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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conteúdos conceituais nas coleções de história para o ensino médio : o que muda e o que permanece com a intervenção do programa nacional do livro didático (1997- 2005)? / CONCEPTUAL CONTENT IN THE HISTORY OF COLLECTIONS TO SCHOOL: what changes and what stays with the intervention of the national program of the textbook (1997 - 2005)?

Souza, Kleber Luiz Gavião Machado de 01 March 2011 (has links)
The aim of this research is to know the changed and permanent aspects of writing of History related to the evaluated and approved textbooks distributed by ―Programa Nacional do Livro Didático para o Ensino Médio (PNLEM)‖ through analysis of its conceptual metahistoric and substantive concepts. The methodology used was the analysis of the rules set up by announcements of programme on historical concepts considered important. So, we carry out the analysis of present and past collections to the programme in order to know if PNLEM was responsible for an improvement in their conceptual contents as ever identified by researchers on teaching History when they worked on the ―Programa Nacional do Livro Didático para o Ensino Fundamental‖. Our meaningful time goes from 1997 to 2005. The methodological procedures of Analysis of Content by Laurence Bardin (1977) were used to cathegorize the contents extracted in historical propositions in the textbook. The importance of this is to know how much the public policies influence in History textbooks in this teaching level. / Este trabalho tem como objetivo conhecer as mudanças e permanências na escrita da História veiculada nos livros didáticos avaliados, aprovados e distribuídos pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático para o Ensino Médio (PNLEM) através da análise de seus conteúdos conceituais meta-históricos e substantivos. Usando como baliza de análise as prescrições dadas pelos editais do programa sobre os conceitos históricos considerados importantes, realizamos a análise das coleções em edições anteriores e posteriores ao programa, visando saber se o PNLEM foi responsável por uma melhora nos conteúdos conceituais das coleções, como já identificado pelos pesquisadores em Ensino de História ao investigarem o Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD) para o Ensino Fundamental. O nosso recorte temporal abrange o período de 1997 a 2005. Utilizamos os procedimentos metodológicos da Análise de Conteúdo de Laurence Bardin (1977) para categorizar os conceitos que foram extraídos nas proposições históricas presentes no texto didático. A importância desse trabalho está em conhecer o grau de influência das políticas públicas nos livros de História para esse nível de ensino.

Högläsning : en studie om medinflytande och organisering av högläsning för elever i F–3 / Reading aloud : a study of pupils’ influence on and the organisation of reading-aloud activities in school years F–3

Kummu, Carolin January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att belysa lärares och elevers uppfattningar om högläsning med koppling till medinflytande och hur lärare organiserar arbetet med högläsning för att bemöta elevers möjlighet till medinflytande. De frågeställningar som har varit ett utgångsläge för att besvara studiens syfte är: Hur organiserar och arbetar lärare med högläsning för att bemöta elevers möjlighet till medinflytande? Vad är det för inflytande eleverna upplever att de har under lärares högläsning och hur tas det till vara? Vad skulle eleverna vilja ha inflytande över och varför? Semistrukturerade intervjuer med 13 elever och 3 lärare har använts som datainsamlingsmetod. Studien tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt främst i den sociokulturella teorin men till viss del även i den kognitiva och teorin om föreställningsvärldar.   Lärarna har beskrivit hur de organiserar och arbetar med högläsning för att bemöta elevers möjlighet till medinflytande och delaktighet. Resultatet visar att elevernas möjligheter till medinflytande och delaktighet är beroende av vilken typ av arbetssätt och arbetsformer läraren praktiserar och studien lyfter fram exempel på såväl tillfällen då elevernas medinflytande är stort som när det är mer begränsat. Tydligt är att elevernas reaktioner och intressen är faktorer som är med och påverkar undervisningens innehåll. Diskussioner äger vanligtvis rum i helklass där det ges tillfällen för eleverna att göra sina röster hörda och får således vara meningsskapande av lektionsinnehållet. Resultatet visar även på att läroplanen och brist på resurser bidrar till att begränsa elevers inflytande. Resultatet från elevsvaren visar att majoriteten av eleverna tar initiativ till att interagera socialt när de inte förstår de ord de möter i högläsningen, vilket indikerar att eleverna ser högläsning som en aktiv och social process. Vidare framgår det att eleverna främst vill ha medinflytande över undervisningens innehåll i form av att få välja vilka böcker läraren ska läsa. Ett återkommande svar hos eleverna är dock ”vet inte”. Det tyder inte på att eleverna inte vill utöva medinflytande över exempelvis arbetssätt och arbetsformer utan snarare är en mer tänkbar förklaring att de krävs en del för att praktisera autonomi. / The purpose of the study was to illustrate both teachers´ and pupils´ perceptions about reading aloud in connection with influence and how teachers organize the work of reading aloud to meet pupils´ opportunities for influence. These are the questions I have chosen to be the base of my study: How do teachers organize and work with reading aloud in order to meet pupils´ opportunities for influence? What kind of influence do the pupils feel they have and would like to have during these reading aloud sessions, and how are they taken into consideration? What would the pupils like to have influence over and why? Semi-structured interviews were used as a method for collecting data and 13 young students and 3 teachers were interviewed. The study takes its theoretical starting point mainly in the sociocultural theory but also to a certain extent in the cognitive and the theory of envisioning literature. The teachers described the way they work in read-aloud situations and in what way influence and participation is given to the pupils in the teaching moment. The results show that the pupils´ opportunities for influence and participation depend on which type of working models and forms the teacher practices. Examples of both when the pupils´ influence is greater and limited are included in the study. Clearly the pupils´ reactions and interests are factors that will affect the teaching content. Discussions usually occur with the whole class and opportunities for the pupils to speak are created which means they are therefore included in the teaching content. The result also show that the curriculum and the lack of resources limit the pupils´ influence. The results also show that the majority of the pupils are taking initiative to interact socially when coming across vocabulary that is unfamiliar to them in read-aloud situations. This indicates that they believe these situations to be both active and social processes. The results also suggest that the pupils would like more influence over the teaching content, mostly in form of choosing which book to read aloud. The answer that reoccurs most is “I don’t know” in the pupils´ answers. The results, however, do not show that no influence over working methods and forms are wanted. A more conceivable answer is therefore that it requires experience to practice autonomy.

Enrichissement de cartes de disparités pour la production d'images S3D / Disparity map enhancement for S3D images production

Yver, Pierre 26 March 2015 (has links)
La stéréovision est depuis longtemps étudiée dans le domaine de la vision par ordinateur et a connu dernièrement un regain d'intérêt. Dans le domaine du divertissement un nombre important de films sont maintenant disponibles en version relief. Ma thèse prend place dans ce contexte, dans le cadre d'une convention CIFRE entre le LITIS et l'entreprise StereoLabs dont le cœur de métier est le développement de logiciels d'aides à la production de films stéréoscopiques. Je présente ainsi mes travaux sur le filtrage de cartes de disparités, l'estimation en temps réel ne permet pas d'utiliser les approches les plus performantes, cela conduisant à des résultats bruités et/ou erronés. Je propose alors une méthode de filtrage adaptée à cette contrainte de temps. Mes travaux ont également mis en évidence la problématique du paramétrage de l'algorithme de calcul de carte de disparités. Le nombre élevé de paramètres et la diversité des images nous ont conduit à chercher une méthode automatique pour la détermination des valeurs de ces paramètres. Je propose ainsi une méthode d'optimisation des paramètres de l'algorithme, l'objectif étant de trouver les valeurs qui conduisent aux cartes de disparités les plus fiables. Mes travaux concernent également la partie production de contenus S3D, j'ai développé différentes applications liées à l'utilisation de l'information de disparité. Je propose ainsi une méthode de gestion automatique du relief afin de garantir le confort visuel du spectateur. De plus l'information de disparité est utilisée pour une application de correction chromatique des images pour assurer une concordance des couleurs entre les deux images. / Stereo Vision has been studied for a long time in the field of computer vision and became trendy in the past few years. In the field of entertainment a large amount of movies are now released in relief version. My thesis take place in this context, as a part of an agreement between the LITIS and the StereoLabs company, which develop 3D productions' assistant software. So, here I present my work on disparity map filtering, real time computing constraint don't allow to use strong algorithms which lead to noisy or/and erroneous results. In this case I propose a filtering method dedicated to this computational time constraint. My works also pointed out the problematic of assigning the value for the parameters of our disparity map estimation algorithm. The numerous parameters and images diversity lead to look for an automated approach to assign the parameters values. I propose an approach based on an optimization algorithm, the goal is to find the parameters values which lead to reliable disparity map. My work also deal with the stereoscopic contents production, I have developed different applications based on the usage of the disparity information. I proposed an automated method to handle the stereoscopic volume to warrant the visual comfort of the viewer. I also use the disparity information in a color correction application designed to ensure the color constancy across the two stereoscopics images.

Zur Konkretisierung der Privatnützigkeit von Bodenordnungsverfahren

Stefani, Torben 29 June 2010 (has links)
Die höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung von BGH und BVerwG und die darauf aufbauende Fachliteratur führen aus, daß eine Umlegung oder eine Flurbereinigung privatnützig seien und aus diesem Grund eine Inhaltsbestimmung darstellen würden; die Enteignung sei im Gegensatz dazu durch ihre Fremdnützigkeit gekennzeichnet. Dabei wird die Privatnützigkeit durch das „wohlverstandene Interesse der Eigentümer“ und den „wirtschaftlich vernünftig denkenden Eigentümer“ beschrieben. Diese Denkweise spielt nach wie vor die entscheidende Rolle, wenn ein Bodenordnungsinstrument für die Bewältigung einer Bodenordnungsaufgabe ausgewählt wird. Das BVerfG hat die Baulandumlegung ebenfalls als eine Inhalts- und Schrankenbestimmung eingeordnet. Das Gericht hat jedoch eine von der oben beschriebenen abweichende Argumentation gewählt und die Einordnung der Umlegung in Art. 14 GG anhand der aktuellen Eigentumsdogmatik vorgenommen. Demnach findet während der Umlegung wie bei der Enteignung ein Entzug von Eigentum statt. Beide Instrumente werden jedoch nicht über die Schwere des Eigentumseingriffs voneinander unterschieden, sondern anhand des Zwecks des Eigentumsentzugs. Ob die Umlegung jedoch privatnützig zu sein hat, spielt im Urteil des BVerfG keine Rolle, da dieses Kriterium eher materiellen Charakter hat. Dieser Umstand bildete den Ausgangspunkt für die vorgelegte Arbeit, nämlich ob der Aspekt der Privatnützigkeit trotzdem noch eine Rolle bei der Wahl des Bodenordnungsverfahrens spielt oder zu verwerfen ist. Dafür wurde zunächst die Eigentumsdogmatik des BVerfG im Vergleich zur Rechtsprechung des BGH und des BVerwG eingehend ausgewertet. Später fand auch noch eine Fokussierung auf die Rechtsprechung statt, die sich unmittelbar mit der Umlegung bzw. der Flurbereinigung befaßt. Diese, für eine ingenieurwissenschaftliche Arbeit ungewöhnlich tiefgründige, Auseinandersetzung mit der Eigentumsdogmatik war notwendig, da nur so eine Annäherung an die Thematik der Privatnützigkeit möglich war. Außerdem werden Bodenordnungsverfahren nach dem BauGB oder dem FlurbG in der Regel von Vermessungsingenieuren durchgeführt, und diese müssen ja auch das geeignete Bodenordnungsverfahren auswählen. Die Annäherung an das, sich gegenseitig ausschließende, Begriffspaar „privatnützig“ und „fremdnützig“ wurde in rechtsprechungsbezogener, in eigentumsbezogener, in philosophischer und in planungsbezogener Hinsicht durchgeführt. Im Ergebnis wurden dem Begriff „privatnützig“ insbesondere die Attribute der „eigenen Wertschöpfung“ und der „Umsetzbarkeit der Nutzung in eigener Person“ zugeordnet, und zwar aus Sicht des jeweiligen Grundstückseigentümers. Dies korrespondiert auch mit der Rechtsprechung des BVerfG zur Baulandumlegung, wo ein Bezug zur Baubefugnis aus Sicht des Betroffenen gezogen wird. Anhand der Kombination der Rechtsprechung und der Ausgestaltung des Begriffspaars „privatnützig“ und „fremdnützig“ wurde ein Untersuchungsschema aufgestellt, nach dem beispielhafte Verfahren der städtischen und agrarischen Bodenordnung analysiert wurden. Dieses Schema sieht eine Vorverlagerung der Untersuchung der Privat- und der Fremdnützigkeit von der Ebene der Bodenordnung in die Planungsebene vor. Dafür werden der Adressat der Planung, der Anteil und die Funktion öffentlicher Gemeinbedarfsflächen sowie die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Landzuteilung in einem künftigen Bodenordnungsverfahren analysiert. Daraus sind dann Schlüsse zu ziehen, wie die Bodenordnungsaufgabe zu lösen ist. Liegt eine insgesamt privatnützige Planung vor, ist die Bodenordnung in jedem Fall im Rahmen einer Inhaltsbestimmung des Eigentums lösbar. Dazu gehören insbesondere auch die Erschließungsflächen für die Umsetzung einer privatnützigen Planung. Im Fall einer fremdnützigen Planung verbleibt die Enteignung. Dafür wurden jedoch Möglichkeiten entwickelt, nach denen die Enteignung selbst in ein inhaltsbestimmendes Bodenordnungsinstrument eingebettet werden kann. Anhand der Schlüsse aus den untersuchten Bodenordnungsverfahren wurden schließlich ein Schema für die Wahl des geeigneten Bodenordnungsverfahrens entwickelt sowie Empfehlungen für die Weiterentwicklung der gesetzlichen Grundlagen getroffen. / The supreme courts administration of justice of BGH and BVerwG and the professional literature, building up on it, explain that a reallocation or a land consolidation are serving private interests and that because of this these instruments are contents and barriers regulations; the expropriation is by contrast marked by its common utility. Besides, the private utility is described by its “well-understood interest of the owner” and “the economically rationally thinking owner”. This way of thinking still plays the determining role if a land division instrument is selected for the coping of a land division job. The BVerfG has also arranged the reallocation as a contents and barriers regulation. Nevertheless, the court has chosen an argumentation which deviates from the described ones on top to classify the reallocation into art. 14 GG with the help of the topical proprietary dogmatics. Therefore, a denial of property takes place during the reallocation like with the expropriation. Nevertheless, both instruments are distinguished not about the gravity of the proprietary intervention of each other, but with the help of the purpose of the proprietary denial. Whether the reallocation has to be serving private interests, nevertheless, plays no role in the judgement of the BVerfG, because this criterion has rather material character. This fact formed the starting point for the presented work, namely whether the aspect of the private utility plays, nevertheless, one more role with a choice of the land division procedure or is to be rejected. For that the proprietary dogmatics of the BVerfG was evaluated first in comparison to the administration of BGH and the BVerwG thoroughly. Later a focusing took place on the administration of justice which deals immediately with the reallocation or the land consolidation. This, for an engineer-scientific work unusually profound, discussion with the proprietary dogmatics was necessary, because only that way an approach to the topic of the private utility was possible. Moreover, land division procedures according to the BauGB or the FlurbG are operated by measurement engineers, and these must select also the suitable land division procedure. The approach to this, mutually excluding, concept pair \"serving private interests\" and \"serving common interests\" was carried out in administration of justice-related, in property-related, in philosophical and in planning-related regard. In the result in particular the attributes “own added value” and “feasibility of the use in person” were assigned to the concept “serving private interests”, namely from the point of view of the respective property owner. This also corresponds with the administration of justice of the BVerfG to the reallocation where a relation is pulled to the construction competence from the point of view of the affected person. With the help of the combination of the administration of justice and the arrangement of the concept pair \"serving private interests\" and \"serving common interests\" an investigation pattern was put up to analyse exemplary procedures of urban and agrarian land divisions. This pattern intends a forward displacement of the investigation of the private and the common utility from the level of the land division into the planning level. Then from this conclusions are to be drawn as the land division job is to be solved. If a planning is given which is all together “serving private interests”, the land division is solvable, in any case, within the scope of a contents and barriers regulation. The development surfaces in particular also belong to it for the conversion of a planning which is “serving private interests”. In the case of a planning which is “serving common interests”, remains the expropriation. Nevertheless, for this case the possibilities after which the expropriation itself can be embedded into a land division instrument that is a contents regulation were developed. With the help of the results from the examined land division procedures were developed, finally, a pattern for the choice of the suitable land division procedure as well as recommendations were made to the advancement of the legal bases.

Study of the Seismic Response of Unanchored Equipment and Contents in Fixed-Base and Base-Isolated Buildings

Nikfar, Farzad January 2016 (has links)
Immediate occupancy and functionality of critical facilities including hospitals, emergency operations centers, communications centers, and police and fire stations is of utmost importance immediately after a damaging earthquake, as they must continue to provide fundamental health, emergency, and security services in the aftermath of an extreme event. Although recent earthquakes have proven the acceptable performance of the structural system in such buildings, when designed according to recent seismic design codes, in many cases damage to the nonstructural components and systems was the main cause of disruption in their functionality. Seismic isolation is proven to be an effective technique to protect building structures from damaging earthquakes. It has been the method of choice for critical facilities, including hospitals in Japan and the United States in recent years. Seismic isolation appears to be an ideal solution for protecting the nonstructural components as well. While this claim was made three decades ago, the supporting research for freestanding (unanchored) equipment and contents (EC) is fairly new. With the focus on freestanding EC, this study investigates the seismic performance of sliding and wheel/caster-supported EC in fixed-base and base-isolated buildings. The study adopts a comparative approach to provide a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of using each structural system. The seismic response of sliding EC is investigated analytically in the first part of the thesis, while the response of EC supported on wheels/casters is examined through shake table experiments on two pieces of hospital equipment. The study finds base isolation to be generally effective in reducing seismic demands on freestanding EC, but it also exposes certain situations where isolation in fact increases demands on EC. Increasing the frictional resistance for sliding EC or locking the wheel/casters in the case of wheel/caster-supported EC is highly recommended for EC in base-isolated buildings to prevent excessive displacement demands. Furthermore, the study suggests several design probability functions that can be used by practicing engineers to estimate the peak seismic demands on sliding and wheel/caster-supported EC in fixed-base and base-isolated buildings. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Preliminary investigation of nutrient contents in wastewater at some coastal communes of Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province

Le, Nhu Da, Le, Thi Phuong Quynh, Duong, Thi Thuy 07 February 2019 (has links)
Wastewater, especially non-treated wastewater from different sources is one of causes for surface and ground water pollution. However, the monitoring of wastewater quality has not been regularly implemented. This paper presents the preliminary observation results of the wastewater quality of different sources such as domestic, fishery processing, husbandry, agricultural runoff and irrigation canals in some coastal communes of Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province in 2017 - 2018. The results showed variation values of some variables as following: pH: 3.4 to 8.7; DO: 1.1 – 7.6 mg/l; conductivity: 0.01 – > 99.9 S/m; Suspended solids: 7 – 599 mg.L-1; nitrate (NO3-): 0.01-1.74 mgL-1; ammonium (NH4+): 0.01 - 3.99 mgNL-1, phosphate (PO43-): < 0.01– 3.05 mgPL-1, total phosphorus: 0.01 – 5.03 mgPL-1. The values of some variables such as DO, pH, nitrite, ammonium, suspended solids and phosphate at some observation time exceeded the allowed values of the Vietnamese standards for domestic wastewater quality, for industrial wastewater quality and for surface water quality. Among these different wastewaters observed, the higher contents of nutrients were found for domestic wastewater. The results provide a dataset for environmental managers in order to control of wastewater quality, especially for the coastal communes where coastal aquacultural areas are large like Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province. / Nước thải, đặc biệt là nước thải chưa qua xử lý từ nhiều nguồn thải khác nhau là một trong những nguyên nhân gây ô nhiễm nguồn nước mặt và nước ngầm. Tuy nhiên việc giám sát chất lượng nước, lại chưa được thường xuyên thực hiện. Bài báo trình bày kết quả khảo sát bước đầu về chất lượng nước thải sinh hoạt, chế biến thủy sản, chăn nuôi, nông nghiệp, kênh dẫn tưới tiêu tại một số xã ven biển thuộc huyện Giao Thủy, tỉnh Nam Định trong năm 2017 - 2018. Kết quả khảo sát cho thấy khoảng giá trị của một số thông số như sau: pH 3,4 – 8,7; DO: 1,1 – 7,6 mgL-1; độ dẫn điện: 0,01 – 99,9 S/m; chất rắn lơ lửng: 7 – 599 mg.L-1; nitrat (NO3-): 0.01-1.74 mgL-1; amoni (NH4+): 0.01 - 3.99 mgNL-1; phốtphat (PO43-): <0,01 - 3,05 mgPL-1 và phốtpho tổng số: 0,01 – 5,03 mgL-1. Hàm lượng một số chỉ tiêu như NO2, NH4 +, PO43-, SS tại một số thời điểm đã vượt quá giá trị cho phép theo các quy chuẩn nước thải sinh hoạt, nước thải công nghiệp và nước tưới tiêu. Trong các loại nước thải đã quan trắc, nước thải sinh hoạt có hàm lượng các chỉ tiêu dinh dưỡng cao hơn. Các kết quả nghiên cứu nhằm cung cấp cơ sở dữ liệu cho các nhà quản lý về việc kiểm soát chất lượng nước thải, đặc biệt là các xã ven biển có diện tích nuôi trồng thủy sản khá lớn như huyện Giao Thủy, tỉnh Nam Định.

Дискурс-картины мира и кортежного взаимодействия элитарных средств информации / Elitinės žiniasklaidos pasaulėvaizdžio ir kortežinės sąveikos diskursas / Discourse-picture of the world and discourse-picture of cortege reciprocity presented in elite media

Popova, Aliona 16 June 2010 (has links)
Объект исследования: дискурс элитарных средств информации (от англ. elite media ― термин, зафиксированный в англоязычной специальной литературе (Jamieson 1992). В работе исследуются три «отдельных случая» (case studies), три разных по объему содержательных пространства таких языковых знаков как статья газетного издания, рубрика журнала и отдельный выпуск издания. А именно: одна из статей, опубликованных в воскресном приложении «Domenica» к газетному итальянскому изданию «Il Sole 24 Ore»); одна из рубрик англоязычного журнала «Harvard Business Review»); один из выпусков англоязычного журнала «The Lion»). "Harvard Business Review" — самое авторитетное англоязычное журнальное издание по менеджменту [www.harvardbusinessreview.com]. "Il Sole 24 Ore" — влиятельное политико-финансово-правовое газетное издание Италии [www.giornalilocali.it/quotidiani/il-sole-24-ore.htm]. Выбор журнала "The Lion" дополняет выборку исследования и является международным клубным журнальным изданием закрытого типа, распространяемое по подписке исключительно среди членов клуба (Lions Club International – самая крупная элитарная благотворительная организация в мире). Методологическая основа исследования: каузально-генетическая теория, репрезентирующая белорусскую школу дискурс-анализа (см. работы Ухвановой-Шмыговой, Поповой, Маркович, Савич, Курчак). Каузально-генетическая теория ориентирована на изучение функционального многопланового содержания сложных языковых знаков; включает в ядро содержания... [полный текст, см. далее] / Tyrimo objektas: elitinės žiniasklaidos diskursas (elite media – terminas, vartojamas anglų literatūroje (Jamieson 1992)). Darbe nagrinėjami trys „atskiri atvejai“ (case studies), trys skirtingo dydžio turiningos kalbos ženklų erdvės – laikraštinio leidinio straipsnis, žurnalo rubrika ir atskiras leidinio leidimas. Tai yra: vienas iš straipsnių, išspausdintų italų leidinio „Il Sole 24 Ore“ sekmadieniniame priede „Domenica“; viena iš angliško žurnalo „Harvard Business Review“ rubrikų; vienas iš angliško žurnalo „The Lion“ leidimų. „Harvard Business Review” – pats autoritetingiausias angliškas žurnalas apie vadybą [www.harvardbusinessreview.com]. „Il Sole 24 Ore“ – įtakingas politinis, finansinis ir teisinis Italijos laikraštis [www.giornalilocali.it/quotidiani/il-sole-24-ore.htm]. Pasirenkant žurnalą „The Lion” buvo papildyta tyrimo medžiaga – tai klubinis uždaro tipo žurnalinis leidinys, platinamas pagal prenumeratą tik klubo nariams (Lions Club International – didžiausia pasaulio elitinė labdaros organizacija). Tyrimo metodologinis pagrindas: kauzalinė-genetinė teorija, reprezentuojanti baltarusių diskurso analizės mokyklą (žr. Uchvanovos-Šmygovos, Popovos, Markovič, Savič, Kurčiak darbus). Kauzalinė-genetinė teorija skirta tyrinėti sudėtingų kalbos ženklų daugiaplanį funkcinį turinį; pagal ją turinio branduoliui priklauso referentinė (informacija apie bendravimo dalyką) ir kortežinė (informacija apie komunikacijos dalyvius – bendravimo kortežą), ženklinė-referentinė ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Discourse of elite media is my research field. Elite media define outlets or programmes having a (inter)national impact, although their audience may be relatively small and geographically limited; these media are opinion leaders; they are an elite group that affects the decisions made in other media (Jamieson, Kathleen Hall 1992). There are three case studies covered in the research paper. The case studies are based on different in size and volume printed elite media texts, and they are: one of the articles published in the Sunday Supplement Domenica to Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore; one of the sections published in the Harvard Business Review magazine; one of the issues of The Lion magazine. The Harvard Business Review is pre-eminent in the financial and top-management community [www.harvardbusinessreview.com]. The Il Sole 24 Ore is considered to be a professional setter of standards in Italy; it is trusted, respected, and used by other journalists [www.giornalilocali.it/quotidiani/il-sole-24-ore.htm]. The Lion magazine is an international club magazine and is distributed on subscription basis exclusively among members of the Lions Club International which is the largest elite charity organization in the world. Causal-genetic theory representing Belarusian school of discourse-analysis is a core methodology used in my research (Oukhvanova, Popova, Markovich, Savich, Kurchak). Causal-genetic theory (hereinafter CGTh) is a contribution to the study of functional and... [to full text]

Discourse-picture of the world and discourse-picture of cortege reciprocity presented in elite media / Elitinės žiniasklaidos pasaulėvaizdžio ir kortežinės sąveikos diskursas / Дискурс-картины мира и кортежного взаимодействия элитарных средств информации

Popova, Aliona 16 June 2010 (has links)
Discourse of elite media is my research field. Elite media define outlets or programmes having a (inter)national impact, although their audience may be relatively small and geographically limited; these media are opinion leaders; they are an elite group that affects the decisions made in other media (Jamieson, Kathleen Hall 1992). There are three case studies covered in the research paper. The case studies are based on different in size and volume printed elite media texts, and they are: one of the articles published in the Sunday Supplement Domenica to Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore; one of the sections published in the Harvard Business Review magazine; one of the issues of The Lion magazine. The Harvard Business Review is pre-eminent in the financial and top-management community [www.harvardbusinessreview.com]. The Il Sole 24 Ore is considered to be a professional setter of standards in Italy; it is trusted, respected, and used by other journalists [www.giornalilocali.it/quotidiani/il-sole-24-ore.htm]. The Lion magazine is an international club magazine and is distributed on subscription basis exclusively among members of the Lions Club International which is the largest elite charity organization in the world. Causal-genetic theory representing Belarusian school of discourse-analysis is a core methodology used in my research (Oukhvanova, Popova, Markovich, Savich, Kurchak). Causal-genetic theory (hereinafter CGTh) is a contribution to the study of functional and... [to full text] / Tyrimo objektas: elitinės žiniasklaidos diskursas (elite media – terminas, vartojamas anglų literatūroje (Jamieson 1992)). Darbe nagrinėjami trys „atskiri atvejai“ (case studies), trys skirtingo dydžio turiningos kalbos ženklų erdvės – laikraštinio leidinio straipsnis, žurnalo rubrika ir atskiras leidinio leidimas. Tai yra: vienas iš straipsnių, išspausdintų italų leidinio „Il Sole 24 Ore“ sekmadieniniame priede „Domenica“; viena iš angliško žurnalo „Harvard Business Review“ rubrikų; vienas iš angliško žurnalo „The Lion“ leidimų. „Harvard Business Review” – pats autoritetingiausias angliškas žurnalas apie vadybą [www.harvardbusinessreview.com]. „Il Sole 24 Ore“ – įtakingas politinis, finansinis ir teisinis Italijos laikraštis [www.giornalilocali.it/quotidiani/il-sole-24-ore.htm]. Pasirenkant žurnalą „The Lion” buvo papildyta tyrimo medžiaga – tai klubinis uždaro tipo žurnalinis leidinys, platinamas pagal prenumeratą tik klubo nariams (Lions Club International – didžiausia pasaulio elitinė labdaros organizacija). Tyrimo metodologinis pagrindas: kauzalinė-genetinė teorija, reprezentuojanti baltarusių diskurso analizės mokyklą (žr. Uchvanovos-Šmygovos, Popovos, Markovič, Savič, Kurčiak darbus). Kauzalinė-genetinė teorija skirta tyrinėti sudėtingų kalbos ženklų daugiaplanį funkcinį turinį; pagal ją turinio branduoliui priklauso referentinė (informacija apie bendravimo dalyką) ir kortežinė (informacija apie komunikacijos dalyvius – bendravimo kortežą), ženklinė-referentinė ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Объект исследования: дискурс элитарных средств информации (от англ. elite media ― термин, зафиксированный в англоязычной специальной литературе (Jamieson 1992). В работе исследуются три «отдельных случая» (case studies), три разных по объему содержательных пространства таких языковых знаков как статья газетного издания, рубрика журнала и отдельный выпуск издания. А именно: одна из статей, опубликованных в воскресном приложении «Domenica» к газетному итальянскому изданию «Il Sole 24 Ore»); одна из рубрик англоязычного журнала «Harvard Business Review»); один из выпусков англоязычного журнала «The Lion»). "Harvard Business Review" — самое авторитетное англоязычное журнальное издание по менеджменту [www.harvardbusinessreview.com]. "Il Sole 24 Ore" — влиятельное политико-финансово-правовое газетное издание Италии [www.giornalilocali.it/quotidiani/il-sole-24-ore.htm]. Выбор журнала "The Lion" дополняет выборку исследования и является международным клубным журнальным изданием закрытого типа, распространяемое по подписке исключительно среди членов клуба (Lions Club International – самая крупная элитарная благотворительная организация в мире). Методологическая основа исследования: каузально-генетическая теория, репрезентирующая белорусскую школу дискурс-анализа (см. работы Ухвановой-Шмыговой, Поповой, Маркович, Савич, Курчак). Каузально-генетическая теория ориентирована на изучение функционального многопланового содержания сложных языковых знаков; включает в ядро содержания... [полный текст, см. далее]

Para uma andragogia do esporte:discutindo as diretrizes e a forma??o profissional para a Educa??o F?sica de Jovens e Adultos

Chacon Filho, ?grio de Oliveira 19 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:35:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AgrioOCF.pdf: 1066957 bytes, checksum: a88db380b56de9fce9e1af45356967a4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-19 / For the development of this research the following general objective has been formulated, indicator of the process of inquiry: To discuss the relation between the attitudinal and the sportive contents presented in the proposal of Curricular Lines for the Physical Education of Young and Adults in Brazil. According to the corporeity and the ludicity, questioning the formation of the professional of Physical Education and delineating the perspective for a sport andragogy that values the Being and the Life. From this general objective, the following objectives, which had given greater specificity to the investigative process, were defined: 1. To create the theoretical context from the corporeity/ludicity axis, articulating transversally sportive knowledge, aiming to contribute for a sport Andragogy; 2. To analyze the objectives proposed for the Physical Education of Young and Adults according to an elaborated theoretical reference and to the testimonies of the egresses of 2005 of the Physical Education course of the UFRN. 3. To interpret the relation between attitudinal and educative content from the academic reality lived by the egresses of the Physical Education course of the UFRN. 4. To understand the most urgent necessities of sustained formation of the egresses of 2005 for satisfactory performance with the Physical Education of Young and Adults. 5. To propose perspectives for the construction of a sport Andragogy from the corporeity/ludicity axis. In attendance to the nature of this research and as form of guiding ourselves in this epistemological adventure, the following ones had been basically and theoretically estimated. 1. Corporeity is a radiant focus, prime and main of educational criteria; 2. The task of the education must be carried through with men and not for men; 3. Man must only play with the beauty and with the beauty he only must play. ; 4. The sportive education must be based on esthetic and fair play. The adopted research approach is of a qualitative nature, using the interview procedure with a group consisting of twelve egresses of the Physical Education Course of the UFRN of the year of 2005.2 After the discussion of the results on the attitudinal objectives and content for the Physical Education for Adults and Young, the study shows nine themes presented by the investigated group as priorities for their sustained formation, aiming at the performance of the professional of Physical Education with the EJA: inclusive experiences; leisure and quality of life; relationships; body and personal care; social values; self esteem; sportive phenomenon; EJA training; attitudinal contents. As a contribution to the construction of knowledge for a Andragogy of Sports, the study presents a metaphorical structure called Galaxy of Knowledge righteous Glamor of integrating nine elements inspired by the Ode to the Sport of Pierre de Coubertin: life, beauty, justice, daring, honesty, joy; Fertility; progress; peace. At the heart of the structure of knowledge is righteous install a system that articulates five principles ludopoi?tico epistemological function of connecting with the righteous knowledge of the sport that must integrate the content attitudinal proposed for Fitness for Youth and Adults in order to facilitate the realization of their objectives proposed for this method of teaching / Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, foi formulado o seguinte objetivo geral, norteador do processo de investiga??o: Discutir a rela??o entre os conte?dos atitudinais e os conte?dos esportivos apresentados na proposta de Diretrizes Curriculares para a Educa??o F?sica de Jovens e Adultos no Brasil, ? luz da corporeidade e da ludicidade, questionando a forma??o do profissional de Educa??o F?sica e delineando perspectivas para uma Andragogia do Esporte que valoriza o Ser e a Vida. A partir desse objetivo geral, foram definidos os seguintes objetivos que deram maior especificidade ao processo investigativo: 1. Construir o contexto te?rico a partir do eixo corporeidade/ludicidade, articulando transversalmente saberes esportivos, visando contribuir para uma Andragogia do Esporte. 2. Analisar os objetivos propostos para a Educa??o F?sica de Jovens e Adultos, com base no referencial te?rico elaborado e nos depoimentos de egressos do Curso de Educa??o F?sica da UFRN. 3. Interpretar a rela??o entre conte?dos atitudinais e conte?dos esportivos, a partir da realidade acad?mica vivida por egressos do Curso de Educa??o F?sica da UFRN. 4. Compreender as necessidades mais urgentes de forma??o continuada de egressos participantes do estudo para atua??o satisfat?ria com a Educa??o F?sica de Jovens e Adultos. 5. Propor perspectivas para a constru??o de uma Andragogia do Esporte a partir do eixo corporeidade/ludicidade. Em atendimento ? natureza desta pesquisa e como formas de guiarmos nessa aventura epistemol?gica foram b?sicos os seguintes pressupostos te?ricos: 1. Corporeidade ? foco irradiante, primeiro e principal de crit?rios educacionais; 2. A tarefa da educa??o deve ser realizada com os homens e n?o para os homens; 3. O homem deve jogar somente com a beleza e somente com a beleza deve jogar; 4. A educa??o esportiva deve se fundamentar na est?tica e no fair play. A abordagem de pesquisa adotada ? de natureza qualitativa, utilizando o procedimento de entrevista para um grupo constitu?do por doze egressos do Curso de Educa??o F?sica da UFRN no ano de 2005.2. Ap?s a discuss?o dos resultados sobre os objetivos e conte?do atitudinais para a Educa??o F?sica de jovens e Adultos, o estudo apresenta nove tem?ticas apontadas pelo grupo investigado como prioridades para sua forma??o continuada, visando a atua??o do profissional de Educa??o F?sica com o EJA: viv?ncias inclusivas; lazer e qualidade de vida; relacionamentos; corpo e cuidado pessoal; valores sociais; auto-estima; fen?meno esportivo; est?gio EJA; conte?dos atitudinais. Como contribui??o para a constru??o de saberes para uma Andragogia do Esporte, o estudo apresenta uma estrutura metaf?rica denominada Gal?xia dos Saberes Virtuosos do Esporte integrando nove elementos inspirados na Ode ao Esporte de Pierre de Coubertin: vida; beleza; justi?a; ousadia; honradez; alegria; fecundidade; progresso; paz. No centro dessa estrutura de saberes virtuosos instala-se um sistema ludopoi?tico que articula cinco princ?pios epistemol?gicos com fun??o de conectar os saberes virtuosos do esporte que devem integrar os conte?dos atitudinais propostos para a Educa??o F?sica de Jovens e Adultos de modo a propiciar a concretiza??o dos respectivos objetivos propostos para esta modalidade de ensino

Estimation of Nutrient Exports Resulting from Thinning and Intensive Biomass Extraction in Medium-Aged Spruce and Pine Stands in Saxony, Northeast Germany.

Knust, Christine, Feger, Karl-Heinz 27 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
A growing interest in using forest biomass for bioenergy generation may stimulate intensive harvesting scenarios in Germany. We calculated and compared nutrient exports of conventional stem only (SO), whole tree without needles (WT excl. needles), and whole tree (WT) harvesting in two medium aged Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands differing in productivity, and related them to soil nutrient pools and fluxes at the study sites. We established allometric biomass functions for each aboveground tree compartment and analyzed their nutrient contents. We analyzed soil nutrient stocks, estimated weathering rates, and obtained deposition and seepage data from nearby Level II stations. WT (excl. needles) and WT treatments cause nutrient losses 1.5 to 3.6 times higher than SO, while the biomass gain is only 1.18 to 1.25 in case of WT (excl. needles) and 1.28 to 1.30 in case of WT in the pine and spruce stand, respectively. Within the investigated 25-year period, WT harvesting would cause exports of N, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ of 6.6, 8.8, 5.4, and 0.8 kg·ha−1 in the pine stand and 13.9, 7.0, 10.6, and 1.8 kg·ha−1 in the spruce stand annually. The relative impact of WT and WT (excl. needles) on the nutrient balance is similar in the pine and spruce stands, despite differences in stand productivities, and thus the absolute amount of nutrients removed. In addition to the impact of intensive harvesting, both sites are characterized by high seepage losses of base cations, further impairing the nutrient budget. While intensive biomass extraction causes detrimental effects on many key soil ecological properties, our calculations may serve to implement measures to improve the nutrient balance in forested ecosystems.

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