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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An?lise dos reflexos da interatividade na produ??o, dissemina??o e recupera??o da informa??o na TV Digital / Analysis of the reflexes of the interativity in the prodution, spreading and recovery of the information on the digital TV

Paschoal Neto, Jos? Dias 26 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:36:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Dias Paschoal Neto-3.pdf: 22710753 bytes, checksum: d77ca7a8e7c3987cd4008fdd56006ba1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-26 / The terrestrial digital TV launched in Brazil, on the night of December 2nd 2007 in S?o Paulo, without the main features: multiprogramming (more channels), portability and mobility (signal within mobile phones and receivers in movement) and mainly, interaction. Consequence of a disturbing process that resulted in the use of japans model, in June 2006, the fact of the digital TV arriving as TV of the "may be", doesn t eliminate your potentials. Studying your resources on the perspective of breaking a paradigm of the unique direction impost by the analogical model of transmission of signals and researching how interactive ness will impact new flows of productive information, dissemination and recovery of information from this new media are the objectives of this work, which uses the documental research, the direct, intensive and exploratory comments, the qualitative analysis, among others, as the methodological procedures. The science information, with a multidisciplinary characteristic and that has within the recovery information your historical roots, is the referenced field of study. The perspective of the viewers interacting with the information in the TV, permitting even, to produce or generate content, the social cycle of information, proposed by Le Coadic, is studied as the model applied in the new paradigms of digital TV. The work takes as basis the new paradigms of information to study the construction of interactive contents and inclusive the addition of integrated knowledge in a collaborative job. In this context, I highlight the university and their television, in special, as the place to experiment new contents developed in the convergence of the medias, the technologies and the addition of new diverse professional competences. / A TV Digital terrestre brasileira estreou na noite de dois de dezembro de 2007, em S?o Paulo, sem nenhum dos seus principais recursos: multiprograma??o (mais canais), portabilidade e mobilidade (sinal em celulares e receptores em movimento) e, principalmente, a interatividade. Conseq??ncia de um pol?mico processo que resultou na ado??o do padr?o japon?s, em junho de 2006, o fato de a TV Digital chegar como a TV do pode ser , n?o elimina suas potencialidades. Estudar seus recursos na perspectiva da quebra do paradigma da unidirecionalidade imposta pelo modelo anal?gico de transmiss?o de sinais e pesquisar como a interatividade vai impactar nos fluxos informacionais da produ??o, dissemina??o e recupera??o da informa??o nessa nova m?dia, ? o foco deste trabalho, que utiliza como procedimentos metodol?gicos, a pesquisa documental, as observa??es diretas, intensivas, explorat?rias e a an?lise qualitativa, entre outros. A Ci?ncia da Informa??o, como ci?ncia de caracter?stica multidisciplinar e que tem na recupera??o da informa??o, suas ra?zes hist?ricas, ? o campo referencial de estudo. Na perspectiva do telespectador interagir com a informa??o na TV, chegando, at? mesmo, a produzir e gerar conte?do, o Ciclo Social da Informa??o, proposto por Le Coadic, ? estudado como modelo que se aplica aos novos paradigmas da TV Digital. O trabalho toma como base os novos paradigmas da informa??o para estudar a constru??o de conte?dos televisivos interativos e inclusivos a partir de conheceres integrados num trabalho colaborativo. Nesse contexto, aponta-se a Universidade e as TVs Universit?rias, em especial, como espa?o para a experimenta??o de novos conte?dos desenvolvidos na converg?ncia das m?dias e das tecnologias e na somat?ria de compet?ncias profissionais diversas. O resgate hist?rico da TV PUC-Campinas e sua a evolu??o tecnol?gica s?o tomadas como refer?ncia no processo de migra??o do anal?gico para o digital.

Copolimerização em emulsão de estireno e acrilato de butila com alto teor de sólidos: estudo experimental e modelagem matemática do processo em reator semicontínuo. / Emulsion copolymerization of styrene and butyl acrylate with gigh solids contents: experimental study and mathematical modeling of the process in a semi-batch reactor.

Marinangelo, Giovane 18 November 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se a copolimerização em emulsão de estireno e acrilato de butila em processo semicontínuo onde o produto final é um látex com alto teor de sólidos. Foi dado enfoque à distribuição de tamanhos de partículas do látex e seus efeitos no produto. Foi realizada uma série de experimentos de copolimerização em emulsão em um reator de vidro, empregando receitas com teores de sólidos de até 64% em massa. Durante os experimentos, amostras eram retiradas periodicamente do reator visando analisar o teor de polímeros (conversão dos monômeros) por gravimetria, a concentração de monômero residual por cromatografia gasosa headspace, o diâmetro médio das partículas por espectroscopia de espalhamento dinâmico de luz e a distribuição de tamanhos de partículas por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. A viscosidade do látex final era obtida em viscosímetro Brookfield. Aplicando estratégias para renucleação de novas partículas no decorrer do processo, foram obtidos látices com distribuição bimodal de tamanhos de partículas e com viscosidades reduzidas. Aplicou-se um modelo matemático para descrever o processo, incluindo a evolução no tempo da distribuição de tamanhos de partículas, calculada a partir de equações de balanço populacional para as partículas e para os radicais dentro das partículas. Para a solução das equações empregou-se discretização por método de classes e a técnica de pivô fixo. O modelo tem apenas dois parâmetros ajustáveis, referentes às eficiências de captura de radicais por micelas e por partículas. Estes parâmetros foram ajustados para os dados experimentais de um ensaio, e usados, sem reajuste, para outros ensaios em condições diferentes. Os resultados do modelo mostraram boa adequação aos resultados experimentais. / The aim of this work was the study of the high solid contents emulsion copolymerization of styrene and butyl acrylate in semi-batch process. In this context the particle size distribution and its effects on the product viscosity was studied. Copolymerization reactions were carried out in a glass reactor, and recipes with solid contents up to 64 wt.% were used. During each run, samples are periodically taken from the reactor, and analysis are performed to measure the polymer content (monomer conversion) by gravimetry, the concentrations of the residual monomers by head-space gas chromatography, the average particle size by dynamic light scattering, and the particle size distribution by transmission electronic microscopy. The viscosity of the final emulsion is also measured using a Brookfield viscosimeter. By applying operating strategies to nucleate new particles along the process, latexes with bimodal particle size distributions and low viscosities were obtained. A mathematical model was employed for simulating the polymerization process, including the evolution of the particle size distribution along the process, calculated from population balance equations for the particles and the radicals inside the particles. The numerical solution was obtained using the discretized population balance equations by the method of classes and the fixed pivot technique. The model has only two adjustable parameters, the efficiencies for radical capture by micelles and by particles. These two parameters were fitted to the experimental data of one run and used, without further readjustment, for other runs under different conditions. The model results presented satisfactory agreement with the experimental data.

Didactique des langues et pratiques académiques professionnalisantes : le français dans la formation scientifique et technique / Didactics of French as a Foreign Language and Professionnalizing Educational Practices French in Scientific and Technical training

Courchinoux, Sandrine 19 November 2012 (has links)
Notre recherche vise à élaborer des propositions pédagogiques et des outils de formation continue, pour des enseignants de FLE dont le public suit une formation scientifique et technique dans une école d’ingénieurs. Dans un cadre épistémologique de didactique des langues et des cultures, nous nous positionnons dans la continuité des travaux actuels. Nous montrons aussi comment des outils ethnographiques peuvent enrichir une analyse des besoins pour ces publics « spécifiques » et favoriser une approche de l’analyste et de l’enseignant de FLE décentrée. A partir de cette approche par tâche située, des contenus langagiers ont été identifiés et des propositions pédagogiques pour le français émises. Issue de la pratique de terrain, notre recherche-action propose, pour finir, des pistes de formation continue pour les enseignants de FLE qui forment des publics interagissant dans des contextes spécifiques. / This research aims to develop educational proposals and tools for on-going training for teachers of French as a foreign language (FLE) having an audience of non-French speaking learners undertaking scientific and technical training in a french graduate engineering school. Part of an epistemological and didactical framework, the research is in the continuity of current studies. It shows also how ethnographic tools can enrich an analysis of the needs of these « specific » audiences and privilege an approach of the analyst and the FLE teachers, which move away from their perceptions on language, scientific and technical studies, and the industry of energy and transport.From this approach by social task, linguistic contents were identified and educational proposals for the FLE were put forward. Another outcome of the field work is that this action-research offers on-going training options for FLE teachers having to teach to audiences interacting in specific contexts.

Vad är samhällskunskap? : Fem gymnasielärares förståelse av skolämnet samhällskunskap / What is social science? : Five high school teachers´understanding of the school subject social science

Rexhepi, Hasibe January 2009 (has links)
<p><p><p>Syftet med framförliggande uppsats är att bidra till ökad kunskap om gymnasielärares förståelse av ämnet samhällskunskap genom en beskrivning och analys av lärares målsättning och syfte med undervisningen med avseende på mål, innehåll och selektionsavvägningar. Den övergripande forskningsfrågan för detta arbete är: <em>Vilken förståelse har gymnasielärare av innehållet och undervisningen i skolämnet samhällskunskap? </em>Utifrån syftet och forskningsfrågan är målsättningen att ge svar på de didaktiska frågorna <em>vad </em>och <em>varför.</em></p><p>För att uppnå studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod anammats och fem semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med gymnasielärare som undervisar i ämnet samhällskunskap. Lärarna i studien definierar ämnet i innehållsliga termer samt i termer av blocktillhörighet. Studien visar att undervisningen i samhällskunskap bör bidra samt syfta till förståelse av samhällets struktur och funktion, men även ge eleverna kompetenser och färdigheter för att fungera som medborgare i ett demokratiskt samhälle. Vidare visar studien att målsättning är att eleverna ska utvecklas till goda, självständiga, kritiska och handlingskraftiga demokratiska medborgare med ett samhällsintresse, där de förvärvade kunskaperna kommer till användning genom att sättas in i ett sammanhang. Resultatet ger indikationer på att kunskapsområdena politik och ekonomi, kopplat till begreppet demokrati, utgör basen för ämnet. Ämnets mest centrala begrepp är demokrati och de flesta begreppen hämtas från områdena politik och ekonomi. Studien visar också att samhällskunskapsämnet är ett "aktualitetsämne" och därför prioriteras aktuella händelser i undervisningen. Vidare påvisas att det finns ett flertal faktorer som påverkar lärarnas val av ämnesinnehåll bl.a. läroboken, lärarens intressen och preferenser, elevers och kollegors inflytande, lokala planeringsinstrument m.m. En skillnad som framträder mellan lärarna på de teoretiskt respektive pratiskt inriktade programmen är användningen av läroboken, men det råder även delade meningar bland lärarna om de lokala planeringsinstrumentens behov och betydelse för undervisningen. Resultatet visar att lärarna är tillfredsställda med samhällskunskapsämnets utformning och de tror inte att någon större framtida förändring kommer att ske med avseende på ämnesinnehållet. Men några av lärarna tror emellertid att vissa kunskapsområden och samhällsfrågor som exempelvis massmedia, livskunskap, globala frågor och miljöfrågor kommer att få större utrymme.</p></p></p> / <p><p><p>The purpose of this essay is to contribute to increased knowledge of high school teachers' understanding of the subject social science through a description and an analysis of teachers' aims and purpose of their instruction, regarding goals, contents and selection of subject contents. The overall research question for this work is: <em>What understanding does high school teachers have of the contents and the teaching of the subject social science</em>? Based on this purpose and this research question, the aim is to answer the didactic questions of <em>what </em>and <em>why.</em></p><p>To accomplish the purpose of the study, a qualitative method has been used, and five semi-structured interviews have been conducted with high school teachers who are teaching social science. The teachers in this study define the subject in terms of contents as well as in terms of blocs belonging. The study shows that the instruction in social science should contribute to, and aim for an understanding of society's structure and function, in addition to giving the students competence and skills regarding their function as citizens of a democratic society. Furthermore, the study shows that the aim is for the students to develop into good, independent, critical and resolute democratic citizens, with an interest in society, where the obtained knowledge can be put into a context. The result indicates that the fields of politics and economics, connected to the concept of democracy, constitute the base of the subject. The most central concept of the subject is democracy and most of the concepts are drawn from the fields of politics and economics. The study also shows that social science is a subject which is sensitive to current issues, and for that reason on-going events are given priority. Furthermore, it is shown that there are several factors that influence the teachers' choice of contents: for example the course books, the teacher’s own interests and preferences, as well as that of students' and colleagues', the local instrument used for planning etc. A difference, which appears between the teachers on the theoretical and practical programs, respectively, is the use of the course book, but there is no unity amongst the teachers concerning the need for and importance of the local planning instruments, regarding the instruction. Results show that the teachers are satisfied with the form of the subject social science, and that they believe that no extensive future change will occur, regarding the contents of the subjects. However, the teachers believe that certain fields, such as mass media, "life science", global issues as well as environmental issues will be given more space.</p></p></p>

Vad är samhällskunskap? : Fem gymnasielärares förståelse av skolämnet samhällskunskap / What is social science? : Five high school teachers´understanding of the school subject social science

Rexhepi, Hasibe January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med framförliggande uppsats är att bidra till ökad kunskap om gymnasielärares förståelse av ämnet samhällskunskap genom en beskrivning och analys av lärares målsättning och syfte med undervisningen med avseende på mål, innehåll och selektionsavvägningar. Den övergripande forskningsfrågan för detta arbete är: Vilken förståelse har gymnasielärare av innehållet och undervisningen i skolämnet samhällskunskap? Utifrån syftet och forskningsfrågan är målsättningen att ge svar på de didaktiska frågorna vad och varför. För att uppnå studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod anammats och fem semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med gymnasielärare som undervisar i ämnet samhällskunskap. Lärarna i studien definierar ämnet i innehållsliga termer samt i termer av blocktillhörighet. Studien visar att undervisningen i samhällskunskap bör bidra samt syfta till förståelse av samhällets struktur och funktion, men även ge eleverna kompetenser och färdigheter för att fungera som medborgare i ett demokratiskt samhälle. Vidare visar studien att målsättning är att eleverna ska utvecklas till goda, självständiga, kritiska och handlingskraftiga demokratiska medborgare med ett samhällsintresse, där de förvärvade kunskaperna kommer till användning genom att sättas in i ett sammanhang. Resultatet ger indikationer på att kunskapsområdena politik och ekonomi, kopplat till begreppet demokrati, utgör basen för ämnet. Ämnets mest centrala begrepp är demokrati och de flesta begreppen hämtas från områdena politik och ekonomi. Studien visar också att samhällskunskapsämnet är ett "aktualitetsämne" och därför prioriteras aktuella händelser i undervisningen. Vidare påvisas att det finns ett flertal faktorer som påverkar lärarnas val av ämnesinnehåll bl.a. läroboken, lärarens intressen och preferenser, elevers och kollegors inflytande, lokala planeringsinstrument m.m. En skillnad som framträder mellan lärarna på de teoretiskt respektive pratiskt inriktade programmen är användningen av läroboken, men det råder även delade meningar bland lärarna om de lokala planeringsinstrumentens behov och betydelse för undervisningen. Resultatet visar att lärarna är tillfredsställda med samhällskunskapsämnets utformning och de tror inte att någon större framtida förändring kommer att ske med avseende på ämnesinnehållet. Men några av lärarna tror emellertid att vissa kunskapsområden och samhällsfrågor som exempelvis massmedia, livskunskap, globala frågor och miljöfrågor kommer att få större utrymme. / The purpose of this essay is to contribute to increased knowledge of high school teachers' understanding of the subject social science through a description and an analysis of teachers' aims and purpose of their instruction, regarding goals, contents and selection of subject contents. The overall research question for this work is: What understanding does high school teachers have of the contents and the teaching of the subject social science? Based on this purpose and this research question, the aim is to answer the didactic questions of what and why. To accomplish the purpose of the study, a qualitative method has been used, and five semi-structured interviews have been conducted with high school teachers who are teaching social science. The teachers in this study define the subject in terms of contents as well as in terms of blocs belonging. The study shows that the instruction in social science should contribute to, and aim for an understanding of society's structure and function, in addition to giving the students competence and skills regarding their function as citizens of a democratic society. Furthermore, the study shows that the aim is for the students to develop into good, independent, critical and resolute democratic citizens, with an interest in society, where the obtained knowledge can be put into a context. The result indicates that the fields of politics and economics, connected to the concept of democracy, constitute the base of the subject. The most central concept of the subject is democracy and most of the concepts are drawn from the fields of politics and economics. The study also shows that social science is a subject which is sensitive to current issues, and for that reason on-going events are given priority. Furthermore, it is shown that there are several factors that influence the teachers' choice of contents: for example the course books, the teacher’s own interests and preferences, as well as that of students' and colleagues', the local instrument used for planning etc. A difference, which appears between the teachers on the theoretical and practical programs, respectively, is the use of the course book, but there is no unity amongst the teachers concerning the need for and importance of the local planning instruments, regarding the instruction. Results show that the teachers are satisfied with the form of the subject social science, and that they believe that no extensive future change will occur, regarding the contents of the subjects. However, the teachers believe that certain fields, such as mass media, "life science", global issues as well as environmental issues will be given more space.


Ukai, Kazuyo, Nakazawa, Takahiro, Namikoshi, Michio, 鵜飼, 和代, 中澤, 孝浩, 浪越, 通夫 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Adapting diagrams for DAISY books

Burger, Dominique, Motti, Lilian Genaro 15 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Looking for the best way to publish accessible graphics, this presentation gives some information about how to deal with non-textual contents when adapting documents for DAISY books. It is based on a study conducted by Braillenet for enriching the Helene’s digital library with technical contents. By analysing publishing guidelines, transcribers’ work in specialized centres and main relief printing formats, this work presents thoughts on how to analyse a graphical content, how to produce vectorial images, the main steps for preparing digital image files that could be downloaded and printed, how to index these files into the DAISY book, and finally make them accessible.

Zur Konkretisierung der Privatnützigkeit von Bodenordnungsverfahren / To the concretion of the private utility of land division proceedings

Stefani, Torben 11 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung von BGH und BVerwG und die darauf aufbauende Fachliteratur führen aus, daß eine Umlegung oder eine Flurbereinigung privatnützig seien und aus diesem Grund eine Inhaltsbestimmung darstellen würden; die Enteignung sei im Gegensatz dazu durch ihre Fremdnützigkeit gekennzeichnet. Dabei wird die Privatnützigkeit durch das „wohlverstandene Interesse der Eigentümer“ und den „wirtschaftlich vernünftig denkenden Eigentümer“ beschrieben. Diese Denkweise spielt nach wie vor die entscheidende Rolle, wenn ein Bodenordnungsinstrument für die Bewältigung einer Bodenordnungsaufgabe ausgewählt wird. Das BVerfG hat die Baulandumlegung ebenfalls als eine Inhalts- und Schrankenbestimmung eingeordnet. Das Gericht hat jedoch eine von der oben beschriebenen abweichende Argumentation gewählt und die Einordnung der Umlegung in Art. 14 GG anhand der aktuellen Eigentumsdogmatik vorgenommen. Demnach findet während der Umlegung wie bei der Enteignung ein Entzug von Eigentum statt. Beide Instrumente werden jedoch nicht über die Schwere des Eigentumseingriffs voneinander unterschieden, sondern anhand des Zwecks des Eigentumsentzugs. Ob die Umlegung jedoch privatnützig zu sein hat, spielt im Urteil des BVerfG keine Rolle, da dieses Kriterium eher materiellen Charakter hat. Dieser Umstand bildete den Ausgangspunkt für die vorgelegte Arbeit, nämlich ob der Aspekt der Privatnützigkeit trotzdem noch eine Rolle bei der Wahl des Bodenordnungsverfahrens spielt oder zu verwerfen ist. Dafür wurde zunächst die Eigentumsdogmatik des BVerfG im Vergleich zur Rechtsprechung des BGH und des BVerwG eingehend ausgewertet. Später fand auch noch eine Fokussierung auf die Rechtsprechung statt, die sich unmittelbar mit der Umlegung bzw. der Flurbereinigung befaßt. Diese, für eine ingenieurwissenschaftliche Arbeit ungewöhnlich tiefgründige, Auseinandersetzung mit der Eigentumsdogmatik war notwendig, da nur so eine Annäherung an die Thematik der Privatnützigkeit möglich war. Außerdem werden Bodenordnungsverfahren nach dem BauGB oder dem FlurbG in der Regel von Vermessungsingenieuren durchgeführt, und diese müssen ja auch das geeignete Bodenordnungsverfahren auswählen. Die Annäherung an das, sich gegenseitig ausschließende, Begriffspaar „privatnützig“ und „fremdnützig“ wurde in rechtsprechungsbezogener, in eigentumsbezogener, in philosophischer und in planungsbezogener Hinsicht durchgeführt. Im Ergebnis wurden dem Begriff „privatnützig“ insbesondere die Attribute der „eigenen Wertschöpfung“ und der „Umsetzbarkeit der Nutzung in eigener Person“ zugeordnet, und zwar aus Sicht des jeweiligen Grundstückseigentümers. Dies korrespondiert auch mit der Rechtsprechung des BVerfG zur Baulandumlegung, wo ein Bezug zur Baubefugnis aus Sicht des Betroffenen gezogen wird. Anhand der Kombination der Rechtsprechung und der Ausgestaltung des Begriffspaars „privatnützig“ und „fremdnützig“ wurde ein Untersuchungsschema aufgestellt, nach dem beispielhafte Verfahren der städtischen und agrarischen Bodenordnung analysiert wurden. Dieses Schema sieht eine Vorverlagerung der Untersuchung der Privat- und der Fremdnützigkeit von der Ebene der Bodenordnung in die Planungsebene vor. Dafür werden der Adressat der Planung, der Anteil und die Funktion öffentlicher Gemeinbedarfsflächen sowie die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Landzuteilung in einem künftigen Bodenordnungsverfahren analysiert. Daraus sind dann Schlüsse zu ziehen, wie die Bodenordnungsaufgabe zu lösen ist. Liegt eine insgesamt privatnützige Planung vor, ist die Bodenordnung in jedem Fall im Rahmen einer Inhaltsbestimmung des Eigentums lösbar. Dazu gehören insbesondere auch die Erschließungsflächen für die Umsetzung einer privatnützigen Planung. Im Fall einer fremdnützigen Planung verbleibt die Enteignung. Dafür wurden jedoch Möglichkeiten entwickelt, nach denen die Enteignung selbst in ein inhaltsbestimmendes Bodenordnungsinstrument eingebettet werden kann. Anhand der Schlüsse aus den untersuchten Bodenordnungsverfahren wurden schließlich ein Schema für die Wahl des geeigneten Bodenordnungsverfahrens entwickelt sowie Empfehlungen für die Weiterentwicklung der gesetzlichen Grundlagen getroffen. / The supreme courts administration of justice of BGH and BVerwG and the professional literature, building up on it, explain that a reallocation or a land consolidation are serving private interests and that because of this these instruments are contents and barriers regulations; the expropriation is by contrast marked by its common utility. Besides, the private utility is described by its “well-understood interest of the owner” and “the economically rationally thinking owner”. This way of thinking still plays the determining role if a land division instrument is selected for the coping of a land division job. The BVerfG has also arranged the reallocation as a contents and barriers regulation. Nevertheless, the court has chosen an argumentation which deviates from the described ones on top to classify the reallocation into art. 14 GG with the help of the topical proprietary dogmatics. Therefore, a denial of property takes place during the reallocation like with the expropriation. Nevertheless, both instruments are distinguished not about the gravity of the proprietary intervention of each other, but with the help of the purpose of the proprietary denial. Whether the reallocation has to be serving private interests, nevertheless, plays no role in the judgement of the BVerfG, because this criterion has rather material character. This fact formed the starting point for the presented work, namely whether the aspect of the private utility plays, nevertheless, one more role with a choice of the land division procedure or is to be rejected. For that the proprietary dogmatics of the BVerfG was evaluated first in comparison to the administration of BGH and the BVerwG thoroughly. Later a focusing took place on the administration of justice which deals immediately with the reallocation or the land consolidation. This, for an engineer-scientific work unusually profound, discussion with the proprietary dogmatics was necessary, because only that way an approach to the topic of the private utility was possible. Moreover, land division procedures according to the BauGB or the FlurbG are operated by measurement engineers, and these must select also the suitable land division procedure. The approach to this, mutually excluding, concept pair \"serving private interests\" and \"serving common interests\" was carried out in administration of justice-related, in property-related, in philosophical and in planning-related regard. In the result in particular the attributes “own added value” and “feasibility of the use in person” were assigned to the concept “serving private interests”, namely from the point of view of the respective property owner. This also corresponds with the administration of justice of the BVerfG to the reallocation where a relation is pulled to the construction competence from the point of view of the affected person. With the help of the combination of the administration of justice and the arrangement of the concept pair \"serving private interests\" and \"serving common interests\" an investigation pattern was put up to analyse exemplary procedures of urban and agrarian land divisions. This pattern intends a forward displacement of the investigation of the private and the common utility from the level of the land division into the planning level. Then from this conclusions are to be drawn as the land division job is to be solved. If a planning is given which is all together “serving private interests”, the land division is solvable, in any case, within the scope of a contents and barriers regulation. The development surfaces in particular also belong to it for the conversion of a planning which is “serving private interests”. In the case of a planning which is “serving common interests”, remains the expropriation. Nevertheless, for this case the possibilities after which the expropriation itself can be embedded into a land division instrument that is a contents regulation were developed. With the help of the results from the examined land division procedures were developed, finally, a pattern for the choice of the suitable land division procedure as well as recommendations were made to the advancement of the legal bases.

Formação continuada de professores da rede pública do estado de São Paulo : curso de extensão para análise de potenciais culturais e adaptação de materiais didáticos

Kovalek, Olena 30 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-21T18:09:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseOK.pdf: 6806967 bytes, checksum: dd7e68018dff62394f4772a21155cb98 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-21T18:09:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseOK.pdf: 6806967 bytes, checksum: dd7e68018dff62394f4772a21155cb98 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-21T18:09:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseOK.pdf: 6806967 bytes, checksum: dd7e68018dff62394f4772a21155cb98 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-21T18:09:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseOK.pdf: 6806967 bytes, checksum: dd7e68018dff62394f4772a21155cb98 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-30 / Não recebi financiamento / After verifying a shortage of teacher qualification courses concerning the cultural contents approach conveyed by foreign language teaching and learning, we decided to design a project for teacher qualification course to deepen this subject. The extension course was outlined for foreign language teachers of Public Schools of São Paulo State, on Saturdays, with bimonthly meetings interpolated between online meetings by Moodle’s platform. Using this platform, an initial survey, a final presentation, a self-evaluation, and recordings (video and audio), we should collect data for this thesis. We intended to observe if the theoretical arguments, during the course, about cultural contents, would motivate the reflection of the participants in the course in relation to implicit cultural contents in textbooks, and practical approach of teachers/participants in foreign language classrooms of cultural contents throughout the textbook’s adaptation used by them. Besides that, for further work we outlined research questions. The theoretical foundation helped us for reflection and for discussion of the obtained data. Therefore, using a historical journey (LARAIA, 1986; AUGER, 2000, 2003; DURANTI, 1997), we observe the development of cultural concept that helped us to answer the first research question. And, we focused on the relevance of development of extension course (CANDAU, 1997; AUGER, 2005; IMBÉRNO, 2009), on intercultural education (AUGER, 2005), and on textbook adaptation (PRABHU, 1998; Tomlinson, 2012). These theories helped us to answer the second research question. We followed the interpretativist-qualitative research (MOITA LOPES, 1994) and the research-action. In general, we concluded that teacher’s awareness on cultural contents, developed on extension course, helped them for the adaptation and/or development of foreign language teaching materials in order to approach “cultural potentials”. The activities developed by the teachers motivated the students to research cultural contents, to engage in cultural reflections and to recognize (or not) the other culture. / A constatação da escassez de cursos de formação continuada de professores a respeito da temática da abordagem dos conteúdos culturais veiculados ao ensino-aprendizagem de língua estrangeira (LE) nos conduziu à criação de um projeto de um curso de extensão sobre esse tema. O curso de extensão foi delineado para professores de LE da rede pública do estado de São Paulo, aos sábados, com encontros presenciais quinzenais intercalados com encontros online via plataforma Moodle. Por meio dessa plataforma, do questionário inicial, do trabalho final, da autoavaliação e de gravações (vídeo e áudio), pudemos coletar dados para a presente tese. Objetivamos observar se a emersão teórica durante o curso, em torno dos conteúdos culturais, possibilitaria que os participantes refletissem sobre conceitos culturais implícitos em materiais didáticos e adaptassem esses materiais na sua abordagem prática dos conteúdos culturais em sala de aula de LE. Além disso, para um aprofundamento na análise dos dados gerados pelo curso, delineamos duas perguntas de pesquisa: 1.Como se apresentou a compreensão inicial dos participantes sobre o conceito de cultura? e 2. A partir de uma proposta de formação continuada focada na sensibilização cultural por meio da análise e da adaptação de atividades do material didático, observamos: a) Como os participantes abordaram (ou se abordaram) os potenciais culturais? e b) Como os participantes justificaram suas escolhas? A fundamentação teórica nos auxiliou para a reflexão e a discussão dos dados gerados. Mediante um percurso histórico (LARAIA,1986; AUGER, 2000, 2003; DURANTI, 1997), observamos o desenvolvimento do conceito de cultura que nos auxiliou a responder à primeira questão da pesquisa e apontou a importância da promoção de cursos de extensão (CANDAU, 1997; AUGER, 2005; IMBÉRNON, 2009), da didática intercultural (AUGER, 2005) e da adaptação de materiais didáticos (PRABHU,1998; Tomlinson, 2012), que nos auxiliaram a responder à segunda questão da pesquisa. Seguimos a metodologia de caráter qualitativo-interpretativista (MOITA LOPES, 1994) e pesquisa-ação. De modo geral, concluímos que a sensibilização dos professores/participantes às questões culturais no curso de extensão os auxiliou na adaptação e/ou desenvolvimento dos materiais de LE a fim de abordarem os “potenciais culturais”. As atividades desenvolvidas por eles motivaram os alunos a pesquisar os conteúdos culturais, a participar das reflexões e a se identificarem ou não com a outra cultura.

Vývoj metod, cílů a obsahů ve výuce náboženství od roku 1990 Sonda do vikariátu Sušice - Nepomuk / Development of methods, goals and contents of teching religious education since 1990, the probe into vicarage of Sušice Nepomuk.

KOPELENT, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The thesis follows up development of methods, goals and contents of teaching religious education since 1990. Thesis is divided into 5 chapters. In the first chapter, there is a list of methods, goals and contents from common didactics' point of view. In the second chapter, are methods, goals and contents addressed from religious education's point of view and also the difference between catechesis and religious education. In the third chapter are methods, goals and contents described from point of view of church and school documents. We can also find there goals and contents of each edition of outlines. In the fourth chapter is then investigation of development of methods, goals and contents and didactical levels of selected teachers in Sušicko- nepomucký vicarage. In the fifth chapter is the final summary of the investigation.

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