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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Post-Traumatic Urbanism

Diary, Dalia January 2023 (has links)
Terrorism, conflict, and natural disasters. How can architecture respond to a world at odds with itself?On a daily basis we see tragic news about cities around the world that are undergoing trauma. We are exposed to horrific images of shattered buildings destroyed by terrorism, we see coastal areas damaged in floods and mudslides, we see the aftermath of cyclones outbreaks. Through modern technology we are all witnessing the immediate impact and destruction of these types of violent manmade and climatic events.The post-traumatic condition is no longer an exception; it is now the norm. While repair and reconstruction are automatic reflexes of trauma, the disciplines’ knowledge and practices must be imbued with a greater understanding of the impact of trauma on cities and their contingent realities.To be able to heal cities with architecture we must first understand the trauma in context, thus rethinking the role of architecture and urbanism in the modern world.Post-traumatic urbanism necessitates the mobilization of architects’ skills, criticality, and creativity in unfamiliar contexts, but above all, sensitivity.In my thesis I will study post-traumatic architecture and urbanism by using an example of the post-traumatic urban condition of the Halabja massacre, in Kurdistan, northern Iraq in the year 1998. I have chosen this specific trauma because of how it has personally affected me, my family and the city I grew up in. I want to impose my personal experiences with post-traumatic cities in this project while also taking into account other research and studies on the topic, allowing a nuanced perspective on the subject of Post-Traumatic Urbanism.

V-modulen, en del av en hållbarhetsstrategi

Linders, Per-Erik, Sandström, Helena January 2009 (has links)
The state of our society is frequently changing. Due to various factors, the pressure of creating a changeable city is high and necessary to adequately supply the needs for its inhabitants. But making these changes and adapt to the fast shifting state of the city is not always physical possible. Young adults and students is a group that often seeks to move to intensely growing city regions. The reason for this is a more promising job market and more attractive educations, but coincidentally the shortage of housing is extremely high in these areas. Thus the market for simple and cheap housing already exists, so the question is how to provide a quick solution for this problem and fill the need? It´s our opinion that a sustainable city must have a stabile action program when these kind of problem, for instants when shortage of housing, occurs.The aim of this study is to create a multifunctional basis structure for a versatility module (V-module), try it virtually and hypothetical in an existing city environment, and investigate how several units together with its surroundings can form a vibrant living situation. Furthermore, the intention is to evaluate the module housing concept as a part of a sustainable city development, and how it could become a part of the city of Malmo’s durability strategy.

City Competitiveness and Branding : Identities and strategies in two Swedish municipalities

Hodges-Dexner, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
As the world-economy becomes increasingly competitive, places adopt different methods to elevate their attractiveness. The paper examines how two medium-sized Swedish cities, Uppsala and Västerås, develop their own competitiveness, identities, and images in relation to the principles and concepts laid out by Simon Anholt in his book Competitive identity: The New Brand Management for Nations, Cities and Regions (2007). A qualitative approach to textual analysis is employed to gather the necessary research material to draw conclusions from, in addition to taking a theory-consuming perspective in order to limit the study’s generalization. The study adds to the field of city branding by analyzing real-life places using a conceptual framework, providing insight into the practical application of a theoretical model. The results show that Uppsala is trying to elevate itself to the international stage, while Västerås is remaking its identity almost completely. Uppsala must remember the city’s prerequisites and should look to Västerås for expertise regarding the railway sector. It is imperative that Västerås improves its innovative environments, while looking to Uppsala for knowledge of how to integrate innovative cultures in all sectors of society. Both cities are heavily dependent on their proximity to Stockholm, with Uppsala beginning to question their position.

Transition of city development in China / Transition de développement des villes en Chine

Lu, Jiangyuan 20 December 2018 (has links)
J'ai déjà fini le plan de mémoire, et commencé le écriture de mémoire. Je vais envoyer les parties écrits à mon directeur chaque mois. Je pense à finir les parties: Resume, Introduction, Literature: October 2017 Deuxième partie : Octobre 2017 Troisième partie: Novembre 2017 Quatrième partie: Decembre 2017 Cinquième partie: Janvier 2018 Corriger: Fevier 2018 / I have already finished the plan of thesis, and started writing.My project is as below: Summary, Introduction, Literature review: October 2017 Second part : October 2017 Third part: November 2017 Forth part: December 2017 Fifth part: January 2018 Correction and revise: February 2018

Stockholms förtätningsideal i strävan mot hållbar stadsutveckling : En studie om sambanden mellan den täta staden och Stockholms parker och offentliga grönområden

Georgsson, Anthon January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka sambandet mellan Stockholms parker och offentliga grönområdena i relation till den rådande förtätning staden genomför. Stockholm har en tydlig strategi på att skapa en tät stad vilket medför effekter på stadens parker och offentliga grönområden. Studien diskuterar de värden som tillkommer och går förlorade när exploateringen av staden ökar samtidigt som den totala arealen grönområden minskar. Vidare diskuteras det offentliga grönområdenas funktion i den täta staden. De metoder som använts i studien består av semistrukturerade informantintervjuer i kombination med telefon- och e-postintervjuer följt av en bred litteraturundersökning. Materialet i studien utöver vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderar planer, styrdokument och program på lokal, regional, nationell och internationell nivå. Den täta staden kan såväl generera en bättre livsmiljö och minska en negativ miljöpåverkan likväl som att den kan bli ohållbar och skapa sämre livsmiljöer. Parker och offentliga grönområden fyller viktiga funktioner för Stockholm. Parallellt minskar mängden grönområden i städerna och centrala värden förbises i den fysiska planeringen. Med bra planering går det emellertid att utveckla en tätare stad och samtidigt skydda grönområden.

Externhandel och mellankommunalt/regionalt samarbete utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv med fokus på delregionen Södertörn / Out-of-town retail and co-operation between municipalities from a sustainable development perspective with focus on the region Södertörn

Ånstrand, Melker January 2008 (has links)
<p>In Sweden according to the planning and building Act municipalities have planning monopoly. The question about shopping centres in the outskirts of cities is a regional issue, because they attract customers from a large area. Municipalities often find it hard to assert themselves against large commercial companies when it comes to their establishing new retail outlets on the outskirts of cities. Without a regional co-operation there is a risk that municipalities can be played up against one another, so that more and more companies are given permits without the municipalities having taken the strategic consideration necessary for a long term sustainable development. The focus in this work is on four municipalities in the Södertörn region (Södertälje, Botkyrka, Huddinge and Nynäshamn). Today there are some out-of-town retail outlets in the first three municipalities. The main aim of this thesis is to explain why there is no co-operation between municipalities in Södertörn concerning out-of-town retailing. The aim is also to connect sustainable city development with the problems of out-of-town retails as well as the municipalities commercial policy. The study uses a hermeneutic approach and a qualitative method with one case-study. The interviews are partly based on standard procedures.</p><p>Out-of-town retail outlets entail private car use and this is a problem from a city development perspective. To reach a sustainable city development it is important to expand transport options such as walking, biking and public transport. The project Sustainable Travel (Hållbart resande) at Södertörn supports this development. Some of the municipalities in Södertörn are trying to revitalise their local centres and this is positive from a social and ecological perspective. The four municipalities however do not co-operate concerning out-of-town retailing, and this reverts the issue back to a lack of regional planning, and their competing for purchasing power.</p>

Implementeringsarbetet av Grön infrastruktur i Sverige : En policyanalys om integrering av urbana ekosystemtjänster samt värdet av adaptiv planering i Stockholms län

Svantesson, Hanne, Wikström, Stina January 2020 (has links)
Urbanisation is a global trend and in the year 2050 a big part of the world's population is expected to be living in urban areas. With this demographic change comes challenges. Biodiversity is the foundation for ecosystems to create services that human welfare depends on. The so called ecosystem services create functions that have provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting values för humans. The expansion of ecosystems is threatened around the world because of the increased urbanisation and more paved areas and less green spaces that are available for species to settle in. Green infrastructure is a management system that has become popular mainly in urban areas as a tool to conserve biodiversity and manage ecosystems in a sustainable way. By re-creating habitats and ecosystem functions a higher resilience is created in cities and through that it becomes easier to face challenges that come with a changed climate. In Sweden green infrastructure is an important component to reach global and national environmental goals. The capital of Sweden, Stockholm is growing rapidly. Because of the growing population the design of the city and the amount of green spaces is even more important to improve the ecological, economical and social aspects in society. In this study a qualitative content analysis has been made to examine how Sweden works with the implementation of green infrastructure on a national, regional and local level. By analysing three relevant policy documents an analytical framework has been used to look closer at how ecosystem services are expressed in the different levels. The result shows that ecosystem services are given a large place in the guidelines and the action plan for green infrastructure in Sweden. It is even more clear on a local level because a big part of the planprogram over the formation of the new district Årstafältet concentrates on creating ecological solutions to help ecosystem services to create its functions. The result also shows that the implementation of green infrastructure should be overarched by cooperation and transparency where more participants are included for the best possible decisions to be made. / Urbanisering är en global trend och år 2050 förväntas en stor andel av världens befolkning vara bosatta i urbana områden. Med denna demografiska förändring kommer utmaningar. Den biologiska mångfalden är en grundsten för att ekosystem ska kunna skapa de tjänster som människans välmående är beroende av. Ekosystemtjänster skapar funktioner som har försörjande, reglerande, kulturella och stödjande värden för människor. Ekosystemens utbredning hotas världen över på grund av ökad urbanisering då många ytor hårdläggs och färre gröna ytor blir tillgängliga för arter att bosätta sig i. Grön infrastruktur är ett förvaltningssystem som har blivit populärt framförallt i urbana områden för att bevara den biologiska mångfalden och förvalta ekosystem på ett hållbart sätt. Genom att återskapa livsmiljöer och ekosystemfunktioner skapas en högre resiliens i städerna och det blir på så sätt lättare att stå emot de utmaningar som kommer i och med ett förändrat klimat. I Sverige är grön infrastruktur en viktig komponent för att nå upp till globala och nationella miljömål. Sveriges huvudstad Stockholm växer i snabb takt. I och med den växande befolkningen blir utformningen av staden och andelen gröna ytor än viktigare för att förbättra de ekologiska, ekonomiska och sociala aspekterna i samhället. Denna studie har utgått ifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att undersöka hur Sverige arbetar med implementering av grön infrastruktur på nationell, regional och lokal nivå. Genom att analysera tre relevanta policydokument har ett analytiskt ramverk använts för att undersöka hur ekosystemtjänster kommer till uttryck på de olika nivåerna. Resultatet visar att ekosystemtjänster får en stor plats i riktlinjerna och handlingsplanerna för grön infrastruktur i Sverige. Än tydligare blir det på lokal nivå då en stor del av planprogrammet för utformningen av den nya stadsdelen Årstafältet inriktar sig på att skapa ekologiska lösningar för att underlätta för ekosystemtjänsterna att utveckla sina funktioner. Resultatet visar även att implementeringen av grön infrastruktur måste genomsyras av samarbete och transparens där flera aktörer involveras för att bästa möjliga beslut skall fattas.

En fallstudie om hållbar utveckling av kulturhistoriska områden / A case study on sustainable development of culturally historical areas

Mikaelsdotter, Carolina, Carlén, Jennie January 2023 (has links)
Rapporten presenterar en analys av Tändsticksområdet i Jönköping ur ett stadsutvecklingsperspektiv, med syfte att lyfta betydelsen av kulturhistoriska miljöer för hållbar utveckling av stadsdelar. Studien utfördes som fallstudie, med intervjuer, observationer och dokumentstudie som datainsamlingstekniker. Data sammanställs i grafiska scheman med analysmetoderna SWOT och Gehl’s tolv kvalitetskriterier. Avgränsningar har skett genom att undersöka ett specifikt, avgränsat geografiskt område och intervju av verksamheter där medverkande varit aktiva på Tändsticksområdet i minst tio år. Utifrån analysen har det visats att Tändsticksområdet är i behov av förändring. Under de senaste tio åren har det inte utförts några stora förändringar och bristande underhåll har lett till förfall av området. Genom SWOT-analysen som sammanställts utifrån intervjuer och observationer har prishöjningar och kommunala prioriteringar konstaterats som hot. Områdets styrkor anses vara dess geografiska placering och byggnadsminnesförklaringen som täcker samtlig bebyggelse. Svagheter som identifierats är den instängda utformningen med murar och bommar. De möjligheter som har identifierats är utveckling av samverkan för att skapa en helhet i området och verksamheterna emellan. Analys baserat på de tolv kvalitetskriterierna visade att de största bristerna i området är kopplat till utformningen av stadsrummet. I områdets urbana miljö ges få möjligheter till att kunna stanna upp och spendera tid utomhus. Det leder till att Tändsticksområdets gator och torg främst nyttjas som passage genom området eller till verksamheterna. De brister som pekats ut stödjs av teori gällande aktiviteter i kulturhistoriska miljöer, kulturhistorisk betydelse och hållbar utveckling av stadsdelar. Studien har visat att kulturhistoria har stor betydelse för invånare och kan inkorporeras i deras vardagliga rörelsemönster genom att skapa fler möjligheter till aktivitet i området. Det krävs fortfarande flera åtgärder för att Tändsticksområdet ska nå en hållbar utveckling. / The report presents an analysis of Tändsticksområdet in Jönköping from a city development perspective, with the purpose to raise the importance of culturally meaningful environments for sustainable development of districts. The study was performed as a case study, with interviews, observations, and a document study as data collection techniques. Data has been gathered in graphic schemes based on the analysis methods SWOT and Gehl’s twelve quality criteria. Boundaries has been set by investigating a specific, limited geographic area and interview of businesses where participants have been active in Tändsticksområdet during a minimum of ten years. Based on the research, it has been shown that Tändsticksområdet needs change. In the last ten years, no major changes have been executed and lack of maintenance has led to a disrepair of the area. Through the SWOT analysis compiled from interviews and observations, price increases and municipal priorities have been identified as threats. The area's strengths are its geographical location and the “building heritage declaration” that covers all buildings. Weaknesses identified are the enclosing formation with walls and traffic barriers. The opportunities that have been identified are developed of cooperation to create ensemble in the area and between the businesses. Analysis based on the twelve quality criteria showed that the biggest deficiencies in the area are linked to the inadequate design of the urban space. In the area's urban environment, there are few opportunities to stop and spend time outdoors. This leads to that Tändsticksområdets streets and squares are primarily used as passages through the area or to the businesses. The shortcomings that have been pointed out, are supported by theory regarding activities in cultural-historical environments, cultural historical significance, and sustainable development of city districts. The study has shown that cultural history is of great importance to inhabitants and can be incorporated into their everyday movement patterns by creating more opportunities for activity in the area. Several measures are still required for Tändsticksområdet to reach a sustainable development.

Samarbete eller samverkan, samtal eller dialog? : En kvalitativ studie av interaktionen mellancivilsamhällesorganisationer och kommunen inom socialthållbarhetsarbete i Malmö / Cooperation or collaboration, conversation or dialogue? : A qualitative study of the interaction between civil society organizations and the municipality in social sustainability work in Malmö

Olsen, Elinor, Stanley, Paulina January 2022 (has links)
Sektorsöverskridande samverkan har blivit ett allt viktigare inslag i organiseringen av offentlig service och i kommunalt hållbarhetsarbete. Denna uppsats studerar interaktionen mellan kommunen och civilsamhällesorganisationer inom fältet socialt hållbarhetsarbete i Malmö stad. Civilsamhällesorganisationer har en unik samhällelig position då de arbetar närmare människor än vad kommunen gör. Metoden baseras på intervjuer med respondenter från kommunalt håll samt från olika civilsamhällesorganisationer. Uppsatsen syftar till att belysa upplevda svårigheter och förbättringsmöjligheter i samverkan och interaktion parterna emellan. Resultaten från intervjuerna visar att de upplevda svårigheterna kretsar kring upplevd distans, attityder, strukturella problem samt upplevd roll av varje part. Bristande tillit, varierande syn på kompetens samt uppfattning om vem som anses vara legitim utförare av socialt hållbarhetsarbete karaktäriserar upplevda hinder för en optimal samverkan. Potentiella förbättringsområden inkluderar en mer kontinuerlig direktdialog med civilsamhällesorganisationer utanför specifika projekt. Det inkluderar också en bättre samordning rörande samverkan med civilsamhällesorganisationer, samt en förändrad syn på civilsamhällesorganisationernas kunskap, kompetens och roll. / Cross-sectoral collaboration has become an increasingly important element in the organization of public services and in municipal sustainability work. This essay studies the interaction between the municipality and civil society organizations in the field of social sustainability work in the city of Malmö. Civil society organizations have a unique social position as they work closer to people than the municipality does. The method is based on interviews with respondents from the municipal level and from various civil society organizations. The essay aims to shed light on perceived difficulties and opportunities for improvement in collaboration and interaction between the parties. The results from the interviews show that the experienced difficulties revolve around perceived distance, attitudes, structural problems and the perceived role of each party. Lack of trust, varying views on competence and perceptions of who is considered a legitimate performer of social sustainability work characterize perceived obstacles for optimal collaboration. Potential areas for improvement include a more continuous direct dialogue with civil society organizations outside specific projects. It also includes better coordination regarding collaboration with civil society organizations, as well as a changed view of the civil society organizations' knowledge, competence and role.

The spatial-social differentiation of the city of Warsaw with an in-depth study of selected districts / Den rumsliga-sociala differentieringen av staden Warszawa – med en fördjupad studie av utvalda distrikt

Popiolek, Marta January 2022 (has links)
The inspiration for this paper came from a walk in Warsaw, Poland - a city that has a very unusual development pattern and owes its character largely to the last 75 years. The visible differences in development patterns occur in almost every neighbourhood and each of them is the result of a different conceptual approach, additionally shaped by the regulations and economic prosperity of the time. This has inspired to further analyse the social structures of these spaces and explore the factors that determine the appearance and characteristics of the different neighbourhoods. The aim of this study is to get acquainted with spatial differentiation and explain the internal structure of the city of Warsaw, to define what social, economic and developmental processes have led to the current spatial-social structure of the city and to determine what potential processes may occur in the space depending on the identified conditions. The research method used for this study is factor analysis, which is an inductive tool used to analyse the relationships between a variety of social, economic, demographic, and housing characteristics in the city of Warsaw. Its aim is to determine what, if and what common patterns exist in the studied subject.

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