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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Drivmedelsstationer i Västerås

Nyman, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Abstract This report is made in cooperation with the municipality of Vasteras and technical committee staff. The report addresses several topics that affect fuel stations in Vasteras. The report contains two parts, first is a inventory that review all stations in the area to be addressed. The inventory is made with consideration to various things that geographic situation, what companies are represented and what level of service stations have. And the second part of the report, is done with the analysis of how it looks in daily situations review. Then the new positions around Vasteras is chosen, which would be attractive to the new location of stations. The new positions were evaluated in various ways with a variety of policy issues that had been set, it is important to have a holistic view of how a new establishment affect the surrounding environment. The hope of this report is to create a document that may be useful to my commission in the future. It is intended to be a comprehensive document that addresses the fuel situation at large. It is not meant it to go into the detail level, but it is an overview. One conclusion that emerged from this work is that Vasteras have good accessibility to the fuel stations. Most fuels are available in one or more stations and all the major petrol companies are represented in the city. There are also a number of new positions that could serve as a good place for new locations.

Installationsentreprenader : Prisutveckling i Västerås och en geografisk prisjämförelse

Lööf, David, Simsek, Saffet January 2009 (has links)
During the last years of construction boom the prices on contractors for installations have escalated. According to Statistiska Centralbyråns, E84, the costs for installation contractors have increased with 48 percent on electrics and 18, 6 percent on VS from January 2005 to January 2008. This rapport aim on clarifying certain questions about the increasing prices by a closer analyze on the development in Västerås and how different contractors sets their prices. This rapport is based on interviews with several actors in the building trade. When it comes to material, there are many intermediaries from manufacturers to final customer. It can be as many as six intermediaries consisting of manufacture, general agent, agent, wholesale dealer, installation contractor and building contractor. These intermediaries create quite big additional costs for the final customer. In this industry the use of big discount systems are very common which makes it very difficult for the final customer to know the real cost for the products. By having these big discounts which creates gaps in the prices, the profit on the material can be large without anyone noticing. Supply and demand determine prices in many industries and so it also seems to be in the building industry. There has been high pressure on the market during the last years and a comparison in the rapport between new produced residential blocks in Västerås and nearby cities shows on a big difference depending on location. The existence of these diversities may have several natural causes as standards, technical solutions, number of apartments, etc. but it can also depend on the market situation in different cities. To decrease the total cost for a residential project there has to be more trust between all who are involved in the project. Partnering can be a great solution on this problem where everyone involved works with open book and towards the same goal, to decrease the total cost instead of just thinking on their own profit.

Utformning och visualisering av ett kvarter i tingvallastaden : brf. Panorama

Karlsson, Joel, Blomgren, Emma January 2008 (has links)
Detta examensarbete handlar om utformning av ett kvarter som är gjort på uppdrag av Peab Sverige AB. Kvarteret Negern ligger i Tingvallastaden i centrala Karlstad och idag finns på platsen en gammal tryckeribyggnad och parkeringsgarage. Området gruppen utformat är 2600 m2 stort och skall inrymma ett 60-tal lägenheter. Målgruppen för arbetet är hushåll med två personer, därför kom det att bli tvåor och treor i alla plan utom i det översta där det kommer att vara två fyror. Arbetet resulterade i två punkthus (se figur 1) om åtta respektive nio våningar i varje och ovanpå dessa en stor takterrass. Fasaderna består av ljus puts och bottenplan av granitplattor, för att ge tyngd åt byggnaderna och för att motverka klotter. På innergården finns det bland annat fontän, grill och lekplatser. Byggnaderna omringas av staket och buskar. Parkeringsfrågan löstes genom att använda det befintliga garaget och schakta ur under Negern 6 och 10 för att göra parkeringsgarage och förrådsutrymme i ett plan. Tillgång till hiss finns i båda byggnaderna och den går från garaget upp till terrassen på taket. I det ena huset kommer det att finnas tvättstuga, samlingslokal, gym samt två stycken övernattningslägenheter som de boende kommer att ha tillgång till. Gruppen ville skapa en känsla av trygghet och välbefinnande inom området. Detta gjordes genom att belysa gångar samt undvika höga buskar. Parkeringsgaraget skall inte ha några mörka vrår utan belysas så människorna kan känna sig trygga. Arbetet är utfört med hjälp av Google SketchUp 6 som är ett program för 3D-ritning. Fördelen med detta program var att gruppen kunde konstruera de befintliga byggnaderna så att de blev så autentiska som möjligt. Därmed blev kvarteret mer verklighetstroget och det blir enklare att orientera sig samt se hur byggnationen passar in i kvarteret. Visualiseringen av kvarteret presenteras i form av 3D-bilder.

Energiutredning med åtgärdsförslag : Radiohusets kontorsbyggnad

Jergelin, Johan January 2008 (has links)
Examensarbete genomfördes i samråd med Helenius konsultbyrå. Syftet med arbetet var att utreda och undersöka möjligheterna att förbättra driftekonomi och inneklimat på Radiohusets kontorsbyggnad som är beläget på Gärdet i de centrala delarna av Stockholm. Bakgrunden till arbetet var att det fanns relativt stora problem med inneklimatet i denna del av byggnaden under både sommar och vinter. Vintertid upplevde en stor del av personalen som vistades i byggnaden dragproblem och sommartid är inneklimatet alldeles för varmt för att personalen kan jobba effektivt. En annan del av problemet var att stora mängder energi användes för temperera byggnaden vintertid. Den stora energianvändningen beror till stor del av en otät och dåligt isolerad fasad. Huvuddelen av arbete gick ut på att kartlägga energianvändningen och hitta besparingsförslag för energianvändningen samt att ge förslag på klimatförbättrande åtgärder. Energikartläggningen genomfördes dels genom att bygga upp byggnaden i energisimuleringsprogrammet IDA- Klimat och Energi 3.0 och därefter genomföra parameterstudier på möjliga

Att förebygga och undvika fuktskador i byggnader

Robertsson, Hanna, El-Saaidy, Jalina January 2010 (has links)
Efforts to achieve a moisture proof construction process have proved to be considerably complicated, despite the knowledge and awareness that now exists within the moisture field. Materials, documents, templates and checklists are designed to be accessed but are not used anyway. This may be because such effort has not been prioritized and properly requirements have not existed from the commissioner of a building. This report illustrates how the commissioner of a building project can achieve a moisture proof building process by increasing knowledge, moisture proof planning, and implementation of security moisture routines. Proposals are given on how the commissioner of a building project can work to consistently bring a moisture proof building process in all stages. The difficulty with regular moisture proof efforts, the authors believe is mainly due to the following points:       Many different design solutions.       Lack of experience feedback.       Lack of communication.       Financial incentives.       Attitudes. The interviews in the report have conducted with the help of a qualitative analysis, while the survey has been done using a quantitative analytical method. The report's theoretical frame of reference is characterized by literature studies together with experts in the field and the reports they have developed at their research. A book has also been written where some of the most commonly moisture damages have been described. The book is written in a simple and pedagogical approach because it is primarily aimed to increase knowledge among construction workers and others with an interest in the moisture subject. By carry out continually efforts in right direction, we believe that it is possible to build moisture proof buildings.

Tillgängligheten i de offentliga byggnaderna med fokus på museer : Det nya konst- och länsmuseet som ett exempel på bra tillgänglighetslösningar

Skaba, Patrycja January 2010 (has links)
Den 4 september 2010 inviger Västerås konstmuseum tillsammans med Västmanlands läns museum sina första utställningar i lokalerna som är anpassade för museiverksamhet och tillgängliga för besökare. Det är av största vikt att följa byggnadslagsstiftningen när man planerar byggnader och senare bygger dem. Man ska skapa sådana byggnader där människor med nedsatt rörelse- och orienteringsförmåga har möjlighet att utnyttja lokalerna.  En ombyggnation av ASEAs gamla industribyggnad har resulterats i att man har åstadkommit en tillgänglig och modern museilokal i kvarteret Mimer på Karlsgatan 2 i Västerås.   Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att visa vilka tillgänglighetslösningar som har använts i den nya museibyggnaden på Karlsgatan i Västerås. En litteraturstudie har utförts för att gå igenom de krav som ställs på museer. Den informationen har hämtats från BBR (Boverkets byggregler) och även andra böcker som handlar om tillgängligheten i den fysiska miljön. Dessutom har egna observationer och studier över arkitektritningar gjorts för att uppnå en större förståelse över de lösningar som använts i den nya byggnaden. Fokus har lagts på den fysiska tillgängligheten i de delar av byggnaden som kommer att användas av besökande samt på miljön utanför själva museet.   Rapportens resultat beskriver gångvägar i den yttre miljön, parkerings- och angöringsplatser, entréer, dörrar, korridorer och toaletter. Resultatet omfattar även hiss, trappa, ramp, reception, kafé, butik och kapprum. De båda museernas utställningshallar och pedagogiska lokaler med intilliggande hörsal ingår även i resultatet.   En av slutsatser som har kunnat dras av resultatet är att ”det tillgängliga tänkandet” har varit en av de högsta prioriteterna under hela planerings- och byggprocessen. Den nya byggnaden kommer att bidra till att en mer omfattande verksamhet i museet blir möjlig. Den blir även mer tillgänglig och användbar för allmänheten.

Risk analysis : a tool in decision-making

Näsman, Per January 2005 (has links)
<p>In our daily life we are surrounded by different kind of risks and we constantly strive for better methods to quantify and in the prolongation manage these risks. Every activity involves some risks and there are some kinds of risks and some level of risks that we are unwilling to accept. We all like to live a life that is free from risks, but that is impossible.</p><p>The word risk has a lot of different interpretations. In this thesis we shall let risk stand for the combination of random or uncertain events with negative consequences for human health, life and welfare and for the environment together with some measures of the likelihood of such events. We believe this is the prevailing concept or understanding of risk; as the probability of an event followed by some negative consequences or activities of that event.</p><p>In risk analysis one tries to recognize the nature of various risks and to assess the magnitude of the risks. In the risk analysis it is very important to know what system to consider and this is not self evident in many cases. The situation is clearly different for planning and/or building a system compared with running the same system in a real time state. The system that is going to be the subject to the risk analysis must be clearly defined and the limitations and the boundaries of the system must be set. It is very important to ensure that all persons involved in a risk analysis have a common understanding of the system being considered, including relevant operations.</p><p>During the past decades many studies have been carried out on risk related topics and the society has showed a significant interest in the field of risk analysis. Risk analysis is the interdisciplinary field of science that combines results and knowledge of probability theory, mathematical statistics, engineering, medicine, philosophy, psychology, economics and other applied disciplines.</p><p>In this thesis we will give some examples of different risk analyses carried out basically within two areas. The first part of the thesis (paper 1- paper V) describes different risk analyses carried out in the area of transportation. This is an area with large differences between the different modes of transportation in respect to, for example number of users, number of accidents, magnitude of the accidents and accessible data. The latter part of the thesis (paper VI and paper VII) describes two risk analyses carried out in the field of medicine. Medicine is a science, which has used methods from the area of risk analysis for a long time. The different papers will be used to discuss risk analysis as a tool in decision-making.</p> / QC 20100616

Framkomlighetsanalys av Stockholms cykelvägnät : en pendelcyklists vardag

Gustafsson, Louise January 2009 (has links)
<p>Examensarbetet syftar till att inhämta kunskap om planering för cykeltrafik i städer och att identifiera problem som uppkommer när andelen cyklister ökar i städerna. Framkomligheten och trafiksäkerheten påverkas när andelen cyklister ökar och dessa problem studeras i examensarbetet.</p><p>Examensarbetet grundas på en litteraturstudie där kunskap om cykeltrafik och planering för cykelplanering har inhämtas. Vidare har liknande studier om cykeltrafik i städer sökts. Då arbetet är en pilotstudie och saknar jämförelse i liknande format har även kunskap om datainsamling och metodik studerats.</p><p>Datainsamling har skett med hjälp av pendlingscyklister i Stockholm som utrustats med GPS logger och kamera på cykeln. 17 cyklister har under maj – juni 2009 samlat in data till och från arbetet. Dessa cyklister valdes ut med hjälp av Krister Isaksson, Stockholm Stad Trafikkontoret. Data har sedan analyserats med hjälp av ett nytt, egentillverkat, analysverktyg som möjliggör samtidig analys av GPS- och filmdata. Utifrån analysen har problem i Stockholms cykelnätverk kategoriserats och identifierats.</p> / <p>The purpose of this Master Thesis is to obtain increased knowledge about the planning and design of cycle infrastructures in cities. When the number of cyclists increases it affects accessibility, mobility and traffic safety. Further, the purpose is to identify where, when and what types of problems occur in cities when the proportion of cyclists in traffic increases.</p><p>The Master Thesis is founded on a literature study in which knowledge about the planning and design of cycle infrastructures as well as information about similar projects have been reviewed. No similar study of this kind has been found which is why information regarding data collection and analysis has been studied as well.</p><p>Data collection was performed by 17 cycle commuters in Stockholm. The cyclists were selected in a dialog with Krister Isaksson, City of Stockholm. The cyclists were equipped with a GPS logger and an action camera mounted on the bike. During May – June 2009 they cycled between home and work with the equipment while at the same time collecting data for the project. The analysis was performed using a specially developed analysis program. The program enables the simultaneous analysis of GPS and video data. The analysis has resulted in an identification and categorization of accessibility and safety problems in Stockholm’s cycle network.</p>

Borehole heat store design optimization

Nordell, Bo January 1994 (has links)
Seasonal heat storage, which is used to balance the supply of and demand for heat, e.g. in district heating networks, is necessary for the large-scale utilization of solar heat. The aim of this thesis was to study and develop seasonal heat storage to a point where it, if possible, would be an option in Swedish heating systems. Initial theoretical calculations indicated that the borehole heat store was feasible for seasonal heat storage. In the borehole heat store sensible heat is stored in the bedrock. The bedrock is penetrated by evenly spaced vertical boreholes, which are drilled within a square or circular land area. The holes work as heat exchangers between a heat carrier (normally water), which is pumped through the pipe system of the boreholes and the storage volume. Performed measurements in a pilot plant verified the predicted thermal behaviour of the store. A pre-design of a large-scale heat store, within the University area, was performed. After assuming the operation cycle and the properties of the store, the thermal behaviour of the Luleå heat store was simulated. The construction work of this large-scale borehole heat store (120,000 m 3) was studied in detail and the performance was evaluated during the first five years of operation. It was found that there were several short-comings in design, construction and operation. The operation of the heat pumps caused problems. The borehole pipes were incorrectly installed, which decreased the charged heat by 23% and recovered heat by about 34%. Without changing the storage task the store could have been built at a cost of 4.5 MSEK instead of 6.3 MSEK. A model was developed to determine the optimum design of borehole heat stores. The optimum design was defined as the design that fulfils the storage task at a minimum annual storage cost, i.e. the sum of the annual costs of the investment, operation, maintenance and heat loss. The optimum and actual designs of three stores were evaluated and compared. The more recently constructed plants differed less from the optimum design than the oldest plant, situated in Luleå. The main reason was the increasing engineering experience, which influenced the design of the later stores. Typical data for the optimum design are drilling depths of 125 m and a borehole spacing of 4 m. In a 1.6 GWh store, 65 boreholes result in a storage volume of about 125,000 m3. The specific construction cost, which decreases with increasing heat extraction capacity, is 1.50 SEK/ KWh or 20 SEK/m3 at an heat extraction capacity of 7 GWh. The annuity method (6%, 25 y) was used to calculate the annual investment cost, which stood for approximately 65% of the total annual storage cost. The sensitivity of the different parameters was investigated with the optimization model. It was demonstrated that the technical design of the store was greatly influenced by the cost parameters. For example, small changes in the drilling cost could mean a very different design. It was also found that it was cost-effective to investigate the soil depth and the rock thermal conductivity in detail before the design of the borehole heat store was performed. / Godkänd; 1994; 20070209 (ysko)

Att effektivisera ett förvaltarbolag

Litz, Anders, Erlingson, Jesper January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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