Spelling suggestions: "subject:"complete"" "subject:"komplete""
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Σχεδόν πλήρως αναλυόμενα στοχαστικά συστήματα και εφαρμογές / Nearly completely decomposable stochastic systems and applicationsΝικολακόπουλος, Αθανάσιος Ν. 11 June 2013 (has links)
Το θέμα της παρούσας μεταπτυχιακής διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η εφαρμογή της θεωρίας των Σχεδόν Πλήρως Αναλυόμενων Στοχαστικών Συστημάτων (Nearly Completely Decomposable) σε μία σειρά προβλημάτων στα οποία παραδοσιακές προσεγγίσεις αποδεικνύονται ερμηνευτικά στείρες και υπολογιστικά κοστοβόρες. Στο πρώτο μέρος της διπλωματικής αφού κάνουμε μία διαισθητικού τύπου παρουσίαση της ιδέας της decomposability και συνοψίσουμε τα απαραίτητα στοιχεία του θεωρητικού υποβάθρου που χρησιμοποιούμε στα πλαίσια της εργασίας, παραθέτουμε τονπυρήνα της θεωρίας της decomposability, όπως αυτή θεμελιώνεται μαθηματικά από τον Courtois στην κλασική του μονογραφία. Τέλος, παραθέτουμε και μία υλοποίηση του KMS αλγορίθμου Συσσωμάτωσης/Αποσυσσωμάτωσης, για τη λύση NCD συστημάτων.
Το δεύτερο μέρος του συγγράμματος, είναι αφιερωμένο στην εφαρμογή της NCD σε δύο ενδιαφέροντα προβλήματα εκτίμησης απόδοσης υπολογιστικών συστημάτων. Συγκεκριμένα, μελετούμε μία ιδιότυπη ουρά που εξυπηρετεί πελάτες διαφορετικών κλάσεων, με τις ανά κλάση αφίξεις να χαρακτηρίζονται από εναλλαγές μεταξύ περιόδων ηρεμίας και κινητικότητας και την εξυπηρέτηση να γίνεται σε δέσμες πελατών της ίδιας κλάσης. Το κίνητρο για τη μελέτη αυτής της ουράς εντοπίζεται στη bursty φύση της μεταγωγής πακέτων στα σύγχρονα δίκτυα αλλά και στους reassembly buffers των multicluster πολυεπεξεργαστικών συστημάτων. Η ανάλυση της ουράς με παραδοσιακές τεχνικές οδηγεί αναπόφευκτα σε μαρκοβιανή αλυσίδα πολύ μεγάλου χώρου κατάστασης. Εμείς, ξεκινάμε από το πλήρες στοχαστικό μητρώο και αφού διαμερίσουμε κατάλληλα το χώρο καταστάσεων, αποδεικνύουμε ικανές συνθήκες υπό τις οποίες το αρχικό σύστημα είναι δυνατόν να αναλυθεί σε πολλαπλά επίπεδα υποσυστημάτων, η αυτόνομη ανάλυση των οποίων δίνει μία πολύ καλή προσέγγιση της στάσιμης κατανομής του αρχικού συστήματος. Επίσης, παραθέτουμε και αποδεικνύουμε μία ικανή συνθήκη για μηδενικό σφάλμα προσέγγισης και την ερμηνεύουμε σε όρους προδιαγραφών του προβλήματος. Τέλος, θεωρούμε μία ειδική συμμετρική εκδοχή για την οποία καταφέρνουμε να δώσουμε μία κλειστή έκφραση της κατανομής πληρότητας της ουράς συναρτήσει της λύσης των υποσυστημάτων.
Για να δείξουμε την απλοποίηση της ανάλυσης που επιφέρει η χρήση του NCD μοντέλου θεωρούμε ένα σενάριο για το οποίο προχωρούμε την ανάλυση σε βάθος και καταφέρνουμε να εξάγουμε χρήσιμες μετρικές στις οποίες, σε αντίθετη περίπτωση, θα ήταν ιδιαίτερα επίπονο να καταλήξει κανείς. Συγκεκριμένα, υπολογίζουμε την πιθανότητα blocking και δείχνουμε πως αυτή μειώνεται σχεδόν εκθετικά με το μέγεθος της ουράς. Βλέπουμε τελικά πως η εκμετάλλευση της NCD ιδιότητας από τη μία διευκολύνει την ανάλυση και από την άλλη παρέχει ανεκτίμητη διαίσθηση σχετικά με τη μεταβατική συμπεριφορά του συστήματος προς την κατάσταση στατιστικής ισορροπίας.
Το δεύτερο μέρος της διπλωματικής κλείνει με τη μελέτη κριτηρίων υπό τα οποία, πολυεπεξεργαστικά συστήματα που χωρίζονται σε ομάδες ισχυρά αλληλεπιδρώντων επεξεργαστών, μπορούν να αναλυθούν με χρήση της θεωρίας NCD. Είναι γνωστό πως στα δίκτυα ουρών αναμονής συγκρίσιμων ρυθμών εξυπηρέτησης, η NCD του μητρώου πιθανοτήτων δρομολόγησης συνεπάγεται την NCD του δικτύου. Εμείς, θεωρούμε μία ειδική περίπτωση τέτοιων συστημάτων για την οποία δείχνουμε ένα, εύκολο να ελεγχθεί, κριτήριο για NCD. Τέλος, εξετάζουμε βαθύτερα το σφάλμα της προσέγγισης, και χρησιμοποιώντας ένα πρόσφατο αποτέλεσμα της θεωρίας των σχεδόν ασύζευκτων μαρκοβιανών αλυσίδων δίνουμε έναν επιπλέον ποιοτικό περιορισμό που πρέπει να ικανοποιούν τα εν λόγω συστήματα για να πάρει κανείς ικανοποιητική προσέγγιση από την ανάλυσή τους σε ανεξάρτητα block.
Στο τρίτο μέρος της παρούσας εργασίας, εξετάζουμε την εφαρμογή της NCD στο πρόβλημα της κατάταξης ιστοσελίδων. Η πρόσφατη έρευνα έχει σχολιάσει την ειδική δομή του στοχαστικού μητρώου που προκύπτει από το γράφο του διαδικτύου· συγκεκριμένα, οι τοπολογικές ιδιότητες της αυτοoργάνωσης του Ιστού φαίνεται να παράγουν ένα στοχαστικό μητρώο με NCD δομή. Εμείς, αφού παραθέσουμε μία σύνοψη των μαθηματικών πίσω από τον αλγόριθμο PageRank, σχολιάζουμε και δικαιολογούμε διαισθητικά την NCD δομή του Ιστού αλλά και τη φύση των υποσυστημάτων. Τέλος, προτείνουμε έναν νέο αλγόριθμο κατάταξης με το όνομα NCDawareRank, o οποίος εκμεταλλεύεται την NCD ιδιότητα για να πετύχει ποιοτικότερο και ταχύτερο ranking. Μάλιστα, δίνουμε δύο εκδοχές του αλγορίθμου, μία σειριακή και μία παράλληλη, η οποία εκμεταλλεύεται την NCD του Ιστού και υπολογιστικά. Τα οφέλη που υπόσχεται ο NCDawareRank τα επιβεβαιώνουμε και πειραματικά εκτελώντας μία σειρά από πειράματα τόσο σε τεχνητά όσο και σε πραγματικά δεδομένα, αντιπαραβάλλοντας τα αποτελέσματα μας με αυτά του αλγορίθμου PageRank. O NCDawareRank φαίνεται μάλιστα να δίνει λύση σε ένα γνωστό πρόβλημα του PageRank: αυτό της μεροληψίας εναντίον νεοεισερχομένων σελίδων. Άλλο ένα, τέλος, παράπλευρο όφελος του αλγορίθμου NCDawareRank είναι αυτό της Levelwise κατάταξης, η οποία εκτός της σημασίας που έχει αφεαυτής, μπορεί να υποδείξει εξυπνότερο crawling ή ακόμα και αποδοτικότερα σχήματα ευρετηριοποίησης του Ιστού.
Στο τέταρτο και τελευταίο μέρος της διπλωματικής εφαρμόζουμε την NCD στην εύρεση των στοχαστικά ευσταθών καταστάσεων μίας κατηγορίας εξελικτικών παιγνίων στα οποία εμφανίζονται πολυεπίπεδες στρατηγικές δυναμικές. Αφού παραθέσουμε κάποιες πρόσφατες παρατηρήσεις από τη βιβλιογραφία της οικονομετρίας σχετικά με την αξιοποίηση της NCD στην προσεγγιστική ανάλυσή τους, αποδεικνύουμε συνθήκες υπό τις οποίες είναι δυνατόν να πετύχει κανείς ακριβή ανάλυση. / The purpose of this master’s thesis is the application of the theory of Nearly Completelely
Decomposable stochastic systems to a number of interesting problems for which tra-
ditional techniques turn out to be both intuitively unappealing and computationally in-
In the first part of this work, after introducing, the concept of decomposability in
an intuitive way and summarizing the essential elements of the theoretical background
that is necessary to follow the rest of the text, we present the fundamental mathematical
principles of NCD as established by Courtois in his classic monograph. Finally, we give
an implementation of the KMS iterative aggregation/disaggregation algorithm which is
commonly used for the solution of NCD systems.
The second part of the dissertation is devoted to the application of NCD to two inter-
esting problems of Computer Systems Performance Evaluation. Specifically, we study an
uncommon discrete time queue that serves customers from different classes, with the ar-
rivals of each class characterized by alternating busy and idle periods. The service is done
in batches of customers of the same class. The motivation behind the study of this queue,
lies in the bursty nature of packet switching, as well as in the modern reassembly buffers
of multicluster multiprocessor systems. The traditional analysis techniques of this queue
inevitably lead to Markov chains with very large state space. We begin with the complete
stochastic matrix and after careful partitioning of the state space, we give sufficient condi-
tions under which the original system can be analysed through multi level decomposition
into subsystems, the autonomous analysis of which results in a very good approximation
to the stationary distribution of the original system. Furthermore, we present and prove a
sufficient condition for an error-free approximation and we give an interpretation of this
condition in terms of the specifications of the problem. Finally, we consider a special sym-
metric version of the problem, for which we manage to derive a closed-form expression
for the queue’s occupancy distribution as a function of the steady state probabilities of the
To demonstrate the simplification of the analysis brought by the NCD model, we con-
sider a scenario in which we proceed to an in depth analysis and we manage to extract
useful metrics the derivation of which, would be considerably harder without exploiting
NCD. Specifically, we calculate the blocking probability and we show that it decreases
almost exponentially with the size of the queue. From our analysis, it is clear that the
exploitation of the NCD model increases significantly our ability to understand the dy-
namics of our system and to interpret aspects of its transient behaviour towards statistical
The second part of this work ends with the study of criteria under which multipro-
cessing systems, that can be divided into groups of strongly interacting processors, can be
analysed using the theory of NCD. It is known that in queueing networks with servers of
comparable service rates, the NCD of the routing probability matrix implies the NCD of
the network. We consider a special case of such systems and we derive an easy to check
criterion for NCD. Finally, we look deeper into the error analysis of this approach, and
using a recent result from the theory of nearly uncoupled Markov chains, we give an addi-
tional qualitative constrain to be met by these systems in order to get a good approximation
of their analysis into independent blocks.
In the third part of this paper, we examine the application of NCD to the problem of
ranking websites. Recent research has commented on the special structure of the stochastic
matrix which corresponds to the web-graph. In particular, the topological properties of the
Web seems to produce a NCD stochastic matrix. Here, after presenting briefly the mathe-
matical basis of PageRank, we give a linear algebraic as well as an intuitive justification of
the NCD Web structure and we discuss the nature of the subsystems. Finally, we propose
a new ranking algorithm named NCDawareRank, which exploits NCD in order to achieve
a fairer and faster ranking. Indeed, we give two versions of the algorithm, one serial and
one parallel, in which we take advantage of the computational benefits of NCD as well.
The advantages of NCDawareRank are then confirmed experimentally through a series of
tests on both, artificial and real data. NCDawareRank seems to solve a known problem of
PageRank: the bias against new websites. Finally, another side benefit of our algorithm is
that it makes it easy to extract a level-wise ranking, which besides its importance in itself,
may indicate smarter crawling or even more sophisticated and efficient indexing schemes
of the Web.
Finally, in the fourth part of this work we apply NCD to the problem of finding
the stochastically stable states of a class of evolutionary games which involve multilevel
strategic dynamics. After presenting some interesting recent results coming from the lit-
erature of econometrics, we give conditions under which it is possible to get the exact
stochastically stable states through the use of NCD.
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Reforma v účetnictví obcí od 1. 1. 2010 / Reform in Accountancy of Municipalities Starting as from 1st January 2010KOČKOVÁ, Hana January 2011 (has links)
The objective of the dissertation bearing the title the ?Reform in Accountancy of Municipalities Starting as from 1st January 2010? is to evaluate changes made in the field of accountancy of municipalities since the year 2010 and the procedures of bookkeeping of the Municipality of Brasy. On 1st January 2010, the new Decree No. 410/2009 of the Coll. came in force and effect, superseding the Decree No. 505/2002 of the Coll., representing an implementation decree to the Law No. 563/1991 of the Coll., of Accountancy, for the municipalities.
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Entwicklung und erste Erprobung eines Alleinfütterungskonzeptes als zentraler Bestandteil weiterer Standardisierungsschritte bei der Laborhaltung von Weißbüschelaffen (Callithrix jacchus) / Development and first experiments of a standardized complete diet-feeding concept as a central element of further standardization in the keeping of common marmoset monkeys (callithrix jaccus) under laboratory conditionsMitura, Anna Katarina Dora 09 November 2011 (has links)
Weißbüschelaffen (Callithrix jacchus) gehören zu den Krallenaffen und sind ursprünglich in den Regenwaldrandgebieten Nordbrasiliens beheimatet. Bereits seit etwa 30 Jahren werden die Tiere unter Laborbedingungen, vor allem für die biomedizinische Forschung, gehalten. Neben der geringen KM von 300-500 g ist auch die hohe Reproduktionsrate (zweimal im Jahr Zwillinge) ein großer Vorteil für den Einsatz als Labortier. Obwohl Weißbüschelaffen im Vergleich zu anderen nicht-menschlichen Primaten relativ stressresistent sind, erfordern sie doch eine optimale Haltung. Dazu gehören neben einem an die natürliche Umwelt angepassten Raumklima ein entsprechendes Lichtprogramm und ein hoher Hygienestatus. Von besonderer Bedeutung für das Wohlbefinden der Tiere ist auch eine optimale Ernährung. Zudem darf der Einfluss der Ernährung auf die Resultate der biomedizinischen Forschung nicht unterschätzt werden. Unter insgesamt standardisierten Versuchsbedingungen muss auch die Ernährung standardisiert werden, um einen Einfluss auf die Ergebnisse der Forschung zu vermeiden. In vielen Laborkolonien wird den Tieren eine Mischung aus kommerziell erhältlichen Pellets, Obst, Gemüse, Insekten und anderen Zusätzen (z.B. Gummi arabicum) verabreicht. Diese Rationen lassen sich nicht nur schwer standardisieren, zudem ist besonders die Einhaltung der hygienischen Anforderungen nahezu unmöglich, da die Keimbelastung z.B. von Obst und Gemüse nicht kalkulierbar ist. Unter den Haltungsbedingungen des Deutschen Primatenzentrums in Göttingen hat sich gezeigt, dass durch die alleinige Fütterung der Tiere mit einer kommerziellen Diät zwar eine Standardisierung erfolgen konnte, die Tiere jedoch häufig Übergewicht entwickelt haben. Ziel der Untersuchungen war es, ein am Bedarf der Tiere orientiertes Alleinfutter für den Einsatz unter Laborbedingungen zu entwickeln. Nach umfassender Literaturrecherche zur Validität von Bedarfsangaben für Weißbüschelaffen erfolgte ein erster Versuch, in dem Eckpunkte einer Basisrezeptur eine Alleinfutter entwickelt werden sollten. 24 nicht reproduzierende männliche und weibliche Tiere standen hierfür zur Verfügung (2 Tiere je Käfig n=12). Jeweils zwei Rezepturen wurden auf Basis Pflanzen-, Fisch- und Eiprotein entwickelt. Die 6 Diäten wurden in einem 9-wöchigen Versuch in Hinblick auf ihre Akzeptanz mit einer kommerziellen Diät verglichen. Die Mischungen auf Eiprotein-Basis wurden von den Tieren grundsätzlich abgelehnt und daher aus dem weiteren Versuch ausgeschlossen. Nach Auswertung der Ergebnisse zeigte sich, dass die Tiere bei der kommerziellen Diät die höchsten Futteraufnahmen aufwiesen. Unter den getesteten Mischungen zeigte eine Diät auf Pflanzenprotein-Basis die höchsten Futteraufnahmen. Im nachfolgenden Versuch wurde diese Diät auf Pflanzenproteinbasis als Grundlage herangezogen. Ziel war, eine mit der kommerziellen Diät vergleichbare Futteraufnahme zu erzielen. Der Zusatz von Aromakomponenten zur Verzehrssteigerung ist bei Nutztieren bereits bekannt und sollte auch bei Weißbüschelaffen erprobt werden. Im zweiten Versuch wurden daher eine pflanzliche Basisdiät mit 5 aromatisierten Diäten und dem kommerziellen Produkt verglichen. Der Zusatz von Aromen führte jedoch zu keiner signifikanten Akzeptanzverbesserung. Um eine Steigerung der Futteraufnahme zu erreichen, wurde daher im dritten Versuch die Beimengung von Gummi arabicum-Pulver untersucht. Baumsäfte gehören zum natürlichen Nahrungsspektrum und werden von den Tieren auch in Obhut des Menschen gerne aufgenommen. Im Versuch wurden einer Basismischung 0%, 2,5%, 5% und 7,5% Gummi arabicum Pulver beigemengt und diese Diäten mit einem kommerziellen Futter verglichen. Der Vergleich der Ergebnisse zeigte, dass durch einen Gummi arabicum Anteil von 5% in der Ration die Futteraufnahme auf das Niveau der kommerziellen Diät angehoben werden konnte. Zudem zeigten Tiere, die mit den Testdiäten gefüttert wurden, eine geringere Durchfallhäufigkeit. Außerdem konnte bei Fütterung der Testmischungen eine Absenkung der Körpermasse (KM) mit anschließender KM-Stabilität beobachtet werden. Aus den durchgeführten Versuchen kann der Schluss gezogen werden, dass die Entwicklung eines neuen, am Bedarf orientierten Alleinfütterungskonzeptes für Weißbüschelaffen unter Laborbedingungen gute Fortschritte gemacht hat. Weiterführender Forschungsbedarf besteht zum einen in der Methodik. Neben der KM-Entwicklung müssen zunehmend auch Veränderungen der Körperzusammensetzung als Maßstab für die tierindividuelle Entwicklung herangezogen werden. Da in der praktischen Haltung von Weißbüschelaffen die Nachzucht neuer Tiere eine entscheidende Rolle spielt, müssen weitere Untersuchungen zu Alleinfütterungskonzepten auch Ernährung von reproduzierenden adulten Tieren und Jungtieren einschließen.
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Um teorema tipo Berstein em R x Hn. / A Berstein theorem in R x Hn.VIEIRA FILHO, Luis Gonzaga. 06 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-06T14:32:06Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
LUIZ GONZAGA VIEIRA FILHO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2012..pdf: 418239 bytes, checksum: 637639b6b00361fa99f7879c81c1a30c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T14:32:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
LUIZ GONZAGA VIEIRA FILHO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2012..pdf: 418239 bytes, checksum: 637639b6b00361fa99f7879c81c1a30c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-12 / Neste trabalho, usando uma adequada aplicação do chamado princípio do máximo
generalizado de Omori-Yau, obtemos um teorema tipo Bernstein para hipersuperfícies
completas com curvatura média constante imersas no espaço produto R × Hn. Além disso, tratamos o caso em que tais hipersuperfícies são gráficos verticais. / In this work, as suitable application of the so-called Omori-Yau generalized maximum
principle, we obtain a Bernstein type theorem concerning to complete hypersurfaces
with constant mean curvature immersed in the product space R × Hn . Furthermore, we treat the case that such hypersurfaces are vertical graphs
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Teoremas de Rigidez no espaço hiperbólico. / Theorems of Stiffness in hyperbolic space.ROCHA, Jamilly Lourêdo. 09 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-09T17:38:25Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
JAMILLY LOURÊDO ROCHA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2014..pdf: 5707925 bytes, checksum: 8010cd451ac64c8a7fccc36a2f8313f6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T17:38:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
JAMILLY LOURÊDO ROCHA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2014..pdf: 5707925 bytes, checksum: 8010cd451ac64c8a7fccc36a2f8313f6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-08 / Capes / Com uma aplicação adequada do conhecido princípio do máximo generalizado de
Omori-Yau, obtemos resultados de rigidez com relação a hipersuperfícies imersas completascomcurvaturamédiadelimitadanoespaçohiperbólicoHn+1 (n+1)-dimensional. Em nossa abordagem exploramos a existência de uma dualidade natural entreHn+1 e a metade Hn+1 do espaço de SitterSn+11 , cujo modelo é chamado de steady state space. / As a suitable application of the well known generalized maximum principle of
Omori-Yau, we obtain rigidity results concerning to a complete hypersurface immersed
with bounded mean curvature in the (n+1)-dimensional hyperbolic spaceHn+1. In
our approach, we explore the existence of a natural duality betweenHn+1 and the half
Hn+1 of the de Sitter spaceSn+11 , which models the so-called steady state space.
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Zajištění havarijního napájení jaderné elektrárny / Providing emergency supply of nuclear power plantsROZMILER, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
Work "Providing emergency power nuclear power plant" describes how solving their own consumption nuclear power plant, as emergency power supply is designed and how it should be a solution of known states of emergency, having an immediate impact on the power consumption of their own nuclear power plants. The aim of this thesis is to propose options to strengthen its own emergency power consumption of nuclear power plants, one might say-more resistant to harsh extremes, which could lead to loss of employment, reserve and emergency power, that is the condition called Station Black Out (SBO) - total loss of power. The work also includes calculations of short-circuit ratios emergency resources considered as strengthening, as well as the calculation of acceleration heaviest drive and a summary of the overall impacts of the proposed hardening.
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Domínios intervalares da matemática computacionalDimuro, Gracaliz Pereira January 1991 (has links)
Fundamentada a importância da utilização da Teoria dos Intervalos em computação científica, é realizada uma revisão da Teoria Clássica dos Intervalos, com críticas sobre as incompatibilidades encontradas como motivos de diversas dificuldades para desenvolvimento da própria teoria e, consequentemente, das Técnicas Intervalares. É desenvolvida uma nova abordagem para a Teoria dos Intervalos de acordo com a Teoria dos Domínios e a proposta de [ACI 89], obtendo-se os Domínios Intervalares da Matemática Computacional. Introduz-se uma topologia (Topologia de Scott) compatível com a idéia de aproximação, gerando uma ordem de informação, isto é, para quaisquer intervalos x e y, diz-se que se x -c y , então y fornece mais (no mínimo tanto quanto) informação, sobre um real r, do que x. Prova-se que esta ordem de informação induz uma topologia To (topologia de Scott) , que é mais adequada para uma teoria computacional que a topologia da Hausdorff introduzida por Moore [MOO 66]. Cada número real r é aproximado por intervalos de extremos racionais, os intervalos de informação, que constituem o espaço de informação II(Q), superando assim a regressão infinita da abordagem clássica. Pode-se dizer que todo real r é o supremo de uma cadeia de intervalos com extremos racionais “encaixados”. Assim, os reais são os elementos totais de um domínio contínuo, chamado de Domínio dos Intervalos Reais Parciais, cuja base é o espaço de informação II (Q). Cada função contínua da Análise Real é o limite de sequências de funções contínuas entre elementos da base do domínio. Toda função contínua nestes domínios constitui uma função monotônica na base e é completamente representada em termos finitos. É introduzida uma quasi-métrica que induz uma topologia compatível com esta abordagem e provê as propriedades quantitativas, além de possibilitar a utilização da noção de sequências, limites etc, sem que se precise recorrer a conceitos mais complexos. Desenvolvem-se uma aritmética, critérios de aproximação e os conceito de intervalo ponto médio, intervalo valor absoluto e intervalo diâmetro, conceitos compatíveis com esta abordagem. São acrescentadas as operações de união, interseção e as unárias. Apresenta-se um amplo estudo sobre a função intervalar e a inclusão de imagens de funções, com ênfase na obtenção de uma extensão intervalar natural contínua. Esta é uma abordagem de lógica construtiva e computacional. / The importance of Interval Theory for scientific computation is emphasized. A review of the Classical Theory is macle, including a discussion about some incompatibities that cause problems in developing interval algorithms. A new approach to the Interval Theory is developed in the light of the Theory of Domains and according to the ideas by Acióly [ACI 89], getting the Interval Domains of Computational Mathematics. It is introduced a topology (Scott Topology), which is associated with the idea of approximation, generating an information order, that is, for any intervals x and y one says that if x -c y, then "the information given by y is better or at least equal than the one given by x". One proves that this information order induces a To topology (Scott's topology) which is more suitable for a computation theory than that of Hausdorff introduced by Moore [MOO 66]. This approach has the advantage of being both of constructive logic and computational. Each real number is approximated by intervals with rational bounds, named information intervals of the Information Space II(Q), eliminating the infinite regression found in the classical approach. One can say that every real a is the supreme of a chain of rational intervals. Then, the real numbers are the total elements of a continuous domain, named the Domain of the Partial Real Intervals, whose basis is the information space II (Q). Each continuous function in the Real Analysis is the limit of sequences of continuous functions among any elements which belong to the base of the domain. In these same domains, each continuous function is monotonic on the base and it is completely represented by finite terms. It is introduced a quasi-metric that leads to a compatible topology and supplies the quantitative properties. An arithmetic, some approximation criteria, the concepts of mean point interval, absolute value interval and width interval are developed and set operations are added. The ideas of interval functions and the inclusion of ranges of functions are also presented, and a continuous natural interval extension is obtained.
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Transformations polynomiales, applications à l'estimation de mouvements et la classification / Polynomial transformations, applications to motion estimation and classificationMoubtahij, Redouane El 11 June 2016 (has links)
Ces travaux de recherche concernent la modélisation de l'information dynamique fonctionnelle fournie par les champs de déplacements apparents à l'aide de base de polynômes orthogonaux. Leur objectif est de modéliser le mouvement et la texture extraites afin de l'exploiter dans les domaines de l'analyse et de la reconnaissance automatique d'images et de vidéos. Nous nous intéressons aussi bien aux mouvements humains qu'aux textures dynamiques. Les bases de polynômes orthogonales ont été étudiées. Cette approche est particulièrement intéressante car elle offre une décomposition en multi-résolution et aussi en multi-échelle. La première contribution de cette thèse est la définition d'une méthode spatiale de décomposition d'image : l'image est projetée et reconstruite partiellement avec un choix approprié du degré d'anisotropie associé à l'équation de décomposition basée sur des transformations polynomiales. Cette approche spatiale est étendue en trois dimensions afin d'extraire la texture dynamique dans des vidéos. Notre deuxième contribution consiste à utiliser les séquences d'images qui représentent les parties géométriques comme images initiales pour extraire les flots optiques couleurs. Deux descripteurs d'action, spatial et spatio-temporel, fondés sur la combinaison des informations du mouvement/texture sont alors extraits. Il est ainsi possible de définir un système permettant de reconnaître une action complexe (composée d'une suite de champs de déplacement et de textures polynomiales) dans une vidéo. / The research relies on modeling the dynamic functional information from the fields of apparent movement using basic orthogonal polynomials. The goal is to model the movement and texture extracted for automatic analysis and recognition of images and videos. We are interested both in human movements as dynamic textures. Orthogonal polynomials bases were studied. This approach is particularly interesting because it offers a multi-resolution and a multi-scale decomposition. The first contribution of this thesis is the definition of method of image spatial decomposition: the image is projected and partially rebuilt with an appropriate choice of the degree of anisotropy associated with the decomposition equation based on polynomial transformations. This spatial approach is extended into three dimensions to retrieve the dynamic texture in videos. Our second contribution is to use image sequences that represent the geometric parts as initial images to extract color optical flow. Two descriptors of action, spatial and space-time, based on the combination of information of motion / texture are extracted. It is thus possible to define a system to recognize a complex action (composed of a series of fields of motion and polynomial texture) in a video.
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Domínios intervalares da matemática computacionalDimuro, Gracaliz Pereira January 1991 (has links)
Fundamentada a importância da utilização da Teoria dos Intervalos em computação científica, é realizada uma revisão da Teoria Clássica dos Intervalos, com críticas sobre as incompatibilidades encontradas como motivos de diversas dificuldades para desenvolvimento da própria teoria e, consequentemente, das Técnicas Intervalares. É desenvolvida uma nova abordagem para a Teoria dos Intervalos de acordo com a Teoria dos Domínios e a proposta de [ACI 89], obtendo-se os Domínios Intervalares da Matemática Computacional. Introduz-se uma topologia (Topologia de Scott) compatível com a idéia de aproximação, gerando uma ordem de informação, isto é, para quaisquer intervalos x e y, diz-se que se x -c y , então y fornece mais (no mínimo tanto quanto) informação, sobre um real r, do que x. Prova-se que esta ordem de informação induz uma topologia To (topologia de Scott) , que é mais adequada para uma teoria computacional que a topologia da Hausdorff introduzida por Moore [MOO 66]. Cada número real r é aproximado por intervalos de extremos racionais, os intervalos de informação, que constituem o espaço de informação II(Q), superando assim a regressão infinita da abordagem clássica. Pode-se dizer que todo real r é o supremo de uma cadeia de intervalos com extremos racionais “encaixados”. Assim, os reais são os elementos totais de um domínio contínuo, chamado de Domínio dos Intervalos Reais Parciais, cuja base é o espaço de informação II (Q). Cada função contínua da Análise Real é o limite de sequências de funções contínuas entre elementos da base do domínio. Toda função contínua nestes domínios constitui uma função monotônica na base e é completamente representada em termos finitos. É introduzida uma quasi-métrica que induz uma topologia compatível com esta abordagem e provê as propriedades quantitativas, além de possibilitar a utilização da noção de sequências, limites etc, sem que se precise recorrer a conceitos mais complexos. Desenvolvem-se uma aritmética, critérios de aproximação e os conceito de intervalo ponto médio, intervalo valor absoluto e intervalo diâmetro, conceitos compatíveis com esta abordagem. São acrescentadas as operações de união, interseção e as unárias. Apresenta-se um amplo estudo sobre a função intervalar e a inclusão de imagens de funções, com ênfase na obtenção de uma extensão intervalar natural contínua. Esta é uma abordagem de lógica construtiva e computacional. / The importance of Interval Theory for scientific computation is emphasized. A review of the Classical Theory is macle, including a discussion about some incompatibities that cause problems in developing interval algorithms. A new approach to the Interval Theory is developed in the light of the Theory of Domains and according to the ideas by Acióly [ACI 89], getting the Interval Domains of Computational Mathematics. It is introduced a topology (Scott Topology), which is associated with the idea of approximation, generating an information order, that is, for any intervals x and y one says that if x -c y, then "the information given by y is better or at least equal than the one given by x". One proves that this information order induces a To topology (Scott's topology) which is more suitable for a computation theory than that of Hausdorff introduced by Moore [MOO 66]. This approach has the advantage of being both of constructive logic and computational. Each real number is approximated by intervals with rational bounds, named information intervals of the Information Space II(Q), eliminating the infinite regression found in the classical approach. One can say that every real a is the supreme of a chain of rational intervals. Then, the real numbers are the total elements of a continuous domain, named the Domain of the Partial Real Intervals, whose basis is the information space II (Q). Each continuous function in the Real Analysis is the limit of sequences of continuous functions among any elements which belong to the base of the domain. In these same domains, each continuous function is monotonic on the base and it is completely represented by finite terms. It is introduced a quasi-metric that leads to a compatible topology and supplies the quantitative properties. An arithmetic, some approximation criteria, the concepts of mean point interval, absolute value interval and width interval are developed and set operations are added. The ideas of interval functions and the inclusion of ranges of functions are also presented, and a continuous natural interval extension is obtained.
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Imunopatogenetické mechanismy u myasthenia gravis a vliv thymektomie / Thymectomy and immune mechanisms in patients with myasthenia gravisJakubíková, Michala January 2016 (has links)
Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease affecting neuromuscular transmission, in which the thymus is considered pathogenic organ. Earlier ideas suggesting that MG is only the receptors disease have been proven wrong. There are immunopathological changes in both target structures [specific receptors for acetylcholine (AChR] muscle-specific tyrosine kinase (MuSK) and low-density lipoprotein 4 (Lrp4)], the thymus, as well as in peripheral lymphoid organs. Initial findings of the humoral immunity defect with the decisive role of the pathologic autoantibodies, were corrected with findings of the immune dysregulation at the level of T lymphocytes. According to today's knowledge, the development and maintenance of MG involves almost all cell types of immune function in the autoimmune inflammation: helper CD4+ T lymphocytes, cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes, regulatory CD4+CD25+ T lymphocytes, Th17 lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and plasma cells. Thymus plays a dominant immunopathogenetic role in younger patients with MG, while extrathymic mechanisms are applied in older patients. As a result of that, the thymectomy (TE) is generally accepted as part of treatment for MG. However, there is still no data verified by a prospective controlled study, which would demonstrate a useful result of this treatment...
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