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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specifika internacionalizačního procesu MSP v zemědělství

Bruknerová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to identify basic specifics of internationali-zation process of small and medium sized enterprises operating in the branch of agriculture. The identification will depend on the base of the data obtained from the survey and it will depend on the base of chosen methodical procedure. The practical part of diploma thesis contains the description of actual condition of small and medium sized enterprises in Czech republic and it also contains characteristic of the branch of agriculture to which is related the survey. On the base of the results of the survey there were descripted the factors influencing the internationalization process of the enterprises, there were identified the most important motives that lead to the entry to foreign markets there were also described the obstacles and the risks that bind to the enterprises

A qualitative study of the internationalization of born-global technology start-ups in Brazil

Martins, Octhavio de Freitas 17 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Octhavio Martins (octhavio@gmail.com) on 2016-01-11T19:39:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MPGI Thesis - Octhavio Martins - jan2016.pdf: 689522 bytes, checksum: 94a3d686879f99f8dc15466021b9d2ff (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Luiza Holme (ana.holme@fgv.br) on 2016-01-11T19:43:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MPGI Thesis - Octhavio Martins - jan2016.pdf: 689522 bytes, checksum: 94a3d686879f99f8dc15466021b9d2ff (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-12T11:41:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MPGI Thesis - Octhavio Martins - jan2016.pdf: 689522 bytes, checksum: 94a3d686879f99f8dc15466021b9d2ff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-17 / O fenômeno das empresas born globals e a internacionalização de empresas brasileiras de base tecnológica são tópicos recentes na literatura acadêmica, devido também ao fenômeno ser recente. Não existem muitos estudados feitos com foco no mercado brasileiro, e os poucos que foram feitos, possuem um viés quantitativo. Esse estudo, entretanto, tem como objetivo analisar startups de maneira qualitativa. Uma extensa revisão de literatura foi desenvolvida a fim de melhor analisar as fundações nas quais o estudo seria desenvolvido, revisando os métodos de internacionalização, empreendedorismo no Brasil, e o fenômeno born global no geral. Entrevistas foram conduzidas com empreendedores no Brasil, que passaram pelo processo de internacionalização de seus modelos de negócios, a fim de reunir introspecções a respeito das peculiaridades do mercado brasileiro. Foram também analisados os fatores de escalabilidade de modelos de negócios dependentes de tecnologia, motivadores para a internacionalização, critério de seleção de mercados, programas governamentais, e o papel das startups brasileiras em uma perspectiva global. / The born-global phenomenon and the internationalization of Brazilian technology-based start-ups are very recent topics in the academic literature due to the phenomenon itself also being relatively recent. Not many studies have been made focusing on the Brazilian market, and the few ones that do focus on Brazil, have been made from a quantitative perspective. This study, on the other hand, aims to analyze start-ups qualitatively. An extensive literature review was developed to better analyze the foundations on which the study would be built on, reviewing internationalization methods, entrepreneurship in Brazil, and the born-global phenomenon in general. In addition, interviews were conducted with entrepreneurs in Brazil who have been through internationalizing their business models, in order to gather in-depth insights regarding the nuances of the Brazilian reality. The scalability of technology-dependent business models, internationalization triggers, criteria for selecting target markets, governmental programs, and the role of Brazilian start-ups in a global perspective, were also factors analyzed.

Direct and inverse scattering problems for perturbations of the biharmonic operator

Tyni, T. (Teemu) 31 October 2018 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation is a combination of four articles on the topic of scattering problems for a biharmonic operator. The operator of interest has two coefficients which may be complex-valued and singular. Each of the articles concerns a different aspect of the problem. Namely, the first article discusses the direct scattering problem in higher dimensions and culminates in a proof of Saito's formula, which yields a uniqueness result for the inverse scattering problem. The second paper is about a backscattering problem in two and three dimensions. We prove that the inverse Born approximation can be used to recover the singularities in the coefficients of the operator. The third article fills in an answer to the question about recovering the complex-valued coefficients in three dimensions that was left open in the second article. The final article studies the inverse scattering problem on the line for a quasi-linear operator. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirjatyö koostuu neljästä artikkelista, jotka käsittelevät sirontaongelmia biharmoniselle operaattorille. Työn kohteena olevalla operaattorilla on kaksi kerrointa, jotka voivat olla kompleksiarvoisia ja singulaarisia. Kukin artikkeli käsittelee sirontaongelmaa eri näkökulmasta. Ensimmäinen artikkeli koostuu pääasiassa suorasta sirontateoriasta korkeammissa ulottuvuuksissa huipentuen lopulta Saiton kaavan todistukseen, jonka seurauksena saadaan yksikäsitteisyystulos käänteiselle sirontaongelmalle. Toisen artikkelin aiheena on takaisinsirontaongelma kahdessa ja kolmessa ulottuvuudessa. Todistamme, että käänteistä Bornin approksimaatiota voidaan käyttää paikantamaan kertoimien mahdolliset singulariteetit. Kolmas artikkeli vastaa toisessa artikkelissa avoimeksi jääneeseen kysymykseen kompleksiarvoisien kertoimien rekonstruoimisesta kolmessa ulottuvuudessa. Viimeisessä artikkelissa tutkitaan käänteistä sirontaongelmaa kvasilineaariselle operaattorille yhdessä ulottuvuudessa.

ObÃnrÃn Odara: o ativismo polÃtico afro-religioso das mulheres de Umbanda e Candomblà do CearÃ

Beatriz Ricarte Santos 00 October 2018 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O presente estudo constitui uma discussÃo que intentacompreender como sÃo elaborados os processos de construÃÃo identitÃria afrodescendente e ativista de mulheres de religiÃo de matriz africana que atuam nos Movimentos Sociais a partir do Grupo de Trabalho (GT) Mulheres de AxÃ-SaravÃ, de nÃcleo localizado no CearÃ, da Rede Nacional de ReligiÃes Afro-Brasileiras e SaÃde (RENAFRO).A escolha pelo aprofundamento da temÃtica apresentada justifica-sepor serem as religiÃes de matriz africanainstrumentos de reflexÃo polÃtica a respeito da educaÃÃo e das relaÃÃes Ãtnico-raciais no Brasil. Para alcanÃar o objetivo estabelecido neste trabalho, metodologicamente, optou-se pelo referencial afrodescendente de pesquisa, por ser este um procedimento que elege a populaÃÃo negra como produtora de conhecimento. Nesse contexto, foram entrevistadas/os o coordenador geral do nÃcleo da RENAFRO no CearÃ, as coordenadoras dos GTs de Mulheres de terreiro do Rio de Janeiro e do CearÃ, respectivamente, bem como trÃs mulheres que integraram o GT na cidade de Fortaleza. A partir das falas das/os entrevistadas/os, considero que a construÃÃo identitÃria afrodescendente e ativista da mulher candomblecista e/ou umbandista nÃo se dà de maneira uniforme, embora apresente alguns elementos comuns, geralmente consequentes da necessidade de fortalecimento de si e daqueles/as que as acompanham em suas trajetÃrias, a partir de uma postura combativa frente à inÃmeras expressÃes de racismo religioso. Face aos relatos coletados, à possÃvel considerarque as prÃticas das religiÃes de matriz africana proporcionam, em seus espaÃos sagrados, o desenvolvimento de processos educativos que podem ser considerados significativos, tanto para a construÃÃo identitÃria polÃtica da mulher afrocearense, como para que sejam elaborados novos parÃmetros de movimentos sociais e, consequentemente, de movimentos pedagÃgicos. Em conclusÃo, compreende-se que as religiÃes de matriz africana, bem como o GT Mulheres de AxÃ-SaravÃ, assim, proporcionam o desenvolvimento de processos educativos significativos para a construÃÃo identitÃria feminina afrodescendente e ativista, pois viabiliza a elaboraÃÃo de novos parÃmetros para os Movimentos Sociais, fortalecendo a esperanÃa de que a mulheres de axà possam ocupar todos os espaÃos e viver sem medo. / This study constitutesa discussion that aims to understand how the processes os Afrodescendant and activist identity construction for women of religion of African origin, who are organized in the Social Movements from the Working Gruoup (GT) Women of AxÃ-Saravà of the NationalNetwork of Afro-Brazilian Religions and Health (RENAFRO), are elaborated in CearÃ. The choice for the deepening of the theme is justified by the fact that African-born religionsare instruments of political reflection on education and ethnic-racial relations in Brazil. In order to reach the goal established in this study, methodologically, the Afrodescendent research reference was chosen, since this is a procedure that elects the black population as knowledge producer. In this contexto, the general coordinator of RENAFRO in CearÃ, the coordinators of the Womenâs Working Groups in Rio de Janeiro and CearÃ, respectively, were interviewed, as well as three women who joined th Working Group in the city of Fortaleza. From the interviewes account, I consider that the Afrodescendent and activist identity construction of the candomblecist and/or umbandista woman does not tak place in a uniform way, although it presentes some common elements, generally resulting from the need to strengthen oneself and those who followthem in their trajectories, starting from a combative position in front of the numerous expressions of religious racismo. Considering the reports collected, it is possible to understand that the practices of African-born religions provide, in their sacredspaces, the development of educational processes that can be considered significant both for the political identity construction of Afro-Brazilian women and for the elaboration of new parameters of social movements and, consequently, of pedagogical movements. In conclusion, it is understood that the African-born religions, as well as the Working Group Women of AxÃ-SaravÃ, provide the development of significant educational processes for the construction of afrodescendente and activist feminine identity, since it allows the elaboration of new parameters for the Social Movements, strengthening the hope that the women of axà can occupy all spaces and live without fear.

Investigação da reconstrução tomográfica utilizando transdutores distribuídos de ultrassom. / Reconstruction tomography investigation using ultrasound distributed transducers.

Diego Armando Cardona Cardenas 17 January 2018 (has links)
A Ultrassonografia é uma ferramenta que vem sendo bastante utilizada pelas equipes médicas para diagnosticar e monitorar diferentes doenças. Isto pode ser explicado pelo fato de ser não invasiva e ser livre de radiação ionizante. A tomografia por ultrassom (USCT), uma das classes de ultrassonografia, é apresentada como uma alternativa promissora, de baixo custo, na avaliação de patologias e tumores nas glândulas mamárias. Apesar disso, a eficiência dos algoritmos desenvolvidos para o USCT depende tanto dos seus parâmetros iniciais como das características dos objetos dentro do meio de propagação (refletividade, tamanho, contraste). Para melhorar os resultados dos algoritmos de USCT é comum inicializar estes algoritmos com informação anatômica da região a ser reconstruída (Priors). Apesar das melhoras, para baixos contrastes, os efeitos das alterações nos Priors sobre estes algoritmos não são claros, e além disso, não existem estudos sobre a geração e uso de Priors para altos contrastes. Neste trabalho foi investigada a reconstrução tomográfica quantitativa por ultrassom, desde informações provenientes da reflexão, transmissão e espalhamento das ondas de ultrassom, com o intuito de diminuir o erro nos algoritmos de USCT e gerar melhores Priors para múltiplos contrastes. Para este propósito, através de simulações, foram estudadas técnicas que usam a reflexão como caminho para conhecer regiões (máscara por reflexão) ou para inferir bordas dos objetos dentro do meio (Abertura Sintética de Transmissão (STA)), técnicas que assumem transmissão linear do som oferecendo uma ideia da velocidade dentro do meio (Técnicas de Reconstrução Algébrica (ART)) e algoritmos que usam a difração do som (Distorted Born Iterative Method (DBIM)) para, segundo certos limites, inferir melhor tanto bordas como velocidade dos objetos dentro do meio. Também foi analisada como esta última técnica se comporta diante de diversas inicializações (Priors). Como resultados e conclusões neste trabalho mostrou-se: como o aumento do contraste no meio gera os piores resultados do DBIM; perante a boas inicializações do meio de propagação, o algoritmo, independentemente do contraste, tende a gerar boas reconstruções; o uso de estratégias que delimitem ou diminuam o número de variáveis a serem encontradas (máscara por reflexão) junto com o DBIM possibilita uma convergência mais rápida e melhora desempenho deste; inicializar os objetos dentro do meio de propagação (Priors) com áreas maiores do que as esperadas, oferece melhores resultados no DBIM do que trabalhar com áreas menores; informações qualitativas provenientes da reflexão (STA) são relevantes e aumentam a sua importância conforme aumenta o contraste estudado; através dos algoritmos ART, é possível uma delimitação inicial dos objetos dentro do meio para certos contrastes. Estas informações quantitativas podem ser melhoradas por meio da execução conjunta do ART com uma variação do Modified Median Filter aqui proposta. / Ultrasonography is a tool that has been used by medical professionals to diagnose and to monitor different kinds of diseases. This can be explained by its characteristics, such as being non-invasive and being free of ionizing radiation. Ultrasound Tomography (USCT) is one of the classes of ultrasonography, and is presented as a promising low cost alternative in the evaluation of pathologies and tumors in the breast. However, the efficiency of the USCT-algorithms depends both on its initial parameters and of the objects characteristics within the propagation medium (reflectivity, size, contrast). To improve the results of the USCT-algorithms it is common to initialize the algorithms with a-priori anatomical information of the region to be reconstructed (Priors). Despite of improving the results of the USCT-algorithms for low contrasts, the effects of the Priors in these algorithms are not clear, and in addition, there are no studies about the generation and the use of Priors for high contrasts. In this work, quantitative reconstruction for ultrasound was investigated based on information from the reflection, transmission and scattering of ultrasound waves, in order to reduce the error in the USCT-algorithms and to generate better Priors for multiple contrasts. For this purpose, it was studied, through simulations, techniques that use reflection to differentiate regions (reflection mask), or to deduce objects borders within the propagation medium (synthetic transmission aperture (STA)), as well as techniques that assume linear sound transmission to get an idea of the velocity inside the propagation medium (algebraic reconstruction technique (ART)) and algorithms that use sound diffraction (Distorted Born Iterative Method (DBIM)) to better infer both edges and velocity of objects within the propagation medium. It was also analyzed how the DBIM behaves due to multiple initializations (Priors). As results and conclusions, it was shown: how the increase of contrast in the propagation medium generates the worse results of the DBIM; in the presence of a good initialization of the propagation medium, the DBIM, regardless of the contrast, tends to generate good reconstructions; the use of strategies that delimit or reduce the number of unknown variables (reflection mask) along with the DBIM enables fast convergence and it improves the DBIM\'s performance; initializing the objects within the propagation medium with areas larger than expected provides better DBIM results than working with smaller areas; qualitative information derived from the reflection (STA) are relevant and increase their importance as the contrast increases; initial delimitation of objects within the propagation medium for certain contrasts is possible via transmission reconstruction. This quantitative information can be improved through the implementation of ART together with a variation of the Modified Median Filter here proposed.

Born Globals brasileiras: estudo da internacionalização de empresas de base tecnológica / Brazilian Born globals: study of technology-based firms internationalization

Fernanda Cecilia Ferreira Ribeiro 16 February 2012 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é analisar a relação dos fatores do ambiente externo da empresa no país de origem, fatores organizacionais e fatores do empreendedor pelos quais algumas empresas de base tecnológica (EBTs) se internacionalizam de maneira acelerada desde sua fundação ou poucos anos após sua fundação. Cerca de 1000 EBTs foram aleatoriamente convidadas para responder o questionário. Ao final da coleta de dados a primeira base de dados gerada continha 214 respostas, das quais 85 foram obtidas de empresas com algum tipo de negócio no exterior, 39,7%. Destes, 54 questionários foram considerados válidos para esta pesquisa. Os resultados mostram que os fatores externos à empresa influenciam mais na internacionalização das EBTs em relação aos fatores internos. Assim, o habitat de localização, as parcerias, as políticas governamentais e a integração na cadeia de valor explicam de maneira significativa o processo de internacionalização das EBTs brasileiras. Porém, é a integração em cadeias produtivas globais o fator que melhor discrimina a internacionalização das EBTs born globals. Em relação aos fatores do empreendedor, as habilidades gerenciais internacionais do empreendedor também apareceram como importantes no processo acelerado de entrada no exterior das EBTs. Além disso, a tese apresenta uma taxonomia resultante de uma análise de clusters. Foram identificados três clusters: EBTs Born globals puxadas por cadeias globais, EBTs Born globals incentivadas por habitats de inovação e EBTs internacionalizadas não born globals. Portanto, esta pesquisa contribui para a discussão do processo de internacionalização acelerada das EBTs, contribuindo para suprir a lacuna da importância dos fatores externos, internos e do empreendedor no processo de internacionalização dessas empresas e apresentando uma taxonomia baseada em dados de born globals em mercados emergentes. / The objective of this thesis is to analyze the relation of factors external to the firm in the country of origin, organizational factors and entrepreneurial factors through which some technology-based firms (TBFs) internationalize in an accelerated manner since their foundation or a few years after their foundation. Approximately 1,000 TBFs were randomly invited to answer a questionnaire. At the end of data collection, the first database generated held 214 answers, of which 85 were obtained from firms which had some kind of business abroad (39.7%). Of those, 54 questionnaires were considered valid for this research. The results show that factors external to the firms influence more in the internationalization process of the TBFs in relation to internal factors. Therefore, location, partnerships, government policies and integration in the value chain significantly explain the internationalization process of Brazilian TBFs. However, integration in the value chain is the factor that best discriminates the internationalization of born global TBFs. In relation to entrepreneurial factors, international managing skills of the entrepreneur are also important to the accelerated internationalization process of the TBFs. Moreover, a taxonomy resulting of the analysis of clusters is presented in the thesis. Three clusters were identified: born-global TBFs generated by global chains, born-global TBFs motivated by innovation habitats and internationalized non-born global TBFs. Therefore, this paper contributes to the discussion of the accelerated internationalization process of TBFs, filling the gap regarding the importance of external, internal and entrepreneurial factors in the internationalization process of these firms and presenting a taxonomy based on data from born globals in emerging markets.

Från nyfödda till globala : En flerfallsstudie om hur Born Global-företag använder nätverk i sin internationaliseringsprocess

Brodin, Martina, Edberg, Nathalie January 2018 (has links)
Följande flerfallsstudie syftar till att empiriskt undersöka hur entreprenörer i Born Globals, det vill säga företag med en global vision och närvaro från grundandet, använder sina nätverk för att bli internationella. Tre fallstudier görs på olika Born Global-företag där entreprenörernas användning av nätverk i internationaliseringsprocessen undersöks genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fallstudierna analyseras först individuellt med hjälp av Johanson och Vahlnes internationaliseringsprocessmodell (2009) och sedan tillsammans i en jämförande analys för att dra fallgemensamma slutsatser. Resultatet visar att entreprenörerna använder sina existerande nätverk som ett verktyg för att genomföra en snabb internationaliseringsstrategi, genom att dra nytta av de kunskaper och resurser som finns inom nätverken. Nätverk fungerar både som en länk till indirekta relationer och som ett hjälpmedel för att minska det psykiska avståndet till internationella marknader. Således utnyttjas företagets nätverksposition för att identifiera affärsmöjligheter och för att lära sig, vilket möjliggör en verksamhetsförändring som driver internationaliseringen framåt.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att komma hem med sitt prematurt födda barn / Parents' experiences of coming home with their premature born child

Andersson, Annika, Johansson, Ida, Sjunnesson, Kajsa January 2018 (has links)
Varje år föds drygt 15 miljoner barn prematurt. Ett prematurt fött barn är i behov av specialiserad vård med fokus på hens välmående. Detta kan medföra att föräldrars involvering i omvårdnaden av sitt barn åsidosätts och möjligheten till anknytning försämras. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva föräldrars upplevelser av att komma hem med sitt prematurt födda barn. En allmän litteraturstudie genomfördes med systematiska sökningar i databaser och med stöd av innehållsanalys. Resultatet presenterades i tre huvudteman: Upplevelser av att få komma hem, Upplevelser av att ta hand om sitt barn i hemmet och Upplevelser av stöd. Resultatet påvisade att känslor som positivitet och lättnad var övervägande men föräldrar upplevde även osäkerhet och oro. Hemma präglades vardagen av nya rutiner och olika hinder. Föräldrar fick stöd från sjuksköterskan, stödgrupper och anhöriga. Stödet från sjuksköterskan ansågs viktigt för att föräldrar skulle uppleva hemkomsten som positiv. Denna litteraturstudie kan ge sjuksköterskan en ökad förståelse för föräldrars upplevelser av att komma hem med sitt prematurt födda barn och leda till bättre stöd från sjuksköterskan i de områden där osäkerheten hos föräldrar är störst. / Every year roughly 15 million children are born prematurely. A premature born child is in need of specialized care focusing on his or her well-being. This may cause parents' involvement in the care of their child to be overridden and the possibility of connection becomes impaired. The aim of this literature study was to describe parents' experiences of coming home with their premature born child. A general literature study was conducted with systematic searches in databases and supported by content analysis. The result was presented in three main themes: Experiences of coming home, Experiences of caring for one's child at home and Experiences of support. The result showed that feelings like positivity and relief were predominant, but parents also experienced insecurity and concern. At home everyday life was characterized by new routines and various obstacles. Parents' received support from the nurse, support groups and relatives. The support from the nurse was considered important for parents to experience homecoming as positive. This literature study can give the nurse an increased understanding of parents' experiences of coming home with their premature born child and lead to better support from the nurse in those areas where the insecurity among parents' is the greatest.

Accelerating from Zero to Global Hero : A Multiple-Case Study of Accelerators promoting Participants to become Born Globals

Eberhardt, Björn, Hörst, Fabian January 2017 (has links)
In recent years, accelerators have gained increasingly attention due to their numerical growth, geographic dispersion, and growing numbers of participants they have worked with. Uber, Airbnb, Dropbox or Reddit – they have not only been participants of accelerators, but they can also be identified as ‘Born Globals’ according to the definition used throughout this thesis. Considering this fact and the lack of research in theory on the interrelation of both phenomena, accelerators and Born Global, it is interesting to dig deeper into the impact accelerators have on their respective participants’ global development. For this purpose, the authors conducted a multiple-case study to find answers to the question of what elements of accelerators promote participants to become Born Globals. This multiple-case study included semi-structured interviews with managers of four different cases of accelerators and three respective former participants as well as complementarily used secondary data in terms of company documents. Drawing from empirical evidence, it was found that the major elements of the examined accelerators fostering the participants’ development towards Born Globals can be summarized into five major categories: ’Application Process’, ’Interpersonal Connections’, ’Product & Coaching Methodologies’, ’Education’, and ‘Startup Community & Entrepreneurial Ecosystem’.

Benefits of using offline & online methods in the internationalization process : A study of e-commerce companies in Sweden

Clarqvist, Björn, Andersson, Lukas, Zwart, Jaap-jan January 2017 (has links)
Technical advances have made it possible for small enterprises to go international already at inception since the internet has made the internationalization process cost-effective. With the existence of the offline and online arena, the companies have to consider how they allocate their resources between these fields; not allocating resources to offline methods can save money, but could reduce adaptation to the new market which can lead to reduced firm performance. However, overspending on offline methods can be costly and could jeopardize the financial stability of the company. Although this is noted by previous research, little is still known about how companies balance the resources between online and offline presence. Especially when it comes to e-commerce companies and how the benefits of online and offline presence are balanced by this type of firms in their expansion into foreign markets. This is also what is meant to be explored in this paper. The data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with seven Swedish e-commerce companies that have internationalized their operations in an active way. The results show that online and offline benefits can be divided into four categories, namely local knowledge, local connection, promotion and services. These categories could in turn bring benefits to the company that are either substitutable, non-substitutable or complementary. The findings indicate that firms could balance their resources in online and offline presence in order to gain benefits that cannot be found in the counterparts of each presence. This could be of interest for entrepreneurs and managers that plan to engage in internationalization within e-commerce.

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