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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kommunikation av intern ekonomiinformation : en fallstudie av kommunikationsbarriärer i ett större företag

Atlegard, Lorraine, Grönlund, Kristina January 2019 (has links)
Det är sedan länge konstaterat att intern kommunikation har stor betydelse för företagets framgång. Syftet med att kommunicera intern ekonomiinformation är att redogöra för den ekonomiska situationen samt att ge en bild av företagets framtida utveckling. En viktig faktor med intern ekonomiinformation är att skapa målöverenstämmelse. Företag upplever ofta kommunikationsproblem och svårigheter med att nå ut med intern information. Det uppstår barriärer i kommunikationen mellan sändare och mottagare, vilket orsakar att budskapet inte når fram. Företag med hierarkisk struktur med flera ledningsskikt tenderar att uppvisa sämre kommunikation jämfört med mindre företag. Syftet med studien är att identifiera organisationsbetingade barriärer som kan uppstå i kommunikationen av intern ekonomisk information mellan vd -mellanchef -medarbetare i ett storthierarkisktföretag. Genom undersökning av kommunikationsprocessen ämnar studien att urskilja barriärerna samt ge förslag på hur dessa kan överbryggas. Studien har även för avsikt att utröna vad som fordras för att intern ekonomiinformation ska få en målöverensstämmande verkan.För att svara på syftet utfördes en fallstudie av kvalitativ karaktär. Intervjuer genomfördes med utgångspunkt i en teoretisk kommunikationsmodell som sedan låg till grund för analysen. Resultatet visar att otillräckliga ekonomikunskaper, skilda ekonomikunskaper mellan sändare och mottagare, tidsbristsamtför mycket eller för lite ekonomiinformation är barriärer som kan uppstå. Resultatet visar även att det fordras att informationen som kommuniceras är anpassad så att den är relevant och lätt att förstå för mottagaren för att den ska verka målöverensstämmande. För att överbrygga dessa barriärer rekommenderas att företag erbjuder kompetensutveckling och att sändaren av informationen skapar sig en uppfattning både om mottagarens kunskapsnivå och informationsbehov för att sedan anpassa informationen efter det. Slutligen är det viktigt att göra en prioritering av hur arbetstiden ska fördelas, så att det ges tillräckligt med tid till kommunikation av ekonomiinformation. Ett förslag till vidare forskning är att inrikta undersökningen mot individbetingade barriärer som kan uppkomma i kommunikationen av intern ekonomisk information. / For a long time it has beenestablished that internal communication is of great importance for business success. The purpose of communicating internal financial information is to describe the financial situation and to give a picture of the company's future development. An important factor with internal financial information is to create goal congruence. Companies often experience communication problems and difficulties in reaching out with internal information. It occurs barriers in communication between the sender and the receiver, causing the message not getting through. Companies with hierarchical structure with multiple management layers tend to show poorer communication compared to smaller companies. The purpose of the study is to identify organizational barriers that may arise in the communication of internal financial information between the CEO -middle manager -employees in a largehierarchicalcompany. Through examination of the communication process, the study intends to distinguish the barriers and give suggestions on how these can be bridged. The study also intends to determine what is required for internal financial information to have a goal congruence effect. To answer the purpose, a case study of qualitative character was performed. Interviews were conducted on the basis of a theoretical communication model which formed the base for the analysis. The result shows that insufficient financial knowledge, different financial knowledge between sender and receiver, lack of timeandtoo much or too little financial information are barriers that can arise. The result also shows that the information which is communicated should necessarily be adapted to become relevant and easy to understand for the receiver in order to work goal congruently. To overcome these barriers, it is recommended that companies provide competence development and that the sender of the information creates an understandingof boththe receiver’s knowledge level and information needs in order to adapt the information accordingly. Finally, it is important to prioritize how working hours should be distributed, so sufficient time is provided for communication of financial information. A proposal for further research is to focus the study on individual-related barriers that may arise in the communication of internal financial information.

Vadovo bendravimo su pavaldiniais vertinimas: paslaugų sektoriaus įmonių atvejo analizė / Assessment of supervisor`s interaction with employees: a case study of the service sector enterprise

Rudauskaitė, Ina, Gerulytė, Kristina 03 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe atliekamas vadovo bendravimo su pavaldiniais vertinimas paslaugų sektoriuose (Šiaulių miesto valyklose, viešbučiuose, Šiaulių ir Norvegijos skalbyklose). Klausimynas, pagal kurį atlikta darbuotojų apklausa tiriamų paslaugų sektorių įmonėse, parengtas remianti vadybinės literatūros autorių (Jasinavičius, Sokol, 2005; Kasiulis, Barvydienė, 2005; Baršauskienė, Janulevičiūtė, 1999) išskirtomis asmeninėmis vadovo savybėmis, originaliu Costigan ir Schmeidler sudarytu bendravimo klimato (CCI) klausimynu bei lietuvių autorių (Bakanauskienė, Petkevičiūtė, 2003; Misevičius, Urbonienė, 2006) išskirtais bendravimo trukdžiais. Apklausoje dalyvavo 181 respondentų (63 – viešbučių darbuotojų, 65 – valyklos, 26 – Šiaulių skalbyklos, 27 – Norvegijos skalbyklos). Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad visuose paslaugų sektoriuose išryškėjo trys darbuotojams imponuojančios vadovo asmeninės savybės: santykių šiltumas, nuoširdumas, empatija. Tiriamose paslaugų sferose dominuoja palaikantis bendravimo klimatas, tačiau yra ir gynybinio bendravimo klimato apraiškų. Palaikantį bendravimo klimatą labiausiai stiprina tokie veiksniai kaip „problemų įvardinimas darbuotojams“, „vadovo pagarbus elgesys su pavaldiniais“ ir „vadovo aiškus ir objektyvus situacijos apibūdinimas“. Tuo tarpu gynybinio bendravimo klimato raišką labiausiai stiprina „vadovo asmeninės pozicijos pabrėžimas“ ir per didelis „vadovo asmeninės atsakomybės prisiėmimas už darbo rezultatus“. Tiriamuose paslaugų sektoriuose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the paper is to compare supervisor - employee communication patterns in a different type of service providing organizations (laundries, hotels in Šiauliai, Šiauliai washhouse, Norway washhouse). Framework of this study is the personal supervisor characteristics, offered by managerial literature authors (Jasinavičius, Sokol, 2005; Kasiulis, Barvydienė, 2005; Baršauskienė, Janulevičiūtė, 1999) original communication climate inventory (CCI) operationalized by J. I. Costigan and M. A. Schmeidler (1984) and communication barriers, offered by lithuanian authors (Bakanauskienė, Petkevičiūtė, 2003; Misevičius, Urbonienė, 2006). There were 181 respondents involved in this survey (63 - employees from Šiauliai hotels, 65 - employees from Šiauliai laundries, 26 - employees from Šiauliai washhouse, 27 - employees from Norway washhouse). The final results of the survey were grouped and interpreted as well as conclusions made. While carrying out the survey it was found out that sincerity, empathy, warm relationships are the most important personal supervisor characteristics. The results showed that supportive communication climate dominates in all service sectors, but there are some manifestations of the defensive communication climates as well. The most important factors of the supportive climate dominance in the organizations are that supervisors define clearly problems, treat with their employees with respect and characterize situation clearly and objective. The most important... [to full text]

Barriers to formal communication in the SANDF

Hartley, Llewellyn Henry 06 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is an exploratory study aimed at empirically identifying and examining manifestations of communication barriers in the South African National Defence Force. A convergence model of communication is presented, describing the stages involved when individuals share the same information. The convergence model of communication delineates the relationship among the physical, psychological, and social aspects of communication. Two complementary theorems deduced by Kincaid (1988) from the convergence principle and the basic cybernetic process involved in information processing are applied in the analyses. The theorems specify the conditions under which intercultural communication will lead to convergence between members of different cultures involved. An empirically testable model was developed to collect information about possible communication barriers. The barriers are an indication of the restrictions on communication in the system and therefore indicate the possibility of restricting cultural convergence. / Communication / M.A. (Communication)

Subsídios para a construção de pranchas de comunicação suplementar e/ou alternativa : visão de cuidadores e profissionais de saúde em formação / Subsidies to create augmentative and alternative communication boards : perception of family members and health care professionals in training

Carvalho, Cíntia Monteiro, 1988- 21 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Regina Yu Shon Chun / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T23:36:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carvalho_CintiaMonteiro_M.pdf: 1131725 bytes, checksum: a763a725e0a584e7c3243c01f09d55a9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Introdução: Em função de causas diversas, uma parcela significativa da população possui algum tipo de comprometimento de linguagem, necessitando de alternativas, tais como a Comunicação Suplementar e Alternativa (CSA) pode proporcionar. A CSA trata-se de área de conhecimento prático, clínico, educacional e de pesquisa, que visa favorecer sujeitos com comprometimento de linguagem, seja oral, escrita ou gestual. A implementação desses recursos da CSA envolve o processo de construção de pranchas de comunicação, foco deste trabalho. Objetivos: Investigar a percepção de familiares e profissionais da saúde em formação que acompanham usuários de Comunicação Suplementar e/ou Alternativa quanto as suas necessidades de modo a subsidiar a construção de pranchas de comunicação em diferentes recursos. Sujeitos e Método: Trata-se de investigação de caráter clínico-qualitativo, cujos participantes foram familiares de usuários de CSA (n= 09) e profissionais de saúde em formação que os acompanham (n=10). A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, gravadas em vídeo e transcritas para análise, segundo critérios de relevância e repetição. As categorias de análise estabelecidas foram: a) Uso e impacto dos recursos de CSA; b) Construção das pranchas de CSA; c) Possibilidades de uso mais efetivo da CSA e d) Dificuldades no uso dos recursos de CSA. Resultados: A maioria dos sujeitos relatou vantagens na comunicação e melhor entendimento do usuário de CSA, embora os achados tenham mostrado uma baixa frequência de uso dos mesmos. No processo de construção das pranchas os sujeitos referiram que são levadas em conta as demandas dos usuários de CSA e da família. Para um uso mais efetivo foram apontadas sugestões em relação à própria prancha. Dentre as dificuldades, foram indicadas: transporte, vocabulário restrito das pranchas e expectativa em relação à fala. No processo de construção das pranchas, foram considerados diversos fatores como as necessidades dos usuários, atuação conjunta entre usuários, família e escola e os profissionais, condições linguísticas, cognitivas e motoras, funcionalidade e adaptação dos recursos, dentre outros. Conclusão: Os achados evidenciam a importância de se rever a formação dos futuros profissionais da saúde para a atuação nesta área tendo em vista proporcionar maior autonomia, independência e qualidade de vida ao usuário de CSA em uma perspectiva de atuação interdisciplinar e integrada com o cuidador e o próprio sujeito. Assim como esses atores, o profissional está em constituição no desenvolvimento desse processo quanto à apropriação e compreensão do papel, uso e vantagens da CSA, implicando um esforço comum de todos os envolvidos para uma atenção integral e integrados / Abstract: Introduction: As a result of several causes, a significant portion of the population has some kind of language impairments requiring different solutions, such as Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). AAC deals with the practical, clinical, educational and investigative knowledge area that aims at assisting individuals with oral, written or sign language impairments. The implementation of AAC resources involves the process of creating communication boards, which is the focus of this paper. Objectives: Investigate the perception of family members and health care workers in training that assist users of Augmentative and Alternative Communication concerning their needs, such as subsidies to create communication boards with different resources. Subjects and Method: It is a clinical-qualitative investigation, with participants that are related to AAC users (n= 09) and trainee health care professionals involved in their follow-up (n=10). Data collection was done through the use of semi-structured interviews, recorded in video and transcribed for analysis, according to relevance and repetition criteria. Analyses categories were established as: a) Use and impact of AAC resources; b) Creating AAC communication boards; c) Possibilities for more effective AAC use and d) Difficulties in the use of AAC resources. Results: Most of the subjects reported advantages in communication and improved comprehension for the AAC user, although our findings revealed low AAC utilization frequency. Regarding the communication board making process, the subjects mentioned that the demands of both AAC users and their family members are taken into account. Suggestions regarding the communication board were made, for more effective use. Among the difficulties pointed out were: transportation, restricted communication boards vocabulary and expectations concerning speech and language. In the communication board making process several factors were considered: AAC users needs, joint action with the AAC user, family and school and the health professionals; linguistic, cognitive and motor status; functionality and adaptation of resources, among others. Conclusion: Our findings point to the importance of reviewing education and training of future health care providers who will work in this field with the purpose of offering more autonomy, independence and quality of life to the AAC user, under a perspective of integrated interdisciplinary care with the caregiver and the subject. Likewise, the professional is increasingly becoming part of the development of this process regarding the appropriation and comprehension of the role, use and advantages of AAC, resulting in a common effort of all involved for integral and integrated care / Mestrado / Interdisciplinaridade e Reabilitação / Mestra em Saúde, Interdisciplinaridade e Reabilitação

Worlding Communication: The Foregrounding of Novel Communication Barriers in Literature

Hughes, Serra January 2022 (has links)
Novel communication barriers, innovative obstacles to mutual understanding that deviate from the norms of the actual world, are a recurring yet understudied presence in aesthetic worlds of all kinds. Some examples of this are Dana’s twentieth-century way of speaking that travels back in time with her in Kindred, or Americans under Japanese occupation struggling to speak through cultural and linguistic barriers in an alternate historical timeline in The Man in the High Castle, or the unique obstructions to communication in the alien encounters of Ursula Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness or Ted Chiang’s “The Story of Your Life.” In certain works, communication barriers carry such a novel character and occupy such a prominent place in the narrative that they call out for interpretation at a metadiegetic level. In previous scholarship, linguistic inventiveness has been studied primarily for the ways it speaks to science fiction genre distinctions. This essay aims to reveal how the recurrence of this foregrounded literary mechanism points to a transcultural and transhistorical tendency that goes beyond science fiction. With the aim of proving its usefulness in world literature studies, the goal is to analyze the presence of the novel barrier in seven different texts and how it projects a certain theory of the world. Using Darko Suvin’s concept of the novum and Eric Hayot’s metadiegetic structures I argue that novel communication barriers have in their nature a foregrounding effect that projects a kind of worldedness that accounts for the way communication is conceptualized and experienced. Using Jürgen Habermas’s theory of communication to substantiate this worldedness, I demonstrate how the motivation toward rational consensus on truth claims behind each act of communication has a world-creating effect which is articulated by the novel communication barrier in these texts.

Language Proficiency, Citizenship, and Food Insecurity among Predominantly Immigrant Caribbean Latinos in Massachusetts: A Masters Thesis

Little, Tariana V. 30 April 2015 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Latinos report higher food insecurity than the national average, and food insecurity has been associated with adverse health outcomes wherein Latinos experience disparities. This study quantified the independent effects of language-speaking proficiency and citizenship on increased food insecurity among a predominantly immigrant Caribbean Latino sample in Lawrence, Massachusetts. METHODS: The analytic sample comprised 574 participants aged 21-83 who visited a community health center in 2011-2013. Food insecurity was assessed via the 6-item US Household Food Security Survey. Multivariable logistic modeling (adjusted for self-reported age group, gender, education, and marital status) examined the independent associations between language proficiency and citizenship on increased food insecurity. RESULTS: One-third of participants were classified as food insecure. Most respondents were citizens (59.5%), foreign-born (92.4%; 70.3% from the Dominican Republic), and spoke monolingual Spanish (72.8%). Monolingual Spanish-speakers had marginally increased odds of food insecurity (odds ratio (OR) = 1.50, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.00 to 2.26), compared to bilingual participants; however after adjustment this relationship was attenuated (OR = 1.25, 95% CI: 0.79 to 2.00). Non-citizenship was not associated with increased odds of food insecurity (OR=1.18, 95% CI: 0.82 to 1.68). CONCLUSION: Food insecurity in this predominantly immigrant Caribbean Latino sample was higher than the national average for Latinos. Future research on food insecurity among different Latino ethnicities is needed in order to inform targeted interventions that promote food security.

Identifying Communication Barriers and Trust Issues of Black Women Seeking Preventive Health Services in Houston, Texas

Shelton, Melissa E. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Black women mortality rates are perceived to be impacted by communication barriers, trust issues, and the lack of quality preventive health services. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore communication barriers and trust issues perceived by Black women when seeking preventive health services. HMB was used to identify public attitudes around receiving preventive health services and to construct each question based on perceived susceptibility and perceived severity of communication barriers and trust issues. An ecological model of the communication process was used as a framework to identify fundamental relationships between the Black female patients and health care providers. Data were collected using open-ended interview questions from Black women in public health and health care professions in southeast Texas (N=10). Results were coded and evaluated by thematic analysis. NVivo 10 software was used to store and manage data. Study findings showed 4 participants voiced their beliefs that their healthcare provider was somewhat apathetic when it came to addressing their health care needs, and 3 of the participants who visited a doctor's office within the last 12 months reportedly expressed having poor communication and trust issues with their health care provider. Emerged themes included lack of attentiveness from health care providers and lack of a comfortable atmosphere or bedside manner when receiving preventive health care services from their healthcare provider. This research has implications for social change if the health inequalities of Black women are identified and addressed, then Black women may have a reduction in health disparities when receiving preventive health services and an increase healthier outcomes.

Kroppsspråk, handpåläggning, hängslen och livrem : ambulanspersonalens upplevelse av att bedöma och vårda patienter vid språkförbistring

Larsen, Anton, Marklund, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sverige har genomgått en förändring i demografi där en allt större del av befolkningen inte har svenska som modersmål. Samtidigt går ambulanssjukvården från att vara en transportfunktion där destinationen alltid varit akutsjukhus till att vara patientens första möte i en obruten vårdkedja. I detta nya uppdrag ingår att inhämta information, bedöma, vid behov behandla och slutligen transportera eller hänvisa patienten till rätt vårdnivå. Grunden för detta är en korrekt anamnes, bedömning och triagering.Detta ställer krav på individanpassad och differentierad vård. Språkförbistring på sjukhus har visat sig resultera i ökad handläggningstid, en större mängd undersökningar och fler vårdskador. Prehospitalt har forskning på språkförbistring inriktat sig på larmsamtal. Syfte:Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka ambulanspersonalens upplevelse att bedöma och vårda patienter vid språkförbistring.Metod: Syftet besvarades genom en kvalitativ studie med induktiv kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Deltagarna utgjordes av sex ambulanssjuksköterskor och två ambulanssjukvårdare som alla hadeerfarenhet av att bedöma och vårda patienter vid språkförbistring. Intervjudeltagarna rekryterades genom bekvämlighetsurval från ett mellansvenskt län. Data inhämtades med semistrukturerade enskilda intervjuer och analyserades med hjälp av induktiv innehållsanalys. Resultat: Fyra huvudkategorierframträdde. En mer fysisk bedömning beskrev hur ambulanspersonalen vid språkförbistring i större utsträckning nyttjade yttre, fysiska attribut för att göra en skattning av patientens kontaktorsak och allvarlighetsgrad. Att kommunicera annorlunda rörde hur vårdarna sökte kommunicera med patienten trots språkförbistring. Att handlägga utan information avhandlade information som ambulanspersonalen trots försök upplevde svår att klarlägga samt hur detta påverkade deras handläggning av patienten. Slutligen presenterades kategorin att skapa en relation vid språkförbistring som belyste hur intervjudeltagarna upplevde att deras mellanmänskliga vård påverkades vid språkförbistring. Slutsats:Studiens resultat påvisar att ambulanspersonals upplevelse av bedömning och vård vid språkförbistring karaktäriseradesav osäkerhet och en önskan om att kompensera för informationsluckor. Denna kompensation yttrade sig genom en noggrannare, bredare fysisk undersökning och bedömning samt en handläggning och vård som arbetar efter modellen ”hängslen och livrem”. Detta upplevdes också som begränsande då vårdarna avhöll sig från vissa åtgärder, såsom smärtstillning eller omstyrning till närakut, primärvård eller geriatriskt sjukhus. Då patienten var kritiskt sjuk upplevde inte personalen att omhändertagandet skiljde sig mot ett möte utan språkförbistring. Vid de tillfällen patienten inte var uppenbartakut sjuk upplevde personalen att de inte kunde ge samma möjligheter till en individanpassad vård och handläggning.En del av denna problematik skulle kunna adresseras genom ett utökat och anpassat besluts- och översättningsstöd för ambulanspersonalen. / Background: Sweden is going through a demographic change in which a larger part of the population no longer has swedish as its first language. At the same time the ambulance service is transforming from a purely transporting service to an integrated part of the patients overall healthcare. This new mission involves to gather information, to assess, when needed to treat and finally to transport or direct the patient to the most suited level of care. This process is based on a correct patient history, assesment and triage. Previous research has shown that language barriers in hospitals result in an increased risk of delays, costly examinations and injuries. Prehospital research on language barriers have traditionally focused on the emergency phone-call. Aim: The purpose of this study was to explore ambulance staffs experiences and perceptions of assessing and caring for patients where language was a barrier. Method: This was a qualitative study using a qualitative content analysis. Participants included six Swedish ambulance nurses and two ambulance nursing assistants who all had experience in assessing and caring for patients where language had been a barrier.Participants were recruited based on convenience. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analysed using inductive content analysis. Results:Four main categories emerged. A more physical evaluation encompassed how the providers increased the importance of outside physical attributes to assess the patients condition and level of urgency. To communicate differently comprised hos staff despite language barriers sought to communicate with the patient. To process without information described information that staff despite attempts were unable to map and how this affected their assessment and decision-making. The final category regarded to create a relationship through the language barrier and how participants perceived that their interpersonal carewas affected by language difficulties. Conclusion: The ambulance staff perceived and experienced the assesment and care where language was a barrieras characterised by a higher degree of uncertainty and a wish to compensate for alack of information. This compensation manifested itself through a more thorough, wider physical examination and an assessment based on the principle of ”belt and suspenders”. This was perceived as a limitation as staff abstained from certain actions, such as administering pain relief or directly admitting the patient to primary care or a geriatric ward. The assessment and care for the critically ill patient did not differentiate from that of the everyday case. The moderately ill patient however was perceived as not to be given thesameoptions to an individually adapted care and handling. Part of this problematique could be adressed through an expanded and adapted language- and decision making-tool for the crews.

Mötet mellan sjuksköterska och patient med kulturella och språkliga skillnader : en litteraturöversikt

Clausson, Linn, Enström, Ida January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund Antalet invandrare som kommer till Sverige har ökat de senaste åren. Sjuksköterskor i vården stöter allt mer på patienter med kulturella och språkliga skillnader. Ett bra möte mellan sjuksköterska och patient, där båda kan förstå varandra, är viktigt för att få en god och säker vård. Det är av stor vikt att sjuksköterskor har kunskap om transkulturell omvårdnad för att möta patientens unika behov på vägen mot hälsa. Syfte Syftet var att belysa språkbarriärer i mötet mellan sjuksköterska och patient med kulturella och språkliga skillnader.  Metod En litteraturöversikt valdes som metod för att göra en sammanställning av tidigare gjord forskning kring det valda ämnet. Totalt 17 vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades.  Resultat I resultatet framkom tre kategorier: språkbarriär, kulturell kompetens samt brist och tillgång till tolk. De tre kategorierna delas in i tre subkategorier format i en tabell. Resultatet visade vidare att språkbarriären utgjorde det största hindret i kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterskan och patient med invandrarbakgrund. Kulturell kompetens och brist och tillgång till tolk, var två andra hinder av betydelse i kommunikationen.  Slutsats För att kunna ge god omvårdnad behöver sjuksköterskan kommunicera med patienten och dessutom ha en viss förståelse för patientens kulturella bakgrund. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskor får utbildning inom transkulturell omvårdnad. Med mer kunskap i ämnet kan förhoppningsvis ömsesidiga missförstånd och frustration därav minskas samt förebyggas. För att få en säkrare vård, kunna känna trygghet och undvika missuppfattningar är det viktigt att engagera en professionell tolk i sjuksköterskans möte med patienten.

The Importance of Communication During Organizational Transformation : A Case Study at AstraZeneca about Communication Barriers / Kommunikationens betydelse under organisatorisk förändring : En fallstudie på AstraZeneca om kommunikationsbarriärer

Robertsson, Anton January 2019 (has links)
In today’s rapidly changing environment, organizational change is more important than ever before for companies to remain competitive. Additionally, there is an increasing need that change leadership theory needs a new perspective which emphasizes the need to further investigate the area. Communication is a part of change leadership theory. Although leadership communication is a thoroughly researched theoretical field, the dynamics of the communication process is limited and needs to be further investigated. This thesis has therefore focused on leadership communication during organizational change. By designing a dynamic communication model, this study aims to develop an increased understanding of communication barriers in companies during organizational change. This thesis is based on a case study at AstraZeneca. Data in this study have been retrieved through a survey and interviews conducted at the company. The communication process has been identified to consists of three phases; Explaining the Change, Getting Others Along, and Anchoring the Change. Based on these three phases, three barriers to leadership communication during organizational change have been identified; Lack of Understanding, Lack of Requesting, and Lack of Time. By understanding these barriers and comparing them to existing literature, a dynamic communication model has been proposed. This model consists of the theoretical anchored communication phases; Sender, Message, Receiver, and Feedback together with the three identified communication barriers; Lack of Understanding, Lack of Requesting, and Lack of Time. This model is considered as a foundation for future studies intended to develop a dynamic communication model suitable for organizational change. The model can also be viewed as a tool for managers in organizations characterized by change who want to enhance their communicating ability and overcome these communication barriers. / I dagens snabba förändringstakt är det viktigare än någonsin för företag att förbli konkurrenskraftiga. Det finns dessutom ett ökande behov av att förändringsledningsteorin behöver ett nytt perspektiv, vilket betonar vikten av att undersöka detta område. En del i förändringsledarskapsteorin är kommunikation. Trots att ledarkommunikation är ett väl undersökt teoretiskt område, är teorin om kommunikationsprocessens dynamik begränsad och behöver undersökas ytterligare. Denna studie har därför fokuserat på ledarkommunikation under organisatorisk förändring. Genom att utforma en dynamisk kommunikationsmodell syftar denna studie till att utveckla en ökad förståelse för kommunikationsbarriärer i företag under organisatorisk förändring. Denna uppsats är baserad på en fallstudie på AstraZeneca. Data har inhämtats genom en enkät och intervjuer genomförda hos företaget. Kommunikationsprocessen har identifierats att bestå av tre faser; Att förklara förändringen, Att få med sig andra och Att förankra förändringen. Baserat på dessa tre faser har tre barriärer för ledarkommunikation under organisatorisk förändring identifierats; Brist på förståelse, Brist på efterfrågan och Tidsbrist. Genom att förstå barriärerna och jämföra dem med befintlig litteratur har en dynamisk kommunikationsmodell föreslagits. Denna modell består av de teoretiska förankrade kommunikationsfaserna; Avsändare, Meddelande, Mottagare och Återkoppling tillsammans med de tre identifierade kommunikationsbarriärerna; Brist på förståelse, Brist på efterfrågan och Tidsbrist. Denna modell ses som en grund för framtida studier avsedda att utveckla en dynamisk kommunikationsmodell som är lämplig för organisationsförändringar. Modellen kan dock också ses som ett verktyg för ledare i organisationer kännetecknade av förändring som vill förbättra sin kommunikationsförmåga och övervinna dessa kommunikationsbarriärer.

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