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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of small farmer cooperatives in the management of voluntary coffee certifications in Costa Rica / Le rôle des organisations de producteurs dans la gestion des certifications volontaires du café au Costa Rica

Snider, Anna 13 June 2016 (has links)
La certification volontaire offre aux consommateurs des informations détaillées sur le processus de production et/ou de fabrication des produits. Les organisations paysannes jouent un rôle important dans la gestion de certification et de l'accès des petits agriculteurs aux marchés certifiés. Les organisations de producteurs du Costa Rica ont historiquement joué un rôle important dans la participation des petits producteurs aux filières certifiées et leur motivation à accéder aux marchés certifiés. Les organisations paysannes jouent un rôle important dans la gestion de certification et de l'accès des petits agriculteurs aux marchés certifiés. Pour ces raisons, le Costa Rica offre un environnement intéressant pour étudier la façon dont les organisations de producteurs de café arrivent à gérer la certification de leurs membres.Cette recherche se concentre uniquement sur les coopératives et les consortiums de coopératives puisqu’elles sont importantes dans le processus de certification. Considérant le manque de connaissances sur le rôle des coopératives et de la certification volontaire du café, cette thèse traite les questions suivantes: Quel est le rôle des coopératives dans la gestion des certifications volontaires ? Quels sont les changements induits par la certification, au niveau des coopératives et des exploitations ?, Quels aspects sociaux uniques propres au Costa Rica influencent la gestion et l'efficacité de la certification?Les administrateurs de vingt des vingt-deux coopératives de café au Costa Rica ont été enquêtés. Quatre coopératives ont ensuite été sélectionnées pour les études de cas approfondies.Bien que les certifications soient souvent critiqués de ne pas provoquer d‘amélioration au niveau de l'exploitation en raison de la sélection des exploitations conformées uniquement, le facteur qui encourage les coopératives à choisir la certification individuelle est la structure des certifications, y compris la faible demande de café certifié, les incitations faible et variables des prix, les coûts élevés de l'audit et des exigences élevées en gestion et en formation. Au Costa Rica, la certification de café volontaire fournissent des avantages réels, bien que minimes aux coopératives ainsi qu’à leurs membres. Les coopératives prennent des décisions sur la gestion des certifications en fonction de leurs stratégies commerciales, du type de café qu'elles produisent et de leur dotation en capital social, cette qui se manifeste comme une solidarité de groupe ou une approche commerciale. La certification incite à une approche plus holistique de la production de café en nécessitant plus de formations et de services liés à la production durable. Elle encourage les coopératives à collaborer avec d'autres parties prenantes, en augmentant leur connectivité et leur capital social. Cela donne aux membres un accès à de nouvelles connaissances et services, ce qui peut potentiellement créer un cercle vertueux de production de capital social.La certification peut cependant encourager les coopératives à offrir des services supplémentaires ou des incitations financières à une partie de leurs membres seulement. Un niveau élevé de capital social est nécessaire au niveau administratif pour assurer une répartition équitable des avantages de la certification tout en offrant des incitations aux membres à poursuivre la certification. / Voluntary certifications offer consumers information on the process in which products are produced. Farmers’ organizations play an important role in the management of certifications and in small-farmer access to certified markets. Costa Rican farmers’ organizations have a long history of participation in the certified value chain and in fomenting small farmers’ access to certified markets. Farmers’ organizations also make strategic decisions related to the organization’s participation in the certified value chain and how farmers are supported and incentivized to join.For these reasons Costa Rica provides an interesting milieu to study how farmers’ organizations manage certifications. Because of their importance in the certification process in Costa Rica, this research focuses on cooperatives and consortia of cooperatives. Considering the gap in knowledge regarding the role of cooperatives and voluntary coffee certifications, this thesis presents the following questions: What is the role of cooperatives in the management of voluntary coffee certifications?, What are the advantages and disadvantages of participation in voluntary certifications for cooperatives?, What changes do certifications induce at the cooperative and farm levels?, What social aspects in Costa Rica influence the management and effectiveness of certifications? Administrators from twenty of the twenty-two coffee cooperatives in Costa Rica were interviewed to obtain basic data on harvest size, membership and management and participation in certifications. Four cooperatives were selected for in-depth case studies.Certifications are often criticized for not eliciting widespread change at the farm level due to the selection of compliant farms, but it is the structure of the certifications, including low demand, weak and variable price incentives, high costs of auditing and high requirements for management and training, which incentivize cooperatives to choose individual certifications.In Costa Rica, voluntary coffee certifications promote small but real benefits to cooperatives and their members. Cooperatives make decisions about the management of certifications based on their business strategies, the type of coffee they produce and the social capital inherent in the cooperative, which is manifested as a group solidarity approach or a commercial approach.Certifications incite a more holistic approach to coffee production by requiring training and services related to sustainable production. Certifications encourage cooperatives to collaborate with other stakeholders, increasing their connectedness and organizational social capital. This gives members access to new knowledge and services and has the potential to create a virtuous cycle of the production of social capital.Certifications, however, may induce cooperatives to offer additional services or financial incentives to some members and not to others. A high level of social capital is needed at the administrative level to ensure an equitable distribution of the benefits of certifications while still offering members incentives to pursue certifications.

Ação coletiva na cadeia do etanol: o caso da certificação BSI-Bonsucro / Colective action in the ethanol chain the BSI-Bonsucro certification case

Leandro Consentino 05 May 2017 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado visa estudar e compreender os aspectos relativos às iniciativas de certificação socioambientais, buscando responder como elas se estruturam e como funcionam a partir de uma lógica de ação coletiva, tomando por base a cadeia de cana-de-açúcar em geral e o caso da BSI-Bonsucro em particular. Para tanto, desenvolveremos uma revisão bibliográfica acerca do tema das certificações socioambientais, visando compreender o processo e as limitações acerca destes arranjos. Em seguida, procederemos a um estudo acerca do universo de análise em que nos debruçamos, qual seja, a cadeia de cana-de-açúcar, a qual esmiuçaremos em sua origem e características e nos indicadores dos principais mercados a ela associados: o de açúcar e o de etanol combustível. A partir de então, iniciaremos o bloco analítico onde desenvolvemos um estudo de caso sobre a principal iniciativa de certificação socioambiental no âmbito do setor sucroalcooleiro: o BSI-Bonsucro. Nele, procuramos enunciar e analisar todos os critérios de sustentabilidade presentes na iniciativa e abrir caminho para a última seção, que consiste na análise propriamente dita do objeto à luz das teorias de ação coletiva, especialmente o Arcabouço de Análise e Desenvolvimento Institucional de Elinor Ostrom. / This doctoral thesis aims to study and understand the aspects related to socioenvironmental certification initiatives, seeking to answer how they are structured and how they work based on a logic of collective action, based on the sugarcane chain in general and the Case of BSI-Bonsucro in particular. To do so, we will develop a bibliographical review about the subject of socioenvironmental certifications, in order to understand the process and the limitations on these arrangements. Next, we will study the universe of analysis in which we are concerned, that is, the sugarcane chain, which we will analyze in its origin and characteristics and in the indicators of the main markets associated with it: sugar And that of fuel ethanol. From then on, we will start the analytical block where we developed a case study about the main socio-environmental certification initiative in the scope of the sugar and alcohol industry: BSI-Bonsucro. In it, we seek to enunciate and analyze all the sustainability criteria present in the initiative and make way for the last section, which consists in the analysis of the object itself in the light of collective action theories, especially the Elinor Ostrom´s Institutional Analysis and Development Framework.

En studie om regenerativ bomullsodling : Är regenerativt jordbruk nästa steg i utvecklingen av ekologisk bomullsodling?

Thorman, Nanny, Grahn, Mimmi January 2021 (has links)
Att uppnå de globala målen är av vikt för en hållbar utveckling. Odugliga jordbruksmetoder utgör en stor del av de klimathot som planeten i stunden utsätts för. Det är av intresse att undersöka vilka hållbarhetsvinster som kan erhållas vid regenerativ bomull samt definiera begreppet. Regenerativ bomull definieras utifrån det faktum att bomullen är odlad i enlighet med regenerativa jordbruksmetoder. De regenerativa jordbruksmetoderna är således både en inställning samt praxis. Metodens fokus är att bevara samt förbättra planetens jordhälsa. En frisk jord bidrar till att biologisk mångfald, kolinlagring samt fotosyntesens fortgång ökar. Konventionella metoder vid bomullsproduktionen bidrar till att jorden utarmas vilket leder till en försvagad biologisk mångfald och drastiska klimatförändringar. I den konventionella andelen bomull ingår även BCI-certifierad bomull vilken anses som något bättre i jämförelse då den innefattar principer som skall gynna den hållbara utvecklingen. Det är dock enbart initiativ till förbättring som uppmanas och inga faktiska krav ställs. Ekologiskt odlad bomull genomförs enligt den odlingsmetod som ställer mer miljövänliga krav men den globala andelen utgörs enbart av 1%. För att sammanställa litteraturstudien har en bred informationsinsamling genomförts innehållande bland annat bomull, certifieringar, jordbruk, regenerativa jordbruksmetoder samt klimatpåverkan vid dåligt utfört jordbruk. Studien tar hänsyn till ekologiska, sociala samt ekonomiska hållbarhetsaspekter och resultatet återspeglas i en sammanställd tabell där de olika jordbruksmetodernas skillnader ställs mot varandra. Slutsatsen belyser att det finns svårigheter med att få jordbrukare att konvertera till de regenerativa jordbruksmetoderna. Svårigheterna ligger bland annat i de likheter på krav som ställs vid omställning till ekologiskt jordbruk. Då denna ej har uppgått till en procentuellt större andel globalt blir det svårt att inom tidsramen för Agenda 2030 få regenerativa odlingsmetoder att lyfta. Däremot är den regenerativa odlingsmetodens krav essentiella och tillsammans utgör de en del av lösningen på världens klimatproblem. Det regenerativa jordbruket har potential att bidra till hållbarhetsvinster genom att bland annat öka kolinlagringen i jorden och motverka klimathoten. En omställning i jordbrukspraxis som gynnar hållbar utveckling är av yttersta vikt. / Poor farming practices have a major impact on the environment. The current cotton production is environmentally unsustainable and to achieve the global goals, it is necessary to call for action. Included in the conventional grown cotton is BCI-cotton, these methods aim for a more environmentally friendly approach for farmers but does not include any requirements. Organically grown cotton sets certain requirements, but it does not exceed 1% globally. It is therefore of interest to investigate if regenerative cotton can obtain any sustainable profits. It is also of interest to define the concept of regenerative cotton. It is concluded that regenerative cotton is rather regenerative agriculture, and this is both an attitude and a suite of practices. The practical methods are based on the same biological components that create and maintain life on the planet. The utmost importance lies in the health of the soil. Healthy soil contributes to positive aspects including increased photosynthesis, storing carbon, and biodiversity. The literature study has been conducted to assemble information about cotton, organic certifications, regenerative farming practices, and environmental losses due to poor agriculture. The result is presented as a table which includes a comparison between the different agricultural practices and both ecological, social, and economic aspects are considered to the sustainable development. The major difficulties of converting to regenerative cotton lies in the similarities to convert to organic. It will be challenging for farmers due to the lack of knowledge for these new method’s positive aspects. It will be difficult to implement a major adjustment required within the timeframe for the 2030´s Agenda, but a shift towards sustainable development is necessary. The combined factors and requirements for regenerative agriculture are one solution to the climate change.

Miljökravens påverkan inom projektering samt vägproduktion

Zhang, Shi Fu, Demirtas, Gürcan January 2015 (has links)
Den ökade miljöfrågan som dyker allt mer på senare tid har haft en stor betydelse näringslivets miljöarbete samt utvecklingen av metoder som används inom vägproduktion. Med rätta krav kan det uppnås en minimerad inverkan på miljön som leder till en hållbar utveckling. De nationella miljömålen samt miljöbalkens lagstiftningar är en viktig riktlinje för att uppnå den önskade miljöeffektiviseringen inom näringslivet.   Detta examensarbete undersöker grunden till miljökraven från Trafikverket samt hur detta resulterar i entreprenörernas miljöarbete inom produktion samt hur kraven speglar sig i deras egna miljöambitioner. / The increased environmental issue which appears more and more in recent times has a major impact on how we build our roads today. Today’s environment demands a controlling part of the working process as well as methods within the elections in the road production. Justifiably demands can achieve a minimized impact on the environment which leads to sustainable development. The national environmental targets are an important guideline to achieve the desired environmental efficiency within road production that all authorities follow.   This thesis explores the foundations of environmental requirements from the Swedish Transport Administration and how this results in entrepreneurs’ approach and its own environmental ambitions.

Disclosing the definition on the upcycling concept : An exploratory study investigating the concept of upcycling and standardisation and its role on the path towards a circular textile industry

Lindeberg, Sara January 2020 (has links)
The ’upcycling’ term and concept have gained interest as a new strategy of implementing circularity within businesses, however the concept have not yet been defined, resulting in a somewhat divided perception of what it entails and what activities it includes. This misunderstanding may hinder the circular economy development. However, Standards have been discussed to add structure to the industry, concerning sustainable standards, they have been argued necessary in order to reach levels of necessary change. Thus, this study aims to explore what upcycling is, how such terminology is defined and standardized, furthermore how this might be a way to come closer to a circular textile industry. Together with a review of earlier research on standards, policies and around change in institutions, an in-depth literature review was conducted to depict the definitions on upcycling within different fields. Additionally, interviews were conducted with companies and ‘experts’ within the textile and fashion industry, investigating the industry’s perception on ‘upcycling’ along with standardization of such circular terminology. Findings of the study confirmed standards are an important way to reach a level of agreement enabling for a circular change. However, it existed split opinions on the definition of ‘upcycling’ and what activities that are in fact upcycling. Nonetheless most of the reviewed articles as well as respondents both amongst the companies as well as the ‘experts’ argued that it essentially means keeping value or adding value, financially and or value as material quality. However, concerning the activities and what the value adding activities are, it seems to depend in what state the discarded material or product are in. Hence it is important to evaluate before ‘upcycling’, making the process of upcycling more efficient, regarding material optimization, also financially more desirable, a win win. The thesis argues to provide with knowledge regarding the ‘upcycling’ concept, as well on the importance of agreed definitions through standards, how they are developed and how it encourages institutional change.

Accountants and Accounting Educators' Perceptions of Accounting Certifications/Accreditations and Communication Divides

Bennerson, Brigitte A. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Global changes to business exchanges of goods, services, capital, technology, and knowledge requires accountants to have more diverse skill sets than in the past. Practitioners' documented concerns about accounting graduates' inability to function globally. The purpose of this exploratory qualitative study was twofold: (a) to explore accounting practitioners' and educators' perceptions of the Certified Public Accountant and other accounting certifications and accreditations, and (b) to explore possible communication divides between accounting academia and professionals that may be creating a gap between what employers expect and what they receive from graduates. Phone interviews were conducted with 5 practicing accounting educators and 5 practicing accounting professionals. Using NVIVO, a thematic analysis was conducted to examine and analyze the data for patterns and opposing views. Half of the participants believe that the curriculum should be modified; they were not convinced that existing accounting curricula prepare students for the workplace, even if they passed the CPA exam. Despite being aware of other certifications and the relevancy of specific certifications for various job trajectories, educators and practitioners view the CPA certification as most valuable and most recognized. Six participants perceived a communication gap and a need for conversation, due to educators' detachment from accounting profession. This research serves to unify educators and practitioners to foster a learning environment conducive to preparing graduates to communicate and work in a global business because a highly skilled workforce will contribute to trust and sustainable value creation; ultimately improving the economy by building enduring businesses and communities.

Investigating employability: a study to ascertain whether attaining stackable credentials increases opportunity for employment for career technical graduates

Whittington, Amy Green 06 May 2017 (has links)
Career technical education plays an important part in the mission of community colleges – providing educational opportunities needed by members of their communities. Career technical programs prepare students for entry into the workforce. Accountability standards for career technical programs, from local, state, and federal bodies, monitor placement of career technical graduates in jobs related to their field of study. To help these students become more competitive in the job market, curricula are being aligned with national certifications to help students graduate from career technical programs with stackable credentials. Stackable credentials refer to the idea of “stacking” degrees, certifications, and credentials along the way to an education in a particular field of study. Some of these credentials can be costly, though, requiring career technical program administrators to question whether implementing this stackable credential structure is truly beneficial for the students. The purpose of this study was to examine survey results of industry representatives who serve on advisory committees for career technical programs at a rural community college to ascertain whether earning stackable credentials in career technical programs at a rural community college does increase opportunities for employment. Data were obtained from an Industry Input Survey conducted at a rural community college. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. Results of this study indicate that while entry-level employment requirements focus more on a high-school diploma or high school equivalency exam and an earned Associate of Applied Science degree, the majority of participants did indicate that holding a national certification would give a potential employee hiring preferences. Results of the analysis are presented in narrative and table form. Conclusions and recommendations for future research follow discussion of analysis.

A Comparison of TraceabilityApproaches and Certifications inthe Clothing Industry : A Case Study at ASKET AB

Steffenhagen, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries worldwide with vast impacts on all three pillars of sustainability – ecology, society and economy. Recently there has been increased interest in improving sustainable practices in the clothing industry. These practices look to tackle the negative impacts from emissions, pollution and synthetic or man-madematerials (i.e. those made from fossil fuels). Popular approaches are transparency, supply chain traceability and product certifications. This research aims to evaluate these different approaches with a multi-criteria analysis using a developed evaluation framework and applying the framework at a case study at ASKET AB, a menswear brand from Sweden. Research included seven different certifications common in the clothing industry. Due to a different focus not on a product but rather on a company management level, one of the certifications is excluded in the evaluation process. To ensure the relevance of the framework, the common approaches in sustainability research of the Planetary Boundaries and the Doughnut Economy are combined with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Thus, the evaluation framework covers an environmental as well as a social dimension, including 18 impact categories in total. The evaluation results in a score for each certification according to the ranking per impact category for each certification. The results showed a clear advantage for certifications covering impact categories from the environmental as well as the social dimension. The results from the evaluation are accompanied by semi-structured interviews with seven experts from within the apparel and sustainability industry. The interviews support most of the findings from the literature research and evaluation. The combination of evaluation and interviews concludes that there is a necessity to take different factors into account before choosing a certain certifications scheme. There is no one fits all approach due to the fact that each organisation adopts its own sustainability practices. Key factors to take into consideration include values and focus areas of the company as well as the rigour of the certification. Consequently, depending on the circumstances, a combination of different certifications and ecolabels might be the best approach. The results are applied to a case study at ASKET AB, a Stockholm-based menswear brand focussing on high-quality and timeless wardrobe essentials. Applicability of different traceability approaches and certifications for ASKET considered different factors including limited monetary and personnel resources of a small- to medium-sized enterprise to a micro-company. Furthermore, a comparison to other approaches of supply chain traceability and transparent communication are taken into account in the assessment. Overall, a different focus depending on the supply chain processes is the most suitable option for ASKET since a full certification of the company, or specific products are not applicable at the current stage of the company. / Textilindustrin är en av världens mest förorenande industrier med stor påverkan på alla tre delar inom hållbarhet – ekologiskt, social och ekonomist. På senare tid har intresset för mer hållbara metoder inom klädindustrin ökat. Målet med dessa metoder är att minska de negativa effekterna från utsläpp, föroreningar samt material från fossila källor. Populära tillvägagångssätt inkluderar transparens, spårbarhet i leverantörskedjan och produktcertifiering. Denna studie utvärderar dessa tillvägagångssätt via en multikriterieanalys utförd med ett framtaget utvärderingsramverk. Studien innehåller sju, för klädindustrin, vanliga certifieringar varav en av dessa exkluderades i utvärderingsprocessen på grund av annat fokus. Ramverkets relevans säkerställs genom att kombinera de vanligaste metoderna i hållbarhetsforskning inom Planetary Boundaries och Doughnut Economy med FN:s mål för hållbarutveckling (FN:s SDGs). Därmed täcker utvärderingsramen såväl miljö- som sociala aspekter innehållandes 18 olika påverkningsbara kategorier. Utvärderingen ger varje certifiering en poäng enligt ranking per påverkningsbar kategori. Certifieringar innehållandes miljö- och sociala aspekter fick bästresultat. Utvärderingsresultaten åtföljdes av semistrukterande intervjuer med sju experter som stöder mestadels av litteraturforskningen och utvärderingen. Utvärderings- och intervjuresultaten visar vikten av att ta olika faktorer i beaktning innan ett certifieringsschema väljs. Dessa inkluderar företagsvärden, fokusområden samt kriteriets strikthet. Det existerar således ingen universell metod och i vissa fall kan en kombination av olika certifieringar och ekomärkningar vara den bästa metoden. Resultaten applicerades på en fallstudie hos ASKET AB, ett Stockholmsbaserat herrklädesmärke med fokus på högkvalitativa och tidlösa ”wardrobe essentials” (garderobsnödvändigheter). Tillämpbarheten av olika spårbarhetsmetoder och certifieringar för ASKET innehöll faktorer så som begränsade monetära- och personalresurser för ett litet till medelstort bolag till ett mikroföretag. I bedömningen beaktas även en jämförelse av andra tillvägagångssätt för spårbarhet i leveranskejdan och kommunikationstransparens. Sammanfattningsvis ärolika fokus beroende på leveranskedjeproncessen mest användbar för ASKET eftersom en fullständig certifiering av företaget eller en specifik produkt i nuläget inte är applicerbar.

Virtual Design and Construction och dess roll för hållbar utveckling hos svenska byggentreprenadföretag / Virtual Design and Construction and its Role in Sustainable Development in Swedish Construction Contractors

Husain, Ali, Zian, Elias January 2023 (has links)
Byggentreprenörer med projekterings- och utförandeansvar utgör en viktig roll när det gäller att främja hållbar utveckling inom byggbranschen. Genom att integrera hållbarhetsaspekter i sina arbetsprocesser och sitt beslutsfattande kan de bidra till att minska miljöpåverkan samt effektivisera projekt- och produktionsplanering. Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) har gjort det möjligt för byggentreprenörer att använda modellering och visualisering av slutprodukter för att göra projekt- och produktionsplanering mer effektiv. Litteraturen visar på att VDC kan användas för ekonomisk lönsamhet men kvar återfinns frågeställningen om VDC kan användas för att främja hållbar utveckling.  Denna studie grundar sig i en intervjubaserad kvalitativ studie och undersöker hur VDC används bland svenska byggföretag med projekterings- och utförandeansvar för att främja hållbar utveckling. Detta genom att undersöka hur byggentreprenörernas användning av VDC påverkar social-, ekonomisk- och miljömässig hållbarhet. Studien tar även upp hur VDC används för att uppnå miljö- och hållbarhetskrav, samt för att byggnader ska kunna miljöcertifieras. Arbetet utgörs av en litteraturstudie och en intervjustudie som innefattar uppfattningar från svenska byggentreprenörer som arbetar med totalentreprenader. För att samla in data genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från byggentreprenadföretag i Sverige. En tematisk analys genomfördes sedan utifrån befintlig forskning och teorier. Resultaten tyder på att implementeringen av VDC bidrar till främjandet av hållbar utveckling hos byggentreprenörer. Genom att involvera flera aktörer i byggprojekt främjar VDC kommunikation, samarbete och en inkluderande arbetsmiljö. Det erbjuder också snabbare och mer effektiva lösningar jämfört med traditionella planeringsmetoder, vilket leder till kostnadsbesparingar och förbättrade projektresultat. Dessutom kan VDC användas för att optimera design och planering av byggnader, resurshantering och underlätta miljöcertifieringsprocessen. Resultaten visar att trots de fördelar som VDC erbjuder för hållbar utveckling, utnyttjas inte dess fulla potential inom den svenska byggbranschen. Utmaningar såsom kompetensbrist och interoperabilitetsproblem fortsätter att hindra en framgångsrik användning av VDC. / Construction contractors with design and building responsibilities play an important role in promoting sustainable development in the construction industry. By integrating sustainability considerations into their work processes and decision-making, they can help reduce environmental impact and streamline project and production planning. Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) has enabled design-build contractors to use modelling and visualization of final products to make project and production planning more efficient. The literature shows that VDC can be used for economic profitability, but the question remains whether VDC can be used to promote sustainable development.  This study is based on an interview-based qualitative study and examines how VDC is used among Swedish construction companies with design and building responsibilities to promote sustainable development. This is done by examining how the use of VDC by construction contractors affects social, economic, and environmental sustainability. The study also addresses how VDC is used to achieve environmental and sustainability requirements, and for buildings to be environmentally certified. The work consists of a literature study and an interview study that includes perceptions from Swedish design-build contractors. To collect data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with respondents from construction companies in Sweden. A thematic analysis was then conducted based on existing research and theories. The results indicate that the implementation of VDC contributes to the promotion of sustainable development among construction contractors. By involving multiple stakeholders in construction projects, VDC promotes communication, collaboration, and an inclusive work environment. It also offers faster, and more efficient solutions compared to traditional planning methods, leading to cost savings and improved project performance. Furthermore, VDC can be used to optimize building design and planning, resource management and facilitate the environmental certification process. The results show that despite the benefits that VDC offers for sustainable development, its full potential is not being utilized in the Swedish construction industry. Challenges such as skills shortages and interoperability issues continue to hinder the successful use of VDC.

Miljöcertifieringar för kontorsbyggnader  och LEED : En jämförelse mellan Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM-SE / Environmental Certifications for Office Buildings : A Comparison between Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM-SE and LEED

Lindqvist, Alva January 2022 (has links)
I Sveriges klimatmål står att senast år 2045 ska Sverige ha noll nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser. Det är ett klimatmål som innebär att alla sektorer behöver bidra för att målet ska vara möjligt att uppnå. Detta gäller även bygg- och fastighetssektorn som står för cirka 21 procent av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser ur ett livscykelperspektiv. Då byggnader har stor miljöpåverkan både i produktion och vid användning har olika certifieringssystem tagits fram i syfte att bygga mer hållbart. Med hjälp av en miljöcertifiering med ett tydligt ramverk blir det enklare att arbeta för en miljömässigt hållbar byggnad. Det finns flera olika miljöcertifieringar på den svenska marknaden och några av de som används mest frekvent är Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM-SE och LEED. De olika certifieringarna berör flera olika områden, exempelvis energianvändning, inomhusmiljö bland annat. Certifieringarna innefattar olika indikatorer. Det finns ännu ingen tydlig guide som visar vilket certifieringssystem som passar vilken typ av byggnad eller om alla certifieringar är allmänt applicerbara, utan att skilja sig åt. Av den anledningen är det intressant att undersöka ifall något system är mer lämpligt för kontorsbyggnader. Syftet med studien är att jämföra de olika miljöcertifieringssystemen Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM-SE och LEED utifrån uppbyggnad, genomförande och betygssystem med utgångspunkt i kontorsbyggnader. Studien är avgränsad till att beröra nybyggnation av kontorsbyggnader på den svenska marknaden. Resultatet i studien visar på betydande skillnader i uppbyggnad och genomförande, likaså i betygssystemens utformning. BREEAM-SE har den mest omfattande certifieringsprocessen och är även det dyraste av alternativen, däremot är systemet nationellt anpassningsbart och flexibelt. LEED är det system som ligger längst ifrån svenska förhållanden men är däremot globalt välkänt och kan vara av intresse för internationella investerare, det är även ett omfattande system som beaktar hela byggnaden samt omgivning. Miljöbyggnad är det billigaste och mest användarvänliga systemet men omfattar endast byggnaden i sig. Systemet är anpassat till svenska förhållanden och är inget internationellt system, därför är det av mindre intresse för internationella investerare. / Sweden's climate goal states that by 2045, Sweden must have zero net emissions of greenhouse gases. This climate goal means that all sectors need to contribute in order to achieve the goal. This also applies to the construction and real estate sector, which accounts for approximately 21 percent of Sweden's total greenhouse gas emissions from a life cycle perspective. As buildings have a major environmental impact both in production and in use, various certification systems have been developed with the aim of building more sustainable. With the help of an environmental certification, it will be easier to work for an environmentally sustainable building. There are several different environmental certifications on the Swedish market and some of the most frequently used are Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM-SE and LEED. The different certifications cover several different areas, such as energy use and the indoor environment, and include different indicators. There is still no clear guide that shows which certification system is suitable for which type of building or if all certifications are generally applicable, without differing. For that reason, it is interesting to investigate if any system is more suitable for office buildings. The purpose of the studies is to compare the various environmental certification systems Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM-SE and LEED based on contexture, implementation and rating systems for office buildings. The study is limited to new construction of office buildings on the Swedish market. The results in the study show differences in structure and implementation, as well as in the design of the rating systems. BREEAM-SE has the most comprehensive certification process and is also the most expensive of the alternatives, however, the system is nationally adaptable and flexible. LEED is the system that is furthest from Swedish conditions but is globally well known and may be of interest to international investors, it is also a comprehensive system for the entire building and surroundings. Miljöbyggnad is the cheapest and most user-friendly system but only covers the building itself. The system is adapted to Swedish conditions and is not an international system, therefore it is of less interest to international investors. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

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