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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leaders in Demand: A Study of the Turnover of Presidents and Provosts in Institutions that are Members of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)

Boyles, Elinda C. 25 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Leaving competitive sport : Scottish female athletes' experiences of sport career transitions

Gilmore, Orla January 2008 (has links)
Over the last three decades, the sports research community has demonstrated a growing interest in the process of sport retirement. The majority of the sport retirement research has focused on male professional athletes, traditionally those in the popular spectator sports. Yet, the process of leaving sport applies to thousands of individuals, both male and female, who engage in competitive sport. To date very little consideration has been given to the retirement experiences of female athletes. Three separate studies have been undertaken to address this identified gap in the literature. Studies One and Two aimed to explore the experiences of sport retirement for elite female athletes in Scotland, using a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. In Study One questionnaire data was collected from 92 former Scottish elite female athletes. Questionnaire sections were designed to examine what were felt to be the major elements of the Taylor and Ogilvie (1994; 2001) conceptual model of adaptation to retirement from sport, in order to explore the applicability of this model to female athletes in Scotland. The results of the study provide support for the use of this model to assist in our understanding of the retirement transition. The findings highlighted the importance of athletic identity, reason for retirement, and perceptions of control in predicting the level of difficulty and adjustment that an athlete may experience upon their retirement. The most significant finding was the effect that athletic identity had on the retirement process, with those identifying strongly with the athletic role reporting significantly higher levels of difficulty, emotional adjustment, and social adjustment. 29 of these athletes participated in an in-depth interview within Study Two, enabling a more in-depth analysis of their retirement experiences. In this study particular attention was paid to the effect of athletic identity on this transition. In support of the findings of Study One, athletes with a strong and exclusive athletic identity were found to be more likely to experience difficulties when they retire. In comparison, athletes with lower levels of athletic identity generally experience some mild negative emotions after initially retiring, followed by a relatively smooth transition into their life after sport. The second part of this thesis examines formal programmes available to support female athletic retirement in Scotland. Study Three provides an evaluation of the Performance Lifestyle programme offered by the Scottish Institute of Sport, focusing in particular on the services related to preparation for life after sport. The perspectives of a number of different groups with an interest or involvement in the programme were examined and comparisons made with the delivery of Performance Lifestyle to other athlete groups in Great Britain. The results show that Performance Lifestyle is a very valuable source of support for athletes who are part of the Institute Network. The programme does deal with the issue of the end of the career, but it is definitely a weaker aspect, largely due to lack of resources. Performance Lifestyle in Scotland compares favourably with programmes offered by the Institute Network in England and by Welsh Rugby. However other professional sports are currently offering superior programmes due to higher levels of investment and resources.

Exploratory study - Outlining the temporal structure of the transition from junior-to-senior level in Swedish ice hockey : Phases in the junior-to-senior transition

Olsson, Kasper Lundell, Pehrson, Sebastian January 2014 (has links)
This exploratory, qualitative study focuses on the transition from junior-to-senior sports. The purpose of the study was to outline the temporal structure of this transition. The aim was to do this by achieving the following three objectives: (1) to develop a working model showing transitional phases in the transition from junior-to-senior sports, (2) to examine demands, resources, barriers, coping strategies, and outcomes within each of the four transitional phases in the working model, (3) to validate the working model through external validation, i.e. through asking the study’s participants for their opinion on the model. There were 10 male participants in this study consisting of active ice hockey players, ice hockey coaches, and a former ice hockey player; preparation phase (n=1), orientation phase (n=1), stabilization phase (n=5), junior coach (n=1), senior coach (n=1), dropout (n=1). Seven instruments were used in this study, including six interview guides and one working model. Initially a working model, depicting four transitional phases, was developed, based on theoretical frameworks and personal experience. A total of 949 raw data units were extracted from the interviews, categorized as either demands, resources, barriers, coping strategies, or outcomes within a transitional phase, and then arranged into category profiles representing each transitional phase in the working model. Furthermore, an empirical model was developed based on the working model and the category profiles. The results are, among other things, discussed in relation to theoretical frameworks and previous research. / Denna undersökande, kvalitativa studie fokuserar på övergången från junior-till-senioridrott. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga denna övergångs tidsmässiga struktur. Målet var att göra detta genom att uppfylla följande tre delmål: (1) att utveckla en arbetsmodell som visar transaktionella faser i övergången från junior-till-senior idrott, (2) att undersöka krav, resurser, barriärer, coping strategier och utfall inom var och en av de fyra transaktionella faserna i arbetsmodellen, (3) att validera arbetsmodellen genom extern validering, d.v.s. genom att fråga studiens deltagare om deras åsikter kring modellen. Det var 10 manliga deltagare i denna studie bestående av aktiva hockeyspelare, hockeytränare och en föredetta hockeyspelare; förberedelsefasen (n=1), orienteringsfasen (n=1), stabiliseringsfasen (n=5), junior tränare (n=1), senior tränare (n=1), dropout (n=1). Sju instrument användes i studien; sex intervjuguider och en arbetsmodell. Inledningsvis utvecklades en arbetsmodell, föreställande fyra transaktionella faser, baserad på teoretiska ramverk och personlig erfarenhet. Totalt extraherades 949 rådata från intervjuerna, som sedan kategoriserades som antingen krav, resurser, barriärer, coping strategier eller utfall inom en transaktionell fas, och därefter ordnades de i kategoriprofiler som representerar varje transaktionella fas i arbetsmodellen. Vidare utvecklades en empirisk modell baserad på arbetsmodellen och kategoriprofilerna. Resultatet diskuteras bl.a. i relation till teoretiska ramverk och tidigare forskning.

Trajectoires de carrière des cadres ayant connu des transitions professionnelles importantes / Executives career paths with relevant career transitions

Guérand, Anne 30 September 2015 (has links)
La carrière des cadres est un objet de recherche toujours d’actualité. Que la carrière soit appréhendée dans un contexte organisationnel ou hors organisation, la carrière est diverse, influencée par les contextes et les transitions professionnelles.Cette thèse aborde par une démarche qualitative les trajectoires de carrière des cadres qui ont connu de nombreuses transitions professionnelles. Les hommes et les femmes interrogés ont tous participé à un programme d’accompagnement de leur dernière transition professionnelle au sein d’une association à but non lucratif.Nous les avons rencontrés après cette transition : ils ont tous retrouvé un emploi. Notre recherche a cherché à comprendre leurs trajectoires professionnelles, la manière dont ils ont rebondi, leurs transitions professionnelles successives.Cette recherche présente plusieurs intérêts tant pour le chercheur que pour le manager. Tout d’abord, nous avons identifié les déterminants des transitions professionnelles dans les trajectoires. Ensuite, l’utilisation d’un questionnaire sur les ancres de carrière nous a permis de distinguer des groupes de cadres selon leurs ancres dominantes.Un autre intérêt de notre recherche est l’utilisation de la typologie de Driver appliquée à nos groupes.Le dernier intérêt de notre travail de recherche est la mise en évidence de l’interdépendance du sentiment de réussite, des ancres de carrière et de la typologie de Driver pour l’étude des trajectoires professionnelles actuelles / The careers of executives are a recurring subject of research. Wether career is apprehended in an organizational context or outside organization, it is diverse, influenced by the contexts and professional transitions.This thesis uses a qualitative approach of career paths of executives who experienced many professional career transitions. Men and women interviewed were all involved in an accompanying program offered by a non-profit organization during their last professional transition.We met them after this transition: they all found jobs. Our research sought to understand their career paths, the way they rebounded from career setbacks, their successive professional career transitions.This research has several advantages for both the researcher and the manager. First, we identified the main determinants of professional transitions in the trajectories. Then, by using a questionnaire on career anchors we defined groups of executives based on their dominant anchors

Investigating athletes' retirement from sport : from decision-making to optimal support programmes

Park, Sunghee January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aimed to extend knowledge of athletes’ career transitions through examining athletes’ retirement decision-making process and influence of cultural diversity and organisational culture on the process of career transition. The purpose of Study 1 was to identify the current status of knowledge in the study area through providing a systematic review of the athlete career transition studies. The findings provided up to date knowledge in the study area and suggested potential future research directions. Study 2 aimed to understand Korean tennis players’ career transition out of sport experiences via longitudinal qualitative research. The results indicated that athletes perceived making the retirement decision was difficult process for them and revealed that participants’ experiences were influenced by cultural aspects and sport contexts of Korea. Study 3 focused on exploring the athletes’ retirement decision-making process among Korean tennis players. Results showed that athletes’ leaving from sport decision-making is a complex and multidimensional process, and the transtheoretical model was helpful in explaining athletes’ retirement from sport decision-making. The objective of Study 4 was to explore the processes involved in the development of an athletes’ career transition programme. Results revealed that the organisation might have influence on athletes’ retirement decision and the quality of career transition. Overall, the findings from the current thesis provide advanced useful knowledge on the athlete career transition process, and such knowledge may assist attempts to enhance athletes’ well-being and welfare for during and post-sport life.

Elitidrottares adaptabilitet vid utmanande karriärövergångar : Hållbara karriärövergångar ur ett konstruktivistiskt och salutogent karriärvägledningsperspektiv / Athletes ́ adaptability within non-normative career transitions : A Career Constructive Salutogen Approach

Soldervik, Jessica, Johansson, Isabelle January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning  Ohälsosamma karriärövergångar, det vill säga sammanhang där utmanande karriäröver- gångar leder till negativa konsekvenser, förekommer exempelvis inom (elit)idrotten. Utmanande karriärövergångar kan exempelvis ge upphov till psykisk ohälsa. Det är därmed angeläget med hälsofrämjande insatser som genererar hållbara karriärövergångar. Idrotten är ett utvecklat område när det gäller forskning kring olika typer av karriärövergångar ur ett psykologiskt perspektiv på förändring. Tidigare forskning visar att god karriäradaptabilitet främjar konstruktiv hantering av utmaningar och framgångsrik karriärutveckling. Genom att arbeta holistiskt med idrottares adaptionsprocesser kan empowerment stärkas och resultera i en hälsofrämjande effekt.  Syftet med studien var att undersöka idrottares upplevelser av utmanande karriäröver- gångar genom att analysera adaptionsprocessen och karriäradaptabiliteten ur ett konstruk- tivistiskt karriärteoretiskt perspektiv. Ändamålet var att identifiera faktorer som påverkar och underlättar idrottares karriärövergångar. Genom mejlintervjuer besvarades studiens frågeställningar med beskrivningar av hur adaptionen vid utmanande karriärövergångar upplevdes, hur konsekvenserna såg ut och vad som hade kunnat göra karriärövergångarna hållbara. Samtliga karriärövergångar var karriäravslut förknippade med skador, som orsakade övervägande negativa konsekvenser. Studien visade framträdande mönster och samband mellan beslutsfattande, motivation, identitet och adaptabiliteten vid karriäröver- gångarna. I det fall det upplevdes en negativ effekt eller bristande känsla av kontroll/egen- makt samt avsaknad av framgång, tillfredsställelse och utveckling i beslutsprocessen, blev det utmanande att anpassa sig vid karriärövergången. Idrottarna belyste därmed vikten av utbildning och professionellt stöd för hållbara karriärövergångar.  I studien identifierades strategier för framgångsrik hantering av karriärövergångar. Slutsatsen var att nya meningsfulla mål som resulterade i nya karriärmöjligheter och ett återskapande av en sammanhållen identitet visades vara viktiga faktorer för en fram- gångsrik adaptionsprocess. Detta gav ett underlag till diskussionen kring hur konstruk- tivistisk karriärvägledning kan tillämpas salutogent inom idrotten, för att stärka idrottares karriäradaptabilitet.

Unga ishockeyspelares karriärövergångar : - En studie om unga ishockeyspelares upplevelser kring TV-pucken, U16 Regional Syd samt NIU-gymnasium.

Öhman, Moa January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera unga ishockeykillars syn på sin väg till NIU (Nationell idrottsutbildning) gymnasium. Det som har gjorts är semistrukturerade gruppintervjuer med totalt 12 ishockeyspelare födda 2004 och 2005.  Uppsatsen grundar sig i utvalda teorier kring tidig specialisering och vad som krävs för att ungdomarna ska lyckas. Totalt har 12 killar som tillhör ett NIU i region syd deltagit i intervjuerna för att få en ärlig sida från spelarna vad de tycker om 1) TV- pucken 2) U16 Regional Syd och 3) NIU.  Resultatet visar att spelarna tänker ungefär rätt lika allihop. De vill att U16 Regional Syd ska finnas kvar då de menar att de är ett bra tillfälle att få spela den serien och visa upp sig då det är året innan NIU antagning. Spelarna är också överens om att TV-pucken tar för mycket fokus och är någon unga killar fokuserar för mycket på. / The purpose of the study was to study young ice hockey boys on their way to NIU (National Sports Education) high school. What has been done are semi-structured group interviews with a total of 12 ice hockey players born in 2004 and 2005. The thesis is based on selected theories about early specialization and what is required for young people to succeed. A total of 12 guys who belong to an NIU in region south participated in the interviews to get an honest side from the players what they think of 1) TV-pucken 2) U16 Regional Syd and 3) NIU. The results show that the players think the same thing. They want U16rs to remain as they believe they are a good opportunity to play that series and show up as it is the year before NIU admission. The players also agree that the TV-puck takes too much focus and is something young guys focus too much on.

Skilled Worker Immigrants’ Pre-Migration Occupation Re-Entry Experiences in Canada

Avni, Anoosha E. Unknown Date
No description available.

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