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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Värdegrund eller värdelös grund? – En utvärdering av Kriminalvårdens värdegrund / Basic values or useless basic? – A valuation of the Correctional’s basic values

Larsson, Therese, Skarhall, Isabell January 2016 (has links)
Kriminalvården har genom åren fått mycket kritik för hur arbetet på anstalterna bedrivs och implementerade 2006 en värdegrund för att förtydliga hur arbetet inne på anstalterna skulle utföras för att säkerställa att verksamheten bedrevs på rätt sätt. Syftet med uppsatsen var därför att undersöka hur två organisationer, KRIS Halmstad och KRIS Kalmar, upplevde Kriminalvårdens värdegrund och därmed undersöka hur de uppfattade måluppfyllelsen. Syftet var även att undersöka om implementeringen haft någon betydelse och om det fanns några skillnader mellan de två organisationerna. Dessutom var ett annat syfte att undersöka likheter mellan den svenska och den amerikanska Kriminalvården. Via två fallstudier har tre individer från varje organisation intervjuats, totalt sex intervjuer. Enligt KRIS Halmstad fanns det ingen måluppfyllelse då endast få delar av värdegrunden levdes upp till. I KRIS Kalmar uppfattades det som något bättre. Där fanns en måluppfyllelse, dock var den svag. Avsaknaden av måluppfyllelse enligt KRIS Halmstad innebar att ingen effektmätning kunde genomföras. Enligt KRIS Kalmar hade implementeringen inte någon betydelse då endast två av nio delmål förbättrades efter implementeringen. Uppsatsen är skriven på svenska. / The Swedish Correctional has troughout the years been a subject to critisism concerning the work inside the correctionals insitutions, and 2006 they implemented basic values to clarify the way to work inside the institutions to ensure that the work was beeing properly executed. Therefore the object of this essay has been to evaluate how two organizations, KRIS Halmstad and KRIS Kalmar, was experiencing the basic values and its fulfilling. The purpose has also been to examine if the implement has had a significans and if there were any differenses or similarities between the two organizations. Moreover was another object to examine the similarities between the Swedish and the American Correctional. Through two case studies three individuals from each organization has been interviewed, a total of six interviews. According to KRIS Halmstad there was no fulfilling of the basic values because merely a few parts were fulfilled. In KRIS Kalmar they were percieved as a bit better. There was a fulfilling of the basic values, though it was week. Because of the abscense of fulfilling of the basic values according to KRIS Halmstad, no measures of the output could be done. According to KRIS Kalmar the implement has not had any significance as only two out of nine parts of the basic values has been improved. The essay is written in swedish.

Lärares värdegrundsarbete ur ett maktperspektiv : Lärares värdegrundsarbete på två skolor / Teachers' work conveying values from a power perspective : Teachers' work conveying values at two schools

Åberg, Samuel January 2020 (has links)
This essay aims to illustrate how teachers from two different schools work to convey values in their professional roles, according to the basic values found in the Swedish curriculum Lgr11. This has been done through qualitative interviews with these schools’ teachers, individual at one school and in a group at the other. The results show that these teachers share roughly the same view on basic values, but that the methods employed by the teachers of either school differ. They also show that these two schools’ management prioritize this work differently. Conclusions that can be drawn from the results are that schools where this type of work is prioritized and where teachers work from the same point of view have greater success in conveying basic values.

Det odefinierbara : En studie om gymnasielärares förhållande till värdegrunden / The undefinable : A study about high school teachers and their relation to basic values

Markusson, Tobias January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of Det odefinierbara – en studie om gymnasielärares förhållande till värdegrunden, (The undefinable – a study about high school teachers and their relation to the basic values) is to gain an understanding on how teachers from different subjects define, and how they experience confrontation with the basic values and common principles stated in the regulatory documents. The study was made using a comparative qualitative method on a questionnaire survey that high school teachers answered from the perspective of the subject that they are teaching.The results indicate that teachers who have studied, and are teaching, humanities, more often experience confrontation with the basic values than teachers teaching other subjects. Also, the study shows that there is a common definition on what the basic values are even though the right of interpretation belongs to the individual. Furthermore, the study indicates that there is an expectation that subjects teaching humanities, especially the subject comparative religion, should handle confrontation with the basic values.

Självbestämmande inom institutionens gränser : Implementering av socialtjänstlagens verksamhetsmål och värdegrund på korttidsboenden för äldre / Self-determination within the boundaries of the institution : Implementation of the Social Services Act's objectives and basic values on short-term accommodations for elderly

Nilsson, Linnéa, Borgfors, Josefin January 2015 (has links)
Studien syftar till att belysa hur omvårdnadspersonal och enhetschefer på tre korttidsboenden arbetar med frågor som rör självbestämmande, meningsfullhet, trygghet, integritet, välbefinnande, värdigt liv samt hur de arbetar med att utveckla individernas egna resurser. Dessa begrepp anges i socialtjänstlagens verksamhetsmål och värdegrund i 5 kap. 4§ och 1 kap. 1§ (SFS 2001:453). För att besvara studiens syfte intervjuades tre enhetschefer och ett frågeformulär användes för att inhämta omvårdnadspersonalens perspektiv på implementeringen av verksamhetsmålen och värdegrunden. Empirin analyserades utifrån Self-determination theory och begreppet institutionalisering. Resultatet visar att enhetschefernas främsta metod för implementering av värdegrunden är att diskutera denna med omvårdnadspersonalen på arbetsplatsen. En stor andel av personalen känner dock inte till värdegrundens innehåll. De boendes möjligheter att utöva självbestämmande är begränsade och deras behov av integritet inskränks vid överbeläggningar då de får dela rum och toalettutrymme. Personer med demenssjukdom och de som vistas på korttidsboendet för växelvård blir exkluderade och har minskade möjligheter att få sina behov tillgodosedda. / The study aims to illustrate how caregivers and care managers on three short-term accommodations implement values concerning self-determination, meaningfulness, safeness, integrity, well-being, dignity and how they work to develop the individual's own resources. These values are stated in the Social Services Act in the objectives in section 1 §1, and in section 5 §4 (SFS 2001:453). To answer the aim of the study three care managers were interviewed and a questionnaire were used to obtain the caregivers perspective on the short-term accommodations. The empirical data were analyzed on the basis of Self-determination theory and institutionalization. Result shows that the care managers main method of implementation of the basic values are to discuss it with the caregivers in the workplace. A large proportion of the staff however, do not know the content of the basic values. The residents’ ability to exercise self-determination are limited and their integrity is curtailed when overcrowding when they share a room and lavatories. People with dementia and those who dwelt in the short-term accommodation for respite are being excluded thus, they have less opportunity to get their needs met.

”På samma sätt som alla barn, med vänlighet och respekt” : En kvalitativ studie om mångkulturellt arbete i förskolan / “LIKE ALL CHILDREN, WITH KINDNESS AND RESPECT” : A qualitative study about multicultural work in preschool

Andersson, Karin January 2014 (has links)
Den kvalitativa studiens syfte var att analysera, beskriva och förstå skollednings och lärares uppfattningar kring mångkulturellt arbete i förskolan, samt deras betydelse för förskolans verksamhet. Studien utgick från sociokulturell teori och byggde på intervjuer av skolledning och förskollärare på en mångkulturell förskola. I studiens resultat framkom att skolledning och lärare i förskolan menar att barn och föräldrar ska mötas med respekt oavsett kulturell bakgrund. Lärarna ansåg sig viktiga att förmedla läroplanens värdegrund samt det svenska språket och kulturen till förskolans barn och föräldrar. De uttryckte även att de upplevde olika kulturella bakgrunder som spännande och berikande, vilket gav dem en fördjupad kunskap om olika sätt att tycka och tänka. Barnens språkutveckling var det innehåll som studiens lärare prioriterade högst, både det svenska språket och barnens modersmål. I diskussionen jämfördes studiens resultat med teorier och tidigare forskning. Lärarens komplexa och mångfasetterade arbete problematiserades och det ställdes frågor hur verksamheten kunde utvecklas. Frågor om inkludering av barns olika kulturer och modersmål, värderingar samt barns dubbla kulturtillhörighet diskuterades. Dessa frågeställningar kan bidra till verksamhetsutveckling i en förskola där alla barn och familjers kulturella bakgrund är lika värda, och där alla barnens språk är inkluderade. / The aim of this qualitative study was to analyze, describe and understand the school leaders and teachers’ perceptions about multicultural work in preschool, and their importance to preschool activities. The study was based on sociocultural theory and built on interviews of school leaders and teachers in a multicultural preschool. The results of the study showed that the school leaders and teachers expressed that children and parents should be treated with respect regardless of cultural background. The teachers considered themselves important to convey basic values of the curriculum as well as the Swedish language and culture to preschool children and parents. They also expressed their experience of different cultural backgrounds as exciting and rewarding, giving them a deeper knowledge of alternative ways to think and believe. The teachers of the study considered children's language development as the most important content, both in Swedish and in children's first language. In the discussion of the study were results compared with theories and previous research. Teacher's complex and multi-faceted work were problematized with questions how the early childhood education could be developed. There were questions in discussion about the inclusion of children of different cultures and first language, questions about values as well as children’s dual cultural affiliation. These issues can contribute to develop early childhood education to a preschool where all children and families' cultural backgrounds are equal, and where all children's languages is included.

A conceptual training and development framework for public educators in the Limpopo Department of Education

Netshikhophani, Azwindini Frederick 29 April 2013 (has links)
The educational changes that have been taking place in South Africa have seen the emergence of the new curriculum, the NCS, 2002 Policy. The process of implementing the new curriculum has created several challenges that ultimately had an impact on the performance of the public schools learners in the Limpopo Department of Education, particularly in Vhembe District. The new curriculum with its new pedagogical approach, a particular way of teaching methodology, the OBE focuses on the achievement of the outcomes. That on its own suggested the need for drastic changes in the teaching approach that educators have to apply. <p0> It is through this need for change that the Department of Basic Education suggested the training and development framework that provide capacity building of educators. The curriculum advisors were identified as trainers of the educators towards the effective implementation of the new curriculum. This move was needed to build a workforce that is capable, skilled, productive and committed to provide quality education to the South African public. However, the training and development that was provided did not take place without some challenges. The challenges identified were from both the perspectives of educators and the department. The analysis of all the problems that the study has identified and critically evaluated is a testimony that training and development alone cannot be the only solution to the challenges identified in measuring educator performance on curriculum delivery. As a result, overemphasis of training and development may overshadow other responsibilities that the Limpopo Department of education should take, such as the effective provision of resources. It is against this background that the study proposed an inclusive and balanced training and development framework. This is a conceptualised training and development framework that takes note of all the inputs that both the educators and the department make towards the effective achievement of the desired outputs after these inputs shall have been processed. For good management and administration to be achieved by the Limpopo Department of Education, it depends on a well-structured strategic plan that has been informed by the vision and mission of the department which in this study is the achievement of quality education. This approach will then mean the effective application of the basic values and principles that govern public administration in order to achieve good governance. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / School of Public Management and Administration (SPMA) / unrestricted

"Gymnasietiden är en seriös tid..." : Värdegrundsarbete sett ur elevperspektiv / The time in upper secondary school is a serius time : Students´ perspective on the work whit the basic values

Persson, Elisabeth, Jukovic, Amela January 2009 (has links)
<p>The overall aim of this study was to examine if there were any difference between two different upper secondary schools with regard to the schools' work with the basic values.</p><p> Our supposition was that if there were differences between the schools basic values work then it could be observed that the school that works more with the basic values has also more students expressed as a percentage who leave the school with final grades within four years.</p><p> We have chosen to work with the qualitative method and made group interviews as well as individual interviews with six persons.</p><p> We came to the conclusion that one of the schools worked with the basic values continuously while the other school had the intention to do it but according to our interpretation the school didn't do it. It also appeared that one of the schools had more students who finished school with final grades.</p><p> The result that we have got showed that there is a difference between these two schools in the basic values work and that the school that worked with this continuously has also bigger amount of students with final grades.</p><p> During work on this study we discovered other issues that we hope someone else can answer in the future.</p>

"Gymnasietiden är en seriös tid..." : Värdegrundsarbete sett ur elevperspektiv / The time in upper secondary school is a serius time : Students´ perspective on the work whit the basic values

Persson, Elisabeth, Jukovic, Amela January 2009 (has links)
The overall aim of this study was to examine if there were any difference between two different upper secondary schools with regard to the schools' work with the basic values.  Our supposition was that if there were differences between the schools basic values work then it could be observed that the school that works more with the basic values has also more students expressed as a percentage who leave the school with final grades within four years.  We have chosen to work with the qualitative method and made group interviews as well as individual interviews with six persons.  We came to the conclusion that one of the schools worked with the basic values continuously while the other school had the intention to do it but according to our interpretation the school didn't do it. It also appeared that one of the schools had more students who finished school with final grades.  The result that we have got showed that there is a difference between these two schools in the basic values work and that the school that worked with this continuously has also bigger amount of students with final grades.  During work on this study we discovered other issues that we hope someone else can answer in the future.

Drama som ett pedagogiskt verktyg i värdegrundsarbete

Ågren, Natalie January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

A cooperação nas relações interorganizacionais sob a perspectiva da incerteza Knightiana e da teoria de valores básicos

Lombardi, Marta Fabiano Sambiase 20 August 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:31:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marta Fabiano Sambiase Lombardi.pdf: 1629725 bytes, checksum: 9e44cfe36fefa8fc57b5cd9d2f51b2d7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-20 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The motivation for this thesis is the belief that there may be a dynamic competitive markets based on cooperation rather than the sole option of competition and rivalry between firms. The economic logic of operation, which is based on the theory of games, expands the role of business strategies. The search for resources and skills necessary for achieving a superior competitive position, expands the organizational boundaries, shaping new formats based on external relations to the company. Interorganizational relations have an important role in this context is considered the interdependence and reciprocity as factors that encourage cooperation, set for completion of activities and joint or coordinated with a common goal, in the context of business, the common goal is similar purposes which include a positive profit. The presence of cooperation in interorganizational relationships tends to result in longevity of the relationship, reduced ambiguity about the expected results, mechanisms of control and governance, hence, lower transaction costs, stimulating an environment of learning, knowledge generation and innovation. It is then the manager to the manager do the reading and interpretation of events and signals from the environment to choose the alternative that provides the best results for the company and for themselves. The manager's choice and decision are taken at present with its future progress, which makes it inevitable degree of unpredictability. This uncertainty in the managerial and entrepreneurial function has an important role in the life of organizations, because the odds set by the manager based on knowledge, experience, provided inference and intuition, without measurable concrete bases, is the question of profit. In this scenario, this study aims to identify, the face of uncertainty, cooperation is encouraged in interorganizational relations. For if the environment is uncertain and there is no clarity in the question of profit, then the expansion of the business area and with cooperative interorganizational relationships, may help alleviate the doubt and ambiguity of performance. In addition to technical knowledge, experience and managerial ability, the manager, decision-maker in the company, is an individual with their own features and structures, so the values, attitudes and behaviors of the manager are also factors influencing the trial, strategic choice and decision, bearing uncertainty, and that is the question of profit. Under the optical behavior of the manager that defines a second objective of this work, which is to the structure of basic values of the manager influences the perception of uncertainty and cooperation in interorganizational relations. The role of managers is influenced by one side, the strategic and environmental aspects, and the other in their conceptions and ways of seeing the world. The empirical descriptive quantitative verification surveyed 222 managers of Brazilian industries and companies of varying sizes. It was found that a dimension of response uncertainty and action of the manager is related to cooperation, but the ambiguity of the performance and the extent of the relationship that cooperation is encouraged. The change of use innovative technology and nature of business influences the relationship of uncertainty and cooperation, showing that the type of perceived uncertainty may vary and that cooperation depends on a perceived utilitarian function. The structure of the basic values of the manager does not have a direct linear relationship with the perception of uncertainty and predisposition to cooperate; this relationship depends on what is in question at the time of his trial, whichever one functional role of values, in search of better ways to live. / A motivação para esta tese está na crença que pode haver uma dinâmica competitiva dos mercados baseada na cooperação, ao invés da opção exclusiva de competição e rivalidade entre firmas. Esta lógica de funcionamento econômico, que tem como base a teoria dos jogos, amplia o rol das estratégias empresariais. A busca por recursos e competências necessários ao alcance de uma posição competitiva superior, amplia as fronteiras organizacionais, moldando novos formatos baseados em relações externas à empresa. As relações interorganizacionais possuem um papel importante neste contexto, se considerada a interdependência e a reciprocidade como fatores que estimulam a cooperação, definida como a realização de atividades conjuntas e ou coordenadas, com um objetivo comum; no contexto dos negócios, o objetivo comum tem fins semelhantes que passam por uma lucratividade positiva. A presença de cooperação nas relações interorganizacionais, tende a resultar em longevidade da relação, diminuição de ambigüidades sobre os resultados esperados, de mecanismos de controle e governança, conseqüentemente, menores custos de transação, estimulação de um ambiente de aprendizagem, geração de conhecimento e inovações. Cabe, então, ao gestor fazer a leitura e interpretação dos eventos e sinais do ambiente para decidir a alternativa que proporcione os melhores resultados para a empresa e para si. A escolha e decisão do gestor são tomadas no presente com seu desenrolar no futuro, o que torna inevitável certa dose de imprevisibilidade. Esta incerteza presente na função gerencial e empreendedora tem um papel importante na vida das organizações; pois as probabilidades estabelecidas pelo gestor com base no conhecimento adquirido, experiência prévia, inferência e intuição, sem bases concretas mensuráveis, é a causa do lucro. Diante deste panorama, este estudo tem por objetivo identificar, se diante de incerteza, a cooperação é estimulada em relações interorganizacionais. Pois, se o ambiente é incerto e não há clareza da causa do lucro, então, a ampliação do território empresarial contando com relações interorganizacionais cooperativas, podem ser úteis para amenizar a dúvida e ambigüidade de desempenho. Além do conhecimento técnico, experiência e habilidade gerencial, o gestor, tomador de decisão na empresa, é um indivíduo com particularidades e estruturas próprias; assim, os valores, atitudes e comportamentos do gestor também são elementos influenciadores do julgamento, escolha e decisão estratégica, munidos de incerteza, e que é a causa do lucro. Sob a ótica comportamental do gestor que se define um segundo objetivo deste trabalho, que é levantar se a estrutura de valores básicos do gestor influencia a percepção de incerteza e a cooperação nas relações interorganizacionais. A atuação dos gestores é influenciada por um lado, pelos aspectos estratégicos e ambientais; e por outro por suas concepções e maneiras de ver o mundo. A verificação empírica, de tipo descritivo quantitativo, pesquisou 222 gestores brasileiros de setores e portes de empresas variados. Foi encontrado que uma dimensão de incerteza, relativa à resposta e ação do gestor, se relaciona com cooperação; mas é na ambigüidade do desempenho e na extensão do relacionamento que a cooperação é mais estimulada. A variação de uso tecnológico e natureza inovativa das empresas influenciam a relação de incerteza e cooperação, mostrando que o tipo de incerteza percebida pode variar e que a cooperação depende de uma função utilitária percebida. A estrutura dos valores básicos do gestor não possui uma relação linear direta com a percepção de incerteza e predisposição por cooperar; esta relação depende do que está em questão no ato de seu julgamento, prevalecendo uma atuação funcional dos valores, em busca de melhores formas de viver.

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