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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det är ingen rocket science : En varumärkesundersökning av Metro i Karlstad / It's no rocket science : A brand survey of Metro in Karlstad

Dyberg, Anton, Taflin, Totte January 2012 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to do a brand survey of Metro in Karlstad. The study will originate from the terms ”brand identity” and ”brand associations”, where the brand identity is the organization’s desired view of the brand, and the brand associations define the associations held by the consumers. Issues: What is Metro’s brand identity? What are the brand associsations of Metro in Karlstad? How well do the brand identity and the brand associations correspond? Theoretical framework: The study is done from the perspective of media and communication studies, where the theoretical terms are defined from literature regarding brands. Method: The study is carried out using a qualitative document analysis, interviews, and a quantitative survey. The document analysis was made on Metro’s own documents regarding values and target audience. The interviews were carried out with three interviewees from the organization of Metro. The survey was made as a group survey with 200 respondents where eight were removed as they did not qualify for the target audience. Results: The qualitative studies showed that the brand identity towards Metro’s readers is simple. Metro’s desire is that the the newspaper is seen as free, accessible, and that it summarizes the news. The survey showed that the readers of Metro in Karlstad choose Metro because it is free and accessible. They also gave Metro a good grade regarding summarizing of news. Conclusions: Metro keeps their brand identity towards readers simple, as the brand awareness is high and thereby don’t need a complex brand identity. The readers choose Metro because it’s free and accessible, and also think that Metro summarizes the news well. This is exactly what Metro wants to accomplish, and do so by keeping the brand identity simple. The correspondence between brand identity and brand associations is strong, and thereby contributes to a strong brand for Metro. Keywords: Metro, free newspaper, brand survey, brand identity, brand associations, brand, customer perceived value, brand positioning, brand equity, brand awareness. / Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att göra en varumärkesundersökning på gratistidningen Metro i Karlstad. Undersökningen sker utifrån profil och image, där profilen är ledningens syn på hur varumärket ska se ut och imagen hur publiken uppfattar varumärket. Frågeställningar: Hur ser profilen ut för Metro? Hur ser imagen ut för Metro i Karlstad? Hur väl stämmer profil och image överens? Teoretiskt ramverk: Undersökningen genomförs ur ett medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapligt perspektiv, där begreppen profil och image definieras utifrån litteratur om varumärken. Metod: Undersökningen har genomförts genom en kvalitativ dokumentanalys, samtalsintervjuer samt en kvantitativ enkätundersökning. Dokumentanalysen gjordes på Metros egna dokument rörande värderingar och målgrupp. Intervjuerna skedde med tre respondenter från Metros organisation. Enkätundersökningen genomfördes som en typ av gruppenkät med 200 respondenter där åtta plockades bort på grund av att de inte tillhörde målgruppen. Resultat: De kvalitativa undersökningarna visade att Metro har en enkel profil mot sina läsare. De vill att tidningen ska ses som gratis, lättillgänglig och nyhetssammanfattande. Enkätundersökningen visade att Metros läsare i Karlstad väljer tidningen för att den är gratis och lättillgänglig. Läsarna gav också ett bra betyg gällande nyhetssammanfattandet. Slutsatser: Metro håller profilen mot läsare enkel, då de har en hög varumärkeskännedom och inte behöver någon komplex profil. Läsarna väljer Metro för att den är just gratis och lättillgänglig och tycker även att tidningen sammanfattar nyheter bra. Detta är just det Metro vill åstadkomma och gör det genom att hålla profilen enkel. Överensstämmelsen mellan profil och image är därför stark och bidrar till ett starkt varumärke för Metro. Nyckelord: Metro, gratistidning, varumärkesundersökning, profil, image, varumärke, customer perceived value, positionering, brand equity, varumärkeskännedom.

品牌知名度對消費者對品牌聯盟態度與外溢效果影響之研究 / The Influence of Brand Awareness on Customer Attitude to Brand Alliance and Feedback Effect

閻秀樺, Yen,Hsiu-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
品牌聯盟是市場上經常被運用的行銷策略,廠商藉由搭配另一個品牌共同推出產品,不僅增加原本產品的屬性,更讓消費者對於新產品產生更高的信心與正面的態度。消費者在對品牌聯盟產品形成態度的同時,也對原本單獨兩品牌產生了新的評價,使得消費者在品牌聯盟前後對於個別品牌的態度出現差異,造成品牌聯盟的外溢效果。本研究之目的在探討品牌聯盟類型中的組成份共品牌,是否會因為不同品牌知名度的組合,而影響消費者對品牌聯盟的態度。另外當品牌參與聯盟之後,消費者對品牌態度的改變,是否受其本身知名度以及在聯盟中擔任角色的影響。本研究設計一個2(主品牌知名度高/低)x2(成分品牌知名度高/低)x2(品牌聯盟成功/失敗)=8組的實驗,利用問卷瞭解消費者在各種組合下對品牌聯盟以及個別品牌的態度,再利用統計分析比較彼此的差異。 透過對214份有效問卷的分析,研究發現品牌知名度確實是影響消費者對品牌聯盟態度的因素。此外,消費者在品牌聯盟之後對個別品牌態度的變化幅度,會受品牌聯盟市場反應的好壞,品牌本身知名度,以及此品牌在聯盟中擔任角色的交互影響,而造成外溢效果的差異。品牌聯盟市場反應好壞不必然同時影響消費者對聯盟中兩個品牌的態度,消費者傾向於將品牌聯盟的成敗歸因於主品牌上,使主品牌的外溢效果大於成分品牌。另外品牌外溢效果同時會受品牌知名度與聯盟中主附品牌角色不同的影響。低知名度加上主品牌的組合最容易產生顯著的外溢效果。 / Brand alliance, also called co-branding, is a useful marketing strategy which helps an existing brand to leverage associations, strengthen its image and influence consumers’ attitudes by linking itself to other brands. A special case of brand association is ingredient branding, which highlights a product’s ingredient brand in order to signal the quality of co-branded products. While consumers perceive a co-brand and form attitudes to it, the attitudes toward each constituent brand are also influenced, causing the spillover effect. This study tries to find out if brand awareness is the key factor to impact consumers’ attitudes to a brand alliance. Further, it explains how spillover effect differs between a main brand and an ingredient brand when either positive or negative information about an ingredient branding product is presented to customers. Experiments are conducted to compare an array of consumer’s attitudes and spillover effects of ingredient branding products. Main brands and ingredient brands of different awareness levels are paired alternatively to design eight co-branding conditions. The study finds out brand awareness is a key factor that influences consumer’s attitudes toward a brand association. The combination of two high-awareness brands gains the more positive attitudes than other awareness combinations. However, the level of awareness has little to do with the strength of spillover effect. Attitudes to a brand alliance, positive or not, do not necessarily influence the attitudes to either allied brands. Spillover effect is not a symmetrical phenomenon, and therefore one brand usually gains more spillover effect than their counterpart. Generally the main brand in an ingredient branding has higher spillover effect than the ingredient brand.

How multiple strategic orientations affect the brand performance of B2B SMEs

Anees-ur-Rehman, M. (Muhammad) 10 October 2017 (has links)
Abstract Scholars are interested in exploring strategies for better business-to-business (B2B) brand management because several strategic benefits of having a stronger B2B brand have been revealed. Contributing to this stream of research, this dissertation applies the concept of multiple strategic orientations for the purpose of improving B2B branding. The collective role of the brand, market and entrepreneurial orientations when used for improving brand equity, brand awareness, brand credibility and financial performance are examined in the dissertation. Examining this phenomenon for B2B small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is an important and interesting topic because (1) SMEs are known for delineating multidimensional strategic orientation and (2) B2B SMEs have shown growth with the help of a stronger brand despite being less motivated to conduct branding activities and less resourceful when doing so. The results of this study could help to develop a more cohesive and coherent branding strategy for B2B SMEs. The research question of the dissertation is addressed with the help of three articles. The first article sheds light on the theoretical framework of interaction between brand, market and entrepreneurial orientations. Findings of the first article led the selection of two perspectives on interactions for examination, which were subsequently examined in the second and third articles respectively. These two perspectives on interaction are strategic hybrid orientation and moderating interaction. The first article used the systematic literature review approach, while the second and third articles used regression analysis to examine the relationship between constructs by using the data collected from 250 Finnish B2B SMEs. The results supported the presence of strategic hybrid orientation between brand and market orientations for the purpose of improving brand awareness, brand credibility and financial performance. However, insignificant results were found which did not rule out the presence of moderating interaction between brand, market and entrepreneurial orientations in improving brand equity. Further research studies are encouraged to advance the understanding of this approach of B2B branding in SMEs. The dissertation achieves novelty by being amongst the first to provide empirical evidence to support the concept of using multiple strategic orientations for B2B branding in SMEs. This study concludes by discussing the theoretical contributions and managerial implications of these results. / Tiivistelmä Vahvan brändin on todettu tuovan monia strategisia hyötyjä myös yritystenvälisillä (B2B) markkinoilla toimiville yrityksille. Sen vuoksi tutkijat ovat kiinnostuneita löytämään strategioita, joilla pyritään parempaan B2B-brändien johtamiseen. Tämä väitöskirja kontribuoi B2B-brändi -tutkimukseen soveltamalla strategisen moni-orientaation käsitettä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan brändi-, markkina-, ja yrittäjyysorientaation yhteisroolia parannettaessa brändin arvoa, bränditietoisuutta, brändin uskottavuutta, sekä taloudellista tuloksellisuutta. Ilmiön tutkiminen erityisesti pienissä ja keskisuurissa B2B-yrityksissä on tärkeää, koska (1) pk-yritysten tiedetään käyttävän moniulotteisia strategisia orientaatioita ja (2) B2B pk-yritykset näyttävät kasvavan vahvan brändin avulla huolimatta mahdollisesti vähäisestä motivaatiostaan ja vähäisistä resursseistaan tehdä brändäämis-toimenpiteitä. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää kehitettäessä B2B pk-yritysten brändistrategiaa. Tutkimuskysymykseen vastataan kolmen artikkelin avulla. Ensimmäinen artikkeli tarkastelee teoreettista taustaa brändi-, markkina-, ja yrittäjyysorientaatioiden interaktiolle eli yhdysvaikutukselle. Kyseisen artikkelin tulosten perusteella valittiin tarkasteluun kaksi näkökulmaa yhdysvaikutukseen. Nämä ovat hybridi interaktio ja moderoiva interaktio, joita käsitellään toisessa ja kolmannessa artikkelissa. Ensimmäisessä artikkelissa käytettiin systemaattisen kirjallisuusanalyysin menetelmää. Toisessa ja kolmannessa artikkelissa aineistona oli 250 suomalaisen B2B pk-yrityksen kyselyaineisto, jonka analyysissä hyödynnettiin regressioanalyysiä käsitteiden välisten suhteiden tarkasteluun. Tulokset osoittavat brändi- ja markkinaorientaation muodostaman strategisen hybridi-orientaation parantavan bränditietoisuutta, brändin uskottavuutta sekä taloudellista tuloksellisuutta. Tulokset eivät kuitenkaan sulje pois moderoivaa interaktiota brändi-, markkina- ja yrittäjyysorientaation välillä brändin arvon lisäämiseksi. Väitöskirja on ensimmäisiä tutkimuksia, joissa empiirisesti tarkastellaan strategisen moni-orientoitumisen käsitettä B2B- brändeihin liittyen. Tulokset kannustavatkin jatkotutkimuksiin tästä näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen lopuksi keskustellaan tulosten teoreettisista kontribuutioista ja liikkeenjohdollisista päätelmistä.

Slogan Word Count and the Effects on Consumer Behavior

Scro, Paige 12 1900 (has links)
Slogans can be attributed as a way in which to communicate a brand's message to its key consumer. An effectively established brand amongst targeted consumers can in turn generate profitability and ever further promote the brand. The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effectiveness of advertisements that employ vague or precise cosmetic product brand slogans among both male and female consumers. Ultimately, the end goal of marketing is to make a sale. Additionally, the purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the length of a slogan is an influential factor on the participant's motivation to purchase a cosmetic or skincare product. Data was collected through the use of survey in an online social media format, in order to test the effectiveness of different lengths of slogans for slogan recall, brand recall, brand awareness and purchase intention. Prior research and hypotheses were used to predict the concept that shorter more concise or precise slogans in this study would heighten the levels of all measured variables in the study, slogan recall, brand recall, brand awareness and purchase intention. The results of this paper conclude overall vague slogans have the potential to reach higher levels of slogan recall ability , brand recall and the intent to purchase, on the contrary shorter more precise slogans affect brand awareness at a greater level than the lengthier slogans.

Valor de marca en la intención de compra de smartphones por la población de nivel socioeconómico D en Lima Metropolitana / Brand equity in the intention of purchasing smartphones by the population of socioeconomic level D in Metropolitan Lima

Zaharia Seinfeld, Daniela 27 August 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo central determinar la relación entre el Valor de marca, sus dimensiones (Asociación de marca, Conocimiento de marca, Lealtad de marca y Calidad percibida) y la Intención de compra. Se busca para ello, determinar los factores positivos y negativos de mayor influencia en la decisión de compra de un Smartphone, así como jerarquizar los factores del valor de marca para los consumidores según edades. Además, se requiere analizar el perfil típico del consumidor de Nivel socioeconómico D que compra Smartphones en Lima Metropolitana. Por último, se busca establecer el camino que siguen los consumidores a la hora de realizar la compra. Para la elaboración de esta investigación se propone un estudio correlacional no experimental de tipo transversal, utilizando un estudio cualitativo y cuantitativo basado en entrevistas a profundidad, grupos focales y encuestas. / The main objective of this research is to determine the relationship between Brand Equity, its dimensions (Brand Association, Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, and Brand Loyalty) and the Purchase Intention. For this purpose, it seeks to determine the positive and negative factors which have the greatest influence on the decision of buying a Smartphone, as well as to prioritize the factors of brand value for consumers according to ages. In addition, it is necessary to analyze the typical profile of the consumer of Socioeconomic Level D who buys Smartphones in Metropolitan Lima. Finally, it seeks to establish the path that consumers follow when making the purchase. For the development of this research, it is proposed a non-experimental cross-sectional correlational study, by using a qualitative and quantitative study based on in-depth interviews, focus groups and surveys. / Trabajo de investigación

Los micro influencers en Tik Tok como promoción de la recordación de marca en millennials. Caso Adidas. / Micro influencers on Tiktok as a promotion of brand awareness in millennials. Adidas case.

Pérez Chuctaya, Luis Miguel 06 September 2020 (has links)
En el entorno digital, las personas tienen más poder sobre lo que quieren ver y lo que no. Por ello, las marcas buscan mantenerse en la mente del consumidor sin ser rechazados. En ese aspecto, los micro influencers poseen ciertas características de comunicación más cercanas y empáticas con el público que los sigue. El propósito de este estudio fue identificar cómo el uso de la marca Adidas por micro influencers de la red social Tik Tok promueve la recordación de marca en los millennials. Se hizo uso de un enfoque cualitativo por medio de entrevistas a profundidad. Se tomaron como variables a los micro influencers de la red social Tik Tok (X1) y a la recordación de marca (X2), siendo la variable dependiente la percepción de los Millennials (Y). / In the digital environment, people have more power over what they want to see or not in it. Therefore, brands seek to stay in the mind of the consumer without being rejected. In this matter, the micro-influencers have certain characteristics of closer and more empathetic communication with people that follow them. The purpose of this study was to identify how the use of the brand Adidas by micro influencers from the social network Tik Tok, promotes brand awareness in millennials. A qualitative approach was used through in-depth interviews. The micro-influencers of the social network Tik Tok (X1) and the brand awareness (X2) were taken as variables, with the perception of millennials (Y) being the dependent variable. / Trabajo de investigación

Valor de marca en la intención de compra de smartphones por la población de nivel socioeconómico D en Lima Metropolitana

Zaharia Seinfeld, Daniela 27 August 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo central determinar la relación entre el Valor de marca, sus dimensiones (Asociación de marca, Conocimiento de marca, Lealtad de marca y Calidad percibida) y la Intención de compra. Se busca para ello, determinar los factores positivos y negativos de mayor influencia en la decisión de compra de un Smartphone, así como jerarquizar los factores del valor de marca para los consumidores según edades. Además, se requiere analizar el perfil típico del consumidor de Nivel socioeconómico D que compra Smartphones en Lima Metropolitana. Por último, se busca establecer el camino que siguen los consumidores a la hora de realizar la compra. Para la elaboración de esta investigación se propone un estudio correlacional no experimental de tipo transversal, utilizando un estudio cualitativo y cuantitativo basado en entrevistas a profundidad, grupos focales y encuestas. / The main objective of this research is to determine the relationship between Brand Equity, its dimensions (Brand Association, Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, and Brand Loyalty) and the Purchase Intention. For this purpose, it seeks to determine the positive and negative factors which have the greatest influence on the decision of buying a Smartphone, as well as to prioritize the factors of brand value for consumers according to ages. In addition, it is necessary to analyze the typical profile of the consumer of Socioeconomic Level D who buys Smartphones in Metropolitan Lima. Finally, it seeks to establish the path that consumers follow when making the purchase. For the development of this research, it is proposed a non-experimental cross-sectional correlational study, by using a qualitative and quantitative study based on in-depth interviews, focus groups and surveys. / Trabajo de investigación

VoIP branding: How to bridge the gaps between your brand identity and brand equity : A corporate-consumer perspective with Rebtel Networks AB

Macharoensak, Kunthika January 2012 (has links)
A hi-tech company often focuses on being innovative by providing product offerings as product leader, fast follower or with operational excellence. In the international calling sector the technological solutions are numerous. The providers are, for instance, normal telecom providers, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Mobile virtual network operators (MVNO). This means that a company faces not only the competitors that offer the same solution but also from outside the company’s business sector. The company thus needs to tackle many challenges, such as fast-paced product development, market expansion, competitor volatility, at the same time as the company cultivates its brand assets. This study focuses on the branding strategy within the VoIP telecom sector. It aims to set a guideline for how companies, in particular in the VoIP telecom sectors, cultivate and enhance their brand identity in order to differentiate themselves from competitors as well as achieve a successful and sustainable level of brand equity. The thesis also studies the brand strategies that have already manifested themselves within the providers of international calling services, in particular VoIP providers and a couple of MVNO providers. By conducting the brand identity and brand equity analysis, customer analysis and competitors’ analysis, a company can make a decision on brand strategy that will further associate, differentiate, energize and support its brands. The research framework consists of both the corporate and consumer perspectives. It consists of brand theory, market research, competitor analysis and the company’s brand identity, as well as brand awareness analysis. The thesis presents the Swedish VoIP consumers’ behavior and trends, the guideline and case study on how a company bridges the gap between brand identity and brand equity as well as the guideline and case study of brand portfolio strategies that have been explored within the VoIP telecom sectors, i.e. VoIP branding.

Elementos del social media marketing, el brand awareness y su relación con el brand loyalty / Elements of social media marketing and brand awareness in relation to brand loyalty

Bedón Salazar, Andrea Jimena, Ríos Guzmán, Ariana Dora 10 April 2021 (has links)
El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los elementos del social media marketing, el brand awareness y su relación con el brand loyalty en el Perú. La población de interés para la investigación consistirá en mujeres y hombres millennials de 20 a 25 años que son usuarios regulares de la red social Facebook, además estos deberán interactuar frecuentemente con las publicaciones de las páginas que siguen. El método de investigación para el presente trabajo tendrá un enfoque cuantitativo de carácter concluyente y los datos de la investigación se obtendrán a través de cuestionarios en línea compartidos en las redes sociales. Para el análisis de estos datos se utilizará el programa SPSS haciendo análisis bivariados desde correlaciones y multivariados a partir de ecuaciones estructurales. / The objective of this research is to analyze the elements of social media marketing, brand awareness and its relation with brand loyalty in Peru. The population of interest for the research will consist of millennial women and men between the ages of 20 and 25 who are regular users of the social network Facebook, and they must also frequently interact with the publications of the pages they follow. The research method for this work will have a conclusive quantitative approach and the research data will be obtained through online surveys shared on social networks. For the analysis of these data, the SPSS program will be used, making bivariate analyzes from correlations and multivariates from structural equations. / Trabajo de investigación

Los factores que influyen más en la confianza durante la elección de compra online de accesorios deportivos / The factors that most influence confidence when choosing to buy sports accessories online

Cotrina Beraun, Victor Gonzalo, Amorin Ayala, Natalia del Rocío 08 July 2021 (has links)
En este estudio se dará a conocer los factores que influyen más en la confianza como variable dependiente, durante la elección de compra online de accesorios deportivos que sean necesarios para realizar una rutina. El objetivo del presente trabajo es explicar los factores que más influyen y generan la confianza que lleva al consumidor a elegir un determinado proveedor o sitio web de comercio electrónico durante la compra en línea de artículos deportivos. El estudio es relevante porque permite entender el comportamiento del consumidor y las acciones que construyen confianza. Entre las variables independientes se ha considerado el factor de marketing que incluye la dimensión de marca de producto, comunicación de la marca y atención del vendedor; la variable riesgos percibidos que abarca las dimensiones de riesgo de producto , riesgo de seguridad y riesgo social y la variable influencia de las personas. Asimismo, el presente estudio será dirigido a hombres y mujeres entre 20 a 40 años de NSE A y B , que hayan realizado una compra online de accesorios deportivos en el último año. / This study will reveal the factors that most influence confidence as a dependent variable, during the online purchase choice of sports accessories that are necessary to perform a routine. The objective of this work is to explain the factors that most influence and generate the confidence that leads the consumer to choose a certain supplier or e-commerce website during the online purchase of sporting goods. The study is relevant because it allows us to understand consumer behavior and the actions that build trust. Among the independent variables, the marketing factor has been considered, which includes the product brand dimension, brand communication and seller's attention; the variable perceived risks that encompasses the dimensions of product risk, security risk and social risk, and the variable influence of people. Likewise, this study will be directed to men and women between 20 and 40 years of age of NSE A and B, who have made an online purchase of sports accessories in the last year. / Trabajo de investigación

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