a certain penalty cost, bottlenecks could be identified and it turned out that Pasteur 2P1 is an obvious bottleneck in the system. If the production increases further the silos may also need to be expanded to handle the flow in the system.

Presidential-Legislative Relations and Presidential Scandal

Canody, Kevin M. 04 June 2009 (has links)
Studies on Presidential-Executive relations fails to empirically analyze whether or not modern presidential scandal can impact presidential-congressional relations. Meinke and Anderson (2001) find that presidential scandal impacts House of Representatives voting behavior on key votes cited by Congressional Quarterly. A slight revision and replication of Meinke and Anderson's research finds presidential scandal impacts Senate aggregate key votes reported by Congressional Quarterly. In addition, political party plays a more important role than scandal in determining the logged odds of Senate key votes and presidential agreement. / Master of Arts


ANDRE MAZAL KRAUSS 29 August 2023 (has links)
[pt] Serviços Médicos de Emergência (SME) proveem ajuda essencial a pessoas em situações de emergência, através de atendimento com primeiros socorros e transporte para unidades de saúde. Sistemas SME devem utilizar da melhor maneira possível seus recursos limitados de atendimento. Esse desafio já foi amplamente estudado por pesquisadores, na forma de problemas de roteamento de veículos, tanto estáticos quanto dinâmicos. No presente trabalho, estudamos um problema estático de roteamento de ambulâncias, cujo objetivo é minimizar o tempo ponderado de espera dos pacientes. O problema considera também o tempo acumulado de espera, restrições de compatibilidade de ambulâncias a serviços, seleção de pacientes, redirecionamento de ambulâncias e redistribuição de ambulâncias. Implementamos um algoritmo exato usando Branch and Price e uma formulação do problema como uma Partição de Conjuntos, usando código aberto. Estudamos os resultados obtidos com esse algoritmo e os comparamos com métodos heurísticos online estudados anteriormente. Para tal, utilizamos dados obtidos do SAMU da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados possibilitam a avaliação do valor de informação perfeita nesse contexto e proveem resultados comparativos para embasar o futuro desenvolvimento de algoritmos online. / [en] Emergency Medical Service (EMS) systems provide life-saving support to people in emergency situations via first aid treatment and emergency transport to medical facilities. Such systems must strive to make the best use of their limited resources; they have thus been studied in the context of static and dynamic vehicle routing problems. In this work, we study a static ambulance routing problem aiming to minimize the weighted sum of patients waiting time while considering ambulance compatibility, patients priorities, ambulance redirection, and ambulance reassignment. We implement an exact Branch-andPrice algorithm over a Set Partitioning Formulation, study the results of this algorithm, and compare them to previously studied online heuristics using data from Rio de Janeiro s public SAMU system. The results obtained allow us to assess the value of perfect information in such systems, providing a comparative baseline for subsequent developments of online algorithms.

On some non-periodic branch groups

Fink, Elisabeth January 2013 (has links)
This thesis studies some classes of non-periodic branch groups. In particular their growth, relations between elements and their Hausdorff dimensions.

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