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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Art and Design City Helsingfors : En studie av stadsbyggnadsprojektet Arabiastranden

Öberg, Evelina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att studera på vilket sätt stadsbyggnadsprojektet Arabiastranden i Helsingfors kan ses som ett exempel på en generell trend inom samhällsplaneringen. Denna trend handlar om att använda sig av varumärken och estetiska uttryck i den byggda miljön för att marknadsföra och konkurrera på en global marknad. Uppsatsens fallstudieområde är stadsbyggnadsprojektet och stadsdelen Arabiastranden, som representerar konst, historia och design i Helsingforsregionens ambition att uppnå ett varumärke som en ”Art and Design City”. Metoden är baserad på personliga intervjuer, guidning, föreläsningar, planeringsdokument och litteratur. Teorier och koncept om informationssamhället, kreativa städer och den ”kreativa klassen” har använts för att diskutera en trend inom samhällsplaneringen som tillsammans med en global marknad, ny teknologi och livsstilar ställer krav på den fysiska miljön. Flera faktorer visar att Arabiastranden långsiktigt är ett exempel på en urban trend att marknadsföra städer med redan existerande värden i en allt högre global konkurrens.</p>

Förändringsarbete i staden : De boendes upplevelse av fysisk förändring i närmiljön

Norling, Alexander, Månsson, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
<p>Eskilstuna municipality is working to be a municipality that the people who are living in it are proud of. In a way to do that two students have examined what changes are good or bad when there outdoor environment are rebuilding and changing</p><p> </p><p>By doing interviews with the people who are living next to two streets that already have been going through big changes and during those interviews the inhabitants have hade opportunity to explain what they are seeing as good or band changes in the surroundings. The results from these interviews have been compared to interviews with a politician`s vision for the area and white-collar workers that are working for the Eskilstuna municipality.</p><p> </p><p>If you want to shorten this report to a couple of sentence it would be:</p><p>By planting trees and busses and letting the politicians that have a vision be part of the planning process the people that are living in that area is going to be satisfied.</p>

Radonundersökningar i två flerbostadshus i Avesta kommun.

Forslund, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Radon i flerbostadshus är ämnet för detta examensarbete. Bostadsrättsföreningen Tallmon äger två flerbostadshus i Skogsbo, Avesta. I dessa två flerbostadshus har radonmätningar gjorts under den senaste mätperioden. Dessa mätresultat tillsammans med tidigare kända mätresultat har sammanställts i en tabell. Där går att avläsa att i 18 av totalt 26 uppmätta lägenheter har radonhalten någon gång varit över det gällande riktvärdet för radonhalt i bostäder.</p><p>Det har även gjorts ett mindre antal kontinuerliga korttidsmätningar med hänsyn på radon. Detta dels för att få en bild av hur radonhalten ser ut på sommarhalvåret och dels se hur radonhalten varierar under ett dygn. För att finna den stora källan till radon i luften gjordes även mätningar av ventilationsflödet och gammamätning. Gammamätning visar om det finns blåbetong i något byggmaterial. Resultatet av samtliga korttidsmätningar var att radonhalten varierade under samtliga mätperioder. Vissa lägenheter hade väldigt höga halter av radon när istället andra lägenheter hade lägre radonhalter. Det alla hade gemensamt var att de hade haft fönster öppna under mätperioderna, vilket sänker radonhalten i luften. Lågt luftflöde var en annan gemensam faktor som alla lägenheter hade. Liksom att inomhustemperaturen låg högt. Blåbetong finns i båda fastigheterna och då i ytterväggarna.</p><p>Mätresultaten inom detta examensarbete bekräftar tidigare resultat som innebär att man i många lägenheter har radonhalter över gällande riktvärde 200 Bq/m<sup>3</sup>. Radonhalterna tenderar inte alls att avta med höjden över mark, vilket antyder att blåbetongen kan vara den huvudsakliga källan i detta fall.</p>

Using Metering Signals at Roundabouts with Unbalanced Flows to Improve the Traffic Condition : The Case Study of Kannik Area in Stavanger / Using Metering Signals at Roundabouts with Unbalanced Flows to Improve the Traffic Condition : The Case Study of Kannik Area in Stavanger

Mosslemi, Marjan January 2008 (has links)
<p>In some roundabouts, just relying on the "right of way" regulations results in long queues forming along the approaches. This usually happens when a roundabout suffers from unbalanced flow patterns (one or two of the approaches convey much heavier traffic compared to the others). There is an idea that signalization of roundabouts can be useful as a countermeasure for such a problem, especially during peak hours. In that case, signal operation can come in many forms, including full-time control, part-time control, or metering. One problem that seems to be facing engineers when signalizing roundabouts is lacking a general set of patterns or guidelines to choose an appropriate form of signalization and apply it efficiently in different situations. There is also a need for a comprehensive review over the available literature concerning signalization of roundabouts. In this thesis, a review of literature regarding signalization of roundabouts is carried out. Moreover, a roundabout in Stavanger with unbalanced traffic flows is studied in order to find an appropriate signalization scenario which can improve the traffic situation. The network is modeled and simulated in AIMSUN.</p>

Road Traffic Noise - A study of region Skåne, Sweden

Farcas, Florentina January 2008 (has links)
<p><p>Since the first car appeared, the pollution on the roads became an issue, which is still mainly unsolved. Too many people complain about traffic noise. Various methods have been developed that aimed at minimizing the noise pollution and improving the environment.</p><p>This thesis presents the problems posed by noise pollution, covers the background of noise pollution and its effects on human health. Another important part of the thesis covers the method of noise calculation which applies in specific Nordic countries.</p><p>The main goal of the thesis is to present maps of noise levels on roads for region Skåne in Sweden. Because the regulation and the limits for noise levels are different for different countries, I could find various calculators for traffic noise. Australia, England, USA have the noise level calculators open for public. Another professional calculator, SoundPlan, is a program that can perform a very accurate calculation for traffic noise but only for small areas. Because of this disadvantage, the request for my thesis was to provide a program which can calculate traffic noise level for wide areas. As a master student specialist in GIS (Geographic Information System) it was natural to develop the traffic noise calculator with available GIS tools.</p><p>The software system to calculate the traffic noise maps was implemented in ArcMap 9.1, a GIS program which allows creation of tools, according to a mathematical description of noise calculator. The mathematical description is based on the Nordic Prediction method, a document which set up requirements for prediction of road traffic noise. ArcMap 9.1 allows the development of extensions in different programming languages. The tools implemented in this thesis are written in Visual Basic. The thesis work implements several tools for calculating noise levels, starting from the basic traffic noise level and introducing additional noise corrections to perform more accurate noise calculation. The additional corrections could be added because I had access to additional data regarding buildings and population location. The available population data from Lund gave me the opportunity to create a tool which performs population exposure to noise in this region.</p><p> </p></p>

Ändring av befintligt ridhus : Gävle Fältrittklubb

Evertsson, Anna, Walfridsson, Helen January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Being private and public at home : an architectural perspective on video mediated communication in smart homes

Junestrand, Stefan January 2004 (has links)
Video mediated communication (VMC) is a two way real time audio and video communication between remote places. VMC has the potential to be applied favourably to many activities, services and functions in smart homes. The concept of smart homes refers to homes equipped with technological systems and appliances enabling centralised or remotely controllable integrated functionalities and services. The main question for the current research work is formulated accordingly: How can spaces for video mediated communication be designed and integrated into smart homes? The governing idea is that there are two main perceptions of space in the design and integration of video mediated communication into smart homes. One concerns the conception of private and public spaces, the other relates to the idea of physical and digital spaces. The interrelationship between these two concepts is supposed to become important when VMC is considered for smart home applications. This thesis is written from an architectural perspective. It refers to the functionalistic paradigm here defined basically as the set of essential functions of the home that have to be solved in order to achieve good dwellings. The function of the home can be described as the organisation of space and furniture to support activities and processes in and around it. The thesis is based upon five papers and a covering text providing background, analysis and reflection, as well as ideas on further development. The research method can be described as mainly explorative and design-oriented. A principal result from the study is that a novel modality of space, the public digital space, appears when VMC is introduced into smart homes. Further, it is advocated that this modality is a relevant issue for the architectural profession and architectural research.

Design–theoretical and empirical, A research project inn design theory including the devolpment of a prototype for a symbol system that represents tastes of wine

Nordegren, Annica January 2004 (has links)
The thesis presents a research project in graphic design including the development of a symbol system that represents tastes of wine as consumer information. The thesis has three main chapters; design, theory and empirical foundation. The design chapter clarifies the design concept and its evolution from a traditional standpoint to its present state in the international area of design research as design theory. The theoretical chapter presents a map of concepts in order to explain problems and practical solutions in the design process. The concepts are based on the philosophical ideas of Ernst Cassirer and Ludwig Wittgenstein, and concern interpretation of sense information, symbols and signs, picture and image. The design of the symbol system concerns the experience of taste, as a translation from words to pictures. The empirical chapter comprehends both a description of the design process and of the empirical research. The method used is prototyping with a reference group of branch experts. The empirical research has evaluated the possibility to interpret, learn, use and understand the symbol system. The method used is a survey with questionnaires to a group of wine consumers

FÖRFARANDEN VIDPLANERING OCH MARKÅTKOMST;EN RÄTTSEKONOMISK ANALYS / Legal procedures for land use planning and property acquisition; an economic analysis.

Ekbäck, Peter January 2000 (has links)
This thesis deals with the legal procedures indicated forchanges in land-related rights, i.e. land use planning andproperty acquisitions. The rules of procedure in this field oflaw are extensive and complicated. As a first step, the rules of procedure are structured intoa number of procedural types: administrative, cadastral andjudicial. The procedural characteristics and the substantivelegal character of the decisions are clarified andcompared. In a second step an institutional perspective is adopted,based on economic theory. The different types of procedure areperceived as alternative institutional solutions to the problemof transaction costs in transformations of land-related rightstructures. An economic analysis is made of the transactioncosts arising in the different types of procedure in connectionwith, respectively, permissibility assessment and propertyacquisition assessment. The administrative procedures present distinct comparativeadvantages in the assessment of permissibility questions, e.g.utility concessions or permits for environmentally hazardousactivity. In these questions, an extensive, heterogeneouscollective of individuals is made subject to external effects.Those effects are divided into smaller value fragments. Throughthe publicity and ready availability of the administrativeprocedures, coupled with the system of politicalaccountability, important information about the preferences ofthe collective concerned can be produced and made to form thebasis of the decision. The cadastral and judicial procedures present comparativeadvantages in connection with property acquisition assessments,such as compulsory purchase of land or exaction of utilityeasements. For the limited collective of individuals involved,the right of negotiating and concluding agreements willeffectively utilise the high degree of information and thestronger economic incentives for action. The negotiation phasebecomes a low-cost procedure which at the same time acts as aselective mechanism for transactions not requiring the coerciveand more expensive procedure of official assessment. Theself-containment of cadastral and judicial procedures and theirisolation from political influences benefit the quality andcontrol of the documentation on which decisions arefounded. / QC 20100528

Boreal land surface water and heat balance : Modelling soil-snow-vegetation-atmosphere behaviour

Gustafsson, David January 2002 (has links)
The water and heat exchange in thesoil-snow-vegetation-atmosphere system was studied in order toimprove the quantitative knowledge of land surface processes.In this study, numerical simulation models and availabledatasets representing arable land, sub-alpine snowpack, andboreal forest were evaluated at both diurnal and seasonaltimescales. Surface heat fluxes, snow depth, soil temperatures andmeteorological conditions were measured at an agriculturalfield in central Sweden during three winters and two summersfrom 1997 to 2000 within the WINTEX project. A one-dimensionalsimulation model (COUP) was used to simulate the water and heatbalance of the field. Comparison of simulated and measured heatfluxes in winter showed that parameter values governing theupper boundary condition were more important for explainingmeasured fluxes than the formulation of the internal mass andheat balance of the snow cover. The assumption of steady stateheat exchange between the surface and the reference height wasinadequate during stable atmospheric conditions. Independentestimates of the soil heat and water balance together with thecomparison of simulated and measured surface heat fluxes showedthat the eddy-correlation estimates of latent heat fluxes fromthe arable field were on average 40 % too low. The ability of a multi-layered snowpack model (SNTHERM) tosimulate the layered nature of a sub-alpine snowpack wasevaluated based on a dataset from Switzerland. The modelsimulated the seasonal development of snow depth and densitywith high accuracy. However, the models ability to reproducethe strong observed snowpack layering was limited by theneglection of the effect of snow microstructure on snowsettling, and a poor representation of water redistributionwithin the snowpack. The representation of boreal forest in the land surfacescheme used within a weather forecast (ECMWF) model was testedwith a three-year dataset from the NOPEX forest site in centralSweden. The new formulation with separate energy balances forvegetation and the soil/snow beneath the tree cover improvedthe simulation of seasonal and diurnal variations in latent andsensible heat flux. Further improvements of simulated latentheat fluxes were obtained when seasonal variation in vegetationproperties was introduced. Application of the COUP model withthe same dataset showed that simulation of evaporation fromintercepted snow contributed to a better agreement with themeasured sensible heat flux above forests, but also indicatedthat the measurements might have underestimated latent heatflux. The winter sensible heat flux above the forest wasfurther improved if an upper limit of the aerodynamicresistance of 500 s m-1 was applied for stable conditions. A comparison of the water and heat balance of arable landand forest confirmed the general knowledge of the differencesbetween these two surface types. The forest contributed withconsiderably more sensible heat flux to the atmosphere than thearable land in spring and summer due to the lower albedo andrelatively less latent heat flux. Latent heat flux from theforest was higher in winter due to the evaporation ofintercepted snow and rain. The net radiation absorbed by theforest was 60 % higher than that absorbed by the arable land,due to the lower surface albedo in winter. Key words:soil; snow; land surface heat exchange;forest; arable land; eddy-correlation. / QC 20100614

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