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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


CARBOVÁ, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Since the beginning of the new millennium the educational system in the Czech Republic has witnessed a substantial increase in information and communication technology (ICT). It is now available at every school. This brings about the need to educate teachers because it is them on whom the way technology is employed depends. In the theoretical part of the thesis our goal was to find out what the content of such a course should be and how to organize it. In the empirical part of the thesis our goal was to discover the impact of a course on how to integrate ICT into English language teaching. The contribution of this thesis is mapping the current situation in the research area and providing guidelines for teacher education and evaluation of their teaching.

"Transformar música" : o conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo de um professor de violão / Transforming Music : the pedagogical content knowledge of a guitar teacher

Moreira, Thiago Alves Marques 23 June 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T17:06:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 118127.pdf: 5361518 bytes, checksum: b89d0c0168078f00f44c2c58951f9d96 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this research was to investigate how a guitar teacher organizes, represents and adapts his musical and instrumental knowledge in order to transform them into an apprehensible and comprehensible content to his learners. It is a case study of a teacher who for 29 years has been working at a music school located in Santa Catarina state, Brazil. Data was collected by observation of classes and also by a semistructured and a stimulated recall interview. The theoretical framework is mainly the conceptions of Shulman about the pedagogical content knowledge and about the processes of transformation, by which the personal repertory of a teacher s own comprehensions becomes a content that others can comprehend. The typology of contents adopted by Zabala and Tardif s discussions related to the constitution of teachers know how and know how to be were also relevant theorical grounds in this research. The results showed that the guitar pieces studied in the classroom constitutes at the same time means and goals. The learning of these pieces is a goal but at the same time they are used as pedagogical material for student s musical and instrumental development. Through them, the teacher approaches contents such as harmonic functions, melody conducting with the instrument, and a critical attitude towards the musical text. The representation of these contents took place in various ways, as demonstrations, explanations, analogies and metaphors. Adaptation to the 12 learners was highly valued by the teacher in the interviews. Teaching experience appeared as a main factor in the estabilishment of his capacity to understand the characteristics of the students and their difficulties. Experience also made possible a critical evaluation of his knowledge received from other sources, among which the guitarristic training stands out. This background was obtained with guitar classes when the teacher was a student. At that time, he learned a great deal of the contents he now teaches and could experience, as a student, the specific pedagogical practices that these contents involve. / O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi investigar como um professor de violão organiza, adapta e representa o seu conhecimento musical e técnico-instrumental de modo a transformá-lo num conteúdo apreensível e compreensível para os seus alunos. Foi estudado o caso de um professor que atua há 29 anos numa escola de música em Santa Catarina. Os dados foram coletados mediante a observação de aulas e também por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada e de uma entrevista de estimulação de recordação. A fundamentação teórica está principalmente nas concepções de Shulman sobre o conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo e sobre os processos de transformação, através dos quais o conteúdo deixa de ser um elemento que compõe o repertório pessoal de conhecimentos do professor para tornar-se algo compreensível por outros. A tipologia dos conteúdos adotada por Zabala e as discussões de Tardif relacionadas à constituição do saber-fazer e do saberser dos professores foram também relevantes fundamentos teóricos neste trabalho. Os resultados mostraram que as peças violonísticas trabalhadas nas aulas constituem, ao mesmo tempo, fim e meio. Há, por um lado, o objetivo de que elas passem a compor o repertório aprendido pelo aluno e, por outro, uma utilização das mesmas para o desenvolvimento instrumental e musical do estudante. Por meio delas, foram abordados conteúdos como funções harmônicas, condução de vozes no instrumento e atitude crítica diante da partitura. A 10 representação desses conteúdos se deu de várias formas, com demonstrações, explanações, analogias e metáforas. O aspecto da adaptação aos alunos foi bastante valorizado pelo sujeito nas entrevistas. A experiência docente apareceu como um importante fator de constituição da capacidade de compreender as características dos estudantes e suas dificuldades, além de possibilitar a avaliação crítica de saberes provenientes de outras fontes, dentre as quais se destaca a formação violonística. Esta última foi obtida em aulas de violão vivenciadas na condição de aluno, onde o sujeito aprendeu grande parte dos conteúdos que ensina e teve contato com práticas pedagógicas específicas para esses conteúdos.

Teknik som lärområde i förskollärares arbete

Björklund, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vad förskollärare säger om sitt arbete inom teknik som lärområde i förskolan. Därutöver syftar studien till att undersöka och synliggöra aspekter som är betydelsefulla i förskollärarens undervisning i teknik tillsammans med barn. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter har sin grund i sociokulturellt perspektiv, där kommunikation och interaktion är en viktig del i barnens utveckling och lärande. Även det teoretiska ramverket Pedagogical Content Knowledge PCK (Shulman, 1986), används för att tolka och förstå förskollärarnas förmågor i arbetet med teknik med barnen. Undersökningen består av semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes med sex förskollärare. Resultatet visar att arbetslagens verksamhetsplanering utvecklades med stöd av reflektionsunderlaget Content Representation CoRe (Loughran, Milroy, Berry, Gunstone och Mullhall 2001) som bidrog till fördjupade diskussioner och att innehållsområdet avgränsades i teknikundervisningen. Resultatet visar också att det skedde en utveckling av undervisningen genom användning av andra fysiska redskap än man arbetat med tidigare. Dessutom utvecklades andra metoder när förskollärarna arbetade med teknik med barnen.

How does a grade 8 science teacher learn to teach quantum mechanics?: an exploratory case study

Sen, Goksenin 04 October 2017 (has links)
In 2016 the Ministry of Education in British Columbia (BC), Canada introduced the topics of quantum mechanics (QM) into the Grade 8 science curriculum. Science teachers with or without QM background are expected to learn and teach QM. Stemming from a constructivist theoretical framework, this in-depth exploratory case study explores the processes of learning and teaching the topics of QM by asking: “How does a Grade 8 science teacher learn to teach QM?” The purpose was to understand the teacher’s QM learning process, the development of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in QM and teacher’s views of the nature of science (NOS). The data was collected through multiple sources and analyzed by using thematic analysis. The themes were identified under five main categories: 1) the development of PCK in QM is complex, 2) the student-centered approach mandated in the redesigned curriculum may be limiting, 3) the nature of learning QM is not different than learning other subjects, 4) middle school science education is inconsistent with the current level of scientific knowledge, and 5) the development of informed views of NOS requires an accumulation and synthesis of prior knowledge in history and philosophy of science (HPS). The study proposes two previously unexplored integral aspects of PCK framework, since: the ‘allotted time’ in learning and teaching a subject and ‘pre-PCK’ change the nature of PCK development. The term pre-PCK was coined referring to the specific content oriented and student-centered activities that take place before the class with the goal of establishing an effective basis for the PCK development. The insights emerging from the study would be of interest to other Grade 8 science teachers in BC, pre-service teacher program coordinators at the universities, and the Ministry of Education in BC to provide institutional support. This study would also contribute to closing the knowledge and communication gaps between the fields of science, science education practice and science education research. / Graduate

O conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo de professores de química em um curso preparatório para o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM)

Mello, Thaís Cristina Sellare de January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Sérgio Henrique Bezerra de Sousa Leal / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino, História, Filosofia das Ciências e Matemática, Santo André, 2018. / A Escola Preparatória da UFABC (EPUFABC) é um projeto de extensão dirigido às comunidades com menor acesso à educação, com o propósito de promover maior oportunidade de ingresso ao ensino superior. As aulas da EPUFABC são ministradas por alunos da graduação e pós-graduação da Universidade Federal do ABC, que muitas vezes só têm a visão do que é ser professor vivenciada em suas experiências como aluno. Nesse contexto, e utilizando o Conhecimento Pedagógico do Conteúdo (PCK) como referencial teórico, este trabalho investigou os indícios do PCK para o conteúdo de isomeria de dois professores de química da EPUFABC. Como ferramenta de acesso desse conhecimento foi utilizado o preenchimento do instrumento Representação de Conteúdo (CoRe), realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com os professores e o registro audiovisual das aulas ministradas para o conteúdo anteriormente mencionado. Os dados obtidos foram transcritos e analisados segundo as categorias do PCK propostas por Magnusson et al. (1999) e Adadan e Oner (2014). Dessa forma, foi possível compreender como professores com formações iniciais distintas e ministrando o mesmo conteúdo mobilizam o seu PCK, bem como verificar o grau de desenvolvimento do mesmo. Identificou-se nos registros as diferentes categorias do PCK e como a formação de cada professor, aliada à sua prática influenciam na contrução dos diferentes conhecimentos que constituem o PCK. / The UFABC Preparatory School (EPUFABC) is an extension project aimed at communities with less access to education, with the purpose of promoting greater opportunities for higher education. EPUFABC classes are taught by undergraduate and graduate students of the Federal University of ABC, who often only have the vision of what it is to be a teacher experienced in their experiences as a student. In this context, and using the Pedagogical Knowledge of Content (PCK) as a theoretical reference, this work investigated the evidence of the PCK for the isomer content of two chemistry professors of EPUFABC. As a tool to access this knowledge was used the filling of the Instrument of Content Representation (CoRe), conducted semi-structured interviews with the teachers and the audiovisual record of the classes taught for the content mentioned above. The data obtained were transcribed and analyzed according to the PCK categories proposed by Magnusson et al. (1999) and Adadan and Oner (2014). In this way, it was possible to understand how teachers with different initial training and ministering the same content mobilize their PCK, as well as verify the degree of development of the same. The different categories of the PCK were identified in the registers and how the formation of each teacher, together with their practice, influence the construction of different knowledge that constitute the PCK.

The influence of an in-service training programme on Libyan Biology teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)

Abdalla, Tarek January 2020 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Libya, as one of the third world countries, is struggling to address the issue of transformation and various institutional reforms (including the education system). For example, it has been observed that many biology teachers are faced with challenges relating to both subject matter knowledge (SMK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) yet the expectation of the new curriculum is that biology teachers demonstrate professional efficacy in their work regardless of the challenges they face. In light of this, a group of Libyan secondary school biology teachers was investigated in Tripoli through a participatory action research process. The study was underpinned by the Shulman theory of PCK using a mixed-methods design to generate an understanding of the theory of basic knowledge of teaching. This investigation examined the influence of an in-service training programme consisting of three components of PCK namely: teachers‘ subject matter knowledge (SMK); use of instructional strategies; and understanding of learners on a group of Libyan biology teachers‘ instructional practices. On the one hand, the investigation considered their theoretical knowledge, and their experiences during the professional development programme aimed at designing new teaching and learning activities and materials while on the other hand, it considered their practical knowledge in terms of their professional skills or their practical use of what has been learned during their pre-service training as well as what they learned during the professional development programme. Specifically, the study focused on biology teachers from the Hai Alandalus District (Libya). This representation enabled me to unveil the PCK components held to some extent by the Libyan teachers in general. Moreover, the PCK representation has also enabled me to clarify the category of the teachers‘ PCK in the Libyan context especially as their PCK was unknown at the commencement of the study. The findings have shown that the professional development used in the study facilitated the biology teachers‘ ability in several ways such as increased their PCK and SMK; improved their ability to organize activity-based lessons; increased their desire to use a variety of instructional strategies; increased the understanding of their learners‘ needs; improved their awareness that their learners‘ performance is not unrelated to their socio-economic background; and so on. Overall, the findings suggest that designing and implementing new teaching and learning activities and materials based on the teachers‘ knowledge, experiences, and needs, in a workshop context could provide an enabling learning environment for them as well as facilitate their potential to provide a powerful means for increasing their PCK, SMK and understanding their learners. The study also reveals that there is a great necessity for designers to mount professional development programmes that take into consideration the teachers‘ PCK to meaningfully promote their professional development and instructional practices.

Att skapa förutsättningar för lärande på science center / To create conditions for learning at a science center

Löfstrand, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Uppdraget som låg till grund för detta examensarbete var att utveckla Vattenfall Science Centers utställning och verksamhet. Uppdraget formulerades i ett syfte att studera hur sciencecentret som koncept kan utvecklas genom att pröva hur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv pålärande yttrar sig i skapandet av en interaktiv installation. Målet med arbetet är att föreslå hurett science center kan formas och utvecklas för att skapa förutsättningar för lärande.Arbetet delades upp i tre delar. Första delen består av en studie av litteratur med syfteatt få en övergripande bild av den forskning som berör lärande på museer. Målet var att belysaviktiga aspekter för lärande på museer. Andra delen består av arbetet med att formulera endidaktisk modell som svarar för vad, varför och hur ett ämne eller ämnesområde skapresenteras, samt att tillämpa den didaktiska modellen i skapandet av en interaktivinstallation. Tredje delen av arbetet består av en utvärdering av mötet mellan den skapadeinstallationen och dess användare.I denna rapport presenteras arbetets tre delar för att avslutningsvis leda till endiskussion kring examensarbetets huvudfråga: Hur kan förutsättningar för lärande möjliggörasi utformandet av en interaktiv utställning?Att skapa förutsättningar för lärande handlar om att skapa förutsättningar föraktiviteter som möjliggör lärande. Genom utformning och val av innehåll i en utställningfinns möjlighet att skapa mer eller mindre goda förutsättning för lärande. Därför är det viktigtatt från början ha en klar bild av vilken typ av aktivitet som det är önskvärt att utställningeninbjuder besökaren till, exempelvis samarbete, samtal och besökarens egen påverkan.Det traditionella science centret är ofta kritiserat för att framställa naturvetenskap ochteknik som något färdigt och opåverkbart. För att skapa intresse och engagemang för dessaämnen och för områdena energi och miljö betonas från flera håll vikten av att iställetframställa dem nyanserat och från flera perspektiv. Därför är det viktigt att i arbetet med attutveckla en interaktiv utställning eller en science center verksamhet diskutera hur det tänktaämnet ska presenteras för att uppnå detta.Att skapa och utveckla en utställning och en verksamhet är en arbetsprocess sominvolverar många människor. Här liksom i alla situationer där många människor ärinvolverade i ett och samma projekt behövs en tydlig ambition och tydliga mål medverksamheten som kan styra och leda arbetsprocessens alla delar. I arbetet har det betonats attdenna ambition kan utvecklas från att intressera besökaren för naturvetenskap och teknik, idetta fall med fokus på energi- och miljöfrågor, till att också skapa engagemang. Engagemangsom exempelvis kan skapas genom att erbjuda besökaren verktyg för att själv kunna agera ochpåverka framtiden i relation energi- och miljöfrågor. / This study illuminates how the science center as a concept can be developed and how asociocultural perspective on learning influences the design of an interactive exhibit. The aimof the study is to propose ideas on how a science center can be designed and developed withthe purpose of creating good conditions for learning.The work was divided in three parts. In the first part literature was studied with theaim of highlighting aspects important for learning from a sociocultural perspective. In thesecond part an educational model was formulated based on the result from the literature study,interviews and study visits. The educational model was then used to guide the design of aninteractive exhibit on hydro power. The third part consists of an evaluation of the exhibitbased on observation of the visitors’ interaction with the exhibit.In this thesis the work and the result of the three parts are presented leading to a finaldiscussion about the key question of the study: How can learning possibilities be createdthrough the design of an interactive exhibition?Creating possibilities for learning is about creating possibilities for activities thatmakes learning possible. Through the design and in the choice of content of an exhibition it ispossible to create more or less good conditions for learning. Therefore it is important to havea clear picture of what type of activities it is desirable that an exhibition invite the visitor to,for example cooperation and conversation and the visitors’ possibility to influence the resultof the activity.The traditional science center is often criticized for presenting science and technologyas something static and finished. To create interest and engagement for the subject area it isinstead needed to be presented from a wide range of perspectives. Therefore throughout thework of developing an interactive exhibition or a science center it is important to discuss howthe subject area can be presented to fulfil this aim.Creating and developing an exhibition is a work that involves a number of people withdifferent backgrounds, knowledge and ideas. Just as in any other project that involves manypeople a clear ambition with clear goals is needed and makes a shared vision possible that canlead and steer all parts of the work.

Pre-service teachers’ mathematics profiles and the influence thereof on their instructional behaviour

Barnes, Hayley 11 April 2012 (has links)
In this paper the notion of “mathematics profiles” and “instructional behaviour profiles is introduced. A brief explanation of what these profiles are and how they were constructed and represented for preservice mathematics teachers is provided. An example of one of the participants’ profiles is included as an example. The influence of the pre-service teachers’ mathematics profiles on their instructional behaviour is then discussed. This is done with regard to using the mathematics profiles as a potential tool to optimise the development of pre-service mathematics teachers’ instructional behaviour towards a more reform-oriented approach.

Rikare resonemang om rättvisa : Vad kan kvalificera deltagande i samhällskunskapspraktiken? / Richer reasoning about justice : What factors might qualify participation in the practise of civics?

Tväråna, Malin January 2014 (has links)
The study explores the meaning of knowing how to reason about justice in civics in upper secondary school. This is examined through the analysis of students’ conceptions of justice, and of their conceptions of civic reasoning about justice. It is also examined through the analysis of civic education practise. In the study, teaching was designed using Variation Theory and the theory of intersubjectivity in Activity Theory, and examined and evaluated in three Learning Studies. The empirical material consists of filmed and transcribed research lessons and interviews, as well as of written pre- and post-tests. The material was first analysed using phenomenography, and then analysed using content-oriented conversation analysis. Students’ conceptions of justice were found to move between the conception of justice as (A) a universal value, (B) a personal value or (C) a value of principle. Students’ conceptions of civic reasoning about justice were found to move between three conceptions: (a) reporting about justice, (b) analysing causes of different perspectives on justice or (c) critical reasoning about principles of justice. The critical aspects of knowing how to reason about justice in civics that students needed to discern were the relativity of justice, the basis for arguments for principles of justice and the analysing as well as the criticizing aspects of reasoning. The subject-knowledge that the teachers expressed in their teaching was one condition of the practise of civics that was found to be of importance for the students’ learning. Others were the assumed purpose of the practise of civics and a genuine need for the intended knowledge in the practice. Communicative actions that seem to facilitate these conditions are real learning tasks and a subject-specific language and variation of critical aspects as mediating tools. The findings are discussed in relation to theories of justice in political science and to the practise of civics education.

Technology Use and Integration by Six Sheltered-Instruction Trained Teachers

Swiger, Sha Li 06 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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