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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Circular economy in the building industry : Innovation as an incentive and its link to company growth

Narin, Fabian, Lazaridis, Georgios Petros January 2021 (has links)
Background: The building industry is slowly but progressively shifting from the ‘take-make-dispose’principle of the linear economy towards a circular economy (CE), where waste is minimized and reintroduced to the loop of production. In this way, the loop of materials, energy and waste flows is closed; all for the hopes of saving the environment. Nonetheless, studies show that this is not the main incentivefor which architects and engineers implement CE principles into their projects and businesses but rather because they are interested in the innovative aspect of CE (Alhawari, et al., 2021). Previous research has also shown that there is a positive correlation between this innovation incentive and the growth thata company has experienced over the years (Horbach & Rammer, 2020). Innovation as such allows companies to attain competitiveness and make their presence stronger in the market (Raghuvanshi & Agrawal, 2020). Objectives: The objective is to extend previous studies about innovation being the main incentivedriving the implementation of CE principles in the building industry. Furthermore, the relationship between company growth and the strength of the innovation incentive is studied, as well as the relationship between company growth and the number of CE projects a company has worked on over the last years.  Methodology: The study is based on a quantitative approach for data collection and data analysis. The data comes from 70 architectural and engineering companies operating in various countries of the European Union and is analyzed with the help of descriptive statistics and Mann-Whitney U tests through STATA software.  Results: Innovation is proved to be the main incentive, driving the transition towards CE in the building industry; it is also clearly proven that there is a positive correlation between the innovation incentiveand the company growth. Diving deeper into the subject, no correlation was found between the numberof CE projects and the company growth. However, categorizing the companies based on their size and discipline, a positive correlation was found between the number of CE projects and the growth of big architecture companies. All the observations of positive correlation are in line with previous literature. Conclusions: Saving the planet, which is the reason that initiated the CE concept, is not the main incentive. Architects and engineers are innovative by their nature and always aim to follow trends thatallow them to think outside the box to help their business grow and have their name heard. The effect of innovation on the success of a company should be taken into consideration when developing newbusiness models and setting goals, as well as when recruiting new employees. Recommendations for future research: Future research could broaden the geographical area and try to find if there are different outcomes for other parts of the world. Additionally, an understanding of why only big architectural companies showed a correlation between their growth and their number of CE projects could be achieved by studying a larger sample and defining growth by using other factors.

Anpassung von Unternehmen des Baugewerbes der Modellregion Dresden an den Klimawandel

Kynast, Luisa January 2011 (has links)
Der 4. Sachstandsbericht des IPCC im Jahre 2007 enthielt die deutliche Warnung an die globale Weltgemeinschaft, dass der Klimawandel bereits im Gange ist und umfassende Maßnahmen notwendig sein werden, um seine Folgen für Mensch und Umwelt im erträglichen Maß zu halten. Nicht zuletzt ist dies auch ein deutliches Signal an die Weltwirtschaft, sich intensiv mit dem Thema Klimawandel auseinander zu setzen und daraus geeignete Maßnahmen insbesondere zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel abzuleiten. Der Sachstandbericht des IPCC richtet seinen Appell aber auch an die Regionen, sich mit der Thematik auseinanderzusetzen, um Anpassungsstrategien an die besonderen klimatischen lokalen Besonderheiten zu entwickeln. Im Rahmen des Projektes REGKLAM, dem Regionalen Klimaanpassungsprogramm, werden in der Modellregion Sachsen eben diese Forderungen umgesetzt. Als ein für diese Region bedeutsamer Wirtschaftszweig ist unter anderem die Baubranche identifiziert worden. Zur Verschaffung eines ersten Überblicks über die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und mögliche Anpassungsstrategien der Baubranche in der Modellregion Dresden sind Experteninterviews mit Vertretern von Bauunternehmen durchgeführt worden. Deren Aussagen werden mit Hilfe der Inhaltsanalyse untersucht, um neben den Erkenntnissen für die Region einen Abgleich mit der gegenwärtig existierenden Literatur zu diesem Thema vorzunehmen. In der wissenschaftlichen Literatur wird die Baubranche als Gewinner des Klimawandels angesehen. Die Ursache liegt in dem enormen Schadenspotential, das durch den Klimawandel verursacht wird und daher sich daher positiv auf den Absatz der Baubranche niederschlagen soll. Dass diese Aussage kritisch zu betrachten ist, zeigt die vorliegende wissenschaftliche Abhandlung, die die einzelnen Wertschöpfungsstufen, Stakeholder und unternehmerischen Rahmenbedingungen näher betrachtet, um daraus die von der Baubranche selber wahrgenommen Chancen und Risiken zu identifizieren.

Erfarenhetsåterföring : En objektiv granskning av ett Construction Management-företag / Experience feedback : An objective study of a Construction Management corporation

Svensson, Jimmy, Werme, Thomas January 2013 (has links)
Byggbranschen har blivit kritiserad för att vara en bransch där tidspress och underprioriterad syn på lärande varit ett hinder för erfarenhetsåterföring. Rapportens syfte är att objektivt studera erfarenhetsåterföring inom Midroc Entreprenad för att om möjligt utläsa huruvida önskad, kontra faktisk erfarenhetsåterföring sker idag samt ge förbättringsförlag. För att göra detta har en teoretisk grund lagts med utgångspunkt i litterära studier inom kunskapsöverföring, lärande och erfarenhetsåterföring. Analys är underbyggd i intervjuer och enkätundersökning utförda på Midroc Entreprenad. Det finns få direktiv för hur erfarenhetsåterföring bör genomföras bara att det ska göras efter avslutat projekt, vilket efterföljs. De lärdomar som diskuteras vid avslut förmedlas till stor del muntligt, därav har förslag till dokumentation och annan distribuering lagts fram. Eftersom byggprojekt fortlöper under långa tidsperioder bör mindre utvärderingar äga rum under entreprenaden för att tillvarata lärdomar som annars glöms bort. Denna feedback bör ges när den är aktuell, därav orimligt att ge korrekt sådan i senare skede. En vilja att påverka erfarenhetsåterföringen finns, men hinns inte riktigt med. Merparten av de anställda upplever en öppenhet inom organisationen och känner samhörighet med sina medarbetare. Detta stämmer väl överens med det som organisationen eftersträvar och är en förutsättning för lyckad erfarenhetsåterföring. / The construction industry has been criticised of being a trade where time pressure and a deprioritised view of learning is an obstacle for experience feedback. The purpose of this thesis is to present an objective survey of the experience feedback within Midroc Entreprenad to verify whether the experience feedback wanted is equal to the actual and to provide suggestion for improvement. To enable this, a theoretical study has been done on knowledge forwarding, learning and experience feedback. Interviews and questionnaire on Midroc Entreprenad have been used for the analysis of this thesis. There are few directives for the process of experience feedback on the company, only that it is to be done at the end of a project, which is fulfilled. The lessons learned that are discussed are mainly orally transferred, therefore a proposition for documenting and distributing these has been presented. There should be several evaluations during a building project due to its severe duration in time, to reduce the risk of lessons learned being forgotten. This feedback should be given instantaneously and proper feedback is therefore unreasonable to give at a later stage. There is a will to influence to the experience feedback, but time is not enough. A majority of the employees experience openness and belonging within the organisation. This concurs with what the organisation aims at and is a prerequisite to sustain successful experience feedback.

Systematische Untersuchung von BIM-Workflows in einer Wechselbeziehung zwischen Objekt- und Tragwerksplanung an einem Fallbeispiel

Lawrenz, Martin 12 January 2024 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Masterarbeit wurden die Arbeitsmethoden der Tragwerksplanung eines Ingenieurbüros im Zusammenhang mit der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung innerhalb der Baubranche untersucht. Konkret sollen die Einflüsse und Möglichkeiten von Building Information Modeling auf interne Prozesse und die damit verbundene Effektivität analysiert werden. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist die Identifikation der Produktivität des bestehenden Workflows und einem anschließenden Vergleich mit dem im Zuge dieser Arbeit entwickelten angepassten Workflow, welcher sich im Optimalfall als effektiver herausstellt. Dieser Vergleich soll an einem Fallbeispiel, dem Neubau eines 16-geschossigen Wohnquartiers in Jena stattfinden. Dafür wird der projektbezogene Bestandsworkflow in die verschiedenen Arbeitsschritte zerlegt, strukturiert und dahingehend systematisch beschrieben. Danach erfolgt in einer ähnlichen Vorgehensweise die Entwicklung eines angepassten Workflows, welcher ebenfalls zunächst vorgestellt wird. Diese beiden Workflows werden abschließend hinsichtlich verschiedener Parameter miteinander verglichen, um eine Bewertung der Effektivität treffen zu können. Dafür werden beide Arbeitsweisen der Tragwerksplanung anhand des gleichen Schemas analysiert. Im Zuge der Analyse des angepassten Workflows erfolgt die projektbezogene Beschreibung, um eine genaue Vergleichbarkeit zu Gewährleisten. Innerhalb der abschließenden Gegenüberstellung konnten signifikante Unterschiede bezüglich der zuvor definierten Parameter festgestellt werden. Die mit der Digitalisierung verbundene BIM-Methode kann die Arbeitsweisen der Tragwerksplanung in einem Ingenieurbüro maßgeblich beeinflussen. Vor dem Hintergrund der begrenzten personellen und finanziellen Ressourcen kleinerer Unternehmen bietet eine Anpassung der Workflows völlig neue Potenziale und kann als Chance angesehen werden, um die eigene Wettbewerbsposition nachhaltig zu stärken.:Abbildungsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1.1 Problemstellung 1.2 Ziele und Struktur der Arbeit 2 Bauvorhaben „Solar-Quartiers“ in Jena 2.1 Projektvorstellung – Fallbeispiel 2.2 Ökonomischer Zielkonflikt zwischen den Beteiligten 3 Erläuterung der Ausgangssituation im Ingenieurbüro Hubert Beyer 4 Erläuterung von BIM-Workflows 4.1 Workflow 1: Projektbezogener Bestandsworkflow 4.1.1 Aufstellung von statischen Berechnungen 4.1.2 Modellorientierte Kommunikation zwischen den Planungsbeteiligten 4.2 Workflow 2: Angepasster projektbezogener Workflow 4.2.1 Aufstellung von statischen Berechnungen 4.2.2 Modellorientierte Kommunikation zwischen den Planungsbeteiligten 5 Analyse der betrachteten BIM-Workflows 5.1 Bestandsworkflow 5.2 Angepasster projektbezogener Workflow 5.3 Vergleich beider Workflows und Analyse der Zielerreichung 5.4 Analyse hinsichtlich des ökonomischen Zielkonfliktes 6 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Literaturverzeichnis Eidesstattliche Erklärung / As part of this master's thesis, the working methods of structural planning of an engineering office were examined in the context of the progressive digitalization within the construction industry. Specifically, the influences and possibilities of building information modelling on internal processes and the associated effectiveness will be analysed. The aim of the work is to identify the productivity of the existing workflow and then compare it with the adapted workflow developed in the course of this work, which in the optimal case turns out to be more effective. This comparison will take place based on a concrete case example, the new construction of a 16-storey residential quarter in Jena. For this purpose, the project-related inventory workflow was first broken down into the different work steps, structured and described systematically. Afterwards, an adapted workflow was developed using a similar approach, which was also presented initially. Finally, these two workflows should be compared with each other regarding different parameters to be able to make an evaluation regarding effectiveness. For this purpose, both methods of structural design were analysed below based on the same scheme. In the course of the analysis of the adapted workflow, the project-related description is carried out to ensure exact comparability. Within the final comparison, significant differences with respect to the previously defined parameters could be observed. The BIM method associated with digitization can significantly influence the working methods of structural planning in an engineering office. Given the limited human and financial resources of smaller companies, adapting their workflows offers completely new potential and can be seen as an opportunity to sustainably strengthen their competitive position.:Abbildungsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1.1 Problemstellung 1.2 Ziele und Struktur der Arbeit 2 Bauvorhaben „Solar-Quartiers“ in Jena 2.1 Projektvorstellung – Fallbeispiel 2.2 Ökonomischer Zielkonflikt zwischen den Beteiligten 3 Erläuterung der Ausgangssituation im Ingenieurbüro Hubert Beyer 4 Erläuterung von BIM-Workflows 4.1 Workflow 1: Projektbezogener Bestandsworkflow 4.1.1 Aufstellung von statischen Berechnungen 4.1.2 Modellorientierte Kommunikation zwischen den Planungsbeteiligten 4.2 Workflow 2: Angepasster projektbezogener Workflow 4.2.1 Aufstellung von statischen Berechnungen 4.2.2 Modellorientierte Kommunikation zwischen den Planungsbeteiligten 5 Analyse der betrachteten BIM-Workflows 5.1 Bestandsworkflow 5.2 Angepasster projektbezogener Workflow 5.3 Vergleich beider Workflows und Analyse der Zielerreichung 5.4 Analyse hinsichtlich des ökonomischen Zielkonfliktes 6 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Literaturverzeichnis Eidesstattliche Erklärung

Systemic barriers to a future transformation of the building industry from a buyer controlled to a seller driven industry : an analysis of key systemic variables in the building industry, such as 'procurement model', 'buyer perception', 'production mode' and 'leadership and management', principally in a Danish development context and seen from the perspective of the architect

Kristensen, Erik Kaergaard January 2011 (has links)
It has always been a ‘mystery’, why the Danish building industry stagnated after the industrial breakthrough, and never was able to adapt the industrial production, business culture, buyer perception, and leadership and management, used in nearly all other Danish industries. This study offers a new approach to understanding the problem - by analysing systemic barriers to the industry’s transformation to a seller driven industry, in the context of a widespread neglect of the need for industrialisation (a problem addressed by relatively little literature) with the building remaining a manual, craft based industry, based on the old building process and its associated business model. Industrialisation has instead taken place in the building materials industry, which in a Danish context is a separate and highly industrialised industry. To analyse the barriers for transformation in the building industry a multidimensional approach is applied: First the building industry and modern industries are compared. Two archetype models are created using the above mentioned variables; one model for the building industry and its “Buyer Controlled Procurement Model” and one for modern industries and their “Seller Driven Marketing Model” with interrelated production and sale, enabling them to sell to unknown customers. Next the statistical productivity trends and other secondary data are examined to analyse, if the Seller Driven Marketing Model is performing better. Finally a Delphi Panel Consultation is conducted to discuss future development scenarios. Michel Foucault’s principles of historical analysis and his ‘episteme’ concept are used to analyse the outcome of the Delphi Panel Consultation.

Kartely v cementárenství 1900- 1938 / Cartels in Cement Industry 1900- 1938

Gecko, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The thesis aims to understand the development of cement market in Cisleithanien and Czechoslovakia and its cartelization. The subject of research is the organization of cement cartels and it's role as a structure which influences the functionality of the market, related industries and national economic policy (tarrifs, export and import restrictions and state's contracts). The thesis focuses on the abilities of the cement cartels how they control the market and affect customers. The thesis is limited by the year 1900, when the first cement cartels emerged, and the years 1938-1939, during which the significant economical and legal change occurred. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Guidelines to integrate life cycle assessment in building design

Joshi, Surabhi 17 November 2009 (has links)
As the architecture and construction industry places an increased emphasis on sustainability, building researchers are seeking more comprehensive methods to evaluate and reduce a building's environmental impacts. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has emerged as one of the most capable tools to aid in this assessment. Presently there are no guiding principles for the use of LCA in the building industry. This thesis aims to provide guidelines to help architects utilize LCA methodology as part of the design process. This study reviews a number of previously-completed whole-building LCA case-studies to understand different LCA scenarios of use in the building industry. In addition, a set of North American and international LCA tools were evaluated for their utility in different scenarios. The state of research was assessed to find answers to some critical issues concerning LCA. Based on these analyses, a number of scenarios of use of LCA were identified and a set of guidelines was proposed to conduct LCA for buildings. It was concluded that the present use of LCA is limited due to limited tool capabilities, deficient databases and lack of a building-specific methodology. The study recognizes these limitations and recommends specific research opportunities for future researchers. However, it is concluded that approximate LCA results obtained from the tools available today can be useful in informing design-decisions, keeping in mind the lack of precision in the results.

O modo de vida just-in-time do novo perfil metalúrgico jovem-adulto flexivel do ABC: antigos dilemas, novas contradições e possibilidades

Araújo, Renan Bandeirante de [UNESP] 23 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:35:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-04-23Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:26:33Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 araujo_rb_dr_arafcl.pdf: 832837 bytes, checksum: 15502a1bc67426c8287b032a6312cfb0 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Em nossa pesquisa foi possível constatar que a indústria montadora situada na região do ABC paulista, aqui analisada, a partir de 1992 promoveu intenso processo de mudanças na sua estrutura produtiva, resultando na emergência de um segmento operário jovem-adulto flexível de novo perfil histórico-social e profissional. Trata-se de uma nova parcela de “colaboradores” situados entre 15 e 35 anos de idade, cujo modo de vida “just-in-time” próprio desse segmento metalúrgico - os filhos da reestruturação produtiva -, relaciona-se às estratégias de captura da subjetividade operária por meio de novas formas de gestão/coerção de pessoal, e que, espraiando-se para além do universo fabril, revela a nova forma de ser do novo metabolismo produtivo-social do capital na época do trabalho flexível / Current research analyzes the car-building industry in the greater São Paulo region as from 1992 when a deep modification process in its productive structure occurred. The above-mentioned process caused the emergence of a labor segment, or rather, the flexible young man / adult, featuring a new historical, social and professional profile. Actually it is a new set of ‘collaborators’ within the 15-35-year-old bracket, whose just-in-time life style, proper of the metalworking section hailing from production restructuring, is related to the bonding strategies of worker subjectivity. This fact is brought about by the personnel’s new management/coercion styles which looks beyond the factory environment and reveals the new life style of capital’s productive and social metabolism in a period of flexible labor

”Får jag (bygg)lov?” : En observationsstudie om bemötande av kvinnor och män bland medarbetare på en bygglovsavdelning / ”May I have this (building) permit?” : An observational study on customer treatment among employees at a building permit department from a gender perspective

Kottorp, Emilia, Skoglund, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka bemötandet av kunder på en kommunal bygglovsavdelning, ur ett genusperspektiv. Genom icke-deltagande observationer av den icke-verbala samt verbala kommunikationen analyserades bemötandet. Denna analys låg till grund för resultatet där gemensamma drag och skillnader i bemötandet av manliga och kvinnliga kunder redogörs för. Studiens resultat visar på många gemensamma drag i bygglovsmedarbetarnas bemötande av män och kvinnor. De skillnader som identifierats finns främst inom det verbala bemötandet. Det gjordes fler antaganden om de manliga kunderna och deras ärenden. I samtalen med de kvinnliga kunderna förklarades det mer om regelverk och lagstiftning än i samtalen med de manliga kunderna. Något som observerades mycket i både samtalen med de kvinnliga och manliga kunderna var förklaringar, tydlighet samt rekommendationer på tillvägagångssätt. Som en slutsats har fastslagits att ett fåtal skillnader finns i bemötandet av kvinnliga och manliga kunder, då de flesta kategorier och ageranden som mätts visar på ett likvärdigt bemötande. / The study aim to explore customer treatment at a building permit department from a gender perspective. By conducting non-participant observations of the non-verbal and verbal communication the customer treatment was analysed. The analysis worked as a foundation for the results where commonalities and differences in the treatment of female and male customers are described. The results tell of many commonalities in how the building permit employees treat their customers. The differences that was identified were mainly within the verbal communication. More assumptions were made about the male customers. More explanations about rules and regulations were made towards the female customers. Something that was observed plenty in most conversations, regardless of the customer’s gender, was explanations, clarifying and recommendations. As a conclusion a few differences in the treatment of female and male customers have been found but most categories speak of an equal treatment.

Perceptions of Wooden Multifamily Houses : Applying an Extended Association Pattern Technique

Schauerte, Tobias January 2006 (has links)
During the past years, wooden one and two family houses showed a higher growth rate on the German construction market compared to conventional material like brick and stone. Wood as construction material became more and more attractive. Furthermore, a growing demand on multifamily houses could be recognized, yet, wood has not been considered as an alternative in this field of application until now. Trying to understand the end-users attitudes towards wooden multifamily houses, this licentiate thesis aims at exploring German end-users’ perceptions of wooden multifamily houses. To collect the necessary data, the Association Pattern Technique (APT) was applied, which is a two-stage method and has its foundations in the Means-End theory. In the first stage, 31 in-depth laddering interviews were carried out, which served as the base for the matrix-survey in the second stage, where 229 answers were received. Extending the existing method in the matrix-survey stage allowed for important additional data to be uncovered. The results show that individuals associate certain product attributes with wooden multifamily houses and that these attributes are thought to entail specific consequences. These consequences are in turn linked with the personal values of the respondents. The most dominant perceptual orientations of different groups of respondents are shown and significant differences could be found in how individuals in German perceive wooden multifamily houses depending on age, income and habitation.

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