Spelling suggestions: "subject:"5construction project"" "subject:"constructuction project""
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Construction power - systematic energy initiatives at the construction site / Byggström - systematiskt energiarbete på byggarbetsplatsenBölin, Johan, Sundbom, Jacob January 2014 (has links)
Recent studies have suggested that an increasingly large proportion of a building's energy cost consists of energy consumption during the building process, before the building becomes operational. A large part of this "early energy" consists of indirect energy that has been used to manufacture building materials and components and to transport material to the construction site. Furthermore, there is the more direct energy used in construction projects such as construction electricity, district heating, LPG and diesel fuel used on-site. These costs are in a more direct and comprehensible way linked to the construction site and can be influenced by the developer and / or contractor. Therefore, this report focuses primarily on the direct energy involved during a building’s constructions phase. The problems that exist today are several. For example, both clients and contractors have very poor means of monitoring energy consumption on construction sites thus making it difficult to optimize the costs. There are no reliable statistics regarding energy usage, which makes it difficult to analyze problems and to suggest improvements. One of the reasons is that the cost of construction energy, or at least the monetary value of the potential savings, is considered to be negligible in the context of a major construction project and the subject has therefore rather low priority. Furthermore, the clients rely heavily on the contractor’s expertise and have big faith in the contractor’s ability to optimize energy usage. On the other hand, contractors assume that the customers are fully informed and aware of their own needs and that the contractor should only offer what the customer asks for, as cheaply as possible. However, it would be possible for both parties to make substantial savings by adopting a more efficient energy management. In order to achieve this, construction energy issues have to be considered early in the planning process and throughout the entire project. The best results are achieved when the developer and contractor share a common vision and there is open exchange of knowledge and experience. To facilitate this dialogue and to create a tool to address the issue early in the project, this exam-work has led to a prototype for a template that is intended to be used as a letter of intent between the parties, by which they can jointly or individually clarify and specify their energy goals within a specific project / Nya utredningar tyder på att en allt större andel av en byggnads energiåtgång återfinns i de tidiga skedena, innan huset ännu tagits i drift, det vill säga under produktionsfasen. En stor del av denna "tidiga energi" består av indirekt energi som har använts i framställningen av byggmaterial och byggnadskomponenter samt till transporter för att få materialet på plats. Därtill finns den mer direkta energin, i form av byggström, fjärrvärme, gasol och diesel som används på byggena. Dessa kostnader är på ett mer direkt och lättöverskådligt sätt knutna till byggarbetsplatsen och bakomliggande processer är något som beställare och entreprenör har inflytande över och kan förbättra. Följaktligen kommer denna rapport främst behandla den direkta energin som används under en byggnads uppförandefas. Problemen som finns idag är flera. Delvis har många aktörer, både på beställar- och utförarsidan, bristfälligt statistiskt underlag angående byggenergin. Detta resulterar i en undermålig eller obefintlig uppföljning och identifiering av förbättringsmöjligheter gällande energianvändningen. En bidragande anledning till problemet är att kostnaden för byggenergi, eller åtminstone det monetära värdet av en potentiell besparing, av många anses som en försumbar del av ett stort byggprojekt och frågan blir därför nedprioriterad. Vidare verkar det inom beställarleden finnas en viss överdriven tilltro till entreprenörernas expertis och vilja att utveckla branschen i energihänseende medan det omvända förhållandet delvis råder bland entreprenörerna, där man utgår från att kunderna är aktiva beställare som vet vad de vill ha. Entreprenörerna föreslår sällan alternativa lösningar utan försöker snarare uppfylla kundernas kravspecifikationer till ett så billigt pris som möjligt. Det skulle dock kunna vara möjligt för bägge parter att spara både pengar och koldioxid genom en effektivare energihantering. Dessa åtgärder kräver att byggenergifrågan finns med tidigt i projekten och i planeringsprocessen. Allra bäst resultat uppnås när beställare och entreprenör har en gemensam målbild och ett öppet utbyte av kunskaper och erfarenheter. För att underlätta denna dialog har vi tagit fram ett förslag till en mall som är tänkt att fungera som en intentionsförklaring mellan parterna varigenom man gemensamt eller individuellt kan tydliggöra och konkretisera energimålen i byggprojekten. Vi har även tagit fram förslag till formuleringar gällande energieffektivitet som kan inkluderas vid upphandlingar.
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Enhancing Environmental Performance by Green Procurement : A study of environmental procurement preferences in the construction industryVarnäs, Annika January 2008 (has links)
In recent years, the general awareness of the environmental impacts that industrial production gives rise to has radically increased throughout the world. Finding ways to minimise these impacts has become a major concern of the authorities in many countries. In order to promote a more sustainable industrial production, different incentives can be used. Among these incentives, the consideration of environmental issues in public procurement is increasingly being emphasised. While much attention regarding sustainable procurement has centred on the purchase of products, this thesis focuses on green procurement of construction contracts. The construction industry is a major contributor to environmental pollution. It consumes about half of all resources humans take from nature and accounts for about 25 – 40 per cent of all energy used and about 30 – 50 per cent of all waste generated in OECD countries. In the procurement of products, the environmental impacts of the available products can be estimated and compared, for example by using tools such as life cycle assessments. When construction contracts are procured, assessing the suppliers’ environmental capabilities can be more challenging, as the contract to be procured has not yet been performed. However, at the same time, there are considerably more opportunities to steer the construction towards more environmentally friendly alternatives. In the thesis, it is suggested that the environmental requirements and the environmental criteria for tender evaluation should be used in combination, in order to safeguard environmental performance in the construction project and at the same time stimulate a green development within the industrial sector. In addition, the role of the client in ensuring that the environmental requirements are fulfilled during construction work is emphasised. / QC 20101125
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Planering och styrning av aktiviteter i byggproduktion under pandemin - ur ett Leanperspektiv / Planning and management of activities in construction production during the pandemic - from a LeanperspectiveMånsson, Anton, Nyman, Tim January 2022 (has links)
Utbrottet av covid-19 pandemin har medfört stora förändringar i världen och ställt förändrade och nya krav på samtliga branscher, inte minst byggbranschen. Att driva byggprojekt är en utmaning i sig, i synnerhet under en pandemi med de osäkra förhållanden som situationen medfört vilket ställt ytterligare krav på hur byggprojekt har planerats och styrts. Examensarbetet syftar till att undersöka hur man i produktion av radhusprojekt arbetat med planering och styrning av aktiviteter under pandemin samt vilka paralleller som kan dras till utvalda begrepp inom en teori vid namn Lean. Arbetet innefattar sedermera en kartläggning av de effekter pandemin haft på specifika flöden och förutsättningar vilka i teorin ska finnas på plats innan en aktivitet kan starta. Det klargörs även vilka åtgärder som vidtagits av byggledningen i syfte att hantera kartlagda effekter samt vilka lärdomar de tar med sig till framtida byggprojekt. Studien är utförd i samarbete med NCC och bygger på tre fallstudier vilka utförts genom kvalitativ datainsamling i form av intervjuer med byggledningen som drivit radhusprojekt under pandemin. Detta i kombination med litteraturstudier i syfte att erhålla en teoretisk bas, undersöka tidigare studier och redogöra för vad Lean är samt utvalda begrepp för att sedan finna liknelser mellan teori och praktik. Lean är ett effektiviseringskoncept härstammande från tillverkningsindustrin och som med viss variation har anpassats till byggproduktion och benämns Lean-construction. Resultatet visar att planering och styrning av aktiviteter börjar med ett gediget planeringsarbete och arbetsberedningar upprättas i syfte att säkerställa flöden och förutsättningar inför aktivitetsstart. Under aktivitetens gång sker egenkontroller där byggledningen följer upp samt säkerställer framdriften av aktiviteten och avslut kan endast ske då kontrollen blivit godkänd. Lean-koncept kan i mångt och mycket återfinnas i produktionen och verkar falla naturligt i projekten. Flera paralleller kan dras, bland annat läggs stort fokus på att kontinuerligt förbättra arbetet och att respektera medarbetarna. Parallellerna utgör grundförutsättningar för att Lean-konceptet ska fungera. Bland de effekter som uppstått till följd av pandemin har flödet av arbetskraft och material påverkats i störst utsträckning. Pandemins osäkerheter har medfört att mer arbete lagts på att planera om samt hantera de risker pandemin medfört, tillskillnad från innan pandemin, medan de enskilda arbetsmomenten i mångt och mycket utförts som tidigare. De främsta lärdomar byggledningen tar med sig efter att ha drivit projekt under en pandemi är fördelen med digitala möten, det ökade nyttjandet av kompetens inom den egna organisationen samt insikten om att den tätt sammankopplade byggproduktionen är sårbar för yttre faktorer. / The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic brought great challenges to our everyday life as well as new demands regarding how to manage a construction site during such difficult time. The aim of this study is to investigate how the planning and management of activities in terraced house projects have been conducted during the pandemic as well as finding correlations to chosen notions in a theoretic concept called Lean. Furthermore, the study includes a mapping of which effects the pandemic has had on specific flows and conditions. Additionally, the study includes which actions the management took to handle the mapped effects, lessons learned from the situation and which knowledge they will bring into future projects. The study is carried out in collaboration with NCC and is based on three case studies. Interviews have been held with on-site managers that have run projects during the pandemic, in combination with literature studies. The result of the study shows that planning for an activity on-site starts with a solid planning phase to ensure flows and conditions. During the activity the management makes sure to follow-up with inspections to guarantee progress. An activity can only be deemed finished when a final inspection is held, and the activity is approved. The concepts of Lean can in many ways be recognized in the projects, for example the management puts great focus on continuous improvements and respect for people. The flow of crews and materials has been more effected by the pandemic than any of the other flows and conditions. To counter the uncertainties of the situation the management has had to reorganize and reschedule activities in combination with performing risk assessment. The main lessons that the management has learnt is the usefulness of digital meetings, the importance of utilizing capabilities within the own organization as well as the knowledge of how vulnerable the tightly interconnected construction process really is.
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EFFECTIVE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT : WSP PARSONS BRINCKERHOFF Case StudyMuhabatt Zada, Nasir, Mitropoulpu, Panagiota January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this research paper was to examine how effective communication can be perceived in construction projects by presenting an overview of the current proven methods and recorded experiences. The study was conducted by a combination of a literature review and qualitative data retrieval process that included questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. This examination process focused not only into the organizational structure but also into the project perspective. The findings present a general good performance in terms of organization and project communication as well as suggestions for communication improvement and can be used by researchers as future research in the area of successful construction project communication. / Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka synen på en effektiv komminikation på ett byggprojekt genom att presentera analys av befintliga metoder och dess utveckling med tiden. Studien har huvudsakligen utförts genom granskning av literaturstudier, kvalitativ enkätundersökning och intervjuer med berörda personer. Den utförda studien har inte enbart fokuserat på kommunikation inom organisation, utan har även studerat kommunikation inom projekt. Resultatet visar att det inte föreligger några större brister i kommunikation inom de studerade projekten. Den generella synen är att kommunikation fungerar bra. De synpunkter som har presenterats i rapporten ligger till grund för ett antal åtgärder som föreslås för att kunna uppnå ytterligare förbättrad kommunikation.
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Fallstudie av ett samverkansprojekt med sidoentreprenader : Ur arbetsmiljösynpunktBerglund, Josefin January 2022 (has links)
Just nu pågår många exploateringsprojekt runtomkring Stockholm, där den vanligaste arbetsformen är samverkansprojekt. För att markägarna (oftast en kommun) ska få ihop ekonomin behöver flera byggprojekt genomföras parallellt med varandra inom exploateringsområdet. Denna rapport har analyserat hur arbetsmiljö i ett sådant samverkansprojekt kan säkerställas samt utmaningar för rollen BAS-U (byggarbetsmiljösamordnare under utförande), då det saknas tidigare studier angående BASU:s roll för arbetsmiljöarbetet i ett projekt med pågående sidoentreprenader. En fallstudie utfördes genom kartläggning av begreppet samverkansprojekt och BAS-U:s roll med avseende arbetsmiljö, fyra intervjuer med projektledningen samt information från interna dokument för att få en ökad förståelse för situationen för entreprenören. Även information från Arbetsmiljöverket har använts och arbetsmiljölagen har varit en viktig grund för studien. Resultatet visade att det krävs mer av alla som är inblandade i projekt av denna storlek för att hålla en bra arbetsmiljö. Det är viktigt att se till att alla parter respekterar komplexiteten i samverkansprojektet och vilket ansvar som läggs på en BAS-U, framför allt i tidiga skeden när de flesta rutiner införs. Det gäller att ha tilltro, samarbetsvilja och god kommunikation. Det kan vara fördelaktigt att dela upp rollerna BAS-U och produktionschef mellan två personer och det är även viktigt att ha samordningsmöten mellan de olika aktörernas BAS-U för att minska konflikter på byggarbetsplatsen. Sammanfattningsvis, när det är många aktörer på en liten yta är en bra projektering och god kommunikation A och O för ett lyckat resultat. Det finns mycket kunskap och erfarenhet i branschen så med rätt inställning går det att bygga kostnadseffektivt utan att kompromissa en säker arbetsmiljö. / In Stockholm there are many urban development projects ongoing, and the most commonwork form is partnering contract. To ensure the economy the landowner (often a municipality)need to have multiple projects working parallel with each other inside the exploitation area.This report analyzed how the working environment in partnering can be ensured and thechallenges for the role of BAS-U with surrounding construction projects.A case study was made by mapping the meaning of partnering and the role of BAS-Uregarding the work environment. Four interviews were completed with the management andinternal documents were reviewed to get a higher understanding of the entrepreneur in theproject. Also information from the Swedish Work Environment Authority and the SwedishWork Environment Act has been important foundations for the case study.The results shows that more is required from everyone involved in the project to keep a goodworking environment in a project of this size. It is important that all parts respect thecomplexity of partnering and the responsibility a BAS-U must take, especially in the earlystages where most of the routines establishes. To be successful in a partnering there need tobe trust, willingness to cooperate and good communication. Preferably the roles of BAS-Uand Production Manager should be divided between two persons. It is also important to havea coordination meeting between the different actors’ BAS-U to minimize the risk of conflictsat the construction site.To summarize, when there are many actors on a small area, a good project planning andcommunication is everything. There is a lot of knowledge and experience in the buildingindustry, so with the right mindset it is possible to build cost-effectively without having tocompromise the working environment.
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Project managers’ communication skills and stakeholder engagement in sustainable construction projectsSerhan, Ahmad, Draganov, Asen January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Řízení stavební zakázky ve stavebním podniku / Construction Order Management in the Construction CompanyZacpal, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The thesis discusses the issues of organization of construction contracts from the perspective of the general contractor. The aim is to describe the principles, methods and tools for managing construction projects follow their camp on specific construction projects.
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Smlouva o dílo v mezinárodních výstavbových projektech / Contract for work in international construction projectsPessrová, Monika January 2014 (has links)
Contract for work in international construction projects (Summary) The present master thesis analyses the contemporary practice in the field of making contracts for work in international construction projects. Its goal is to answer the following research question: is it possible to use the new Czech trust concept as a payment instrument under the most used FIDIC standard form of contract - Conditions of Contract for Construction First Edition 1999 (better known as "Red Book")? The thesis is divided into three chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the new trust concept: from construction projects through construction contracts for work to payment conditions. The opening part of Chapter One focuses on construction projects. It defines their characteristic features and describes the main types of their management, organization and contractual relationships. Next, the chapter discusses the international character of construction projects and concentrates on situations involving a conflict of laws. Party autonomy and the choice of law rule, that empowers parties to designate the applicable law to their contractual relationship, are assumed to be fundamental principles of contract formation in international construction projects. This part of the chapter is concluded by the proposition that...
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Modelo virtual exploratório: proposta de uma ferramenta de vendas para o mercado imobiliário residencial. / Virtual exploratory model: proposal of a selling tool for the residential property market.Mendes, Nilton Paulo Raimundo 05 September 2012 (has links)
Analisando-se os ambientes comerciais do setor imobiliário, pode-se verificar a presença frequente de maquetes que hoje fazem parte dos estandes de vendas dos edifícios. As maquetes são peças frágeis, de custo elevado, considerável prazo de execução e têm pequena vida útil, sendo usualmente descartadas no desmonte do estande de vendas. Nos estandes de vendas pode-se encontrar também o apartamento modelo decorado, com custos ainda mais elevados. É nesse ambiente que o MVE (Modelo Virtual Exploratório) se torna importante para os setores da construção e imobiliário, cujos mercados são cada vez mais competitivos, onde há a real necessidade da diminuição dos custos, da diminuição dos prazos de execução e do aumento da qualidade dos produtos. Por se tratar de um importante tema de pesquisa científica, este trabalho propôs o desenvolvimento do MVE para venda imobiliária residencial. O MVE foi modelado com um programa CAD (Computer-Aided Design) / BIM (Building Information Modeling) que se mostrou adequado às exigências levantadas na pesquisa. Avaliou-se o MVE através de estudos de caso em empreendimentos imobiliários reais, com corretores e clientes. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o MVE pode ser desenvolvido com custo e prazo muito inferiores aos da maquete ou apartamento modelo e que tem grande aceitação tanto pelos profissionais de vendas quanto pelos clientes de empreendimentos imobiliários. / Examining the business environment of the real estate sector, it can be verified the large number of architectural mockups that today are part of real estate points-of-sale. Mockups are fragile, expensive, take considerable time to be made and have a short life span, as they are discarded when the sales booth is decommissioned. In the sales booths, it is also possible to find full size furnished mock-up flats, with even higher costs. In this environment, the MVE (Exploratory Virtual Model) becomes important for the construction and real estate industries, whose markets are increasingly competitive, where there is a real need to reduce costs, to decrease in execution times and to increase product quality. As it is an important topic of scientific research, this paper proposes the MVE development for selling residential real estate property. The MVE was modeled with a CAD (Computer-Aided Design) / BIM (Building Information Modeling) tool which proved adequate to meet requirements raised in the survey. The MVE was evaluated through case studies in real estate ventures with brokers and customers. Results show that MVE can be developed with much lower cost and in shorter time than the architectural mockup or the mock-up flat and that it has very well accepted both by real estate sales professionals and clients.
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創新實務作法對於公共工程專案績效之影響評估:以專案類型為干擾變數 / Influence of Innovation Practice on Construction Project Performance in the Public Sector:Project Type as a Moderator張雅婷, Chang,Ya Ting Unknown Date (has links)
有關本研究問卷調查時間自2015年9月至同年11月,有效問卷共計168份,每一份問卷代表一個公共工程專案的執行與績效表現。另本研究再以實際案例-成功及失敗的個案,剖析此兩個相似案例在創新實務作法與公共工程專案績效表現之間的關聯性。研究結果顯示,創新實務作法之應用與公共工程專案的績效表現具有顯著正向的影響;且公共工程專案類型在兩者之間具有干擾效果,亦即是創新的影響程度會因公共工程的類型而有不同,其於建物工程專案與工業工程專案之應用上對於品質績效的正向關係較為明顯。最後依此分析結果提出未來研究及政策建議。 / Public construction projects are associated with the infrastructure of a nation. Developing public construction projects is also important for the economic development of a nation. Recently, most of public construction projects are outsourced. Research on factors influencing the success of public construction projects can assist government with selecting suitable partners and communicating with project managers.
Most of the previous work has focused on project control problems, assuming that the better methods or techniques would lead to better management and thus the successful performance of projects. However, there are many factors outside the control of management which may lead to the success of a project. Innovation may be one of the major causes of public construction project success. However, many construction organizations ignore innovation leading to a poor public construction project performance. Thus, there is a need for exploration of the benefits of innovation on public construction project performance.
Accordingly, the primary objective of this research was to investigate the effect of innovation practices (including management and service innovation, construction method innovation, facilities function innovation, and environmental protection and sustainability innovation) public construction project performance in terms of safety performance, quality performance, schedule performance, cost performance, and owner satisfaction. The second objective was to determine whether innovation practice on public construction project performance was moderated by project type (i.e., building, infrastructure, and industrial projects).
The data were collected from September to November 2015. A total of 168 valid questionnaires were analyzed. Each questionnaire is representative of a public construction project. In addition, case studies were used to assess the relationships between innovation practice and public construction project performance. Accounts of two similar projects, one successful and one not, were used to investigate the associations. The results suggest that adoption of innovation practice has a positive effect on public construction project performance. The results also show that project type has a moderating effect on the relationship between adoption of innovation practice and public construction project performance. In other words, the relationship between adoption of innovation practice and public construction project performance depends on project type. This indicates that the association between adoption of innovation practice and quality performance is more strongly evident for industrial and building projects. Finally, the paper proposes directions for future research and recommendation for policy development according to the findings.
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