Spelling suggestions: "subject:"campaign"" "subject:"champaign""
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The management of multiple submissions in parallel systems : the fair scheduling approach / La gestion de plusieurs soumissions dans les systèmes parallèles : l'approche d'ordonnancement équitableGama Pinheiro, Vinicius 14 February 2014 (has links)
Le problème étudié est celui de l'ordonnancement d'applications dans lessystèmes parallèles et distribués avec plusieurs utilisateurs. Les nouvellesplates-formes de calcul parallèle et distribué offrent des puissances trèsgrandes qui permettent d'envisager la résolution d'applications complexesinteractives. Aujourd'hui, il reste encore difficile d'utiliser efficacementcette puissance par manque d'outils de gestion de ressources. Le travaileffectué dans cette thèse se place dans cette perspective d'analyser etdévelopper des algorithmes efficaces pour gérer efficacement des ressources decalcul partagées entre plusieurs utilisateurs. On analyse les scénarios avecplusieurs soumissions lancées par multiples utilisateurs au cours du temps. Cessoumissions ont un ou plus de processus et l'ensemble de soumissions estorganisé en successifs campagnes. Les processus d'une seule campagnesont séquentiels et indépendants, mais les processus d'une campagne ne peuventpas commencer leur exécution avant que tous les processus provenant de ladernière campagne sont completés. Chaque utilisateur est intéressé à minimiserla somme des temps de réponses des campagnes. On définit un modèle théorique pour l'ordonnancement des campagnes et on montreque, dans le cas général, c'est NP-difficile. Pour le cas avec un utilisateur,on démontre qu'un algorithme d'ordonnancement $ho$-approximation pour le(classique) problème d'ordonnancement de tâches parallèles est aussi un$ho$-approximation pour le problème d'ordonnancement de campagnes. Pour lecas général avec $k$ utilisateurs, on établis un critère de emph{fairness}inspiré par partage de temps. On propose FairCamp, un algorithmed'ordonnancement qu'utilise dates limite pour réaliser emph{fairness} parmiles utilisateurs entre consécutifes campagnes. On prouve que FairCamp augmentele temps de réponse de chaque utilisateur par a facteur maximum de $kho$ parrapport un processeur dédiée à l'utilisateur. On prouve aussi que FairCamp estun algorithme $ho$-approximation pour le maximum emph{stretch}.On compare FairCamp contre emph{First-Come-First-Served} (FCFS) parsimulation. On démontre que, comparativement à FCFS, FairCamp réduit le maximal{em stretch} a la limite de $3.4$ fois. La différence est significative dansles systèmes utilisé pour plusieurs ($k>5$) utilisateurs.Les résultats montrent que, plutôt que juste des tâches individuelle etindépendants, campagnes de tâches peuvent être manipulées d'une manièreefficace et équitable. / We study the problem of scheduling in parallel and distributedsystems with multiple users. New platforms for parallel and distributedcomputing offers very large power which allows to contemplate the resolution ofcomplex interactive applications. Nowadays, it is still difficult to use thispower efficiently due to lack of resource management tools. The work done inthis thesis lies in this context: to analyse and develop efficient algorithmsfor manage computing resources shared among multiple users. We analyzescenarios with many submissions issued from multiple users over time. Thesesubmissions contain one or more jobs and the set of submissions are organizedin successive campaigns. Any job from a campaign can not start until allthe jobs from the previous campaign are completed. Each user is interested inminimizing the sum of flow times of the campaigns.In the first part of this work, we define a theoretical model for Campaign Scheduling under restrictive assumptions andwe show that, in the general case, it is NP-hard. For the single-user case, we show that an$ho$-approximation scheduling algorithm for the (classic) parallel jobscheduling problem is also an $ho$-approximation for the Campaign Schedulingproblem. For the general case with $k$ users, we establish a fairness criteriainspired by time sharing. Then, we propose FairCamp, a scheduling algorithm whichuses campaign deadlines to achieve fairness among users between consecutivecampaigns. We prove that FairCamp increases the flow time of each user by afactor of at most $kho$ compared with a machine dedicated to the user. Wealso prove that FairCamp is an $ho$-approximation algorithm for the maximumstretch.We compare FairCamp to {em First-Come-First-Served} (FCFS) by simulation. We showthat, compared with FCFS, FairCamp reduces the maximum stretch by up to $3.4$times. The difference is significant in systems used by many ($k>5$) users.Our results show that, rather than just individual, independent jobs, campaignsof jobs can be handled by the scheduler efficiently and fairly.
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Aktiebaserad crowdfunding : Vägen till framgångMina, Vahedi, Sara, Vahedi January 2018 (has links)
During recent years, many researchist have tried to analyze the financing gap that arises in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Due to the difficult situation of financing its operations for start-ups, new market solutions have developed, including the idea of collecting capital through crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is a financing method that involves financing a project using small contributions from a large group of individuals / investors. Instead of the traditional way of raising capital from a smaller group of sophisticated investors, the focus would instead be on a large "audience", where each individual contributed to a smaller amount. Crowdfunding is still a new phenomenon, which means that not as much research has been done in comparison with the more established funding alternatives. The problem for this form of funding mostly occurs in the information gap that exists between the potential investors and entrepreneurs. By discovering which factors that contribute to a successful campaign, investors and crowdfunding platforms can gain more knowledge that increases their chances of successfully closing a campaign. / Under det senaste åren har många forskare försökt analysera finansieringsgapet som uppstår i små och medelstora företag (SME). På grund av den försvårade situationen med finansiering av sin verksamhet för start-ups har nya marknadslösningar uppkommit, bland annat idén om insamling av kapital via crowdfunding. Crowdfunding är en finansieringsmetod som innebär finansiering av ett projekt med hjälp av små bidrag från en stor grupp individer/investerare. Istället för att höja kapital från en mindre grupp sofistikerade investerare som det vanligtvis görs, skulle fokus istället ligga på en stor “publik”, där varje individ bidrog till en mindre summa. Crowdfunding är fortfarande väldigt nytt, vilket gör att det inte bedrivits lika mycket forskning i jämförelse med de mer etablerade finansieringsmodellerna. Problemet för denna finansieringsform ligger mestadels i informationsklyftan som råder mellan de potentiella investerare och entreprenörer. Genom att analysera vilka faktorer som bidrar till en framgångsrik kampanj, kan investerare och crowdfunding plattformar få mer kunskap som ökar deras chanser att stänga en kampanj framgångsrikt.
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Entre o meme e a campanha: representação e ação na cultura digital / Between memes and campaigns: representation and action in digital cultureKobayashi, Sergio Mikio 04 October 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo compreender a constituição sociodiscursiva de uma cadeia de gêneros no meio digital. O corpus utilizado nesta pesquisa consiste em um recorte da cadeia de gêneros denominado Bela, Recatada e do Lar, constituída por três nós: a reportagem Marcela Temer: Bela, Recatada e do Lar, publicada pela Revista Veja em abril de 2016; a campanha de Memes surgida como resposta à representação de mulher, realizada pela revista; e os tweets-resposta que avaliaram a participação dos homens na campanha. A fundamentação teórica a partir da qual se conduziu a pesquisa foi a Análise Crítica do Discurso de base faircloughiana (1989; 2010; 2011; 2013), somada a diálogos com conceitos do Círculo de Bakhtin (1979, 2003) e com as reflexões teóricas de Shifman (2013), Castells (2015), Saffioti (1987), Wolf (1992), Souza-Júnior (2011), Lévy (2000) e Elias (2014) a respeito das redes sociais, de gênero e de Meme. Em termos do aparato descritivo, cada nó da cadeia requisitou diferentes categorias de análise: para a reportagem, a descrição foi realizada por meio da Referenciação e da Categorização (Koch, 2014) e da transitividade (Halliday, 2004[1985])); para os Memes, recorreu-se à Interação entre o verbal e o visual (Unsworth, 2006); e para os tweets, utilizou-se a Avaliatividade (Martin e White, 2005). Através da descrição da reportagem, observamos uma representação de mulher subalterna às questões públicas e sexuais, que passa a ser ressignificada nos Memes quando mulheres e homens constituem uma campanha; na descrição dos Memes, apontamos relações lógico-semânticas de divergência, quando protagonizados por mulheres, e de concordância, quando protagonizados por homens, e, por fim, na descrição do twites que remetiam à participação de homens na campanha, observamos avaliações negativas majoritariamente, comprovando uma hegemonia discursiva feminista no Twitter. A análise sociodiscursiva, auxiliada pela descrição linguística dos nós da cadeia, comprovou a transformação de um discurso de resistência feminista em uma hegemonia nas redes sociais, verificada pela avaliação da participação de homens na campanha. Além disso, também foi possível promo ver um debate, ainda que inicial, de uma metodologia para pesquisa com gêneros discursivos em cadeia. / This dissertation aims to understand the sociodiscursive constitution of a genre chain in the digital environment. The corpus consists of a clipping of the genre chain named \"Bela, Recatada e do Lar\", constituted by three nodes: the article \"Marcela Temer: Bela, Recatada e do Lar\", published by Veja Magazine in April 2016; the Memes campaign emerged as a response to the women\'s representation in the magazine; and tweets-response that evaluated the participation of men in the campaign. The theoretical basis for this research was the Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough (1989; 2010; 2011; 2013), in addition to dialogues with Bakhtin Circle concepts (1979, 2003) and theoretical reflections of Shifman (2013), Castells (2015), Saffioti (1987), Wolf (1992), Souza-Júnior (2011), Lévy (2000) and Elias (2014), regarding social, gender and Meme networks. In terms of the descriptive apparatus, each node of the chain required different categories of analysis: for reportage, the description was based on the Reference and Categorization (Koch, 2014) and the Transitivity (Halliday, 2004 [1985])); for the Memes, the interaction between the verbal and the visual (Unsworth, 2006); and for tweets, the Evaluability (Martin and White, 2005). Through the description of the report, we noted a representation of subalternative woman to the public and sexual questions, that happens to be resignified in Memes, when women and men constitute a campaign; in the description of the Memes, we pointed out logico-semantic relations of divergence, when carried out by women, and agreement, when carried out by men, and, finally, in the description of the tweets that refer to the participation of men in the campaign, we observed negative evaluations mostly, proving a feminist discursive hegemony on Twitter. The sociodiscursive analysis, a ided by the linguistic description of the nodes of the chain, proved the transformation of a discourse of feminist resistance into a hegemony in social networks, verified through the evaluation of the participation of men in the campaign. In addition, it was also possible to promote a debate, even if initial, of a methodology for research with discursive genre chain.
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Doações eleitorais podem comprar influência? estudo de evento sobre o efeito da proibição de doações por pessoas jurídicas em campanhas eleitorais brasileiras / Can campaign donations buy influence? an event study on the effect of banning companies donations in the Brazilian electoral campaignsNunes, Marcus Vinícius da Silva 31 July 2019 (has links)
Doações legais a campanhas eleitorais podem comprar influência? Diversos estudos desenvolvidos na literatura detectaram evidências de que empresas podem se beneficiar de conexões estabelecidas com políticos por meio de doações em campanhas eleitorais, sendo que a potencial influência pode ser entendida pelos investidores como uma vantagem competitiva. Com a mudança de cenário trazida pela decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) de proibir as doações por pessoas jurídicas em campanhas eleitorais a partir de 2016, este trabalho buscou avaliar qual seria o possível impacto inicial que essa nova legislação eleitoral poderia trazer para o ambiente econômico. A amostra foi composta por empresas com ações negociadas na B3 durante o período de 2010 a 2017, sendo os dados referentes a doações para os cargos de presidente, senador e deputado federal nas eleições de 2010 e 2014. Esta pesquisa foi dividida em duas partes. A primeira parte utilizou a metodologia do estudo de evento, estabelecendo janelas de teste que representaram o andamento do processo jurídico e as repercussões no mercado. Os resultados sugerem que as empresas doadoras, principalmente as que contribuíram para candidatos da base governista, obtiveram retornos anormais positivos e significantes quando o supremo aceitou julgar essa matéria, porém o mesmo não se refletiu para as demais janelas de evento. Já a segunda parte buscou estimar se as doações geravam dois benefícios para essas entidades, que são: maior acesso a crédito com menor custo financeiro via BNDES e maior agressividade fiscal, devido ao exercício de influência que essas empresas doadoras poderiam ter sobre os legisladores e representantes do Estado. Os resultados dos modelos de regressões de dados em painel apontam que os empréstimos concedidos pelo BNDES tem relação positiva e significativa com as doações feitas por empresas. Das medidas de agressividade fiscal utilizadas nesta pesquisa, book tax difference (BTD) e effective tax rate (ETR), somente ETR foi negativamente significante. Essa variável representa a taxa efetiva de tributos sobre o lucro e a literatura diz que quanto menor o ETR, maior a probabilidade de a empresa ser fiscalmente mais agressiva. Complementando a análise, por meio de modelos de diferenças em diferenças, foi estimado o efeito da decisão final do STF sobre esses eventuais benefícios, porém, não houve indícios de que a proibição tenha afetado as variáveis estudadas. É importante mencionar que para as medidas de agressividade fiscal, é possível que o curto espaço de tempo não tenha sido o suficiente para poder observar o efeito da proibição, uma vez que esses efeitos iniciais podem demorar a surgir. / Can legal campaign contributions buy influence? Several studies in the literature have detected evidence that companies that donate can benefit from these established connections with politicians, and that potential influence can be understood as a competitive advantage for these companies. With the change brought about by the decision of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) to ban company donations in electoral campaigns from 2016, this work sought to evaluate what would be the possible impact that this new electoral legislation could bring to the economic environment. The sample comprised companies with shares traded at B3 during the period from 2010 to 2017, with data referring to the donations for the positions of president, senator and federal deputy in the 2010 and 2014 elections. This research was divided into two parts. The first part used the methodology of the event study, establishing event windows that represented the progress of the process and the repercussions in the market. The results suggest that donor firms, especially those that contributed to candidates from the ruling base, obtained abnormal positive and significant returns when the supreme judge accepted the matter, but the same effect was not reflected for the other event windows. The second part sought to estimate if the donations generated two benefits for these entities: greater access to credit with lower financial costs through BNDES and greater fiscal aggressiveness, due to the exercise of influence that these donor companies could have on the legislators and representatives of the State. The results of the panel data regression models indicate that loans granted by BNDES are positive and significant with the donations made by companies. Of the fiscal aggressiveness measures used in this research, the book tax difference (BTD) and effective tax rate (ETR), only ETR was negatively significant. This variable represents the effective tax rate on profit and the literature says that the lower ETR, the greater the probability that company will be more tax aggressive. Complementing the analysis, by means of models of differences in differences, the effect of the final decision of the STF on these possible benefits was estimated. Only the BNDES loans were negatively and significantly affected by the change, suggesting that the grants could represent a way of influencing the investment decisions of this government-controlled bank. Regarding measures of fiscal aggression, it is possible that the short time was not enough to be able to observe the effect of the prohibition, since these initial effects may be slow to arise in this case.
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Let's turn the ABC around : The communication needs of young women in Kampala to prevent HIV/AIDSHallén, Malin, Rindeskär, Malin January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is a part of a Bachelor’s degree within the field of Media and Communication at the School of Education and Communication at Jönköping University in Sweden. It is based on a Minor Field Study accomplished from the 30th of October to the 17th of December 2006 in Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. The background of the research is that women who are between 15 and 24 years old and live in sub-Saharan Africa are more than tree times as likely to be infected by HIV/AIDS as men in the same age and location. The purpose of the study is to discover indicators of what kind of health communication young women need to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS. The young women in the study are between 15 and 24 years old and live in areas affected by urban poverty in Kampala, Uganda. To be able to gain a deeper understanding for the young women’s situation, the empirical study has been based on eleven conversation interviews made one by one with eleven young women. The procedure of the study has been guided by developed grounded theory and during the analysis of the interviews phenomenology has been used. The result of the study shows that the ABC (Abstinence, Be faithful and Condom use) approach, which is used to fight HIV/AIDS in Uganda, is well known and carries an important message about prevention methods. At the same time it preaches moral in its hierarchical order which seems to judge women harder than men. The ABC approach was turned around by one of the young women in the study, which might create a more realistic message. It is however necessary to complement the approach with communication to young women about for example women’s rights and general sexual knowledge. This can be done through the use of verbal interpersonal communication, combined with easy access to HIV testing. The young women themselves can be effective peer educators and there is a need to let the interpersonal agenda be reflected in the political agenda, as well as in the developing media. To make young women able to act on their knowledge for protection, men and the community also need to be approached with gender sensitive messages.
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Demon of the Lost Cause: General William Tecumseh Sherman and the Writing of Civil War HistoryMoody, III, John Wesley 06 March 2009 (has links)
This dissertation will examine the formation of the myth that William T. Sherman laid waste to the state of Georgia in 1864, and almost single-handedly invented the concept of “total war.” It will also examine how Sherman’s reputation has evolved over the years from accusations of being a Southern sympathizer and traitor at the end of the Civil War to the modern image of Sherman as the destroyer of the old South. William Tecumseh Sherman was the most controversial general of the American Civil War. The modern image of Sherman is either a destructive monster who violated the laws of civilized warfare or a strategic genius who invented modern warfare. Both of these images have evolved over the years. In large part, they have been the product of Lost Cause writers trying to reinterpret the history of the war, but also the product of Union generals and politicians attempting to glorify their own place in the history of the war, men with personal grudges against the general and modern historians using Sherman to make their own arguments about contemporary society. The sources used for this dissertation were the journals, letters and memoirs of the participants. The Official Records of both the Union and Confederacy were examined as well as nineteenth and twentieth century newspapers and magazines. This dissertation will show that the modern conception of General Sherman is not the same as the historical fact, but rather a post-war creation. Individuals’ agendas have created and sustained the myth of Sherman to explain defeat in the Civil War, justify later military strategy, condemn later conflicts and for personal gain. It is not enough to know that historical events as commonly understood are inaccurate; it is important to understand how and why these inaccuracies came about.
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Personalized Communications : A Cross Media tool for the futureBerglund, Jennie, Forsberg, Magdalena January 2010 (has links)
Personalized communication is when the marketing message is adapted to each individual by using information from a databaseand utilizing it in the various, different media channels available today. That gives the marketer the possibility to create a campaign that cuts through today’s clutter of marketing messages and gets the recipients attention. PODi is a non-profit organization that was started with the aim of contributing knowledge in the field of digital printingtechnologies. They have created a database of case studies showing companies that have successfully implemented personalizedcommunication in their marketing campaigns. The purpose of the project was therefore to analyze PODi case studies with the main objective of finding out if/how successfully the PODi-cases have been and what made them so successful. To collect the data found in the PODi cases the authors did a content analysis with a sample size of 140 PODi cases from the year 2008 to 2010. The study was carried out by analyzing the cases' measurable ways of success: response rate, conversion rate, visited PURL (personalized URL:s) and ROI (Return On Investment). In order to find out if there were any relationships to be found between the measurable result and what type of industry, campaign objective and media vehicle that was used in the campaign, the authors put up different research uestions to explore that. After clustering and merging the collected data the results were found to be quite spread but shows that the averages of response rates, visited PURL and conversion rates were consistently very high. In the study the authors also collected and summarized what the companies themselves claim to be the reasons for success with their marketing campaigns. The resultshows that the creation of a personalized campaign is complex and dependent on many different variables. It is for instance ofgreat importance to have a well thought-out plan with the campaign and to have good data and insights about the customer in order to perform creative personalization. It is also important to make it easy for the recipient to reply, to use several media vehicles for multiple touch points and to have an attractive and clever design.
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Synen på bibliotek förändras inte på en dag : En utvärdering av klusterkampanjen "Den digitalt nyfikne" på ett folkbibliotek / The view on libraries doesn't change in a day : An evaluation on the campaign "The digitally curious" on a public libraryKarlsson, Sofie, Blom, Emmy January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is an evaluation of the campaign [The digitally curious] that is part of the regional marketing campaign Futurum.kom. Its purpose was to strengthen the library's role in society. The campaign includes Regionbibliotek Kalmar, Länsbibliotek Sydost and also 25 public libraries in Kronoberg, Kalmar and Blekinge. The campaign [The digitally curious] is one of several cluster campaigns targeting their marketing to a specific audience and aims to promote awareness of what libraries have to offer and provide information on digital media and services. The target group for the campaign is a man between 45-65 years old, who is interested in digital technology. The campaign ran from September 19 to October 2, 2011, and included digital activities. The thesis addresses these questions: What has the campaign [The digitally curious] for overall goals and how relevant were they? What was the audience for [The digitally curious] and did they reach it? What marketing channels did the library use and why them? To what extent did the librarians perceive that the objectives of the campaign were achieved? How did the public value the digital activities in the public library and how did they perceive the cluster campaigns, [The digitally curious], message. The method used in the thesis was case studies, which included a survey of the public, interviews with librarians and document analysis. Our study revealed that there is a need in society for digital activities to bridge the digital divide. The marketing campaign received positive feedback but the target group did not come to the extent that was desired. It was also revealed that to be successful in marketing and to work on bridging the digital divide, collaboration is a useful method.
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De nya politiska kommunikationskanalerna : en studie i sociala mediers betydelse inför riksdagsvalet 2010 / The new political channels of communication : a study in social media's importance for the Swedish parliamentary elections in 2010Högfeldt, Veronica January 2011 (has links)
Aim: To investigate how three of the biggest political parties in Sweden made use of socialmedia in the election campaign in 2010, and to get a picture of how the parties perceive therole of social media in political communication today and in the future.Method: The research is conducted through personal interviews and qualitative textualanalysis.Theory: The theory that the study is based on is Habermas theory of the public sphereMain results: Social media is today an excellent channel for communication and informationbetween politicians and voters, and they will probably become increasingly important inpolitical communication in the future. So far, they are only an addition to the traditional mediaand are in no way substituted for them. Internet and some social media is an excellent forumfor political debate and opinion-former.
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Let's turn the ABC around : The communication needs of young women in Kampala to prevent HIV/AIDSHallén, Malin, Rindeskär, Malin January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis is a part of a Bachelor’s degree within the field of Media and Communication at the School of Education and Communication at Jönköping University in Sweden. It is based on a Minor Field Study accomplished from the 30th of October to the 17th of December 2006 in Kampala, Uganda, East Africa.</p><p>The background of the research is that women who are between 15 and 24 years old and live in sub-Saharan Africa are more than tree times as likely to be infected by HIV/AIDS as men in the same age and location.</p><p>The purpose of the study is to discover indicators of what kind of health communication young women need to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS. The young women in the study are between 15 and 24 years old and live in areas affected by urban poverty in Kampala, Uganda.</p><p>To be able to gain a deeper understanding for the young women’s situation, the empirical study has been based on eleven conversation interviews made one by one with eleven young women. The procedure of the study has been guided by developed grounded theory and during the analysis of the interviews phenomenology has been used.</p><p>The result of the study shows that the ABC (Abstinence, Be faithful and Condom use) approach, which is used to fight HIV/AIDS in Uganda, is well known and carries an important message about prevention methods. At the same time it preaches moral in its hierarchical order which seems to judge women harder than men. The ABC approach was turned around by one of the young women in the study, which might create a more realistic message. It is however necessary to complement the approach with communication to young women about for example women’s rights and general sexual knowledge. This can be done through the use of verbal interpersonal communication, combined with easy access to HIV testing. The young women themselves can be effective peer educators and there is a need to let the interpersonal agenda be reflected in the political agenda, as well as in the developing media. To make young women able to act on their knowledge for protection, men and the community also need to be approached with gender sensitive messages.</p>
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