Spelling suggestions: "subject:"constructive alignment"" "subject:"constructive lignment""
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Att dömas eller bedömasAx, Tohmas, Sjöström, Lars January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka försvarsmaktlärares uppfattning om relationen mellan kursernas examinationsform och faktorer som har med de studerandes lärande att göra. Studien hade dessutom som syfte att undersöka om det finns några betydande skillnader i uppfattning mellan skolor med olika karaktär i form av generalist- eller specialistinriktning på utbildningen. Konstruktionen av empirisk data har möjliggjorts genom att vi har intervjuat lärare från två olika skolor, dels Militärhögskolan i Halmstad (MHS H) dels Försvarsmaktens tekniska skola (FMTS). För att kunna tolka vårt resultat har vi använt oss av två referensramar. Det är Marton och Booth teoretiska referensram om lärandet samt Biggs teorier om konstruktiv gruppering av de faktorer som främjar lärandet. Resultatet pekar på att det är av betydelse för de studerandes lärande att lärarna gör medvetna val för att examinationen skall vara ett stöd i lärandet och inte enbart en kontrollfunktion. Vidare kan vi konstatera att det inte föreligger några skillnader i uppfattning om examinationens vikt för lärandet utan skillnaden ligger i uppfattning om i vilken grad man faktiskt har möjlighet att realisera sina planer med hänsyn taget till de ramfaktorer som styr planeringen av den genomförda utbildningen.
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Constructive Alignment and FocusedFormative Feedback on an L2 EnglishBeginner Undergraduate AcademicWriting Course / Konstruktiv anpassning och fokuserad formativ respons på enuniversitetskurs för nybörjare i akademisk skrivande påengelska som andra språkGuuled, Hassan January 2021 (has links)
Although academic writing skills are central in the core content of the Swedish nationalcurriculum for English, Swedish upper-secondary school pupils struggle withcomposing academic texts. Both international and national research have formulatedseveral models for effectively constructing ESL (English as a second language)academic writing modules. However, these models in the school are often notimplemented or misinterpreted in the Swedish school. Therefore, to find a best practiceexample that can be implemented in the English upper-secondary classroom, this studyinvestigates the research-based design of a beginner ESL academic writing course atMalmö University with focus on constructive alignment and instructor feedback. Thedata included three data sets: i) lectures and other course materials, ii) ten studentpapers across three drafts, 30 draft submissions in total, and iii) instructor feedback onthe first two drafts. All data was subjected to different types of content analysis. Afeedback classification system synthesized from previous research was specificallydeveloped for the data analysis of instructor feedback. The main findings were that theacademic writing course investigated was in-fact constructively aligned providing thestudents with qualitative academic writing instruction; therefore, it may arguably serveas a model for academic writing interventions also in the school. Furthermore, themulti-dimensional feedback classification system developed for this study may guideeducators’ reflection over their feedback practices.
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Hur den kreativa inlärningsprocessen kan tillämpas i undervisningen, examineringen och bedömningen av elever i Företagsekonomi 2 på gymnasietLundgren, Henrik January 2019 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine how individual teachers in the upper secondary school manage to comply with the requirements from three different agents within the schoolsystem; the requirements of the The national agency for education in Sweden regarding formative assessment and standardisation of grading, the requirement of the students regarding ”backward-pedagogy”, and requirement of the society regarding developing the student’s independence and creative ability. Semi-structured interviews with three teachers teaching Business Administration at one upper secondary school in Malmo was conducted. These interviews focused on how the informants manage to embrace the creative ability in their preparation and teaching of the Business Administration-course, as well as examination and assessment of the students creative ability. This thesis concluded that there is a confusion in how to define creative ability which automatically makes it hard for teachers to know how to incorporate this ability in their teaching. This thesis also makes a point that The national agency for educations obsession with assuring standardized grading, has formalised the learning process to the extent that it has made teachers focus more on gathering assessment material that is legally certain than helping the students learn to better face the compexity of the future. This development has come to disengaged the teachers as well as the students. This thesis wants to make point that learning is something personal, and should be treated in that respect.
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Lernzielorientierte Diagnostik zur Stärkung der Selbstreflexion in MINT-Fächern am Beispiel des Moduls 'Grundlagen der Technischen Mechanik (Stereostatik)'Franze, Andreas 09 June 2017 (has links)
Im Beitrag wird ein Lehr-Lern-Projekt vorgestellt,
dessen maßgebliches Ziel in der Stärkung
der Selbsteinschätzung der Studierenden
liegt. Hierbei werden die Randbedingungen
und Besonderheiten bei der Durchführung mit
Hilfe von Multiple-Choice-Tests sehr detailliert
erläutert. Auch die erzielten Ergebnisse sowie
die Evaluation werden dargestellt.
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Lärarens tolkning av ämnesplanen – en viktig länk mellan Skolverket och elevernaSvensson, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Detta examensarbete utgörs av två delar. Huvuddelen är en kurspresentation av Spanska steg 4 på gymnasiet som jag har utformat med utgångspunkt i aktuella styrdokument och med anpassningar till mina elevgrupper. Hänsyn har tagits till forskning om synligt lärande (John Hattie) och constructive alignment (John B. Biggs), varav den sistnämndes SOLO-taxonomi har används som modell för att visa hur långsiktiga mål kan brytas ned i delmål och hur förståelse kan ske i flera steg. Syftet med kurspresentationen är att förenkla och förtydliga ämnesplanen för moderna språk i allmänhet och kursplanen för spanska 4 i synnerhet, så att eleverna ska kunna ta till sig dess innehåll. Förhoppningen är att om de förstår kravbilden kommer de prestera jämnare över läsåret och bli mer delaktiga i kursen. Ytterligare en förhoppning är att en god förståelse för ämnesplanen kommer främja elevinflytandet. Examensarbetets andra del är föreliggande text som förklarar min tankegång och motiverar mina val vid utformandet av kurspresentationen. Här diskuterar jag bland annat vikten av att eleverna förstår ämnesplanerna på samma vis som de lärare som undervisar dem, och detta ställer jag i relation till en färsk svensk studie om skolungdomars syn på läroplanen. Jag redogör också för mina överväganden när jag i kurspresentationen försökt förtydliga kursens progression, relationen mellan kursplanens olika delar, samt hur lektionerna alltid planeras med ämnets syfte i åtanke.
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Do they understand?Kaminski, Tomas January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to investigate students’ understanding of the learning requirements for grade E in English in year 9 at a secondary school in the south of Sweden. Additionally, the student’s teacher is also interviewed to provide a context and setting for the study. The student data was conducted using open-ended questionnaires while the teacher was interviewed using a semi-structured qualitative approach. In their responses to the questionnaire, the students showed different degrees of understanding of parts of the syllabus. Some students were able to answer all questions and were capable to express themselves, however some students did not answer all the questions. Furthermore, a majority of the students felt that the language in the syllabus was difficult to understand. The teacher believed that the language in Lgr11 makes it difficult for students to understand the text. Additionally, she believed that the language is difficult even for teachers.
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Entwicklung eines kooperativen Seminarmoduls im Konferenzformat (Kosemko)Kasper-Brauer, Kati, Enke, Margit, Glinka, Jennifer 10 November 2020 (has links)
Proseminar- und Seminarmodule für Studierende
bilden das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten oftmals nicht
umfassend ab. Zudem besteht die Herausforderung,
dass Studierende heterogene Wissensstände aufweisen,
häufig geringes Interesse an ihren Seminarthemen
zeigen und gelernte Inhalte nach Abschluss
eines Seminars meist nicht mehr präsent sind. Daher
war es das Ziel des hochschulübergreifenden Projektes
KoSemKo, Studierenden mit dem Schwerpunkt
Marketing die Möglichkeit zu geben, interessante
Ergebnisse, die sie im Rahmen ihrer Seminararbeiten
selbst entwickeln, in einer professionellen Konferenz-
Atmosphäre zu präsentieren. Studierende
sammeln dadurch nicht nur Erfahrung im wissenschaftlichen
Schreiben, sondern schlüpfen gleichzeitig
bei der Durchführung eines Peer-Reviews in die
Rolle der Gutachter_innen und auf der Konferenz in
die Rollen der Vortragenden und Teilnehmer_innen.
Durch das Einnehmen dieser verschiedenen Perspektiven
setzen sich die Studierenden kritisch und tiefer
greifend mit ihren Themen auseinander. Dadurch
wird zudem die Motivation gesteigert und gleichzeitig
die inhaltliche sowie wissenschaftlich/methodische
Komponente der Proseminar- und Seminararbeiten
verbessert. Ein im Rahmen des Projektes entwickeltes
Online-Lernmodul zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
unterstützt den Lernprozess der Studierenden
und dient im Nachgang der Verstetigung des Gelernten.
Das Projekt wurde von der Fachgruppe Marketing
der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau sowie
der Professur Marketing und Internationaler Handel
der Technischen Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
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I linje med läroplanen? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av det engelska läromedlet Magic! 1-3 / In line with the curriculum?Cordy, Erica January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to answer whether the teaching material Magic! 1 – 3 can be used without complementary material to convey the subject content and the didactic elements presented as central in the curriculum. The questions the study aims to answer are how well Magic! 1 – 3 is in line with the curriculum's central content and whether it can be used in teaching without complementary teaching material. This study is carried out through a qualitative content analysis of the English teaching material Magic! intended for grades 1, 2 and 3. The teaching material Magic! includes a printed and a digital copy where the content is analyzed qualitatively. Each task is quantified as possible elements for the student to practice a skill and can be categorized several times. The theoretical starting points of the thesis are based on curriculum theory with a focus on the formulation arena and the transformation arena. The curriculum is a result of the decisions that have been made within the formulation arena and, based on that, the textbook authors are a part of the transformation arena, i.e. those who transform the content of the curriculum. By using the theory of constructive alignment, the questions of the study can be answered. The tasks in Magic! 1–3 conveys all the points that are written out as central content in the curriculum, but there are some instances where the teacher needs to actively decide whether it is enough for his/her classroom.
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Evaluating the impact of adjunctive integrated case-based dental teaching and learning on clinical reasoning in a discipline-based teaching and learning environmentPostma, Thomas Corne January 2013 (has links)
Problem-solving and integration of knowledge are key objectives of the undergraduate dental curriculum of the School of Dentistry, University of Pretoria, which aims to develop the clinical reasoning skills of students. For practical reasons the School provides discipline-based teaching and learning, which, according to the literature, might limit a student’s ability to integrate knowledge during clinical reasoning processes. The literature suggests that problem-solving by means of case studies – an active teaching and learning strategy– might be a useful method to develop and integrate knowledge at undergraduate level, and that earlier exposure to clinical cases might assist in the attainment of clinical reasoning skills at an earlier stage. Hence, this action research study describes the planning, design, implementation and evaluation of a “new” Comprehensive Patient Care curriculum over a three-year period (2009 - 2011) based on Kern’s “six-step approach to curriculum development”. The new curriculum employs an adjunctive integrated case-based approach according to the principles described in the “Four Component Instructional Design Model” and a new variant of the so-called “progress test”, starting already in the preclinical (third) year of study, to develop and test students’ clinical reasoning skills over time.
The exit-level progress test results of dental students who had been taught by following an adjunctive integrated case-based approach were statistically analysed, using mixed model statistics, and were compared with the clinical decision-making skills of cohorts who had been taught by following the traditional discipline-based approach. These analyses were complemented by bivariate and multivariate quantitative analyses and qualitative student feedback (mixed methods). The validity of the progress test results was also examined by comparing the results of different cohorts.
The fifth-year cohort who had been exposed to integrated case-based teaching and learning from their preclinical year performed significantly better in the progress test at exit level than the cohorts who had received only discipline-based teaching and learning, even when controlling for previous academic performance. These findings were supported by the quantitative and qualitative feedback that students gave about the educational processes that were followed. The progress test performed reasonably well as a measurement tool and all the differences that were measured between the different cohorts could be explained logically. Case specificity posed the biggest threat to the reliability of the test.
The results suggest that integrated case-based teaching and learning, commencing in the preclinical study years, might be a useful intervention to improve clinical reasoning ability at exit level in dental schools such as the School of Dentistry, University of Pretoria that follow a discipline-based approach. The results of this action research study provided particularly useful information, which will allow further improvements to the educational intervention. The results of this study require further research to substantiate the findings beyond doubt. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Dental Management Sciences / unrestricted
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Aligning the clinical assessment practices with the assessment practicesMaart, Ronel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Removable Prosthetic Dentistry (PRO400) is a fourth year module of the undergraduate dentistry programme which consists of a large clinical component. After reviewing relevant literature and conducting module evaluations, clinical tests were introduced and implemented in 2008 as an additional clinical assessment method. The intention of introducing the clinical tests was an attempt to ensure that students were assessed fairly, that their theoretical knowledge and the ability to apply it clinically were properly assessed, and to provide feedback on their clinical performance.
The purpose of this concurrent mixed methods study was to compare the relationship between the students‟ performance in the clinical tests and daily clinical grades with their theoretical performance in the PRO400 module. The second part of the study explored the academic staff s‟ perceptions of the clinical test as clinical assessment tool in the PRO400 module.
The case study design enabled the researcher to explore the question at hand in considerable depth. The mixed methods approach was useful to capture the best of both the qualitative and quantitative approaches. For the quantitative data-collection, record reviews of the results of fourth-year dental students‟ who completed the PRO400 module at the end of 2007 were used, and included 110 students. For the qualitative component three full-time lecturers within the Prosthetic department were interviewed.
The clinical test marks and clinical session marks of all the students (n=109) in PRO400 were compared to their theory mark of that year. The tests marks were entered into a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel and the data analysis was done with the assistance of a statistician.
The analytical abstraction method was used to assist with the qualitative data analysis; first the basic level of analysis was done in the narrative form, followed by second higher level of data analysis. The basic and higher levels of analysis were discussed under the following themes: clinical tests, student performances, alignment of theory and clinical assessment and personal influence on supervisors‟ assessment practices and attitude. Role-taking and the supervisors‟ perceptions and concerns regarding the students were explored as emergent themes. The quantitative findings were displayed using tables and graphs. Forty five students. clinical marks were 10% higher than their theory mark, while only 8 students. theory marks were 10% higher than their clinical test mark. There appeared to be hardly any relationship between the students. clinical daily grade assessment marks and their theory marks. The average theory mark was 47%, the average clinical test marks were 55% and the average daily clinical grade was 63%. Integration of the data obtained from the different data collection methods was done at the level of data interpretation.
The clinical test as an assessment tool is well accepted by the supervisors and they agreed that it is more reliable and accurate than the clinical daily grade assessment method. The quantitative findings relate well to other reported studies that concluded that the daily grade was poorly correlated with the competency exams (a similar phenomenon in the clinical test of the PRO400 module). From the findings of this study it appeared that there is a better correlation of the clinical test mark and the theory mark, than clinical daily mark and the theory mark. This finding related well with the lecturers. views that the clinical tests were more reliable as a clinical assessment tool than the daily clinical mark. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: "Removable Prosthetic Dentistry (PRO400)" is 'n vierdejaar-module in die voorgraadse tandheelkundeprogram wat 'n groot kliniese komponent bevat. Na 'n oorsig gedoen is van die relevante literatuur, en nadat die module-evaluering afgehandel is, is kliniese toetse in 2008 ingevoer en geimplementeer as 'n bykomende metode van kliniese assessering. Die kliniese toetse is ingestel in 'n poging om te verseker dat studente se teoretiese kennis en hul vermoe om dit klinies toe te pas op . regverdige wyse geassesseer word en om terugvoer te kan gee oor die studente se kliniese prestasie.
Die doel van hierdie studie, waarin gelyktydige gemengde metodes gebruik is, was om die verband tussen die studente se prestasie in die kliniese toetse, asook hul daaglikse kliniese punte en hul teoretiese prestasie in die PRO400-module vas te stel. Die tweede deel van die studie het ondersoek ingestel na die akademiese personeel se persepsies van die kliniese toets as 'n instrument vir kliniese assessering in die PRO400-module.
'n Dwarssnit-gevallestudie-ontwerp is gebruik en 'n gemengdemetode-benadering was nuttig om sowel kwalitatiewe as kwantitatiewe data in te samel. Vir die kwantitatiewe data-insamelingverslae is die uitslae van 109 vierdejaar-tandeheelkundestudente in die PRO400-module aan die einde van 2007 gebruik. Vir die kwalitatiewe data-insameling is onderhoude gevoer met drie voltydse dosente in die Prostetiese Tandheelkunde-departement.
Die kliniese toetspunte en die kliniese sessiepunte van al die studente (n=109) in die PRO400-module is met hul teoriepunte van daardie jaar vergelyk. Die toetspunte is op 'n sigblad in Microsoft Excel ingevoer en die data-analise is met die hulp van 'n statistikus gedoen.
Die analitiese abstraksiemetode is vir die analise van die kwalitatiewe data gebruik. Die basiese vlak van data-analise in die narratiewe vorm is eerste gedoen. Dit is gevolg deur 'n tweede, hoervlak-data-analise. Die basiese en hoer vlakke van analise is onder die volgende temas bespreek: kliniese toetse, studenteprestasie, ooreenstemming van teorie en kliniese assessering, en persoonlike invloed op studieleiers se assesseringspraktyke en houding. Rol-aanneming en die studieleiers se persepsies, asook kwessies rakende die studente is as ontluikende temas ondersoek. Die resultate van hierdie studie het aangetoon dat die kliniese punte van 45 studente 10% hoër was as hul teoriepunte, en dat slegs agt studente se teoriepunte 10% hoër as hul kliniese toetspunte was. Dit het geblyk dat daar feitlik geen verband was tussen die studente se kliniese daaglikse assesseringspunte en hul teoriepunte nie. Die gemiddelde teoriepunt was 47%, die gemiddelde kliniese toetspunt was 55% en die gemiddelde daaglikse kliniese punt was 63%. Al die studieleiers het die kliniese toets as assesseringsinstrument goed aanvaar en hulle het saamgestem dat dit meer betroubaar en akkuraat is as die daaglikse kliniese assesseringsmetode.
Die kwantitatiewe bevindings hou goed verband met dié van soortgelyke studies waarin daar bevind is dat die daaglikse prestasie swak gekorreleer het met die bevoegdheidseksamen (ʼn soortgelyke beginsel as die kliniese toets van die Pro400). Dit het ook uit die bevindings van hierdie navorsing geblyk dat daar ʼn beter korrelasie is tussen die kliniese toetspunt en die teoriepunt as tussen die daaglikse kliniese punt en die teoriepunt. Hierdie bevinding het ʼn duidelike verband getoon met die dosente se siening dat die kliniese toetse as ʼn kliniese assesseringsinstrument meer betroubaar is as die daaglikse kliniese punt in die PRO400-module in die Tandheelkunde-program.
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