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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'e-réputation du point de vue client : modèle intégrateur et échelle de mesure / Customer-based online reputation : an integrative framework and measurement scale

Youness, Chebli 02 December 2016 (has links)
Bien que la réputation en ligne ait attiré une attention particulière parmi les praticiens en marketing, la recherche dans ce domaine est encore limitée. Dans ce travail doctoral, les auteurs examinent les antécédents et les conséquences de l’e-réputation du point de vue client. Une approche selon un modèle d’équations structurelles est utilisée pour tester le modèle basé sur les données d’une enquête auprès de 1097 acheteurs en ligne français. Les résultats montrent l’impact de la confiance, l’héritage et la qualité du site sur l’e-réputation, ainsi que la façon dont l’e-réputation affecte l’engagement du client, le bouche à oreille, le risque perçu et la valeur perçue. Plusieurs implications managériales et théoriques sont ensuite discutées. / Although online reputation has attracted significant attention among marketing practitioners, research in this area is still limited. In this research dissertation, the authors examine the antecedents and consequences of online reputation from the customer’s perspective. A structural equation modeling approach is used to test the model based on data from a survey of 1097 French online buyers. The results show the impact of trust, heritage, and website quality on online reputation, as well as how online reputation affects customer commitment, word of mouth, perceived risk, and perceived value. Several implications either in terms of conceptual or managerial insights are then discussed.

Customer engagement in a multichannel context

Jiao, Wenyu 11 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la compréhension de l’engagement client dans un contexte multicanal. Le flot de littérature sur le marketing multicanal présente plusieurs lacunes théoriques et managériales, telles que les impacts dynamiques de l’adoption multicanal sur la valeur client, la quantification de la rentabilité des campagnes marketing, le comportement multicanal à travers les marques, etc. (Neslin et al. 2014; Neslin and Shankar 2009). Cette thèse a pour but d’éclairer les impacts dynamiques de l’engagement client sur la valeur client et les revenus de l’entreprise dans un contexte multicanal. Le Chapitre 1 aborde les « Impacts dynamiques du canal d’acquisition et de l’adoption multicanal sur la valeur vie client ». Au Chapitre 2, « antécédents et conséquences de l’utilisation des codes promotionnels », nous étudions le processus d’utilisation des codes promotionnels et la rentabilité de telles campagnes. Au Chapitre 3, « Modéliser les impacts de l’achat multicanal sur le choix de marque », nous étudions la question du comportement en termes de choix d’une marque dans un environnement multicanal. Dans l’ensemble, cette thèse étudie divers engagements client et leurs effets sur la valeur client et les revenus de l’entreprise. Du point de vue théorique, c’est une contribution aux publications sur le marketing dans les domaines du marketing multicanal, de la valeur vie client, des promotions et des choix de marques. Elle propose une approche exhaustive de l’engagement client et de la valeur client dans un contexte multicanal. Dans une optique de gestion, cette étude propose aux entreprises des méthodologies novatrices pour gérer leur clientèle au niveau individuel, ainsi que de nouveaux modèles pour évaluer les activités de marketing multicanal / This dissertation aims to investigate the dynamic impacts of customer engagement on customer value and firm revenues in a multichannel context. I address this research question in three chapters. In chapter 1, we propose a hidden Markov model to understand the dynamic effects of acquisition channel and multichannel adoption on the customer-firm relationship and to estimate the customer lifetime value. The results show that multichannel customers acquired from offline channels exhibit higher short-term value than multichannel customers acquired from online channels. In contrast, multichannel customers acquired from online channels are more likely to stay in a higher value state in the long run. In the long run, multichannel customers acquired from offline channels are more valuable than other customers. Chapter 2 focuses on promo code redemption behaviors. We conduct the research using a field experiment. We identify the determinants of opening, clicking the email and the final redemption behavior using a simultaneous multiple equation probit model. In our setting, we find that 11% of the profitability of the promo code campaign stems from eligible purchases without redemption. By targeting those customer segments that are more likely to make eligible purchases without redemption, the average profitability increases. In Chapter 3, we investigate how multichannel behavior impacts brand choice in a grocery setting. Our research develops a hierarchal Bayesian brand choice decision model to understand how multichannel adoption impacts brand choice decision, brand size-of-wallet, and brand share-of-wallet. Our results show that brand choice probability increases in general after consumers become multichannel. We also find that consumers increase both the size-of-wallet and share-of-wallet for the brand which they first purchase online, yet do not necessarily decrease the share-of-wallet for other brands.

Podpůrný nástroj při tvorbě autorských textů / Development of Desktop Applications on the NetBeans Platform

Vondráček, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This thesis serves as an introduction to use of the NetBeans Platform for development of desktop applications. Its goal is to present the platform both on a compact example application and on a real-world scenario application. Secondary goal is to provide a summary of materials for further learning. The description of the particular pieces of the platform is interlaid with the step by step tutorial, which invites to further testing of the platform's features. Some principles of the platform are then presented in a source code from a real-world application. This application is a tool for authors and should provide an evidence of both academic and literary texts, notes and named entities (like characters, locations, terms etc.). The analysis of this tool and a description in a more detail is presented in the appendix. An organized summary of shortly commented links to other sources is there too. The main benefits of this thesis are: the demonstration of the NetBeans Platform on particular examples in context, and the summary of online materials for further reading.

Processus de formation de l'impression du client, primauté et récence dans la rencontre de vente du service : une application aux services financiers dirigés vers les particuliers

Fallu, Jean-Mathieu 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
L'effet du processus de formation de l'impression du client vis-à-vis d'un conseiller qui est trouvé dans l'interaction de vente relationnelle d'un service financier a été étudié. Spécifiquement, l'impression initiale (primauté) et l'impression finale (récence) du client ont été différenciées sur le plan de leur apport à la qualité perçue du service, à la satisfaction, à la confiance du client et à sa perception de l'expertise du conseiller financier. La présente étude a été développée afin d'enrichir les connaissances actuelles sur la rencontre de vente comme interaction sociale et relationnelle complexe, et quant à cette perspective, de manière à jeter un éclairage nouveau sur les processus qui sont à l'œuvre dans l'évaluation que fait le client de la performance d'un service complexe. Au total, l'échantillon des observations analysées compte 534 dyades clients-conseillers financiers de trois institutions financières canadiennes importantes. La mesure a été réalisée à partir d'un questionnaire auto-administré. Des analyses de modélisation des équations structurelles ont permis de traiter les relations entre les construits. Il ressort que la qualité du service et la confiance sont principalement influencées par l'impression initiale, alors que l'évaluation de l'expertise et la satisfaction sont principalement influencées par l'impression finale. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : processus de formation de l'impression, primauté, récence, cognitions sociales, vente, marketing des services, rencontre de vente du service, services financiers, analyses factorielles, analyses de modélisation des équations structurelles.


Van Berten, Philippe 22 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les Systèmes d'Information apportent aux organisations des outils de gestion des connaissances dans un environnement de plus en plus complexe. Le paradigme de complexité sert de cadre épistémologique à la systémique pour construire un modèle de valorisation des flux informationnels circulant entre le Système d'Information, l'Organisation et son environnement.<br />Appliqué à la grande distribution, ce modèle propose de transformer les informations issues des programmes de fidélisation pour produire de la connaissance client.<br />Une étude de cas, menées auprès des deux principales enseignes de ce secteur en Europe, valide le modèle issu de cette recherche; il modifie déjà chez l'une d'elles le modèle d'entreprise en usage dans ce secteur depuis quarante ans.

Ett oväntat inflytande : revisorers syn på förväntningsgapet i klientrelationer / An unexpected influence : Auditors' view of the expectation gap in client relationships.

Johansson, Erika, Lundqvist, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Förväntningsgapet är sedan länge ett definierat fenomen som kvarstår trots upprepade försök att minska det. En anledning till att gapet kvarstår påstås vara att revisorer själv har introducerat det. Detta i kombination med att förväntningsgapet troligtvis kommer att fortsätta att existera, medför att det finns anledning att undersöka om revisorer kan dra nytta av det i sitt dagliga arbete. Syftet med den här studien är att utifrån revisorers perspektiv undersöka förväntningsgapet och revisorers möjlighet att med hjälp av gapet utöva inflytande över klienter. Undersökningen är baserad på intervjuer med revisorer från olika byråer. Studiens teoretiska referensram är baserad på antaganden från professionsteori för att beskriva revisorers kunskap, vilket är väsentligt för att undersöka om revisorer har ett kunskapsövertag de kan nyttja för att utöva inflytande. I detta avseende presenteras även antaganden från agent-teorin för att beskriva den informationsasymmetri som kan förekomma. Utöver kunskapsövertagpresenteras image och retorik som ytterligare verktyg revisorer kan tänkas dra nytta av för att influera sina klienter. Studien visar att det finns möjligheter för revisorer att med hjälp av förväntningsgapet utöva inflytande i sina klientrelationer. Möjligheten att utöva inflytande ser annorlunda ut beroende på i vilket stadie relationen mellan revisorn och klienten befinner sig i. De olika tillvägagångssättenrevisorer kan nyttja för att influera sina klienter presenteras i tabeller. Förslag till vidare forskning innefattar bland annat hur revisorer lär sig att hantera de verktyg som finns tillgängliga för att utöva inflytande. Eftersom tidigare forskning verkar sakna studier om revisorer har fördelar i att förväntningsgapet existerar, bidrar denna studie med en aspekt på hur revisorer kan nyttja gapets existens till sin fördel. Resultatet kan även vara användbart för de klienter som inte är insatta i revision och därmed inte vet vilket inflytande revisorn kan tänkas utöva. / The expectation gap in auditing continues to exist despite many attempts to reduce it. One reason to its continued existence is presumed to be that auditors themselves have introduced the phenomenon. This combined with the fact that the expectation gap is assumed to keep existing, provide reasons to examine whether or not the auditors can take advantage of it. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the expectation gap from the auditors’ perspective and their possibility to take advantage of the gap to influence their clients. The study is based on interviews with auditors from different firms. The theoretical framework is based on assumptions form theory of professions to describe the auditors’ knowledge. This is necessary to determine whether or not the auditors have a knowledge upper hand towards their clients that can be used to practice influence. Assumptions from the agency theory are also included to explain the information asymmetry that may occurbetween the auditor and the client. In addition to the knowledge upper hand, image and rhetoric are also presented as instruments the auditors can use to influence their clients. The findings indicate that auditors have the possibility to use the expectation gap to influence their clients. The possibility to practice influence varies throughout the different stages of the relationship between the auditor and the client. The findings are presented in different tables. Suggestions for further research include examining how auditors learn to manage the different instruments that are available to practice influence. Since prior research seem to lack studies whether auditors can take advantage of the expectation gap, this thesis contributes with a perspective of how auditors can use the expectation gap to their advantage. The findings may also be useful for the clients who are not familiar with the purpose of auditing and therefore are unaware of which possibilities the auditors have to practice influence.

Preferences among White College Students Regarding Ethnicity of University Counseling Center Therapists

Richardson, John David 01 August 2011 (has links)
This 2-study research project explored whether the ethnicity of university counseling center therapists affects White clients’ therapy attendance rates and perception of counselors’ trustworthiness and level of expertise. Study 1 examined attendance rate differences of the clients of White therapists versus ethnic minority therapists in a university counseling center to determine if the minority therapists have lower client attendance rates than clients of White counselors. Study 2 examined White undergraduate participants’ ratings of profiles of White, African American and non-US Indian counselors portrayed in a mock university counseling center brochure on factors of trustworthiness and expertise. It also examined Big 5 personality traits as covariates to determine if the trait of Openness to Experience positively influences White participants’ ratings of ethnic minority therapists. Results for Study 1 showed that practicum-level ethnic minority trainees had significantly lower client attendance rates when compared with practicum level White therapists; no significant differences in client attendance rates were found among intern-level minority and White therapists. Study 2 found that non-US Indian counselors were rated more negatively than White or African American counselors by White participants. However, the trait of Openness did not show a significant interaction with ethnicity of counselor among participants. The article concludes with a discussion of the main findings, future research ideas, and practical implications for university counseling centers regarding assigning clients to ethnically/culturally different counselors.

Vart är revisorsyrket på väg? : En studie om digitalisering i revisionsbranschen samt dess påverkan på revisorns kundrelation

Gesien Hedborg, Fabian, Radisevic, Jelena January 2018 (has links)
Den pågående digitaliseringsutvecklingen i dagens samhälle resulterar i stora förändringar inom ett flertal områden, däribland revisionsbranschen. De senaste decennierna har genomgripande förändringar skapat nya förutsättningar och utvecklingsmöjligheter för revisionsbyråer. Effekterna av en sådan förändringsprocess har tidigare studerats, däremot är förändringen gällande revisorns kundrelation ett relativt outforskat område. Studiens syfte är att utifrån ett revisorsperspektiv undersöka hur revisionsbranschen förändras av digitaliseringsutvecklingen och hur den i sin tur påverkar revisorns kundrelation. På så sätt kan studien belysa hur de undersökta revisionsbyråerna bemöter utvecklingen och även vad revisorerna anser vara viktigt att ta hänsyn till i kundrelationen under denna digitaliseringsomställning. Forskningsfrågan i undersökningen är således, "Hur ser digitaliseringen inom revisionsbranschen ut, och hur påverkar detta revisorns kundrelation?". Med hjälp av en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi baserad på personliga intervjuer med auktoriserade revisorer har besvarandet av forskningsfrågan framkommit. Studiens slutsatser visar att den rådande digitaliseringsutvecklingen förändrar revisionsbranschen genom dess möjligheter till ett mer digitaliserat och effektivt revisionsarbete. Tillgång till digitala verktyg i revisionsarbetet utgör ett betydelsefullt stöd för revisorn. Det möjliggör en mer heltäckande revision samt en reducering av standardiserade arbetsuppgifter, som vidare ger upphov till en ökad automatisering inom branschen. Följden av ett alltmer digitaliserat arbetssätt har vidare resulterat i förändringar i revisorns kundrelation. En ökad användning av digitala hjälpmedel möjliggör en mer öppen relation mellan revisor och kund som resulterar i en större delaktighet från kundens sida under revisionsprocessen. Tillgång till mer digitala verktyg skapar även ett mer tillförlitligt revisionsarbete och en smidigare kommunikation. Studien visar även att det under digitaliseringsutvecklingen uppvisas ett mer proaktivt förhållningssätt hos respondenterna från de större revisionsbyråerna jämfört med respondenterna från de mindre. Däremot uppvisar respondenterna från samtliga byråer ett proaktivt förhållningssätt när det gäller interaktionen med kunderna. Det är sammantaget betydande att revisorn följer med i utvecklingen och samtidigt utformar arbetssättet utefter kundens förväntningar samt preferenser. Detta för att undvika ett missnöje och därmed möjliggöra ett bevarande av goda kundrelationer. / The current digitalisation is changing our society, it is particularly changing several business areas such as the audit industry. In recent decades, radical changes of this process have created development opportunities for audit firms. The effects of digitalisation have previously been studied, however no empirical study has specifically explored the effects of a change regarding an auditor’s client relationship. The purpose of this research is to examine, from an auditor’s perspective, the audit industry’s continued digitalisation and its impact of an auditor’s client relationship. Thereby, the study can illustrate how the examined audit firms meet the digitalisation but also what the auditors consider to be important in a client relationship during this development. This study will therefore address the following research question, "How does the digitalisation appear within the audit industry, and how does it affect an auditor’s client relationship?". This qualitative study is based on personal interviews with authorized auditors, to validate the results of the study’s research question. The findings of this study show that the current digitalisation is changing the audit industry, due to its possibilities to achieve a more efficient and higher quality audit. Access to digital technologies make a significant contribution and facilitates the work of the auditor. It also enables a comprehensive audit as well as the reduction of certain tasks, which leads to more automation. The results of a more digitised work have moreover caused changes in the client relationship of an auditor. An increased use of digital technologies enables an open relationship between an auditor and a client, which results in a greater participation from the client during the audit process. The implementation of digital technologies also creates a more reliable audit and improved communication. It is also found that larger audit firms are more proactive in comparison to smaller audit firms when it comes to keeping pace with the digitalisation. However, both large and small audit firms are proactive in their interaction with clients. Overall, an auditor must follow the digitalisation and simultaneously adjust the work procedure after the client’s expectations and preferences. The auditor is expected to consider a client’s requirements to avoid dissatisfaction so that a relationship can be maintained.

Uniformed Military Counselors: Effects of Counselor Attire on Potential Client Initial Perceptions and Preferences

Huddleston, James Ellsworth 05 1900 (has links)
This study was undertaken to investigate the influence of a military counselor s attire on potential clients expressed perceptions of and preferences for a counselor. Ninety volunteer participants were selected from a large southwestern Air Force base. Participants ranged in age from 18 to 46 years, with 68 male and 22 female volunteers. Rank was divided into 69 enlisted personnel (56 males and 13 females) and 21 officers (12 males and 9 females). Three videotapes were made depicting a counselor in three attire conditions: civilian; military officer; and military enlisted. A pilot study was completed which validated the research assumption that the videotapes differed only in the counselor's attire conditions. Participants were randomly assigned to three treatment groups. After each group was shown a videotape portraying the counselor in one of the three attire conditions, the participants were administered the Counselor Rating Form and the Referral Questionaire. The Counselor Rating Form is composed of three scales which assess perceptions of a counselors' trustworthiness, attractiveness, and expertness. The Referral Questionaire assesses subjects preferences to see a specific counselor in the event counseling is desired. Two main hypotheses, each having three subhypotheses, were developed for the study. The first hypothesis compared participants reactions to a counselor in civilian and military attire conditions. The second hypothesis compared participants' reactions to a counselor in two military attire conditions representing officer and enlisted ranks. Data was analyzed by analysis of variance procedures, with Scheffe' methods used, when appropriate, for multiple comparisons of mean scores.

Mesure de l'accord interjuge de la grille d'analyse des procédés de recadrage et d'accompagnement (GAPRA)

Marceau, Jean-Pierre January 2007 (has links)
La GAPRA est une grille d’analyse de contenu visant à mesurer la fréquence de quatre types de procédés utilisés par un professionnel dans une interaction avec un client. Chaque type de procédé est défini en fonction de l'information apportée ou suscitée par le professionnel et par le cadre de référence qu’il privilégie. La présente étude a consisté à vérifier la possibilité de former des juges étudiants de psychologie, de niveau doctoral, à identifier dans la transcription écrite d’entrevues professionnelles les quatre types de procédés et d’obtenir un accord interjuge substantiel, entre eux, et avec les auteurs de la grille dont le codage a servi de « Gold Standard ». Cinq dialogues du domaine de la psychothérapie et deux dialogues de médecins ont été codés totalisant 1048 réparties de professionnels. Les résultats démontrent que l’accord interjuge est substantiel pour deux types de procédés seulement. L’analyse des sources de désaccord par dialogue permet d’apporter des recommandations précises afin d’améliorer la procédure de codage dans le but de faire de la GAPRA une grille d’analyse avec un coefficient de fidélité interjuge satisfaisant au niveau des quatre types de procédés.

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