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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studentledd stress- och sömnbehandling : En utvärdering av dess korttidseffekter

Hjelm Rönnlund, Alice, Wahlberg, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Stress och sömnsvårigheter är centrala faktorer i psykisk ohälsa. Många personer drabbade av dessa hälsobesvär är i behov av behandling, vilket skapar ett högt tryck på vården. I tillägg antas en tredjedel av alla somatiska symptom inom vården vara associerade med psykisk ohälsa. I denna studie utvärderades två gruppbaserade interventioner, en stresskola och en sömnskola, administrerade av psykologstudenter vid Umeå universitet. Skolorna bestod av fyra träffar och baserades på kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT). Med utgångspunkt i tidigare forskning testades hypotesen att interventionerna har hälsogynnande korttidseffekter med avseende på stress och sömnsvårigheter, men också på psykisk ohälsa i form av ångest, depression, utbrändhet samt somatiska symptom. Även skillnader i korttidseffekter mellan stress- och sömnskolan undersöktes. I studien deltog 95 individer (71 kvinnor och 24 män) som hade sökt hjälp för stress- eller sömnrelaterade besvär inom primärvården i Umeå. Genomsnittsåldern var 40.1 år. Data samlades in med validerade självskattningsinstrument före och efter behandling. Data analyserades genom tvåvägsvariansanalyser med Behandling som inomgruppsfaktor (för- vs eftermätning) och Typ av skola (stress vs sömn) som mellangruppsfaktor. Analysen visade på signifikanta effekter på samtliga utfallsvariabler, vilket betyder att stress- och sömnskolorna hade hälsogynnande korttidseffekter. Inga signifikanta skillnader i effekt upptäcktes skolorna emellan. Studiens resultat ger stöd för att fortsätta med interventionerna inom hälso- och sjukvården i Umeå. / Stress and sleep disturbances are key factors in mental ill-health. Many individuals suffering from these conditions are in need of treatment, leading to high demands on the health care system. In addition, about one third of the somatic symptoms in healthcare are believed to be associated with mental ill-health. In the present study two group interventions were evaluated, aimed at managing stress and sleep disturbances respectively. These were administered by clinical psychology students at Umeå University, consisted of four sessions and were based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Building on previous research, the hypothesis tested in the present study was that the interventions have positive effects on stress and sleep disturbances as well as other related mental ill-health conditions such as anxiety, depression, burnout and somatic symptoms. Short term differences between the two interventions were also examined. The total sample consisted of 95 individuals (71 women and 24 men) who had seeked treatment due to stress or sleep disturbances in the primary care in Umeå, Sweden. The mean age was 40.1 years.  The data were collected before and after treatment from validated questionnaire instruments. Data were analyzed with two-way analysis of variance with treatment as a within subject factor and type of intervention as a between subject factor. The results showed that the participants were significantly improved on all outcome variables regarding health after treatment. No significant differences between the two interventions were found. The findings support further use of the treatment interventions within the health care system in Umeå.

ADHD Symptoms, Maladaptive Schemas, and Dysfunctional Automatic Thoughts: Exploring Theorized Relationships in Emerging Adults

Thiessen, Christina N. 14 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

STUDENTLEDD GRUPPBEHANDLING FÖR STRESS OCH SÖMN INOM PRIMÄRVÅRDEN : En studie om behandlingseffekter för olika klientgrupper

Funck, Robina, Nilsson Markhed, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
Studien ämnade att undersöka skillnader mellan olika klientgrupper i behandlingseffekt med avseende på ångest, depression, utbrändhet, sömn och stress efter deltagande i stress- eller sömnskola. Detta undersöktes genom att studera om bakgrundsfaktorer såsom sökorsak, tidigare behandling, hälsostatus före behandling samt demografiska faktorer har betydelse för behandlingseffekten. Stress- och sömnskolorna är manualbaserade gruppbehandlingar riktade mot antingen stressproblematik eller sömnproblematik som genomfördes inom primärvården av psykologstudenter under handledning av legitimerad psykolog. Skolorna baseras på kognitiv beteendeterapeutisk metod (KBT) och består av fyra träffar. Studien baseras på data från 95 personer som genomförde behandlingen samt deltog i för- och eftermätning. För att undersöka sambandet mellan bakgrundsvariabler och behandlingsutfall genomfördes i ett första steg bivariata korrelationsanalyser. Baserat på de signifikanta sambanden utfördes därefter regressionsanalyser för att undersöka bakgrundvariablernas prediktiva inverkan på behandlingsutfallet. Resultatet visade att få bakgrundsvariabler kunde predicera utfallet vilket indikerar att behandlingen är effektiv för en bred grupp av patienter. De variabler som kunde predicera behandlingsutfall med avseende på insomni respektive utbrändhet var att man hade angivit utbrändhet respektive insomni som sökorsak. Detta dubbelriktade samband mellan utbrändhet och insomni har även visats i andra studier. Studiens resultat ger stöd för att behandlingen har en kliniskt relevant effekt för en bred grupp av patienter, men den ger också en indikation på att de som sökt för utbrändhet- och/eller sömnproblematik kan behöva fler och längre insatser. / The study aimed to investigate differences between client groups in treatment effect with respect to anxiety, depression, burnout, sleep and stress after participating in stress or sleep group treatment. This was investigated by studying whether background factors such as reason for seeking medical treatment, previous treatment, health status before treatment and demographic factors are related to the treatment effect. The stress- and sleep group treatments are psychoeducative, manual-based, aimed at stress or sleep problems. The treatments were implemented in a primary care setting by psychology students under the supervision of a licensed psychologist. The group treatments are based on the cognitive behavioral therapy method (CBT) and consist of four meetings. The study is based on data from 95 individuals who completed the treatment and participated in pre- and post-measurements. To investigate the relationship between background variables and treatment outcome, bivariate correlation analyzes were performed in a first step. Based on the significant correlations, regression analyzes were then performed to examine the predictive effects of the background variables on the treatment outcome. The results showed that few background variables could predict the outcome, which indicates that the treatment is effective for a broad group of patients. The variables that could predict treatment outcomes with regard to insomnia and burnout, respectively, were that burnout and insomnia had been stated as the reason for seeking medical treatment. This two-way link between burnout and insomnia has also been shown in other studies. The results of the study provide support that the treatment has a clinically relevant effect for a broad group of patients, but it also gives an indication that those seeking treatment for burnout and/or insomnia may need additional and longer interventions.

“Recruitment of research participants into randomized controlled trials of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) for depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis”

Englund, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Introduction  Research about health has become a very important part of the world today. Theres a constant need for new treatment methods and evidence. Recruitment is one of the most challenging parts of conducting a trial, especially in trials regarding mental health. The result of this is often a waste of money and resources in research. Method  This study is a systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the recruitment in randomized controlled trials on internet-based CBT interventions for depression.  Results  The recruitment rates were calculated as number of participants screened divided by number of participants randomized into the trial. The overall recruitment rates of all the trials was 54.3%. The analysis of the recruitment moderators shown that a clinical recruitment setting together with referral as recruitment personnel.


Khambete, Surendra S. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Internetbaserad kognitiv beteendeterapi mot depression under graviditeten : En kvantitativ utvärdering av en IKBT-behandling anpassad för antenatal depression / Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for depression during pregnancy : A quantitative evaluation of an ICBT-treatment adapted for antenatal depression

Axelsson, Matilda, Olsson, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Depression i samband med graviditet förekommer hos ungefär 10% av gravida och medför risker för den gravida och barnet. Många erhåller inte behandling. IKBT kan öka behandlingstillgängligheten och har visat sig effektivt jämfört med sedvanlig mödravård. Utvärderingens syfte var att undersöka skillnader i depressionssymtom före och efter fyra veckor i en IKBT-behandling mot antenatal depression och att jämföra skillnaderna med en tidigare RCT på en snarlik behandling. Huvudfrågeställningen var huruvida depressionssymtom minskar hos patienter med antenatal depression efter fyra veckor i en IKBT-behandling. 26 personer deltog i behandlingen. Förmätning jämfördes med senast kända mätningen efter fyra veckor. Dessa och de veckovisa mätningarna fram till vecka fyra, jämfördes med två icke-randomiserade kontrollgrupper. Skillnad mellan förmätning och senaste mätningen avseende grad av depressionssymtom var signifikant i genomfört t-test och symtomreduktionen tycks vara i nivå med resultat från den tidigare RCT-studien. IKBT skulle således kunna utgöra ett behandlingsalternativ för gravida med depression. Slutsatser bör dras med försiktighet. Framtida forskning inom fältet är av vikt för att validera resultat och för att ge underlag till utvecklingen av behandling vid antenatal depression. / Pregnancy related depression exists in approximately 10% of pregnant people and adds risks for the pregnant individual and the baby. Many are not treated. ICBT may increase the treatment availability and appears to be more effective than conventional maternal health care. The purpose of this evaluation was to examine differences in symptoms of depression before and after four weeks of ICBT-treatment for antenatal depression and to compare the differences with a prior RCT of a similar treatment. The main research question was whether symptom of depression decreases in patients with antenatal depression after four weeks when being treated with an ICBT-treatment. 26 persons participated in the treatment. Pre-measures was compared to the most recent measurement after four weeks. These, and the weekly done measurements up to week four, was compared with two non-randomized control groups. The difference between pre-measures and the most recent measurement regarding degree of depressive symptoms was significant in completed t-test and the reduction of symptoms appears to be on a par with results from the prior RCT. ICBT could be a treatment alternative for pregnant people with depression. Conclusions should be done with caution. Further studies in this field are of importance for validating results and to provide knowledge for the development of treatment for antenatal depression.

Étude du changement de l’architecture du sommeil chez la personne âgée après un sevrage aux benzodiazépines couplé à la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale pour insomnie

Barbaux, Loic 11 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Les benzodiazépines (BZD) et substances apparentées sont consommées de façon chronique par une large proportion de la population de personnes âgées souffrant d’insomnie chronique. Cet usage dans cette population est cependant critiqué, pour le risque d’effets indésirables associés. La thérapie cognitivo-comportementale pour insomnie (TCC-I) constitue le traitement de première ligne pour lutter contre l’insomnie, en raison de son efficacité et de son innocuité. Objectif : L’objectif de ce projet de recherche est d’évaluer les changements de la qualité du sommeil, de la macroarchitecture et de la microarchitecture du sommeil après un sevrage de BZD chez la personne âgée souffrant d’insomnie chronique. Nous étudierons par la suite l’effet de la TCC-I couplé au sevrage sur les mêmes variables d’intérêts. Nous faisons l’hypothèse que le sevrage s’accompagnera d’une amélioration de la qualité subjective du sommeil (diminution de l’Index de Sévérité de l’Insomnie (ISI) et augmentation de l’efficacité de sommeil (SE)) et d’une modification de certaines variables distinctes : fuseau de sommeil et stade N3 (augmentation du pourcentage au stade N3 et diminution de la densité des fuseaux de sommeil). De plus, nous faisons l’hypothèse que ces changements seront plus prononcés avec la TCC-I couplée au sevrage. Méthodes : 41 participants (âge moyen : 69.39±6.88 ans) ont été randomisés en 2 groupes, stratifiés pour l’âge, la durée et la dose de BZD et apparentés consommés : le groupe sevrage+TCC-I (N=23) et le groupe sevrage (N=18). L’ensemble des participants complètent un plan de sevrage avec suivi de 16 semaines, et dans le même temps, uniquement le groupe sevrage+TCC-I reçoit la TCC-I. L’acquisition des données est réalisée avant et après sevrage à partir de questionnaire (ISI), agenda de sommeil (SE) sur une période de 14 jours, et par enregistrements polysomnographiques (stade N3 et densité des fuseaux de sommeil). Résultats : 60.98% des participants (groupe sevrage+TCC-I: 60.87% ; groupe sevrage: 61.11%) ont réussi une cessation complète de leurs médications après sevrage. Il a été constaté une diminution de l’ISI (F(1,40)=4.36, p=0.01) et de la densité des fuseaux de sommeil (F(1,36)=7.18, p=0.01) après sevrage. Enfin, la TCC-I couplée au sevrage a montré une augmentation plus importante de la SE (F(1,35)=6.75, p=0.01) par rapport au groupe sevrage. Conclusion : Le plan de sevrage avec suivi permet d’obtenir un sevrage complet chez une majorité de participants, sans qu’il ne soit observé d’aggravations significatives de leur qualité de sommeil. L’ajout d’une TCC-I lors d’un sevrage de BZD et apparentés a permis une amélioration plus importante de la qualité du sommeil auto-rapportée (Agenda de sommeil : SE). / Background: Benzodiazepines (BZD) and related drugs are consumed chronically by a large part of the elderly population with chronic insomnia. However, this use in this population is criticized for the risk of associated side effects. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is the first-line treatment for insomnia because of its efficacy and safety. Objective: The objective of this project is to assess changes in sleep quality, macroarchitecture and sleep microarchitecture after withdrawal from BZD in the elderly with chronic insomnia. Then, we study the effect of CBT-I coupled with withdrawal on the same variables of interest. We hypothesize that weaning will be accompanied by an improvement in the subjective sleep quality (decrease in Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) and increase in sleep efficiency (SE)) and a modification of certain distinct variables: sleep spindle and stage N3 (increase in the percentage at stage N3 and decrease in the density of sleep spindles). In addition, we hypothesize that these changes will be more pronounced with CBT-I coupled with weaning. Methods: 41 participants (mean age: 69.39 ± 6.88 years) were randomized into 2 groups; stratified for age, duration and dose of BZD and relatives consumed: the weaning+CBT-I group (N = 23) and the weaning group (N = 18). All participants complete a 16-week weaning plan with follow-up, and at the same time, only the therapy group receives CBT-I. Data acquisition is carried out before and after weaning from questionnaire (ISI), sleep diary (SE) over a period of 14 days, and by polysomnographic recordings (stage N3 and density of sleep spindles). Results: 60.98% of participants (weaning+CBT-I group: 60.87%; weaning group: 61.11%) succeeded in completely stopping their medication after withdrawal. A decrease in ISI (F(1.40) = 4.36, p = 0.04) and in sleep spindle density (F(1.36) = 7.18, p = 0.01) was observed after weaning. Finally, CBT-I coupled with weaning showed a greater increase in SE (Sleep Diary; F(1.35) = 6.75, p = 0.01) compared to the control group. Conclusion: The weaning plan with follow-up makes it possible to obtain complete weaning in a majority of participants, without any significant worsening of their quality of sleep being observed. The addition of CBT-I during withdrawal from BZD and related products resulted in a greater improvement in self-reported sleep quality (Sleep Diary: SE).

Digital app-design för rutinskapande vid psykisk ohälsa

Silfverberg, Izabella, Romé, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa är något som har stort inflytande på människors dagliga rutiner där de drabbade kan sakna motivationen för att hålla sig till sina vardagliga uppgifter. På marknaden finns det idag appar som ska motivera användare till att ta hjälp och skapa nya rutiner. Hos dessa appar fattas det dock önskvärda funktioner eller så ligger de bakom en betalvägg vilket kan göra att man tappar motivationen till att använda apparna. UX- och UI-design kan vara väldigt viktigt för att användare ska kunna skapa nya användningsrutiner, speciellt vid appar för psykisk ohälsa. Vi har därför skapat en app-prototyp, med inspiration från analysmetoden kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT), som har en UX- och UI-design som ska uppmuntra till rutinskapande och vara lättillgänglig. För att validera vårt arbete samt utveckla vår gestaltning har vi haft ett flertal itereringstester, samtal med psykologer och kuratorer samt utfört anonyma användartester. Undersökningens resultat visar att applikationer för kontinuerligt bruk uppmuntrar till rutinskapande och användning via enklare funktioner samt en estetiskt tilltalande UI-design. / Mental illness is something that has a big influence on people's everyday routines where the affected person may lack the motivation to abide by their daily tasks. On today's market there are apps which are for motivating users to get help and make new routines, but there is a lack of desirable features or they’re behind a paywall which can affect the motivation to use the apps. UX- and UI-design can be very important for the making of routines for users, especially when it comes to apps for mental illness. Therefore we have created an app-prototype, with inspiration from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which has an UX- and UI-design that will encourage routine making and be more available. To validate our work and develop our design we have had several iteration tests, conversations with psychologists and social workers, and anonymous user tests. The result of the study shows that applications for continuous usage encourage new routines and utilization through simplified features and an aesthetically pleasing UI-design.

Effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Neural Correlates of Fear Conditioning in Panic Disorder

Kircher, Tilo, Arolt, Volker, Jansen, Andreas, Pyka, Martin, Reinhardt, Isabelle, Kellermann, Thilo, Konrad, Carsten, Lüken, Ulrike, Gloster, Andrew T., Gerlach, Alexander L., Ströhle, Andreas, Wittmann, André, Pfleiderer, Bettina, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Straube, Benjamin January 2013 (has links)
Background: Learning by conditioning is a key ability of animals and humans for acquiring novel behavior necessary for survival in a changing environment. Aberrant conditioning has been considered a crucial factor in the etiology and maintenance of panic disorder with agoraphobia (PD/A). Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for PD/A. However, the neural mechanisms underlying the effects of CBT on conditioning processes in PD/A are unknown. Methods: In a randomized, controlled, multicenter clinical trial in medication-free patients with PD/A who were treated with 12 sessions of manualized CBT, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used during fear conditioning before and after CBT. Quality-controlled fMRI data from 42 patients and 42 healthy subjects were obtained. Results: After CBT, patients compared to control subjects revealed reduced activation for the conditioned response (CS+ > CS–) in the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). This activation reduction was correlated with reduction in agoraphobic symptoms from t1 to t2. Patients compared to control subjects also demonstrated increased connectivity between the IFG and regions of the “fear network” (amygdalae, insulae, anterior cingulate cortex) across time. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the link between cerebral correlates of cognitive (IFG) and emotional (“fear network”) processing during symptom improvement across time in PD/A. Further research along this line has promising potential to support the development and further optimization of targeted treatments.

Entwicklung und Evaluation eines interaktiven Lernprogramms für die Vorbereitung auf den chirurgischen Untersuchungskurs / Development and evaluation of an interactive learning program as a means of preparation for the surgical examination course

Philipp, Wagner 10 December 2003 (has links)
No description available.

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