Spelling suggestions: "subject:"children anda adolescents"" "subject:"children ando adolescents""
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[pt] Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo a análise da contribuição da política de assistência social na Rede Municipal de Atenção Integral à Criança e ao Adolescente de Niterói (Rede DCA) a partir da atuação do Centro de Referência Especializado de Assistência Social (CREAS) no fluxo de atendimento aos casos de violência doméstica intra e extrafamiliar, privilegiando os entraves e possibilidades do trabalho intersetorial na efetiva garantia dos direitos de crianças e adolescentes. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, concretizado através da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com onze profissionais de diversas instâncias do Sistema de Garantia de Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente de Niterói, submetidas à análise de conteúdo em sua modalidade temática. Os resultados apontam que a Rede DCA se configura como uma relevante iniciativa, decorrente da mobilização política de atores e instituições do poder público e da sociedade civil organizada, direcionada à proteção integral a crianças e adolescentes em Niterói, mesmo com os entraves ainda encontrados. O fluxo de atendimento aos casos de violência doméstica intra e extrafamiliar representa conquista coletiva a favor da delimitação das atribuições dos órgãos e serviços envolvidos no atendimento a crianças e adolescentes vítimas da violência doméstica e indica a capacidade de atuação intersetorial cada vez mais tangível de ser alcançada pela Rede DCA a partir do incremento das ações interdisciplinares e interinstitucionais já consolidadas. No entanto, o desafio identificado na compreensão acerca das atribuições do CREAS somado às dificuldades de interlocução entre os atores sociais partícipes do fluxo de atendimento, fazem com que este ainda não se mostre efetivo na operacionalização de ações intersetoriais necessárias à proteção integral a crianças e adolescentes. / [en] This research aims to analyze the social assistance policy contribution to the Municipal Children and Adolescents Integral Attention Network of Niterói (Rede DCA) as from the actions taken by the Social Assistance Specialized Reference Center (CREAS) at the attendance flow of intra and extrafamilial violence cases, emphasizing the hindrances and possibilities of intersectorial work in the effective assurance of children and adolescents rights. It is a qualitative study, that was accomplished through semi structured interviews with eleven professionals in different levels of the Children and Adolescents Rights Assurance System of Niterói, submitted to content analysis as from its theme modality. The results show that the Rede DCA configures a relevant initiative, resulting from the political mobilization of actors and institutions from public authority and organized civil society, directed at the integral protection of children and adolescents in Niterói, even with the hindrances still found. The attendance flow of intra and extrafamilial domestic violence cases represents a collective achievement in favor of attendance to children and adolescents victims of domestic violence involved services and organs attributions delimitation and indicates the intersectorial acting capacity more and more tangible to the Rede DCA as from the development of interdisciplinary and interinstitutional actions already consolidated. However, the challenge identified in the understanding of CREAS assignments added to the difficulties of interlocution between the participants social actors in the attendance flow, makes this still not effective in operationalize intersectorial actions needed for integral protection of children and adolescents.
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ROLLEN SOM KONTAKT-TRÄNARE : Vårdpersonalens uppfattning om användningen av manualbaserad gruppbehandlingsmetod i arbete med barn och ungdomar med autism / THE ROLE AS KONTAKT TRAINER : Clinicians perception of the use of manual-based group treatment method in work with children and adolescents with autismMarx, Leila January 2021 (has links)
Socialt samspel är en viktig komponent för individens utveckling av verklighetsuppfattning, personlighet och identitet. Eftersom barn och ungdomar med autism har nedsättningar som påverkar deras sociala samspel blir insatser kring social färdighetsträning en åtgärd som påverkar deras och hela deras familjs livskvalitet. Denna studie undersöker hur praktisk användning av den manualbaserade sociala färdighetsträningen KONTAKT-gruppbehandling upplevs av vårdpersonal i Sverige. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med 17 personer inom vård som har erfarenhet att vara KONTAKT-tränare från sex olika regioner i Sverige. Frågeställningar som lyftes i denna studie handlar om i) Hur uppfattar vårdpersonalen användningen av den manualbaserade sociala färdighetsträningen KONTAKT i arbetet med barn och ungdomar med autism och deras föräldrar? ii) Vilka upplevelser har vårdpersonalen av sin roll som KONTAKT-tränare? och iii) Finns det eventuella gap mellan teori och praktik kring användningen av den manualbaserade träningen av sociala färdigheter KONTAKT inom olika delar av vårdverksamheten? Utifrån grundad teori har en teoretisk modell genererats som beskriver respondenternas upplevelse av KONTAKT-tränarens roll, vilken påverkar och påverkas av tidsaspekter och samspelsförmågor. Studiens resultat indikerar att känslan av meningsfullhet och lärdom genom erfarenhet upplevs i rollen som KONTAKT-tränare. Studien visar att med rollen följer ett ansvar att planera och rekrytera deltagarna till KONTAKT-gruppbehandling. Rollen som KONTAKT-tränare beskrevs av respondenterna påverkas av tidsaspekter som kopplas till det praktiska utförandet utifrån behandlingsmanualen. Studiens resultat indikerar att det i rollen som KONTAKT-tränare krävs en förmåga att samspela med föräldrar, andra i team (kring rekrytering), partner/kollega (den andra KONTAKT-tränaren) och barn eller unga med autism inför och under pågående gruppbehandling. I studien diskuteras implikationer för organisation och implementering. Det långsiktiga syftet med denna studie är att bidra till utveckling av insatser som stödjer barn och ungdomar med autism och deras anhöriga. / Social interaction is an important component for the individual's development of perception of reality, personality, and identity. Because children and adolescents with autism have disabilities that affect their social interaction, interventions in social skills training become a measure that affects their and their entire family's quality of life. This study examines how practical use of the manual-based group training treatment KONTAKT is experienced by clinicians in Sweden. Qualitative interviews with altogether 17 caregivers from six different regions in Sweden were conducted with the aim of answering the following research questions: i) How do caregivers perceive the use of the manual-based social skills training concept KONTAKT when working with children and adolescents with autism and their parents? ii) What experiences do the caregivers have in their role as a KONTAKT coach? and iii) Are there any gaps between theory and practice regarding the use of the manual-based social skills training concept KONTAKT in different areas of care giving activities? Based on grounded theory, a theoretical model has been generated that describes the respondents' experience of the role as a KONTAKT coach, a role that affects and is affected by time aspects and cooperation ability. The results of the study indicate that the feeling of meaningfulness and learning through experience is experienced in the role as a KONTAKT coach. The study shows that the role comes with a responsibility to plan and recruit participants for KONTAKT group treatment. The role as a KONTAKT coach was described by the respondents as affected by time aspects that are linked to the practical implementation of the manual. The results of the study indicate that the role as a KONTAKT coach requires the ability to interact with parents, others in the team (around recruitment), partners / colleagues (the other KONTAKT coach) and children or adolescents with autism before and during ongoing group treatment. The study discusses implications for the organization and implementation of the treatment. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the development of interventions that support children and adolescents with autism and their relatives.
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Psykologers upplevelse av arbetet med suicidnära barn och ungdomar på BUPParkkila, Henrietta, Shamsipoor, Ava January 2022 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa ses som ett folkhälsoproblem bland barn och ungdomar. Psykiska besvär tidigt i livet ökar risken för suicidförsök. I åldersgruppen 10–19 år begår ungefär 50–60 personer suicid per år i Sverige. Psykologer på barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin (BUP) arbetar bland annat med suicidnära barn och ungdomar. Syftet med studien var att undersöka psykologers upplevelse av att arbeta med suicidnära barn och ungdomar. Studien har även ämnat till att undersöka vilket stöd organisationen erbjuder psykologerna i arbetet med suicidnära barn och ungdomar samt hur stödet upplevs. Sju psykologer på BUP intervjuades med semistrukturerade intervjuer som analyserades med tematisk analys. Majoriteten av deltagarna upplevde arbetet med suicidnära barn och ungdomar som ensamt, utmanande och emotionellt belastande samt att känslorna följde med efter arbetstid. Stödet från organisationen beskrevs som svagt och bestod oftast av handledning, riktlinjer och utbildning. Det kollegiala stödet upplevdes som bra men otillräckligt. Det stöd som psykologerna upplevde som viktigast att få från organisationen var emotionellt stöd. Slutsatsen var att psykologerna upplever en obalans i arbetskrav och arbetsresurser som har resulterat i känslor som stress och oro. Förslag till framtida forskning är att studera patienternas och ledningens perspektiv på BUP samt jämföra arbetet på privatiserade BUP för att undersöka skillnader i upplevelse och stöd från organisationen. / Mental illness is seen as a public health problem among children and adolescents. Mental disorders early in life increase the risk of suicide attempts. In Sweden, approximately 50 to 60 people between the ages of 10 and 19 commit suicide each year. Among other things, psychologists in child and adolescent psychiatry (BUP) work with suicidal children and adolescents. The purpose of this study was to examine psychologists' experiences of working with suicidal children and adolescents. The study also aimed to investigate what organizational support is offered to psychologists working with suicidal children and adolescents and how the support is experienced. Semi-structured interviews of seven psychologists in BUP were conducted and analyzed using thematic analysis. The majority of the participants experienced their work with suicidal children and adolescents as lonely, challenging, and emotionally draining and that these emotions followed them home after working hours. The organizational support was described as weak and usually consisted of supervision, guidelines, and training. The support from colleagues was perceived as good but insufficient. The organizational support that psychologists felt was most important to receive was emotional support. The conclusion was that psychologists experience an imbalance in professional demands and resources that has resulted in emotions such as stress and anxiety. Suggestions for future research are to study patient and management perspectives on BUP and compare existing research with the work in privatized BUP to see if there are differences in experiences and organizational support.
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“Help me. I am so alone.”: Online emotional self-disclosure in shared copingprocesses of children and adolescents on social networking platforms.Döveling, Katrin 10 August 2022 (has links)
Losing a close relative or friend is a traumatic event for anyone, especially
for children and adolescents. This article investigates the motives and
patterns of children’s and adolescents’ interpersonal online communication on
bereavement platforms. A qualitative content analysis of two different youth
bereavement platforms (n = 21 threads; 319 postings) illuminates how one common
feature is the verbalization and illustration of missing support in the offline
world. The substantial usage of social network platforms can be considered
an extension of children’s and adolescents’ personal social environment. Furthermore,
topics on bereavement platforms ultimately go beyond grief, as children
and adolescents also include emotions such as hope, gratitude and cohesiveness.
Communication within online bereavement communities thus enables
a process known from offline communication as transformation from a lossoriented
to restoration-oriented coping (Stroebe and Schut 2010, p. 277).
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Förebyggande arbete riktat mot barn- och ungdomars alkohol-, narkotika-, dopings- och tobaksbruk : En kvalitativ studie om Uppsala läns förebyggande arbete mot beroendeframkallande medel utifrån ett jämlikhets- och jämställdhetsperspektivOmeragic, Rina January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: En bidragande orsak till landets rådande hälsoklyftor finns inom ANDT-området och för att vända denna utveckling har regeringens program för alkohol-, narkotika-, dopings- och tobaksfrågor lyft ett jämlikhets- och jämställdhetsperspektiv för att främja jämlika samhällsinsatser inom området. Då attityder och förhållningssätt till ANDT redan utvecklas under uppväxttiden är barn och ungdomar en viktig målgrupp att beakta i arbetet. Hur detta arbete bedrivs utifrån ett jämlikhets- och jämställdhetsperspektiv kring målgruppen i Uppsala län återstår dock fortfarande som relativt outforskat och därmed i behov av att studeras närmare. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur Uppsala läns ANDT-L-arbete kring barn och ungdomar bedrivs utifrån ett jämlikhets- och jämställdhetsperspektiv. Metod: Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ studiedesign där data samlades in genom halvstrukturerade fokusgrupper med representanter från både regional och lokal nivå. Resultat: Det framkomna resultatet visar att det tillämpas en bredd av åtgärder för att bemöta de ojämlikheter som råder inom ANDT-området, däribland riktade insatser för utsatta grupper inom länet och utbildningssatsningar för involverade aktörer. Det som däremot hämmar verkställandet av jämlika utföranden är oklara mål och bristfälliga resurser. Således föreligger det utvecklingsbehov beträffande arbetets innehåll där målgruppsanpassat arbetsmaterial och en tydligare strategi efterfrågas på lokal nivå. Slutsatser: För att främja framgångsrika implementeringsprocesser är holistiska arbetsgångar och hållbara samverkansstrukturer av betydelse. Oklara mål och bristfälliga resurser uppstår däremot som hinder för önskade effekter och försvårar således etableringen av ett jämlikt och jämställt ANDT-L-arbete. / Background: A contributing factor to the country's prevailing health gaps exists within the ANDT-area, and to change this development, the Government's program for alcohol, drugs, doping and tobacco issues has created an equality and gender equity perspective to promote equal societal efforts in the subject. As attitudes to ANDT already developed during the childhood years, children and adolescents are an important target group to consider in their work. How this work is conducted from an equality and gender equity perspective around the target group in Uppsala County, however, still remains relatively unexplored and thus in need of further study.Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate how Uppsala County's ANDT-L work with children and adolescents is conducted from an equality and gender equity perspective.Method: The study was executed with a qualitative study design where data was collected through semi-structured focus groups with representatives from both regional and local level.Results: The results show that a wide range of measures are applied to address the inequalities that exists within the ANDT-area, including targeted initiatives for vulnerable groups within the county and educational initiatives for involved actors. On the other hand, what hinders the implementation of equal performances are obscure goals and insufficient resources. Thus, there is a need for development regarding the content of the work, where target group-adapted work material and a more distinct strategy are requested at local level. Conlusions: In order to promote successful implementation processes, holistic work methods and sustainable collaboration structures are of significance. Obscure goals and insufficient resources occur as obstacles to the desired effects and thus make it difficult to establish equal and equity ANDT-L-work.
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Mer än bara en sport? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om fotboll som verktyg i socialt arbete för integrering och inkludering av barn och unga. / More than just a sport? : A qualitative study of football as a tool in social work, for integration and inclusion of children and adolescents.Jönsson, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Social policy challenges in terms of structural social changes, consisting of economic, political and social conditions, shed light on integration policy difficulties in the Swedish welfare state. The aim and purpose of this qualitative study was to analyze, based on organizational isomorphism, how representatives from a selected football organization in Sweden understand football as an integrative tool and how they work with integration of children and adolescents through their certified academy. Also, in which ways the organization obtains legitimacy for their integrational work. The results and analysis of the study shows that inclusion and exclusion through football academies is a complex and comprehensive task. It is presented mainly through the understanding of football as a logic, where football is presented as a promoter of integration and as a force for good, even though the main focus of the organization and thereby academy is to produce successful football players.
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[pt] O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar como se dá o exercício da
parentalidade entre pais heterossexuais durante a vigência da conjugalidade e após
deixarem de ser um casal conjugal, principalmente no tocante à garantia da
convivência familiar aos filhos, observando os fatores sociais que têm interferido
nessas relações. Pretendeu-se, ainda, analisar a frequência e qualidade do convívio
da prole com ambas linhagens – materna e paterna – após a separação conjugal e
desafios encontrados na composição de recursos para sustento da prole, durante a
relação conjugal e também após a separação. De cunho qualitativo, o processo de
pesquisa adotou a análise documental e a realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas
para produção de dados empíricos, e a análise de conteúdo para sua discussão. O
corpus documental constituiu-se de formulários de primeiro atendimento do
Serviço Social, processos da área de Direito de Família e acordos extrajudiciais
feitos no Grupo Interdisciplinar de Mediação de Conflitos, todos disponíveis no
sistema interno do Núcleo de Prática Jurídica (NPJ) da PUC-Rio. Após leitura desse
material, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com usuários do NPJ que
demonstraram interesse e disponibilidade. Mesmo nas informações coletadas de
entrevistados do sexo masculino ficou evidente o papel da mulher como cuidadora
principal dos filhos e do lar, remetendo à permanência de atribuição de tal
responsabilidade à mãe ou a outra figura feminina. Outro dado importante foi a
existência de conflitos quanto ao exercício da parentalidade já durante a vigência
da conjugalidade que, de algum modo, eram suportados ou administrados. Após a
separação conjugal, tais entraves são externalizados, sendo solicitado apoio para
lidar com tais situações. Em todos os casos, também foi perceptível o lamento dos
entrevistados por precisarem recorrer a uma terceira via para solucionar os conflitos
existentes no núcleo familiar. / [en] The main objective of this work was to analyze how parenthood is performed
by heterosexual parents during the period of conjugality and after they cease to be
a conjugal couple, mainly regarding the guarantee of family coexistence for their
children, observing whether social factors have interfered in these relationships.
It was also sought the analyses of the frequency and quality of the offspring s
interaction with both lineages – maternal and paternal – after marital split and of
the challenges encountered in the composition of resources to support the offspring,
during the marital relationship and also after separation.
Through a qualitative approach, the research process adopted document analysis
and semi-structured interviews to produce empirical data, and content analysis for
its discussion.
The documental corpus was composed by Social Work s first contact forms, cases
in the area of Family Law and extrajudicial agreements made in the
Interdisciplinary Group for Conflict Mediation, all available in the internal system
of the Nucleus of Legal Practice (NPJ) of PUC-Rio.
After reading this material, semi-structured interviews were conducted with NPJ
users who showed interest and availability.
Even in the information collected from male respondents, it was evident the
woman s role as the main caregiver of the children and the home, referring the
permanence of such attribution to the mother or another female figure.
Another important data was the existence of conflicts regarding the exercise of
parenthood already during the period of conjugality that, in some way, were
supported or managed.
After marital split such hindrances are externalized and support is requested to deal
with such situations. In all cases, was also perceptible the regret of the interviewees
for having to resort to a third way to resolve existing conflicts in the family nucleus.
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[pt] A presente pesquisa pretendeu conhecer e relacionar práticas judiciárias nos litígios do Poder Familiar nas Varas de Família do TJRJ à aplicação do Direito de Família e do Direito da Criança e do Adolescente, em tempos de crescente judicialização das relações familiares. O material decorrente da pesquisa de
campo, conformado por sentenças de juízes das Varas de Família do forum central do TJRJ e levantamento comparativo legislativo dos direitos dos filhos em seu cotidiano com os pais, foi submetido à análise de conteúdo, em sua modalidade temática. Os resultados sugerem que as práticas judiciárias nas Varas de Família ainda se mostram morosas e tradicionais, com aplicação especialmente do Código Civil de 2002 e do Código de Processo Civil de 2015, o que privilegia determinadas classes sociais, invisibiliza outras e prioriza os deveres parentais e não a proteção dos direitos filiais. Os resultados sugerem, ainda, que os diferentes caminhos traçados historicamente pelo Direito de Família e pelo Direito da Criança e do Adolescente dialogam com Bourdieu e sua noção de campo jurídico
e habitus, reforçando o lado simbólico das Varas de Família como um espaço distanciado da aplicação de noções de Direitos Humanos, do ECA e outros regramentos disponíveis no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. A análise sóciojurídica comparativa do material de pesquisa possibilitou compreender os
avanços e retrocessos da prática do Direito de Família e a necessidade de tornar as Varas de Família espaços mais próximos do Direito da Infância e de um atuar conjunto com outros áreas do conhecimento e práticas da família, especialmente consideradas as diferenças e necessidades culturais e sociais em um país de severas desigualdades, como forma de garantir a proteção absoluta e prioritária de crianças e adolescentes assegurada pela Constituição de 1988. / [en] This thesis aims to research and determine how judiciary practices in the Family Law Courts of the State Courthouse of Rio de Janeiro are being applied regarding Family Law and the plural legislation on the rights of children and adolescents, in times of increasing judicialization of family relations. The material resulting from the field research, consisting of judgments of Family Court judges and comparative legislative survey of children s rights in their daily lives with their parents, was subjected to content analysis, in its thematic modality. The results obtained sugest that the judiciary practices in the Family Court are still slow and orthodox, the Brazilian Civil Code of 2002 and the Code of Civil
Procedures of 2015 being specially applied, which privileges certain social classes, makes others invisible and prioritizes the parental duties and not the protection of the children rights. The results also suggest that the different paths historically traced by Family Law and the Children Rights dialogues with Bourdieu and his notion of legal field and habitus, reinforcing the symbolic side of the Family Courts as a space distanced from application of Human Rights, ECA and other legislation available in the Brazilian legal system. The comparative socio-legal analysis of the research material made it possible to understand the advances and setbacks of the practice of family law and the need to bring family courts closer to children rights s law, as well as act together with other areas of children and family (theory and pratice), as a way of guaranteeing the protection of children and adolescents rights assured by the Republic of Brazil s Federal Constitution of 1988, specially when considered the cultural and social needs of the different families in a country with such severe social inequality as Brazil.
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[pt] Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar os rebatimentos da pandemia de
Covid-19 do novo coronavírus nas medidas de reintegração familiar de crianças e
adolescentes acolhidos em unidades de acolhimento institucional do estado do Rio de
Janeiro. Durante o período caracterizado como de pandemia foram aprovadas algumas
medidas de incentivo à agilização do desligamento dos acolhidos por meio de
recomendações e notas técnicas. Esta prática pode resultar em reintegrações
malsucedidas, visto a realização de acompanhamento das crianças, dos adolescentes e
de suas famílias de maneira virtual ou, quando presencial, com a frequência reduzida.
Esta dissertação tem como foco uma discussão sobre a reintegração familiar em tempos
de pandemia, considerando antigos e novos desafios. A metodologia de pesquisa
incluiu um levantamento sistemático da produção acadêmica sobre acolhimento
institucional, reintegração familiar e os rebatimentos da pandemia do novo
coronavírus; entrevistas com técnicos de 4 instituições de acolhimento em 3 regiões do
estado do Rio de Janeiro e consulta a uma pesquisadora/especialista no assunto.
Conclui-se que a pandemia desvelou diversos desafios às instituições de acolhimento
como um todo, modificando a rotina institucional e exigindo adaptações à nova
realidade, tanto por parte dos técnicos como dos acolhidos. Contudo, estes desafios não
foram os mesmos em todas as instituições pesquisadas e à medida de reintegração
familiar na pandemia foram atribuídos significados distintos de acordo com as
características da instituição e com a metodologia de trabalho da equipe técnica. / [en] This study aims to analyze the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on
methods for the reintegration of families of children and adolescents in institutions in
the state of Rio de Janeiro. During the period of the pandemic various methods for
incentivizing the deinstitutionalization of the young people were approved by various
recommendations and technical notes. This effort could result in unsuccessful
reintegration given the reliance on virtual meetings or, if in person, with a reduced
frequency. This dissertation focuses on family reintegration in the time of a pandemic
considering old and new challenges. The methods include a systematic review of the
academic literature about family unification and the consequences of the new Covid19 pandemic; interviews with staff in four residential institutions in three regions of the
state of Rio de Janeiro and a consultation with a researcher/specialist in the area. I
concluded that the pandemic created various challenges for the institutions such as
changing the institutional routines and demanding adaptations to the new realities on
the part of both the staff and young people. However, the challenges were not the same
in all the institutions studied and ways of reintegrating families were quite different
depending on the characteristics of individual institutions and on the methods of the
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El libre ejercicio del desarrollo a la personalidad, en el proceso de despenalización del delito cliente del adolescenteGuerrero Chuquimango, Mireya de los Angeles January 2024 (has links)
En 30 de marzo del año 2021, entra en vigor ley N°31146, ley que modifica el código penal respecto a las sanciones del delito de explotación sexual en sus diversas modalidades y delitos conexos, para proteger con especial énfasis a las niñas, niños, adolescentes y mujeres, la cual da origen a la modificatoria del artículo 129-J denominado “Cliiente del Adolescente” surgiendo conflictos jurídicos. Por ello, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo general el proponer la inconstitucionalidad del delito anteriormente mencionado garantizando el libre ejercicio del desarrollo de la personalidad, en el proceso de despenalización del delito de cliente del adolescente, así como objetivos específicos el analizar el libre ejercicio del desarrollo de la personalidad y el delito de cliente del adolescente utilizando la técnica legislativa e identificar el proceso de despenalización en el delito de cliente del adolescente, aplicando el método de investigación cualitativa, de tipo documental, por lo cual, se tendrá como resultado proponer la inconstitucionalidad del tipo penal con la finaliidad de proteger derechos fundamentales como el libre desarrollo de la personalidad. / On March 30, 2021, Law N°31146 enters into force, Law that modifies the penal code regarding the penalties for the crime of sexual exploitation in its various forms and related crimes, to protect with special emphasis on children, adolescents and women, which gives rise to the amendment of article 129-J known as "Adolescent Client", raising legal conflicts. Therefore, the general objective of this article is to propose the unconstitutionality of the aforementioned offence, guaranteeing the free exercise of personality development, in the process of decriminalizing the crime of client of the adolescent, as well as specific objectives to analyze the free exercise of the development of the personality and the crime of client of the adolescent usin legislative technique and identifyin the decriminalizatio process in the adolescent's client crime applying the method of qualitative research, of documentary type, for which reason, the result will be to propose the unconstitutionality of the criminal type in order to protect fundamental rights as the free development of personality.
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