Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cardiopulmonary"" "subject:"ardiopulmonary""
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The effects of one session cognitive behavioral therapy for elderly patients with cardiopulmonary diseasesLam, Yuk-king., 林淯琼. January 2005 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Medical Sciences / Master / Master of Medical Sciences
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Om hjärtat slutar slå : Patienters och anhörigas delaktighet i beslutet om ej-HLR / If the heart stops beating : Patients’ and relatives’ participation in the decision do-not-resuscitateBryfalk, Jennifer, Hvalgren, Therése January 2011 (has links)
Sjuksköterskor har en nära relation till patienter och anhöriga och bör efter bästa förmåga möjliggöra deras delaktighet i vården. Trots att riktlinjer om hjärt-lungräddning (HLR) menar att beslutskompetenta patienter ska vara delaktiga i beslutet om ej-HLR, fungerar det inte alltid så i praktiken. I och med detta kan sjuksköterskor få svårt att hantera situationer som uppstår kring beslutet om ej-HLR. Syftet var att belysa patienters respektive anhörigas delaktighet i beslutet om ej-HLR. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie och 15 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades. Studiens resultat visar att patienters och anhörigas delaktighet i beslutet om ej-HLR påverkas av olika faktorer så som patienters livskvalité, information om sjukdom, prognos och HLR. Anhöriga vill och får ofta möjlighet att delta i ett beslut om ej-HLR. Anhörigas möjlighet till delaktighet beror främst på patienters beslutskompetens och det är läkare som möjliggör patienters och anhörigas delaktighet i beslutet om ej-HLR. Sjuksköterskors samarbete med läkare i diskussionen om ej-HLR kan underlätta beslutsprocessen för samtliga parter. För att patienters och anhörigas delaktighet ska främjas bör riktlinjerna för beslut angående HLR ses över och möjligen uppdateras. / The nurse has a close relationship with patients and families and should promote the potential of their involvement in care. The medical practice differs from guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) which suggests that patients should be involved in the decision making about the do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order. Nurses may find it difficult to deal with situations that arise over the decision about DNR. The aim was to illuminate patients' and relatives' participation in the decision making concerning the DNR order. The study was conducted as a literature study and 15 scientific articles were analyzed. The results show that involvement of patient and next-of-kin in the decision not to resuscitate can be affected by various factors. Factors that could affect patient participation were patients’ quality of life, knowledge about disease, prognosis and CPR. Family members often want and often get the opportunity to participate in the decision making concerning DNR. Relatives' ability to participate depends primarily on patients' ability to participate in the decision making. Doctors enable patients and families participation in the decision not for resuscitation. Nurses’ collaboration with doctors in the discussion about the DNR order can facilitate decision making for all parties. The guidelines for decision about CPR should be reviewed and possibly updated in order to improve patients' and relatives' participation.
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Einfluss der extrakorporalen Zirkulation und systemischen Hypothermie auf die Lebermorphologie neugeborener Schweine / The Effect of Cardiopulmonary Bypass an Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest on Hepatic Histology in Newborn PigletsZwiehoff, Julia Marilena 21 May 2013 (has links)
Abdominelle Komplikationen, zu denen auch das akute Leberversagen nach Einsatz der Herz-Lungen-Maschine und systemischer Hypothermie nach herzchirurgischen Korrekturoperationen neugeborener Patienten zählt, sind seltene, aber dennoch erst zu nehmende unerwünschte Folgen. Die Untersuchungen erfolgten an neugeborenen Schweinen, die in 4 Gruppen eingeteilt wurden: Eine Gruppe wurde mit extrakorporaler Zirkulation in moderater Hypothermie (32°C) operiert (CPB), die zweite Gruppe wurde in tiefer Hypothermie (18°C) und totalem Kreislaufstillstand operiert (DHCA). In der dritten Gruppe (Sham) erfolgte die Instrumentation nach Sternotomie und ohne Einsatz der Herz-Lungen-Maschine. Die Tiere der vierten Gruppe waren unbehandelte Kontrolltiere. Es zeigte sich, dass das Entstehen der Inflammation wesentlich abhängig von der Anwendungsdauer der Herz-Lungen-Maschine ist. Tiefe systemische Hypothermie scheint einen protektiven Effekt auf die Inflammation und Apoptose zu haben. Im Gegensatz dazu verursacht tief-hypothermer Kreislaufstillstand vermehrt die Bildung eines hepatozellulären Ödems. Bei allen untersuchten Aspekten (Inflammation, hepatozelluläres Ödem, Apoptose) zeigt sich deutlich, dass der operative EIngriff selbst Veränderungen an der Leber hervorruft. Insbesondere für das Auftreten von Apoptose ist das chirurgsiche Trauma von größter Bedeutung.
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Identification d'interventions infirmières auprès de parents dont un enfant a subi une réanimation cardiorespiratoire à l'unité des soins intensifs pédiatriquesHoule, Karine January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Faktorer som påverkar människors vilja att ingripa vid hjärtstopp utanför sjukhus / Factors influencing bystander’ willingness to intervene in out-of-hospital cardiac arrestsStåhl, Fanny, Ringblom, Micael January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dödligheten vid hjärtstopp utanför sjukhus är hög och endast några få procent av de som drabbas räddas till livet. Tidig behandling är en avgörande faktor för överlevnad. Överlevnaden kan ökas markant av att människor på platsen, bystanders, ingriper med hjärt-lungräddning (HLR). Att vårda och utföra vårdhandlingar är inte exklusivt för sjuksköterskor. Vid hjärtstopp utanför sjukhus är det istället bystandern som förväntas utföra vårdhandlingen. I många fall sker dock inget ingripande trots att hjärtstoppet bevittnas och den vårdande handlingen uteblir därför. Syfte: Syftet med arbetet var att identifiera faktorer som påverkar människors vilja att ingripa vid hjärtstopp utanför sjukhus. Metod: Arbetet designades som en litteraturstudie där artiklar med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats ingick. Resultat: Resultatet baserades på potentiella bystanders antaganden av hur de skulle agera och faktiska bystanders erfarenheter av att ha agerat. Skillnader i faktorer som påverkade viljan observerades mellan dessa. Viljan påverkades till stor del av rädslor, bristande HLR-kunskaper samt scenariot kring hjärtstoppet där bland annat en familjerelation mellan den drabbade och bystandern utgjorde en påverkande faktor. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att hindrande faktorer för viljan skulle kunna påverkas positivt genom förbättrad HLR-utbildning. Klinisk betydelse: Med hjälp av identifierade faktorer kan befintlig HLR-utbildning ses över och eventuellt förbättras. Detta skulle kunna öka antalet ingripanden och därigenom överlevnaden vid hjärtstopp utanför sjukhus. / Background: The lethality is high in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests and only a few percent of the victim’s lives are saved. Early treatment is crucial for survival. People at the scene can increase the survival significantly through CPR interventions. To care and the act of caring is not exclusively for nurses. In cases of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, the bystander could be the one that performs the act of caring. In many cases, however, no interventions are made although the arrest is witnessed and therefore no act of caring is being performed. Objective: The aim of this essay was to identify factors that influence people's willingness to intervene in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Method: This study was designed as a literature study and both quantitative and qualitative research articles were included in the analysis. Results: The result was based on potential bystander's assumptions of how they would act and actual bystanders experience having acted. Differences in factors affecting the willingness were observed between them. The will seemed influenced by fears, lack of CPR skills and the scenario surrounding the arrest. A family tie between the victim and the bystander appeared also as an influencing factor. Conclusion: The findings show that the non-willingness to act could be affected positively by improved CPR training. Clinical significance: In light to the identified factors, improvement of the existing CPR training and increased education could improve the probability of intervention by bystanders and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival.
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In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest : A Study of Education in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and its Effects on Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes among Healthcare Professionals and Survival of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest PatientsSödersved Källestedt, Marie-Louise January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigated whether outcome after in-hospital cardiac arrest patients could be improved by a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) educational intervention focusing on all hospital healthcare professionals. Annually in Sweden, approximately 3000 in-hospital patients suffer a cardiac arrest in which CPR is attempted, and which 900 will survive. The thesis is based on five papers: Paper I was a methodological study concluding in a reliable multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ) aimed at measuring CPR knowledge. Paper II was an intervention study. The intervention consisted of educating 3144 healthcare professionals in CPR. The MCQ from Paper I was answered by the healthcare professionals both before (82% response rate) and after (98% response rate) education. Theoretical knowledge improved in all the different groups of healthcare professionals after the intervention. Paper III was an observational laboratory study investigating the practical CPR skills of 74 healthcare professionals’. Willingness to use an automated external defibrillator (AED) improved generally after education, and there were no major differences in CPR skills between the different healthcare professions. Paper IV investigated, by use of a questionnaire, the attitudes to CPR of 2152 healthcare professionals (82% response rate). A majority of healthcare professionals reported a positive attitude to resuscitation. Paper V was a register study of patients suffering from cardiac arrest. The intervention tended not to reduce the delay to start of treatment or to increase overall survival. However, our results suggested indirect signs of an improved cerebral function among survivors. In conclusion, CPR education and the introduction of AEDs in-hospital – improved healthcare professionals knowledge, skills, and attitudes – did not improve patients’ survival to hospital discharge, but the functional status among survivors improved.
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Μελέτη της αναπνευστικής λειτουργίας με εργοσπιρομετρία σε ασθενείς με γαστροοισοφαγική παλινδρομική νόσοΓιαννικούλης, Χρήστος 08 May 2012 (has links)
Μελέτη της αναπνευστικής λειτουργίας με εργοσπιρομετρία σε ασθενείς με γαστροοισοφαγική παλινδρομική νόσο.
Εισαγωγή: Η Γαστροοισοφαγική Παλινδρομική Νόσος (ΓΟΠΝ) έχει συσχετισθεί με πλειάδα πνευμονικών εκδηλώσεων αλλά είναι ασαφές εάν η γαστροοισοφαγική παλινδρόμηση προκαλεί οποιαδήποτε δυσλειτουργία στην πνευμονική λειτουργία. Η εργοσπιρομετρία είναι μια εξειδικευμένη μέθοδος η οποία χρησιμοποιείται για να διερευνήσει την αναπνευστική λειτουργία κατά την άσκηση.
Σκοπός: Σκοπός της μελέτης ήταν να αποκαλυφθεί οποιαδήποτε ανωμαλία της πνευμονικής λειτουργίας σε ασθενείς με ΓΟΠΝ και αναπνευστικά συμπτώματα.
Μέθοδος: Μελετήσαμε 34 ασθενείς με ΓΟΠΝ (ηλικίας 21-63, 24 άνδρες/10 γυναίκες) και εξωοισοφαγικά αναπνευστικά συμπτώματα (συριγμός ή/και βήχας) πριν και μετά από 12 εβδομάδες θεραπεία με διπλή δόση ομεπραζόλης. Κανείς ασθενής δεν παρουσίασε παθολογική σπιρομέτρηση. Εργομετρία διενεργήθηκε σε όλους του ασθενείς πριν την θεραπεία και μετά την θεραπεία. Γαστροσκόπηση διενεργήθηκε σε όλους τους ασθενείς πριν την θεραπεία και σε αυτούς με οισοφαγίτιδα επανελήφθη μετά την θεραπεία. Καταγραφήκαν οι ακόλουθες εργομετρικές παράμετροι: VO2rest, VO2max, VCO2rest, VCO2max, O2–puls rest, O2–puls max, HR (heart rate) rest, HRmax, PETCO2rest, PETCO2max, VE/VCO2 SLOPE πριν και μετά την θεραπεία.
Αποτελέσματα: Είκοσι τέσσερις ασθενείς (70.6%) είχαν οισοφαγίτιδα (βαθμού Α-D), 16 ασθενείς είχαν διαφραγματοκήλη (47.1%), και σε 13 ασθενείς (38.23 %) ανιχνεύθηκε Helicobacter pylori.Οι εργομετρικές παράμετροι ήταν εντός φυσιολογικών ορίων σε όλους τους ασθενείς, κανείς ασθενής δεν παρουσίασε οποιαδήποτε ανωμαλία κατά την άσκηση. Είκοσι οκτώ ασθενείς επανελέγχθηκαν. Καμία βελτίωση σε οποιαδήποτε εργομετρική παράμετρο μετά την θεραπεία δεν παρατηρήθηκε παρά την ύφεση των οισοφαγικών και των εξωοισοφαγικών συμπτωμάτων σε όλους τους ασθενείς. Καμία στατιστικώς σημαντική διαφορά δεν παρατηρήθηκε πριν και μετά την θεραπεία μεταξύ ασθενών μεγαλύτερων των 40 ετών και νεότερων των 40 ετών, καπνιστών και μη καπνιστών, Hp(+) και Hp(-) ασθενών, όπως επίσης και μεταξύ ασθενών με και χωρίς οισοφαγίτιδα, και μεταξύ ασθενών με και χωρίς διαφραγματοκήλη.
Συμπεράσματα: Ασθενείς με ΓΟΠΝ, αναπνευστικές εκδηλώσεις και φυσιολογική σπιρομέτρηση, δεν παρουσιάζουν διαταραχές κατά την εργομετρία (δοκιμασία άσκησης). Επίσης δεν παρατηρείται καμιά κλινικά αξιόλογη μεταβολή στις εργομετρικές τιμές μετά την θεραπεία ούτε διαφορά στις εργομετρικές τιμές σύμφωνα με την ηλικία, το κάπνισμα, την παρουσία H.pylori, οισοφαγίτιδας ή διαφραγματοκήλης. / Evaluation of respiratory function with cardiopulmonary exercise test in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Introduction: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) has been associated with a variety of pulmonary manifestations but it is unclear if gastroesophageal reflux causes any abnormality in pulmonary function. Cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) is a specialized method which is used to evaluate respiratory function during exercise.
Aim: The aim of this study was to reveal any abnormality of pulmonary function in patients with GERD and respiratory symptoms.
Method: We evaluated 34 patients with GERD (age 21-63, 24 men) and extraesophageal respiratory symptoms (wheezing and/or cough) before therapy and after twelve weeks treatment with double dose omeprazole. No patient presented abnormal spirometry. CPET was performed in all patients at baseline and after completion of 12 week treatment. The following CPET parameters: VO2rest, VO2max, VCO2rest, VCO2max, O2–pulse rest, O2–pulse max, HR (heart rate) rest, HRmax, PETCO2rest, PETCO2max, VE/VCO2 slope were recorded pre-treatment and post-treatment.
Results: Twenty four patients (70.6%) had esophagitis (grade I-IV), 16 patients had hiatal hernia (47.1%) and in 13 patients (38,2%) Helicobacter pylori was positive. All patients completed the CPET. No one presented shortness of breath or respiratory symptoms. CPET parameters were within normal limits in all patients. Twenty eight patients were reevaluated. No improvement in any CPET parameter post treatment was observed despite remission of esophageal and extraesophageal symptoms in all patients. No statistically significant difference was observed pre and post-treatment, between older and younger than 40 year old patients, smokers and non smokers, Hp(+) and Hp(-) patients and those with and without hiatal hernia and esophagitis.
Conclusions: Patients with GERD and respiratory manifestations and normal spirometry present no pulmonary dysfunction during CPET. Also no alterations in CPET values post-treatment neither differences in CPET values according to age, smoking, Hp status, presence of oesophagitis or hiatal hernia were observed.
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Protection tissulaire dans l'arrêt circulatoire : du massage cardiaque à la protection pharmacologique. Approche clinique et expérimentale / Cell protection in cardiac arrest : from cardiopulmonary resuscitation to pharmacological protection. Clinical and experimental approachIncagnoli, Pascal 24 May 2011 (has links)
Malgré de très nombreuses études expérimentales et cliniques dans le domaine de l'arrêt circulatoire, seulement 2% à 12% des patients quittent l'hôpital avec une bonne récupération neurologique. Il est donc nécessaire de proposer de nouvelles thérapeutiques pour tenter d'augmenter la survie après un arrêt circulatoire. Pour atteindre ce but il semble indispensable d'améliorer la qualité du massage cardiaque durant la réanimation et de protéger le myocarde et le cerveau contre les phénomènes d'ischémie-reperfusion. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons évalués dans une étude pré hospitalière l'utilisation d'un dispositif innovant de massage cardiaque interne par minithoracotomie et montré une amélioration de l'hémodynamique en comparaison avec le massage cardiaque standard. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons testés les possibles effets protecteurs de l'EPO (érythropoïétine) dans deux types d'arrêt circulatoire. Dans un modèle d'arrêt cardiaque expérimental chez le rat nous avons démontré que lorsque l'EPO était injectée avant l'arrêt cardiaque, la réanimation initiale était améliorée et la survie des animaux augmentée ce qui pouvaient suggérer un effet cardio et/ou neuroprotecteur de l'EPO contre les effets délétères de l'ischémie reperfusion. Dans une étude clinique en chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extra corporelle, nous n'avons pas pu démontré d'effet bénéfique de l'EPO ni sur l'ischémie myocardique, ni sur l'ischémie cérébrale ni sur les paramètres de l'inflammation. Sur la base de ces deux études, il est donc difficile de conclure sur le potentiel rôle bénéfique de l'EPO dans l'arrêt circulatoire. Néanmoins, sur la seule base des résultats expérimentaux, l'EPO pourrait faire partie de l'arsenal thérapeutique pour mieux protéger le myocarde et le cerveau contre les effets délétères de l'ischémie reperfusion après un arrêt cardiaque. / Despite extensive experimental and clinical research on cardiac arrest, only 2-12% of resuscitated patients are discharged from hospital in good neurological conditions. There is, therefore, a dear need for new therapies that improve survival after cardiac arrest. It ‘s necessary to improve the quality of cardiac massage and to protect against cardiac and cerebral ischemia occurring during cardiac arrest. In a first part, we evaluated the prehospital feasibility of performing a new method of minimally invasive direct cardiac massage (MID-CM®) and we suggested that better haemodynamic results can be obtained than with standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In a second part, we tested erythropoietin (EPO) against placebo in two model of cardiac arrest. In an experimental model of cardiac arrest, we demonstrated that EPO, when administrated before cardiac arrest, improved initial resuscitation and increased the duration of post-resuscitation survival. In a second model of circulatory arrest during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass, EPO administration did not protect against cerebral ischemia and inflammatory response occurring during cardiac surgery with CPB. It is difficult to make definitive conclusion on the potential role of EPO in myocardial and cerebral protection after circulatory arrest. We can hope that EPO administration will represent pharmacological approach in upcoming years to additional myocardial salvage of the reperfused myocardium after cardiac arrest.
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Associação entre o trabalho de caminhada de seis minutos e a capacidade aeróbia de pico em pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônicaPoersch, Karla January 2009 (has links)
O teste de exercício cardiopulmonar incremental (TECP) tem sido utilizado para avaliar o impacto global da doença em pacientes com DPOC. Considerando que as avaliações de exercício em laboratório são demoradas, caras e muitas vezes indisponíveis, o teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6min) não exige equipamentos caros e sofisticados, e pode ser facilmente realizado. Embora, a principal medida comumente utilizada no teste de caminhada seja a distância percorrida durante os 6 minutos (D), esta medida não leva em conta as diferenças de peso corpóreo, que podem influenciar o desempenho do exercício. Além disso, estudos anteriores correlacionaram o trabalho realizado durante o TC6min com TECP incremental pedalando, modalidade de exercício comumente associada a fadiga de quadríceps e menor consumo de oxigênio de pico ( O2) do que o TECP caminhando. O principal objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a correlação entre a distância percorrida no TC6min (D) e o produto distância percorrida - peso corporal (DxP), uma estimativa do trabalho realizado durante o TC6min, com o O2 de pico obtido durante o TECP incremental em esteira ergométrica. Foram estudados trinta pacientes (19 homens), apresentando média (± DP) de idade de 66,3 ± 7,5 anos, com DPOC estável de moderada a grave intensidade (VEF1 médio de 1,1 ± 0,4L e 39 ± 13% predito) que realizaram TECP incremental em esteira ergométrica até o limite máximo de tolerância e o TC6min. Os testes foram realizados com pelo menos 48 horas de intervalo. A correlação de Pearson foi utilizada para avaliar o nível de associação entre o O2 pico, a distância e o trabalho executado durante o TC6min. Os pacientes percorreram 425,1 ± 78,6 m e realizaram um trabalho de 28166,4 ± 8368,4 Kg-m durante o TC6min, enquanto que o O2 de pico atingido foi 965,6 ± 370,1 mL/min (68,7 ± 17,4% do previsto) no TCPE. Ao final do exercício, em ambos os testes, a dispnéia foi a principal queixa e maior percepção de dispnéia e maior frequência cardíaca foi observado ao final do TECP comparativamente ao TC6min. O trabalho da caminhada (DxP) durante o TC6min demonstrou maior correlação com o O2 pico do que a distância (D) isoladamente. O mesmo ocorreu para VEF1, CVF, CI, DLCO, CO2, E e duplo produto (uma estimativa do trabalho do miocárdio), (r = 0,57; r = 0,57; r = 0,73; r = 0,7; r = 0,75; r = 0,65; r = 0,51; r = 0,4 respectivamente, todos com p <0,05). Dessa forma, esse estudo corrobora a melhor associação entre o trabalho estimado a partir da TC6min e o O2 pico atingido durante TECP, neste caso em esteira ergométrica, em comparação à distância isoladamente. / Incremental cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is increasingly used to evaluate the overall impact of the illness in patients with COPD. Whereas laboratory tests of exercise performance are often time-consuming, costly and frequently unavailable, the six-minute walk test (6MWT) does not require expensive or sophisticated equipments, and can be easily performed. Although, the main outcome measure commonly used in this field test is the distance walked during the predetermined 6 minutes (6MWD), this measure does not account for differences in body weight that are known to influence exercise performance. Furthermore, previous studies correlated the working performed during 6MWT with incremental cycling CPET, an exercise modality more associated with quadriceps fatigability and lower peak oxygen consumption ( O2) than incremental walking tests. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the correlation between 6MWD and its derivative walking distance-body weight product, an estimation of the work performed during 6MWT, with peak O2 obtained during a treadmill incremental CPET. The study enrolled thirty patients (19 males), with a mean (± SD) age of 66.3 ± 7.5 years and a stable moderate-to-severe COPD (ie, mean FEV1 1.1 ± 0.4L and 39 ± 13 % predicted) performed a ramp incremental CPET to the limit of tolerance on a treadmill and 6MWT. Tests were performed at least 48 h apart. Pearson´s correlation was used to assess the level of association between peak O2 and the distance and work executed during 6MWT. The patients walked 425.1 ± 78.6 m and performed a work of 28,166.4 ± 8368.4 (Kg-m) during the 6MWT while achieved a peak O2 of 965.6 ± 370.1 mL/min (68.7 ± 17.4% of predicted) in the treadmill CPET. They mainly stopped exercise due to dyspnea in both tests and reported a greater perception of dyspnea and higher heart rate was observed at the end of the CPET. The work of walking during the 6-MWT (DxW) provided greater and more frequent significant correlation with peak O2 than that observed with 6MWD.This was the case for FEV1, FVC, IC, DLCO, CO2, E, and double product (an estimate of myocardial work) (r=0.57; r=0.57; r=0.73; r=0.7; r=0.75; r=0.65; r=0.51 and r= 0.4, respectively; all p<0.05). This study provides evidence to corroborate the better association between the work estimated from the 6MWT and peak O2 achieved during CPET, in this case with a treadmill, than the 6MWD on isolation.
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Reanimação cardiopulmonar em ambiente aeroespacialCastro, Joao de Carvalho January 2006 (has links)
Introdução: Parada Cardiorrespiratória (PCR) é uma emergência médica, quando ocorrer fora do ambiente hospitalar, o imediato atendimento à vítima é vital. A imediata Reanimação Cardiopulmonar (RCP), no ambiente extra-hospitalar é muito importante. A denominação aeroespacial reúne ambiente aéreo (cabine de aeronaves pressurizadas, altitude) e, espacial (ambiente com microgravidade, flutuação). No ambiente aéreo, importa a condição hipobárica e a hipóxia resultante. Quanto ao ambiente espacial, importa a condição de microgravidade e a incapacidade de exercer força e peso, como na superfície terrestre. Estes, e outros aspectos da RCP aeroespacial, são abordados no presente estudo. Objetivos: Ambiente aéreo: avaliar a qualidade do ar expirado, por um socorrista, durante RCP, em ambiente hipobárico, e, avaliar a suplementação de oxigênio para o socorrista, como forma de correção da mistura gasosa expirada, na altitude. Ambiente espacial: avaliar a eficácia de uma nova posição para RCP, por um só indivíduo, sem auxílio, na microgravidade. Materiais e Métodos: Utilizou-se uma câmara hipobárica, para a simulação da altitude, no ambiente aéreo. A RCP foi avaliada ao nível do mar e na altitude de 8.000 pés. Vôos parabólicos foram utilizados para a simulação de microgravidade. Um manequim foi o modelo de PCR em ambos os ambientes. No ambiente aéreo, avaliou-se a oferta de oxigênio expirada (boca-a-boca), pelo socorrista à vítima. Em microgravidade foi avaliada a efetividade da posição estudada, abraço da vítima com as pernas e o uso das mesmas, como apoio para a RCP, através da profundidade (mm), e freqüência (por minuto), das compressões torácicas e, da ventilação (volume de ar em mililitros). Resultados: Pressão de oxigênio cai de +108,3 mmHg (nível do mar), para +72,3 mmHg (8.000 pés). Com suplementação o valor é +108,0 mmHg. RCP em microgravidade: + 41,3 mm, + 80,2 /min, (sem ventilação). Massagem + ventilação (+ 44,0 mm, + 68,3 /min, + 491,0 ml de ar). Conclusões: Existe importante redução na oferta de oxigênio, à vítima de PCR, em altitude de 8.000 pés. Suplementação de oxigênio ao socorrista, 4 litros/minuto, por óculos nasal, pode corrigir esta redução. A posição proposta, para o ambiente espacial, deve ser considerada com uma possibilidade de RCP na microgravidade. / Introduction: Cardiac arrest (CA) is a medical emergency, and when occurring outside the hospital environment, immediate victim’s assistance is vital. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) at the extra-hospital environment is very important. Aerospace denomination joins an aerial environment (pressurized airplane cabins, altitude), and space (microgravity environment, floating). Within the aerial environment, hypobaric condition and resulting hypoxia do matter. Considering the space environment, microgravity condition and the inability to exert force and weight such as at the surface level, are important. Those and other aspects of aerospace CPR are approached in this present study. Objectives: Aerial environment: To evaluate the quality of exhaled air from the practitioner, during CPR within a hypobaric environment, and to assess supplemental oxygen offer to the practitioner as a form of correcting the exhaled gas mixture at altitude. Space environment: To assess the efficacy of a new CPR position, for a sole, unassisted individual at microgravity. Material and Methods: A hypobaric chamber for aerial environment altitude simulation was employed. CPR was assessed at sea level and at the altitude of 8,000 feet. Parabolic flights were employed for microgravity simulation. A CPR manikin was the model for both environments. At the aerial environment, exhaled (mouth-to-mouth) oxygen offer by the practitioner to the victim was assessed. In microgravity, the effectiveness of the studied position, which consisted of securing the victim with the legs and using them for CPR restraint, was evaluated by depth (millimeters), and frequency (per minute) of chest compressions, and ventilation (air volume in milliliters). Results: Oxygen pressure falls from ± 108.3 mmHg (at sea level) to ± 72.3 mmHg (8,000 feet). With supplementation, the value is ± 108.0 mmHg. CPR in microgravity: ± 41.3 mm, ± 80.2/minute (without ventilation). Massage + ventilation (± 44.0 mm, ± 68.3/minute, ± 491.0 ml of air). Conclusions: There is an important reduction of oxygen offer to the CPR victim at the altitude of 8,000 feet. Oxygen supplementation to the medic assistant at 4 liters/minute through nasal cannulae may correct such reduction. The proposed position for the spatial environment should be considered as a possibility for CPR at microgravity.
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