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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biomécanique de la locomotion humaine : influence de la chaussure et de la fatigue sur les ajustements neuro-mécaniques.

Morio, Cédric 09 December 2011 (has links)
Bien qu’il soit recommandé de pratiquer tout au long de sa vie une activité physique régulière pour se maintenir en bonne santé, peu d’études portent sur les modifications des patrons locomoteurs lors de la répétition de séances à 2 ou 3 jours d’intervalle. Lorsqu’elles sont intenses ou inhabituelles, les formes naturelles de locomotion pédestre – dites de type cycle étirement-détente (CED) – se caractérisent par des perturbations structuro-fonctionnelles et proprioceptives qui peuvent perdurer plusieurs jours. Ces déficiences sont autant de sources de risques accrus de blessures lors de la répétition d’une pratique sportive. Ce travail doctoral a pour objectif (i) d’examiner les effets immédiats et retardés d’exercices épuisants de type CED sur les paramètres neuromécaniques de la locomotion humaine en conditions de marche, de course et de sauts et (ii) d’étudier l’influence combinée d’une pratique pieds nus vs. pieds chaussés. Nos résultats ne révèlent pas de modification significative des patrons locomoteurs en phase de récupération immédiate (post-exercice) mais démontrent l’intervention de stratégies compensatrices et/ou protectrices en phase de récupération retardée (2ème jour posteffort). Ces stratégies diffèrent entre les conditions de marche et de course. Nos travaux soulignent également l’importance de discriminer les stratégies adoptées dès la première minute de l’exercice des ajustements ultérieurs apparaissant pendant la phase dite d’optimisation du CED. Par contre, les différences observées entre les conditions de course pieds nus vs. pieds chaussés restent étonnamment similaires avec la fatigue. Le port de chaussures se traduit par une réduction des chocs d’impact mais également par une restriction des mouvements naturels du pied et par une éversion accrue dont il conviendrait d’étudier les conséquences lors de la répétition en état de fatigue d’exercices de plus longue durée. / Although lifelong practice of moderate amounts of regular physical activity is recommended to ensure a healthy living state, little is know about the modifications of the locomotion patterns when repeating exercises every 2 to 3 days. Intense or unaccustomed stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) forms of ground locomotion are characterized, however, by structuro-functional and proprioceptive impairments that may last for a few days. These impairments may then be expected to increase the risk of injury. The present work aimed (i) to examine the acute and delayed SSC fatigue effects on the neuro-mechanical gait characteristics in walking, running and jumping conditions and (ii) to study the combined influence of a barefoot vs. shod gait condition. Our results did not reveal any modification of the locomotion patterns in the acute recovery phase (post-exercise), but demonstrated compensatory and/or protective strategies in the delayed phase (2 days post-exercise). The observed strategies differed significantly in walking and running. Our results emphasized also the need to differentiate the strategies occurring within the first minute of exercise from the subsequent adjustments related to the progressive SSC pattern optimization. Surprisingly, the observed differences between the barefoot and shod running conditions remained quite independent of the fatigue state. The shod running condition was thus found to attenuate ground impact transmission, but it resulted also in restricted natural foot motions and increased eversion that should be worth re-examining when repeating exercises of longer duration.

Neuropsychological, Cognitive and Physiological Implications of Barefoot Running on Working Memory

Floyd, Shelley Ann 01 January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of barefoot versus shod running on working memory. I recruited exercise science students from the University of North Florida who exercised recreationally. Participants ran both barefoot and shod while hitting targets (poker chips) on a running track and without targets. I measured working memory using backward digit recall and also recorded participants’ heart rate, speed, and target accuracy. The main finding from this study was that working memory performance increased in the barefoot condition when participants hit targets (poker chips). This result supports the idea that additional attention is needed when running barefoot to avoid stepping on objects that could potentially cause harm to the foot. Significant increases in participant’s heart rate were also found in the barefoot condition but not in the shod condition. No significant differences found in participants’ speed in the barefoot or shod condition, nor were there any in the target or no target condition. Together, these findings suggest that individuals working memory increases after at least sixteen minutes of barefoot running if they have to look at the ground to avoid objects that may cause harm to their feet. Barefoot running may help individuals of all ages; from delaying the onset of cognitive deterioration in the elderly, obesity prevention for individuals of all ages, to providing a boost in cognitive performance for children who are behind their peers in school.

Changes in Running Technique At Shod and Barefoot Running Condition : - An analysis of Muay Thai Fighters

Sjöholm, Therese January 2019 (has links)
Background: everal studies mean that individuals accustomed to running barefoot and habitually barefoot individuals choose a fore foot or mid foot strike rather than a rear foot strike when running. This is partly to do with the proprioceptive feedback given from the soles of the feet. The common denominator of the barefoot runner and the Muay Thai fighter would be this proprioceptive feedback due to general bare foot training. A contributing factor to a non heal strike pattern could perhaps also be found in the sport specific movement pattern of Muay Thai where the athlete is trained to execute several actions from the fore foot. Aim: The first aim was to analyse differences in angles of the knee, ankle and foot at initial contact while running shod compared to barefoot in Muay Thai fighters accustomed to training barefoot. A second aim was to investigate if there was a difference in running technique regarding foot strike pattern when running shod compared to bare foot. The foot strike pattern is defined as heal strike, mid foot strike or forefoot strike. Method: Seventeen Muay Thai fighters (13 male 4 female) volunteered to participate in the test of the cross- sectional experimental study. The study took place at PT-Studion Halmstad. The participants performed 2x3minutes of running shod and barefoot respectively at a subjective speed equal to a 12 on the Borg scale. Both conditions were video recorded from a sagittal plane using an iPhone 6. The dominant leg defined as the non-weight bearing leg at the preferred boxing stance was analysed. Data was collected two-dimensionally of the angels of the knee, ankle and foot position to horizontal. Foot strike pattern was also determined. Landmarks were marked to ease the analysis. T-tests of paired samples were used to examine whether there were any differences between the angle of the knee, ankle and foot at barefoot and shod conditions. The significance level for this study was set to be statistically significant if p ≤ 0.05. Foot strike frequency distributions were compared between shod and barefoot runners using chi-square (X2) analysis. Result: A significant difference at the angle of the foot (p=0,034) at initial contact with the ground while running between shod (12 ± 9) and barefoot (17 ± 9) was found. No significant difference in the angle of the knee (p=0,076) or ankle (p=0,081) was found. Changes in foot strike pattern were observed. At shod condition 88% used a rear foot strike, 6% used a mid foot strike and 6% used a forefoot strike. At barefoot condition 41% used a rear foot strike, 0% used a mid foot strike and 59% a fore foot strike. Conclusion: This study shows that the there is a significant difference in foot strike pattern when running shod and barefoot which confirms previous studies. The test group have in common that they train Muay Thai although; their sport specific training doesn’t appear to in this case have any impact on the foot strike pattern. / Bakgrund: Flera studier menar att individer vana att springa barfota samt individer som lever barfota väljer en framfota insättning vid löpning snarare än en hälisättning. Detta har delvis att göra med den proprioceptiva återkopplingen från fotsulan. Den gemensamma nämnaren mellan barfotalöparen och Muay Thai atleten skulle kunna vara denna feedback beroende av barfotaträning. En bidragande faktor till en icke hälisättning skulle kunna förklaras av det idrottsspecifika rörelsemönstret i Muay Thai där flera moment utförs stående på den främre delen av foten. Syfte: Ett syfte var att analysera skillnader i knä, ankel och fotvinklar vid initial kontakt i löpsteget vid skodd och barfota löpning av i Muay Thai-fighters vana vid träning barfota. Ett andra syfte var att undersöka eventuella skillnader i fotisättning vid barfotalöpning samt löpning med skor. Fotisättning definieras som framfot, mellan fot eller bakre/häl-isättning. Metod: Sjutton (17) Muay Thai atleter (13manliga 4kvinnliga) ställde frivilligt upp att delta i tvärsnittsstudien. Studien ägde rum på PT-Studion Halmstad. Testpersoner utförde 2x3minuter av löpning med och utan skor vid en subjektiv hastighet lika med en 12 på Borg skalan. Båda förhållandena filmades i sagitalplan med iPhone 6. Det dominanta benet definierat som det icke viktbärande benet vid den föredragna boxningspositionen analyserades. Tvådimensionell analys av förändringar i fotisättning, vinklar i knäled, ankelled och fotens position till det horisontella samt fotisättning dokumenterades. Landmärken markerades för att underlätta analysen. T-test användes för att undersöka om det fanns några skillnader i vinkeln av knäled, fotled och ankel vid löpning med skor och barfota. Signifikansnivån för denna studie bestämdes vara statistiskt signifikant om p <0,05. Frekvensen av fotisättningen fördelning jämfördes via chi-square (X2) analys. Resultat: En signifikant skillnad (p=0,034) i fotvinkeln vid initial kontakt med marken under löpning med skor (12 ± 9) och barfota (17 ± 9) hittades, men inga signifikanta skillnader i knäets vinkel ((p=0,076) eller ankel (p=0,081) hittades. Med skor vald 88 % en hälisättning, 6 % en mittfotsisättning och 6 % en främre fotisättning. Vid löpning barfota valde 41 % en hälisättning, 0 % en mittfotsisättning och 59 % en främre fotisättning. Slutsats: Studien visar att det finns en signifikant skillnad i fotisättningen mellan löpning barfota och med skor vilket bekräftar tidigare studier. Testgruppen har gemensamt att de tränar thaiboxning, dock kan inte den sportspecifika träningen förklara det valda fotisättningsmönstret.

Can a comprehensive transition plan to barefoot running be the solution to the injury epidemic in American endurance runners?

Scarlett, Michael A. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Fossils belonging to the genus Homo, dating as far back as two million years ago, exhibit uniquely efficient features suggesting that early humans had evolved to become exceptional endurance runners. Although they did not have the cushion or stability-control features provided in our modern day running shoes, our early human ancestors experienced far less of the running-related injuries we experience today. The injury rate has been estimated as high as 90% annually for Americans training for a marathon and as high as 79% annually for all American endurance runners. There is an injury epidemic in conventionally shod populations that does not exist in the habitually unshod or minimally shod populations around the world. This has led many to conclude that the recent advent of highly technological shoes might be the problem. Although current literature has been inconclusive, there are two main limitations in virtually all of the studies: 1) transition phases of less than three months and 2) transition phases without rehabilitation exercises. These two aspects are key to the treatment of the structural consequences on the muscles and tendons of the foot and calf that habitually shod individuals have faced. This study includes a discussion of the cumulative consequences that lifelong shoe usage has on the development of the feet and lower legs. I propose a 78-week study that addresses the limitations of past studies by implementing a gradual, 32-week, multi-shoe transition complemented by an evidence-based rehabilitation program. I believe that this approach will restore strength and elasticity to muscles and tendons that have been inhibited by lifelong usage of overconstructed shoes and adequately prepare runners for the increased demand brought on by a­­­­­ changing running mechanic. This comprehensive, multifaceted transition plan to a fully minimalist shoe will provide novel insight into the ongoing barefoot debate. Can this approach finally demonstrate the proposed benefits of losing the shoes?

A Colombian Nun and the Love of God and Neighbour : The Spiritual Path of María de Jesús (1690s-1776) / En Colombiansk Nunna och Kärleken till Gud och till Nästan : María de Jesús (ca 1690-1776) Andliga Väg

Cadavid Yani, Helwi Margarita January 2016 (has links)
María de Jesús (1690s-1776) was a white-veiled Discalced Carmelite nun of the San José convent in Santa Fe de Bogotá, founded in 1606. She professed in the year 1714, and her spiritual journal was printed in a chronicle about the convent in the 1940s. The aim of this study is to examine the love of God and of neighbour, as expressed in the spiritual journal of María de Jesús. In this study I will proceed from the understanding of love as charity. In Christian thought God Himself is love, and its source. Charity, the third, and greatest, of the theological virtues, is a state of being in and responding to God’s love and favour. This way of loving consists in loving God wholeheartedly and loving our neighbour as ourselves. Included in loving our neighbour are acts related to his or her spiritual benefit and salvation. These are all present themes in María de Jesús’ text, but my aim is to examine how she incorporates these themes in her spiritual testimony by analyzing the imagery she uses, and the affective language in her spiritual journal. I will also seek to understand her way of writing by analyzing her text against the background of the tradition of women’s spiritual writings. Being a Discalced Carmelite, it will also be interesting to discover the Teresian presence in María de Jesus’ text, i.e. the influence of her predecessor and the reformer of the order, Teresa of Ávila (1515- 1582). I suggest that this can be noticed in certain rhetorical techniques. I also aim to examine if there are any similarities and differences in their expressions of love of God and of neighbour.

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