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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LEANDRO EDMAR NANDI 30 September 2016 (has links)
[pt] Basta um olhar atento para perceber o impulso de violência que age como força destrutiva na humanidade e nas sociedades de todas as épocas. O violar e o corromper parecem ser traços constantes na vida social, desde suas formas mais expressivas até as mais sutis. Este trabalho adentra o texto de Gn 4,1-16, buscando compreender nele o drama de Caim que não consegue viver a fraternidade com seu irmão. Caim está presente, ao longo de gerações e no imaginário popular, como presença arquetípica do conflito do ser humano com o seu semelhante. Este personagem carrega em si o simbolismo das forças violentas e de suas consequências quando se permite que essas forças dominem sobre as ações. Por isso, sua figura perpassa o tempo, em sua sina, vagando errante em cada indivíduo confrontado com seus limites e seus impulsos. Conhecer os relatos bíblicos e seus significados permite aprofundar a própria história humana e suas relações com o sagrado e com o profano. Buscar as raízes significativas destes relatos é contribuir com um comunicativo canal capaz de trazer, para o homem hodierno, a sagrada sabedoria do antigo Israel, em seus paradigmas e em seus paradoxos. Desse modo, a investigação visa perceber quais são as forças motrizes que geraram a ação violenta no personagem de Caim, elucidando, assim, aspectos da origem da violência presente no ser humano. / [en] Just a watchful eye to realize the impulse to violence that acts as a destructive force in mankind and in society from all ages. Violating and corrupting seem to be constant traits in the social life, from their most expressive aspects to the most subtle ones. This paper enters into Genesis text, Gn 4,1-16, seeking to understand Cain s drama in which he cannot live fraternity with his brother. Cain is present throughout generations and in popular belief, as an archetypal presence of the conflict of the human being with his equal. This character brings in himself the symbolism of the violent forces and of its consequences when he allows these forces dominate over the actions. Therefore, his image permeates time in his fate, wandering vagrant in every person confronted with its limits and impulses. Getting to know the Biblical accounts and their meanings allows deepen the human history and their relations with the sacred and the profane. Seek for the significant roots of these Biblical accounts is to contribute with a meaningful channel capable of bringing, to the contemporary s man, the sacred wisdom of the ancient Israel, on its paradigms and paradoxes. Thereby, the investigation aim is to realize what are the driving forces that cause that violent reaction in Cain s character, elucidating, thus, aspects of the violence present in the human being.

Los hijos sin nombre: el silencio del olvido. Sábato y el claroscuro gnóstico argentino.

Hermosilla Sánchez, Alejandro 21 March 2006 (has links)
La tesis estudia la historia de Argentina en relación con la obra de Ernesto Sábato. El trabajo intenta a través de la historia del país sudamericano y la lectura de la obra de Sábato llegar a conclusiones que permitan explicar los hechos sucedidos en diciembre del 2001 en Argentina. Para ello, la tesis lleva a cabo un estudio mítico de la historia de Argentina en el que destaca el realizado sobre la figura del emigrante, héroe de las novelas de Sábato, a quien se compara con Caín. Por tanto, Caín, Abel y el Dios judío, Yahvé, serán los personajes fundamentales estudiados en esta tesis para comprender el destino de la Argentina y de la obra de Sábato desde un punto de vista mítico, místico, simbólico y religioso. / The thesis studies the history of Argentina in relation to the work of Ernesto Sábato. The work tries, though the history of the south american country and the reading of the work of Sábato, to search conclusions that allow to explain the facts happened in December of 2001 in Argentina. For it, the thesis carries out a mythical study of the history of Argentina in which it emphasizes the made one on the figure of the emigrant, hero of novels of Sábato, to that it compares with Caín. Therefore, Caín, Abel and the Jewish God Yahvé, will be the fundamental personages studied in this one thesis to understand the destiny of the Argentina and the work of Sábato from a mythical, symbolic and religious point of view.

Från Syndafall till Himmelsfärd : En studie av Albertus Pictors bibliska kalkmålningar i det senmedeltida kyrkorummet / From the Fall to the Ascension : A study of Albertus Pictor´s biblical frescoes in the late medieval church room

Jeuthe, Antonia January 2022 (has links)
Syftet för denna studie är att analysera Albertus Pictors kalkmålningar i det senmedeltida kyrkorummet för att se om motivens symboliska värde är avgörande för placering, komposition och vem som var menad att betrakta bilderna. Dessutom syftar studien till att undersöka vad som låg bakom utformandet av Albertus konstverk, för att på så sätt få en bättre förståelse för vad som gett upphov till hans muralmålningar samt vad som utmärker hans stil. Studiens övergripande frågeställning är: Vad kännetecknar Albertus Pictors kalkmålningar med motivet av Syndafallet och Kristi Himmelsfärd? Vilka övervägande yttre faktorer har påverkat motivens utformning? Vilken betydelse har motivens placering i kyrkorummet? De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är Erwin Panofskys ikonologiska metod, Hans Haydens begrepp om att kontextualisera konst och Chloë Reddaways begrepp sacred space. Materialet består av alla Albertus målningar av Syndafallet och Kristi Himmelsfärd med huvudsaklig fokus på målningarna i Täby Kyrka i Uppland. I uppsatsen kommer jag bland annat att undersöka bildprogrammens typologiska koppling till litterära verk som Biblia Pauperum Predicatorum och Speculum Humanae Salvationis, samt vilken betydelse kyrkornas vapensköldar har haft för motivens utformande. / The purpose of this study is to analyze Albertus Pictor's frescoes in the late medieval church room to see if the symbolic value of the motifs is decisive for placement, composition and who was meant to look at the pictures. In addition, the study aims to examine what was behind the design of Albertus' artwork, in order to gain a better understanding of what gave rise to his murals and what characterizes his style. The overall question of the study is: What characterizes Albertus Pictor's frescoes with the motif of the The Fall of Man and Ascension of Christ? What predominant external factors have influenced the design of the motifs? What is the significance of the motif's location in the church room? The theoretical starting points are Erwin Panofsky's iconological method, Hans Hayden's concept of contextualizing art and Chloë Reddaway's concept of sacred space. The material consists of all Albertus paintings of The Fall of Man and Ascension of Christ with the main focus on the paintings in Täby Church in Uppland. In the essay, I will, among other things, examine the image programs 'typological connection to literary works such as Biblia Pauperum Predicatorum and Speculum Humanae Salvationis, and the significance of the churches' coats of arms for the design of the motifs.

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