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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití nových biomarkerů pro zefektivnění diagnostiky a optimalizace léčby nádorů trávicího traktu / Utilisation of New Biomarkers for the Optimalization of Diagnostics and Therapy of Tumors of the Gastrointestinal Tract

Šafanda, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Utilisation of New Biomarkers for the Optimalization of Diagnostics and Therapy of Tumors of the Gastrointestinal Tract Introduction: Tumor markers are standard diagnostic tools. They are mainly used to monitor the course of the disease and to check the efficacy of the treatment. It is important to observe dynamics. Changing the level of the biomarker can prevent clinical manifestation and lead to early diagnosis of relapse, which in turn means improving the quality of life, including prolonging survival. Recently, we have encountered a number of diagnostic algorithms that suggest algorithms for estimating the risk of tumor presence or the risk of progression of cancer, using statistical methods. Objectives: The aim of this work is to verify new biomarkers for the diagnosis of gastric cancer and to develop an optimal algorithm for their use. Further, to evaluate the importance of cytokeratin markers - Tissue Polypeptide Antigen (TPA) and Tissue Polypeptide Specific Antigen (TPS) for the diagnosis of metastatic colorectal carcinoma in the liver. To carry out a pilot study of FGF23 levels in people with colorectal carcinoma and other gastrointestinal tumors. Methods and patients: Patient samples were analyzed using immunoradiometric, chemiluminescence and fluorescence assays. For each solved problem,...

Development of Photochemically Initiated Direct and Indirect Luminescence Detection Methods for Liquid Chromatography (LC) and Study of Aromatic Sulfonates and Phospholipids Using Reversed Phase Ion-Pair LC-Mass Spectrometry

Zhang, Wei 13 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.

A  β2-glicoproteína I no contexto da resposta inflamatória de fase aguda / The β2-GPI in the acute phase of the inflammatory response condition

Pereira, Elisângela Monteiro 03 September 2010 (has links)
A β2-glicoproteína I (β2GPI) é uma proteína de fase aguda, produzida principalmente no fígado e intestino. Os efeitos dessa proteína sobre células mononucleares foram investigados tanto em monócitos humanos de sangue periférico quanto em células promonocíticas humanas da linhagem celular ATCC THP-1. As correlações entre sua concentração plasmática e a intensidade da inflamação sistêmica foram avaliadas em humanos e em um modelo experimental de infecção sistêmica, em ratos. Nenhum efeito da β2GPI foi observado sobre a resposta oxidativa de monócitos de sangue periférico durante a fagocitose de zymosan opsonisado ou de S. aureus, analisada respectivamente por quimiluminescência amplificada por luminol ou por citometria de fluxo. A β2GPI estimulou a viabilidade celular e estimulou a diferenciação dos promonócitos. As células THP-1 tratadas com β2GPI apresentaram adesão aumentada a placas de cultura bem como expressão aumentada de CD54 e CD14. A suplementação com β2GPI foi suficiente para manter a proliferação das células THP-1 em cultura sem a adição de soro por 72h. Não houve correlações entre a concentração plasmática da β2GPI e indicadores clínicos da resposta inflamatória aguda em pacientes sépticos. A concentração da β2GPI não correlacionou com as concentrações plasmáticas de IL-8, SAA e PCR, que foram encontradas elevadas no sangue de pacientes com sepse. A variação da concentração plasmática de β2GPI foi um fenômeno muito precoce no modelo experimental de sepse e translocação bacteriana. Nas primeiras três horas após a indução da sepse endovenosa, a concentração plasmática de β2GPI diminuiu de forma dependente da intensidade de infecção. Sugere-se que efeitos muito precoces de compartimentalização associados ao sangue portal medeiem esta regulação. As concentrações mais baixas de β2GPI foram observadas nos animais expostos à translocação bacteriana através da mucosa intestinal, associada a uma condição inflamatória leve. A derivação da linfa preveniu completamente a diminuição da concentração plasmática de β2GPI. Em conjunto, os resultados revelaram a relevância combinada de via e de intensidade da infecção para o controle da concentração plasmática de β2GPI no início na resposta inflamatória aguda. / The β2-glycoprotein I (β2GPI) is an acute phase protein, produced mainly in the liver and intestine. The effects of this protein upon mononuclear cells were investigated both in monocytes from human peripheral blood, and in the human promonocytic cells from the ATCC THP-1 cell line. The correlations between its plasma concentration and systemic inflammation intensity were evaluated in humans and in ad experimental model of systemic infection in rats. No β2GPI effects were observed upon the oxidative response of blood monocytes during the phagocytosis of opsonized zymosan or S. aureus as analysed by luminol amplified chemiluminescence and flow cytometry. β2GPI enhanced the cellular viability and stimulated the differentiation of the promonocytes. The THP-1 cells treated with β2GPI presented increased adhesion to the plastic of cell culture plates as well as increased expression of CD54 and CD14 antigens. The supplementation with β2GPI was sufficient to support the proliferation of THP-1 cells in serum free culture conditions for 72 h. There were no correlations between the β2GPI plasma concentration and clinical parameters of the acute inflammatory response in septic patients. The β2GPI concentrations didn\'t correlated with the plasma concentrations of IL-8, SAA and C reactive protein, despite these substances were found increased in the blood of patients with sepsis. The β2GPI plasma concentration response was a very early phenomenon in the experimental sepsis and bacterial translocation model. The β2GPI concentration decreased within the first 3h after endovenous sepsis induction, depending on the infection intensity. Very early compartment effects associated with the portal blood are suggested to mediate such regulation. The lowest β2GPI concentrations were found in the animals exposed to bacterial translocation through the intestinal mucosa, associated with a mild inflammatory condition. The lymph derivation completely prevented the plasma β2GPI decrease. Taken together, the results revealed the relevance of both the infection route and intensity to the control of plasma β2GPI concentrations during the acute phase response.

Modificação induzida por β2-glicoproteína I na resposta oxidativa de polimorfonucleares humanos durante a fagocitose / Modification induced by β2-glycoprotein I in the oxidative response of human polymorphonuclear cells during phagocytosis

Pereira, Elisângela Monteiro 19 August 2005 (has links)
β2-glicoproteína I (β2GPI) é encontrada (200µg/mL) no plasma, 60% livre e 40% em lipoproteínas. Esta proteína de fase aguda, com afinidade por superfícies negativas pode ser clivada pela plasmina. Fragmentos são purificados como dímeros ou multímeros de β2GPI. Formas monomérica e dimérica de β2GPI foram purificadas de soro humano e identificadas por SDS-PAGE, imunoblot e ELISA Somente a forma monomérica foi detectada no teste ELISA Os efeitos de ambas as formas sobre o burst respiratório de polimorfonucleares humanos (PMN), estimulados in vitro com zymosan opsonizado, foram estudados por quimioluminescência amplificada por luminol ou lucigenina e citometria de fluxo, pela oxidação do OCFH. A forma monomérica inibiu a quimioluminescência amplificada por luminol (-43.6 x -7.33 AEU/s), mas não por lucigenina, e aumentou a oxidação de DCFH e a produção de Óxido Nítrico (•NO). É provável que o •No, via peroxinitrito, medeie os efeitos de β2GPI sobre o burst respiratório de PMN. / Circulating blood contains approximately 200µg/mL of β 2-glycoprotein I (β2GPI), either free (60%) or lipoprotein bound (40%). This acute phase protein, with affinity for negative surfaces, can be cleaved by plasmin. Fragments purify as dimeric or multimeric (β2GPI. Both (β2GPI forms were purified from human sera and identified by SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting and ELISA. ELISA reactivity was dependent on the monomeric status of (β2GPI. The effects of dimeric and monomeric (β2GPI upon respiratory burst of human polimorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) stimulated in vitro with opsonized zymosan were studied. Respiratory burst was evaluated by luminol- or lucigenin-amplified chemiluminescence, or by DCFH oxidation (flow-cytometry assay). The monomeric, but not the dimeric form, inhibited the luminol chemiluminescence of zymosan-stimulated PMNs (-43.6 x -7.33 AEU/s). Lucigenin chemiluminescence was insensitive to (β2-GPI. Monomeric (β2GPI increases both DCFH oxidation and nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide, probably through peroxynitrite reactions, mediates (β2GPI effects upon PMNs respiratory burst.

Analysis of electrogenerated chemiluminescence of PPV type conducting polymers

Janakiraman, Umamaheswari 20 May 2003 (has links)
Mit Lösungen von 9,10-Diphenylanthracen und N(C2H5)4ClO4 oder N(C4H9)4ClO4 als Leitsalz im Lösungsmittel Acetonitril wurden Elektrochemilumineszenz (ECL)-Experimente durchgeführt. Dazu wurden die Elektroden mit Folgen von jeweils drei in bestimmten zeitlichen Abständen aufeinander folgenden Potentialsprüngen polarisiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass bei entsprechender Wahl der Potentiale und der Haltezeiten anodische und kathodische ECL-Emissionen gleicher Intensität erzeugt werden können. Sodann wurde ECL in den Derivaten von Poly(p-phenylen-vinylen), MEH-PPV und DB-PPV erzeugt. Diese leitfähigen Polymere wurden als dünne Schichten auf Platin-Elektroden aufgebracht und wie bei ECL aus der Lösungsphase in Acetonitril-Elektrolyten mit Tetralkylammonium-Leitsalzen Potentialsprüngen unterworfen. Bei geeigneter Einstellung der Potentialsprünge und Haltezeiten konnten anodische und kathodische ECL gleicher Intensität erhalten werden. Dies ist das erste Mal, dass symmetrische ECL mit polymerbeschichteten Elektroden erhalten wurde. Die Kinetik der ECL weicht deutlich von der aus der Lösungsphase ab. Der ECL-Prozess verläuft langsamer als in der Lösungsphase, und der Leitelektrolyt hat einen signifikanten Einfluss auf das elektrochemische Verhalten der Polymerschicht. Die Ursachen dafür wurden über Modellrechnungen analysiert, mit denen die Ladungstransportprozesse in der Polymerschicht simuliert wurden. In derartigen Simulationsrechnungen konnten die Geschwindigkeitskonstanten der ECL-Reaktion sowohl im Polymer als auch in der Lösung bestimmt werden. Um die Stabilität der Polymerschichten zu erhöhen, wurde versucht, die Polymerketten mit Synchrotronstrahlung zu vernetzen. Diese Experimente brachten nicht das erwartete Ergebnis. Die Ursachen dafür werden auf der Grundlage von Ex-Situ-Raman-spektroskopischen Untersuchungen diskutiert. / Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) has been generated in solution phase using 9,10-diphenylanthracene (DPA) with TEAClO4 (or TBAClO4) in acetonitrile solvent. Triple potential step was used for the generation of ECL. It was found that anodic and cathodic ECL of equal intensities can be generated by proper choice of potential step magnitude, width and the waiting period (tw) between successive triple potential steps. ECL was then generated in conducting polymers poly(2-ethylhexyloxy-5-methoxy-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (MEH-PPV) and poly(2,3-dibutoxy-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (DB-PPV) by coating them on Pt electrodes and subjecting to potential steps in tetraalkylammonium salt solutions with acetonitrile. Similar to the case of solution phase ECL, symmetrical anodic and cathodic ECL could be observed by the appropriate choice of the potential step parameters. But the kinetics of the ECL was found to be different from that of the solution phase ECL. The time scale of the ECL process was found to be longer than that in the solution phase ECL. The nature of supporting electrolyte had a remarkable impact on the electrochemistry of conducting polymers. The reasons were analyzed by theoretical calculations evoking the concept of charge transport characteristics of conducting polymers. The rate constants of the ECL process were calculated by separate simulation procedure in the solution phase as well as in the polymer phase ECL. To enhance the stability of conducting polymers, synchrotron radiation induced cross-linking was performed. The effects were different from expected which were analyzed and rationalized by ex-situ Raman spectroscopic studies.

Chromatography and extraction techniques for new evaluation methods of polyolefins long-term performance

Burman, Lina January 2005 (has links)
Chromatography and extraction techniques, and also chemiluminescence have been utilized to develop new rapid and informative tools in the evaluation of long-term properties and environmental effects of polymeric materials. Methods were developed for classification of materials and for early and rapid degradation detection. Degradable polyethylene films were classified on the basis of their incorporated prooxidant systems using chromatographic fingerprinting of carboxylic acids, the dominating type of degradation product. The fingerprints were also shown to be useful for prediction of the degradation states and evaluation of the degradation mechanisms. Classification and prediction models were obtained by Multivariate Data Analysis, where the diacids were grouped according to both their type of prooxidant system and their state of degradation. The use of total luminescence intensity (TLI) measurements was also investigated as a means of classifying films and for the early detection of degradation. Comparisons were carried out with common techniques, e.g. FTIR and DSC, after both thermal and UV oxidation. TLI gave an earlier detection of degradation and was more sensitive than carbonyl index and crystallinity measurements to relative differences in degradation between the materials. It furthermore offered complementary information regarding changes in activation energies during the course of the degradation. The results were compared with the chromatographic fingerprints. A new way to evaluate the low temperature long-term stabilisation efficiency of antioxidants was investigated. A prooxidant was used to obtain catalytic oxidation, instead of using thermal acceleration, to evaluate the stabilisation efficiency of antioxidants at low temperatures but still during reasonably short aging times. Comparisons were made between polypropylene films stabilised with primary antioxidants (Irganox 1076, Irganox 1010 and α-tocopherol) with and without the prooxidant manganese stearate at different temperatures. The relative efficiencies of the antioxidants obtained under prooxidant acceleration test correlated better than thermal acceleration test with the results of a long-term low temperature test. Additives in plastic packaging materials may affect the environment after migration from the packaging to e.g. their contents, especially if they consist of organic aqueous solutions or oils. The use of Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME) for the specific task of extraction from an organic aqueous solution such as a simulated food or pharmaceutical solution consisting of 10 vol-% ethanol in water was investigated. Methods were developed and evaluated for extraction both with direct sampling and with headspace sampling. If the extraction method and temperature were selected to suit the concentration levels of the analytes, it was possible to quantify several degradation products simultaneously. Comparisons made with Solid Phase Extraction showed the advantage of SPME for this purpose. / QC 20100929

Aplicaciones de interés medioambiental, clínico e industrial del análisis por inyección en flujo multiconmutado

Manera Fuente, Matias 30 November 2007 (has links)
El creciente número de controles analíticos requeridos en áreas como la sanitaria, el medio ambiente o la alimentación conlleva la necesaria automatización de los procesos analíticos.De acuerdo con ello, en esta tesis se han desarrollado, implementado y puesto a punto nuevos métodos automáticos de análisis robustos y económicos para la determinación de analitos de interés medioambiental, clínico e industrial. La automatización de las metodologías, empleando las técnicas de flujo MSFIA y MPFS, simplifican de forma considerable el procesamiento analítico con un importante ahorro de reactivos y tiempo, y permiten una mayor frecuencia de análisis, con la consecuente reducción del coste por análisis y en la generación de residuos. Los métodos propuestos son selectivos, reproducibles, precisos, robustos y en casi su totalidad son ejecutados sin la intervención del analista. / O crescente número de controlos analíticos requeridos em diversas áreas como o médio ambiente, a indústria sanitária ou a alimentar, conduziu à necessidade de automatização dos processos analíticos.Indo de encontro a estes requisitos, nesta tese desenvolveu-se, implementou-se e colocou-se em prática novos métodos de análise automáticos robustos e económicos para a determinação de analitos com interesse ambiental, clínico e industrial. A automatização das metodologias aplicando as técnicas de fluxo MSFIA e MPFS, simplificam de forma considerável o procedimento analítico com um decréscimo importante de reagentes gastos e tempo de análise, permitindo uma maior frequência de análise, com consequente redução do custo de análise e de geração de resíduos. Os métodos propostos são selectivos, reprodutíveis, precisos e robustos.

Caractérisation expérimentale d’une flamme turbulente non prémélangée swirlée : effet de l’enrichissement en oxygène / Experimental characterization of a non-premixed turbulent swirled flame : effect of oxygen enrichment

Merlo, Nazim 18 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est une contribution à l’étude des flammes de méthane turbulentes non prémélangées en rotation, dites swirlées, avec ou sans enrichissement en oxygène de l’oxydant. L’étude se focalise sur la stabilité de la flamme, les émissions polluantes et la dynamique du jet en non réactif et réactif. Notre dispositif expérimental se compose d’un brûleur à swirler coaxial avec injection radiale de méthane au voisinage de la sortie du brûleur. Ce dernier est confiné dans une chambre de combustion. La teneur en oxygène dans l’oxydant, le nombre de swirl géométrique et la richesse globale à l’injection sont les principaux paramètres qui peuvent être précisément contrôlés. La stabilité de la flamme est caractérisée par chimiluminescence OH*. Les émissions polluantes sont mesurées par des analyseurs en ligne via un prélèvement dans les gaz brûlés. La dynamique du jet est caractérisée principalement par PIV stéréoscopique dans un plan longitudinal et plusieurs plans transverses. La diffusion du méthane dans le jet swirlé est abordée qualitativement par fluorescence induite par laser de l’acétone dans un plan. À ce jour, peu de travaux portent sur la caractérisation notamment dynamique de ces flammes swirlées avec enrichissement en O2. La mise en rotation du jet est à l’origine d’une zone de recirculation centrale qui favorise la stabilisation de la flamme en régime pauvre et à grand nombre de Reynolds. L’étude des émissions polluantes montre que les régimes de combustion à l’air pour lesquels la flamme est liftée stable sont aussi ceux qui produisent du CO et du CH4 résiduel en des quantités non négligeables. L’enrichissement en oxygène permet alors de convertir les imbrûlés et ce pour de faibles enrichissements tout en améliorant la stabilité de flamme via une diminution de la hauteur d’accrochage et des fluctuations associées comme le confirment de précédentes études. L’augmentation des NOx par la voie thermique a été quantifiée pour des enrichissements en oxygène inférieurs à 30 % vol. L’étude systématique en non réactif et réactif apporte des détails sur la topologie tridimensionnelle du jet swirlé suivant les paramètres de l’étude. L’étude de la décroissance des vitesses et de la décroissance du nombre de swirl dans la direction de l’écoulement permetde mettre en évidence l’effet de la flamme sur le jet swirlé. Un couplage entre l’évolution du taux d’entraînement par la recirculation externe et les émissions polluantes est mis en évidence pour expliquer l’évolution des NOx suivant la richesse globale à l’injection. Nous avons proposé une modélisation des écoulements swirlés qui repose sur les écoulements à vorticité hélicoïdale afin d’identifier les caractéristiques principales des structures hélicoïdales au sein de l’écoulement. / This thesis is a contribution to the study of turbulent non-premixed swirling methane flames with or without oxygen addition in the oxidizer. The study deals with the flame stability, the pollutant emissions and the jet dynamic behaviour in non-reacting and reacting conditions. The burner, operating in a combustion chamber, consists of two concentric tubes with a swirler placed in an annular arrangement, which supplied the oxidant flow (air or oxygen-enriched air). The central pipe delivers fuel (methane) radially just below the burner exit plane. The oxygen content in the oxidizer, the geometric swirl number and the global equivalence ratio are the main parameters, which can be precisely set. OH* chemiluminescence imaging is used to characterize flame stability. Multi-gas analyzers are used to measure pollutant emissions in the exhaust gas. The flow is characterized using stereoscopic PIV measurements in different longitudinal and transverse planes. A qualitative study dealing with the methane diffusion imaging is also conducted by use of acetone planar laser-induced fluorescence. Up to now only few studies have examined the dynamic behavior of this type of swirled flames with oxygen addition. Introducing swirl allows creating a central recirculation zone which favors lean flame stabilization at higher Reynolds numbers. The mapping of the combustion regimes combined with the pollutant emission results show that the stable lifted flames are related to high CO and residual CH4 emission levels in the exhaust gas. Oxygen addition, even by a few percent, allows improving CO and unburned hydrocarbons conversion and increasing flame stability at the same time via a decrease of liftoff heights and the related fluctuations. The NOx emissions increase via the thermal pathway with increasing the oxygen-enrichment rate up to 30 % vol. A comparative study in non-reacting and reacting conditions is conducted to give insight into the tridimensional flow field topology varying the above-mentioned parameters. Mean streamwise velocity and swirl number decay rates show the flame effects on the flow dynamics. A coupling mechanism between the entrainment rate of the surroundings via the external recirculation and the pollutant emissions is proposed to explain the NOx emission trend with the global equivalence ratio. A model is also proposed based on the helical vortices to identify the main features of helix structures in the jet in non-reacting and reacting conditions.

Modificação induzida por β2-glicoproteína I na resposta oxidativa de polimorfonucleares humanos durante a fagocitose / Modification induced by β2-glycoprotein I in the oxidative response of human polymorphonuclear cells during phagocytosis

Elisângela Monteiro Pereira 19 August 2005 (has links)
β2-glicoproteína I (β2GPI) é encontrada (200µg/mL) no plasma, 60% livre e 40% em lipoproteínas. Esta proteína de fase aguda, com afinidade por superfícies negativas pode ser clivada pela plasmina. Fragmentos são purificados como dímeros ou multímeros de β2GPI. Formas monomérica e dimérica de β2GPI foram purificadas de soro humano e identificadas por SDS-PAGE, imunoblot e ELISA Somente a forma monomérica foi detectada no teste ELISA Os efeitos de ambas as formas sobre o burst respiratório de polimorfonucleares humanos (PMN), estimulados in vitro com zymosan opsonizado, foram estudados por quimioluminescência amplificada por luminol ou lucigenina e citometria de fluxo, pela oxidação do OCFH. A forma monomérica inibiu a quimioluminescência amplificada por luminol (-43.6 x -7.33 AEU/s), mas não por lucigenina, e aumentou a oxidação de DCFH e a produção de Óxido Nítrico (•NO). É provável que o •No, via peroxinitrito, medeie os efeitos de β2GPI sobre o burst respiratório de PMN. / Circulating blood contains approximately 200µg/mL of β 2-glycoprotein I (β2GPI), either free (60%) or lipoprotein bound (40%). This acute phase protein, with affinity for negative surfaces, can be cleaved by plasmin. Fragments purify as dimeric or multimeric (β2GPI. Both (β2GPI forms were purified from human sera and identified by SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting and ELISA. ELISA reactivity was dependent on the monomeric status of (β2GPI. The effects of dimeric and monomeric (β2GPI upon respiratory burst of human polimorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) stimulated in vitro with opsonized zymosan were studied. Respiratory burst was evaluated by luminol- or lucigenin-amplified chemiluminescence, or by DCFH oxidation (flow-cytometry assay). The monomeric, but not the dimeric form, inhibited the luminol chemiluminescence of zymosan-stimulated PMNs (-43.6 x -7.33 AEU/s). Lucigenin chemiluminescence was insensitive to (β2-GPI. Monomeric (β2GPI increases both DCFH oxidation and nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide, probably through peroxynitrite reactions, mediates (β2GPI effects upon PMNs respiratory burst.

A  β2-glicoproteína I no contexto da resposta inflamatória de fase aguda / The β2-GPI in the acute phase of the inflammatory response condition

Elisângela Monteiro Pereira 03 September 2010 (has links)
A β2-glicoproteína I (β2GPI) é uma proteína de fase aguda, produzida principalmente no fígado e intestino. Os efeitos dessa proteína sobre células mononucleares foram investigados tanto em monócitos humanos de sangue periférico quanto em células promonocíticas humanas da linhagem celular ATCC THP-1. As correlações entre sua concentração plasmática e a intensidade da inflamação sistêmica foram avaliadas em humanos e em um modelo experimental de infecção sistêmica, em ratos. Nenhum efeito da β2GPI foi observado sobre a resposta oxidativa de monócitos de sangue periférico durante a fagocitose de zymosan opsonisado ou de S. aureus, analisada respectivamente por quimiluminescência amplificada por luminol ou por citometria de fluxo. A β2GPI estimulou a viabilidade celular e estimulou a diferenciação dos promonócitos. As células THP-1 tratadas com β2GPI apresentaram adesão aumentada a placas de cultura bem como expressão aumentada de CD54 e CD14. A suplementação com β2GPI foi suficiente para manter a proliferação das células THP-1 em cultura sem a adição de soro por 72h. Não houve correlações entre a concentração plasmática da β2GPI e indicadores clínicos da resposta inflamatória aguda em pacientes sépticos. A concentração da β2GPI não correlacionou com as concentrações plasmáticas de IL-8, SAA e PCR, que foram encontradas elevadas no sangue de pacientes com sepse. A variação da concentração plasmática de β2GPI foi um fenômeno muito precoce no modelo experimental de sepse e translocação bacteriana. Nas primeiras três horas após a indução da sepse endovenosa, a concentração plasmática de β2GPI diminuiu de forma dependente da intensidade de infecção. Sugere-se que efeitos muito precoces de compartimentalização associados ao sangue portal medeiem esta regulação. As concentrações mais baixas de β2GPI foram observadas nos animais expostos à translocação bacteriana através da mucosa intestinal, associada a uma condição inflamatória leve. A derivação da linfa preveniu completamente a diminuição da concentração plasmática de β2GPI. Em conjunto, os resultados revelaram a relevância combinada de via e de intensidade da infecção para o controle da concentração plasmática de β2GPI no início na resposta inflamatória aguda. / The β2-glycoprotein I (β2GPI) is an acute phase protein, produced mainly in the liver and intestine. The effects of this protein upon mononuclear cells were investigated both in monocytes from human peripheral blood, and in the human promonocytic cells from the ATCC THP-1 cell line. The correlations between its plasma concentration and systemic inflammation intensity were evaluated in humans and in ad experimental model of systemic infection in rats. No β2GPI effects were observed upon the oxidative response of blood monocytes during the phagocytosis of opsonized zymosan or S. aureus as analysed by luminol amplified chemiluminescence and flow cytometry. β2GPI enhanced the cellular viability and stimulated the differentiation of the promonocytes. The THP-1 cells treated with β2GPI presented increased adhesion to the plastic of cell culture plates as well as increased expression of CD54 and CD14 antigens. The supplementation with β2GPI was sufficient to support the proliferation of THP-1 cells in serum free culture conditions for 72 h. There were no correlations between the β2GPI plasma concentration and clinical parameters of the acute inflammatory response in septic patients. The β2GPI concentrations didn\'t correlated with the plasma concentrations of IL-8, SAA and C reactive protein, despite these substances were found increased in the blood of patients with sepsis. The β2GPI plasma concentration response was a very early phenomenon in the experimental sepsis and bacterial translocation model. The β2GPI concentration decreased within the first 3h after endovenous sepsis induction, depending on the infection intensity. Very early compartment effects associated with the portal blood are suggested to mediate such regulation. The lowest β2GPI concentrations were found in the animals exposed to bacterial translocation through the intestinal mucosa, associated with a mild inflammatory condition. The lymph derivation completely prevented the plasma β2GPI decrease. Taken together, the results revealed the relevance of both the infection route and intensity to the control of plasma β2GPI concentrations during the acute phase response.

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