Spelling suggestions: "subject:"business development"" "subject:"dbusiness development""
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Smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo vystymosi Švenčionių rajone problemų sprendimų kryptys / Directions of problems solution developing small and medium business in Shvenchionys regionDelgiado, Rima 24 February 2010 (has links)
Nagrinėjama tema yra itin aktuali Lietuvoje, kadangi tik smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo kūrimasis ir plėtra didele dalimi lemia kiekvieno visuomenės nario gyvenimo kokybės kilimą. Tyrimo objektas koncentruojamas ties smulkiomis ir vidutinėmis įmonėmis, kurios sudaro didžiausią vystomo verslo skaičiaus šalyje. Pagrindiniu tyrimo tikslu pasirenkamas šių įmonių problemų nustatymas. Nusistatytais tyrimo uždaviniais buvo siekiama kryptingai išanalizuoti problemas, trukdančias verslo plėtrai, jų svarbumo nustatymui, bei problemų sprendimo krypčių radimui. Tyrimo būdu buvo siekiama atmesti arba pagrįsti darbe iškeltai hipotezei, kuri teigė, kad pagrindinė problema stabdanti SVV regionuose plėtrą, ten veikiančių įmonių intelektinio kapitalo stoka ir nepakakami jo ugdymo tempai. Problemų nustatymui ir rinkos situacijos vertinimui, buvo naudojami antriniai informaciniai šaltiniai, tokie kaip moksliniai straipsniai, anksčiau atliktų tyrimų duomenys, bei pirminiai informacijos šaltiniai, gauti apklausus smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo atstovus Švenčionių rajone. Atlikus tyrimą, susisteminus ir išanalizavus duomenis, gauti tokie rezultatai, kad pagrindinė problema stabdanti smulkių ir vidutinių įmonių plėtrą yra aukštas mokesčių lygis šalyje. Darbe iškelta hipotezė buvo dalinai patvirtinta. / The subject of research is very important in Lithuania, because the rise of each society member’s life quality mostly depends on the formation and development of small and medium business. The research object concentrates on small and medium companies which are the biggest part of developing business in the country. The main target of the research is to determine problems of these companies. Tasks of the research helped to analyze problems slowing business development, to determine their importance and to find the directions of problems solutions. It was aimed to reject or to justify hypothesis raised in the research which affirmed that the main problem slowing the development of small and medium business in regions is the lack of intelligence capital and insufficient rates of its education in operating companies. Secondary informational sources such as scientific articles, information of previously made researches and primary informational sources received from the survey of small and medium business in Shvenchionys region representatives were used for problems determination and evaluation of market situation. After the research is done and its data is structured and analyzed the received result is that the main problem slowing the development of small and medium companies is the high level of taxes in the country. The hypothesis raised in the work was partly confirmed.
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Kultur- och kraftfältsanalys av det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet inom socialtjänsten : - om kopplingen till intentionerna för socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd (SOSFS 2011:9) om ledningssystem för systematiskt kvalitetsarbetetVitalis, Ulrika January 2014 (has links)
Föreliggande studie har behandlat kultur och systematiskt kvalitetsarbete inom socialtjänsten. Det huvudsakliga syftet var att genom tillämpning av kultur- och kraftfältsanalys studera hur väl förberedd en enhet inom socialtjänsten är att följa intentionerna för systematiskt kvalitetsarbete inom socialtjänsten. Studien genomfördes utifrån PDSA-cykeln som en variant av aktionsforskning och baserades på en fallstudie inom Individ- och familjeomsorgen i Hammarö kommun. Resultatet analyserades utifrån en kraftfältsanalys där med- och motkrafter identifierades. Av resultatet framkom att det sammantaget fanns en positiv inställningen till systematiskt kvalitetsarbete, men att kulturen inte tydde på detsamma. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att enheten har dåliga förutsättningar att följa intentionerna för systematiskt kvalitetsarbete. Om de skall införlivas måste enhetens positiva inställning kvarstå, ledningen vara aktivt närvarande, medarbetare göras delaktiga och kulturen förändras. Värdet i studien ligger i att det i Sverige idag finns ett pågående arbete med att implementera eller revidera ledningssystem för systematiskt kvalitetsarbete inom socialtjänsten. Kulturens betydelse av effektivitet och framgångsrikt kvalitetsarbete kan inte nog belysas. Studien kan ge inspiration till ledare och organisationer, främst inom socialtjänsten, att förena systematiskt kvalitetsarbete och arbetet med kultur. Fortsatt forskning bör ha fokus på ledarskapets betydelse avseende organisationskultur, men det saknas även forskning som visar hur förbättringskultur skapas som stäcker sig över organisations- och professionsgränserna. / The present study has examined the cultural and systematic quality work in social services. The main purpose was that through the application of cultural and force field analysis study how well prepared a unit in social services is to follow the intentions of systematic quality work in social services. The study was conducted based on the PDSA cycle as a variant of action research and was based on a case study in the Individual and family services in Hammaro municipality. The results were analyzed on the basis of a force field analysis, where with and counterweights were identified. My results show that overall there was a positive attitude towards systematic quality work, but that the culture did not suggest the same. In summary, the unit has poor conditions follow the intentions of systematic quality work. If they must be incorporated into the device's positive attitude persist, lead an active presence, employees involved and the culture is changing. The value of the study lies in the fact that in Sweden today there is an ongoing effort to implement or revise management system for systematic quality work in social services. The importance of culture of efficiency and successful quality work can not be elucidated. The study may provide inspiration for leaders and organizations, primarily in the social services, to reconcile systematic quality work and work culture. Further research should focus on the importance of leadership organizational culture, but there is also a lack of research that shows how improvement culture is created that extends across organizational boundaries and profession.
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Understanding the role of e-skills in the utilisation of electronic small business development support servicesKatunga, Natasha January 2013 (has links)
<p>  / </p>
<p>The Internet is now facilitating the provision of an increasing number of services. Thus, technology has become a more integrated part of peopleâs daily routine. Some of these technologies include electronic communication, online banking, and shopping as well as electronic learning - to name but a few. However, for various reasons, such as limited formal education (which is a key promoter of reading and writing skills), access and skills, not everyone has an equal opportunity to benefit from the use of these technologies. The unequal distribution of opportunities of such nature is often broadly referred to as the <i><font size="3" face="Arial,Arial"><font size="3" face="Arial,Arial">digital divide</font></font><font size="3">. That is the gap between those who have access to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and those who do not. One noted challenge that influences the use of ICT consists of socio-economic conditions, which together elicit high levels of poverty. An identified strategy for uplifting these areas was (and still is) entrepreneurship, notably small businesses. These small businesses however, generally have very short and mostly unsuccessful lives. As a result the government at all levels (national, provincial and local) has endeavoured to provide support to these businesses. Some of this support is provided through mediums, such as the Internet (here named " / electronic support" / ) to assist these small businesses. This support, which comes from government, is however, not being fully utilised by the intended beneficiaries. Thus, the small businesses are not benefiting from the support provided. Consequently, many are still experiencing a short and unsuccessful existence. This research thus analyses the small businesses in areas of the greater Cape Town, which are characterised by high levels of poverty and unemployment. <font size="3">Previous studies in these areas have reported the lack of ICT related skills, also known as electronic skills (e-skills), as one of the reasons for the low uptake of electronic support (e-support). This e-support is provided by various levels of government through selected agencies (service providers). In essence, this study is aimed at investigating the influence of e-skills in the access and use of the provided e-support by owners of small businesses. Considering that the lack of adequate e-skills has been identified as influencing the use of e-support, the study also aims to identify the e-skills needed to fully utilise the provided e-support. The approach to this investigation included a review of pertinent literature and devising a conceptual model. This model was then tested in the empirical setting of this study. This setting included: (i) Providers of e-support (various specialised government agencies) and (ii) the intended beneficiaries of this e-support, i.e. small businesses in the previously disadvantaged areas (PDAs) of the greater Cape Town. Through the use of case study methodology and face to face interviews, it was found that many small business owners were not able to appropriately use the provided e-support. This was due to their lack of e-skills, which resulted in their inability to use ICT. Additionally, some were unaware of the existence of the e-support or the service providers. During the review of pertinent literature done as part of the study, an e-skills framework was designed. The framework identified the e-skills considered necessary in order for small business owners to effectively utilise the provided e-support and other technologies. The e-skills framework suggested by this study could be used as a tool to assist: (i) The providers of e-support to understand the usage of their services and enable (ii) a more informed understanding of the need for appropriate e-skills among small business owners, in relation to their use of the provided e-support. Additionally, (iii) small business owners should be in a better position to recognise the benefits of using technology, especially the Internet. <font size="3">The contribution of this study is seen as twofold. Firstly, it should assist the providers and users of e-support. This is done by addressing the practical side of the provision and usage of these services. Secondly, the study contributes an informative e-skills framework related to the effective use of e-support. This study also furthers academic knowledge in the area of the investigation, and suggests further directions for research. Considering, the limited small business sample (only participants from three PDAs), the generalisation of this study is limited. This limitation does not however, influence the validity of this research, or the credibility of the findings. </font></font></font></i></p>
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Understanding the role of e-skills in the utilisation of electronic small business development support servicesKatunga, Natasha January 2013 (has links)
<p>  / </p>
<p>The Internet is now facilitating the provision of an increasing number of services. Thus, technology has become a more integrated part of peopleâs daily routine. Some of these technologies include electronic communication, online banking, and shopping as well as electronic learning - to name but a few. However, for various reasons, such as limited formal education (which is a key promoter of reading and writing skills), access and skills, not everyone has an equal opportunity to benefit from the use of these technologies. The unequal distribution of opportunities of such nature is often broadly referred to as the <i><font size="3" face="Arial,Arial"><font size="3" face="Arial,Arial">digital divide</font></font><font size="3">. That is the gap between those who have access to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and those who do not. One noted challenge that influences the use of ICT consists of socio-economic conditions, which together elicit high levels of poverty. An identified strategy for uplifting these areas was (and still is) entrepreneurship, notably small businesses. These small businesses however, generally have very short and mostly unsuccessful lives. As a result the government at all levels (national, provincial and local) has endeavoured to provide support to these businesses. Some of this support is provided through mediums, such as the Internet (here named " / electronic support" / ) to assist these small businesses. This support, which comes from government, is however, not being fully utilised by the intended beneficiaries. Thus, the small businesses are not benefiting from the support provided. Consequently, many are still experiencing a short and unsuccessful existence. This research thus analyses the small businesses in areas of the greater Cape Town, which are characterised by high levels of poverty and unemployment. <font size="3">Previous studies in these areas have reported the lack of ICT related skills, also known as electronic skills (e-skills), as one of the reasons for the low uptake of electronic support (e-support). This e-support is provided by various levels of government through selected agencies (service providers). In essence, this study is aimed at investigating the influence of e-skills in the access and use of the provided e-support by owners of small businesses. Considering that the lack of adequate e-skills has been identified as influencing the use of e-support, the study also aims to identify the e-skills needed to fully utilise the provided e-support. The approach to this investigation included a review of pertinent literature and devising a conceptual model. This model was then tested in the empirical setting of this study. This setting included: (i) Providers of e-support (various specialised government agencies) and (ii) the intended beneficiaries of this e-support, i.e. small businesses in the previously disadvantaged areas (PDAs) of the greater Cape Town. Through the use of case study methodology and face to face interviews, it was found that many small business owners were not able to appropriately use the provided e-support. This was due to their lack of e-skills, which resulted in their inability to use ICT. Additionally, some were unaware of the existence of the e-support or the service providers. During the review of pertinent literature done as part of the study, an e-skills framework was designed. The framework identified the e-skills considered necessary in order for small business owners to effectively utilise the provided e-support and other technologies. The e-skills framework suggested by this study could be used as a tool to assist: (i) The providers of e-support to understand the usage of their services and enable (ii) a more informed understanding of the need for appropriate e-skills among small business owners, in relation to their use of the provided e-support. Additionally, (iii) small business owners should be in a better position to recognise the benefits of using technology, especially the Internet. <font size="3">The contribution of this study is seen as twofold. Firstly, it should assist the providers and users of e-support. This is done by addressing the practical side of the provision and usage of these services. Secondly, the study contributes an informative e-skills framework related to the effective use of e-support. This study also furthers academic knowledge in the area of the investigation, and suggests further directions for research. Considering, the limited small business sample (only participants from three PDAs), the generalisation of this study is limited. This limitation does not however, influence the validity of this research, or the credibility of the findings. </font></font></font></i></p>
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Digitala supporttjänster : En kvalitativ fallstudie om digitalisering av IT-supportKarlsson, Martin, Ericsson, Anton January 2018 (has links)
Studien ämnade att undersöka på vilket sätt kunder och supportanvändare ser på kundsupport. Hur verksamheter och organisationer skall gå till väga för att digitalisera sin IT-support på ett sådant vis att kunderna upplever supporterbjudandet som något användbart och värdefullt. Vad som kan ses som problematiskt i denna undersökning är differensen på kunskap hos individer inom IT-användning. Vilka funktioner är det som kunder till ett supporterbjudande förväntar sig kunna ta del av och använda vid kontakt med en supportavdelning? De data som samlats in har diskuterats och analyserats för att kunna svara på problemformuleringen och få fram konkreta slutsatser som givit svar på frågeställningarna. På detta sätt belyses de problem och tveksamheter som finns hos användare när dessa kontaktar och har ett samröre med en supportavdelning. Det har visat sig att det är liknande faktorer som gör att användare känner sig nöjda med ett supporterbjudande. Kunskap är den faktor som tydligast belyser vad användare tycker är viktigt hos en kundsupport. Förutom bra kunskap hos de anställda på supportavdelningen är även korta svarstider en viktig faktor till att uppnå kundnöjdhet. De funktioner användare främst anser som viktiga hos en supportavdelning är telefon och själv-service. Telefon som den huvudsakliga kontaktfunktionen med en själv-servicefunktion som komplement till denna. Det är i de flesta fall kunderna som driver företagen framåt i utvecklingen. Ett företag utan kunder kommer med största sannolikhet inte överleva länge. Det är därför av vikt att företag lyssnar på vad kunder har att säga och anpassar sig efter detta. Allt för att uppnå kundnöjdhet och föra företaget framåt tillsammans med kunderna. / The study intended to investigate how customers and support users see customer support. How businesses and organizations should proceed in digitizing their IT support in such a way that customers experience the support offer as something useful and valuable. What can be seen as problematic in this study is the difference in knowledge of individuals in IT usage. What are the features that customers of a support offer expect to be able to share and use when contacting a support department? The data collected has been discussed and analyzed to answer the problem formulation and to get concrete conclusions that gave answers to the questions. This will highlight the problems and doubts that exist with users when they contact a support department. It has been found that there are similar factors that make users feel happy with a support offer. Knowledge is the factor that most clearly illustrates what users think is important in a customer support. In addition to the good knowledge of the employees in the support department, short response times are also an important factor in achieving customer satisfaction. The features users primarily consider important in a support department are telephone and self-service. Telephone as the main contact function with a self-service feature that complements this. In most cases, it is the customer who drives the companies forward in development. A company without customers will most likely not survive for a long time. It is therefore important for companies to listen to what customers have to say and adapt to this. All to achieve customer satisfaction and bring the company forward together with the customers.
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Affärsmodellsinnovation i fastighetsbranschenÖberg, Fernando January 2018 (has links)
Business model innovation is used parallel with technical development to create competitive advantage within certain line of businesses. Many business have although not yet fully embraced business model innovation as a competitive foundation and still rely on technical development of products and services. The actual concept of business models and business model innovation has many different definitions and is perceived as ambiguous. The real estate business is a traditional line of business that often rely on technical development, location of the property and rent levels primarily as the competitive factors. As other line of businesses work more with business model innovation, as the IT-business, the interest for business model innovation grows in the real estate business.The purpose with this essay is to describe and analyze business model innovation within different types of real estate companies. Furthermore it’s investigated how companies within the real estate business today defines and uses business models.The study is based on a qualitative method whereof interview studies have been performed on different types of real estate companies. Primary data consists of interviews with 11 representatives from ten different real estate businesses. The result from the interviews have passed a thematic analysis to showcase eventual patterns in the answers from the interviewees.The definition of business models amongst the real estate companies was varying but all of them approached a definition that describes how a company works or creates profitability. None of the interviewees used business model innovation in a structured manner via for example a framework. The real estate companies on firsthand used technological development when innovating and not business model innovation. / Affärsmodellsinnovation används inom vissa branscher parallellt med teknisk utveckling för att skapa konkurrensfördelar. Många branscher har dock ännu inte anammat affärsmodellsinnovation såsom konkurrensmedel och förlitar sig fortfarande på i första hand teknisk utveckling av t.ex. produkter eller tjänster. Begreppen affärsmodell och affärsmodellsinnovation har många olika definitioner och upplevs som tvetydiga. Fastighetsbranschen är en traditionell bransch som ofta förlitat sig på teknisk utveckling, läget på fastigheterna och hyresnivåer som konkurrensmedel. I takt med att andra branscher arbetarmer med affärsmodellsinnovation, såsom IT-branschen, växer intresset föraffärsmodellsinnovation i även fastighetsbranschen.Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och analysera affärsmodells-innovation inom olika typer av fastighetsföretag. Vidare utreds hur företag i fastighetsbranschen definierar och använder sig av affärsmodeller.Studien har sin grund i den kvalitativa metodläran varav intervjustudier har utförts på olika typer av fastighetsbolag. Primärdata består av intervjuer med elva representanter från tio olika fastighetsbolag. Resultatet från intervjuerna har genomgått en tematisk analys för att synliggöra eventuella mönster i respondenternas svar.Definitionen av affärsmodeller bland fastighetsbolagen var varierande men samtliga närmade sig en definition som beskrev hur ett företag arbetar eller skapar lönsamhet. Ingen av respondenterna använde sig av affärsmodells-innovation på ett strukturerat sätt genom exempelvis ett ramverk. De undersökta fastighetsbolagen använder sig i första hand av teknisk utveckling vid innovation och inte av affärsmodellsinnovation.
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Desenvolvimento social e empresarial no estado do Pará: um estudo de caso do empreendedorismo do SEBRAE ParáProença, Antonio Dilermano Cajueiro 09 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2012-01-18T13:51:30Z
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Previous issue date: 2010-09 / A partir da missão do SEBRAE, que é promover o desenvolvimento sustentável, a competitividade das micro e pequenas empresas e o fomento ao empreendedorismo nos municípios paraenses, o estudo objetiva tratar a contribuição do órgão no desenvolvimento sócio-empresarial do Estado do Pará a partir de um foco empreendedor dentro de uma concepção teórica schumpeteriana. O SEBRAEPARÁ proporciona a criação de ferramentas de gestão e de consultorias (capacitação, mobilização, disseminação do empreendedorismo e do associativismo, entre outros) para a construção de um ambiente favorável à sustentabilidade e à ampliação dos pequenos negócios. A metodologia adotada para a pesquisa foi o estudo de caso, por se tratar de uma estratégia de pesquisa muito empregada em problemas contemporâneos. Os resultados da pesquisa enfatizam que o SEBRAEPARÁ é uma instituição totalmente alinhada à sua missão e aos desafios impostos pela globalização e abertura comercial que ainda estão em andamento no atual estágio da economia brasileira. Com isto, as micros e pequenas empresas assistidas no órgão, no Estado do Pará, estão se tornando mais focadas na qualidade, na competitividade e na sustentabilidade dos negócios implementados. / From the mission of SEBRAE, which is to promote sustainable development, competitiveness of micro and small enterprises and foster entrepreneurship in the municipalities of Pará, the study aims to address the contribution of the organ in socio-entrepreneurial Pará State from a entrepreneurial focus within a Schumpeterian theoretical concept. SEBRAE-PARÁ provide the creation of management tools and consulting services (training, mobilization, dissemination of entrepreneurship and associations, among others) to build an environment conducive to the sustainability and expansion of small businesses. lhe methodology for the research was a case study, because it is a research strategy widely used in contemporary problems. lhe findings emphasize that SEBRAE-PARA is a fully aligned to its mission and the challenges imposed by globalization and trade liberalization that are still in progress at the current stage of the Brazilian economy. With this, the micro and small businesses assisted in the organ, in Pará, are becoming more focused on quality, competitiveness and sustainability of businesses implemented.
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Effektivisering av lönehantering : En kvalitetsinriktad fallstudie vid löneadministrationen i Sida / Efficiency of payroll managementLindström Leister, Emmie January 2017 (has links)
Organisationer är utformade efter komplexa system med flertalet enheter och avdelningar. Varje avdelning består av interna processer och ytterligare processystem som länkar samman de olika enheterna inom organisationen. Kommunikation mellan avdelningarna är av stor vikt för att organisationen skall uppnå sina satta mål. Arbetet behandlar förbättringsmöjligheter och studien önskar skapa en större förståelse för hur en organisation kan förbättra värdeflödet mellan interna processer. Syftet med arbetet är att förbättra rutinen för hanteringen av löner vid löneadministrationen i organisationen, Sida. Sida är en statlig myndighet som arbetar på uppdrag av Sveriges riksdag och regering för att minska fattigdomen i världen. Förarbetet behandlades i mening att skapa en större uppfattning kring förbättringsmöjligheter i Sidas processbeskrivning, Hantera löner för avdelningen Löneadministration. Förbättringsområdet som identifierades under genomförd förstudie var, inflödet och kommunikationskanalen från HR-avdelningen till löneadministration bör effektiviseras för att minska dubbelarbete och tidsförlust. Arbetet baseras på ett kvalitativt metodval, forskningsansatsen är abduktivt och datainsamlingen har bearbetats via dokumentationsstudie och intervjustudie. Facklitteraturen redovisas utifrån teoretiska begrepp kring kvalitetstekniska termer, kommunikation, processer och verksamhetsutveckling. I resultatet presenteras data från de två delarna, dokumentationsstudie och intervjustudie. Dokumentationsstudien identifierar processflödet för att kunna grunda resultatet på en nulägesbeskrivning och processbeskrivning för hanteringen av löner. Intervjustudie urskiljer de bakgrundsliggande faktorer som har format nuläget och förhållandet mellan HR-avdelningen och löneadministrationen. Vilka beslut som har resulterat i den rådande situationen för löneadministrationen och format processen för hanteringen av löner. / Organizations are designed for complex systems connecting units and departments. Each department consists of internal processes and additional process systems that link the various entities within the organization. Communication between departments is essential for the organization to achieve its goals. The report addresses improvement opportunities and to create a greater understanding of how an organization can improve the flow of value between internal processes. The purpose of the work is to improve the routine for salary management at the payroll administration of the organization, Sida. Sida is a government agency that works on behalf of The Swedish Parliament and Government to reduce poverty in the world. The pilot study and preparatory work was considered to create a greater perception of improvement opportunities in Sida's process description, Managing Salaries for the Salary Administration. The improvement part identified during the preliminary study was the inflow and communication channel from the HR department to the payroll administration should be streamlined to reduce duplication and time loss. The work is based on a qualitative methodology, the research effort is abductive and data collection has been processed through documentation studies and interviews. The literature is presented on the basis of theoretical concepts concerning quality technical terms, communication, processes and business development. The result presents data from the two-parts documentation study and interview study. The documentation study identifies the process flow to be able to base the results on a status analysis and process description of the salary management. Interview study distinguishes the background factors that have shaped the current situation and the relationship between HR departments and the payroll administration. What decisions have resulted in the current situation of payroll administration and format the process of wage management.
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Doing Business in Argentina: Challenges and Opportunities / Doing business in Argentina: Challenges and OpportunitiesOvšák, Matúš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents current business climate in Argentina. It aims to provide an overview of the investment environment and to extend previous studies by closer view on the energy industry. Its main findings are the following ones: Recent economic and political development rise concerns among policy makers and executives. Argentina applies strong interventionist policy and frequently interfere into the free market functioning. Among the most important issues are: foreign currency controls, manipulation of statistical results and noncompliance with its debt obligation. In various occasion expropriated private companies with aim of markets correction. The thesis also presents a case study of the Spanish company Repsol, whose investments in the Argentinean YPF were nationalized. According to my findings this act occurred under unconventional procedure and violated several laws and agreements. These policies resulted in the lower confidence among foreign investors. And despite that final figures for 2012 are still not available, there are various signs that the level of investment declines.
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RPA inom offentlig sektor : Möjligheter och utmaningar för robotiserad processautomatiseringLundqvist, Hampus, Nilsson, Johan, Vestergren, Richard January 2021 (has links)
Samhället genomgår en digital transformation och inom offentlig sektor är en centralmålsättning att ta till sig de nya möjligheterna för att effektivisera sin verksamhet. Ökaddigitalisering har föranlett att automatisering av processer genom implementation avrobotiserad processautomatisering (RPA) blivit en metod vilken i snabb takt vuxit ipopularitet då detta erbjuder ett flertal möjligheter för organisationer. Dock är denna metodinte utan sina begränsningar och utmaningar. Syftet med denna studie är därför att utforska demöjligheter och utmaningar som föreligger för RPA i kontexten av offentlig sektor. För dettatillämpas en abduktiv, kvalitativ metod genom en flerfallsstudie. Resultatet visar attimplementation av RPA kan vara i enlighet med mål och visioner angående digitalisering ochautomatisering inom offentlig sektor. Vidare visas att det finns möjligheter för RPA genomeffektivisering och kvalitetssäkring i automatiserade processer samt effektivisering ochrationalisering i verksamheten, även om rationalisering genom RPA synes ovanligt inomoffentlig sektor. Istället används RPA här vanligen för att frigöra tid för medarbetare attengagera sig i mer värdeskapande aktiviteter, vilket även rapporteras kunna ökaarbetsnöjdheten hos medarbetare. Samtidigt visar studien på utmaningar för RPA vilka ihuvudsak relaterar till att under implementationen identifiera lämpliga processer därkriterium av stabilitet för RPA beskrivs som särskilt utmanande att uppfylla. Vidare visarstudien att det kan vara utmanande att uttömmande nyttja kapaciteten för roboten. / Society is experiencing a digital transformation and in the public sector a central objectiveexists in utilizing the new possibilities to rationalize their operations. Increased digitizationhas caused a surge in popularity for automation of processes through robotic processautomation (RPA) due to the many opportunities it offers organizations. However, thismethod is not without its limitations and challenges. The purpose of this study is therefore toexplore the opportunities and challenges that accompany the implementation of RPA in thecontext of the public sector. To this end, an abductive, qualitative method is applied through amultiple case study. The result shows that the implementation of RPA can be in line withobjectives and visions regarding digitalisation and automatisation within the public sector.Furthermore, it is shown that there are opportunities for RPA to increase the effectiveness andquality of processes and to enable rationalisation in the organisations, although rationalisationthough layoffs seem like an uncommon use of RPA in the public sector. Instead, RPA is morecommonly used to offload employees so that they instead can engage in activities whichcreate more value, which also shows promise in increasing employee satisfaction.Simultaneously, there are challenges for the implementation of RPA in regard to identifyingprocesses that are suitable for automation through RPA which mainly relate to fulfillingcriteria regarding stability in the environment in which RPA is implemented. Furthermore,the study shows that it may be challenging to exhaustively make use of the capacity of the RPA.
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