Spelling suggestions: "subject:"test binterest"" "subject:"test cinterest""
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”…först och främst är dom asylsökande liksom…” : En rättssociologisk studie om socialtjänstens ansvar för ensamkommande barn.Bergquist, Therese, Wennerblom, Anna January 2009 (has links)
In 2006 there was a change in LMA (1994:37) that clarified the division of responsibility be-tween the Migration Board and the municipalities, concerning unaccompanied children. The social services should now be utmost responsible for the housing and care of these children, to assure that they gain the same standards and rights as all other children. The aim of this essay has been to examine how the division of responsibility has influenced the work of the social services and how they interpret their responsibility for the unaccompanied children. How do the social services investigate and make decisions concerning these children? Do these chil-dren have the same rights as other children? To answer these questions a legal study was made, followed by qualitative research interviews with four social services that receive unac-companied children. The study was made from a legal sociologist perspective, which involves analyzing the results from the interviews with the legal results, together with earlier research on unaccompanied children. The results show that the division of responsibility still is indis-tinct and that the investigations concerning these children often are brief and simplified. In two of the interviewed municipalities the view was that unaccompanied children did not have the right to efforts according to SoL (2001:453), which in practice means that the unaccom-panied children are discriminated.
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Unga vuxnas erfarenhet av vårdnadstvist i barndomen : En kvalitativ studie kring separationens och vårdnadstvistens inverkan på samlevnadsfrågor / Young adults' experience of contested custody in childhood : A qualitative essay on separation and contested custody’s impact on coexistence issuesAbid, Ahmed, Mårtensson, Ida January 2012 (has links)
Uppsatsens övergripande syfte är att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, unga vuxnas erfarenheter av separation och vårdnadstvist mellan föräldrarna under barndomen inverkat när det gäller inställning till samlevnadsfrågor. Mer konkret är avsikten att söka svar på frågor som beaktar principen om barnets bästa, attityder gentemot relationer, separationer och giftermål liksom dagens relation till föräldrarna. Tolkningsramen som användes för att tolka och förstå uppsatsens empiriska material baseras på de inledande bestämmelserna enligt 6 kap. föräldrabalken, några risker med socialarbetarens förhållningssätt, barnets känsla av ansvar, lojalitet och hemlighållande, barnets överlevnadsstrategier och kognitiv dissonansteori. Dessa tolkningsredskap var effektiva för att belysa unga vuxnas erfarenheter från barndomen och deras attityder till samlevnadsfrågor. En kvalitativ metodansats tillämpades för att inhämta det empiriska materialet och fem kvinnliga respondenter intervjuades med hjälp av en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Uppsatsens slutsatser indikerar att principen om barnets bästa inte alltid beaktades för de unga vuxna under barndomen. Deras attityder gentemot relationer, separationer och giftermål präglas av en öppen inställning till olika familjekonstellationer med goda kvalitéer, positiva respektive negativa följder av föräldrarnas separation och uppfattningen om att vilja gifta sig i framtiden. Dagens relation till den ena föräldern har visat sig vara fortsatt god medan relationen till den andra föräldern varierar. / The purpose of the essay is to examine whether, and if so how, young adults' experiences of separation and contested custody between parents during childhood influenced their attitudes to coexistence issues. Further, the intention is to seek answers to questions regarding: the best interests of the child, attitudes towards relationships, separation and marriage, as well as the current relationship to the parents. The interpretative framework adopted to interpret and understand the empirical material is based on the initial provisions under chapter 6, some risks with the social workers' approach, the children's sense of responsibility, loyalty and concealment, the child’s survival strategies as well as cognitive dissonance theory. These are considered effective to highlight young adults' experiences in childhood and their attitudes to coexistence issues. A qualitative method was applied to obtain the empirical material. Five female respondents were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. The essay’s findings indicate that the principle of the child’s best interests is not always applicable for the young adults during childhood. Their attitude towards relationships, separation and marriage is characterized by an open attitude to different family constellations with good qualities, positive and negative consequences of their parents' separation and a desire to get married in the future. The relationship today remains good with one parent, while the relationship with the other parent differs.
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"Man får det att funka" : Ansvarsfördelning av barn vid en separationMårtensson, Jenny, Emine, Seyhan January 2012 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att finna en förståelse kring vilka sociala faktorer som producerar ett normativt beteende gällande ansvarsfördelningen runt barnen efter en separation. Undersökningen grundar sig därför i följande frågeställningar: Hur ser normen kring ansvarsfördelningen av ett barn ut efter en separation och hur upplevs denna ansvarsfördelning. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod som i sin utformning skall generera en större förståelse för våra frågeställningar. Vi har gjort fyra enskilda interjuver med två separerade par som har delad vårdnad över sina barn. Vår teoretiska utgångspunkt utgår ifrån socialkonstruktivismen.Den behandlar och beskriver hur kvinnliga och manliga beteende mönstren reproducerasvid interaktion individer emellan. Även teorin som förklara männens dominans i dagens samhälle (patriarkatet)samt den könade arbetsfördelningen inom den privata och offentliga sfären (liberala feministiska perspektiv) finns att ta del av. Vi har funnitett dialektisktförhållande mellan traditionella könsmönster, reproducering utav dessa, den könade arbetsfördelningen samt relationen mellan barn och deras föräldrar innan separationär faktorer som påverkar normen kring hur ansvarsfördelningen av ett barn efter en separation ser ut och upplevs. / The aim of this study is to determine which social factors create the dominating pattern in the delegation of responsibility of a child after a separation. The study is therefore based on the following enquiry: What is the norm during separation concerning the delegation of responsibility for a child between parents and how is this division of responsibility perceived. This study is based on a qualitative method through which a greater understanding of these enquiries will be met. We have done four separate interviews with two sets of already separated partners who havejoined custody over their children. Our theory is based on social constructivism and discusses how current female, respective male behavioural patterns are reproduced between individuals. In addition, the theory which explains male dominance in present society (patriarchate) together with gender based division of labour within private and public spheres (the liberal feministic perspective) are both presented. We have discovered a dialectical relationship between traditional gender roles, theirreproduction ofthese,the gender based division of labour and even the relationship between children and their parents are all factors that contribute towards the determination of assigning responsibility of a child during separation and how it is perceived.
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Barnets bästa i fokus? : En studie av tingsrättens domar i vårdnadstvisterMilkovic, Dejana, Dolovac, Azra January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this law-sociological study was to, on the basis of the District Court's decree to single custody, analyze the District Court’s comprehensive ideas and fall-oriented interpretations of the concept of the best interest of the child and the way they are constructed in connection with the District Court's application of the new law regulation of 6kap. 5§ FB regarding collaboration between parents. Our empirical data consisted of ten decrees to single custody. The decrees were examined and analyzed on the basis of social constructionism as a theory and the idea-analysis as the study's method. Legal sources such as law and its legislative history and the law inSwedenandScandinaviain general, with both domestic and international previous research, gave us initial knowledge in the area which gradually grew during the study. Results show that sweeping presumptions for single custody, with vague connections between single child's best interest and decisions about single custody based on the parents' lack of cooperation, can be glimpsed in several of the judges' texts. The District Court’s ideas/interpretations of the concept of the best interest of the child reach for the most part in the decrees where an individual assessment has been made.
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”Barnets bästa” i asylprocesser : - En diskursanalys av innebörden hos begreppet ”barnets bästa” i arbetet med ensamkommande barn i asylprocesser / ”In the Child's Best Interest” in the asylum process : A critical discourse analysis about the use and interpretation of the principle “In the Child's Best Interest” in work with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.Hallberg, Ida-Maria January 2010 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en kritisk diskursanalys vars syfte är att studera hur begreppet “barnets bästa” används och tolkas i asylprocessen för ensamkommande barn. Jag har undersökt hur de tjänstemän som fattar beslut om asyl i fall med ensamkommande barn formulerar föreställningar om ”barnets bästa” och hur begreppet förhåller sig till andra begrepp i den diskursiva praktiken. Detta har jag gjort genom att dels analysera de styrdokument som ska ligga till grund för besluten och dels beslut ifrån migrationsverket och domar ifrån migrationsdomstolarna. Det som utifrån min analys går att se är att ”barnets bästa” fylls med mening utifrån regelverk och styrdokument. Det framgår även att principen om ”barnets bästa” konkurrerar med andra samhälleliga intressen som t.ex. ”reglerad invandring”. Det har även framkommit att det förekommer en maktrelation mellan regelverk och tjänsteman samt mellan tjänsteman och barn. / This essay is a critical discourse analysis which purpose is to investigate how the principle of “In the Child's Best Interest” is used and interpreted in the work with children without custodians seeking asylum. I have investigated how the workers at the migration board who make decisions about asylum for children without custodians formulates conceptions about “In the Child's Best Interest” and how the concept relates to other concepts within the discourse. This, I have done through an analysis of documents and policies that underlies and grounds the decisions about asylum and decisions from the migration board and from migration court. My analysis shows, that “In the Child's Best Interest” is a concepts which is made meaningful by the rules and policy documents. Also, it is shown that the principle of “In the Child's Best Interest” is related to other interests of society such as”regulated migration”. Moreover, the analysis shows that there is a power relationship between policy documents but also between the workers at the migration board and the child.
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Att bara vara : en essä om att lyssna på tysta och blyga barns åsikt och viljaMayor Carreon, Nadine January 2013 (has links)
Tysta och blyga barn är ofta de som lämnas åt sidan eller får vänta med att få sina behov tillgodosett. Som fritidspedagog är det en viktig uppgift att insocialisera barn i gemenskap, men hur gör man med barn som inte vill? Hur handskas man med barn som föredrar att vara för sig själva? I vilken grad ska deras önskan respekteras och när blir insocialisering ett värde som bör överordnas barnets fria val? I denna essä undersöker jag hur jag som fritidspedagog kan förstå dessa barns behov och förhålla mig till dem utifrån begreppen barnperspektiv respektive barns perspektiv, barns delaktighet, inflytandet och bästa. Jag kommer att utgå från några problem från min egen arbetslivserfarenhet och belysa dem med hjälp av olika synsätt som objekt- och aktörsperspektiv och symbolisk interaktionism.
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Wenn Kinder anderer Meinung sind - Die ethische Problematik von Kindeswohl und Kindeswille in der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin / If children have a different opinion - The ethical problem of the best interest of the child and child`s choice in PediatricsPeters, Sabine 12 November 2013 (has links)
In der Kinderheilkunde kommt es gelegentlich zu einem ethischen Konflikt zwischen Kindeswohl und Kindeswillen, wenn Kinder eine medizinisch indizierte Behandlung nachdrücklich ablehnen. Kann es in einer solchen Situation gerechtfertigt sein, das Kind zu einer Behandlung zu zwingen? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage fehlte es bislang an medizinethischen Untersuchungen, die den Gehalt dieser beiden Begriffe sowie ihren Zusammenhang systematisch untersuchen.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine solche systematische Analyse der rechtlichen und ethischen Voraussetzungen der Begriffe Selbstbestimmung, Kindeswohl und Kindeswille in der Medizin vorgenommen sowie eine qualitativ-empirische Untersuchung in Form eines Faktoriellen Survey durchgeführt, um die praktische Relevanz der Fragestellung zu prüfen. Dazu wurde in Kooperation mit der Ärztekammer Niedersachsen eine repräsentative Stichprobe niedersächsischer Kinderärztinnen und Kinderärzte befragt. Es wurde untersucht, ob die Problematik in der Praxis der Kinderheilkunde eine Rolle spielt und ob Kinderärzte der Ansicht sind, dass der Kindeswille berücksichtigt werden müsse und auch ausreichend berücksichtigt werde. Weiterhin wurde geprüft, welche Kriterien dafür als relevant angesehen werden.
Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein solcher Konflikt zwischen Kindeswohl und Kindeswille in der Praxis nicht selten vorkommt und von Kinderärzten als Dilemma wahrgenommen wird. Die Kinderärzte halten es mehrheitlich für notwendig, den Kindeswillen schon bei Kindern zwischen 8 und 14 Jahren zu respektieren, auch wenn dieser dem Elternwillen widerspricht. Dies wird bisher in der rechtlichen Regelung nicht abgebildet. Auch konnte als problematisch herausgearbeitet werden, dass die Selbstbestimmungsfähigkeit Minderjähriger bisher ausschließlich anhand der kognitiven Fähigkeiten und des Alters, nicht jedoch an Hand anderer Reifefaktoren beurteilt wird.
Entgegen der bisher im Recht vertretenen Auffassung, dass Minderjährige unter 14 Jahren einwilligungsunfähig sind, wird es in Zukunft notwendig sein, den Kindeswillen in der Medizin stärker zu berücksichtigen. Dies wird auch gestützt durch das in Artikel 12 die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention festgestellte Recht von Kindern auf eine angemessene Berücksichtigung der eigenen Meinung. Die Achtung vor dem Willen des Kindes ist notwendige Voraussetzung zur Entwicklung zu einem selbstbestimmten Erwachsenen.
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The sexual orientation of a parent as factor for consideration in the granting of care / van den Heever, C.Van den Heever, Chantélle January 2011 (has links)
Section 28(2) of the South African Constitution determines that every child has the right to have their best interests considered of paramount importance in all matters concerning them. Section 9 further provides that every person is considered equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law. Several grounds are listed relating to the unfair discrimination of persons, including their sexual orientation. The concept of care is incorporated in the Children's Act, and it entails a comprehensive description of parents' daily life regarding their children and the powers and duties expected to ensure the general protection, well–being and best interests of the child. The study aims to research the legal position when the sexual orientation of a parent is a considering factor in the granting of care, and the extent of which courts can give consideration to that factor. I commence by examining relevant national legislation relating to the concept of care and the best interests of the child standard in the Children's Act to establish how the sexual orientation of a parent is interpreted by courts in the granting of care. I then proceed to examine relevant international and regional documents to determine the relevant rights relating to the interests of children in the granting of care to a parent in divorce proceedings. I then proceed to analyse landmark cases to establish ways in which the approach of the courts regarding homosexuality have changed since the beginning of the new political dispensation in 1994. Finally a conclusion will be reached on the nature and scope of the consideration of a parent's sexual orientation in the granting of care in the South African context. / Thesis (LL.M. (Comparative Child Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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The sexual orientation of a parent as factor for consideration in the granting of care / van den Heever, C.Van den Heever, Chantélle January 2011 (has links)
Section 28(2) of the South African Constitution determines that every child has the right to have their best interests considered of paramount importance in all matters concerning them. Section 9 further provides that every person is considered equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law. Several grounds are listed relating to the unfair discrimination of persons, including their sexual orientation. The concept of care is incorporated in the Children's Act, and it entails a comprehensive description of parents' daily life regarding their children and the powers and duties expected to ensure the general protection, well–being and best interests of the child. The study aims to research the legal position when the sexual orientation of a parent is a considering factor in the granting of care, and the extent of which courts can give consideration to that factor. I commence by examining relevant national legislation relating to the concept of care and the best interests of the child standard in the Children's Act to establish how the sexual orientation of a parent is interpreted by courts in the granting of care. I then proceed to examine relevant international and regional documents to determine the relevant rights relating to the interests of children in the granting of care to a parent in divorce proceedings. I then proceed to analyse landmark cases to establish ways in which the approach of the courts regarding homosexuality have changed since the beginning of the new political dispensation in 1994. Finally a conclusion will be reached on the nature and scope of the consideration of a parent's sexual orientation in the granting of care in the South African context. / Thesis (LL.M. (Comparative Child Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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Autonomia da criança e do adolescente e suas fronteiras: capacidade, família e direitos da personalidade / Childs and adolescents autonomy boundaries: capacity, family and personality rightsThaís Fernanda Tenório Sêco 03 December 2013 (has links)
Os estudos sobre os direitos da criança e do adolescente muito frequentemente trazem um tom festivo com ares de celebração pelo que ficou positivado seja na Constituição, seja no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, seja nos Tratados Internacionais. Diz-se do século XX que é o século da criança e, de fato, ao longo do último século é inegável a evolução do reconhecimento dos chamados menores de idade como seres humanos autônomos, dotados de dignidade. Não obstante, uma investigação mais aprofundada e crítica das estruturas de proteção montadas com o escopo de corresponder às peculiaridades desses sujeitos de direitos revela o senso de discriminação arbitrária que nunca deixou de estar em sua base e indica que por mais sólidas que sejam as vigas levantadas em prol da proteção e da criança e do adolescente, elas o foram sobre um alicerce impróprio: o instituto das incapacidades. Investigado o sistema de proteção à criança e ao adolescente com consideração aos fatos da vida nos quais se mostra necessária a invocação desse sistema, é possível vislumbrar quanto esse instituto das incapacidades assume um papel que, a princípio, não se desejava a ele atribuir, tornando-se centralizador e unificador do microssistema. Sendo inaceitável tamanha importância, quando inseridas as normas específicas de proteção no contexto do ordenamento em geral, é preciso desvendar algumas das preocupações éticas que estão na base da formulação de um sistema especial de proteção aos sujeitos de direito que se encontram ainda em desenvolvimento. A intenção é resgatar o debate sobre os direitos da criança e do adolescente de um estado de estagnação em que se encontra, mapeando os aspectos que merecem ser levados em conta em uma abordagem sobre o tema e desvendando nessa cartografia as fronteiras que contêm o exercício livre e autônomo das decisões existenciais das crianças e dos adolescentes para que não sejam mais traçados aquém das suas necessidades nem além de suas possibilidades. / Studies about child and teenagers rights use do begin with a happy tom and celebration feeling for what has become positivated in the Constitution, in the specific Law or even in the International Convention. They say XX Century in the century of the child and, indeed, during the last century, the evolution in the recognition of the so called minors human condition is undeniable. Nonetheless, a more profound and critics investigation of the protection structures build with for corresponding to these subjects peculiarities reveals the discrimination sense that has always been in its base and indicates that, as much solid may be the beams raised for the protection of childhood and youth, it was made on improper foundation: incapacity institute. Investigating child and adolescent protection system, considering the life facts that demands it, it is possible to see how this institute of incapacities takes a role that, at principle, was not to be given to it, resulting to be centralizing and unifying of all the microsystem. The unacceptance of its importance in a human dignity compromised legal system makes necessary to discover some of the ethics concern that comes before the formulation of a special child and youth protection system. The intention is to rescue the debate from the stagnation it has become into throw an comprehension approach that reveals the limits of a free decision exercise guaranteed even for children and teenagers so as these limits wont be traced below those necessities or beyond those possibilities.
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