Spelling suggestions: "subject:"contemporary history"" "subject:"eontemporary history""
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História e forma em Ragtime, The Book of Daniel e Homer & Langley, de E. L. Doctorow / History and form in Ragtime, The Book of Daniel e Homer & Langley, by E. L. DoctorowMarcelo Cizaurre Guirau 07 May 2014 (has links)
As obras do escritor norte-americano Edgar Lawrence Doctorow aqui estudadas desenham um panorama criticamente iluminador da história dos Estados Unidos no século XX. Em The Book of Daniel, acompanhamos a trajetória da Esquerda americana dos anos 30 aos anos 60. Em Ragtime, o cenário histórico é a Belle Époque e a era do ragtime, do começo do século XX até a Primeira Guerra Mundial. Em Homer & Langley, o arco temporal se expande para abrigar grande parte do século da Primeira Guerra aos anos 80. Nos três romances há uma dialética entre o impulso de suscitar conexões e de figurar um quadro histórico e social mais amplo e a dificuldade de se realizar esse projeto por meio da própria linguagem e lógica da fragmentação, que impedem as articulações e emperram a representação. Nessa tese, procuro ler as ambiguidades e hesitações da forma nesses três romances como incertezas produtivas potenciais lições para o pensamento crítico contemporâneo, o qual tateia certezas num mundo em crise. Romances como Ragtime, The Book of Daniel e Homer & Langley são animados mais por uma hermenêutica da concretude do que por uma poética da relativização. A análise das estratégias de figuração do material histórico que compõe essas obras mostra como essas três narrativas revigoram o romance histórico na contemporaneidade / The novels by E. L. Doctorow studied here draw a critically illuminating panorama of American History in the 20th century. In The Book of Daniel, we follow the trajectory of the American Left from the thirties up to the sixties. In Ragtime, the historical scenery is the Belle Époque and the ragtime era, from the beginning of the century up to World War I. In Homer & Langley, the time frame is broadened to include almost the entire century from World War I up to de eighties. In those novels, we find a dialectical relationship between the impulse to bring forth connections and represent a larger social and historical picture, and the difficulty of achieving such a project through the very language and logic of fragmentation which obstructs the making of articulations and renders representation difficult. In this work, I try to read the ambiguities and hesitations of the form in those three novels as productive uncertainties potential lessons to contemporary critical thinking. Novels such as Ragtime, The Book of Daniel e Homer & Langley are animated more by a hermeneutics of the concrete than by a poetics of relativity. The analysis of the representational strategies those novels employ to depict the historical material from which they are made shows how those narratives reinvigorate the historical novel today
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O levante de 1932: fatores econômicos e políticos / The 1932 uprising: economical and political factorsFrancisco Quartim de Moraes 18 April 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho se propõe a uma revisão crítica das possíveis motivações do levante de julho de 1932. Uma breve analise da historiografia sobre o movimento mostra, especialmente no Estado de São Paulo, o predomínio da versão constitucionalista do levante. Tentaremos mostrar as inconsistências (inclusive cronológicas) desta e de outras explicações tradicionais e depois buscaremos formular algumas hipóteses sobre a gênese e o desenvolvimento do levante de 1932. / This paper aims to critically review the possible motivations of the São Paulo´s uprising in July 9, 1932. A brief review of the history of the movement shows the prevalence of the constitutionalist version of the uprising. We try to show the inconsistencies (including chronological) of this and other traditional explanations and then seek to formulate some hypotheses about this uprising´s genesis and development.
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Patrimonialiser les mémoires sensibles / Building heritage from sensitive memoriesLavorel, Marie 07 November 2014 (has links)
Ce projet de recherche a pour objectif de rendre compte du processus de patrimonialisation des mémoires sensibles qui s’opère à partir des différentes modalités de transmission d’un passé complexe. Il s’agit de comprendre à partir d’une situation réelle le fonctionnement des configurations médiatiques qui permettent d’assurer à partir du présent et au sein d’une institution culturelle le maintien d’une continuité temporelle et symbolique. Nous nous plaçons d’un point de vue anthropologique et communicationnel. Nous envisageons le patrimoine sous l’angle relationnel en nous intéressant à la question de la transmission entre les hommes. Nous l’envisageons comme une pratique sociale et symbolique qui met en scène et cadre au sein de l’espace public différents acteurs qui se partagent la construction d’un imaginaire social en vue de maintenir une continuité temporelle et une cohésion sociale. À partir d’un terrain principal effectué au Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation qui nous a permis de suivre la totalité de l’actualisation de l’espace d’exposition dédié à la déportation, nous avons cherché à répondre à la question suivante : comment l’écriture patrimoniale d’une mémoire sensible s’élabore, transcendant ainsi les ruptures de lien, de sens et de temps qu’elle contient de part sa nature traumatique. Nous avons observé et analysé ce processus de patrimonialisation particulier mettant en scène un dispositif participatif muséologique selon trois axes, relationnel, symbolique et temporel qui suivent selon nous trois niveaux de construction du processus. Le processus analysé révèle le nouveau partage d’autorité qui se dessine entre différents mémoires et différents types de savoirs. Le dispositif de concertation mis en place par le musée est l’occasion pour les porteurs de cette mémoire sensible, tant du côté des résistants que de la communauté juive, de se rencontrer. Il est ainsi possible de penser la déportation non en terme de concurrence des mémoires, mais en terme de partage d’expériences mémorielles différentes qui établit les bases d’une construction possible de valeurs communes. Plusieurs de ces résultats complétés avec des enquêtes de terrains secondaires nous ont amenée à nous interroger sur les conditions nécessaires à une mise en patrimoine d’une mémoire sensible. Nous arrivons notamment aux conclusions suivantes: Le processus historiographique doit être abouti ou tout du moins le plus achevé possible pour que la patrimonialisation puisse être opérante, le climat mémoriel équilibré et la demande d’un processus de patrimonialisation doit venir de la communauté mémorielle concernée. Plus largement, ces résultats nous ont amené à interroger l’écriture de l’histoire du temps présent. / The goal of this research project is to become aware of the heritagisation process surrounding sensitive memories which takes place through different modalities regarding the transmission of a complex past. It is to understand by means of a real situation the inner workings of mediatic configurations that allow us to ensure the upholding of a temporal and symbolic continuity based on the present and within a cultural institution. We position ourselves from an anthropological and communicational standpoint. We consider heritage from a relational angle, examining human transmission and seeing it as a social and symbolic practice, uniting on a public stage different actors who share the construction of a social imaginary for the purpose of maintaining temporal continuity and social cohesion.Our field research at the Museum of Resistance and Deportation allowed us to follow the entire updating process of the exhibition space dedicated to deportation, and raised the question of how a sensitive memory’s heritage is written, transcending the severing of relationships, meaning and time, amidst its traumatic nature. We have observed and analysed this specific heritagisation process utilising participative museological measures under three axes – relational, symbolic and temporal – and following three levels of the process’s construction.The studied process reveals a new shared authority materialised between the different memories and the different varieties of knowledges. The museum’s consultation framework is an opportunity for those bearing sensitive memories, both on the members of the resistance side and on the Jewish community’s, to meet. It is therefore possible to ponder deportation not in terms of contesting memories, but in terms of sharing different memorial experiences, establishing the grounds for a possible construction of common values.Many of these results achieved through secondary field research have led us to examine the necessary conditions for the heritage implementation of a sensitive memory. We reach the following conclusions: the historiographical process must be finalized or at least essentially completed for the heritagisation to be operative; a balanced memorial climate and the request for the heritagisation process must come from the memorial community in question. On a larger scale, these results have led us to question the writing of current history.
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Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR očima pamětníků / Institute of Contemporary HistoryŠťastná, Magdalena January 2015 (has links)
This degree work sets itself the objective to extend well-known information about the Institute of Contemporary History, bringing precise description of the first ten years of its existence. The main purpose of this work is to elaborate further on the Institute's activities from the perspective of the so-called non-scholarly component of its staff. In the first theoretical part of this work, the theme of the structure and activities of the Institute is put into the context of time, with special attention to previous perspectives and problems of historiography as a scientific discipline; in this scope a general description of historiography as such is examined. Subsequent chapters characterize the methods of examination in the field of contemporary History in the U.S.A, France, Germany, Austria, Great Britain and Poland. It also gives a rough outline of changes in topical and geographical analysis as manifested in the attempt of specialisation in the above mentioned countries. In regards to the management of the Institute, the next chapter deals with the institutional structure of The Academy of Science of the Czech Republic. The methodological part of this work is focused on the clasification of the concept of a reaserch project including relevant expectations and objectives; it describes...
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Vliv počítačové hry Atentát 1942 na zájem o současné dějiny / Influence of Attentat 1942 computer game on interest in modern historyVataščinová, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
1 Abstract This master's thesis focuses on the influence of computer games with historical themes on the interest in contemporary history and history in general. It explains basic concepts such as game, digital media, computer game and educational game and introduces the main aspects of computer games. It also focuses on their benefits in education, but also draws attention to possible pitfalls of playing computer games and their impact on health and development of a young individual. Furthermore, the thesis describes game genres in which the most played games with historical themes can be found and introduces the game Attentat 1942. The next part of the thesis examines whether and how computer games with historical themes affect the interest in contemporary and general history through empirical research based on a questionnaire survey of 150 respondents aged 15-30. The results show that playing computer games with historical themes has an impact on young people's interest in contemporary and general history, and this influence is positive. Furthermore, the results show that the most popular game genres for games with historical themes are strategies, RPGs (role-playing games) and action games, and that players pay attention mostly to the story, gameplay and graphics in these games. The results also show...
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Obec Slavhostice na pomezí soudobých dějin / Municipality of Slavhostice on the Border of Contemporary HistoryKaiserová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
My Thesis Municipality Slavhostice on the Border of Contemporary History shows the history and progress of the village Slavhostice lying in region Hradec Králové, district Jičín, in important historical moments. During the World War I, during the inter-war period, the World War II and post-war period. It also focuses on particular topics, school and schoolchildren, cultural life and various municipal associations and economic situation. The aim of my work is to show continuity, and vice versa the contrast between large and small history. Show the impact of global progresses to this small village and to show, a life of its own, despite the events. Events in the village are drawn based on the chronicles, accountancy, correspondence, home lists, photos and many other documents tracing the history of the village. As a supplement serve two narrations of its inhabitants. It should be a merit for Regional history.
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[pt] A presente tese propõe como chave de leitura de Origens do totalitarismo, de
Hannah Arendt, a análise de seus personagens, que não poderiam ser mais
variados: judeus, antissemitas, artistas, intelectuais, comerciantes, políticos,
aventureiros, charlatões, pais de família, assassinos e líderes populares como
Hitler e Stálin. Numa obra de tamanho fôlego e que trata de assuntos tão
complexos como antissemitismo, imperialismo e o próprio totalitarismo, parece
improvável que tantos tipos humanos envolvidos possam ser tratados sob termos
comuns. O argumento da tese mostra que para Arendt as diferenças são menos
determinantes do que um traço comum a todos aqueles homens: a incapacidade
cada vez maior de discernir realidade de ficção. Assim, a tese procura tratar do
que parece ser um poderoso argumento antropológico com óbvias implicações
para a teoria da história. / [en] The current thesis works on Hannah Arendt s The Origins of totalitarianism by
analyzing its characters, who could not be more varied: Jews, anti-Semites, artists,
intellectuals, businessmen, politicians, adventurers, charlatans, heads of families,
assassins and leaders like Hitler and Stalin. In work of such weight where complex
issues like anti-Semitism, imperialism, and totalitarianism take place, it seems
unlikely that the many human types involved could be considered under common
terms. The thesis arguments that Arendt manages to do so by considering such
differences less determinant than a common trace shared by all those men: the
ever-growing incapacity to discern fiction from reality. Thus, the thesis works on
what seems to be a powerful anthropological argument with inevitable implications
to theory of history.
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Organic Farming is Coming to Our Valley : The Development of Pumi Eco-Agriculture and the Indigenisation of Modernity in Sino-Myanmar BorderlandsGao, Ze January 2019 (has links)
How do indigenous people perceive and practice eco-agriculture, especially when it was introduced as a development project? This thesis aims to delve into this question by focusing on a policy-induced agrarian transition for Pumi community in Sino-Myanmar borderlands. Using ethnographic methods, I intend to offer an intimate account of a provincial programme to facilitate eco-agriculture in this ethnic region. With the conceptual framework presented, the current research starts with the introduction of Pumi agricultural history and indigenous farming knowledge, with a focus on Pumi biocultural heritage. Then, I will examine how the process of ‘indigenisation of modernity’ (Sahlins 2000) has occurred against the backdrop of Pumi eco-agriculture programme. The insights will be distilled from three different aspects, which are agricultural land use, technical practices, and governance issues. For each aspect, I will scrutinise to what degree the government is following an industrial model to design the eco-agriculture agenda which corresponds to the ‘conventionalisation hypothesis’ of organic production (Buck 1997) and is thus in alignment with their long-term strategic goals to ‘modernise’ this borderland region through agricultural transformations, whereas the local Pumi farmers are actively coping with the government’s external interventions, meanwhile searching for the ‘alternative pathway’ towards agricultural modernisation. In the final chapter, I will interpret the motives of the both actors in the programme. For the government, the post-development theory will be employed to provide a critique of the ‘development discourse’ embedded in the agenda. For local farmers, the concept of ‘environmentality’ (Agrawal 2005) will be focused to interpret the Pumi farmers’ motives to indigenise, which ultimately questioning the transforming powers of modernity and globalisation on Pumi agrarian society. Basically, this thesis aims to trace the socio-political processes which drive the ‘agrarian transition’ in a Southeast Asian frontier, and further demonstrate how the resource abundance in the borderlands can underpin intense processes of commodification and dispossession (Nevins and Peluso 2008; Ishikawa 2010; see also Milne and Mahanty, 2015), the implications of which crystallised in an ethnographic context. To a larger extent, this research aims to shed lights on the interactions between social structure and individual agency ― although the Pumi farmers are struggling to survive with the adaptation to modern inputs, they are still marginalised by the structured inequality of the market economy, which limited the farmers’ opportunities to improve their own livelihoods. Furthermore, this research also has significant policy implications as it addresses the issues such as agricultural policy and ethnic relations in the borderland regions. By reflecting upon the overlapping implications of highland livelihoods, agencies, and the transforming powers of social change, the current study aims to build a locally rooted understanding of Pumi eco-agriculture programme, and provide lessons for sustainable planning and future policy-making for rural development in developing countries such as China.
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Carne de Fieras, Barrios Bajos e Aurora de Esperanza - o melodrama anarquista na produção cinematográfica da CNT, durante a Guerra Civil Espanhola (1936-1939) / Carne de fieras, Barrios Bajos and Aurora de esperanza: the anarchist melodrama in film production from CNT during the spanish civil war (1936-1939)Oliveira, Valéria Garcia de 06 December 2011 (has links)
Considerando a relação História-Cinema, a presente dissertação é uma reflexão sobre a produção cinematográfica anarquista da CNT durante a Guerra Civil Espanhola (1936-1939), a partir da análise de três de seus principais filmes de ficção: Carne de Fieras (1936/1992), Barrios Bajos (1937) e Aurora de Esperanza (1937). Eles foram construídos numa estrutura de narrativa clássica e melodramática e, dotados de temáticas diversas, como o adultério, a prostituição assediada por gangsteres e o drama do desemprego, representam uma iniciativa ímpar na construção de um cinema social, sob o comando de uma poderosa organização anarquista e durante o processo revolucionário. Neste sentido, consideramos também os meandros do desenvolvimento do anarquismo e do cinema espanhóis, cujas singularidades imprimiram uma dinâmica específica àqueles filmes. / Considering the relation between History and Cinema, this present dissertation will ponder on the anarchist cinematographic production of CNT during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) through the analysis of three of its most important fiction works: Carne de Fieras (1936/1992), Barrios Bajos (1937) and Aurora de Esperanza (1937). They were structured in a classic and melodramatic narrative and, dealing with several themes, as adultery, gangster-linked prostitution and the misfortune of unemployment, they represent a unique initiative in the construction of a social cinema, under the command of a powerful anarchist organization during the revolutionary process. In this sense, well consider the specifics in the development of Spanish anarchism and cinema, for their singular features have given a specific dynamic to those movies.
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L'Antiquité dans les débats constitutionnels français au XIXe siècle / Antiquity in the French constitutional debate in the nineteenth centuryDelrue, Baptiste 05 December 2014 (has links)
Il a été démontré que l’Antiquité gréco-romaine avait eu une très forte influence sur le discours et la pratique de la Révolution. Il est donc apparu intéressant d’étudier la présence et l’impact des Antiquités (y compris celtique et germanique) dans les débats politiques et, plus particulièrement, constitutionnels au XIXe siècle afin de vérifier la véracité de la position couramment admise selon laquelle l’Antiquité aurait été presque totalement absente. La France a connu, avant l’époque contemporaine, une succession de renaissances de l’Antiquité. Aussi, celle du XIXe siècle a-t-elle constitué une nouvelle illustration de cet éternel recommencement ou a-t-elle incarné le début d’un épuisement ? En s’appuyant sur un plan chrono-thématique couvrant la période allant de 1814 à 1875, la présente analyse combine histoires des idées et des institutions. Comment l’invocation de l’Antiquité dans les débats constitutionnels et les argumentaires politiques a-t-elle influé sur l’évolution des régimes et la transformation des institutions de la France au XIXe siècle ? Dès la Restauration, l’Antiquité gréco-romaine a effectivement connu un recul idéologique par rapport à la période précédente ; cependant, ce reflux ne fut que relatif (les humanités restaient dans la culture commune) et, pour le moins, ambivalent (car des modèles antiques comme celui du régime mixte attiraient). Cela a toutefois conduit, dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, à une neutralisation scientifique de l’Antiquité gréco-romaine : son intérêt et sa valeur furent comme subjectivisés en raison de la volonté de construire un roman national (en opposition à l’Allemagne) et un avenir politique fondé sur des principes résolument modernes (contractualisme, républicanisme, parlementarisme…). / It has been shown that the Greco-Roman antiquity had a very strong influence over the political discourse during the French Revolution. Thus, it seemed interesting to study the political debates of the XIXth and more specifically the constitutional debates, in order to validate or on the contrary to invalidate the commonly accepted view under which the antiquity would have had barely any influence during the XIXth century. Before modern times France experienced numerous revivals of Antiquity, also the question was to find out if there was another revival of the Antiquity under the XIXth century and if this revival was the beginning of something new or the swan song of the influence of the Antiquity. The present analyses propose to understand through a both chronological and thematic study, covering the period from 1814 to 1875, and by combining history of political ideas and history of the institutions, if the Antiquity had an influence on the political debates and the construction of the political models of the XIXth century. Indeed, as early as the first restoration the influence of antiquity already declined as compared to the previous period, but this backflow is in fact limited (the humanities remained in common culture) and also ambivalent (since an antic model such as the hybrid presidential-parliamentary-judicial interested the politicians). However, this led in the second half of the nineteenth century to a scientific neutralization of the Greco-Roman antiquity : its interest and value were put in perspective, because of the desire of the men of the XIXth century to write a national novel (in opposition to Germany), but also because they wanted a new political order based on some modern principles such as Contractualism, Republicanism and Parliamentarianism.
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