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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring Social Identity and the Acculturation Process of Venezuelan Undergraduate Students at a Midwestern U.S. University

Orosz-Dellinger, Sarah A. 29 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.


Zetterqvist, Irina January 2021 (has links)
Elliot Rodger, a 22-year-old student, carried out the Day of Retribution in Isla Vista, California, leaving six dead and fourteen wounded, before taking his own life. There here have been numerous attempts to explain his behavior including claims of him having features of autism spectrum disorder, traits of psychopathy and psychotic symptoms, narcissism, depression, fragile masculinity, and deviant sexual fantasies. This study examines the link between strain, coping and violence, based on General Strain Theory, using a qualitative content analysis of Elliot’s manifesto, My Twisted World: The Story of Elliot Rodger. The results indicate that Elliot experienced multiple sources of strain in his life and that he lacked adequate coping skills, which affected his perceptions of and interactions with the world. He experienced isolation, frustration and anger. These negative emotions together with his sense of entitlement intensified over the years, creating desire for revenge and justifying use of extreme violence as an attempt to eliminate strain and find relief.

The Influence of Social Isolation and Other Risk Factors on Older African Immigrants' Emotional Well-Being

Adeniji, Dolapo Omolola 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Social isolation has been documented as a significant challenge for older adults, including those who are immigrants. The conventional wisdom blames social isolation among older immigrant adults on language barriers, living arrangements, and age at migration, however, this does not allow for analytical clarity on how social isolation interacts with other important risk factors to influence emotional well-being among older African immigrants. This study offers an important contribution to the existing knowledge by examining how social isolation and other risk factors interact to impact emotional well-being among older African immigrants. It uses life course theory, acculturation theory, resilience theory, and cumulative risk theory to identify the relevant stressors or risk factors such as living arrangements, financial satisfaction, acculturation predictors, transportation, and grandchild care. A mixed-methods approach integrating quantitative and qualitative research methods was used in the study. For the collection of quantitative data, 163 participants aged 60 and over completed an online or mailed survey. Hierarchical regression was used to analyze the quantitative data. Findings showed that ethnic social relations and living arrangements had a unique contribution to the social isolation of the participants. Also, social isolation, ethnic social relations, and financial satisfaction significantly influenced the emotional well-being of study participants. For the study’s qualitative data, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews with 11 participants, age 63-79, by telephone. Five major themes were generated from the data using a thematic analysis approach, which included (a) minimal social engagement outside of the home, (b) barriers to social engagement, (c) satisfaction with finances, (d) fewer socialization consequences, and (e) coping strategies. The overall finding showed that the participants lacked social engagement outside of the home, which negatively affected their emotional well-being. Implications for social work practice and policy as well as recommendations were emphasized in the study.

Ofrivillig ensamhet : Det dolda hotet mot hälsan och välbefinnandet / Loneliness : The hidden threat against health and well-being

Klinghammer, Linnea, Solefors, Christoffer January 2024 (has links)
Background: Loneliness among elderly is a public health concern in today’s society world-wide. Loneliness affects the body both mentally and physically and is often associated with mental disorder and depression, even though that may not be the real problem. Loneliness affects the elderly with severe suffering that leads to a decreased joy of life. Suicidal thoughts are common. It is important to identify loneliness in an early stage. The knowledge about loneliness is low among nurses. Increased knowledge about loneliness contributes to improved care and prevention of loneliness among the elderly. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the experience of loneliness among elderly. Method: A literature-based study based on qualitative research. Eleven articles were included through systematically research in CINAHL and PsycInfo. Inclusion criteria for selected articles were elderly over 65 years, based on English language and published 2014 – 2023. Friberg´s five step model was used to analyze the articles. Results: The study found that elderly people experienced loneliness in feelings through lack of purpose and meaningfulness in life. The aging body limited the elderly in their daily life and led to the feeling of loneliness. Closeness to spouse, friends or family were important for not experiencing loneliness. Establishing new routines, finding acceptance, being active and having the freedom to choose whether being alone or not, were all coping strategies against experienc-ing loneliness. Conclusion: Lack of context, aging body and lack of social network were all considered as contributing factors in feelings of loneliness among elderly people.

Hur hanterar sjuksköterskor känslor som uppstår vid dödsfall av patienter inom slutenvården? / How do nurses cope with their emotions in case of death of patients in inpatient care?

Nordbladh, Anna, Martan, Ramona January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: I sjuksköterskans yrke är mötet med döden oundvikligt och det ingår även i sjuksköterskans professionen att vårda döende och också att ta hand om patienterna efter döden. Döden kan ha en positiv eller negativ innebörd och kan vara förknippad med olika känslor såsom medkänsla, sorg och hjälplöshet. Forskning visar att utbildning är viktigt för att få en positiv attityd till döden då attityden kan påverka hur sjuksköterskor vårdar döende patienter. Syfte: Att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor hanterar sina känslor vid dödsfall av patienter inom slutenvården. Metod: Denna litteraturstudie är uppbyggd av 10 vetenskapliga artiklar som alla har kvalitativ ansats och är hittade efter specificerad datasökning med hjälp av PEO-modellen i Cinahl och Pubmed. Alla artiklar är kvalitetsgranskade enligt en kvalitetsgranskningsmall för kvalitativa studier utförd av Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärdering. Efter kvalitetsgranskningen har artiklarna analyserats med hjälp av Popenoes analysmetod. Resultat: I resultatet framkom det att sjuksköterskor bäst hanterar sina känslor som uppstår vid dödsfall av patienter genom rutin och erfarenhet, genom stöd av andra, genom emotionella strategier och genom reflektion. Dessa fyra beskrivningar är också de fyra huvudkategorier som kom fram i resultatet genom analysen och som bäst beskriver sjuksköterskornas sätt att hantera känslor som uppstår vid dödsfall av patienter. Konklusion: Det som hjälpte sjuksköterskor att hantera sina känslor som uppstod när patienter avled var att lära sig att acceptera döden, att prata om döden och att få tid att på olika vis processa de känslor som uppstod när en patient avled. / Background: In the nursing profession, the encounter with death is inevitable and it is also part of the nursing profession to care for the dying and to take care of the patients after they die. Death can have a positive or negative meaning and can be associated with different emotions such as compassion, sadness and helplessness. Research shows that education is important to have a positive attitude towards death as the attitude can affect how nurses care for dying patients. Purpose: To investigate how nurses cope with their emotions in case of death of patients in inpatient care. Method: This literature study is based on 10 scientific articles that all have a qualitative approach and were found after a specified data search using the PEO model in Cinahl and Pubmed. All articles are quality reviewed according to a quality review template for qualitative studies carried out by Swedish agency for health technology assesment and assessment of social services (Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärdering). After the quality review, the articles have been analyzed using Popenoe's analysis method. Results: In the results, it emerged that nurses best deal with their emotions arising from the death of patients through routine and experience, through support from others, through emotional strategies and through reflection. These four descriptions are also the four main themes that emerged in the results and which best describe the nurses' way of dealing with emotions that arise when patients die. Conclusion: It helped nurses to deal with their emotions that arose when patients died by learning to accept death, to talk about death and to have the time to process emotions which occurs when a patient died.

Universitetsstudenters copingstrategier vid studierelaterad stress

Aspsund, Felicia, Åberg Andersson, Karolina January 2023 (has links)
Många universitetsstudenter upplever studierelaterad stress och copingstrategier är avgörande för hanteringen av denna stress. Studiens syfte var att undersöka studierelaterad stress och copingstrategier hos universitetsstudenter. Studien konkretiserades i följande frågeställningar: Vilka upplevda faktorer kan relateras till studierelaterad stress hos universitetsstudenter? och Vilka copingstrategier använder sig universitetsstudenter av för att hantera studierelaterad stress? Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 11 kvinnor och 3 män i åldrarna 19-25 år. Teman som identifierades till den första frågeställningen var hög arbetsbelastning, ekonomisk stress samt press från föräldrar. Teman som identifierades till den andra frågeställningen var få kontroll genom att skapa struktur, skaffa socialt stöd, prokrastinering samt avslappning. Studiens resultat visar att hög arbetsbelastning är en stor stressor bland universitetsstudenter och att få kontroll genom att skapa struktur är den mest framträdande copingstrategin. Resultatet kan bidra till en ökad medvetenhet kring stress och coping bland universitetsstudenter och även vad som är bra att tänka på som förälder.

The Relationship between Social Isolation and Wellbeing in Older Adults

Sen, Keya 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation contributes to research on social isolation in older adults aged 65 years and above through three essays that expand our understanding of the social determinants of health and identify the social and interpersonal factors that contribute to elderly wellbeing. This dissertation examines the significant factors contributing to the problem of social isolation, and how the availability of interest-based, low-cost engagement resources in the community can alleviate social isolation and foster healthy aging. Essay 1 is a systematic literature review with implications for future research that explores how technological skills and training based on user intention and availability of resources can alleviate social isolation. Essay 2 is a qualitative study that evaluates the effectiveness of a unique community-based senior exercise program in fostering social integration and in reducing social isolation. Essay 3 is a quantitative study that examines the magnitude and direction of the correlated relationships among the determinants of social inclusion and the impact of social and interpersonal processes on senior wellbeing. These three essays provide insight into the social isolation phenomenon that negatively impacts senior wellbeing and recommends solutions derived from a data driven examination of the problem that is especially applicable to economically disadvantaged senior communities. Moreover, this research provides community partners and gatekeepers a foundation for future research on the social isolation phenomenon and strategies for developing digital confidence and mobility program strategies that foster social inclusion and reduce social isolation for older adults.

Исследование стратегий совладания с кибербуллингом в молодежной среде : магистерская диссертация / Research of coping strategies with cyberbullying among youth

Аверкиева, Е. В., Averkieva, E. V. January 2020 (has links)
The master’s thesis is dedicated to studying of coping strategies with cyberbullying among adolescents. The correlational study discovered the connection between self-esteem level and tendency to apply the social support strategy, along with cognitive avoidance. Previous experience as cyberbully or cybervictim affects the choice of the coping strategy. Remarkable positive correlations are discovered between level of cyberbullying stress and choosing technical coping and behavioral avoidance. These results put forward the question of further research of coping strategies in certain cyberbullying situations and forms, depending on self-esteem and self-efficacy of the person. / Магистерская диссертация посвящена изучению стратегий совладания с кибербуллингом в молодежной среде. Корреляционное исследование позволило выявить связь между уровнем самооценки и предпочтением стратегии поиска социальной поддержки, а также стратегией когнитивного избегания. На предпочтение конкретной копинг-стратегии оказывает влияние также опыт участия в кибербуллинге в роли жертвы или агрессора. Выявлены также значимые положительные корреляции между переживаниями в ситуациях кибербуллинга и предпочтением технических копинг-стратегий и поведенческого избегания. Результаты ставят вопрос о дальнейших исследованиях стратегий совладания в конкретных ситуациях и формах кибербуллинга в зависимости от уровня самооценки и самоэффективности личности.

Patienters erfarenheter av att leva med glaukom : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Böklin, Julia, Olsson, Anna-Maria January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Glaukom är en ofta odiagnostiserad sjukdom som kan leda till blindhet. Patienter med glaukom har ofta begränsad kunskap om sjukdomen, svårigheter med följsamhet till behandlingar och kan drabbas av psykisk ohälsa. Glaukom drabbar individen, sjukvården och samhället ekonomiskt. Prevalensen av glaukom förväntas att öka i takt med att världens befolkning blir allt äldre. Det finns behov av mer kunskap om erfarenheter från patienter med glaukom för att utveckla vården av dem.    Syfte: Att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av att leva med glaukom.   Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie med kvalitativ design och induktiv ansats.     Resultat: Studien resulterade i fyra huvudkategorier och elva underkategorier. Huvudkategorierna är 1. Patienternas kunskap och erfarenheter av glaukom, 2. Patienternas erfarenheter av glaukomsjukvården och compliance, 3. Sjukdomens påverkan på patienternas dagliga liv och 4. Patienternas copingstrategier. Resultatet visade att både den psykiska och fysiska hälsan kunde påverkas på olika sätt hos individer med glaukom. Många av deltagarna hade låg eller ingen kunskap om glaukom innan de fick diagnosen. Ögonsjukvårdspersonalen spelade en viktig roll gällande information om sjukdomen både till patienterna och deras anhöriga. Ekonomiska hinder och vissa rutiner inom ögonsjukvården försvårade både compliance (följsamhet) och hantering av sjukdomen hos deltagarna.    Slutsats: Förståelse för erfarenheter från patienter med glaukom kan bidra till förbättrad sjukvård och ökad följsamhet till behandling genom personcentrerad sjukvård. Detta kan leda till förbättrad livskvalitet för patienterna och en mer hållbar sjukvård. / Background: Glaucoma is an often undiagnosed disease which can lead to blindness. Patients with glaucoma often have limited knowledge about the disease, difficulties with compliance and may suffer from mental illness. Glaucoma affects the individual, healthcare, and society financially. The glaucoma prevalence is expected to increase as the world's population ages. There's a need for more knowledge about the experiences of  patients with glaucoma to develop their healthcare.   Aim: To describe patients' experiences of living with glaucoma.   Methods: A systematic literature review with qualitative design and inductive approach.    Results: The study resulted in four main categories and eleven subcategories. The main categories are 1. The patients' knowledge and experiences of glaucoma, 2. The patients' experiences of glaucoma healthcare and compliance, 3. The impact of the disease on the patients' daily lives and 4. The patients' coping strategies. The result shows that both mental and physical health could be affected in different ways in individuals with glaucoma. Many participants had a lack of knowledge about glaucoma before the diagnosis. The healthcare staff play an important role for the patients and their relatives in providing information about glaucoma. Costs and certain clinic constraints made it difficult for the individuals to comply and manage the disease.    Conclusion: An understanding of experiences of patients with glaucoma can contribute to improved healthcare and increased compliance through person-centered healthcare. This can lead to improved quality of life for the patients and more sustainable healthcare.

Syrian refugees in Germany: Mental health stressors and coping strategies

Renner, Anna 08 February 2023 (has links)
Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit psychischer Gesundheit und Bewältigungsstrategien von Menschen mit Fluchterfahrung aus Syrien. Primäres Forschungsziel dieser Dissertation stellte die Untersuchung des Beitrags von soziodemographischen, kriegs- und fluchtbedingten sowie postmigrationsbedingten Faktoren auf die psychische Gesundheit bei syrischen Geflüchteten mit posttraumatischem Stress in Deutschland dar. Darüber hinaus wurden Prädiktoren für psychische Belastung nach ambigem Verlust identifiziert und das Wissens zu Perspektiven syrischer Geflüchteter in Hinblick auf psychische Gesundheit und Bewältigungsstrategien gefördert. Die in der vorliegenden Dissertation ausgewerteten Daten stammen aus dem Projekt 'Help@App: Entwicklung und Evaluation einer Selbsthilfe-App für traumatisierte syrische Flüchtlinge in Deutschland' (SANADAK-Studie; N=133). Auf Basis der vorliegenden Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation werden notwendige Maßnahmen auf politischer, institutioneller und individueller Ebene diskutiert und die Diskrepanz zwischen psychischer Belastung und der (psychosozialen) Versorgungssituation syrischer Geflüchteter in Deutschland hervorgehoben.:1 Introduction 1.1 The humanitarian crisis in Syria 1.2 Mental distress in Syrian refugees 1.3 Predictors of mental distress 1.3.1 Flight-independent factors 1.3.2 War- and flight-related factors 1.3.3 Post-migration factors 1.3.4 Loss and ambiguous loss 1.4 Resilience and coping among refugees 2 Structure and aims of the dissertation 2.1 Research aim 1: Predictors of mental distress in traumatized refugees 2.2 Research aim 2: Predictors of mental distress in refugees experiencing ambiguous loss 2.3 Research aim 3: Refugees’ perspectives on mental health and coping strategies 3 Data sources 4 Publications 5 Discussion 5.1 Central findings of included studies 5.1.1 Research aim 1 5.1.2 Research aim 2 5.1.3 Research aim 3 5.2 Limitations 5.3 Implications 5.3.1 Policy and healthcare level 5.3.2 Institutional and organizational level 5.3.3 Individual level 5.4 Further Research 6 Summary 7 Bibliography 8 Appendix 8.1 Spezifizierung des eigenen wissenschaftlichen Beitrags 8.1.1 Publikation 1 8.1.2 Publikation 2 8.1.3 Publikation 3 8.2 Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit 8.4 Publikationsliste 8.4.1 Peer-reviewed 8.4.2 Kongressbeiträge 8.5 Danksagung / This dissertation focuses on the mental health and coping strategies of people with refugee experience from Syria. The primary research objectives of this dissertation were to investigate the contribution of socio-demographic, war-related, flight-related, and post-migration factors on mental health among Syrian refugees with post-traumatic stress in Germany. In addition, predictors of mental distress after ambiguous loss were identified and knowledge of Syrian refugees' perspectives on mental health and coping strategies was promoted. The data analyzed in this dissertation comes from the project 'Help@App: Development and evaluation of a self-help app for traumatized Syrian refugees in Germany' (SANADAK study; N=133). Based on the results of this dissertation, necessary measures at the political, institutional, and individual level are discussed, and the discrepancy between psychological distress and the (psychosocial) care situation of Syrian refugees in Germany is highlighted.:1 Introduction 1.1 The humanitarian crisis in Syria 1.2 Mental distress in Syrian refugees 1.3 Predictors of mental distress 1.3.1 Flight-independent factors 1.3.2 War- and flight-related factors 1.3.3 Post-migration factors 1.3.4 Loss and ambiguous loss 1.4 Resilience and coping among refugees 2 Structure and aims of the dissertation 2.1 Research aim 1: Predictors of mental distress in traumatized refugees 2.2 Research aim 2: Predictors of mental distress in refugees experiencing ambiguous loss 2.3 Research aim 3: Refugees’ perspectives on mental health and coping strategies 3 Data sources 4 Publications 5 Discussion 5.1 Central findings of included studies 5.1.1 Research aim 1 5.1.2 Research aim 2 5.1.3 Research aim 3 5.2 Limitations 5.3 Implications 5.3.1 Policy and healthcare level 5.3.2 Institutional and organizational level 5.3.3 Individual level 5.4 Further Research 6 Summary 7 Bibliography 8 Appendix 8.1 Spezifizierung des eigenen wissenschaftlichen Beitrags 8.1.1 Publikation 1 8.1.2 Publikation 2 8.1.3 Publikation 3 8.2 Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit 8.4 Publikationsliste 8.4.1 Peer-reviewed 8.4.2 Kongressbeiträge 8.5 Danksagung

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